Records are the fundamental data structures in AT Protocol. They represent everything from posts and profiles to likes and follows. Let's explore how ProtoRune helps you work with records in a type-safe and intuitive way.
In AT Protocol, a record is a piece of data that:
- Belongs to a specific collection (like "")
- Has a unique record key within that collection
- Follows a schema defined by a Lexicon
- Lives in a user's repository
ProtoRune represents records as Elixir structs with validation, basically a Ecto.Schema. For example:
typespecs are abbreviated since it're automatically generated and also for brevity
defmodule ProtoRune.Bsky.Post do
use ProtoRune.Record, collection: ""
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
text: String.t(),
created_at: DateTime.t(),
langs: [String.t()] | nil,
labels: [label()] | nil,
embed: embed() | nil,
reply_to: reference() | nil,
facets: [facet()]
embedded_schema do
field :text, :string
field :langs, {:array, :string}
field :created_at, :utc_datetime
embeds_one :reply_to, Reference
embeds_one :embed, Embed
embeds_many :labels, Label
embeds_many :facets, Facet
Every record type provides a new/1
function for creating instances:
alias ProtoRune.Bsky.Post
alias ProtoRune.Bsky.Profile
# Create a post instance
post = "Hello world!")
# Publish the post
{:ok, created} = Post.create(session, post)
# Create a profile instance with options
profile =
display_name: "Zoey",
description: "Elixir developer",
avatar: %{
alt: "Profile picture"
# Create the profile record in the PDS
{:ok, created} = Profile.create(session, profile)
Records can be fetched by their URI or by collection + record key:
# Get by URI
{:ok, post} = Post.get(session, "at://did:plc:1234/")
# Get by record key
{:ok, post} = Post.get(session, did: "did:plc:1234", rkey: "1234")
# List records from a collection
{:ok, posts} = Post.list(session, did: "did:plc:1234", limit: 50)
Records are immutable in AT Protocol - an update creates a new version:
# Update a profile
{:ok, _} = Profile.update(session, %{profile | description: "Updated bio"})
# Delete by URI
{:ok, _} = Post.delete(session, "at://did:plc:1234/")
# Delete by record key
{:ok, _} = Post.delete(session, rkey: "1234")
Posts can contain embedded media like images:
# Create post with image "Check out this photo!")
|> Post.with_image(binary:!("photo.jpg"), alt: "A scenic mountain view")
|> Post.with_image(binary:!("cat.png"), alt: "An adorable black cat")
|> then(fn post -> Post.create(session, post) end)
# Create post instance with external link, cummulative "Interesting article")
|> Post.with_external_link(
uri: "",
title: "Article Title",
description: "Article description..."
|> then(fn post -> Post.create(session, post) end)
Posts can be replies to other posts:
# Reply to a post "Great point!")
|> Post.with_reference(root: original_post, parent: parent_post)
|> then(fn post -> Post.create(session, post) end)
# Get a thread
{:ok, thread} = Post.get_thread(session, post_uri)
ProtoRune validates records before sending them to the server:
# Validation happens automatically on create/update
case Post.create(session, 123)) do
{:error, %Ecto.Changeset{valid?: false}} ->
# Handle validation error
{:ok, post} ->
# Post created successfully
# Manual validation
case Post.validate(post) do
{:ok, post} -> # Valid
{:error, %Ecto.Changeset{valid?: false}} -> # Invalid
You can define your own record types for custom lexicons:
defmodule MyApp.CustomRecord do
use ProtoRune.Record,
collection: "com.example.custom",
lexicon: "custom_lexicon.json"
embedded_schema do
field :field_1, :string
field :field_2, :map
# Define your schema and functions...