diff --git a/frontend/package.json b/frontend/package.json index 94451b1bc817f..2f1473c7acc97 100644 --- a/frontend/package.json +++ b/frontend/package.json @@ -86,15 +86,8 @@ "dependencies": { "@anthropic-ai/sdk": "^0.32.1", "@aws-crypto/sha256-js": "^4.0.0", -<<<<<<< HEAD - "@mistralai/mistralai": "^1.3.0", "@codingame/monaco-vscode-configuration-service-override": "~11.1.2", "@codingame/monaco-vscode-standalone-css-language-features": "~11.1.2", - "@codingame/monaco-vscode-standalone-html-language-features": "~11.1.2", -======= - "@codingame/monaco-vscode-configuration-service-override": "~11.1.2", - "@codingame/monaco-vscode-standalone-css-language-features": "~11.1.2", ->>>>>>> main "@codingame/monaco-vscode-standalone-json-language-features": "~11.1.2", "@codingame/monaco-vscode-standalone-languages": "~11.1.2", "@codingame/monaco-vscode-standalone-typescript-language-features": "~11.1.2", diff --git a/frontend/src/lib/components/Editor.svelte b/frontend/src/lib/components/Editor.svelte index 6e640076e4f7e..aa2ac0f34b8e2 100644 --- a/frontend/src/lib/components/Editor.svelte +++ b/frontend/src/lib/components/Editor.svelte @@ -752,12 +752,7 @@ }) } } -<<<<<<< HEAD }, - messageTransports: transports -======= - } ->>>>>>> main }) return client } diff --git a/frontend/src/lib/components/SimpleEditor.svelte b/frontend/src/lib/components/SimpleEditor.svelte index a704c094a2272..7d9a0f21ee010 100644 --- a/frontend/src/lib/components/SimpleEditor.svelte +++ b/frontend/src/lib/components/SimpleEditor.svelte @@ -54,14 +54,7 @@ type IDisposable } from 'monaco-editor' -<<<<<<< HEAD - // import '@codingame/monaco-vscode-standalone-languages' - import '@codingame/monaco-vscode-standalone-json-language-features' - import '@codingame/monaco-vscode-standalone-css-language-features' - import '@codingame/monaco-vscode-standalone-typescript-language-features' -======= ->>>>>>> main import { allClasses } from './apps/editor/componentsPanel/cssUtils' import { createEventDispatcher, onDestroy, onMount } from 'svelte' diff --git a/frontend/src/lib/components/vscode.ts b/frontend/src/lib/components/vscode.ts index dfd4a4295e67f..da20ae120c323 100644 --- a/frontend/src/lib/components/vscode.ts +++ b/frontend/src/lib/components/vscode.ts @@ -5,12 +5,7 @@ import getMonarchServiceOverride from '@codingame/monaco-vscode-monarch-service- import '@codingame/monaco-vscode-standalone-typescript-language-features' import getConfigurationServiceOverride from '@codingame/monaco-vscode-configuration-service-override' import { editor as meditor } from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api' -<<<<<<< HEAD -import { ConsoleLogger } from 'monaco-languageclient/tools' -import { LogLevel } from 'vscode' -======= import getConfigurationServiceOverride from '@codingame/monaco-vscode-configuration-service-override' ->>>>>>> main export let isInitialized = false export let isInitializing = false @@ -22,30 +17,6 @@ export async function initializeVscode(caller?: string, htmlContainer?: HTMLElem try { // init vscode-api -<<<<<<< HEAD - // await initServices({ - // serviceConfig: { - // userServices: { - // // ...getThemeServiceOverride(), - // // ...getTextmateServiceOverride() - // ...getMonarchServiceOverride() - // }, - // debugLogging: true, - // enableExtHostWorker: false - // } - // }) - const logger = new ConsoleLogger(LogLevel.Debug) - await initServices( - { - serviceOverrides: { - ...getMonarchServiceOverride(), - ...getConfigurationServiceOverride() - } - }, - { - htmlContainer, - logger -======= await initServices({ serviceOverrides: { // ...getThemeServiceOverride(), @@ -58,9 +29,8 @@ export async function initializeVscode(caller?: string, htmlContainer?: HTMLElem json: JSON.stringify({ 'editor.experimental.asyncTokenization': true }) ->>>>>>> main } - ) + }) isInitialized = true meditor.defineTheme('nord', { diff --git a/frontend/src/lib/monaco_workers/graphql.worker.bundle.js b/frontend/src/lib/monaco_workers/graphql.worker.bundle.js index 9cd1ad8059b33..5884d0688f945 100644 --- a/frontend/src/lib/monaco_workers/graphql.worker.bundle.js +++ b/frontend/src/lib/monaco_workers/graphql.worker.bundle.js @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -<<<<<<< HEAD "use strict";(()=>{var t4=Object.create;var Ju=Object.defineProperty;var n4=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;var r4=Object.getOwnPropertyNames;var i4=Object.getPrototypeOf,s4=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;var Ff=(e=>typeof require<"u"?require:typeof Proxy<"u"?new Proxy(e,{get:(t,n)=>(typeof require<"u"?require:t)[n]}):e)(function(e){if(typeof require<"u")return require.apply(this,arguments);throw Error('Dynamic require of "'+e+'" is not supported')});var o4=(e,t)=>()=>(e&&(t=e(e=0)),t);var Kn=(e,t)=>()=>(t||e((t={exports:{}}).exports,t),t.exports),a4=(e,t)=>{for(var n in t)Ju(e,n,{get:t[n],enumerable:!0})},u4=(e,t,n,r)=>{if(t&&typeof t=="object"||typeof t=="function")for(let i of r4(t))!s4.call(e,i)&&i!==n&&Ju(e,i,{get:()=>t[i],enumerable:!(r=n4(t,i))||r.enumerable});return e};var Xu=(e,t,n)=>(n=e!=null?t4(i4(e)):{},u4(t||!e||!e.__esModule?Ju(n,"default",{value:e,enumerable:!0}):n,e));var Z0=Kn((yI,Du)=>{"use strict";function K0(e,t){if(e!=null)return e;var n=new Error(t!==void 0?t:"Got unexpected "+e);throw n.framesToPop=1,n}Du.exports=K0;Du.exports.default=K0;Object.defineProperty(Du.exports,"__esModule",{value:!0})});var go=Kn((bR,lm)=>{"use strict";var Tn="\\\\/",sm=`[^${Tn}]`,qn="\\.",uD="\\+",lD="\\?",Au="\\/",cD="(?=.)",om="[^/]",b1=`(?:${Au}|$)`,am=`(?:^|${Au})`,E1=`${qn}{1,2}${b1}`,fD=`(?!${qn})`,dD=`(?!${am}${E1})`,pD=`(?!${qn}{0,1}${b1})`,hD=`(?!${E1})`,mD=`[^.${Au}]`,gD=`${om}*?`,DD="/",um={DOT_LITERAL:qn,PLUS_LITERAL:uD,QMARK_LITERAL:lD,SLASH_LITERAL:Au,ONE_CHAR:cD,QMARK:om,END_ANCHOR:b1,DOTS_SLASH:E1,NO_DOT:fD,NO_DOTS:dD,NO_DOT_SLASH:pD,NO_DOTS_SLASH:hD,QMARK_NO_DOT:mD,STAR:gD,START_ANCHOR:am,SEP:DD},vD={...um,SLASH_LITERAL:`[${Tn}]`,QMARK:sm,STAR:`${sm}*?`,DOTS_SLASH:`${qn}{1,2}(?:[${Tn}]|$)`,NO_DOT:`(?!${qn})`,NO_DOTS:`(?!(?:^|[${Tn}])${qn}{1,2}(?:[${Tn}]|$))`,NO_DOT_SLASH:`(?!${qn}{0,1}(?:[${Tn}]|$))`,NO_DOTS_SLASH:`(?!${qn}{1,2}(?:[${Tn}]|$))`,QMARK_NO_DOT:`[^.${Tn}]`,START_ANCHOR:`(?:^|[${Tn}])`,END_ANCHOR:`(?:[${Tn}]|$)`,SEP:"\\"},bD={alnum:"a-zA-Z0-9",alpha:"a-zA-Z",ascii:"\\x00-\\x7F",blank:" \\t",cntrl:"\\x00-\\x1F\\x7F",digit:"0-9",graph:"\\x21-\\x7E",lower:"a-z",print:"\\x20-\\x7E ",punct:"\\-!\"#$%&'()\\*+,./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~",space:" \\t\\r\\n\\v\\f",upper:"A-Z",word:"A-Za-z0-9_",xdigit:"A-Fa-f0-9"};lm.exports={MAX_LENGTH:1024*64,POSIX_REGEX_SOURCE:bD,REGEX_BACKSLASH:/\\(?![*+?^${}(|)[\]])/g,REGEX_NON_SPECIAL_CHARS:/^[^@![\].,$*+?^{}()|\\/]+/,REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS:/[-*+?.^${}(|)[\]]/,REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS_BACKREF:/(\\?)((\W)(\3*))/g,REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS_GLOBAL:/([-*+?.^${}(|)[\]])/g,REGEX_REMOVE_BACKSLASH:/(?:\[.*?[^\\]\]|\\(?=.))/g,REPLACEMENTS:{"***":"*","**/**":"**","**/**/**":"**"},CHAR_0:48,CHAR_9:57,CHAR_UPPERCASE_A:65,CHAR_LOWERCASE_A:97,CHAR_UPPERCASE_Z:90,CHAR_LOWERCASE_Z:122,CHAR_LEFT_PARENTHESES:40,CHAR_RIGHT_PARENTHESES:41,CHAR_ASTERISK:42,CHAR_AMPERSAND:38,CHAR_AT:64,CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH:92,CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN:13,CHAR_CIRCUMFLEX_ACCENT:94,CHAR_COLON:58,CHAR_COMMA:44,CHAR_DOT:46,CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE:34,CHAR_EQUAL:61,CHAR_EXCLAMATION_MARK:33,CHAR_FORM_FEED:12,CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH:47,CHAR_GRAVE_ACCENT:96,CHAR_HASH:35,CHAR_HYPHEN_MINUS:45,CHAR_LEFT_ANGLE_BRACKET:60,CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE:123,CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET:91,CHAR_LINE_FEED:10,CHAR_NO_BREAK_SPACE:160,CHAR_PERCENT:37,CHAR_PLUS:43,CHAR_QUESTION_MARK:63,CHAR_RIGHT_ANGLE_BRACKET:62,CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE:125,CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET:93,CHAR_SEMICOLON:59,CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE:39,CHAR_SPACE:32,CHAR_TAB:9,CHAR_UNDERSCORE:95,CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE:124,CHAR_ZERO_WIDTH_NOBREAK_SPACE:65279,extglobChars(e){return{"!":{type:"negate",open:"(?:(?!(?:",close:`))${e.STAR})`},"?":{type:"qmark",open:"(?:",close:")?"},"+":{type:"plus",open:"(?:",close:")+"},"*":{type:"star",open:"(?:",close:")*"},"@":{type:"at",open:"(?:",close:")"}}},globChars(e){return e===!0?vD:um}}});var Fu=Kn(Vt=>{"use strict";var{REGEX_BACKSLASH:ED,REGEX_REMOVE_BACKSLASH:yD,REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS:xD,REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS_GLOBAL:_D}=go();Vt.isObject=e=>e!==null&&typeof e=="object"&&!Array.isArray(e);Vt.hasRegexChars=e=>xD.test(e);Vt.isRegexChar=e=>e.length===1&&Vt.hasRegexChars(e);Vt.escapeRegex=e=>e.replace(_D,"\\$1");Vt.toPosixSlashes=e=>e.replace(ED,"/");Vt.removeBackslashes=e=>e.replace(yD,t=>t==="\\"?"":t);Vt.supportsLookbehinds=()=>{let e=process.version.slice(1).split(".").map(Number);return e.length===3&&e[0]>=9||e[0]===8&&e[1]>=10};Vt.escapeLast=(e,t,n)=>{let r=e.lastIndexOf(t,n);return r===-1?e:e[r-1]==="\\"?Vt.escapeLast(e,t,r-1):`${e.slice(0,r)}\\${e.slice(r)}`};Vt.removePrefix=(e,t={})=>{let n=e;return n.startsWith("./")&&(n=n.slice(2),t.prefix="./"),n};Vt.wrapOutput=(e,t={},n={})=>{let r=n.contains?"":"^",i=n.contains?"":"$",s=`${r}(?:${e})${i}`;return t.negated===!0&&(s=`(?:^(?!${s}).*$)`),s};Vt.basename=(e,{windows:t}={})=>t?e.replace(/[\\/]$/,"").replace(/.*[\\/]/,""):e.replace(/\/$/,"").replace(/.*\//,"")});var vm=Kn((yR,Dm)=>{"use strict";var cm=Fu(),{CHAR_ASTERISK:y1,CHAR_AT:ND,CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH:Do,CHAR_COMMA:TD,CHAR_DOT:x1,CHAR_EXCLAMATION_MARK:fm,CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH:gm,CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE:_1,CHAR_LEFT_PARENTHESES:N1,CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET:SD,CHAR_PLUS:AD,CHAR_QUESTION_MARK:dm,CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE:FD,CHAR_RIGHT_PARENTHESES:pm,CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET:wD}=go(),hm=e=>e===gm||e===Do,mm=e=>{e.isPrefix!==!0&&(e.depth=e.isGlobstar?1/0:1)},LD=(e,t)=>{let n=t||{},r=e.length-1,i=n.parts===!0||n.scanToEnd===!0,s=[],o=[],a=[],u=e,l=-1,c=0,d=0,h=!1,m=!1,g=!1,v=!1,N=!1,_=!1,w=!1,C=!1,S=!1,k=0,M,I,B={value:"",depth:0,isGlob:!1},L=()=>l>=r,A=()=>u.charCodeAt(l+1),X=()=>(M=I,u.charCodeAt(++l));for(;l0&&(fe=u.slice(0,c),u=u.slice(c),d-=c),z&&g===!0&&d>0?(z=u.slice(0,d),F=u.slice(d)):g===!0?(z="",F=u):z=u,z&&z!==""&&z!=="/"&&z!==u&&hm(z.charCodeAt(z.length-1))&&(z=z.slice(0,-1)),n.unescape===!0&&(F&&(F=cm.removeBackslashes(F)),z&&w===!0&&(z=cm.removeBackslashes(z)));let T={prefix:fe,input:e,start:c,base:z,glob:F,isBrace:h,isBracket:m,isGlob:g,isExtglob:v,isGlobstar:N,negated:C};if(n.tokens===!0&&(T.maxDepth=0,hm(I)||o.push(B),T.tokens=o),n.parts===!0||n.tokens===!0){let Q;for(let $=0;${"use strict";var wu=go(),cn=Fu(),{MAX_LENGTH:Lu,POSIX_REGEX_SOURCE:CD,REGEX_NON_SPECIAL_CHARS:ID,REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS_BACKREF:RD,REPLACEMENTS:bm}=wu,kD=(e,t)=>{if(typeof t.expandRange=="function")return t.expandRange(...e,t);e.sort();let n=`[${e.join("-")}]`;try{new RegExp(n)}catch{return e.map(i=>cn.escapeRegex(i)).join("..")}return n},is=(e,t)=>`Missing ${e}: "${t}" - use "\\\\${t}" to match literal characters`,Em=(e,t)=>{if(typeof e!="string")throw new TypeError("Expected a string");e=bm[e]||e;let n={...t},r=typeof n.maxLength=="number"?Math.min(Lu,n.maxLength):Lu,i=e.length;if(i>r)throw new SyntaxError(`Input length: ${i}, exceeds maximum allowed length: ${r}`);let s={type:"bos",value:"",output:n.prepend||""},o=[s],a=n.capture?"":"?:",u=wu.globChars(n.windows),l=wu.extglobChars(u),{DOT_LITERAL:c,PLUS_LITERAL:d,SLASH_LITERAL:h,ONE_CHAR:m,DOTS_SLASH:g,NO_DOT:v,NO_DOT_SLASH:N,NO_DOTS_SLASH:_,QMARK:w,QMARK_NO_DOT:C,STAR:S,START_ANCHOR:k}=u,M=H=>`(${a}(?:(?!${k}${H.dot?g:c}).)*?)`,I=n.dot?"":v,B=n.dot?w:C,L=n.bash===!0?M(n):S;n.capture&&(L=`(${L})`),typeof n.noext=="boolean"&&(n.noextglob=n.noext);let A={input:e,index:-1,start:0,dot:n.dot===!0,consumed:"",output:"",prefix:"",backtrack:!1,negated:!1,brackets:0,braces:0,parens:0,quotes:0,globstar:!1,tokens:o};e=cn.removePrefix(e,A),i=e.length;let X=[],z=[],fe=[],F=s,T,Q=()=>A.index===i-1,$=A.peek=(H=1)=>e[A.index+H],ee=A.advance=()=>e[++A.index],ne=()=>e.slice(A.index+1),se=(H="",Ne=0)=>{A.consumed+=H,A.index+=Ne},Ie=H=>{A.output+=H.output!=null?H.output:H.value,se(H.value)},P=()=>{let H=1;for(;$()==="!"&&($(2)!=="("||$(3)==="?");)ee(),A.start++,H++;return H%2===0?!1:(A.negated=!0,A.start++,!0)},Z=H=>{A[H]++,fe.push(H)},J=H=>{A[H]--,fe.pop()},G=H=>{if(F.type==="globstar"){let Ne=A.braces>0&&(H.type==="comma"||H.type==="brace"),Y=H.extglob===!0||X.length&&(H.type==="pipe"||H.type==="paren");H.type!=="slash"&&H.type!=="paren"&&!Ne&&!Y&&(A.output=A.output.slice(0,-F.output.length),F.type="star",F.value="*",F.output=L,A.output+=F.output)}if(X.length&&H.type!=="paren"&&!l[H.value]&&(X[X.length-1].inner+=H.value),(H.value||H.output)&&Ie(H),F&&F.type==="text"&&H.type==="text"){F.value+=H.value,F.output=(F.output||"")+H.value;return}H.prev=F,o.push(H),F=H},_e=(H,Ne)=>{let Y={...l[Ne],conditions:1,inner:""};Y.prev=F,Y.parens=A.parens,Y.output=A.output;let de=(n.capture?"(":"")+Y.open;Z("parens"),G({type:H,value:Ne,output:A.output?"":m}),G({type:"paren",extglob:!0,value:ee(),output:de}),X.push(Y)},Re=H=>{let Ne=H.close+(n.capture?")":"");if(H.type==="negate"){let Y=L;H.inner&&H.inner.length>1&&H.inner.includes("/")&&(Y=M(n)),(Y!==L||Q()||/^\)+$/.test(ne()))&&(Ne=H.close=`)$))${Y}`),H.prev.type==="bos"&&Q()&&(A.negatedExtglob=!0)}G({type:"paren",extglob:!0,value:T,output:Ne}),J("parens")};if(n.fastpaths!==!1&&!/(^[*!]|[/()[\]{}"])/.test(e)){let H=!1,Ne=e.replace(RD,(Y,de,Te,Dt,Ye,ds)=>Dt==="\\"?(H=!0,Y):Dt==="?"?de?de+Dt+(Ye?w.repeat(Ye.length):""):ds===0?B+(Ye?w.repeat(Ye.length):""):w.repeat(Te.length):Dt==="."?c.repeat(Te.length):Dt==="*"?de?de+Dt+(Ye?L:""):L:de?Y:`\\${Y}`);return H===!0&&(n.unescape===!0?Ne=Ne.replace(/\\/g,""):Ne=Ne.replace(/\\+/g,Y=>Y.length%2===0?"\\\\":Y?"\\":"")),Ne===e&&n.contains===!0?(A.output=e,A):(A.output=cn.wrapOutput(Ne,A,t),A)}for(;!Q();){if(T=ee(),T==="\0")continue;if(T==="\\"){let Y=$();if(Y==="/"&&n.bash!==!0||Y==="."||Y===";")continue;if(!Y){T+="\\",G({type:"text",value:T});continue}let de=/^\\+/.exec(ne()),Te=0;if(de&&de[0].length>2&&(Te=de[0].length,A.index+=Te,Te%2!==0&&(T+="\\")),n.unescape===!0?T=ee()||"":T+=ee()||"",A.brackets===0){G({type:"text",value:T});continue}}if(A.brackets>0&&(T!=="]"||F.value==="["||F.value==="[^")){if(n.posix!==!1&&T===":"){let Y=F.value.slice(1);if(Y.includes("[")&&(F.posix=!0,Y.includes(":"))){let de=F.value.lastIndexOf("["),Te=F.value.slice(0,de),Dt=F.value.slice(de+2),Ye=CD[Dt];if(Ye){F.value=Te+Ye,A.backtrack=!0,ee(),!s.output&&o.indexOf(F)===1&&(s.output=m);continue}}}(T==="["&&$()!==":"||T==="-"&&$()==="]")&&(T=`\\${T}`),T==="]"&&(F.value==="["||F.value==="[^")&&(T=`\\${T}`),n.posix===!0&&T==="!"&&F.value==="["&&(T="^"),F.value+=T,Ie({value:T});continue}if(A.quotes===1&&T!=='"'){T=cn.escapeRegex(T),F.value+=T,Ie({value:T});continue}if(T==='"'){A.quotes=A.quotes===1?0:1,n.keepQuotes===!0&&G({type:"text",value:T});continue}if(T==="("){Z("parens"),G({type:"paren",value:T});continue}if(T===")"){if(A.parens===0&&n.strictBrackets===!0)throw new SyntaxError(is("opening","("));let Y=X[X.length-1];if(Y&&A.parens===Y.parens+1){Re(X.pop());continue}G({type:"paren",value:T,output:A.parens?")":"\\)"}),J("parens");continue}if(T==="["){if(n.nobracket===!0||!ne().includes("]")){if(n.nobracket!==!0&&n.strictBrackets===!0)throw new SyntaxError(is("closing","]"));T=`\\${T}`}else Z("brackets");G({type:"bracket",value:T});continue}if(T==="]"){if(n.nobracket===!0||F&&F.type==="bracket"&&F.value.length===1){G({type:"text",value:T,output:`\\${T}`});continue}if(A.brackets===0){if(n.strictBrackets===!0)throw new SyntaxError(is("opening","["));G({type:"text",value:T,output:`\\${T}`});continue}J("brackets");let Y=F.value.slice(1);if(F.posix!==!0&&Y[0]==="^"&&!Y.includes("/")&&(T=`/${T}`),F.value+=T,Ie({value:T}),n.literalBrackets===!1||cn.hasRegexChars(Y))continue;let de=cn.escapeRegex(F.value);if(A.output=A.output.slice(0,-F.value.length),n.literalBrackets===!0){A.output+=de,F.value=de;continue}F.value=`(${a}${de}|${F.value})`,A.output+=F.value;continue}if(T==="{"&&n.nobrace!==!0){Z("braces");let Y={type:"brace",value:T,output:"(",outputIndex:A.output.length,tokensIndex:A.tokens.length};z.push(Y),G(Y);continue}if(T==="}"){let Y=z[z.length-1];if(n.nobrace===!0||!Y){G({type:"text",value:T,output:T});continue}let de=")";if(Y.dots===!0){let Te=o.slice(),Dt=[];for(let Ye=Te.length-1;Ye>=0&&(o.pop(),Te[Ye].type!=="brace");Ye--)Te[Ye].type!=="dots"&&Dt.unshift(Te[Ye].value);de=kD(Dt,n),A.backtrack=!0}if(Y.comma!==!0&&Y.dots!==!0){let Te=A.output.slice(0,Y.outputIndex),Dt=A.tokens.slice(Y.tokensIndex);Y.value=Y.output="\\{",T=de="\\}",A.output=Te;for(let Ye of Dt)A.output+=Ye.output||Ye.value}G({type:"brace",value:T,output:de}),J("braces"),z.pop();continue}if(T==="|"){X.length>0&&X[X.length-1].conditions++,G({type:"text",value:T});continue}if(T===","){let Y=T,de=z[z.length-1];de&&fe[fe.length-1]==="braces"&&(de.comma=!0,Y="|"),G({type:"comma",value:T,output:Y});continue}if(T==="/"){if(F.type==="dot"&&A.index===A.start+1){A.start=A.index+1,A.consumed="",A.output="",o.pop(),F=s;continue}G({type:"slash",value:T,output:h});continue}if(T==="."){if(A.braces>0&&F.type==="dot"){F.value==="."&&(F.output=c);let Y=z[z.length-1];F.type="dots",F.output+=T,F.value+=T,Y.dots=!0;continue}if(A.braces+A.parens===0&&F.type!=="bos"&&F.type!=="slash"){G({type:"text",value:T,output:c});continue}G({type:"dot",value:T,output:c});continue}if(T==="?"){if(!(F&&F.value==="(")&&n.noextglob!==!0&&$()==="("&&$(2)!=="?"){_e("qmark",T);continue}if(F&&F.type==="paren"){let de=$(),Te=T;if(de==="<"&&!cn.supportsLookbehinds())throw new Error("Node.js v10 or higher is required for regex lookbehinds");(F.value==="("&&!/[!=<:]/.test(de)||de==="<"&&!/<([!=]|\w+>)/.test(ne()))&&(Te=`\\${T}`),G({type:"text",value:T,output:Te});continue}if(n.dot!==!0&&(F.type==="slash"||F.type==="bos")){G({type:"qmark",value:T,output:C});continue}G({type:"qmark",value:T,output:w});continue}if(T==="!"){if(n.noextglob!==!0&&$()==="("&&($(2)!=="?"||!/[!=<:]/.test($(3)))){_e("negate",T);continue}if(n.nonegate!==!0&&A.index===0){P();continue}}if(T==="+"){if(n.noextglob!==!0&&$()==="("&&$(2)!=="?"){_e("plus",T);continue}if(F&&F.value==="("||n.regex===!1){G({type:"plus",value:T,output:d});continue}if(F&&(F.type==="bracket"||F.type==="paren"||F.type==="brace")||A.parens>0){G({type:"plus",value:T});continue}G({type:"plus",value:d});continue}if(T==="@"){if(n.noextglob!==!0&&$()==="("&&$(2)!=="?"){G({type:"at",extglob:!0,value:T,output:""});continue}G({type:"text",value:T});continue}if(T!=="*"){(T==="$"||T==="^")&&(T=`\\${T}`);let Y=ID.exec(ne());Y&&(T+=Y[0],A.index+=Y[0].length),G({type:"text",value:T});continue}if(F&&(F.type==="globstar"||F.star===!0)){F.type="star",F.star=!0,F.value+=T,F.output=L,A.backtrack=!0,A.globstar=!0,se(T);continue}let H=ne();if(n.noextglob!==!0&&/^\([^?]/.test(H)){_e("star",T);continue}if(F.type==="star"){if(n.noglobstar===!0){se(T);continue}let Y=F.prev,de=Y.prev,Te=Y.type==="slash"||Y.type==="bos",Dt=de&&(de.type==="star"||de.type==="globstar");if(n.bash===!0&&(!Te||H[0]&&H[0]!=="/")){G({type:"star",value:T,output:""});continue}let Ye=A.braces>0&&(Y.type==="comma"||Y.type==="brace"),ds=X.length&&(Y.type==="pipe"||Y.type==="paren");if(!Te&&Y.type!=="paren"&&!Ye&&!ds){G({type:"star",value:T,output:""});continue}for(;H.slice(0,3)==="/**";){let Zr=e[A.index+4];if(Zr&&Zr!=="/")break;H=H.slice(3),se("/**",3)}if(Y.type==="bos"&&Q()){F.type="globstar",F.value+=T,F.output=M(n),A.output=F.output,A.globstar=!0,se(T);continue}if(Y.type==="slash"&&Y.prev.type!=="bos"&&!Dt&&Q()){A.output=A.output.slice(0,-(Y.output+F.output).length),Y.output=`(?:${Y.output}`,F.type="globstar",F.output=M(n)+(n.strictSlashes?")":"|$)"),F.value+=T,A.globstar=!0,A.output+=Y.output+F.output,se(T);continue}if(Y.type==="slash"&&Y.prev.type!=="bos"&&H[0]==="/"){let Zr=H[1]!==void 0?"|$":"";A.output=A.output.slice(0,-(Y.output+F.output).length),Y.output=`(?:${Y.output}`,F.type="globstar",F.output=`${M(n)}${h}|${h}${Zr})`,F.value+=T,A.output+=Y.output+F.output,A.globstar=!0,se(T+ee()),G({type:"slash",value:"/",output:""});continue}if(Y.type==="bos"&&H[0]==="/"){F.type="globstar",F.value+=T,F.output=`(?:^|${h}|${M(n)}${h})`,A.output=F.output,A.globstar=!0,se(T+ee()),G({type:"slash",value:"/",output:""});continue}A.output=A.output.slice(0,-F.output.length),F.type="globstar",F.output=M(n),F.value+=T,A.output+=F.output,A.globstar=!0,se(T);continue}let Ne={type:"star",value:T,output:L};if(n.bash===!0){Ne.output=".*?",(F.type==="bos"||F.type==="slash")&&(Ne.output=I+Ne.output),G(Ne);continue}if(F&&(F.type==="bracket"||F.type==="paren")&&n.regex===!0){Ne.output=T,G(Ne);continue}(A.index===A.start||F.type==="slash"||F.type==="dot")&&(F.type==="dot"?(A.output+=N,F.output+=N):n.dot===!0?(A.output+=_,F.output+=_):(A.output+=I,F.output+=I),$()!=="*"&&(A.output+=m,F.output+=m)),G(Ne)}for(;A.brackets>0;){if(n.strictBrackets===!0)throw new SyntaxError(is("closing","]"));A.output=cn.escapeLast(A.output,"["),J("brackets")}for(;A.parens>0;){if(n.strictBrackets===!0)throw new SyntaxError(is("closing",")"));A.output=cn.escapeLast(A.output,"("),J("parens")}for(;A.braces>0;){if(n.strictBrackets===!0)throw new SyntaxError(is("closing","}"));A.output=cn.escapeLast(A.output,"{"),J("braces")}if(n.strictSlashes!==!0&&(F.type==="star"||F.type==="bracket")&&G({type:"maybe_slash",value:"",output:`${h}?`}),A.backtrack===!0){A.output="";for(let H of A.tokens)A.output+=H.output!=null?H.output:H.value,H.suffix&&(A.output+=H.suffix)}return A};Em.fastpaths=(e,t)=>{let n={...t},r=typeof n.maxLength=="number"?Math.min(Lu,n.maxLength):Lu,i=e.length;if(i>r)throw new SyntaxError(`Input length: ${i}, exceeds maximum allowed length: ${r}`);e=bm[e]||e;let{DOT_LITERAL:s,SLASH_LITERAL:o,ONE_CHAR:a,DOTS_SLASH:u,NO_DOT:l,NO_DOTS:c,NO_DOTS_SLASH:d,STAR:h,START_ANCHOR:m}=wu.globChars(n.windows),g=n.dot?c:l,v=n.dot?d:l,N=n.capture?"":"?:",_={negated:!1,prefix:""},w=n.bash===!0?".*?":h;n.capture&&(w=`(${w})`);let C=I=>I.noglobstar===!0?w:`(${N}(?:(?!${m}${I.dot?u:s}).)*?)`,S=I=>{switch(I){case"*":return`${g}${a}${w}`;case".*":return`${s}${a}${w}`;case"*.*":return`${g}${w}${s}${a}${w}`;case"*/*":return`${g}${w}${o}${a}${v}${w}`;case"**":return g+C(n);case"**/*":return`(?:${g}${C(n)}${o})?