Releases: 1c3t3a/Covid-19-analysis
The latest version of our CovidCases and CovidCasesWHO classes supports a pre-generated cache to speed up the processing. The cache is e.g. used on our internal webserver and during the generation of the daily maps.
The version also introduces the use of an environment variable to identify the directory name of previously generated data such as the Folium maps. It’s used in the CovidFoliumMapGenerator as well as in the latest version of the REST API.
The REST API of this version includes two new functions to provide access to maps generated by the CovidFoliumMapGenerator and the CSV file representing the above mentioned cache file.
This release introduces a new interface to create interactive maps using Folium. The interactive maps can be saved as HTML files that provide interactive elements to zoom/pan/scroll maps and to get tooltips showing additional information of the region at the mouse location. As all of the data is included in the generated HTML file it's very simple to insert such maps on your webserver. Just take a copy of the HTML file and you are ready.
The geo information is build from geoJSON files available for different regions such as country/county/city. The geoJSON file contains information about the outline of the regions and that is shown on top of a so called leaflet basemap such as OpenStreetMap. Samples of this maps can be found on our webserver. The package also includes a Jupiter notebook made to be used on Google Colab.
- A method called
was added to the CovidCases class. The method will create a combined data frame from a list of individual data fames. To avoid duplicate country names the method will add a -DATASOURCE string behind the country name (e.g. 'Germany-OWID'). - The CovidCasesOWID now provides information about the vaccination status of a country. This includes the following attributes:
New COVID-19 vaccination doses administered (7-day smoothed). For countries that don't report vaccination data on a daily basis, we assume that vaccination changed equally on a daily basis over any periods in which no data was reported. This produces a complete series of daily figures, which is then averaged over a rolling 7-day window. In OWID words this is the new_vaccinations_smoothed value. -
Total number of people who received at least one vaccine dose. In OWID words this is the people_vaccinated value. -
The percentage of people of the population who received at least one vaccine dose. -
Total number of people who received all doses defined by the vaccination protocol. In OWID words this is the people_fully_vaccinated value. -
The percentage of people of the population who received all doses defined by the vaccination protocol. -
Total number of COVID-19 vaccination doses administered. It's the sum of PeopleReceivedFirstDose and PeopleReceivedAllDoses. In OWID words this is the total_vaccinations value.
A method called
has been added to toggle the display of a grid in the PlotterBuilder class. -
The method
of the PlotterBuilder class now has an argument to toggle between a linear or logarithmic y-axis. -
The method
now has a parameter to toggle between index or date based x-axis. -
A new attribute
has been add to the PlotterBuilder class. The attribute can be changed byset_yaxis_formatter
. The default yaxis_formatter is nowmpl.ticker.StrMethodFormatter('{x:,.0f}')
. -
The Jupyter Notebook now includes the vaccination data for the given list of countries.
The REST API now lets you switch between different data providers. This is done by the new parameter called data_spurce. This can be WHO or OWID. If the parameter is not given it will use WHO as a default.
The REST API now also includes vaccination data for the given list of countries. The online version on includes this feature as well.
Updated MacOS and Windows web-client applications
Supporting different data sources such as ECDC, WHO and OWID:
- new Jupyter Notebook to compare the quality of different data provider
- new CovidCasesECDC class to download the data from the ECDC server
- new CovidCasesWHO class to download the data from the WHO server
- new CovidCasesWHOv1 class to download the data from an alternative WHO server
- new CovidCasesOWID class to download the data from the OWID server
- new GeoInformationWorld class to handle ISO 3166 alpha-2 and alpha-3 GeoIDs
- new GeoInformationWorld.csv file in the data directory
- new GeoInformationWorld.xlsx file in the data directory
- The CovidDataClass Jupyter Notebook can now use different data providers and defaults to WHO data
- The CovidCases class now acts as a abstract class for its sub-classes
- The PlotterBuilder class reflects changes in CovidCases
- The CovidMap class reflects changes in CovidCases
- The CovidClassSnippet reflects changes in CovidCases