Development image for melange and apko.
The image is available on
docker pull
Clone down your development fork/branch:
git clone
cd melange
Run the image, mounting the repo workspace (--privileged
flag required):
docker run --privileged --rm -it -v "${PWD}:${PWD}" -w "${PWD}"
Upon entering the image, you should see the following welcome message:
Welcome to the development environment!
[sdk] ❯
Inside the environment, test out local changes to the melange codebase by running the following:
make melange install
Then run melange commands as normal:
melange keygen
melange build \
--arch x86_64,arm64 \
--empty-workspace \
--repository-append packages \
--signing-key melange.rsa \
Clone down your development fork/branch:
git clone
cd apko
Run the image, mounting the repo workspace:
docker run --rm -it -v "${PWD}:${PWD}" -w "${PWD}"
Upon entering the image, you should see the following welcome message:
Welcome to the development environment!
[sdk] ❯
Inside the environment, test out local changes to the apko codebase by running the following:
make apko install
Then run apko commands as normal:
apko build --debug \
examples/alpine-base.yaml \
alpine-base:latest output.tar