${v}${a}${w}`;case"**/*.*":return`(?:${g}${C(n)}${o})?${v}${w}${s}${a}${w}`;case"**/.*":return`(?:${g}${C(n)}${o})?${s}${a}${w}`;default:{let B=/^(.*?)\.(\w+)$/.exec(I);if(!B)return;let L=S(B[1]);return L?L+s+B[2]:void 0}}},k=cn.removePrefix(e,_),M=S(k);return M&&n.strictSlashes!==!0&&(M+=`${o}?`),M};ym.exports=Em});var Tm=Kn((_R,Nm)=>{"use strict";var OD=vm(),T1=xm(),_m=Fu(),MD=go(),PD=e=>e&&typeof e=="object"&&!Array.isArray(e),nt=(e,t,n=!1)=>{if(Array.isArray(e)){let c=e.map(h=>nt(h,t,n));return h=>{for(let m of c){let g=m(h);if(g)return g}return!1}}let r=PD(e)&&e.tokens&&e.input;if(e===""||typeof e!="string"&&!r)throw new TypeError("Expected pattern to be a non-empty string");let i=t||{},s=i.windows,o=r?nt.compileRe(e,t):nt.makeRe(e,t,!1,!0),a=o.state;delete o.state;let u=()=>!1;if(i.ignore){let c={...t,ignore:null,onMatch:null,onResult:null};u=nt(i.ignore,c,n)}let l=(c,d=!1)=>{let{isMatch:h,match:m,output:g}=nt.test(c,o,t,{glob:e,posix:s}),v={glob:e,state:a,regex:o,posix:s,input:c,output:g,match:m,isMatch:h};return typeof i.onResult=="function"&&i.onResult(v),h===!1?(v.isMatch=!1,d?v:!1):u(c)?(typeof i.onIgnore=="function"&&i.onIgnore(v),v.isMatch=!1,d?v:!1):(typeof i.onMatch=="function"&&i.onMatch(v),d?v:!0)};return n&&(l.state=a),l};nt.test=(e,t,n,{glob:r,posix:i}={})=>{if(typeof e!="string")throw new TypeError("Expected input to be a string");if(e==="")return{isMatch:!1,output:""};let s=n||{},o=s.format||(i?_m.toPosixSlashes:null),a=e===r,u=a&&o?o(e):e;return a===!1&&(u=o?o(e):e,a=u===r),(a===!1||s.capture===!0)&&(s.matchBase===!0||s.basename===!0?a=nt.matchBase(e,t,n,i):a=t.exec(u)),{isMatch:!!a,match:a,output:u}};nt.matchBase=(e,t,n)=>(t instanceof RegExp?t:nt.makeRe(t,n)).test(_m.basename(e));nt.isMatch=(e,t,n)=>nt(t,n)(e);nt.parse=(e,t)=>Array.isArray(e)?e.map(n=>nt.parse(n,t)):T1(e,{...t,fastpaths:!1});nt.scan=(e,t)=>OD(e,t);nt.compileRe=(e,t,n=!1,r=!1)=>{if(n===!0)return e.output;let i=t||{},s=i.contains?"":"^",o=i.contains?"":"$",a=`${s}(?:${e.output})${o}`;e&&e.negated===!0&&(a=`^(?!${a}).*$`);let u=nt.toRegex(a,t);return r===!0&&(u.state=e),u};nt.makeRe=(e,t,n=!1,r=!1)=>{if(!e||typeof e!="string")throw new TypeError("Expected a non-empty string");let i=t||{},s={negated:!1,fastpaths:!0},o="",a;return e.startsWith("./")&&(e=e.slice(2),o=s.prefix="./"),i.fastpaths!==!1&&(e[0]==="."||e[0]==="*")&&(a=T1.fastpaths(e,t)),a===void 0?(s=T1(e,t),s.prefix=o+(s.prefix||"")):s.output=a,nt.compileRe(s,t,n,r)};nt.toRegex=(e,t)=>{try{let n=t||{};return new RegExp(e,n.flags||(n.nocase?"i":""))}catch(n){if(t&&t.debug===!0)throw n;return/$^/}};nt.constants=MD;Nm.exports=nt});var Am=Kn((NR,Sm)=>{"use strict";Sm.exports=Tm()});var J2={};a4(J2,{__debug:()=>Y2,check:()=>Q2,default:()=>Hb,doc:()=>ef,format:()=>uf,formatWithCursor:()=>af,getSupportInfo:()=>z2,util:()=>tf,version:()=>W2});function t8(e){let t=e.indexOf("\r");return t>=0?e.charAt(t+1)===` `?"crlf":"cr":"lf"}function G1(e){switch(e){case"cr":return"\r";case"crlf":return`\r `;default:return` @@ -50,6255 +49,6 @@ in order for it to be formatted.`,cliCategory:"Other"},tabWidth:{type:"int",cate `+Df(this.source,b);return D}toJSON(){let D={message:this.message};return this.locations!=null&&(D.locations=this.locations),this.path!=null&&(D.path=this.path),this.extensions!=null&&Object.keys(this.extensions).length>0&&(D.extensions=this.extensions),D}};function bf(f){return f===void 0||f.length===0?void 0:f}function ft(f,D,b){return new xg(`Syntax Error: ${b}`,{source:f,positions:[D]})}var Wu;(function(f){f.QUERY="QUERY",f.MUTATION="MUTATION",f.SUBSCRIPTION="SUBSCRIPTION",f.FIELD="FIELD",f.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION="FRAGMENT_DEFINITION",f.FRAGMENT_SPREAD="FRAGMENT_SPREAD",f.INLINE_FRAGMENT="INLINE_FRAGMENT",f.VARIABLE_DEFINITION="VARIABLE_DEFINITION",f.SCHEMA="SCHEMA",f.SCALAR="SCALAR",f.OBJECT="OBJECT",f.FIELD_DEFINITION="FIELD_DEFINITION",f.ARGUMENT_DEFINITION="ARGUMENT_DEFINITION",f.INTERFACE="INTERFACE",f.UNION="UNION",f.ENUM="ENUM",f.ENUM_VALUE="ENUM_VALUE",f.INPUT_OBJECT="INPUT_OBJECT",f.INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION="INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION"})(Wu||(Wu={}));var ue;(function(f){f.NAME="Name",f.DOCUMENT="Document",f.OPERATION_DEFINITION="OperationDefinition",f.VARIABLE_DEFINITION="VariableDefinition",f.SELECTION_SET="SelectionSet",f.FIELD="Field",f.ARGUMENT="Argument",f.FRAGMENT_SPREAD="FragmentSpread",f.INLINE_FRAGMENT="InlineFragment",f.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION="FragmentDefinition",f.VARIABLE="Variable",f.INT="IntValue",f.FLOAT="FloatValue",f.STRING="StringValue",f.BOOLEAN="BooleanValue",f.NULL="NullValue",f.ENUM="EnumValue",f.LIST="ListValue",f.OBJECT="ObjectValue",f.OBJECT_FIELD="ObjectField",f.DIRECTIVE="Directive",f.NAMED_TYPE="NamedType",f.LIST_TYPE="ListType",f.NON_NULL_TYPE="NonNullType",f.SCHEMA_DEFINITION="SchemaDefinition",f.OPERATION_TYPE_DEFINITION="OperationTypeDefinition",f.SCALAR_TYPE_DEFINITION="ScalarTypeDefinition",f.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION="ObjectTypeDefinition",f.FIELD_DEFINITION="FieldDefinition",f.INPUT_VALUE_DEFINITION="InputValueDefinition",f.INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION="InterfaceTypeDefinition",f.UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION="UnionTypeDefinition",f.ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION="EnumTypeDefinition",f.ENUM_VALUE_DEFINITION="EnumValueDefinition",f.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION="InputObjectTypeDefinition",f.DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION="DirectiveDefinition",f.SCHEMA_EXTENSION="SchemaExtension",f.SCALAR_TYPE_EXTENSION="ScalarTypeExtension",f.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION="ObjectTypeExtension",f.INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION="InterfaceTypeExtension",f.UNION_TYPE_EXTENSION="UnionTypeExtension",f.ENUM_TYPE_EXTENSION="EnumTypeExtension",f.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION="InputObjectTypeExtension"})(ue||(ue={}));function _g(f){return f===9||f===32}function ps(f){return f>=48&&f<=57}function Ef(f){return f>=97&&f<=122||f>=65&&f<=90}function yf(f){return Ef(f)||f===95}function Ng(f){return Ef(f)||ps(f)||f===95}function Tg(f){var D;let b=Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,x=null,y=-1;for(let ie=0;ieAe===0?ie:ie.slice(b)).slice((D=x)!==null&&D!==void 0?D:0,y+1)}function Sg(f){let D=0;for(;D=0&&f<=55295||f>=57344&&f<=1114111}function To(f,D){return xf(f.charCodeAt(D))&&_f(f.charCodeAt(D+1))}function xf(f){return f>=55296&&f<=56319}function _f(f){return f>=56320&&f<=57343}function Er(f,D){let b=f.source.body.codePointAt(D);if(b===void 0)return j.EOF;if(b>=32&&b<=126){let x=String.fromCodePoint(b);return x==='"'?`'"'`:`"${x}"`}return"U+"+b.toString(16).toUpperCase().padStart(4,"0")}function rt(f,D,b,x,y){let V=f.line,ie=1+b-f.lineStart;return new cf(D,b,x,V,ie,y)}function wg(f,D){let b=f.source.body,x=b.length,y=D;for(;y=48&&f<=57?f-48:f>=65&&f<=70?f-55:f>=97&&f<=102?f-87:-1}function Og(f,D){let b=f.source.body;switch(b.charCodeAt(D+1)){case 34:return{value:'"',size:2};case 92:return{value:"\\",size:2};case 47:return{value:"/",size:2};case 98:return{value:"\b",size:2};case 102:return{value:"\f",size:2};case 110:return{value:` `,size:2};case 114:return{value:"\r",size:2};case 116:return{value:" ",size:2}}throw ft(f.source,D,`Invalid character escape sequence: "${b.slice(D,D+2)}".`)}function Mg(f,D){let b=f.source.body,x=b.length,y=f.lineStart,V=D+3,ie=V,Ae="",Qe=[];for(;V2?"["+jg(f)+"]":"{ "+b.map(([x,y])=>x+": "+So(y,D)).join(", ")+" }"}function $g(f,D){if(f.length===0)return"[]";if(D.length>2)return"[Array]";let b=Math.min(10,f.length),x=f.length-b,y=[];for(let V=0;V1&&y.push(`... ${x} more items`),"["+y.join(", ")+"]"}function jg(f){let D=Object.prototype.toString.call(f).replace(/^\[object /,"").replace(/]$/,"");if(D==="Object"&&typeof f.constructor=="function"){let b=f.constructor.name;if(typeof b=="string"&&b!=="")return b}return D}var qg=globalThis.process&&globalThis.process.env.NODE_ENV==="production"?function(f,D){return f instanceof D}:function(f,D){if(f instanceof D)return!0;if(typeof f=="object"&&f!==null){var b;let x=D.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag],y=Symbol.toStringTag in f?f[Symbol.toStringTag]:(b=f.constructor)===null||b===void 0?void 0:b.name;if(x===y){let V=Tf(f);throw new Error(`Cannot use ${x} "${V}" from another module or realm. -======= -'use strict' -;(() => { - var t4 = Object.create - var Ju = Object.defineProperty - var n4 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor - var r4 = Object.getOwnPropertyNames - var i4 = Object.getPrototypeOf, - s4 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty - var Ff = ((e) => - typeof require < 'u' - ? require - : typeof Proxy < 'u' - ? new Proxy(e, { get: (t, n) => (typeof require < 'u' ? require : t)[n] }) - : e)(function (e) { - if (typeof require < 'u') return require.apply(this, arguments) - throw Error('Dynamic require of "' + e + '" is not supported') - }) - var o4 = (e, t) => () => (e && (t = e((e = 0))), t) - var Kn = (e, t) => () => (t || e((t = { exports: {} }).exports, t), t.exports), - a4 = (e, t) => { - for (var n in t) Ju(e, n, { get: t[n], enumerable: !0 }) - }, - u4 = (e, t, n, r) => { - if ((t && typeof t == 'object') || typeof t == 'function') - for (let i of r4(t)) - !s4.call(e, i) && - i !== n && - Ju(e, i, { get: () => t[i], enumerable: !(r = n4(t, i)) || r.enumerable }) - return e - } - var Xu = (e, t, n) => ( - (n = e != null ? t4(i4(e)) : {}), - u4(t || !e || !e.__esModule ? Ju(n, 'default', { value: e, enumerable: !0 }) : n, e) - ) - var Z0 = Kn((yI, Du) => { - 'use strict' - function K0(e, t) { - if (e != null) return e - var n = new Error(t !== void 0 ? t : 'Got unexpected ' + e) - throw ((n.framesToPop = 1), n) - } - Du.exports = K0 - Du.exports.default = K0 - Object.defineProperty(Du.exports, '__esModule', { value: !0 }) - }) - var go = Kn((bR, lm) => { - 'use strict' - var Tn = '\\\\/', - sm = `[^${Tn}]`, - qn = '\\.', - uD = '\\+', - lD = '\\?', - Au = '\\/', - cD = '(?=.)', - om = '[^/]', - b1 = `(?:${Au}|$)`, - am = `(?:^|${Au})`, - E1 = `${qn}{1,2}${b1}`, - fD = `(?!${qn})`, - dD = `(?!${am}${E1})`, - pD = `(?!${qn}{0,1}${b1})`, - hD = `(?!${E1})`, - mD = `[^.${Au}]`, - gD = `${om}*?`, - DD = '/', - um = { - DOT_LITERAL: qn, - PLUS_LITERAL: uD, - QMARK_LITERAL: lD, - SLASH_LITERAL: Au, - ONE_CHAR: cD, - QMARK: om, - END_ANCHOR: b1, - DOTS_SLASH: E1, - NO_DOT: fD, - NO_DOTS: dD, - NO_DOT_SLASH: pD, - NO_DOTS_SLASH: hD, - QMARK_NO_DOT: mD, - STAR: gD, - START_ANCHOR: am, - SEP: DD - }, - vD = { - ...um, - SLASH_LITERAL: `[${Tn}]`, - QMARK: sm, - STAR: `${sm}*?`, - DOTS_SLASH: `${qn}{1,2}(?:[${Tn}]|$)`, - NO_DOT: `(?!${qn})`, - NO_DOTS: `(?!(?:^|[${Tn}])${qn}{1,2}(?:[${Tn}]|$))`, - NO_DOT_SLASH: `(?!${qn}{0,1}(?:[${Tn}]|$))`, - NO_DOTS_SLASH: `(?!${qn}{1,2}(?:[${Tn}]|$))`, - QMARK_NO_DOT: `[^.${Tn}]`, - START_ANCHOR: `(?:^|[${Tn}])`, - END_ANCHOR: `(?:[${Tn}]|$)`, - SEP: '\\' - }, - bD = { - alnum: 'a-zA-Z0-9', - alpha: 'a-zA-Z', - ascii: '\\x00-\\x7F', - blank: ' \\t', - cntrl: '\\x00-\\x1F\\x7F', - digit: '0-9', - graph: '\\x21-\\x7E', - lower: 'a-z', - print: '\\x20-\\x7E ', - punct: '\\-!"#$%&\'()\\*+,./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~', - space: ' \\t\\r\\n\\v\\f', - upper: 'A-Z', - word: 'A-Za-z0-9_', - xdigit: 'A-Fa-f0-9' - } - lm.exports = { - MAX_LENGTH: 1024 * 64, - POSIX_REGEX_SOURCE: bD, - REGEX_BACKSLASH: /\\(?![*+?^${}(|)[\]])/g, - REGEX_NON_SPECIAL_CHARS: /^[^@![\].,$*+?^{}()|\\/]+/, - REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS: /[-*+?.^${}(|)[\]]/, - REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS_BACKREF: /(\\?)((\W)(\3*))/g, - REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS_GLOBAL: /([-*+?.^${}(|)[\]])/g, - REGEX_REMOVE_BACKSLASH: /(?:\[.*?[^\\]\]|\\(?=.))/g, - REPLACEMENTS: { '***': '*', '**/**': '**', '**/**/**': '**' }, - CHAR_0: 48, - CHAR_9: 57, - CHAR_UPPERCASE_A: 65, - CHAR_LOWERCASE_A: 97, - CHAR_UPPERCASE_Z: 90, - CHAR_LOWERCASE_Z: 122, - CHAR_LEFT_PARENTHESES: 40, - CHAR_RIGHT_PARENTHESES: 41, - CHAR_ASTERISK: 42, - CHAR_AMPERSAND: 38, - CHAR_AT: 64, - CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH: 92, - CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN: 13, - CHAR_CIRCUMFLEX_ACCENT: 94, - CHAR_COLON: 58, - CHAR_COMMA: 44, - CHAR_DOT: 46, - CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE: 34, - CHAR_EQUAL: 61, - CHAR_EXCLAMATION_MARK: 33, - CHAR_FORM_FEED: 12, - CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH: 47, - CHAR_GRAVE_ACCENT: 96, - CHAR_HASH: 35, - CHAR_HYPHEN_MINUS: 45, - CHAR_LEFT_ANGLE_BRACKET: 60, - CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE: 123, - CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET: 91, - CHAR_LINE_FEED: 10, - CHAR_NO_BREAK_SPACE: 160, - CHAR_PERCENT: 37, - CHAR_PLUS: 43, - CHAR_QUESTION_MARK: 63, - CHAR_RIGHT_ANGLE_BRACKET: 62, - CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE: 125, - CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET: 93, - CHAR_SEMICOLON: 59, - CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE: 39, - CHAR_SPACE: 32, - CHAR_TAB: 9, - CHAR_UNDERSCORE: 95, - CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE: 124, - CHAR_ZERO_WIDTH_NOBREAK_SPACE: 65279, - extglobChars(e) { - return { - '!': { type: 'negate', open: '(?:(?!(?:', close: `))${e.STAR})` }, - '?': { type: 'qmark', open: '(?:', close: ')?' }, - '+': { type: 'plus', open: '(?:', close: ')+' }, - '*': { type: 'star', open: '(?:', close: ')*' }, - '@': { type: 'at', open: '(?:', close: ')' } - } - }, - globChars(e) { - return e === !0 ? vD : um - } - } - }) - var Fu = Kn((Vt) => { - 'use strict' - var { - REGEX_BACKSLASH: ED, - REGEX_REMOVE_BACKSLASH: yD, - REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS: xD, - REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS_GLOBAL: _D - } = go() - Vt.isObject = (e) => e !== null && typeof e == 'object' && !Array.isArray(e) - Vt.hasRegexChars = (e) => xD.test(e) - Vt.isRegexChar = (e) => e.length === 1 && Vt.hasRegexChars(e) - Vt.escapeRegex = (e) => e.replace(_D, '\\$1') - Vt.toPosixSlashes = (e) => e.replace(ED, '/') - Vt.removeBackslashes = (e) => e.replace(yD, (t) => (t === '\\' ? '' : t)) - Vt.supportsLookbehinds = () => { - let e = process.version.slice(1).split('.').map(Number) - return (e.length === 3 && e[0] >= 9) || (e[0] === 8 && e[1] >= 10) - } - Vt.escapeLast = (e, t, n) => { - let r = e.lastIndexOf(t, n) - return r === -1 - ? e - : e[r - 1] === '\\' - ? Vt.escapeLast(e, t, r - 1) - : `${e.slice(0, r)}\\${e.slice(r)}` - } - Vt.removePrefix = (e, t = {}) => { - let n = e - return n.startsWith('./') && ((n = n.slice(2)), (t.prefix = './')), n - } - Vt.wrapOutput = (e, t = {}, n = {}) => { - let r = n.contains ? '' : '^', - i = n.contains ? '' : '$', - s = `${r}(?:${e})${i}` - return t.negated === !0 && (s = `(?:^(?!${s}).*$)`), s - } - Vt.basename = (e, { windows: t } = {}) => - t ? e.replace(/[\\/]$/, '').replace(/.*[\\/]/, '') : e.replace(/\/$/, '').replace(/.*\//, '') - }) - var vm = Kn((yR, Dm) => { - 'use strict' - var cm = Fu(), - { - CHAR_ASTERISK: y1, - CHAR_AT: ND, - CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH: Do, - CHAR_COMMA: TD, - CHAR_DOT: x1, - CHAR_EXCLAMATION_MARK: fm, - CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH: gm, - CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE: _1, - CHAR_LEFT_PARENTHESES: N1, - CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET: SD, - CHAR_PLUS: AD, - CHAR_QUESTION_MARK: dm, - CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE: FD, - CHAR_RIGHT_PARENTHESES: pm, - CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET: wD - } = go(), - hm = (e) => e === gm || e === Do, - mm = (e) => { - e.isPrefix !== !0 && (e.depth = e.isGlobstar ? 1 / 0 : 1) - }, - LD = (e, t) => { - let n = t || {}, - r = e.length - 1, - i = n.parts === !0 || n.scanToEnd === !0, - s = [], - o = [], - a = [], - u = e, - l = -1, - c = 0, - d = 0, - h = !1, - m = !1, - g = !1, - v = !1, - N = !1, - _ = !1, - w = !1, - C = !1, - S = !1, - k = 0, - M, - I, - B = { value: '', depth: 0, isGlob: !1 }, - L = () => l >= r, - A = () => u.charCodeAt(l + 1), - X = () => ((M = I), u.charCodeAt(++l)) - for (; l < r; ) { - I = X() - let Q - if (I === Do) { - ;(w = B.backslashes = !0), (I = X()), I === _1 && (_ = !0) - continue - } - if (_ === !0 || I === _1) { - for (k++; L() !== !0 && (I = X()); ) { - if (I === Do) { - ;(w = B.backslashes = !0), X() - continue - } - if (I === _1) { - k++ - continue - } - if (_ !== !0 && I === x1 && (I = X()) === x1) { - if (((h = B.isBrace = !0), (g = B.isGlob = !0), (S = !0), i === !0)) continue - break - } - if (_ !== !0 && I === TD) { - if (((h = B.isBrace = !0), (g = B.isGlob = !0), (S = !0), i === !0)) continue - break - } - if (I === FD && (k--, k === 0)) { - ;(_ = !1), (h = B.isBrace = !0), (S = !0) - break - } - } - if (i === !0) continue - break - } - if (I === gm) { - if ((s.push(l), o.push(B), (B = { value: '', depth: 0, isGlob: !1 }), S === !0)) - continue - if (M === x1 && l === c + 1) { - c += 2 - continue - } - d = l + 1 - continue - } - if ( - n.noext !== !0 && - (I === AD || I === ND || I === y1 || I === dm || I === fm) === !0 && - A() === N1 - ) { - if (((g = B.isGlob = !0), (v = B.isExtglob = !0), (S = !0), i === !0)) { - for (; L() !== !0 && (I = X()); ) { - if (I === Do) { - ;(w = B.backslashes = !0), (I = X()) - continue - } - if (I === pm) { - ;(g = B.isGlob = !0), (S = !0) - break - } - } - continue - } - break - } - if (I === y1) { - if ((M === y1 && (N = B.isGlobstar = !0), (g = B.isGlob = !0), (S = !0), i === !0)) - continue - break - } - if (I === dm) { - if (((g = B.isGlob = !0), (S = !0), i === !0)) continue - break - } - if (I === SD) - for (; L() !== !0 && (Q = X()); ) { - if (Q === Do) { - ;(w = B.backslashes = !0), X() - continue - } - if (Q === wD) { - if (((m = B.isBracket = !0), (g = B.isGlob = !0), (S = !0), i === !0)) continue - break - } - } - if (n.nonegate !== !0 && I === fm && l === c) { - ;(C = B.negated = !0), c++ - continue - } - if (n.noparen !== !0 && I === N1) { - if (((g = B.isGlob = !0), i === !0)) { - for (; L() !== !0 && (I = X()); ) { - if (I === N1) { - ;(w = B.backslashes = !0), (I = X()) - continue - } - if (I === pm) { - S = !0 - break - } - } - continue - } - break - } - if (g === !0) { - if (((S = !0), i === !0)) continue - break - } - } - n.noext === !0 && ((v = !1), (g = !1)) - let z = u, - fe = '', - F = '' - c > 0 && ((fe = u.slice(0, c)), (u = u.slice(c)), (d -= c)), - z && g === !0 && d > 0 - ? ((z = u.slice(0, d)), (F = u.slice(d))) - : g === !0 - ? ((z = ''), (F = u)) - : (z = u), - z && - z !== '' && - z !== '/' && - z !== u && - hm(z.charCodeAt(z.length - 1)) && - (z = z.slice(0, -1)), - n.unescape === !0 && - (F && (F = cm.removeBackslashes(F)), z && w === !0 && (z = cm.removeBackslashes(z))) - let T = { - prefix: fe, - input: e, - start: c, - base: z, - glob: F, - isBrace: h, - isBracket: m, - isGlob: g, - isExtglob: v, - isGlobstar: N, - negated: C - } - if ( - (n.tokens === !0 && ((T.maxDepth = 0), hm(I) || o.push(B), (T.tokens = o)), - n.parts === !0 || n.tokens === !0) - ) { - let Q - for (let $ = 0; $ < s.length; $++) { - let ee = Q ? Q + 1 : c, - ne = s[$], - se = e.slice(ee, ne) - n.tokens && - ($ === 0 && c !== 0 ? ((o[$].isPrefix = !0), (o[$].value = fe)) : (o[$].value = se), - mm(o[$]), - (T.maxDepth += o[$].depth)), - ($ !== 0 || se !== '') && a.push(se), - (Q = ne) - } - if (Q && Q + 1 < e.length) { - let $ = e.slice(Q + 1) - a.push($), - n.tokens && - ((o[o.length - 1].value = $), - mm(o[o.length - 1]), - (T.maxDepth += o[o.length - 1].depth)) - } - ;(T.slashes = s), (T.parts = a) - } - return T - } - Dm.exports = LD - }) - var xm = Kn((xR, ym) => { - 'use strict' - var wu = go(), - cn = Fu(), - { - MAX_LENGTH: Lu, - POSIX_REGEX_SOURCE: CD, - REGEX_NON_SPECIAL_CHARS: ID, - REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARS_BACKREF: RD, - REPLACEMENTS: bm - } = wu, - kD = (e, t) => { - if (typeof t.expandRange == 'function') return t.expandRange(...e, t) - e.sort() - let n = `[${e.join('-')}]` - try { - new RegExp(n) - } catch { - return e.map((i) => cn.escapeRegex(i)).join('..') - } - return n - }, - is = (e, t) => `Missing ${e}: "${t}" - use "\\\\${t}" to match literal characters`, - Em = (e, t) => { - if (typeof e != 'string') throw new TypeError('Expected a string') - e = bm[e] || e - let n = { ...t }, - r = typeof n.maxLength == 'number' ? Math.min(Lu, n.maxLength) : Lu, - i = e.length - if (i > r) throw new SyntaxError(`Input length: ${i}, exceeds maximum allowed length: ${r}`) - let s = { type: 'bos', value: '', output: n.prepend || '' }, - o = [s], - a = n.capture ? '' : '?:', - u = wu.globChars(n.windows), - l = wu.extglobChars(u), - { - DOT_LITERAL: c, - PLUS_LITERAL: d, - SLASH_LITERAL: h, - ONE_CHAR: m, - DOTS_SLASH: g, - NO_DOT: v, - NO_DOT_SLASH: N, - NO_DOTS_SLASH: _, - QMARK: w, - QMARK_NO_DOT: C, - STAR: S, - START_ANCHOR: k - } = u, - M = (H) => `(${a}(?:(?!${k}${H.dot ? g : c}).)*?)`, - I = n.dot ? '' : v, - B = n.dot ? w : C, - L = n.bash === !0 ? M(n) : S - n.capture && (L = `(${L})`), typeof n.noext == 'boolean' && (n.noextglob = n.noext) - let A = { - input: e, - index: -1, - start: 0, - dot: n.dot === !0, - consumed: '', - output: '', - prefix: '', - backtrack: !1, - negated: !1, - brackets: 0, - braces: 0, - parens: 0, - quotes: 0, - globstar: !1, - tokens: o - } - ;(e = cn.removePrefix(e, A)), (i = e.length) - let X = [], - z = [], - fe = [], - F = s, - T, - Q = () => A.index === i - 1, - $ = (A.peek = (H = 1) => e[A.index + H]), - ee = (A.advance = () => e[++A.index]), - ne = () => e.slice(A.index + 1), - se = (H = '', Ne = 0) => { - ;(A.consumed += H), (A.index += Ne) - }, - Ie = (H) => { - ;(A.output += H.output != null ? H.output : H.value), se(H.value) - }, - P = () => { - let H = 1 - for (; $() === '!' && ($(2) !== '(' || $(3) === '?'); ) ee(), A.start++, H++ - return H % 2 === 0 ? !1 : ((A.negated = !0), A.start++, !0) - }, - Z = (H) => { - A[H]++, fe.push(H) - }, - J = (H) => { - A[H]--, fe.pop() - }, - G = (H) => { - if (F.type === 'globstar') { - let Ne = A.braces > 0 && (H.type === 'comma' || H.type === 'brace'), - Y = H.extglob === !0 || (X.length && (H.type === 'pipe' || H.type === 'paren')) - H.type !== 'slash' && - H.type !== 'paren' && - !Ne && - !Y && - ((A.output = A.output.slice(0, -F.output.length)), - (F.type = 'star'), - (F.value = '*'), - (F.output = L), - (A.output += F.output)) - } - if ( - (X.length && H.type !