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Can your mail server handle 1000 incoming emails/min? To truly know the answer, you need to throw 1000 emails/min at your mail server. Jetray can help you do that.

Jetray provides some Scala tools to periodically generate & send emails via SMTP. You tell Jetray how many emails/sec to send and provide an actor that creates emails using JavaMail, and Jetray does the rest.

By using the Typesafe stack (specifically Akka), Jetray can generate & send email concurrently, a requirement for delivering multiple emails/sec. Most Jetray components are actors, and you have full control over them.

Best Practices

The more cores you have, the higher the rate of email you can send.

Get Jetray as close to your mail server as possible. There's no need to test the global email network (hint: it works fine). You don't need to send email through SendGrid. Run Jetray on the same network as your mail server and connect right to it via SMTP. This will greatly decrease the time it takes to send each email.

Future Work

Jetray is pretty young (but functional) and here are some other things it may do someday:

  • Verify email was delivered (maybe using IMAP?)
  • Collect statistics
  • Distribute high-volume workloads across a cluster of Jetray servers


Jetray is basically just a .jar with some tools to make generating & sending email simple. Using sbt, we just need a Main class and a few .props files.

project/build/Project.scala - NOTE: until Jetray is available in a public repo, you'd need to publish-local jetray for this to work :(

  val akkaRepo = "akka" at ""
  val javaNetRepo = "" at ""
  val jetray = "com.pongr" %% "jetray" % "0.2.4"


src/main/resources/controller.props, frequency is emails/sec and count is the total number of emails you want sent.


src/main/resources/akka.conf, this is optional but if you don't provide it you won't see any logging from your app. You can, of course, use SLF4J if you wish.

akka {
  event-handlers = ["akka.event.EventHandler$DefaultListener"]
  event-handler-level = "DEBUG"


import javax.mail._
import javax.mail.Message.RecipientType._
import javax.mail.internet._
import java.util.Date
import com.pongr.jetray._
import com.pongr.jetray.Actors._

object Main {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    //read params from props files
    val controllerParams = ControllerParams.fromResource()
    val smtpParams = SmtpParams.fromResource()
    //this is where you create your email (see example below)
    val generator = actorOf(new Generator("[email protected]", "[email protected]")).start
    //setup Jetray actors and kick everything off
    val mailer = loadBalance(controllerParams.frequency, actorOf(new MailerActor(smtpParams)).start)
    val controller = actorOf(new Controller(controllerParams, generator, mailer)).start
    controller ! Tick

/** You must provide an actor that receives a com.pongr.jetray.Generate message 
  * and replies with a new javax.mail.Message object to send. */
class Generator(from: String, to: String) extends Actor with MailSession {
  def receive = {
    case Generate(runId, emailId) => 
      val msg = new MimeMessage(session)
      msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from))
      msg.setRecipients(TO, Array[Address](new InternetAddress(to)))
      msg.setSubject(runId + " / " + emailId)
      msg.setText("This is a test message")
      msg.setSentDate(new Date)
      self reply msg

Now just do sbt run and you should see output like this:

[info] == run ==
[info] Running com.pongr.jetrayexample.Main 
Loading config [akka.conf] from the application classpath.
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:54 PM] [run-main] [MailerActor] Connected Transport in 234 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:54 PM] [run-main] [MailerActor] Connected Transport in 203 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:54 PM] [run-main] [MailerActor] Connected Transport in 203 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:54 PM] [run-main] [MailerActor] Connected Transport in 202 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:54 PM] [run-main] [MailerActor] Connected Transport in 184 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:54 PM] [run-main] [MailerActor] Connected Transport in 185 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:54 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-11] [MailerActor] Sent message 39a882a3-68e5-45b9-bac8-60222d9693ac / 1 in 183 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-16] [MailerActor] Sent message 39a882a3-68e5-45b9-bac8-60222d9693ac / 2 in 154 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-23] [MailerActor] Sent message 39a882a3-68e5-45b9-bac8-60222d9693ac / 3 in 157 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-8] [MailerActor] Sent message 39a882a3-68e5-45b9-bac8-60222d9693ac / 4 in 155 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-15] [MailerActor] Sent message 39a882a3-68e5-45b9-bac8-60222d9693ac / 5 in 200 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-16] [MailerActor] Sent message 39a882a3-68e5-45b9-bac8-60222d9693ac / 6 in 163 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-9] [MailerActor] Sent message 39a882a3-68e5-45b9-bac8-60222d9693ac / 7 in 165 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-8] [MailerActor] Sent message 39a882a3-68e5-45b9-bac8-60222d9693ac / 8 in 172 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-19] [MailerActor] Sent message 39a882a3-68e5-45b9-bac8-60222d9693ac / 9 in 170 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-14] [MailerActor] Sent message 39a882a3-68e5-45b9-bac8-60222d9693ac / 11 in 168 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-23] [MailerActor] Sent message 39a882a3-68e5-45b9-bac8-60222d9693ac / 10 in 393 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-20] [MailerActor] Sent message 39a882a3-68e5-45b9-bac8-60222d9693ac / 12 in 160 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-25] [MailerActor] Sent message 39a882a3-68e5-45b9-bac8-60222d9693ac / 13 in 159 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-12] [MailerActor] Sent message 39a882a3-68e5-45b9-bac8-60222d9693ac / 14 in 165 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-14] [MailerActor] Sent message 39a882a3-68e5-45b9-bac8-60222d9693ac / 15 in 163 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-16] [MailerActor] Sent message 39a882a3-68e5-45b9-bac8-60222d9693ac / 16 in 184 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-12] [Controller] Sent 18 emails
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-12] [Controller] Sending PoisonPills to MailerActors...
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-25] [MailerActor] Sent message 39a882a3-68e5-45b9-bac8-60222d9693ac / 17 in 175 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-12] [MailerActor] Sent message 39a882a3-68e5-45b9-bac8-60222d9693ac / 18 in 157 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-23] [ReflectiveAccess$Remote$] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: akka.remote.netty.NettyRemoteSupport
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-19] [MailerActor] Closed Transport in 37 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-13] [MailerActor] Closed Transport in 37 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-14] [MailerActor] Closed Transport in 38 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-20] [MailerActor] Closed Transport in 42 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-7] [MailerActor] Closed Transport in 40 msec
[DEBUG]   [6/15/11 2:55 PM] [akka:event-driven:dispatcher:global-10] [MailerActor] Closed Transport in 286 msec


Jetray is licensed under the Apache 2 License.