Welcome to the Image Search API! 🚀 This API allows you to search for images from various sources including FreePik, Adobe Stock, Unsplash, and Pixabay.
(required): The search query.service
(optional): The services to search from. Use comma-separated values to search from multiple services. Available options:freepik
To search for images of "nature" from all services:
To search for images of "mountains" from FreePik and Adobe:
"imageData": [
"src": "https://img.freepik.com/free-photo/beautiful-landscape-grand-teton-national-park-wyoming-united-states_181624-60981.jpg?size=626&ext=jpg",
"alt": "nature",
"width": "626",
"height": "417"
"src": "https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/02/67/43/44/360_F_267434405_rVfKoBDQpb6smmbNtDRWvzAYCYpsX47E.jpg",
"alt": "nature",
"width": "360",
"height": "240"
The API returns a JSON object with an array of image data, including src
, alt
, width
, and height
for each image.
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Axios
- Cheerio
This API is deployed on Glitch. You can also deploy it to platforms like Heroku, Vercel, or AWS Lambda.
Feel free to explore and enjoy using the Image Search API! 😊🌈
This project utilizes an unofficial Image Search API to retrieve images. Please be aware that this API is not affiliated with any of the image sources it searches. While efforts are made to provide accurate and reliable results, there may be discrepancies or limitations compared to using the official APIs provided by these platforms. Users are advised to exercise caution and understand the potential risks associated with using unofficial tools.
Thanks to all the wonderful people who have contributed to this project:
- @1234worldcom (Jay Paun) 🚀