== 'paren' && !l[H.value] && (X[X.length - 1].inner += H.value), - (H.value || H.output) && Ie(H), - F && F.type === 'text' && H.type === 'text') - ) { - ;(F.value += H.value), (F.output = (F.output || '') + H.value) - return - } - ;(H.prev = F), o.push(H), (F = H) - }, - _e = (H, Ne) => { - let Y = { ...l[Ne], conditions: 1, inner: '' } - ;(Y.prev = F), (Y.parens = A.parens), (Y.output = A.output) - let de = (n.capture ? '(' : '') + Y.open - Z('parens'), - G({ type: H, value: Ne, output: A.output ? '' : m }), - G({ type: 'paren', extglob: !0, value: ee(), output: de }), - X.push(Y) - }, - Re = (H) => { - let Ne = H.close + (n.capture ? ')' : '') - if (H.type === 'negate') { - let Y = L - H.inner && H.inner.length > 1 && H.inner.includes('/') && (Y = M(n)), - (Y !== L || Q() || /^\)+$/.test(ne())) && (Ne = H.close = `)$))${Y}`), - H.prev.type === 'bos' && Q() && (A.negatedExtglob = !0) - } - G({ type: 'paren', extglob: !0, value: T, output: Ne }), J('parens') - } - if (n.fastpaths !== !1 && !/(^[*!]|[/()[\]{}"])/.test(e)) { - let H = !1, - Ne = e.replace(RD, (Y, de, Te, Dt, Ye, ds) => - Dt === '\\' - ? ((H = !0), Y) - : Dt === '?' - ? de - ? de + Dt + (Ye ? w.repeat(Ye.length) : '') - : ds === 0 - ? B + (Ye ? w.repeat(Ye.length) : '') - : w.repeat(Te.length) - : Dt === '.' - ? c.repeat(Te.length) - : Dt === '*' - ? de - ? de + Dt + (Ye ? L : '') - : L - : de - ? Y - : `\\${Y}` - ) - return ( - H === !0 && - (n.unescape === !0 - ? (Ne = Ne.replace(/\\/g, '')) - : (Ne = Ne.replace(/\\+/g, (Y) => (Y.length % 2 === 0 ? '\\\\' : Y ? '\\' : '')))), - Ne === e && n.contains === !0 - ? ((A.output = e), A) - : ((A.output = cn.wrapOutput(Ne, A, t)), A) - ) - } - for (; !Q(); ) { - if (((T = ee()), T === '\0')) continue - if (T === '\\') { - let Y = $() - if ((Y === '/' && n.bash !== !0) || Y === '.' || Y === ';') continue - if (!Y) { - ;(T += '\\'), G({ type: 'text', value: T }) - continue - } - let de = /^\\+/.exec(ne()), - Te = 0 - if ( - (de && - de[0].length > 2 && - ((Te = de[0].length), (A.index += Te), Te % 2 !== 0 && (T += '\\')), - n.unescape === !0 ? (T = ee() || '') : (T += ee() || ''), - A.brackets === 0) - ) { - G({ type: 'text', value: T }) - continue - } - } - if (A.brackets > 0 && (T !== ']' || F.value === '[' || F.value === '[^')) { - if (n.posix !== !1 && T === ':') { - let Y = F.value.slice(1) - if (Y.includes('[') && ((F.posix = !0), Y.includes(':'))) { - let de = F.value.lastIndexOf('['), - Te = F.value.slice(0, de), - Dt = F.value.slice(de + 2), - Ye = CD[Dt] - if (Ye) { - ;(F.value = Te + Ye), - (A.backtrack = !0), - ee(), - !s.output && o.indexOf(F) === 1 && (s.output = m) - continue - } - } - } - ;((T === '[' && $() !== ':') || (T === '-' && $() === ']')) && (T = `\\${T}`), - T === ']' && (F.value === '[' || F.value === '[^') && (T = `\\${T}`), - n.posix === !0 && T === '!' && F.value === '[' && (T = '^'), - (F.value += T), - Ie({ value: T }) - continue - } - if (A.quotes === 1 && T !== '"') { - ;(T = cn.escapeRegex(T)), (F.value += T), Ie({ value: T }) - continue - } - if (T === '"') { - ;(A.quotes = A.quotes === 1 ? 0 : 1), - n.keepQuotes === !0 && G({ type: 'text', value: T }) - continue - } - if (T === '(') { - Z('parens'), G({ type: 'paren', value: T }) - continue - } - if (T === ')') { - if (A.parens === 0 && n.strictBrackets === !0) throw new SyntaxError(is('opening', '(')) - let Y = X[X.length - 1] - if (Y && A.parens === Y.parens + 1) { - Re(X.pop()) - continue - } - G({ type: 'paren', value: T, output: A.parens ? ')' : '\\)' }), J('parens') - continue - } - if (T === '[') { - if (n.nobracket === !0 || !ne().includes(']')) { - if (n.nobracket !== !0 && n.strictBrackets === !0) - throw new SyntaxError(is('closing', ']')) - T = `\\${T}` - } else Z('brackets') - G({ type: 'bracket', value: T }) - continue - } - if (T === ']') { - if (n.nobracket === !0 || (F && F.type === 'bracket' && F.value.length === 1)) { - G({ type: 'text', value: T, output: `\\${T}` }) - continue - } - if (A.brackets === 0) { - if (n.strictBrackets === !0) throw new SyntaxError(is('opening', '[')) - G({ type: 'text', value: T, output: `\\${T}` }) - continue - } - J('brackets') - let Y = F.value.slice(1) - if ( - (F.posix !== !0 && Y[0] === '^' && !Y.includes('/') && (T = `/${T}`), - (F.value += T), - Ie({ value: T }), - n.literalBrackets === !1 || cn.hasRegexChars(Y)) - ) - continue - let de = cn.escapeRegex(F.value) - if (((A.output = A.output.slice(0, -F.value.length)), n.literalBrackets === !0)) { - ;(A.output += de), (F.value = de) - continue - } - ;(F.value = `(${a}${de}|${F.value})`), (A.output += F.value) - continue - } - if (T === '{' && n.nobrace !== !0) { - Z('braces') - let Y = { - type: 'brace', - value: T, - output: '(', - outputIndex: A.output.length, - tokensIndex: A.tokens.length - } - z.push(Y), G(Y) - continue - } - if (T === '}') { - let Y = z[z.length - 1] - if (n.nobrace === !0 || !Y) { - G({ type: 'text', value: T, output: T }) - continue - } - let de = ')' - if (Y.dots === !0) { - let Te = o.slice(), - Dt = [] - for (let Ye = Te.length - 1; Ye >= 0 && (o.pop(), Te[Ye].type !== 'brace'); Ye--) - Te[Ye].type !== 'dots' && Dt.unshift(Te[Ye].value) - ;(de = kD(Dt, n)), (A.backtrack = !0) - } - if (Y.comma !== !0 && Y.dots !== !0) { - let Te = A.output.slice(0, Y.outputIndex), - Dt = A.tokens.slice(Y.tokensIndex) - ;(Y.value = Y.output = '\\{'), (T = de = '\\}'), (A.output = Te) - for (let Ye of Dt) A.output += Ye.output || Ye.value - } - G({ type: 'brace', value: T, output: de }), J('braces'), z.pop() - continue - } - if (T === '|') { - X.length > 0 && X[X.length - 1].conditions++, G({ type: 'text', value: T }) - continue - } - if (T === ',') { - let Y = T, - de = z[z.length - 1] - de && fe[fe.length - 1] === 'braces' && ((de.comma = !0), (Y = '|')), - G({ type: 'comma', value: T, output: Y }) - continue - } - if (T === '/') { - if (F.type === 'dot' && A.index === A.start + 1) { - ;(A.start = A.index + 1), (A.consumed = ''), (A.output = ''), o.pop(), (F = s) - continue - } - G({ type: 'slash', value: T, output: h }) - continue - } - if (T === '.') { - if (A.braces > 0 && F.type === 'dot') { - F.value === '.' && (F.output = c) - let Y = z[z.length - 1] - ;(F.type = 'dots'), (F.output += T), (F.value += T), (Y.dots = !0) - continue - } - if (A.braces + A.parens === 0 && F.type !== 'bos' && F.type !== 'slash') { - G({ type: 'text', value: T, output: c }) - continue - } - G({ type: 'dot', value: T, output: c }) - continue - } - if (T === '?') { - if (!(F && F.value === '(') && n.noextglob !== !0 && $() === '(' && $(2) !== '?') { - _e('qmark', T) - continue - } - if (F && F.type === 'paren') { - let de = $(), - Te = T - if (de === '<' && !cn.supportsLookbehinds()) - throw new Error('Node.js v10 or higher is required for regex lookbehinds') - ;((F.value === '(' && !/[!=<:]/.test(de)) || - (de === '<' && !/<([!=]|\w+>)/.test(ne()))) && - (Te = `\\${T}`), - G({ type: 'text', value: T, output: Te }) - continue - } - if (n.dot !== !0 && (F.type === 'slash' || F.type === 'bos')) { - G({ type: 'qmark', value: T, output: C }) - continue - } - G({ type: 'qmark', value: T, output: w }) - continue - } - if (T === '!') { - if (n.noextglob !== !0 && $() === '(' && ($(2) !== '?' || !/[!=<:]/.test($(3)))) { - _e('negate', T) - continue - } - if (n.nonegate !== !0 && A.index === 0) { - P() - continue - } - } - if (T === '+') { - if (n.noextglob !== !0 && $() === '(' && $(2) !== '?') { - _e('plus', T) - continue - } - if ((F && F.value === '(') || n.regex === !1) { - G({ type: 'plus', value: T, output: d }) - continue - } - if ( - (F && (F.type === 'bracket' || F.type === 'paren' || F.type === 'brace')) || - A.parens > 0 - ) { - G({ type: 'plus', value: T }) - continue - } - G({ type: 'plus', value: d }) - continue - } - if (T === '@') { - if (n.noextglob !== !0 && $() === '(' && $(2) !== '?') { - G({ type: 'at', extglob: !0, value: T, output: '' }) - continue - } - G({ type: 'text', value: T }) - continue - } - if (T !== '*') { - ;(T === '$' || T === '^') && (T = `\\${T}`) - let Y = ID.exec(ne()) - Y && ((T += Y[0]), (A.index += Y[0].length)), G({ type: 'text', value: T }) - continue - } - if (F && (F.type === 'globstar' || F.star === !0)) { - ;(F.type = 'star'), - (F.star = !0), - (F.value += T), - (F.output = L), - (A.backtrack = !0), - (A.globstar = !0), - se(T) - continue - } - let H = ne() - if (n.noextglob !== !0 && /^\([^?]/.test(H)) { - _e('star', T) - continue - } - if (F.type === 'star') { - if (n.noglobstar === !0) { - se(T) - continue - } - let Y = F.prev, - de = Y.prev, - Te = Y.type === 'slash' || Y.type === 'bos', - Dt = de && (de.type === 'star' || de.type === 'globstar') - if (n.bash === !0 && (!Te || (H[0] && H[0] !== '/'))) { - G({ type: 'star', value: T, output: '' }) - continue - } - let Ye = A.braces > 0 && (Y.type === 'comma' || Y.type === 'brace'), - ds = X.length && (Y.type === 'pipe' || Y.type === 'paren') - if (!Te && Y.type !== 'paren' && !Ye && !ds) { - G({ type: 'star', value: T, output: '' }) - continue - } - for (; H.slice(0, 3) === '/**'; ) { - let Zr = e[A.index + 4] - if (Zr && Zr !== '/') break - ;(H = H.slice(3)), se('/**', 3) - } - if (Y.type === 'bos' && Q()) { - ;(F.type = 'globstar'), - (F.value += T), - (F.output = M(n)), - (A.output = F.output), - (A.globstar = !0), - se(T) - continue - } - if (Y.type === 'slash' && Y.prev.type !== 'bos' && !Dt && Q()) { - ;(A.output = A.output.slice(0, -(Y.output + F.output).length)), - (Y.output = `(?:${Y.output}`), - (F.type = 'globstar'), - (F.output = M(n) + (n.strictSlashes ? ')' : '|$)')), - (F.value += T), - (A.globstar = !0), - (A.output += Y.output + F.output), - se(T) - continue - } - if (Y.type === 'slash' && Y.prev.type !== 'bos' && H[0] === '/') { - let Zr = H[1] !== void 0 ? '|$' : '' - ;(A.output = A.output.slice(0, -(Y.output + F.output).length)), - (Y.output = `(?:${Y.output}`), - (F.type = 'globstar'), - (F.output = `${M(n)}${h}|${h}${Zr})`), - (F.value += T), - (A.output += Y.output + F.output), - (A.globstar = !0), - se(T + ee()), - G({ type: 'slash', value: '/', output: '' }) - continue - } - if (Y.type === 'bos' && H[0] === '/') { - ;(F.type = 'globstar'), - (F.value += T), - (F.output = `(?:^|${h}|${M(n)}${h})`), - (A.output = F.output), - (A.globstar = !0), - se(T + ee()), - G({ type: 'slash', value: '/', output: '' }) - continue - } - ;(A.output = A.output.slice(0, -F.output.length)), - (F.type = 'globstar'), - (F.output = M(n)), - (F.value += T), - (A.output += F.output), - (A.globstar = !0), - se(T) - continue - } - let Ne = { type: 'star', value: T, output: L } - if (n.bash === !0) { - ;(Ne.output = '.*?'), - (F.type === 'bos' || F.type === 'slash') && (Ne.output = I + Ne.output), - G(Ne) - continue - } - if (F && (F.type === 'bracket' || F.type === 'paren') && n.regex === !0) { - ;(Ne.output = T), G(Ne) - continue - } - ;(A.index === A.start || F.type === 'slash' || F.type === 'dot') && - (F.type === 'dot' - ? ((A.output += N), (F.output += N)) - : n.dot === !0 - ? ((A.output += _), (F.output += _)) - : ((A.output += I), (F.output += I)), - $() !== '*' && ((A.output += m), (F.output += m))), - G(Ne) - } - for (; A.brackets > 0; ) { - if (n.strictBrackets === !0) throw new SyntaxError(is('closing', ']')) - ;(A.output = cn.escapeLast(A.output, '[')), J('brackets') - } - for (; A.parens > 0; ) { - if (n.strictBrackets === !0) throw new SyntaxError(is('closing', ')')) - ;(A.output = cn.escapeLast(A.output, '(')), J('parens') - } - for (; A.braces > 0; ) { - if (n.strictBrackets === !0) throw new SyntaxError(is('closing', '}')) - ;(A.output = cn.escapeLast(A.output, '{')), J('braces') - } - if ( - (n.strictSlashes !== !0 && - (F.type === 'star' || F.type === 'bracket') && - G({ type: 'maybe_slash', value: '', output: `${h}?` }), - A.backtrack === !0) - ) { - A.output = '' - for (let H of A.tokens) - (A.output += H.output != null ? H.output : H.value), H.suffix && (A.output += H.suffix) - } - return A - } - Em.fastpaths = (e, t) => { - let n = { ...t }, - r = typeof n.maxLength == 'number' ? Math.min(Lu, n.maxLength) : Lu, - i = e.length - if (i > r) throw new SyntaxError(`Input length: ${i}, exceeds maximum allowed length: ${r}`) - e = bm[e] || e - let { - DOT_LITERAL: s, - SLASH_LITERAL: o, - ONE_CHAR: a, - DOTS_SLASH: u, - NO_DOT: l, - NO_DOTS: c, - NO_DOTS_SLASH: d, - STAR: h, - START_ANCHOR: m - } = wu.globChars(n.windows), - g = n.dot ? c : l, - v = n.dot ? d : l, - N = n.capture ? '' : '?:', - _ = { negated: !1, prefix: '' }, - w = n.bash === !0 ? '.*?' : h - n.capture && (w = `(${w})`) - let C = (I) => (I.noglobstar === !0 ? w : `(${N}(?:(?!${m}${I.dot ? u : s}).)*?)`), - S = (I) => { - switch (I) { - case '*': - return `${g}${a}${w}` - case '.*': - return `${s}${a}${w}` - case '*.*': - return `${g}${w}${s}${a}${w}` - case '*/*': - return `${g}${w}${o}${a}${v}${w}` - case '**': - return g + C(n) - case '**/*': - return `(?:${g}${C(n)}${o})?${v}${a}${w}` - case '**/*.*': - return `(?:${g}${C(n)}${o})?${v}${w}${s}${a}${w}` - case '**/.*': - return `(?:${g}${C(n)}${o})?${s}${a}${w}` - default: { - let B = /^(.*?)\.(\w+)$/.exec(I) - if (!B) return - let L = S(B[1]) - return L ? L + s + B[2] : void 0 - } - } - }, - k = cn.removePrefix(e, _), - M = S(k) - return M && n.strictSlashes !== !0 && (M += `${o}?`), M - } - ym.exports = Em - }) - var Tm = Kn((_R, Nm) => { - 'use strict' - var OD = vm(), - T1 = xm(), - _m = Fu(), - MD = go(), - PD = (e) => e && typeof e == 'object' && !Array.isArray(e), - nt = (e, t, n = !1) => { - if (Array.isArray(e)) { - let c = e.map((h) => nt(h, t, n)) - return (h) => { - for (let m of c) { - let g = m(h) - if (g) return g - } - return !1 - } - } - let r = PD(e) && e.tokens && e.input - if (e === '' || (typeof e != 'string' && !r)) - throw new TypeError('Expected pattern to be a non-empty string') - let i = t || {}, - s = i.windows, - o = r ? nt.compileRe(e, t) : nt.makeRe(e, t, !1, !0), - a = o.state - delete o.state - let u = () => !1 - if (i.ignore) { - let c = { ...t, ignore: null, onMatch: null, onResult: null } - u = nt(i.ignore, c, n) - } - let l = (c, d = !1) => { - let { isMatch: h, match: m, output: g } = nt.test(c, o, t, { glob: e, posix: s }), - v = { glob: e, state: a, regex: o, posix: s, input: c, output: g, match: m, isMatch: h } - return ( - typeof i.onResult == 'function' && i.onResult(v), - h === !1 - ? ((v.isMatch = !1), d ? v : !1) - : u(c) - ? (typeof i.onIgnore == 'function' && i.onIgnore(v), (v.isMatch = !1), d ? v : !1) - : (typeof i.onMatch == 'function' && i.onMatch(v), d ? v : !0) - ) - } - return n && (l.state = a), l - } - nt.test = (e, t, n, { glob: r, posix: i } = {}) => { - if (typeof e != 'string') throw new TypeError('Expected input to be a string') - if (e === '') return { isMatch: !1, output: '' } - let s = n || {}, - o = s.format || (i ? _m.toPosixSlashes : null), - a = e === r, - u = a && o ? o(e) : e - return ( - a === !1 && ((u = o ? o(e) : e), (a = u === r)), - (a === !1 || s.capture === !0) && - (s.matchBase === !0 || s.basename === !0 - ? (a = nt.matchBase(e, t, n, i)) - : (a = t.exec(u))), - { isMatch: !!a, match: a, output: u } - ) - } - nt.matchBase = (e, t, n) => (t instanceof RegExp ? t : nt.makeRe(t, n)).test(_m.basename(e)) - nt.isMatch = (e, t, n) => nt(t, n)(e) - nt.parse = (e, t) => - Array.isArray(e) ? e.map((n) => nt.parse(n, t)) : T1(e, { ...t, fastpaths: !1 }) - nt.scan = (e, t) => OD(e, t) - nt.compileRe = (e, t, n = !1, r = !1) => { - if (n === !0) return e.output - let i = t || {}, - s = i.contains ? '' : '^', - o = i.contains ? '' : '$', - a = `${s}(?:${e.output})${o}` - e && e.negated === !0 && (a = `^(?!${a}).*$`) - let u = nt.toRegex(a, t) - return r === !0 && (u.state = e), u - } - nt.makeRe = (e, t, n = !1, r = !1) => { - if (!e || typeof e != 'string') throw new TypeError('Expected a non-empty string') - let i = t || {}, - s = { negated: !1, fastpaths: !0 }, - o = '', - a - return ( - e.startsWith('./') && ((e = e.slice(2)), (o = s.prefix = './')), - i.fastpaths !== !1 && (e[0] === '.' || e[0] === '*') && (a = T1.fastpaths(e, t)), - a === void 0 ? ((s = T1(e, t)), (s.prefix = o + (s.prefix || ''))) : (s.output = a), - nt.compileRe(s, t, n, r) - ) - } - nt.toRegex = (e, t) => { - try { - let n = t || {} - return new RegExp(e, n.flags || (n.nocase ? 'i' : '')) - } catch (n) { - if (t && t.debug === !0) throw n - return /$^/ - } - } - nt.constants = MD - Nm.exports = nt - }) - var Am = Kn((NR, Sm) => { - 'use strict' - Sm.exports = Tm() - }) - var J2 = {} - a4(J2, { - __debug: () => Y2, - check: () => Q2, - default: () => Hb, - doc: () => ef, - format: () => uf, - formatWithCursor: () => af, - getSupportInfo: () => z2, - util: () => tf, - version: () => W2 - }) - function t8(e) { - let t = e.indexOf('\r') - return t >= 0 - ? e.charAt(t + 1) === - ` -` - ? 'crlf' - : 'cr' - : 'lf' - } - function G1(e) { - switch (e) { - case 'cr': - return '\r' - case 'crlf': - return `\r -` - default: - return ` -` - } - } - function u2(e, t) { - let n - switch (t) { - case ` -`: - n = /\n/g - break - case '\r': - n = /\r/g - break - case `\r -`: - n = /\r\n/g - break - default: - throw new Error(`Unexpected "eol" ${JSON.stringify(t)}.`) - } - let r = e.match(n) - return r ? r.length : 0 - } - function n8(e) { - return Bu( - !1, - e, - /\r\n?/g, - ` -` - ) - } - function r8(e) { - if (typeof e == 'string') return Jr - if (Array.isArray(e)) return Hn - if (!e) return - let { type: t } = e - if (l2.has(t)) return t - } - function s8(e) { - let t = e === null ? 'null' : typeof e - if (t !== 'string' && t !== 'object') - return `Unexpected doc '${t}', -Expected it to be 'string' or 'object'.` - if (Kr(e)) throw new Error('doc is valid.') - let n = Object.prototype.toString.call(e) - if (n !== '[object Object]') return `Unexpected doc '${n}'.` - let r = i8([...l2].map((i) => `'${i}'`)) - return `Unexpected doc.type '${e.type}'. -Expected it to be ${r}.` - } - function a8(e, t, n, r) { - let i = [e] - for (; i.length > 0; ) { - let s = i.pop() - if (s === Cm) { - n(i.pop()) - continue - } - n && i.push(s, Cm) - let o = Kr(s) - if (!o) throw new ls(s) - if (t?.(s) !== !1) - switch (o) { - case Hn: - case Fn: { - let a = o === Hn ? s : s.parts - for (let u = a.length, l = u - 1; l >= 0; --l) i.push(a[l]) - break - } - case Jt: - i.push(s.flatContents, s.breakContents) - break - case $t: - if (r && s.expandedStates) - for (let a = s.expandedStates.length, u = a - 1; u >= 0; --u) - i.push(s.expandedStates[u]) - else i.push(s.contents) - break - case Qn: - case Wn: - case Yn: - case wn: - case Jn: - i.push(s.contents) - break - case Jr: - case Xr: - case zn: - case Xn: - case yt: - case nn: - break - default: - throw new ls(s) - } - } - } - function Ou(e) { - return An(e), { type: Wn, contents: e } - } - function cs(e, t) { - return An(t), { type: Qn, contents: t, n: e } - } - function f2(e, t = {}) { - return ( - An(e), - W1(t.expandedStates, !0), - { type: $t, id: t.id, contents: e, break: !!t.shouldBreak, expandedStates: t.expandedStates } - ) - } - function u8(e) { - return cs(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, e) - } - function l8(e) { - return cs({ type: 'root' }, e) - } - function c8(e) { - return cs(-1, e) - } - function f8(e, t) { - return f2(e[0], { ...t, expandedStates: e }) - } - function d2(e) { - return W1(e), { type: Fn, parts: e } - } - function d8(e, t = '', n = {}) { - return ( - An(e), t !== '' && An(t), { type: Jt, breakContents: e, flatContents: t, groupId: n.groupId } - ) - } - function p8(e, t) { - return An(e), { type: Yn, contents: e, groupId: t.groupId, negate: t.negate } - } - function O1(e) { - return An(e), { type: Jn, contents: e } - } - function g2(e, t) { - An(e), W1(t) - let n = [] - for (let r = 0; r < t.length; r++) r !== 0 && n.push(e), n.push(t[r]) - return n - } - function D2(e, t, n) { - An(e) - let r = e - if (t > 0) { - for (let i = 0; i < Math.floor(t / n); ++i) r = Ou(r) - ;(r = cs(t % n, r)), (r = cs(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, r)) - } - return r - } - function D8(e, t) { - return An(t), e ? { type: wn, label: e, contents: t } : t - } - function Gn(e) { - var t - if (!e) return '' - if (Array.isArray(e)) { - let n = [] - for (let r of e) - if (Array.isArray(r)) n.push(...Gn(r)) - else { - let i = Gn(r) - i !== '' && n.push(i) - } - return n - } - return e.type === Jt - ? { ...e, breakContents: Gn(e.breakContents), flatContents: Gn(e.flatContents) } - : e.type === $t - ? { - ...e, - contents: Gn(e.contents), - expandedStates: (t = e.expandedStates) == null ? void 0 : t.map(Gn) - } - : e.type === Fn - ? { type: 'fill', parts: e.parts.map(Gn) } - : e.contents - ? { ...e, contents: Gn(e.contents) } - : e - } - function v8(e) { - let t = Object.create(null), - n = new Set() - return r(Gn(e)) - function r(s, o, a) { - var u, l - if (typeof s == 'string') return JSON.stringify(s) - if (Array.isArray(s)) { - let c = s.map(r).filter(Boolean) - return c.length === 1 ? c[0] : `[${c.join(', ')}]` - } - if (s.type === yt) { - let c = ((u = a?.[o + 1]) == null ? void 0 : u.type) === nn - return s.literal - ? c - ? 'literalline' - : 'literallineWithoutBreakParent' - : s.hard - ? c - ? 'hardline' - : 'hardlineWithoutBreakParent' - : s.soft - ? 'softline' - : 'line' - } - if (s.type === nn) - return ((l = a?.[o - 1]) == null ? void 0 : l.type) === yt && a[o - 1].hard - ? void 0 - : 'breakParent' - if (s.type === zn) return 'trim' - if (s.type === Wn) return 'indent(' + r(s.contents) + ')' - if (s.type === Qn) - return s.n === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY - ? 'dedentToRoot(' + r(s.contents) + ')' - : s.n < 0 - ? 'dedent(' + r(s.contents) + ')' - : s.n.type === 'root' - ? 'markAsRoot(' + r(s.contents) + ')' - : 'align(' + JSON.stringify(s.n) + ', ' + r(s.contents) + ')' - if (s.type === Jt) - return ( - 'ifBreak(' + - r(s.breakContents) + - (s.flatContents ? ', ' + r(s.flatContents) : '') + - (s.groupId ? (s.flatContents ? '' : ', ""') + `, { groupId: ${i(s.groupId)} }` : '') + - ')' - ) - if (s.type === Yn) { - let c = [] - s.negate && c.push('negate: true'), s.groupId && c.push(`groupId: ${i(s.groupId)}`) - let d = c.length > 0 ? `, { ${c.join(', ')} }` : '' - return `indentIfBreak(${r(s.contents)}${d})` - } - if (s.type === $t) { - let c = [] - s.break && s.break !