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237 lines (156 loc) · 6.27 KB

Makes it easy to send Scala case classes over 0MQ sockets, using salat-avro for serialization/deserialization. Provides integration with Akka and Lift actors. A good example would be Akka publishing messages to a group of Lift web apps via 0MQ.

Salvero is opinionated messaging. Messages are assumed to be Scala case classes. They are serialized to Avro byte arrays. Messages are sent over 0MQ.

Salvero does very little itself. Instead it glues together a lot of awesome technologies. Big ups to:


  • Publish to public repo (scala-tools? sonatype oss?)
  • Request/Reply socket wrappers
  • Abstract out specific case class serialization format (avro, protobuf, etc), provide impls via type classes (maybe...)


Provides simple wrappers around the basic 0MQ socket types:

  • Push & Pull
  • Publish & Subscribe (filtered & unfiltered)
  • Request & Reply (coming soon)

Sending a message is just the ! operator followed by a case class.

Receiving a message involves a callback.


They are Scala case classes, yo.

case class Message(text: String)


The Push class wraps a PUSH socket. Just new one up and mixin either Bind or Connect, based on what you need. Then ! messages at it all day long.

import org.salvero.core.{Push, Bind}

val push = new Push("tcp://*:5555") with Bind
push ! Message("Avro rulez")

The Pull class wraps a PULL socket and implements Runnable. Just new one up, mixin either Bind or Connect and throw it in a Thread. It will receive messages and send them to the handler until the cows come home.

Receive handlers in core extend the Send trait and implement the ! method.

import org.salvero.core.{Send, CaseClass, Pull, Connect}

//handlers extend the Send trait and the ! method receives the message
val handler = new Send {
  def ![A <: CaseClass: Manifest](msg: A) = msg match {
    case Message(text) => println("Hells yeah: " + text)

val pull = new Pull("tcp://localhost:5555", handler) with Connect
new Thread(pull).start

pull.stop() //when the cows have all come home


The Publish class wraps a PUB socket. Just new one up and ! the hell out of it.

val publish = new Publish("tcp://*:5556")
publish ! Message("Salat rulez")

The Subscribe class wraps a SUB socket and implements Runnable. It does not filter any messages. It will receive messages and send them to a handler. w00t

val handler = //you know what to do
val subscribe = new Subscribe("tcp://localhost:5556", handler)
new Thread(subscribe).start

subscribe.stop() //after w00t ceases

0MQ also provides a simple way for SUB sockets to filter out messages they don't want. So does Salvero. You need to use FilterablePublish, FilterableSubscribe and send messages with keys.

val publish = new FilterablePublish("tcp://*:5556")
publish ! ("wack", Message("node.js rulez"))
publish ! ("1337", Message("0MQ rulez"))

val subscribe = new FilterableSubscribe("tcp://localhost:5556", handler, Set("1337"))
new Thread(subscribe).start

subscribe.stop() //sometime later...

The subscriber's handler will only receive messages sent with the "1337" key.


(coming soon)


Provides simple Akka actors for basic 0MQ socket types:

  • Pull
  • Subscribe (filtered & unfiltered)
  • Request & Reply (coming soon)

These actors send the messages they receive to another Akka actor.


No special Push needed for Akka, just use Push from core. The Akka Pull class is an Actor and sends messages it receives to an ActorRef.

import org.salvero.core.{Push, Bind, Connect}
import org.salvero.akka.{Pull, Start, Stop}

class Handler extends Actor {
  def receive = {
    case Message(text) => println("hollaaa: " + text)

val push = new Push("tcp://*:5555") with Bind
push ! Message("Akka rulez")

val handler = actorOf[Handler].start
val pull = actorOf(new Pull("tcp://localhost:5555", handler) with Connect).start
pull ! Start

pull ! Stop //when you're all done


Again, use Publish from core, and Subscribe & FilterableSubscribe from Akka.

import org.salvero.core.Publish
import org.salvero.akka.{Subscribe, Start, Stop}

val publish = new Publish("tcp://*:5556")
publish ! Message("something")

val subscribe = actorOf(new Subscribe("tcp://localhost:5556", handler)).start
subscribe ! Start

subscribe ! Stop

Or the filtered variety:

import org.salvero.core.FilterablePublish
import org.salvero.akka.{FilterableSubscribe, Start, Stop}

val publish = new FilterablePublish("tcp://*:5556")
publish ! ("a", Message("something"))

val subscribe = actorOf(new FilterableSubscribe("tcp://localhost:5556", handler, Set("a"))).start
subscribe ! Start

subscribe ! Stop


(coming soon)


Provides simple Lift actors for basic 0MQ socket types:

  • Pull
  • Subscribe (filtered & unfiltered)
  • Request & Reply (coming soon)

These actors send the messages they receive to another Lift actor.


import org.salvero.core.{Push, Bind, Connect}
import org.salvero.lift.{Pull, Start, Stop}

val handler = new LiftActor {
  override def messageHandler = {
    case Message(text) => println(text)

val push = new Push("tcp://*:5555") with Bind
push ! Message("Lift rulez")

val pull = new Pull("tcp://localhost:5555", handler) with Connect
pull ! Start

pull ! Stop


import org.salvero.core.Publish
import org.salvero.lift.{Subscribe, Start, Stop}

val publish = new Publish("tcp://*:5556")
publish ! Message("blah")

val subscribe = new Subscribe("tcp://localhost:5556", handler)
subscribe ! Start

subscribe ! Stop

and filtered...


(coming soon)
