A DataBox driver that displays data from a file (src/pii/_piiINFO
This driver assumes that PII file is in a container and reads a PII file and displays the data to the user.
EP/N028260/1, Databox: Privacy-Aware Infrastructure for Managing Personal Data
EP/N028260/2, Databox: Privacy-Aware Infrastructure for Managing Personal Data
EP/N014243/1, Future Everyday Interaction with the Autonomous Internet of Things
EP/M001636/1, Privacy-by-Design: Building Accountability into the Internet of Things (IoTDatabox)
EP/M02315X/1, From Human Data to Personal Experience
Steps to create an app/driver
Running the databox
Step 1 - Create a folder (ex- databox_dev)
Step 2 - Clone to the databox project using the following command into folder (databox_dev) git clone https://github.com/me-box/databox.git
Once cloned, make sure everything works fine and databox runs on your laptop
Step 3 - Run/Start the databox using the command docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --network host -t databoxsystems/databox:0.5.2 /databox start -sslHostName $(hostname)
install apps from app store, run apps (ex- driver-os-monitor and app-os-monitor) and see if you could see the graphs when u click on app-os-monitor.
Step 4 - once everything works fine, Stop the databox using the command docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -t databoxsystems/databox:0.5.2 /databox stop
######################################################################################## Creating an app to say Hello ######################################################################################## Step 1 - Create a folder named "build" into the "databox_dev" folder copy paste the "app-pii" folder into it
Step 2 - open a terminal in databox_dev folder and execute the following command docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --network host -t databoxsystems/databox:0.5.2 /databox start -sslHostName $(hostname)
Step 3 - Once databox is running, open another terminal in databox_dev and execute the following command ./databox-install-component app-pii databoxsystems 0.5.2
Step 4 - write in a browser and enter the password (terminal 1 consists of a password)
Step 5 - goto app store, goto settings and browse the file (databox_dev/build/app-pii/databox-manifest.json) and add this file.
Step 6 - install the app-pii app
Step 7 - click on the app to run it.
Step 8 - tada, ur first app is running (now change things in main.js as per your requirements to display whatever you like).
Every time u make a change in the app-pii files, these following steps need to be followed to view the changes
Every time u change some files in ur app-folder push it to git uninstall the app from databox Execute - ./databox-install-component app-pii databoxsystems 0.5.2 upload databox-manifest.json install the app from app-store see the changes