== 'propagated' && c.push('shouldBreak: true'), - s.id && c.push(`id: ${i(s.id)}`) - let d = c.length > 0 ? `, { ${c.join(', ')} }` : '' - return s.expandedStates - ? `conditionalGroup([${s.expandedStates.map((h) => r(h)).join(',')}]${d})` - : `group(${r(s.contents)}${d})` - } - if (s.type === Fn) return `fill([${s.parts.map((c) => r(c)).join(', ')}])` - if (s.type === Jn) return 'lineSuffix(' + r(s.contents) + ')' - if (s.type === Xn) return 'lineSuffixBoundary' - if (s.type === wn) return `label(${JSON.stringify(s.label)}, ${r(s.contents)})` - throw new Error('Unknown doc type ' + s.type) - } - function i(s) { - if (typeof s != 'symbol') return JSON.stringify(String(s)) - if (s in t) return t[s] - let o = s.description || 'symbol' - for (let a = 0; ; a++) { - let u = o + (a > 0 ? ` #${a}` : '') - if (!n.has(u)) return n.add(u), (t[s] = `Symbol.for(${JSON.stringify(u)})`) - } - } - } - function y8(e) { - return e === 12288 || (e >= 65281 && e <= 65376) || (e >= 65504 && e <= 65510) - } - function x8(e) { - return ( - (e >= 4352 && e <= 4447) || - e === 8986 || - e === 8987 || - e === 9001 || - e === 9002 || - (e >= 9193 && e <= 9196) || - e === 9200 || - e === 9203 || - e === 9725 || - e === 9726 || - e === 9748 || - e === 9749 || - (e >= 9800 && e <= 9811) || - e === 9855 || - e === 9875 || - e === 9889 || - e === 9898 || - e === 9899 || - e === 9917 || - e === 9918 || - e === 9924 || - e === 9925 || - e === 9934 || - e === 9940 || - e === 9962 || - e === 9970 || - e === 9971 || - e === 9973 || - e === 9978 || - e === 9981 || - e === 9989 || - e === 9994 || - e === 9995 || - e === 10024 || - e === 10060 || - e === 10062 || - (e >= 10067 && e <= 10069) || - e === 10071 || - (e >= 10133 && e <= 10135) || - e === 10160 || - e === 10175 || - e === 11035 || - e === 11036 || - e === 11088 || - e === 11093 || - (e >= 11904 && e <= 11929) || - (e >= 11931 && e <= 12019) || - (e >= 12032 && e <= 12245) || - (e >= 12272 && e <= 12287) || - (e >= 12289 && e <= 12350) || - (e >= 12353 && e <= 12438) || - (e >= 12441 && e <= 12543) || - (e >= 12549 && e <= 12591) || - (e >= 12593 && e <= 12686) || - (e >= 12688 && e <= 12771) || - (e >= 12783 && e <= 12830) || - (e >= 12832 && e <= 12871) || - (e >= 12880 && e <= 19903) || - (e >= 19968 && e <= 42124) || - (e >= 42128 && e <= 42182) || - (e >= 43360 && e <= 43388) || - (e >= 44032 && e <= 55203) || - (e >= 63744 && e <= 64255) || - (e >= 65040 && e <= 65049) || - (e >= 65072 && e <= 65106) || - (e >= 65108 && e <= 65126) || - (e >= 65128 && e <= 65131) || - (e >= 94176 && e <= 94180) || - e === 94192 || - e === 94193 || - (e >= 94208 && e <= 100343) || - (e >= 100352 && e <= 101589) || - (e >= 101632 && e <= 101640) || - (e >= 110576 && e <= 110579) || - (e >= 110581 && e <= 110587) || - e === 110589 || - e === 110590 || - (e >= 110592 && e <= 110882) || - e === 110898 || - (e >= 110928 && e <= 110930) || - e === 110933 || - (e >= 110948 && e <= 110951) || - (e >= 110960 && e <= 111355) || - e === 126980 || - e === 127183 || - e === 127374 || - (e >= 127377 && e <= 127386) || - (e >= 127488 && e <= 127490) || - (e >= 127504 && e <= 127547) || - (e >= 127552 && e <= 127560) || - e === 127568 || - e === 127569 || - (e >= 127584 && e <= 127589) || - (e >= 127744 && e <= 127776) || - (e >= 127789 && e <= 127797) || - (e >= 127799 && e <= 127868) || - (e >= 127870 && e <= 127891) || - (e >= 127904 && e <= 127946) || - (e >= 127951 && e <= 127955) || - (e >= 127968 && e <= 127984) || - e === 127988 || - (e >= 127992 && e <= 128062) || - e === 128064 || - (e >= 128066 && e <= 128252) || - (e >= 128255 && e <= 128317) || - (e >= 128331 && e <= 128334) || - (e >= 128336 && e <= 128359) || - e === 128378 || - e === 128405 || - e === 128406 || - e === 128420 || - (e >= 128507 && e <= 128591) || - (e >= 128640 && e <= 128709) || - e === 128716 || - (e >= 128720 && e <= 128722) || - (e >= 128725 && e <= 128727) || - (e >= 128732 && e <= 128735) || - e === 128747 || - e === 128748 || - (e >= 128756 && e <= 128764) || - (e >= 128992 && e <= 129003) || - e === 129008 || - (e >= 129292 && e <= 129338) || - (e >= 129340 && e <= 129349) || - (e >= 129351 && e <= 129535) || - (e >= 129648 && e <= 129660) || - (e >= 129664 && e <= 129672) || - (e >= 129680 && e <= 129725) || - (e >= 129727 && e <= 129733) || - (e >= 129742 && e <= 129755) || - (e >= 129760 && e <= 129768) || - (e >= 129776 && e <= 129784) || - (e >= 131072 && e <= 196605) || - (e >= 196608 && e <= 262141) - ) - } - function T8(e) { - if (!e) return 0 - if (!N8.test(e)) return e.length - e = e.replace(E8(), ' ') - let t = 0 - for (let n of e) { - let r = n.codePointAt(0) - r <= 31 || (r >= 127 && r <= 159) || (r >= 768 && r <= 879) || (t += _8(r) ? 1 : 2) - } - return t - } - function Uu(e, t) { - if (typeof e == 'string') return t(e) - let n = new Map() - return r(e) - function r(s) { - if (n.has(s)) return n.get(s) - let o = i(s) - return n.set(s, o), o - } - function i(s) { - switch (Kr(s)) { - case Hn: - return t(s.map(r)) - case Fn: - return t({ ...s, parts: s.parts.map(r) }) - case Jt: - return t({ ...s, breakContents: r(s.breakContents), flatContents: r(s.flatContents) }) - case $t: { - let { expandedStates: o, contents: a } = s - return ( - o ? ((o = o.map(r)), (a = o[0])) : (a = r(a)), - t({ ...s, contents: a, expandedStates: o }) - ) - } - case Qn: - case Wn: - case Yn: - case wn: - case Jn: - return t({ ...s, contents: r(s.contents) }) - case Jr: - case Xr: - case zn: - case Xn: - case yt: - case nn: - return t(s) - default: - throw new ls(s) - } - } - } - function Y1(e, t, n) { - let r = n, - i = !1 - function s(o) { - if (i) return !1 - let a = t(o) - a !== void 0 && ((i = !0), (r = a)) - } - return H1(e, s), r - } - function S8(e) { - if ((e.type === $t && e.break) || (e.type === yt && e.hard) || e.type === nn) return !0 - } - function A8(e) { - return Y1(e, S8, !1) - } - function Im(e) { - if (e.length > 0) { - let t = gt(!1, e, -1) - !t.expandedStates && !t.break && (t.break = 'propagated') - } - return null - } - function F8(e) { - let t = new Set(), - n = [] - function r(s) { - if ((s.type === nn && Im(n), s.type === $t)) { - if ((n.push(s), t.has(s))) return !1 - t.add(s) - } - } - function i(s) { - s.type === $t && n.pop().break && Im(n) - } - H1(e, r, i, !0) - } - function w8(e) { - return e.type === yt && !e.hard ? (e.soft ? '' : ' ') : e.type === Jt ? e.flatContents : e - } - function L8(e) { - return Uu(e, w8) - } - function Rm(e) { - for (e = [...e]; e.length >= 2 && gt(!1, e, -2).type === yt && gt(!1, e, -1).type === nn; ) - e.length -= 2 - if (e.length > 0) { - let t = bo(gt(!1, e, -1)) - e[e.length - 1] = t - } - return e - } - function bo(e) { - switch (Kr(e)) { - case Wn: - case Yn: - case $t: - case Jn: - case wn: { - let t = bo(e.contents) - return { ...e, contents: t } - } - case Jt: - return { ...e, breakContents: bo(e.breakContents), flatContents: bo(e.flatContents) } - case Fn: - return { ...e, parts: Rm(e.parts) } - case Hn: - return Rm(e) - case Jr: - return e.replace(/[\n\r]*$/, '') - case Qn: - case Xr: - case zn: - case Xn: - case yt: - case nn: - break - default: - throw new ls(e) - } - return e - } - function v2(e) { - return bo(I8(e)) - } - function C8(e) { - switch (Kr(e)) { - case Fn: - if (e.parts.every((t) => t === '')) return '' - break - case $t: - if (!e.contents && !e.id && !e.break && !e.expandedStates) return '' - if ( - e.contents.type === $t && - e.contents.id === e.id && - e.contents.break === e.break && - e.contents.expandedStates === e.expandedStates - ) - return e.contents - break - case Qn: - case Wn: - case Yn: - case Jn: - if (!e.contents) return '' - break - case Jt: - if (!e.flatContents && !e.breakContents) return '' - break - case Hn: { - let t = [] - for (let n of e) { - if (!n) continue - let [r, ...i] = Array.isArray(n) ? n : [n] - typeof r == 'string' && typeof gt(!1, t, -1) == 'string' - ? (t[t.length - 1] += r) - : t.push(r), - t.push(...i) - } - return t.length === 0 ? '' : t.length === 1 ? t[0] : t - } - case Jr: - case Xr: - case zn: - case Xn: - case yt: - case wn: - case nn: - break - default: - throw new ls(e) - } - return e - } - function I8(e) { - return Uu(e, (t) => C8(t)) - } - function R8(e, t = m2) { - return Uu(e, (n) => - typeof n == 'string' - ? g2( - t, - n.split(` -`) - ) - : n - ) - } - function k8(e) { - if (e.type === yt) return !0 - } - function O8(e) { - return Y1(e, k8, !1) - } - function b2(e, t) { - return e.type === wn ? { ...e, contents: t(e.contents) } : t(e) - } - function E2() { - return { value: '', length: 0, queue: [] } - } - function M8(e, t) { - return P1(e, { type: 'indent' }, t) - } - function P8(e, t, n) { - return t === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY - ? e.root || E2() - : t < 0 - ? P1(e, { type: 'dedent' }, n) - : t - ? t.type === 'root' - ? { ...e, root: e } - : P1(e, { type: typeof t == 'string' ? 'stringAlign' : 'numberAlign', n: t }, n) - : e - } - function P1(e, t, n) { - let r = t.type === 'dedent' ? e.queue.slice(0, -1) : [...e.queue, t], - i = '', - s = 0, - o = 0, - a = 0 - for (let g of r) - switch (g.type) { - case 'indent': - c(), n.useTabs ? u(1) : l(n.tabWidth) - break - case 'stringAlign': - c(), (i += g.n), (s += g.n.length) - break - case 'numberAlign': - ;(o += 1), (a += g.n) - break - default: - throw new Error(`Unexpected type '${g.type}'`) - } - return h(), { ...e, value: i, length: s, queue: r } - function u(g) { - ;(i += ' '.repeat(g)), (s += n.tabWidth * g) - } - function l(g) { - ;(i += ' '.repeat(g)), (s += g) - } - function c() { - n.useTabs ? d() : h() - } - function d() { - o > 0 && u(o), m() - } - function h() { - a > 0 && l(a), m() - } - function m() { - ;(o = 0), (a = 0) - } - } - function B1(e) { - let t = 0, - n = 0, - r = e.length - e: for (; r--; ) { - let i = e[r] - if (i === Eo) { - n++ - continue - } - for (let s = i.length - 1; s >= 0; s--) { - let o = i[s] - if (o === ' ' || o === ' ') t++ - else { - e[r] = i.slice(0, s + 1) - break e - } - } - } - if (t > 0 || n > 0) for (e.length = r + 1; n-- > 0; ) e.push(Eo) - return t - } - function Iu(e, t, n, r, i, s) { - if (n === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) return !0 - let o = t.length, - a = [e], - u = [] - for (; n >= 0; ) { - if (a.length === 0) { - if (o === 0) return !0 - a.push(t[--o]) - continue - } - let { mode: l, doc: c } = a.pop(), - d = Kr(c) - switch (d) { - case Jr: - u.push(c), (n -= z1(c)) - break - case Hn: - case Fn: { - let h = d === Hn ? c : c.parts - for (let m = h.length - 1; m >= 0; m--) a.push({ mode: l, doc: h[m] }) - break - } - case Wn: - case Qn: - case Yn: - case wn: - a.push({ mode: l, doc: c.contents }) - break - case zn: - n += B1(u) - break - case $t: { - if (s && c.break) return !1 - let h = c.break ? Ut : l, - m = c.expandedStates && h === Ut ? gt(!1, c.expandedStates, -1) : c.contents - a.push({ mode: h, doc: m }) - break - } - case Jt: { - let h = (c.groupId ? i[c.groupId] || Sn : l) === Ut ? c.breakContents : c.flatContents - h && a.push({ mode: l, doc: h }) - break - } - case yt: - if (l === Ut || c.hard) return !0 - c.soft || (u.push(' '), n--) - break - case Jn: - r = !0 - break - case Xn: - if (r) return !1 - break - } - } - return !1 - } - function $u(e, t) { - let n = {}, - r = t.printWidth, - i = G1(t.endOfLine), - s = 0, - o = [{ ind: E2(), mode: Ut, doc: e }], - a = [], - u = !1, - l = [], - c = 0 - for (F8(e); o.length > 0; ) { - let { ind: h, mode: m, doc: g } = o.pop() - switch (Kr(g)) { - case Jr: { - let v = - i !== - ` -` - ? Bu( - !1, - g, - ` -`, - i - ) - : g - a.push(v), o.length > 0 && (s += z1(v)) - break - } - case Hn: - for (let v = g.length - 1; v >= 0; v--) o.push({ ind: h, mode: m, doc: g[v] }) - break - case Xr: - if (c >= 2) throw new Error("There are too many 'cursor' in doc.") - a.push(Eo), c++ - break - case Wn: - o.push({ ind: M8(h, t), mode: m, doc: g.contents }) - break - case Qn: - o.push({ ind: P8(h, g.n, t), mode: m, doc: g.contents }) - break - case zn: - s -= B1(a) - break - case $t: - switch (m) { - case Sn: - if (!u) { - o.push({ ind: h, mode: g.break ? Ut : Sn, doc: g.contents }) - break - } - case Ut: { - u = !1 - let v = { ind: h, mode: Sn, doc: g.contents }, - N = r - s, - _ = l.length > 0 - if (!g.break && Iu(v, o, N, _, n)) o.push(v) - else if (g.expandedStates) { - let w = gt(!1, g.expandedStates, -1) - if (g.break) { - o.push({ ind: h, mode: Ut, doc: w }) - break - } else - for (let C = 1; C < g.expandedStates.length + 1; C++) - if (C >= g.expandedStates.length) { - o.push({ ind: h, mode: Ut, doc: w }) - break - } else { - let S = g.expandedStates[C], - k = { ind: h, mode: Sn, doc: S } - if (Iu(k, o, N, _, n)) { - o.push(k) - break - } - } - } else o.push({ ind: h, mode: Ut, doc: g.contents }) - break - } - } - g.id && (n[g.id] = gt(!1, o, -1).mode) - break - case Fn: { - let v = r - s, - { parts: N } = g - if (N.length === 0) break - let [_, w] = N, - C = { ind: h, mode: Sn, doc: _ }, - S = { ind: h, mode: Ut, doc: _ }, - k = Iu(C, [], v, l.length > 0, n, !0) - if (N.length === 1) { - k ? o.push(C) : o.push(S) - break - } - let M = { ind: h, mode: Sn, doc: w }, - I = { ind: h, mode: Ut, doc: w } - if (N.length === 2) { - k ? o.push(M, C) : o.push(I, S) - break - } - N.splice(0, 2) - let B = { ind: h, mode: m, doc: d2(N) }, - L = N[0] - Iu({ ind: h, mode: Sn, doc: [_, w, L] }, [], v, l.length > 0, n, !0) - ? o.push(B, M, C) - : k - ? o.push(B, I, C) - : o.push(B, I, S) - break - } - case Jt: - case Yn: { - let v = g.groupId ? n[g.groupId] : m - if (v === Ut) { - let N = g.type === Jt ? g.breakContents : g.negate ? g.contents : Ou(g.contents) - N && o.push({ ind: h, mode: m, doc: N }) - } - if (v === Sn) { - let N = g.type === Jt ? g.flatContents : g.negate ? Ou(g.contents) : g.contents - N && o.push({ ind: h, mode: m, doc: N }) - } - break - } - case Jn: - l.push({ ind: h, mode: m, doc: g.contents }) - break - case Xn: - l.length > 0 && o.push({ ind: h, mode: m, doc: Q1 }) - break - case yt: - switch (m) { - case Sn: - if (g.hard) u = !0 - else { - g.soft || (a.push(' '), (s += 1)) - break - } - case Ut: - if (l.length > 0) { - o.push({ ind: h, mode: m, doc: g }, ...l.reverse()), (l.length = 0) - break - } - g.literal - ? h.root - ? (a.push(i, h.root.value), (s = h.root.length)) - : (a.push(i), (s = 0)) - : ((s -= B1(a)), a.push(i + h.value), (s = h.length)) - break - } - break - case wn: - o.push({ ind: h, mode: m, doc: g.contents }) - break - case nn: - break - default: - throw new ls(g) - } - o.length === 0 && l.length > 0 && (o.push(...l.reverse()), (l.length = 0)) - } - let d = a.indexOf(Eo) - if (d !== -1) { - let h = a.indexOf(Eo, d + 1), - m = a.slice(0, d).join(''), - g = a.slice(d + 1, h).join(''), - v = a.slice(h + 1).join('') - return { formatted: m + g + v, cursorNodeStart: m.length, cursorNodeText: g } - } - return { formatted: a.join('') } - } - function B8(e, t, n = 0) { - let r = 0 - for (let i = n; i < e.length; ++i) e[i] === ' ' ? (r = r + t - (r % t)) : r++ - return r - } - function $8(e) { - return e !== null && typeof e == 'object' - } - function* x2(e, t) { - let { getVisitorKeys: n, filter: r = () => !0 } = t, - i = (s) => j8(s) && r(s) - for (let s of n(e)) { - let o = e[s] - if (Array.isArray(o)) for (let a of o) i(a) && (yield a) - else i(o) && (yield o) - } - } - function* q8(e, t) { - let n = [e] - for (let r = 0; r < n.length; r++) { - let i = n[r] - for (let s of x2(i, t)) yield s, n.push(s) - } - } - function _o(e) { - return (t, n, r) => { - let i = !!(r != null && r.backwards) - if (n === !1) return !1 - let { length: s } = t, - o = n - for (; o >= 0 && o < s; ) { - let a = t.charAt(o) - if (e instanceof RegExp) { - if (!e.test(a)) return o - } else if (!e.includes(a)) return o - i ? o-- : o++ - } - return o === -1 || o === s ? o : !1 - } - } - function H8(e, t, n) { - let r = !!(n != null && n.backwards) - if (t === !1) return !1 - let i = e.charAt(t) - if (r) { - if ( - e.charAt(t - 1) === '\r' && - i === - ` -` - ) - return t - 2 - if ( - i === - ` -` || - i === '\r' || - i === '\u2028' || - i === '\u2029' - ) - return t - 1 - } else { - if ( - i === '\r' && - e.charAt(t + 1) === - ` -` - ) - return t + 2 - if ( - i === - ` -` || - i === '\r' || - i === '\u2028' || - i === '\u2029' - ) - return t + 1 - } - return t - } - function W8(e, t, n = {}) { - let r = vr(e, n.backwards ? t - 1 : t, n), - i = Yr(e, r, n) - return r !== i - } - function Q8(e) { - return Array.isArray(e) && e.length > 0 - } - function J8(e) { - return e ? (t) => e(t, T2) : Y8 - } - function X8(e) { - let t = e.type || e.kind || '(unknown type)', - n = String( - e.name || - (e.id && (typeof e.id == 'object' ? e.id.name : e.id)) || - (e.key && (typeof e.key == 'object' ? e.key.name : e.key)) || - (e.value && (typeof e.value == 'object' ? '' : String(e.value))) || - e.operator || - '' - ) - return n.length > 20 && (n = n.slice(0, 19) + '\u2026'), t + (n ? ' ' + n : '') - } - function X1(e, t) { - ;(e.comments ?? (e.comments = [])).push(t), (t.printed = !1), (t.nodeDescription = X8(e)) - } - function ss(e, t) { - ;(t.leading = !0), (t.trailing = !1), X1(e, t) - } - function Wr(e, t, n) { - ;(t.leading = !1), (t.trailing = !1), n && (t.marker = n), X1(e, t) - } - function os(e, t) { - ;(t.leading = !1), (t.trailing = !0), X1(e, t) - } - function K1(e, t) { - if (w1.has(e)) return w1.get(e) - let { - printer: { getCommentChildNodes: n, canAttachComment: r, getVisitorKeys: i }, - locStart: s, - locEnd: o - } = t - if (!r) return [] - let a = (n?.(e, t) ?? [...x2(e, { getVisitorKeys: ju(i) })]).flatMap((u) => - r(u) ? [u] : K1(u, t) - ) - return a.sort((u, l) => s(u) - s(l) || o(u) - o(l)), w1.set(e, a), a - } - function S2(e, t, n, r) { - let { locStart: i, locEnd: s } = n, - o = i(t), - a = s(t), - u = K1(e, n), - l, - c, - d = 0, - h = u.length - for (; d < h; ) { - let m = (d + h) >> 1, - g = u[m], - v = i(g), - N = s(g) - if (v <= o && a <= N) return S2(g, t, n, g) - if (N <= o) { - ;(l = g), (d = m + 1) - continue - } - if (a <= v) { - ;(c = g), (h = m) - continue - } - throw new Error('Comment location overlaps with node location') - } - if (r?.type === 'TemplateLiteral') { - let { quasis: m } = r, - g = C1(m, t, n) - l && C1(m, l, n) !== g && (l = null), c && C1(m, c, n) !== g && (c = null) - } - return { enclosingNode: r, precedingNode: l, followingNode: c } - } - function K8(e, t) { - let { comments: n } = e - if ((delete e.comments, !z8(n) || !t.printer.canAttachComment)) return - let r = [], - { - locStart: i, - locEnd: s, - printer: { - experimentalFeatures: { avoidAstMutation: o = !1 } = {}, - handleComments: a = {} - }, - originalText: u - } = t, - { ownLine: l = L1, endOfLine: c = L1, remaining: d = L1 } = a, - h = n.map((m, g) => ({ - ...S2(e, m, t), - comment: m, - text: u, - options: t, - ast: e, - isLastComment: n.length - 1 === g - })) - for (let [m, g] of h.entries()) { - let { - comment: v, - precedingNode: N, - enclosingNode: _, - followingNode: w, - text: C, - options: S, - ast: k, - isLastComment: M - } = g - if ( - S.parser === 'json' || - S.parser === 'json5' || - S.parser === 'jsonc' || - S.parser === '__js_expression' || - S.parser === '__ts_expression' || - S.parser === '__vue_expression' || - S.parser === '__vue_ts_expression' - ) { - if (i(v) - i(k) <= 0) { - ss(k, v) - continue - } - if (s(v) - s(k) >= 0) { - os(k, v) - continue - } - } - let I - if ( - (o - ? (I = [g]) - : ((v.enclosingNode = _), - (v.precedingNode = N), - (v.followingNode = w), - (I = [v, C, S, k, M])), - Z8(C, S, h, m)) - ) - (v.placement = 'ownLine'), l(...I) || (w ? ss(w, v) : N ? os(N, v) : Wr(_ || k, v)) - else if (ev(C, S, h, m)) - (v.placement = 'endOfLine'), c(...I) || (N ? os(N, v) : w ? ss(w, v) : Wr(_ || k, v)) - else if (((v.placement = 'remaining'), !d(...I))) - if (N && w) { - let B = r.length - B > 0 && r[B - 1].followingNode !== w && km(r, S), r.push(g) - } else N ? os(N, v) : w ? ss(w, v) : Wr(_ || k, v) - } - if ((km(r, t), !o)) - for (let m of n) delete m.precedingNode, delete m.enclosingNode, delete m.followingNode - } - function Z8(e, t, n, r) { - let { comment: i, precedingNode: s } = n[r], - { locStart: o, locEnd: a } = t, - u = o(i) - if (s) - for (let l = r - 1; l >= 0; l--) { - let { comment: c, precedingNode: d } = n[l] - if (d !== s || !A2(e.slice(a(c), u))) break - u = o(c) - } - return Dr(e, u, { backwards: !0 }) - } - function ev(e, t, n, r) { - let { comment: i, followingNode: s } = n[r], - { locStart: o, locEnd: a } = t, - u = a(i) - if (s) - for (let l = r + 1; l < n.length; l++) { - let { comment: c, followingNode: d } = n[l] - if (d !== s || !A2(e.slice(u, o(c)))) break - u = a(c) - } - return Dr(e, u) - } - function km(e, t) { - var n, r - let i = e.length - if (i === 0) return - let { precedingNode: s, followingNode: o } = e[0], - a = t.locStart(o), - u - for (u = i; u > 0; --u) { - let { comment: l, precedingNode: c, followingNode: d } = e[u - 1] - U1.strictEqual(c, s), U1.strictEqual(d, o) - let h = t.originalText.slice(t.locEnd(l), a) - if (((r = (n = t.printer).isGap) == null ? void 0 : r.call(n, h, t)) ?? /^[\s(]*$/.test(h)) - a = t.locStart(l) - else break - } - for (let [l, { comment: c }] of e.entries()) l < u ? os(s, c) : ss(o, c) - for (let l of [s, o]) - l.comments && - l.comments.length > 1 && - l.comments.sort((c, d) => t.locStart(c) - t.locStart(d)) - e.length = 0 - } - function C1(e, t, n) { - let r = n.locStart(t) - 1 - for (let i = 1; i < e.length; ++i) if (r < n.locStart(e[i])) return i - 1 - return 0 - } - function tv(e, t) { - let n = t - 1 - ;(n = vr(e, n, { backwards: !0 })), - (n = Yr(e, n, { backwards: !0 })), - (n = vr(e, n, { backwards: !0 })) - let r = Yr(e, n, { backwards: !0 }) - return n !== r - } - function F2(e, t) { - let n = e.node - return (n.printed = !0), t.printer.printComment(e, t) - } - function nv(e, t) { - var n - let r = e.node, - i = [F2(e, t)], - { printer: s, originalText: o, locStart: a, locEnd: u } = t - if ((n = s.isBlockComment) != null && n.call(s, r)) { - let c = Dr(o, u(r)) ? (Dr(o, a(r), { backwards: !0 }) ? zr : h2) : ' ' - i.push(c) - } else i.push(zr) - let l = Yr(o, vr(o, u(r))) - return l !== !1 && Dr(o, l) && i.push(zr), i - } - function rv(e, t, n) { - var r - let i = e.node, - s = F2(e, t), - { printer: o, originalText: a, locStart: u } = t, - l = (r = o.isBlockComment) == null ? void 0 : r.call(o, i) - if ( - (n != null && n.hasLineSuffix && !(n != null && n.isBlock)) || - Dr(a, u(i), { backwards: !0 }) - ) { - let c = Z1(a, u(i)) - return { doc: O1([zr, c ? zr : '', s]), isBlock: l, hasLineSuffix: !0 } - } - return !l || (n != null && n.hasLineSuffix) - ? { doc: [O1([' ', s]), Vu], isBlock: l, hasLineSuffix: !0 } - : { doc: [' ', s], isBlock: l, hasLineSuffix: !1 } - } - function iv(e, t) { - let n = e.node - if (!n) return {} - let r = t[Symbol.for('printedComments')] - if ((n.comments || []).filter((a) => !r.has(a)).length === 0) - return { leading: '', trailing: '' } - let i = [], - s = [], - o - return ( - e.each(() => { - let a = e.node - if (r != null && r.has(a)) return - let { leading: u, trailing: l } = a - u ? i.push(nv(e, t)) : l && ((o = rv(e, t, o)), s.push(o.doc)) - }, 'comments'), - { leading: i, trailing: s } - ) - } - function sv(e, t, n) { - let { leading: r, trailing: i } = iv(e, n) - return !r && !i ? t : b2(t, (s) => [r, s, i]) - } - function ov(e) { - let { [Symbol.for('comments')]: t, [Symbol.for('printedComments')]: n } = e - for (let r of t) { - if (!r.printed && !n.has(r)) - throw new Error( - 'Comment "' + r.value.trim() + '" was not printed. Please report this error!' - ) - delete r.printed - } - } - function av(e) { - return () => {} - } - function L2({ plugins: e = [], showDeprecated: t = !1 } = {}) { - let n = e.flatMap((i) => i.languages ?? []), - r = [] - for (let i of fv(Object.assign({}, ...e.map(({ options: s }) => s), lv))) - (!t && i.deprecated) || - (Array.isArray(i.choices) && - (t || (i.choices = i.choices.filter((s) => !s.deprecated)), - i.name === 'parser' && (i.choices = [...i.choices, ...cv(i.choices, n, e)])), - (i.pluginDefaults = Object.fromEntries( - e - .filter((s) => { - var o - return ((o = s.defaultOptions) == null ? void 0 : o[i.name]) !