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endor edited this page Dec 5, 2012 · 6 revisions


It seems that in all countries it is possible to get the visa at the port of entry (airport). However on all embassy pages and other pages I have found it is strongly recommended to get the visa beforehand via mail since getting it at the port of entry can take several hours.

We travel to:

  • Nairobi, Kenya
  • Kampala, Uganda
  • Kigali, Rwanda
  • Dar es Salaam, Tanzania



Nationals (Passport Holders) of the following countries do not require visas to enter Kenya: Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda


  • 40 EUR

Travel to Kenya must be within 90 days from the date the visa is issued. Frühestens 8 Wochen vor Reiseantritt per Post!

  1. Antragsformular vollständig ausgefüllt und unterschrieben
  2. Reisepass/vorläufiger Reisepass im Original (mit noch mindestens sechsmonatiger Gültigkeit bei Einreise)
  3. Ein Passfoto (nicht älter als 6 Monate, nur Originale)
  4. Ein frankierter, luftgepolsterter Rückumschlag für die Rücksendung des visierten Passes
  5. Gebühren: Die Standardvisumgebühr beträgt 40,00 €

Visa applications presented at the counter and paid for by EC Debit Card may be ready for collection within 3-5 working days. Postal applications may take about 8-10 working days from the date of receipt of mail, subject to interbank transfer procedures.


  • USD 50

Visas are usually valid for six months from the issuance date.

  1. Valid Passport ( Not photocopy ) –– To Be Submitted Along With The Application Form. Passport will be mailed back once your Visa has been processed.
  2. Completed (Filled in) Application Form duly signed.
  3. Copy of flight Itinerary/Letter from travel agent on company letterhead confirming booking.
  4. Two Passport size photos, 2 inches by 2 inches (NB: Computer generated pictures are not acceptable)
  5. Visa Fees: (Money order/Cashier's Cheque Only Payable to Embassy of The Republic of Kenya) US$50.00 For Single Entry (Tourist/Visitor/Business), US$100.00 For Multiple Entries (Tourist/Visitor/Business)

Visas are issued within 14 (Fourteen) business days from date of receipt of the application being sent by mail and courier services. Please ensure that all your paperwork is well organised ( i.e photo stapled at the top left side of Application form, while your itinerary and application form are together)


  • FREE

Nationalities that get Visas on arrival for Gratis: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, US, UK, Germany



Nationals of these countries are exempted from visa requirements: Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania


  • 38 EUR

Visa können vor Reiseantritt bei der ugandischen Botschaft in Berlin beantragt werden:

Einreisevisa werden aber auch am Flughafen Entebbe und an verschiedenen Grenzübergangsstellen, gültig für 30 Tage, gegen eine Gebühr von derzeit 50 US-Dollar ausgestellt. Visa mit längerer Aufenthaltsdauer sowie für mehrere Einreisen (multiple entry) werden am Flughafen nicht ausgestellt.


  • USD 50
  1. One dully filled Application form by each applicant.
  2. 2 passport size photographs.
  3. Must submit original Passport valid past the date of your expected departure from Uganda.
  4. Correct visa fee.
  5. An international Inoculation Certificate against yellow fever.
  6. A prepaid self-addressed USPS Express Overnight return envelope only.

Visa fees must be paid by money order payable to UGANDA EMBASSY, on submission of visa application. Personal Checks are not accepted. Please note that the visa fee is non-refundable.



No Visa is required for nationals of the following countries: Kenya, Uganda.


  • USD 50 oder 50 EUR

Botschaft der Vereinigten Republik Tansania, Eschenallee 11, 14050 Berlin-Charlottenburg, Tel.: 030-3030800, Web:

Das Visum kann auch bei der Einreise nach Tansania auf den internationalen Flughäfen des Landes, dem Seehafen Sansibar oder den großen Grenzübergängen erteilt werden.


  • USD 100

US Citizens ONLY: Effective September 20, 2007 travel visa fees will be US$100.00. The new fees will apply to single and all multiple entry visas.

  1. A complete visa application form.
  2. Valid Passport.
  3. Two passport size photograph recently taken.
  4. A sufficiently stamped self-addressed envelope to facilitate return of passport by the most secured mail.
  5. Visa fees
  6. Forms of Payment A) Cash B) Money Order C) Credit Card. D) Personal Check - Should be accompanied by a valid drivers license. N.B: Visas will not be process without a valid drivers lincense
  7. Provide proof of travel plans (e.g. FLIGHT ITENERARY, TICKET, TOUR OPERATOR PACKAGE RECEIPTS) to and from Tanzania.