== void 0 - }) - .map((s) => [s.name, s.defaultOptions[i.name]]) - )), - r.push(i)) - return { languages: n, options: r } - } - function* cv(e, t, n) { - let r = new Set(e.map((i) => i.value)) - for (let i of t) - if (i.parsers) { - for (let s of i.parsers) - if (!r.has(s)) { - r.add(s) - let o = n.find((u) => u.parsers && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u.parsers, s)), - a = i.name - o != null && o.name && (a += ` (plugin: ${o.name})`), yield { value: s, description: a } - } - } - } - function fv(e) { - let t = [] - for (let [n, r] of Object.entries(e)) { - let i = { name: n, ...r } - Array.isArray(i.default) && (i.default = gt(!1, i.default, -1).value), t.push(i) - } - return t - } - function Mm(e, t) { - if (!t) return - let n = dv(t).toLowerCase() - return ( - e.find(({ filenames: r }) => r?.some((i) => i.toLowerCase() === n)) ?? - e.find(({ extensions: r }) => r?.some((i) => n.endsWith(i))) - ) - } - function pv(e, t) { - if (t) - return ( - e.find(({ name: n }) => n.toLowerCase() === t) ?? - e.find(({ aliases: n }) => n?.includes(t)) ?? - e.find(({ extensions: n }) => n?.includes(`.${t}`)) - ) - } - function hv(e, t) { - let n = e.plugins.flatMap((i) => i.languages ?? []), - r = pv(n, t.language) ?? Mm(n, t.physicalFile) ?? Mm(n, t.file) ?? (t.physicalFile, void 0) - return r?.parsers[0] - } - function Vm(e, t, n, r) { - return [ - `Invalid ${us.default.red(r.key(e))} value.`, - `Expected ${us.default.blue(n)},`, - `but received ${t === C2 ? us.default.gray('nothing') : us.default.red(r.value(t))}.` - ].join(' ') - } - function I2({ text: e, list: t }, n) { - let r = [] - return ( - e && r.push(`- ${us.default.blue(e)}`), - t && - r.push( - [`- ${us.default.blue(t.title)}:`].concat( - t.values.map((i) => I2(i, n - Bm.length).replace(/^|\n/g, `$&${Bm}`)) - ).join(` -`) - ), - R2(r, n) - ) - } - function R2(e, t) { - if (e.length === 1) return e[0] - let [n, r] = e, - [i, s] = e.map( - (o) => - o.split( - ` -`, - 1 - )[0].length - ) - return i > t && i > s ? r : n - } - function vv(e, t) { - if (e === t) return 0 - let n = e - e.length > t.length && ((e = t), (t = n)) - let r = e.length, - i = t.length - for (; r > 0 && e.charCodeAt(~-r) === t.charCodeAt(~-i); ) r--, i-- - let s = 0 - for (; s < r && e.charCodeAt(s) === t.charCodeAt(s); ) s++ - if (((r -= s), (i -= s), r === 0)) return i - let o, - a, - u, - l, - c = 0, - d = 0 - for (; c < r; ) ($m[c] = e.charCodeAt(s + c)), (I1[c] = ++c) - for (; d < i; ) - for (o = t.charCodeAt(s + d), u = d++, a = d, c = 0; c < r; c++) - (l = o === $m[c] ? u : u + 1), - (u = I1[c]), - (a = I1[c] = u > a ? (l > a ? a + 1 : l) : l > u ? u + 1 : l) - return a - } - function Ev(e, t) { - let n = new e(t), - r = Object.create(n) - for (let i of bv) i in t && (r[i] = yv(t[i], n, br.prototype[i].length)) - return r - } - function yv(e, t, n) { - return typeof e == 'function' - ? (...r) => e(...r.slice(0, n - 1), t, ...r.slice(n - 1)) - : () => e - } - function jm({ from: e, to: t }) { - return { from: [e], to: t } - } - function Sv(e, t) { - let n = Object.create(null) - for (let r of e) { - let i = r[t] - if (n[i]) throw new Error(`Duplicate ${t} ${JSON.stringify(i)}`) - n[i] = r - } - return n - } - function Av(e, t) { - let n = new Map() - for (let r of e) { - let i = r[t] - if (n.has(i)) throw new Error(`Duplicate ${t} ${JSON.stringify(i)}`) - n.set(i, r) - } - return n - } - function Fv() { - let e = Object.create(null) - return (t) => { - let n = JSON.stringify(t) - return e[n] ? !0 : ((e[n] = !0), !1) - } - } - function wv(e, t) { - let n = [], - r = [] - for (let i of e) t(i) ? n.push(i) : r.push(i) - return [n, r] - } - function Lv(e) { - return e === Math.floor(e) - } - function Cv(e, t) { - if (e === t) return 0 - let n = typeof e, - r = typeof t, - i = ['undefined', 'object', 'boolean', 'number', 'string'] - return n !== r - ? i.indexOf(n) - i.indexOf(r) - : n !== 'string' - ? Number(e) - Number(t) - : e.localeCompare(t) - } - function Iv(e) { - return (...t) => { - let n = e(...t) - return typeof n == 'string' ? new Error(n) : n - } - } - function qm(e) { - return e === void 0 ? {} : e - } - function O2(e) { - if (typeof e == 'string') return { text: e } - let { text: t, list: n } = e - return ( - Rv((t || n) !== void 0, 'Unexpected `expected` result, there should be at least one field.'), - n ? { text: t, list: { title: n.title, values: n.values.map(O2) } } : { text: t } - ) - } - function Gm(e, t) { - return e === !0 ? !0 : e === !1 ? { value: t } : e - } - function Hm(e, t, n = !1) { - return e === !1 - ? !1 - : e === !0 - ? n - ? !0 - : [{ value: t }] - : 'value' in e - ? [e] - : e.length === 0 - ? !1 - : e - } - function Wm(e, t) { - return typeof e == 'string' || 'key' in e - ? { from: t, to: e } - : 'from' in e - ? { from: e.from, to: e.to } - : { from: t, to: e.to } - } - function $1(e, t) { - return e === void 0 ? [] : Array.isArray(e) ? e.map((n) => Wm(n, t)) : [Wm(e, t)] - } - function Qm(e, t) { - let n = $1(typeof e == 'object' && 'redirect' in e ? e.redirect : e, t) - return n.length === 0 - ? { remain: t, redirect: n } - : typeof e == 'object' && 'remain' in e - ? { remain: e.remain, redirect: n } - : { redirect: n } - } - function Rv(e, t) { - if (!e) throw new Error(t) - } - function jv( - e, - t, - { logger: n = !1, isCLI: r = !1, passThrough: i = !1, FlagSchema: s, descriptor: o } = {} - ) { - if (r) { - if (!s) throw new Error("'FlagSchema' option is required.") - if (!o) throw new Error("'descriptor' option is required.") - } else o = as - let a = i - ? Array.isArray(i) - ? (h, m) => (i.includes(h) ? { [h]: m } : void 0) - : (h, m) => ({ [h]: m }) - : (h, m, g) => { - let { _: v, ...N } = g.schemas - return k2(h, m, { ...g, schemas: N }) - }, - u = qv(t, { isCLI: r, FlagSchema: s }), - l = new $v(u, { logger: n, unknown: a, descriptor: o }), - c = n !== !1 - c && R1 && (l._hasDeprecationWarned = R1) - let d = l.normalize(e) - return c && (R1 = l._hasDeprecationWarned), d - } - function qv(e, { isCLI: t, FlagSchema: n }) { - let r = [] - t && r.push(_v.create({ name: '_' })) - for (let i of e) - r.push(Gv(i, { isCLI: t, optionInfos: e, FlagSchema: n })), - i.alias && t && r.push(xv.create({ name: i.alias, sourceName: i.name })) - return r - } - function Gv(e, { isCLI: t, optionInfos: n, FlagSchema: r }) { - let { name: i } = e, - s = { name: i }, - o, - a = {} - switch (e.type) { - case 'int': - ;(o = Mv), t && (s.preprocess = Number) - break - case 'string': - o = zm - break - case 'choice': - ;(o = kv), - (s.choices = e.choices.map((u) => - u != null && u.redirect - ? { ...u, redirect: { to: { key: e.name, value: u.redirect } } } - : u - )) - break - case 'boolean': - o = Tv - break - case 'flag': - ;(o = r), - (s.flags = n.flatMap((u) => - [u.alias, u.description && u.name, u.oppositeDescription && `no-${u.name}`].filter( - Boolean - ) - )) - break - case 'path': - o = zm - break - default: - throw new Error(`Unexpected type ${e.type}`) - } - if ( - (e.exception - ? (s.validate = (u, l, c) => e.exception(u) || l.validate(u, c)) - : (s.validate = (u, l, c) => u === void 0 || l.validate(u, c)), - e.redirect && - (a.redirect = (u) => - u - ? { - to: - typeof e.redirect == 'string' - ? e.redirect - : { key: e.redirect.option, value: e.redirect.value } - } - : void 0), - e.deprecated && (a.deprecated = !0), - t && !e.array) - ) { - let u = s.preprocess || ((l) => l) - s.preprocess = (l, c, d) => c.preprocess(u(Array.isArray(l) ? gt(!1, l, -1) : l), d) - } - return e.array - ? Nv.create({ - ...(t ? { preprocess: (u) => (Array.isArray(u) ? u : [u]) } : {}), - ...a, - valueSchema: o.create(s) - }) - : o.create({ ...s, ...a }) - } - function P2(e, t) { - if (!t) throw new Error('parserName is required.') - let n = M2(!1, e, (i) => i.parsers && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i.parsers, t)) - if (n) return n - let r = `Couldn't resolve parser "${t}".` - throw ((r += ' Plugins must be explicitly added to the standalone bundle.'), new w2(r)) - } - function Qv(e, t) { - if (!t) throw new Error('astFormat is required.') - let n = M2(!1, e, (i) => i.printers && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i.printers, t)) - if (n) return n - let r = `Couldn't find plugin for AST format "${t}".` - throw ((r += ' Plugins must be explicitly added to the standalone bundle.'), new w2(r)) - } - function B2({ plugins: e, parser: t }) { - let n = P2(e, t) - return V2(n, t) - } - function V2(e, t) { - let n = e.parsers[t] - return typeof n == 'function' ? n() : n - } - function zv(e, t) { - let n = e.printers[t] - return typeof n == 'function' ? n() : n - } - async function Yv(e, t = {}) { - var n - let r = { ...e } - if (!r.parser) - if (r.filepath) { - if (((r.parser = mv(r, { physicalFile: r.filepath })), !r.parser)) - throw new Om(`No parser could be inferred for file "${r.filepath}".`) - } else throw new Om("No parser and no file path given, couldn't infer a parser.") - let i = L2({ plugins: e.plugins, showDeprecated: !0 }).options, - s = { - ...Ym, - ...Object.fromEntries(i.filter((h) => h.default !== void 0).map((h) => [h.name, h.default])) - }, - o = P2(r.plugins, r.parser), - a = await V2(o, r.parser) - ;(r.astFormat = a.astFormat), (r.locEnd = a.locEnd), (r.locStart = a.locStart) - let u = (n = o.printers) != null && n[a.astFormat] ? o : Qv(r.plugins, a.astFormat), - l = await zv(u, a.astFormat) - r.printer = l - let c = u.defaultOptions - ? Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(u.defaultOptions).filter(([, h]) => h !== void 0)) - : {}, - d = { ...s, ...c } - for (let [h, m] of Object.entries(d)) (r[h] === null || r[h] === void 0) && (r[h] = m) - return ( - r.parser === 'json' && (r.trailingComma = 'none'), - Hv(r, i, { passThrough: Object.keys(Ym), ...t }) - ) - } - async function Xv(e, t) { - let n = await B2(t), - r = n.preprocess ? n.preprocess(e, t) : e - t.originalText = r - let i - try { - i = await n.parse(r, t, t) - } catch (s) { - Kv(s, e) - } - return { text: r, ast: i } - } - function Kv(e, t) { - let { loc: n } = e - if (n) { - let r = (0, Jv.codeFrameColumns)(t, n, { highlightCode: !0 }) - throw ( - ((e.message += - ` -` + r), - (e.codeFrame = r), - e) - ) - } - throw e - } - async function Zv(e, t, n, r, i) { - let { - embeddedLanguageFormatting: s, - printer: { embed: o, hasPrettierIgnore: a = () => !1, getVisitorKeys: u } - } = n - if (!o || s !== 'auto') return - if (o.length > 2) - throw new Error( - 'printer.embed has too many parameters. The API changed in Prettier v3. Please update your plugin. See https://prettier.io/docs/en/plugins.html#optional-embed' - ) - let l = ju(o.getVisitorKeys ?? u), - c = [] - m() - let d = e.stack - for (let { print: g, node: v, pathStack: N } of c) - try { - e.stack = N - let _ = await g(h, t, e, n) - _ && i.set(v, _) - } catch (_) { - if (globalThis.PRETTIER_DEBUG) throw _ - } - e.stack = d - function h(g, v) { - return eb(g, v, n, r) - } - function m() { - let { node: g } = e - if (g === null || typeof g != 'object' || a(e)) return - for (let N of l(g)) Array.isArray(g[N]) ? e.each(m, N) : e.call(m, N) - let v = o(e, n) - if (v) { - if (typeof v == 'function') { - c.push({ print: v, node: g, pathStack: [...e.stack] }) - return - } - i.set(g, v) - } - } - } - async function eb(e, t, n, r) { - let i = await fs({ ...n, ...t, parentParser: n.parser, originalText: e }, { passThrough: !0 }), - { ast: s } = await No(e, i), - o = await r(s, i) - return v2(o) - } - function tb(e, t) { - let { - originalText: n, - [Symbol.for('comments')]: r, - locStart: i, - locEnd: s, - [Symbol.for('printedComments')]: o - } = t, - { node: a } = e, - u = i(a), - l = s(a) - for (let c of r) i(c) >= u && s(c) <= l && o.add(c) - return n.slice(u, l) - } - async function qu(e, t) { - ;({ ast: e } = await U2(e, t)) - let n = new Map(), - r = new U8(e), - i = uv(t), - s = new Map() - await Zv(r, a, t, qu, s) - let o = await Jm(r, t, a, void 0, s) - return ov(t), o - function a(l, c) { - return l === void 0 || l === r - ? u(c) - : Array.isArray(l) - ? r.call(() => u(c), ...l) - : r.call(() => u(c), l) - } - function u(l) { - i(r) - let c = r.node - if (c == null) return '' - let d = c && typeof c == 'object' && l === void 0 - if (d && n.has(c)) return n.get(c) - let h = Jm(r, t, a, l, s) - return d && n.set(c, h), h - } - } - function Jm(e, t, n, r, i) { - var s - let { node: o } = e, - { printer: a } = t, - u - return ( - (s = a.hasPrettierIgnore) != null && s.call(a, e) - ? (u = nb(e, t)) - : i.has(o) - ? (u = i.get(o)) - : (u = a.print(e, t, n, r)), - o === t.cursorNode && (u = b2(u, (l) => [M1, l, M1])), - a.printComment && - (!a.willPrintOwnComments || !a.willPrintOwnComments(e, t)) && - (u = sv(e, u, t)), - u - ) - } - async function U2(e, t) { - let n = e.comments ?? [] - ;(t[Symbol.for('comments')] = n), - (t[Symbol.for('tokens')] = e.tokens ?? []), - (t[Symbol.for('printedComments')] = new Set()), - K8(e, t) - let { - printer: { preprocess: r } - } = t - return (e = r ? await r(e, t) : e), { ast: e, comments: n } - } - function rb(e, t) { - let { cursorOffset: n, locStart: r, locEnd: i } = t, - s = ju(t.printer.getVisitorKeys), - o = (u) => r(u) <= n && i(u) >= n, - a = e - for (let u of q8(e, { getVisitorKeys: s, filter: o })) a = u - return a - } - function sb(e, t) { - let { - printer: { massageAstNode: n, getVisitorKeys: r } - } = t - if (!n) return e - let i = ju(r), - s = n.ignoredProperties ?? new Set() - return o(e) - function o(a, u) { - if (!(a !== null && typeof a == 'object')) return a - if (Array.isArray(a)) return a.map((h) => o(h, u)).filter(Boolean) - let l = {}, - c = new Set(i(a)) - for (let h in a) - !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, h) || - s.has(h) || - (c.has(h) ? (l[h] = o(a[h], a)) : (l[h] = a[h])) - let d = n(a, l, u) - if (d !== null) return d ?? l - } - } - function ub(e, t) { - let n = [e.node, ...e.parentNodes], - r = new Set([t.node, ...t.parentNodes]) - return n.find((i) => $2.has(i.type) && r.has(i)) - } - function Xm(e) { - let t = e.length - 1 - for (;;) { - let n = e[t] - if (n?.type === 'Program' || n?.type === 'File') t-- - else break - } - return e.slice(0, t + 1) - } - function lb(e, t, { locStart: n, locEnd: r }) { - let i = e.node, - s = t.node - if (i === s) return { startNode: i, endNode: s } - let o = n(e.node) - for (let u of Xm(t.parentNodes)) - if (n(u) >= o) s = u - else break - let a = r(t.node) - for (let u of Xm(e.parentNodes)) { - if (r(u) <= a) i = u - else break - if (i === s) break - } - return { startNode: i, endNode: s } - } - function j1(e, t, n, r, i = [], s) { - let { locStart: o, locEnd: a } = n, - u = o(e), - l = a(e) - if (!(t > l || t < u || (s === 'rangeEnd' && t === u) || (s === 'rangeStart' && t === l))) { - for (let c of K1(e, n)) { - let d = j1(c, t, n, r, [e, ...i], s) - if (d) return d - } - if (!r || r(e, i[0])) return { node: e, parentNodes: i } - } - } - function cb(e, t) { - return ( - t !== 'DeclareExportDeclaration' && - e !== 'TypeParameterDeclaration' && - (e === 'Directive' || - e === 'TypeAlias' || - e === 'TSExportAssignment' || - e.startsWith('Declare') || - e.startsWith('TSDeclare') || - e.endsWith('Statement') || - e.endsWith('Declaration')) - ) - } - function Km(e, t, n) { - if (!t) return !1 - switch (e.parser) { - case 'flow': - case 'babel': - case 'babel-flow': - case 'babel-ts': - case 'typescript': - case 'acorn': - case 'espree': - case 'meriyah': - case '__babel_estree': - return cb(t.type, n?.type) - case 'json': - case 'json5': - case 'jsonc': - case 'json-stringify': - return $2.has(t.type) - case 'graphql': - return fb.has(t.kind) - case 'vue': - return t.tag !== 'root' - } - return !1 - } - function db(e, t, n) { - let { rangeStart: r, rangeEnd: i, locStart: s, locEnd: o } = t - U1.ok(i > r) - let a = e.slice(r, i).search(/\S/), - u = a === -1 - if (!u) for (r += a; i > r && !/\S/.test(e[i - 1]); --i); - let l = j1(n, r, t, (m, g) => Km(t, m, g), [], 'rangeStart'), - c = u ? l : j1(n, i, t, (m) => Km(t, m), [], 'rangeEnd') - if (!l || !c) return { rangeStart: 0, rangeEnd: 0 } - let d, h - if (ab(t)) { - let m = ub(l, c) - ;(d = m), (h = m) - } else ({ startNode: d, endNode: h } = lb(l, c, t)) - return { rangeStart: Math.min(s(d), s(h)), rangeEnd: Math.max(o(d), o(h)) } - } - async function q2(e, t, n = 0) { - if (!e || e.trim().length === 0) return { formatted: '', cursorOffset: -1, comments: [] } - let { ast: r, text: i } = await No(e, t) - t.cursorOffset >= 0 && (t.cursorNode = ib(r, t)) - let s = await qu(r, t, n) - n > 0 && (s = D2([zr, s], n, t.tabWidth)) - let o = $u(s, t) - if (n > 0) { - let u = o.formatted.trim() - o.cursorNodeStart !== void 0 && (o.cursorNodeStart -= o.formatted.indexOf(u)), - (o.formatted = u + G1(t.endOfLine)) - } - let a = t[Symbol.for('comments')] - if (t.cursorOffset >= 0) { - let u, l, c, d, h - if ( - (t.cursorNode && o.cursorNodeText - ? ((u = t.locStart(t.cursorNode)), - (l = i.slice(u, t.locEnd(t.cursorNode))), - (c = t.cursorOffset - u), - (d = o.cursorNodeStart), - (h = o.cursorNodeText)) - : ((u = 0), (l = i), (c = t.cursorOffset), (d = 0), (h = o.formatted)), - l === h) - ) - return { formatted: o.formatted, cursorOffset: d + c, comments: a } - let m = l.split('') - m.splice(c, 0, Zm) - let g = h.split(''), - v = (0, e8.diffArrays)(m, g), - N = d - for (let _ of v) - if (_.removed) { - if (_.value.includes(Zm)) break - } else N += _.count - return { formatted: o.formatted, cursorOffset: N, comments: a } - } - return { formatted: o.formatted, cursorOffset: -1, comments: a } - } - async function pb(e, t) { - let { ast: n, text: r } = await No(e, t), - { rangeStart: i, rangeEnd: s } = db(r, t, n), - o = r.slice(i, s), - a = Math.min( - i, - r.lastIndexOf( - ` -`, - i - ) + 1 - ), - u = r.slice(a, i).match(/^\s*/)[0], - l = J1(u, t.tabWidth), - c = await q2( - o, - { - ...t, - rangeStart: 0, - rangeEnd: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, - cursorOffset: t.cursorOffset > i && t.cursorOffset <= s ? t.cursorOffset - i : -1, - endOfLine: 'lf' - }, - l - ), - d = c.formatted.trimEnd(), - { cursorOffset: h } = t - h > s ? (h += d.length - o.length) : c.cursorOffset >= 0 && (h = c.cursorOffset + i) - let m = r.slice(0, i) + d + r.slice(s) - if (t.endOfLine !== 'lf') { - let g = G1(t.endOfLine) - h >= 0 && - g === - `\r -` && - (h += u2( - m.slice(0, h), - ` -` - )), - (m = Bu( - !1, - m, - ` -`, - g - )) - } - return { formatted: m, cursorOffset: h, comments: c.comments } - } - function k1(e, t, n) { - return typeof t != 'number' || Number.isNaN(t) || t < 0 || t > e.length ? n : t - } - function e2(e, t) { - let { cursorOffset: n, rangeStart: r, rangeEnd: i } = t - return ( - (n = k1(e, n, -1)), - (r = k1(e, r, 0)), - (i = k1(e, i, e.length)), - { ...t, cursorOffset: n, rangeStart: r, rangeEnd: i } - ) - } - function G2(e, t) { - let { cursorOffset: n, rangeStart: r, rangeEnd: i, endOfLine: s } = e2(e, t), - o = e.charAt(0) === j2 - if ((o && ((e = e.slice(1)), n--, r--, i--), s === 'auto' && (s = t8(e)), e.includes('\r'))) { - let a = (u) => - u2( - e.slice(0, Math.max(u, 0)), - `\r -` - ) - ;(n -= a(n)), (r -= a(r)), (i -= a(i)), (e = n8(e)) - } - return { - hasBOM: o, - text: e, - options: e2(e, { ...t, cursorOffset: n, rangeStart: r, rangeEnd: i, endOfLine: s }) - } - } - async function t2(e, t) { - let n = await B2(t) - return !n.hasPragma || n.hasPragma(e) - } - async function H2(e, t) { - let { hasBOM: n, text: r, options: i } = G2(e, await fs(t)) - if ((i.rangeStart >= i.rangeEnd && r !== '') || (i.requirePragma && !(await t2(r, i)))) - return { formatted: e, cursorOffset: t.cursorOffset, comments: [] } - let s - return ( - i.rangeStart > 0 || i.rangeEnd < r.length - ? (s = await pb(r, i)) - : (!i.requirePragma && - i.insertPragma && - i.printer.insertPragma && - !(await t2(r, i)) && - (r = i.printer.insertPragma(r)), - (s = await q2(r, i))), - n && ((s.formatted = j2 + s.formatted), s.cursorOffset >= 0 && s.cursorOffset++), - s - ) - } - async function hb(e, t, n) { - let { text: r, options: i } = G2(e, await fs(t)), - s = await No(r, i) - return ( - n && - (n.preprocessForPrint && (s.ast = await U2(s.ast, i)), n.massage && (s.ast = ob(s.ast, i))), - s - ) - } - async function mb(e, t) { - t = await fs(t) - let n = await qu(e, t) - return $u(n, t) - } - async function gb(e, t) { - let n = v8(e), - { formatted: r } = await H2(n, { ...t, parser: '__js_expression' }) - return r - } - async function Db(e, t) { - t = await fs(t) - let { ast: n } = await No(e, t) - return qu(n, t) - } - async function vb(e, t) { - return $u(e, await fs(t)) - } - function xb(e, t) { - if (t === !1) return !1 - if (e.charAt(t) === '/' && e.charAt(t + 1) === '*') { - for (let n = t + 2; n < e.length; ++n) - if (e.charAt(n) === '*' && e.charAt(n + 1) === '/') return n + 2 - } - return t - } - function _b(e, t) { - return t === !1 ? !1 : e.charAt(t) === '/' && e.charAt(t + 1) === '/' ? N2(e, t) : t - } - function Nb(e, t) { - let n = null, - r = t - for (; r !== n; ) (n = r), (r = vr(e, r)), (r = nf(e, r)), (r = rf(e, r)), (r = Yr(e, r)) - return r - } - function Tb(e, t) { - let n = null, - r = t - for (; r !== n; ) (n = r), (r = _2(e, r)), (r = nf(e, r)), (r = vr(e, r)) - return (r = rf(e, r)), (r = Yr(e, r)), r !== !1 && Dr(e, r) - } - function Sb(e, t) { - let n = e.lastIndexOf(` -`) - return n === -1 ? 0 : J1(e.slice(n + 1).match(/^[\t ]*/)[0], t) - } - function Fb(e) { - if (typeof e != 'string') throw new TypeError('Expected a string') - return e.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g, '\\$&').replace(/-/g, '\\x2d') - } - function wb(e, t) { - let n = e.match(new RegExp(`(${Fb(t)})+`, 'g')) - return n === null ? 0 : n.reduce((r, i) => Math.max(r, i.length / t.length), 0) - } - function Cb(e, t) { - let n = sf(e, t) - return n === !1 ? '' : e.charAt(n) - } - function Rb(e, t, n) { - for (let r = t; r < n; ++r) - if ( - e.charAt(r) === - ` -` - ) - return !0 - return !1 - } - function Ob(e, t, n = {}) { - return vr(e, n.backwards ? t - 1 : t, n) !== t - } - function Pb(e, t, n) { - let r = t === '"' ? "'" : '"', - i = Bu(!1, e, /\\(.)|(["'])/gs, (s, o, a) => - o === r - ? o - : a === t - ? '\\' + a - : a || (n && /^[^\n\r"'0-7\\bfnrt-vx\u2028\u2029]$/.test(o) ? o : '\\' + o) - ) - return t + i + t - } - function Vb(e, t, n) { - return sf(e, n(t)) - } - function Ub(e, t) { - return arguments.length === 2 || typeof t == 'number' ? sf(e, t) : Vb(...arguments) - } - function $b(e, t, n) { - return Z1(e, n(t)) - } - function jb(e, t) { - return arguments.length === 2 || typeof t == 'number' ? Z1(e, t) : $b(...arguments) - } - function qb(e, t, n) { - return of(e, n(t)) - } - function Gb(e, t) { - return arguments.length === 2 || typeof t == 'number' ? of(e, t) : qb(...arguments) - } - function Qr(e, t = 1) { - return async (...n) => { - let r = n[t] ?? {}, - i = r.plugins ?? [] - return (n[t] = { ...r, plugins: Array.isArray(i) ? i : Object.values(i) }), e(...n) - } - } - async function uf(e, t) { - let { formatted: n } = await af(e, { ...t, cursorOffset: -1 }) - return n - } - async function Q2(e, t) { - return (await uf(e, t)) === e - } - var VD, - Mu, - UD, - $D, - jD, - qD, - n2, - GD, - yo, - Pu, - r2, - xo, - HD, - WD, - QD, - vo, - zD, - YD, - q1, - i2, - s2, - o2, - JD, - XD, - KD, - a2, - ZD, - Bu, - e8, - Jr, - Hn, - Xr, - Wn, - Qn, - zn, - $t, - Fn, - Jt, - Yn, - Jn, - Xn, - yt, - wn, - nn, - l2, - Kr, - i8, - o8, - ls, - Cm, - H1, - c2, - An, - W1, - h8, - Vu, - m8, - Q1, - p2, - h2, - g8, - zr, - m2, - M1, - b8, - gt, - E8, - _8, - N8, - z1, - Ut, - Sn, - Eo, - J1, - Hr, - V1, - Ru, - V8, - U8, - y2, - U1, - j8, - G8, - vr, - _2, - N2, - Yr, - Dr, - z8, - T2, - Y8, - ju, - w1, - L1, - A2, - Z1, - uv, - w2, - Om, - lv, - dv, - mv, - as, - Pm, - gv, - us, - C2, - ku, - Bm, - Dv, - Um, - I1, - $m, - k2, - bv, - br, - xv, - _v, - Nv, - Tv, - kv, - Ov, - Mv, - zm, - Pv, - Bv, - Vv, - Uv, - $v, - R1, - Hv, - Wv, - M2, - Ym, - fs, - Jv, - No, - nb, - ib, - ob, - ab, - $2, - fb, - j2, - Zm, - ef, - bb, - Eb, - yb, - W2, - tf, - nf, - rf, - sf, - of, - Ab, - Lb, - Ib, - kb, - Mb, - Bb, - af, - z2, - Y2, - Hb, - X2 = o4(() => { - ;(VD = Object.create), - (Mu = Object.defineProperty), - (UD = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor), - ($D = Object.getOwnPropertyNames), - (jD = Object.getPrototypeOf), - (qD = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty), - (n2 = (e) => { - throw TypeError(e) - }), - (GD = (e, t) => () => (e && (t = e((e = 0))), t)), - (yo = (e, t) => () => (t || e((t = { exports: {} }).exports, t), t.exports)), - (Pu = (e, t) => { - for (var n in t) Mu(e, n, { get: t[n], enumerable: !0 }) - }), - (r2 = (e, t, n, r) => { - if ((t && typeof t == 'object') || typeof t == 'function') - for (let i of $D(t)) - !qD.call(e, i) && - i !== n && - Mu(e, i, { get: () => t[i], enumerable: !(r = UD(t, i)) || r.enumerable }) - return e - }), - (xo = (e, t, n) => ( - (n = e != null ? VD(jD(e)) : {}), - r2(t || !e || !e.__esModule ? Mu(n, 'default', { value: e, enumerable: !0 }) : n, e) - )), - (HD = (e) => r2(Mu({}, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), e)), - (WD = (e, t, n) => t.has(e) || n2('Cannot ' + n)), - (QD = (e, t, n) => - t.has(e) - ? n2('Cannot add the same private member more than once') - : t instanceof WeakSet - ? t.add(e) - : t.set(e, n)), - (vo = (e, t, n) => (WD(e, t, 'access private method'), n)), - (zD = yo((e) => { - 'use strict' - Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (e.default = t) - function t() {} - t.prototype = { - diff: function (r, i) { - var s, - o = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : {}, - a = o.callback - typeof o == 'function' && ((a = o), (o = {})), (this.options = o) - var u = this - function l(M) { - return a - ? (setTimeout(function () { - a(void 0, M) - }, 0), - !0) - : M - } - ;(r = this.castInput(r)), - (i = this.castInput(i)), - (r = this.removeEmpty(this.tokenize(r))), - (i = this.removeEmpty(this.tokenize(i))) - var c = i.length, - d = r.length, - h = 1, - m = c + d - o.maxEditLength && (m = Math.min(m, o.maxEditLength)) - var g = (s = o.timeout) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : 1 / 0, - v = Date.now() + g, - N = [{ oldPos: -1, lastComponent: void 0 }], - _ = this.extractCommon(N[0], i, r, 0) - if (N[0].oldPos + 1 >= d && _ + 1 >= c) - return l([{ value: this.join(i), count: i.length }]) - var w = -1 / 0, - C = 1 / 0 - function S() { - for (var M = Math.max(w, -h); M <= Math.min(C, h); M += 2) { - var I = void 0, - B = N[M - 1], - L = N[M + 1] - B && (N[M - 1] = void 0) - var A = !1 - if (L) { - var X = L.oldPos - M - A = L && 0 <= X && X < c - } - var z = B && B.oldPos + 1 < d - if (!A && !z) { - N[M] = void 0 - continue - } - if ( - (!z || (A && B.oldPos + 1 < L.oldPos) - ? (I = u.addToPath(L, !0, void 0, 0)) - : (I = u.addToPath(B, void 0, !0, 1)), - (_ = u.extractCommon(I, i, r, M)), - I.oldPos + 1 >= d && _ + 1 >= c) - ) - return l(n(u, I.lastComponent, i, r, u.useLongestToken)) - ;(N[M] = I), - I.oldPos + 1 >= d && (C = Math.min(C, M - 1)), - _ + 1 >= c && (w = Math.max(w, M + 1)) - } - h++ - } - if (a) - (function M() { - setTimeout(function () { - if (h > m || Date.now() > v) return a() - S() || M() - }, 0) - })() - else - for (; h <= m && Date.now() <= v; ) { - var k = S() - if (k) return k - } - }, - addToPath: function (r, i, s, o) { - var a = r.lastComponent - return a && a.added === i && a.removed === s - ? { - oldPos: r.oldPos + o, - lastComponent: { - count: a.count + 1, - added: i, - removed: s, - previousComponent: a.previousComponent - } - } - : { - oldPos: r.oldPos + o, - lastComponent: { count: 1, added: i, removed: s, previousComponent: a } - } - }, - extractCommon: function (r, i, s, o) { - for ( - var a = i.length, u = s.length, l = r.oldPos, c = l - o, d = 0; - c + 1 < a && l + 1 < u && this.equals(i[c + 1], s[l + 1]); - - ) - c++, l++, d++ - return ( - d && (r.lastComponent = { count: d, previousComponent: r.lastComponent }), - (r.oldPos = l), - c - ) - }, - equals: function (r, i) { - return this.options.comparator - ? this.options.comparator(r, i) - : r === i || (this.options.ignoreCase && r.toLowerCase() === i.toLowerCase()) - }, - removeEmpty: function (r) { - for (var i = [], s = 0; s < r.length; s++) r[s] && i.push(r[s]) - return i - }, - castInput: function (r) { - return r - }, - tokenize: function (r) { - return r.split('') - }, - join: function (r) { - return r.join('') - } - } - function n(r, i, s, o, a) { - for (var u = [], l; i; ) - u.push(i), (l = i.previousComponent), delete i.previousComponent, (i = l) - u.reverse() - for (var c = 0, d = u.length, h = 0, m = 0; c < d; c++) { - var g = u[c] - if (g.removed) { - if ( - ((g.value = r.join(o.slice(m, m + g.count))), (m += g.count), c && u[c - 1].added) - ) { - var v = u[c - 1] - ;(u[c - 1] = u[c]), (u[c] = v) - } - } else { - if (!g.added && a) { - var N = s.slice(h, h + g.count) - ;(N = N.map(function (w, C) { - var S = o[m + C] - return S.length > w.length ? S : w - })), - (g.value = r.join(N)) - } else g.value = r.join(s.slice(h, h + g.count)) - ;(h += g.count), g.added || (m += g.count) - } - } - var _ = u[d - 1] - return ( - d > 1 && - typeof _.value == 'string' && - (_.added || _.removed) && - r.equals('', _.value) && - ((u[d - 2].value += _.value), u.pop()), - u - ) - } - })), - (YD = yo((e) => { - 'use strict' - Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), - (e.diffArrays = i), - (e.arrayDiff = void 0) - var t = n(zD()) - function n(s) { - return s && s.__esModule ? s : { default: s } - } - var r = new t.default() - ;(e.arrayDiff = r), - (r.tokenize = function (s) { - return s.slice() - }), - (r.join = r.removeEmpty = - function (s) { - return s - }) - function i(s, o, a) { - return r.diff(s, o, a) - } - })), - (q1 = yo((e, t) => { - 'use strict' - var n = new Proxy(String, { get: () => n }) - t.exports = n - })), - (i2 = {}) - Pu(i2, { default: () => o2, shouldHighlight: () => s2 }) - ;(JD = GD(() => { - ;(s2 = () => !1), (o2 = String) - })), - (XD = yo((e, t) => { - var n = String, - r = function () { - return { - isColorSupported: !1, - reset: n, - bold: n, - dim: n, - italic: n, - underline: n, - inverse: n, - hidden: n, - strikethrough: n, - black: n, - red: n, - green: n, - yellow: n, - blue: n, - magenta: n, - cyan: n, - white: n, - gray: n, - bgBlack: n, - bgRed: n, - bgGreen: n, - bgYellow: n, - bgBlue: n, - bgMagenta: n, - bgCyan: n, - bgWhite: n - } - } - ;(t.exports = r()), (t.exports.createColors = r) - })), - (KD = yo((e) => { - 'use strict' - Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), - (e.codeFrameColumns = m), - (e.default = g) - var t = (JD(), HD(i2)), - n = i(XD(), !0) - function r(v) { - if (typeof WeakMap != 'function') return null - var N = new WeakMap(), - _ = new WeakMap() - return (r = function (w) { - return w ? _ : N - })(v) - } - function i(v, N) { - if (!N && v && v.__esModule) return v - if (v === null || (typeof v != 'object' && typeof v != 'function')) - return { default: v } - var _ = r(N) - if (_ && _.has(v)) return _.get(v) - var w = { __proto__: null }, - C = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor - for (var S in v) - if (S !== 'default' && {}.hasOwnProperty.call(v, S)) { - var k = C ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(v, S) : null - k && (k.get || k.set) ? Object.defineProperty(w, S, k) : (w[S] = v[S]) - } - return (w.default = v), _ && _.set(v, w), w - } - var s = n.default, - o = (v, N) => (_) => v(N(_)), - a - function u(v) { - if (v) { - var N - return (N = a) != null || (a = (0, n.createColors)(!0)), a - } - return s - } - var l = !1 - function c(v) { - return { gutter: v.gray, marker: o(v.red, v.bold), message: o(v.red, v.bold) } - } - var d = /\r\n|[\n\r\u2028\u2029]/ - function h(v, N, _) { - let w = Object.assign({ column: 0, line: -1 }, v.start), - C = Object.assign({}, w, v.end), - { linesAbove: S = 2, linesBelow: k = 3 } = _ || {}, - M = w.line, - I = w.column, - B = C.line, - L = C.column, - A = Math.max(M - (S + 1), 0), - X = Math.min(N.length, B + k) - M === -1 && (A = 0), B === -1 && (X = N.length) - let z = B - M, - fe = {} - if (z) - for (let F = 0; F <= z; F++) { - let T = F + M - if (!I) fe[T] = !0 - else if (F === 0) { - let Q = N[T - 1].length - fe[T] = [I, Q - I + 1] - } else if (F === z) fe[T] = [0, L] - else { - let Q = N[T - F].length - fe[T] = [0, Q] - } - } - else I === L ? (I ? (fe[M] = [I, 0]) : (fe[M] = !0)) : (fe[M] = [I, L - I]) - return { start: A, end: X, markerLines: fe } - } - function m(v, N, _ = {}) { - let w = (_.highlightCode || _.forceColor) && (0, t.shouldHighlight)(_), - C = u(_.forceColor), - S = c(C), - k = (fe, F) => (w ? fe(F) : F), - M = v.split(d), - { start: I, end: B, markerLines: L } = h(N, M, _), - A = N.start && typeof N.start.column == 'number', - X = String(B).length, - z = (w ? (0, t.default)(v, _) : v) - .split(d, B) - .slice(I, B) - .map((fe, F) => { - let T = I + 1 + F, - Q = ` ${` ${T}`.slice(-X)} |`, - $ = L[T], - ee = !L[T + 1] - if ($) { - let ne = '' - if (Array.isArray($)) { - let se = fe.slice(0, Math.max($[0] - 1, 0)).replace(/[^\t]/g, ' '), - Ie = $[1] || 1 - ;(ne = [ - ` - `, - k(S.gutter, Q.replace(/\d/g, ' ')), - ' ', - se, - k(S.marker, '^').repeat(Ie) - ].join('')), - ee && _.message && (ne += ' ' + k(S.message, _.message)) - } - return [ - k(S.marker, '>'), - k(S.gutter, Q), - fe.length > 0 ? ` ${fe}` : '', - ne - ].join('') - } else return ` ${k(S.gutter, Q)}${fe.length > 0 ? ` ${fe}` : ''}` - }).join(` -`) - return ( - _.message && - !A && - (z = `${' '.repeat(X + 1)}${_.message} -${z}`), - w ? C.reset(z) : z - ) - } - function g(v, N, _, w = {}) { - if (!l) { - l = !0 - let C = - 'Passing lineNumber and colNumber is deprecated to @babel/code-frame. Please use `codeFrameColumns`.' - { - let S = new Error(C) - ;(S.name = 'DeprecationWarning'), console.warn(new Error(C)) - } - } - return (_ = Math.max(_, 0)), m(v, { start: { column: _, line: N } }, w) - } - })), - (a2 = {}) - Pu(a2, { - __debug: () => Y2, - check: () => Q2, - doc: () => ef, - format: () => uf, - formatWithCursor: () => af, - getSupportInfo: () => z2, - util: () => tf, - version: () => W2 - }) - ;(ZD = (e, t, n, r) => { - if (!(e && t == null)) - return t.replaceAll ? t.replaceAll(n, r) : n.global ? t.replace(n, r) : t.split(n).join(r) - }), - (Bu = ZD), - (e8 = xo(YD(), 1)) - ;(Jr = 'string'), - (Hn = 'array'), - (Xr = 'cursor'), - (Wn = 'indent'), - (Qn = 'align'), - (zn = 'trim'), - ($t = 'group'), - (Fn = 'fill'), - (Jt = 'if-break'), - (Yn = 'indent-if-break'), - (Jn = 'line-suffix'), - (Xn = 'line-suffix-boundary'), - (yt = 'line'), - (wn = 'label'), - (nn = 'break-parent'), - (l2 = new Set([Xr, Wn, Qn, zn, $t, Fn, Jt, Yn, Jn, Xn, yt, wn, nn])) - ;(Kr = r8), (i8 = (e) => new Intl.ListFormat('en-US', { type: 'disjunction' }).format(e)) - ;(o8 = class extends Error { - name = 'InvalidDocError' - constructor(e) { - super(s8(e)), (this.doc = e) - } - }), - (ls = o8), - (Cm = {}) - ;(H1 = a8), (c2 = () => {}), (An = c2), (W1 = c2) - ;(h8 = { type: Xn }), - (Vu = { type: nn }), - (m8 = { type: zn }), - (Q1 = { type: yt, hard: !0 }), - (p2 = { type: yt, hard: !0, literal: !0 }), - (h2 = { type: yt }), - (g8 = { type: yt, soft: !0 }), - (zr = [Q1, Vu]), - (m2 = [p2, Vu]), - (M1 = { type: Xr }) - ;(b8 = (e, t, n) => { - if (!(e && t == null)) - return Array.isArray(t) || typeof t == 'string' ? t[n < 0 ? t.length + n : n] : t.at(n) - }), - (gt = b8), - (E8 = () => - 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67(?:\u200D\uD83D[\uDC66\uDC67])?)|[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uDC66(?:\u200D\uD83D\uDC66)?|\uDC67(?:\u200D\uD83D[\uDC66\uDC67])?)|\uD83E(?:[\uDDAF\uDDBC\uDDBD](?:\u200D\u27A1\uFE0F?)?|[\uDDB0-\uDDB3]))|\uD83C(?:\uDFFB(?:\u200D(?:[\u2695\u2696\u2708]\uFE0F?|\u2764\uFE0F?\u200D\uD83D(?:\uDC8B\u200D\uD83D)?\uDC68\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF]|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF7C\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E(?:[\uDDAF\uDDBC\uDDBD](?:\u200D\u27A1\uFE0F?)?|[\uDDB0-\uDDB3]|\uDD1D\u200D\uD83D\uDC68\uD83C[\uDFFC-\uDFFF])))?|\uDFFC(?:\u200D(?:[\u2695\u2696\u2708]\uFE0F?|\u2764\uFE0F?\u200D\uD83D(?:\uDC8B\u200D\uD83D)?\uDC68\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF]|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF7C\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E(?:[\uDDAF\uDDBC\uDDBD](?:\u200D\u27A1\uFE0F?)?|[\uDDB0-\uDDB3]|\uDD1D\u200D\uD83D\uDC68\uD83C[\uDFFB\uDFFD-\uDFFF])))?|\uDFFD(?:\u200D(?:[\u2695\u2696\u2708]\uFE0F?|\u2764\uFE0F?\u200D\uD83D(?:\uDC8B\u200D\uD83D)?\uDC68\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF]|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF7C\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E(?:[\uDDAF\uDDBC\uDDBD](?:\u200D\u27A1\uFE0F?)?|[\uDDB0-\uDDB3]|\uDD1D\u200D\uD83D\uDC68\uD83C[\uDFFB\uDFFC\uDFFE\uDFFF])))?|\uDFFE(?:\u200D(?:[\u2695\u2696\u2708]\uFE0F?|\u2764\uFE0F?\u200D\uD83D(?:\uDC8B\u200D\uD83D)?\uDC68\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF]|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF7C\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E(?:[\uDDAF\uDDBC\uDDBD](?:\u200D\u27A1\uFE0F?)?|[\uDDB0-\uDDB3]|\uDD1D\u200D\uD83D\uDC68\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFD\uDFFF])))?|\uDFFF(?:\u200D(?:[\u2695\u2696\u2708]\uFE0F?|\u2764\uFE0F?\u200D\uD83D(?:\uDC8B\u200D\uD83D)?\uDC68\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF]|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF7C\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E(?:[\uDDAF\uDDBC\uDDBD](?:\u200D\u27A1\uFE0F?)?|[\uDDB0-\uDDB3]|\uDD1D\u200D\uD83D\uDC68\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFE])))?))?|\uDC69(?:\u200D(?:[\u2695\u2696\u2708]\uFE0F?|\u2764\uFE0F?\u200D\uD83D(?:\uDC8B\u200D\uD83D)?[\uDC68\uDC69]|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF7C\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D(?:[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uDC66(?:\u200D\uD83D\uDC66)?|\uDC67(?:\u200D\uD83D[\uDC66\uDC67])?|\uDC69\u200D\uD83D(?:\uDC66(?:\u200D\uD83D\uDC66)?|\uDC67(?:\u200D\uD83D[\uDC66\uDC67])?))|\uD83E(?:[\uDDAF\uDDBC\uDDBD](?:\u200D\u27A1\uFE0F?)?|[\uDDB0-\uDDB3]))|\uD83C(?:\uDFFB(?:\u200D(?:[\u2695\u2696\u2708]\uFE0F?|\u2764\uFE0F?\u200D\uD83D(?:[\uDC68\uDC69]|\uDC8B\u200D\uD83D[\uDC68\uDC69])\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF]|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF7C\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E(?:[\uDDAF\uDDBC\uDDBD](?:\u200D\u27A1\uFE0F?)?|[\uDDB0-\uDDB3]|\uDD1D\u200D\uD83D[\uDC68\uDC69]\uD83C[\uDFFC-\uDFFF])))?|\uDFFC(?:\u200D(?:[\u2695\u2696\u2708]\uFE0F?|\u2764\uFE0F?\u200D\uD83D(?:[\uDC68\uDC69]|\uDC8B\u200D\uD83D[\uDC68\uDC69])\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF]|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF7C\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E(?:[\uDDAF\uDDBC\uDDBD](?:\u200D\u27A1\uFE0F?)?|[\uDDB0-\uDDB3]|\uDD1D\u200D\uD83D[\uDC68\uDC69]\uD83C[\uDFFB\uDFFD-\uDFFF])))?|\uDFFD(?:\u200D(?:[\u2695\u2696\u2708]\uFE0F?|\u2764\uFE0F?\u200D\uD83D(?:[\uDC68\uDC69]|\uDC8B\u200D\uD83D[\uDC68\uDC69])\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF]|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF7C\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E(?:[\uDDAF\uDDBC\uDDBD](?:\u200D\u27A1\uFE0F?)?|[\uDDB0-\uDDB3]|\uDD1D\u200D\uD83D[\uDC68\uDC69]\uD83C[\uDFFB\uDFFC\uDFFE\uDFFF])))?|\uDFFE(?:\u200D(?:[\u2695\u2696\u2708]\uFE0F?|\u2764\uFE0F?\u200D\uD83D(?:[\uDC68\uDC69]|\uDC8B\u200D\uD83D[\uDC68\uDC69])\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF]|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF7C\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E(?:[\uDDAF\uDDBC\uDDBD](?:\u200D\u27A1\uFE0F?)?|[\uDDB0-\uDDB3]|\uDD1D\u200D\uD83D[\uDC68\uDC69]\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFD\uDFFF])))?|\uDFFF(?:\u200D(?:[\u2695\u2696\u2708]\uFE0F?|\u2764\uFE0F?\u200D\uD83D(?:[\uDC68\uDC69]|\uDC8B\u200D\uD83D[\uDC68\uDC69])\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF]|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF7C\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E(?:[\uDDAF\uDDBC\uDDBD](?:\u200D\u27A1\uFE0F?)?|[\uDDB0-\uDDB3]|\uDD1D\u200D\uD83D[\uDC68\uDC69]\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFE])))?))?|\uDC6F(?:\u200D[\u2640\u2642]\uFE0F?)?|\uDD75(?:\uFE0F|\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])?(?:\u200D[\u2640\u2642]\uFE0F?)?|\uDE2E(?:\u200D\uD83D\uDCA8)?|\uDE35(?:\u200D\uD83D\uDCAB)?|\uDE36(?:\u200D\uD83C\uDF2B\uFE0F?)?|\uDE42(?:\u200D[\u2194\u2195]\uFE0F?)?|\uDEB6(?:\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])?(?:\u200D(?:[\u2640\u2642]\uFE0F?(?:\u200D\u27A1\uFE0F?)?|\u27A1\uFE0F?))?)|\uD83E(?:[\uDD0C\uDD0F\uDD18-\uDD1F\uDD30-\uDD34\uDD36\uDD77\uDDB5\uDDB6\uDDBB\uDDD2\uDDD3\uDDD5\uDEC3-\uDEC5\uDEF0\uDEF2-\uDEF8](?:\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])?|[\uDD26\uDD35\uDD37-\uDD39\uDD3D\uDD3E\uDDB8\uDDB9\uDDCD\uDDCF\uDDD4\uDDD6-\uDDDD](?:\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])?(?:\u200D[\u2640\u2642]\uFE0F?)?|[\uDDDE\uDDDF](?:\u200D[\u2640\u2642]\uFE0F?)?|[\uDD0D\uDD0E\uDD10-\uDD17\uDD20-\uDD25\uDD27-\uDD2F\uDD3A\uDD3F-\uDD45\uDD47-\uDD76\uDD78-\uDDB4\uDDB7\uDDBA\uDDBC-\uDDCC\uDDD0\uDDE0-\uDDFF\uDE70-\uDE7C\uDE80-\uDE88\uDE90-\uDEBD\uDEBF-\uDEC2\uDECE-\uDEDB\uDEE0-\uDEE8]|\uDD3C(?:\u200D[\u2640\u2642]\uFE0F?|\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])?|\uDDCE(?:\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])?(?:\u200D(?:[\u2640\u2642]\uFE0F?(?:\u200D\u27A1\uFE0F?)?|\u27A1\uFE0F?))?|\uDDD1(?:\u200D(?:[\u2695\u2696\u2708]\uFE0F?|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF7C\uDF84\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E(?:[\uDDAF\uDDBC\uDDBD](?:\u200D\u27A1\uFE0F?)?|[\uDDB0-\uDDB3]|\uDD1D\u200D\uD83E\uDDD1|\uDDD1\u200D\uD83E\uDDD2(?:\u200D\uD83E\uDDD2)?|\uDDD2(?:\u200D\uD83E\uDDD2)?))|\uD83C(?:\uDFFB(?:\u200D(?:[\u2695\u2696\u2708]\uFE0F?|\u2764\uFE0F?\u200D(?:\uD83D\uDC8B\u200D)?\uD83E\uDDD1\uD83C[\uDFFC-\uDFFF]|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF7C\uDF84\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E(?:[\uDDAF\uDDBC\uDDBD](?:\u200D\u27A1\uFE0F?)?|[\uDDB0-\uDDB3]|\uDD1D\u200D\uD83E\uDDD1\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])))?|\uDFFC(?:\u200D(?:[\u2695\u2696\u2708]\uFE0F?|\u2764\uFE0F?\u200D(?:\uD83D\uDC8B\u200D)?\uD83E\uDDD1\uD83C[\uDFFB\uDFFD-\uDFFF]|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF7C\uDF84\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E(?:[\uDDAF\uDDBC\uDDBD](?:\u200D\u27A1\uFE0F?)?|[\uDDB0-\uDDB3]|\uDD1D\u200D\uD83E\uDDD1\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])))?|\uDFFD(?:\u200D(?:[\u2695\u2696\u2708]\uFE0F?|\u2764\uFE0F?\u200D(?:\uD83D\uDC8B\u200D)?\uD83E\uDDD1\uD83C[\uDFFB\uDFFC\uDFFE\uDFFF]|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF7C\uDF84\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E(?:[\uDDAF\uDDBC\uDDBD](?:\u200D\u27A1\uFE0F?)?|[\uDDB0-\uDDB3]|\uDD1D\u200D\uD83E\uDDD1\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])))?|\uDFFE(?:\u200D(?:[\u2695\u2696\u2708]\uFE0F?|\u2764\uFE0F?\u200D(?:\uD83D\uDC8B\u200D)?\uD83E\uDDD1\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFD\uDFFF]|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF7C\uDF84\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E(?:[\uDDAF\uDDBC\uDDBD](?:\u200D\u27A1\uFE0F?)?|[\uDDB0-\uDDB3]|\uDD1D\u200D\uD83E\uDDD1\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])))?|\uDFFF(?:\u200D(?:[\u2695\u2696\u2708]\uFE0F?|\u2764\uFE0F?\u200D(?:\uD83D\uDC8B\u200D)?\uD83E\uDDD1\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFE]|\uD83C[\uDF3E\uDF73\uDF7C\uDF84\uDF93\uDFA4\uDFA8\uDFEB\uDFED]|\uD83D[\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDD27\uDD2C\uDE80\uDE92]|\uD83E(?:[\uDDAF\uDDBC\uDDBD](?:\u200D\u27A1\uFE0F?)?|[\uDDB0-\uDDB3]|\uDD1D\u200D\uD83E\uDDD1\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFF])))?))?|\uDEF1(?:\uD83C(?:\uDFFB(?:\u200D\uD83E\uDEF2\uD83C[\uDFFC-\uDFFF])?|\uDFFC(?:\u200D\uD83E\uDEF2\uD83C[\uDFFB\uDFFD-\uDFFF])?|\uDFFD(?:\u200D\uD83E\uDEF2\uD83C[\uDFFB\uDFFC\uDFFE\uDFFF])?|\uDFFE(?:\u200D\uD83E\uDEF2\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFD\uDFFF])?|\uDFFF(?:\u200D\uD83E\uDEF2\uD83C[\uDFFB-\uDFFE])?))?)/g) - ;(_8 = (e) => !(y8(e) || x8(e))), (N8 = /[^\x20-\x7F]/) - z1 = T8 - ;(Ut = Symbol('MODE_BREAK')), (Sn = Symbol('MODE_FLAT')), (Eo = Symbol('cursor')) - ;(J1 = B8), - (V8 = class { - constructor(e) { - QD(this, Hr), (this.stack = [e]) - } - get key() { - let { stack: e, siblings: t } = this - return gt(!1, e, t === null ? -2 : -4) ?? null - } - get index() { - return this.siblings === null ? null : gt(!1, this.stack, -2) - } - get node() { - return gt(!1, this.stack, -1) - } - get parent() { - return this.getNode(1) - } - get grandparent() { - return this.getNode(2) - } - get isInArray() { - return this.siblings !== null - } - get siblings() { - let { stack: e } = this, - t = gt(!1, e, -3) - return Array.isArray(t) ? t : null - } - get next() { - let { siblings: e } = this - return e === null ? null : e[this.index + 1] - } - get previous() { - let { siblings: e } = this - return e === null ? null : e[this.index - 1] - } - get isFirst() { - return this.index === 0 - } - get isLast() { - let { siblings: e, index: t } = this - return e !== null && t === e.length - 1 - } - get isRoot() { - return this.stack.length === 1 - } - get root() { - return this.stack[0] - } - get ancestors() { - return [...vo(this, Hr, Ru).call(this)] - } - getName() { - let { stack: e } = this, - { length: t } = e - return t > 1 ? gt(!1, e, -2) : null - } - getValue() { - return gt(!1, this.stack, -1) - } - getNode(e = 0) { - let t = vo(this, Hr, V1).call(this, e) - return t === -1 ? null : this.stack[t] - } - getParentNode(e = 0) { - return this.getNode(e + 1) - } - call(e, ...t) { - let { stack: n } = this, - { length: r } = n, - i = gt(!1, n, -1) - for (let s of t) (i = i[s]), n.push(s, i) - try { - return e(this) - } finally { - n.length = r - } - } - callParent(e, t = 0) { - let n = vo(this, Hr, V1).call(this, t + 1), - r = this.stack.splice(n + 1) - try { - return e(this) - } finally { - this.stack.push(...r) - } - } - each(e, ...t) { - let { stack: n } = this, - { length: r } = n, - i = gt(!1, n, -1) - for (let s of t) (i = i[s]), n.push(s, i) - try { - for (let s = 0; s < i.length; ++s) n.push(s, i[s]), e(this, s, i), (n.length -= 2) - } finally { - n.length = r - } - } - map(e, ...t) { - let n = [] - return ( - this.each((r, i, s) => { - n[i] = e(r, i, s) - }, ...t), - n - ) - } - match(...e) { - let t = this.stack.length - 1, - n = null, - r = this.stack[t--] - for (let i of e) { - if (r === void 0) return !1 - let s = null - if ( - (typeof n == 'number' && ((s = n), (n = this.stack[t--]), (r = this.stack[t--])), - i && !i(r, n, s)) - ) - return !1 - ;(n = this.stack[t--]), (r = this.stack[t--]) - } - return !0 - } - findAncestor(e) { - for (let t of vo(this, Hr, Ru).call(this)) if (e(t)) return t - } - hasAncestor(e) { - for (let t of vo(this, Hr, Ru).call(this)) if (e(t)) return !0 - return !1 - } - }) - ;(Hr = new WeakSet()), - (V1 = function (e) { - let { stack: t } = this - for (let n = t.length - 1; n >= 0; n -= 2) if (!Array.isArray(t[n]) && --e < 0) return n - return -1 - }), - (Ru = function* () { - let { stack: e } = this - for (let t = e.length - 3; t >= 0; t -= 2) { - let n = e[t] - Array.isArray(n) || (yield n) - } - }) - ;(U8 = V8), (y2 = new Proxy(() => {}, { get: () => y2 })), (U1 = y2) - j8 = $8 - ;(G8 = _o(/\s/)), (vr = _o(' ')), (_2 = _o(',; ')), (N2 = _o(/[^\n\r]/)) - Yr = H8 - Dr = W8 - ;(z8 = Q8), - (T2 = new Set([ - 'tokens', - 'comments', - 'parent', - 'enclosingNode', - 'precedingNode', - 'followingNode' - ])), - (Y8 = (e) => Object.keys(e).filter((t) => !T2.has(t))) - ju = J8 - w1 = new WeakMap() - L1 = () => !1 - A2 = (e) => !/[\S\n\u2028\u2029]/.test(e) - Z1 = tv - ;(uv = av), - (w2 = class extends Error { - name = 'ConfigError' - }), - (Om = class extends Error { - name = 'UndefinedParserError' - }), - (lv = { - cursorOffset: { - category: 'Special', - type: 'int', - default: -1, - range: { start: -1, end: 1 / 0, step: 1 }, - description: - 'Print (to stderr) where a cursor at the given position would move to after formatting.', - cliCategory: 'Editor' - }, - endOfLine: { - category: 'Global', - type: 'choice', - default: 'lf', - description: 'Which end of line characters to apply.', - choices: [ - { - value: 'lf', - description: - 'Line Feed only (\\n), common on Linux and macOS as well as inside git repos' - }, - { - value: 'crlf', - description: 'Carriage Return + Line Feed characters (\\r\\n), common on Windows' - }, - { - value: 'cr', - description: 'Carriage Return character only (\\r), used very rarely' - }, - { - value: 'auto', - description: `Maintain existing -(mixed values within one file are normalised by looking at what's used after the first line)` - } - ] - }, - filepath: { - category: 'Special', - type: 'path', - description: 'Specify the input filepath. This will be used to do parser inference.', - cliName: 'stdin-filepath', - cliCategory: 'Other', - cliDescription: 'Path to the file to pretend that stdin comes from.' - }, - insertPragma: { - category: 'Special', - type: 'boolean', - default: !1, - description: "Insert @format pragma into file's first docblock comment.", - cliCategory: 'Other' - }, - parser: { - category: 'Global', - type: 'choice', - default: void 0, - description: 'Which parser to use.', - exception: (e) => typeof e == 'string' || typeof e == 'function', - choices: [ - { value: 'flow', description: 'Flow' }, - { value: 'babel', description: 'JavaScript' }, - { value: 'babel-flow', description: 'Flow' }, - { value: 'babel-ts', description: 'TypeScript' }, - { value: 'typescript', description: 'TypeScript' }, - { value: 'acorn', description: 'JavaScript' }, - { value: 'espree', description: 'JavaScript' }, - { value: 'meriyah', description: 'JavaScript' }, - { value: 'css', description: 'CSS' }, - { value: 'less', description: 'Less' }, - { value: 'scss', description: 'SCSS' }, - { value: 'json', description: 'JSON' }, - { value: 'json5', description: 'JSON5' }, - { value: 'jsonc', description: 'JSON with Comments' }, - { value: 'json-stringify', description: 'JSON.stringify' }, - { value: 'graphql', description: 'GraphQL' }, - { value: 'markdown', description: 'Markdown' }, - { value: 'mdx', description: 'MDX' }, - { value: 'vue', description: 'Vue' }, - { value: 'yaml', description: 'YAML' }, - { value: 'glimmer', description: 'Ember / Handlebars' }, - { value: 'html', description: 'HTML' }, - { value: 'angular', description: 'Angular' }, - { value: 'lwc', description: 'Lightning Web Components' } - ] - }, - plugins: { - type: 'path', - array: !0, - default: [{ value: [] }], - category: 'Global', - description: 'Add a plugin. Multiple plugins can be passed as separate `--plugin`s.', - exception: (e) => typeof e == 'string' || typeof e == 'object', - cliName: 'plugin', - cliCategory: 'Config' - }, - printWidth: { - category: 'Global', - type: 'int', - default: 80, - description: 'The line length where Prettier will try wrap.', - range: { start: 0, end: 1 / 0, step: 1 } - }, - rangeEnd: { - category: 'Special', - type: 'int', - default: 1 / 0, - range: { start: 0, end: 1 / 0, step: 1 }, - description: `Format code ending at a given character offset (exclusive). -The range will extend forwards to the end of the selected statement.`, - cliCategory: 'Editor' - }, - rangeStart: { - category: 'Special', - type: 'int', - default: 0, - range: { start: 0, end: 1 / 0, step: 1 }, - description: `Format code starting at a given character offset. -The range will extend backwards to the start of the first line containing the selected statement.`, - cliCategory: 'Editor' - }, - requirePragma: { - category: 'Special', - type: 'boolean', - default: !1, - description: `Require either '@prettier' or '@format' to be present in the file's first docblock comment -in order for it to be formatted.`, - cliCategory: 'Other' - }, - tabWidth: { - type: 'int', - category: 'Global', - default: 2, - description: 'Number of spaces per indentation level.', - range: { start: 0, end: 1 / 0, step: 1 } - }, - useTabs: { - category: 'Global', - type: 'boolean', - default: !1, - description: 'Indent with tabs instead of spaces.' - }, - embeddedLanguageFormatting: { - category: 'Global', - type: 'choice', - default: 'auto', - description: 'Control how Prettier formats quoted code embedded in the file.', - choices: [ - { - value: 'auto', - description: 'Format embedded code if Prettier can automatically identify it.' - }, - { value: 'off', description: 'Never automatically format embedded code.' } - ] - } - }) - dv = (e) => String(e).split(/[/\\]/).pop() - ;(mv = hv), - (as = { - key: (e) => (/^[$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9]*$/.test(e) ? e : JSON.stringify(e)), - value(e) { - if (e === null || typeof e != 'object') return JSON.stringify(e) - if (Array.isArray(e)) return `[${e.map((n) => as.value(n)).join(', ')}]` - let t = Object.keys(e) - return t.length === 0 - ? '{}' - : `{ ${t.map((n) => `${as.key(n)}: ${as.value(e[n])}`).join(', ')} }` - }, - pair: ({ key: e, value: t }) => as.value({ [e]: t }) - }), - (Pm = xo(q1(), 1)), - (gv = (e, t, { descriptor: n }) => { - let r = [ - `${Pm.default.yellow(typeof e == 'string' ? n.key(e) : n.pair(e))} is deprecated` - ] - return ( - t && - r.push( - `we now treat it as ${Pm.default.blue(typeof t == 'string' ? n.key(t) : n.pair(t))}` - ), - r.join('; ') + '.' - ) - }), - (us = xo(q1(), 1)), - (C2 = Symbol.for('vnopts.VALUE_NOT_EXIST')), - (ku = Symbol.for('vnopts.VALUE_UNCHANGED')), - (Bm = ' '.repeat(2)), - (Dv = (e, t, n) => { - let { text: r, list: i } = n.normalizeExpectedResult(n.schemas[e].expected(n)), - s = [] - return ( - r && s.push(Vm(e, t, r, n.descriptor)), - i && - s.push( - [Vm(e, t, i.title, n.descriptor)].concat( - i.values.map((o) => I2(o, n.loggerPrintWidth)) - ).join(` -`) - ), - R2(s, n.loggerPrintWidth) - ) - }) - ;(Um = xo(q1(), 1)), (I1 = []), ($m = []) - ;(k2 = (e, t, { descriptor: n, logger: r, schemas: i }) => { - let s = [`Ignored unknown option ${Um.default.yellow(n.pair({ key: e, value: t }))}.`], - o = Object.keys(i) - .sort() - .find((a) => vv(e, a) < 3) - o && s.push(`Did you mean ${Um.default.blue(n.key(o))}?`), r.warn(s.join(' ')) - }), - (bv = [ - 'default', - 'expected', - 'validate', - 'deprecated', - 'forward', - 'redirect', - 'overlap', - 'preprocess', - 'postprocess' - ]) - br = class { - static create(e) { - return Ev(this, e) - } - constructor(e) { - this.name = e.name - } - default(e) {} - expected(e) { - return 'nothing' - } - validate(e, t) { - return !1 - } - deprecated(e, t) { - return !1 - } - forward(e, t) {} - redirect(e, t) {} - overlap(e, t, n) { - return e - } - preprocess(e, t) { - return e - } - postprocess(e, t) { - return ku - } - } - ;(xv = class extends br { - constructor(e) { - super(e), (this._sourceName = e.sourceName) - } - expected(e) { - return e.schemas[this._sourceName].expected(e) - } - validate(e, t) { - return t.schemas[this._sourceName].validate(e, t) - } - redirect(e, t) { - return this._sourceName - } - }), - (_v = class extends br { - expected() { - return 'anything' - } - validate() { - return !0 - } - }), - (Nv = class extends br { - constructor({ valueSchema: e, name: t = e.name, ...n }) { - super({ ...n, name: t }), (this._valueSchema = e) - } - expected(e) { - let { text: t, list: n } = e.normalizeExpectedResult(this._valueSchema.expected(e)) - return { - text: t && `an array of ${t}`, - list: n && { title: 'an array of the following values', values: [{ list: n }] } - } - } - validate(e, t) { - if (!Array.isArray(e)) return !1 - let n = [] - for (let r of e) { - let i = t.normalizeValidateResult(this._valueSchema.validate(r, t), r) - i !== !0 && n.push(i.value) - } - return n.length === 0 ? !0 : { value: n } - } - deprecated(e, t) { - let n = [] - for (let r of e) { - let i = t.normalizeDeprecatedResult(this._valueSchema.deprecated(r, t), r) - i !== !1 && n.push(...i.map(({ value: s }) => ({ value: [s] }))) - } - return n - } - forward(e, t) { - let n = [] - for (let r of e) { - let i = t.normalizeForwardResult(this._valueSchema.forward(r, t), r) - n.push(...i.map(jm)) - } - return n - } - redirect(e, t) { - let n = [], - r = [] - for (let i of e) { - let s = t.normalizeRedirectResult(this._valueSchema.redirect(i, t), i) - 'remain' in s && n.push(s.remain), r.push(...s.redirect.map(jm)) - } - return n.length === 0 ? { redirect: r } : { redirect: r, remain: n } - } - overlap(e, t) { - return e.concat(t) - } - }) - Tv = class extends br { - expected() { - return 'true or false' - } - validate(e) { - return typeof e == 'boolean' - } - } - ;(kv = class extends br { - constructor(e) { - super(e), - (this._choices = Av( - e.choices.map((t) => (t && typeof t == 'object' ? t : { value: t })), - 'value' - )) - } - expected({ descriptor: e }) { - let t = Array.from(this._choices.keys()) - .map((i) => this._choices.get(i)) - .filter(({ hidden: i }) => !i) - .map((i) => i.value) - .sort(Cv) - .map(e.value), - n = t.slice(0, -2), - r = t.slice(-2) - return { - text: n.concat(r.join(' or ')).join(', '), - list: { title: 'one of the following values', values: t } - } - } - validate(e) { - return this._choices.has(e) - } - deprecated(e) { - let t = this._choices.get(e) - return t && t.deprecated ? { value: e } : !1 - } - forward(e) { - let t = this._choices.get(e) - return t ? t.forward : void 0 - } - redirect(e) { - let t = this._choices.get(e) - return t ? t.redirect : void 0 - } - }), - (Ov = class extends br { - expected() { - return 'a number' - } - validate(e, t) { - return typeof e == 'number' - } - }), - (Mv = class extends Ov { - expected() { - return 'an integer' - } - validate(e, t) { - return t.normalizeValidateResult(super.validate(e, t), e) === !0 && Lv(e) - } - }), - (zm = class extends br { - expected() { - return 'a string' - } - validate(e) { - return typeof e == 'string' - } - }), - (Pv = as), - (Bv = k2), - (Vv = Dv), - (Uv = gv), - ($v = class { - constructor(e, t) { - let { - logger: n = console, - loggerPrintWidth: r = 80, - descriptor: i = Pv, - unknown: s = Bv, - invalid: o = Vv, - deprecated: a = Uv, - missing: u = () => !1, - required: l = () => !1, - preprocess: c = (h) => h, - postprocess: d = () => ku - } = t || {} - ;(this._utils = { - descriptor: i, - logger: n || { warn: () => {} }, - loggerPrintWidth: r, - schemas: Sv(e, 'name'), - normalizeDefaultResult: qm, - normalizeExpectedResult: O2, - normalizeDeprecatedResult: Hm, - normalizeForwardResult: $1, - normalizeRedirectResult: Qm, - normalizeValidateResult: Gm - }), - (this._unknownHandler = s), - (this._invalidHandler = Iv(o)), - (this._deprecatedHandler = a), - (this._identifyMissing = (h, m) => !(h in m) || u(h, m)), - (this._identifyRequired = l), - (this._preprocess = c), - (this._postprocess = d), - this.cleanHistory() - } - cleanHistory() { - this._hasDeprecationWarned = Fv() - } - normalize(e) { - let t = {}, - n = [this._preprocess(e, this._utils)], - r = () => { - for (; n.length !== 0; ) { - let i = n.shift(), - s = this._applyNormalization(i, t) - n.push(...s) - } - } - r() - for (let i of Object.keys(this._utils.schemas)) { - let s = this._utils.schemas[i] - if (!(i in t)) { - let o = qm(s.default(this._utils)) - 'value' in o && n.push({ [i]: o.value }) - } - } - r() - for (let i of Object.keys(this._utils.schemas)) { - if (!(i in t)) continue - let s = this._utils.schemas[i], - o = t[i], - a = s.postprocess(o, this._utils) - a !== ku && (this._applyValidation(a, i, s), (t[i] = a)) - } - return this._applyPostprocess(t), this._applyRequiredCheck(t), t - } - _applyNormalization(e, t) { - let n = [], - { knownKeys: r, unknownKeys: i } = this._partitionOptionKeys(e) - for (let s of r) { - let o = this._utils.schemas[s], - a = o.preprocess(e[s], this._utils) - this._applyValidation(a, s, o) - let u = ({ from: d, to: h }) => { - n.push(typeof h == 'string' ? { [h]: d } : { [h.key]: h.value }) - }, - l = ({ value: d, redirectTo: h }) => { - let m = Hm(o.deprecated(d, this._utils), a, !0) - if (m !== !1) - if (m === !0) - this._hasDeprecationWarned(s) || - this._utils.logger.warn(this._deprecatedHandler(s, h, this._utils)) - else - for (let { value: g } of m) { - let v = { key: s, value: g } - if (!this._hasDeprecationWarned(v)) { - let N = typeof h == 'string' ? { key: h, value: g } : h - this._utils.logger.warn(this._deprecatedHandler(v, N, this._utils)) - } - } - } - $1(o.forward(a, this._utils), a).forEach(u) - let c = Qm(o.redirect(a, this._utils), a) - if ((c.redirect.forEach(u), 'remain' in c)) { - let d = c.remain - ;(t[s] = s in t ? o.overlap(t[s], d, this._utils) : d), l({ value: d }) - } - for (let { from: d, to: h } of c.redirect) l({ value: d, redirectTo: h }) - } - for (let s of i) { - let o = e[s] - this._applyUnknownHandler(s, o, t, (a, u) => { - n.push({ [a]: u }) - }) - } - return n - } - _applyRequiredCheck(e) { - for (let t of Object.keys(this._utils.schemas)) - if (this._identifyMissing(t, e) && this._identifyRequired(t)) - throw this._invalidHandler(t, C2, this._utils) - } - _partitionOptionKeys(e) { - let [t, n] = wv( - Object.keys(e).filter((r) => !this._identifyMissing(r, e)), - (r) => r in this._utils.schemas - ) - return { knownKeys: t, unknownKeys: n } - } - _applyValidation(e, t, n) { - let r = Gm(n.validate(e, this._utils), e) - if (r !== !0) throw this._invalidHandler(t, r.value, this._utils) - } - _applyUnknownHandler(e, t, n, r) { - let i = this._unknownHandler(e, t, this._utils) - if (i) - for (let s of Object.keys(i)) { - if (this._identifyMissing(s, i)) continue - let o = i[s] - s in this._utils.schemas ? r(s, o) : (n[s] = o) - } - } - _applyPostprocess(e) { - let t = this._postprocess(e, this._utils) - if (t !== ku) { - if (t.delete) for (let n of t.delete) delete e[n] - if (t.override) { - let { knownKeys: n, unknownKeys: r } = this._partitionOptionKeys(t.override) - for (let i of n) { - let s = t.override[i] - this._applyValidation(s, i, this._utils.schemas[i]), (e[i] = s) - } - for (let i of r) { - let s = t.override[i] - this._applyUnknownHandler(i, s, e, (o, a) => { - let u = this._utils.schemas[o] - this._applyValidation(a, o, u), (e[o] = a) - }) - } - } - } - } - }) - ;(Hv = jv), - (Wv = (e, t, n) => { - if (!(e && t == null)) { - if (t.findLast) return t.findLast(n) - for (let r = t.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) { - let i = t[r] - if (n(i, r, t)) return i - } - } - }), - (M2 = Wv) - Ym = { astFormat: 'estree', printer: {}, originalText: void 0, locStart: null, locEnd: null } - ;(fs = Yv), (Jv = xo(KD(), 1)) - No = Xv - nb = tb - ib = rb - ;(ob = sb), - (ab = ({ parser: e }) => - e === 'json' || e === 'json5' || e === 'jsonc' || e === 'json-stringify') - ;($2 = new Set([ - 'JsonRoot', - 'ObjectExpression', - 'ArrayExpression', - 'StringLiteral', - 'NumericLiteral', - 'BooleanLiteral', - 'NullLiteral', - 'UnaryExpression', - 'TemplateLiteral' - ])), - (fb = new Set([ - 'OperationDefinition', - 'FragmentDefinition', - 'VariableDefinition', - 'TypeExtensionDefinition', - 'ObjectTypeDefinition', - 'FieldDefinition', - 'DirectiveDefinition', - 'EnumTypeDefinition', - 'EnumValueDefinition', - 'InputValueDefinition', - 'InputObjectTypeDefinition', - 'SchemaDefinition', - 'OperationTypeDefinition', - 'InterfaceTypeDefinition', - 'UnionTypeDefinition', - 'ScalarTypeDefinition' - ])) - ;(j2 = '\uFEFF'), (Zm = Symbol('cursor')) - ef = {} - Pu(ef, { builders: () => bb, printer: () => Eb, utils: () => yb }) - ;(bb = { - join: g2, - line: h2, - softline: g8, - hardline: zr, - literalline: m2, - group: f2, - conditionalGroup: f8, - fill: d2, - lineSuffix: O1, - lineSuffixBoundary: h8, - cursor: M1, - breakParent: Vu, - ifBreak: d8, - trim: m8, - indent: Ou, - indentIfBreak: p8, - align: cs, - addAlignmentToDoc: D2, - markAsRoot: l8, - dedentToRoot: u8, - dedent: c8, - hardlineWithoutBreakParent: Q1, - literallineWithoutBreakParent: p2, - label: D8, - concat: (e) => e - }), - (Eb = { printDocToString: $u }), - (yb = { - willBreak: A8, - traverseDoc: H1, - findInDoc: Y1, - mapDoc: Uu, - removeLines: L8, - stripTrailingHardline: v2, - replaceEndOfLine: R8, - canBreak: O8 - }), - (W2 = '3.3.2'), - (tf = {}) - Pu(tf, { - addDanglingComment: () => Wr, - addLeadingComment: () => ss, - addTrailingComment: () => os, - getAlignmentSize: () => J1, - getIndentSize: () => Ab, - getMaxContinuousCount: () => Lb, - getNextNonSpaceNonCommentCharacter: () => Ib, - getNextNonSpaceNonCommentCharacterIndex: () => Ub, - getStringWidth: () => z1, - hasNewline: () => Dr, - hasNewlineInRange: () => kb, - hasSpaces: () => Mb, - isNextLineEmpty: () => Gb, - isNextLineEmptyAfterIndex: () => of, - isPreviousLineEmpty: () => jb, - makeString: () => Bb, - skip: () => _o, - skipEverythingButNewLine: () => N2, - skipInlineComment: () => nf, - skipNewline: () => Yr, - skipSpaces: () => vr, - skipToLineEnd: () => _2, - skipTrailingComment: () => rf, - skipWhitespace: () => G8 - }) - nf = xb - rf = _b - sf = Nb - of = Tb - Ab = Sb - Lb = wb - Ib = Cb - kb = Rb - Mb = Ob - Bb = Pb - af = Qr(H2) - ;(z2 = Qr(L2, 0)), - (Y2 = { - parse: Qr(hb), - formatAST: Qr(mb), - formatDoc: Qr(gb), - printToDoc: Qr(Db), - printDocToString: Qr(vb) - }), - (Hb = a2) - }) - var eg = Kn((Z2, lf) => { - ;(function (e) { - function t() { - var r = e() - return r.default || r - } - if (typeof Z2 == 'object' && typeof lf == 'object') lf.exports = t() - else if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) define(t) - else { - var n = - typeof globalThis < 'u' - ? globalThis - : typeof global < 'u' - ? global - : typeof self < 'u' - ? self - : this || {} - ;(n.prettierPlugins = n.prettierPlugins || {}), (n.prettierPlugins.graphql = t()) - } - })(function () { - 'use strict' - var e = Object.defineProperty, - t = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, - n = Object.getOwnPropertyNames, - r = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, - i = (f, D) => { - for (var b in D) e(f, b, { get: D[b], enumerable: !0 }) - }, - s = (f, D, b, x) => { - if ((D && typeof D == 'object') || typeof D == 'function') - for (let y of n(D)) - !r.call(f, y) && - y !== b && - e(f, y, { get: () => D[y], enumerable: !(x = t(D, y)) || x.enumerable }) - return f - }, - o = (f) => s(e({}, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), f), - a = {} - i(a, { languages: () => pg, options: () => gg, parsers: () => gf, printers: () => e4 }) - var u = (f, D, b, x) => { - if (!(f && D == null)) - return D.replaceAll - ? D.replaceAll(b, x) - : b.global - ? D.replace(b, x) - : D.split(b).join(x) - }, - l = u, - c = 'indent', - d = 'group', - h = 'if-break', - m = 'line', - g = 'break-parent', - v = () => {}, - N = v, - _ = v - function w(f) { - return N(f), { type: c, contents: f } - } - function C(f, D = {}) { - return ( - N(f), - _(D.expandedStates, !0), - { - type: d, - id: D.id, - contents: f, - break: !!D.shouldBreak, - expandedStates: D.expandedStates - } - ) - } - function S(f, D = '', b = {}) { - return ( - N(f), D !== '' && N(D), { type: h, breakContents: f, flatContents: D, groupId: b.groupId } - ) - } - var k = { type: g }, - M = { type: m, hard: !0 }, - I = { type: m }, - B = { type: m, soft: !0 }, - L = [M, k] - function A(f, D) { - N(f), _(D) - let b = [] - for (let x = 0; x < D.length; x++) x !== 0 && b.push(f), b.push(D[x]) - return b - } - function X(f) { - return (D, b, x) => { - let y = !!(x != null && x.backwards) - if (b === !1) return !1 - let { length: V } = D, - ie = b - for (; ie >= 0 && ie < V; ) { - let Ae = D.charAt(ie) - if (f instanceof RegExp) { - if (!f.test(Ae)) return ie - } else if (!f.includes(Ae)) return ie - y ? ie-- : ie++ - } - return ie === -1 || ie === V ? ie : !1 - } - } - var z = X(/\s/), - fe = X(' '), - F = X(',; '), - T = X(/[^\n\r]/) - function Q(f, D, b) { - let x = !!(b != null && b.backwards) - if (D === !1) return !1 - let y = f.charAt(D) - if (x) { - if ( - f.charAt(D - 1) === '\r' && - y === - ` -` - ) - return D - 2 - if ( - y === - ` -` || - y === '\r' || - y === '\u2028' || - y === '\u2029' - ) - return D - 1 - } else { - if ( - y === '\r' && - f.charAt(D + 1) === - ` -` - ) - return D + 2 - if ( - y === - ` -` || - y === '\r' || - y === '\u2028' || - y === '\u2029' - ) - return D + 1 - } - return D - } - var $ = Q - function ee(f, D, b = {}) { - let x = fe(f, b.backwards ? D - 1 : D, b), - y = $(f, x, b) - return x !== y - } - var ne = ee - function se(f, D) { - if (D === !1) return !1 - if (f.charAt(D) === '/' && f.charAt(D + 1) === '*') { - for (let b = D + 2; b < f.length; ++b) - if (f.charAt(b) === '*' && f.charAt(b + 1) === '/') return b + 2 - } - return D - } - var Ie = se - function P(f, D) { - return D === !1 ? !1 : f.charAt(D) === '/' && f.charAt(D + 1) === '/' ? T(f, D) : D - } - var Z = P - function J(f, D) { - let b = null, - x = D - for (; x !== b; ) (b = x), (x = F(f, x)), (x = Ie(f, x)), (x = fe(f, x)) - return (x = Z(f, x)), (x = $(f, x)), x !== !1 && ne(f, x) - } - var G = J - function _e(f) { - return Array.isArray(f) && f.length > 0 - } - var Re = _e, - H = class extends Error { - name = 'UnexpectedNodeError' - constructor(f, D, b = 'type') { - super(`Unexpected ${D} node ${b}: ${JSON.stringify(f[b])}.`), (this.node = f) - } - }, - Ne = H, - Y = null - function de(f) { - if (Y !== null && typeof Y.property) { - let D = Y - return (Y = de.prototype = null), D - } - return (Y = de.prototype = f ?? Object.create(null)), new de() - } - var Te = 10 - for (let f = 0; f <= Te; f++) de() - function Dt(f) { - return de(f) - } - function Ye(f, D = 'type') { - Dt(f) - function b(x) { - let y = x[D], - V = f[y] - if (!Array.isArray(V)) - throw Object.assign(new Error(`Missing visitor keys for '${y}'.`), { node: x }) - return V - } - return b - } - var ds = Ye, - Zr = class { - constructor(f, D, b) { - ;(this.start = f.start), - (this.end = D.end), - (this.startToken = f), - (this.endToken = D), - (this.source = b) - } - get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { - return 'Location' - } - toJSON() { - return { start: this.start, end: this.end } - } - }, - cf = class { - constructor(f, D, b, x, y, V) { - ;(this.kind = f), - (this.start = D), - (this.end = b), - (this.line = x), - (this.column = y), - (this.value = V), - (this.prev = null), - (this.next = null) - } - get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { - return 'Token' - } - toJSON() { - return { kind: this.kind, value: this.value, line: this.line, column: this.column } - } - }, - ff = { - Name: [], - Document: ['definitions'], - OperationDefinition: ['name', 'variableDefinitions', 'directives', 'selectionSet'], - VariableDefinition: ['variable', 'type', 'defaultValue', 'directives'], - Variable: ['name'], - SelectionSet: ['selections'], - Field: ['alias', 'name', 'arguments', 'directives', 'selectionSet'], - Argument: ['name', 'value'], - FragmentSpread: ['name', 'directives'], - InlineFragment: ['typeCondition', 'directives', 'selectionSet'], - FragmentDefinition: [ - 'name', - 'variableDefinitions', - 'typeCondition', - 'directives', - 'selectionSet' - ], - IntValue: [], - FloatValue: [], - StringValue: [], - BooleanValue: [], - NullValue: [], - EnumValue: [], - ListValue: ['values'], - ObjectValue: ['fields'], - ObjectField: ['name', 'value'], - Directive: ['name', 'arguments'], - NamedType: ['name'], - ListType: ['type'], - NonNullType: ['type'], - SchemaDefinition: ['description', 'directives', 'operationTypes'], - OperationTypeDefinition: ['type'], - ScalarTypeDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'directives'], - ObjectTypeDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'interfaces', 'directives', 'fields'], - FieldDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'arguments', 'type', 'directives'], - InputValueDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'type', 'defaultValue', 'directives'], - InterfaceTypeDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'interfaces', 'directives', 'fields'], - UnionTypeDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'directives', 'types'], - EnumTypeDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'directives', 'values'], - EnumValueDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'directives'], - InputObjectTypeDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'directives', 'fields'], - DirectiveDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'arguments', 'locations'], - SchemaExtension: ['directives', 'operationTypes'], - ScalarTypeExtension: ['name', 'directives'], - ObjectTypeExtension: ['name', 'interfaces', 'directives', 'fields'], - InterfaceTypeExtension: ['name', 'interfaces', 'directives', 'fields'], - UnionTypeExtension: ['name', 'directives', 'types'], - EnumTypeExtension: ['name', 'directives', 'values'], - InputObjectTypeExtension: ['name', 'directives', 'fields'] - }, - Wb = new Set(Object.keys(ff)), - ei - ;(function (f) { - ;(f.QUERY = 'query'), (f.MUTATION = 'mutation'), (f.SUBSCRIPTION = 'subscription') - })(ei || (ei = {})) - var tg = ds(ff, 'kind'), - ng = tg - function df(f) { - return f.loc.start - } - function pf(f) { - return f.loc.end - } - function rg(f) { - return /^\s*#[^\S\n]*@(?:format|prettier)\s*(?:\n|$)/.test(f) - } - function ig(f) { - return ( - `# @format - -` + f - ) - } - function sg(f, D, b) { - let { node: x } = f - if (!x.description) return '' - let y = [b('description')] - return x.kind === 'InputValueDefinition' && !x.description.block ? y.push(I) : y.push(L), y - } - var Ln = sg - function og(f, D, b) { - let { node: x } = f - switch (x.kind) { - case 'Document': - return [...A(L, fn(f, D, b, 'definitions')), L] - case 'OperationDefinition': { - let y = D.originalText[df(x)] !== '{', - V = !!x.name - return [ - y ? x.operation : '', - y && V ? [' ', b('name')] : '', - y && !V && Re(x.variableDefinitions) ? ' ' : '', - hf(f, b), - Ft(f, b, x), - !y && !V ? '' : ' ', - b('selectionSet') - ] - } - case 'FragmentDefinition': - return [ - 'fragment ', - b('name'), - hf(f, b), - ' on ', - b('typeCondition'), - Ft(f, b, x), - ' ', - b('selectionSet') - ] - case 'SelectionSet': - return ['{', w([L, A(L, fn(f, D, b, 'selections'))]), L, '}'] - case 'Field': - return C([ - x.alias ? [b('alias'), ': '] : '', - b('name'), - x.arguments.length > 0 - ? C(['(', w([B, A([S('', ', '), B], fn(f, D, b, 'arguments'))]), B, ')']) - : '', - Ft(f, b, x), - x.selectionSet ? ' ' : '', - b('selectionSet') - ]) - case 'Name': - return x.value - case 'StringValue': - if (x.block) { - let y = l(!1, x.value, '"""', String.raw`\"""`).split(` -`) - return ( - y.length === 1 && (y[0] = y[0].trim()), - y.every((V) => V === '') && (y.length = 0), - A(L, ['"""', ...y, '"""']) - ) - } - return [ - '"', - l( - !1, - l(!1, x.value, /["\\]/g, String.raw`\$&`), - ` -`, - String.raw`\n` - ), - '"' - ] - case 'IntValue': - case 'FloatValue': - case 'EnumValue': - return x.value - case 'BooleanValue': - return x.value ? 'true' : 'false' - case 'NullValue': - return 'null' - case 'Variable': - return ['$', b('name')] - case 'ListValue': - return C(['[', w([B, A([S('', ', '), B], f.map(b, 'values'))]), B, ']']) - case 'ObjectValue': { - let y = D.bracketSpacing && x.fields.length > 0 ? ' ' : '' - return C(['{', y, w([B, A([S('', ', '), B], f.map(b, 'fields'))]), B, S('', y), '}']) - } - case 'ObjectField': - case 'Argument': - return [b('name'), ': ', b('value')] - case 'Directive': - return [ - '@', - b('name'), - x.arguments.length > 0 - ? C(['(', w([B, A([S('', ', '), B], fn(f, D, b, 'arguments'))]), B, ')']) - : '' - ] - case 'NamedType': - return b('name') - case 'VariableDefinition': - return [ - b('variable'), - ': ', - b('type'), - x.defaultValue ? [' = ', b('defaultValue')] : '', - Ft(f, b, x) - ] - case 'ObjectTypeExtension': - case 'ObjectTypeDefinition': - case 'InputObjectTypeExtension': - case 'InputObjectTypeDefinition': - case 'InterfaceTypeExtension': - case 'InterfaceTypeDefinition': { - let { kind: y } = x, - V = [] - return ( - y.endsWith('TypeDefinition') ? V.push(Ln(f, D, b)) : V.push('extend '), - y.startsWith('ObjectType') - ? V.push('type') - : y.startsWith('InputObjectType') - ? V.push('input') - : V.push('interface'), - V.push(' ', b('name')), - !y.startsWith('InputObjectType') && - x.interfaces.length > 0 && - V.push(' implements ', ...lg(f, D, b)), - V.push(Ft(f, b, x)), - x.fields.length > 0 && V.push([' {', w([L, A(L, fn(f, D, b, 'fields'))]), L, '}']), - V - ) - } - case 'FieldDefinition': - return [ - Ln(f, D, b), - b('name'), - x.arguments.length > 0 - ? C(['(', w([B, A([S('', ', '), B], fn(f, D, b, 'arguments'))]), B, ')']) - : '', - ': ', - b('type'), - Ft(f, b, x) - ] - case 'DirectiveDefinition': - return [ - Ln(f, D, b), - 'directive ', - '@', - b('name'), - x.arguments.length > 0 - ? C(['(', w([B, A([S('', ', '), B], fn(f, D, b, 'arguments'))]), B, ')']) - : '', - x.repeatable ? ' repeatable' : '', - ' on ', - ...A(' | ', f.map(b, 'locations')) - ] - case 'EnumTypeExtension': - case 'EnumTypeDefinition': - return [ - Ln(f, D, b), - x.kind === 'EnumTypeExtension' ? 'extend ' : '', - 'enum ', - b('name'), - Ft(f, b, x), - x.values.length > 0 ? [' {', w([L, A(L, fn(f, D, b, 'values'))]), L, '}'] : '' - ] - case 'EnumValueDefinition': - return [Ln(f, D, b), b('name'), Ft(f, b, x)] - case 'InputValueDefinition': - return [ - Ln(f, D, b), - b('name'), - ': ', - b('type'), - x.defaultValue ? [' = ', b('defaultValue')] : '', - Ft(f, b, x) - ] - case 'SchemaExtension': - return [ - 'extend schema', - Ft(f, b, x), - ...(x.operationTypes.length > 0 - ? [' {', w([L, A(L, fn(f, D, b, 'operationTypes'))]), L, '}'] - : []) - ] - case 'SchemaDefinition': - return [ - Ln(f, D, b), - 'schema', - Ft(f, b, x), - ' {', - x.operationTypes.length > 0 ? w([L, A(L, fn(f, D, b, 'operationTypes'))]) : '', - L, - '}' - ] - case 'OperationTypeDefinition': - return [x.operation, ': ', b('type')] - case 'FragmentSpread': - return ['...', b('name'), Ft(f, b, x)] - case 'InlineFragment': - return [ - '...', - x.typeCondition ? [' on ', b('typeCondition')] : '', - Ft(f, b, x), - ' ', - b('selectionSet') - ] - case 'UnionTypeExtension': - case 'UnionTypeDefinition': - return C([ - Ln(f, D, b), - C([ - x.kind === 'UnionTypeExtension' ? 'extend ' : '', - 'union ', - b('name'), - Ft(f, b, x), - x.types.length > 0 - ? [' =', S('', ' '), w([S([I, '| ']), A([I, '| '], f.map(b, 'types'))])] - : '' - ]) - ]) - case 'ScalarTypeExtension': - case 'ScalarTypeDefinition': - return [ - Ln(f, D, b), - x.kind === 'ScalarTypeExtension' ? 'extend ' : '', - 'scalar ', - b('name'), - Ft(f, b, x) - ] - case 'NonNullType': - return [b('type'), '!'] - case 'ListType': - return ['[', b('type'), ']'] - default: - throw new Ne(x, 'Graphql', 'kind') - } - } - function Ft(f, D, b) { - if (b.directives.length === 0) return '' - let x = A(I, f.map(D, 'directives')) - return b.kind === 'FragmentDefinition' || b.kind === 'OperationDefinition' - ? C([I, x]) - : [' ', C(w([B, x]))] - } - function fn(f, D, b, x) { - return f.map(({ isLast: y, node: V }) => { - let ie = b() - return !y && G(D.originalText, pf(V)) ? [ie, L] : ie - }, x) - } - function ag(f) { - return f.kind !== 'Comment' - } - function ug(f) { - let D = f.node - if (D.kind === 'Comment') return '#' + D.value.trimEnd() - throw new Error('Not a comment: ' + JSON.stringify(D)) - } - function lg(f, D, b) { - let { node: x } = f, - y = [], - { interfaces: V } = x, - ie = f.map(b, 'interfaces') - for (let Ae = 0; Ae < V.length; Ae++) { - let Qe = V[Ae] - y.push(ie[Ae]) - let Rt = V[Ae + 1] - if (Rt) { - let xt = D.originalText.slice(Qe.loc.end, Rt.loc.start).includes('#') - y.push(' &', xt ? I : ' ') - } - } - return y - } - function hf(f, D) { - let { node: b } = f - return Re(b.variableDefinitions) - ? C(['(', w([B, A([S('', ', '), B], f.map(D, 'variableDefinitions'))]), B, ')']) - : '' - } - function mf(f, D) { - f.kind === 'StringValue' && - f.block && - !f.value.includes(` -`) && - (D.value = f.value.trim()) - } - mf.ignoredProperties = new Set(['loc', 'comments']) - function cg(f) { - var D - let { node: b } = f - return (D = b?.comments) == null - ? void 0 - : D.some((x) => x.value.trim() === 'prettier-ignore') - } - var fg = { - print: og, - massageAstNode: mf, - hasPrettierIgnore: cg, - insertPragma: ig, - printComment: ug, - canAttachComment: ag, - getVisitorKeys: ng - }, - dg = fg, - pg = [ - { - linguistLanguageId: 139, - name: 'GraphQL', - type: 'data', - color: '#e10098', - extensions: ['.graphql', '.gql', '.graphqls'], - tmScope: 'source.graphql', - aceMode: 'text', - parsers: ['graphql'], - vscodeLanguageIds: ['graphql'] - } - ], - hg = { - bracketSpacing: { - category: 'Common', - type: 'boolean', - default: !0, - description: 'Print spaces between brackets.', - oppositeDescription: 'Do not print spaces between brackets.' - }, - singleQuote: { - category: 'Common', - type: 'boolean', - default: !1, - description: 'Use single quotes instead of double quotes.' - }, - proseWrap: { - category: 'Common', - type: 'choice', - default: 'preserve', - description: 'How to wrap prose.', - choices: [ - { value: 'always', description: 'Wrap prose if it exceeds the print width.' }, - { value: 'never', description: 'Do not wrap prose.' }, - { value: 'preserve', description: 'Wrap prose as-is.' } - ] - }, - bracketSameLine: { - category: 'Common', - type: 'boolean', - default: !1, - description: 'Put > of opening tags on the last line instead of on a new line.' - }, - singleAttributePerLine: { - category: 'Common', - type: 'boolean', - default: !1, - description: 'Enforce single attribute per line in HTML, Vue and JSX.' - } - }, - mg = { bracketSpacing: hg.bracketSpacing }, - gg = mg, - gf = {} - i(gf, { graphql: () => Zg }) - function Dg(f) { - return typeof f == 'object' && f !== null - } - function vg(f, D) { - if (!f) throw new Error(D ?? 'Unexpected invariant triggered.') - } - var bg = /\r\n|[\n\r]/g - function Hu(f, D) { - let b = 0, - x = 1 - for (let y of f.body.matchAll(bg)) { - if ((typeof y.index == 'number' || vg(!1), y.index >= D)) break - ;(b = y.index + y[0].length), (x += 1) - } - return { line: x, column: D + 1 - b } - } - function Eg(f) { - return Df(f.source, Hu(f.source, f.start)) - } - function Df(f, D) { - let b = f.locationOffset.column - 1, - x = ''.padStart(b) + f.body, - y = D.line - 1, - V = f.locationOffset.line - 1, - ie = D.line + V, - Ae = D.line === 1 ? b : 0, - Qe = D.column + Ae, - Rt = `${f.name}:${ie}:${Qe} -`, - xt = x.split(/\r\n|[\n\r]/g), - ni = xt[y] - if (ni.length > 120) { - let Cn = Math.floor(Qe / 80), - Yu = Qe % 80, - wt = [] - for (let ri = 0; ri < ni.length; ri += 80) wt.push(ni.slice(ri, ri + 80)) - return ( - Rt + - vf([ - [`${ie} |`, wt[0]], - ...wt.slice(1, Cn + 1).map((ri) => ['|', ri]), - ['|', '^'.padStart(Yu)], - ['|', wt[Cn + 1]] - ]) - ) - } - return ( - Rt + - vf([ - [`${ie - 1} |`, xt[y - 1]], - [`${ie} |`, ni], - ['|', '^'.padStart(Qe)], - [`${ie + 1} |`, xt[y + 1]] - ]) - ) - } - function vf(f) { - let D = f.filter(([x, y]) => y !== void 0), - b = Math.max(...D.map(([x]) => x.length)) - return D.map(([x, y]) => x.padStart(b) + (y ? ' ' + y : '')).join(` -`) - } - function yg(f) { - let D = f[0] - return D == null || 'kind' in D || 'length' in D - ? { - nodes: D, - source: f[1], - positions: f[2], - path: f[3], - originalError: f[4], - extensions: f[5] - } - : D - } - var xg = class K2 extends Error { - constructor(D, ...b) { - var x, y, V - let { - nodes: ie, - source: Ae, - positions: Qe, - path: Rt, - originalError: xt, - extensions: ni - } = yg(b) - super(D), - (this.name = 'GraphQLError'), - (this.path = Rt ?? void 0), - (this.originalError = xt ?? void 0), - (this.nodes = bf(Array.isArray(ie) ? ie : ie ? [ie] : void 0)) - let Cn = bf( - (x = this.nodes) === null || x === void 0 - ? void 0 - : x.map((wt) => wt.loc).filter((wt) => wt != null) - ) - ;(this.source = - Ae ?? (Cn == null || (y = Cn[0]) === null || y === void 0 ? void 0 : y.source)), - (this.positions = Qe ?? Cn?.map((wt) => wt.start)), - (this.locations = - Qe && Ae ? Qe.map((wt) => Hu(Ae, wt)) : Cn?.map((wt) => Hu(wt.source, wt.start))) - let Yu = Dg(xt?.extensions) ? xt?.extensions : void 0 - ;(this.extensions = (V = ni ?? Yu) !== null && V !== void 0 ? V : Object.create(null)), - Object.defineProperties(this, { - message: { writable: !0, enumerable: !0 }, - name: { enumerable: !1 }, - nodes: { enumerable: !1 }, - source: { enumerable: !1 }, - positions: { enumerable: !1 }, - originalError: { enumerable: !1 } - }), - xt != null && xt.stack - ? Object.defineProperty(this, 'stack', { - value: xt.stack, - writable: !0, - configurable: !0 - }) - : Error.captureStackTrace - ? Error.captureStackTrace(this, K2) - : Object.defineProperty(this, 'stack', { - value: Error().stack, - writable: !0, - configurable: !0 - }) - } - get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { - return 'GraphQLError' - } - toString() { - let D = this.message - if (this.nodes) - for (let b of this.nodes) - b.loc && - (D += - ` - -` + Eg(b.loc)) - else if (this.source && this.locations) - for (let b of this.locations) - D += - ` - -` + Df(this.source, b) - return D - } - toJSON() { - let D = { message: this.message } - return ( - this.locations != null && (D.locations = this.locations), - this.path != null && (D.path = this.path), - this.extensions != null && - Object.keys(this.extensions).length > 0 && - (D.extensions = this.extensions), - D - ) - } - } - function bf(f) { - return f === void 0 || f.length === 0 ? void 0 : f - } - function ft(f, D, b) { - return new xg(`Syntax Error: ${b}`, { source: f, positions: [D] }) - } - var Wu - ;(function (f) { - ;(f.QUERY = 'QUERY'), - (f.MUTATION = 'MUTATION'), - (f.SUBSCRIPTION = 'SUBSCRIPTION'), - (f.FIELD = 'FIELD'), - (f.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION = 'FRAGMENT_DEFINITION'), - (f.FRAGMENT_SPREAD = 'FRAGMENT_SPREAD'), - (f.INLINE_FRAGMENT = 'INLINE_FRAGMENT'), - (f.VARIABLE_DEFINITION = 'VARIABLE_DEFINITION'), - (f.SCHEMA = 'SCHEMA'), - (f.SCALAR = 'SCALAR'), - (f.OBJECT = 'OBJECT'), - (f.FIELD_DEFINITION = 'FIELD_DEFINITION'), - (f.ARGUMENT_DEFINITION = 'ARGUMENT_DEFINITION'), - (f.INTERFACE = 'INTERFACE'), - (f.UNION = 'UNION'), - (f.ENUM = 'ENUM'), - (f.ENUM_VALUE = 'ENUM_VALUE'), - (f.INPUT_OBJECT = 'INPUT_OBJECT'), - (f.INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION = 'INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION') - })(Wu || (Wu = {})) - var ue - ;(function (f) { - ;(f.NAME = 'Name'), - (f.DOCUMENT = 'Document'), - (f.OPERATION_DEFINITION = 'OperationDefinition'), - (f.VARIABLE_DEFINITION = 'VariableDefinition'), - (f.SELECTION_SET = 'SelectionSet'), - (f.FIELD = 'Field'), - (f.ARGUMENT = 'Argument'), - (f.FRAGMENT_SPREAD = 'FragmentSpread'), - (f.INLINE_FRAGMENT = 'InlineFragment'), - (f.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION = 'FragmentDefinition'), - (f.VARIABLE = 'Variable'), - (f.INT = 'IntValue'), - (f.FLOAT = 'FloatValue'), - (f.STRING = 'StringValue'), - (f.BOOLEAN = 'BooleanValue'), - (f.NULL = 'NullValue'), - (f.ENUM = 'EnumValue'), - (f.LIST = 'ListValue'), - (f.OBJECT = 'ObjectValue'), - (f.OBJECT_FIELD = 'ObjectField'), - (f.DIRECTIVE = 'Directive'), - (f.NAMED_TYPE = 'NamedType'), - (f.LIST_TYPE = 'ListType'), - (f.NON_NULL_TYPE = 'NonNullType'), - (f.SCHEMA_DEFINITION = 'SchemaDefinition'), - (f.OPERATION_TYPE_DEFINITION = 'OperationTypeDefinition'), - (f.SCALAR_TYPE_DEFINITION = 'ScalarTypeDefinition'), - (f.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'), - (f.FIELD_DEFINITION = 'FieldDefinition'), - (f.INPUT_VALUE_DEFINITION = 'InputValueDefinition'), - (f.INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION = 'InterfaceTypeDefinition'), - (f.UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION = 'UnionTypeDefinition'), - (f.ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION = 'EnumTypeDefinition'), - (f.ENUM_VALUE_DEFINITION = 'EnumValueDefinition'), - (f.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION = 'InputObjectTypeDefinition'), - (f.DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION = 'DirectiveDefinition'), - (f.SCHEMA_EXTENSION = 'SchemaExtension'), - (f.SCALAR_TYPE_EXTENSION = 'ScalarTypeExtension'), - (f.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION = 'ObjectTypeExtension'), - (f.INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION = 'InterfaceTypeExtension'), - (f.UNION_TYPE_EXTENSION = 'UnionTypeExtension'), - (f.ENUM_TYPE_EXTENSION = 'EnumTypeExtension'), - (f.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION = 'InputObjectTypeExtension') - })(ue || (ue = {})) - function _g(f) { - return f === 9 || f === 32 - } - function ps(f) { - return f >= 48 && f <= 57 - } - function Ef(f) { - return (f >= 97 && f <= 122) || (f >= 65 && f <= 90) - } - function yf(f) { - return Ef(f) || f === 95 - } - function Ng(f) { - return Ef(f) || ps(f) || f === 95 - } - function Tg(f) { - var D - let b = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, - x = null, - y = -1 - for (let ie = 0; ie < f.length; ++ie) { - var V - let Ae = f[ie], - Qe = Sg(Ae) - Qe !== Ae.length && - ((x = (V = x) !== null && V !== void 0 ? V : ie), - (y = ie), - ie !== 0 && Qe < b && (b = Qe)) - } - return f - .map((ie, Ae) => (Ae === 0 ? ie : ie.slice(b))) - .slice((D = x) !== null && D !== void 0 ? D : 0, y + 1) - } - function Sg(f) { - let D = 0 - for (; D < f.length && _g(f.charCodeAt(D)); ) ++D - return D - } - var j - ;(function (f) { - ;(f.SOF = ''), - (f.EOF = ''), - (f.BANG = '!'), - (f.DOLLAR = '$'), - (f.AMP = '&'), - (f.PAREN_L = '('), - (f.PAREN_R = ')'), - (f.SPREAD = '...'), - (f.COLON = ':'), - (f.EQUALS = '='), - (f.AT = '@'), - (f.BRACKET_L = '['), - (f.BRACKET_R = ']'), - (f.BRACE_L = '{'), - (f.PIPE = '|'), - (f.BRACE_R = '}'), - (f.NAME = 'Name'), - (f.INT = 'Int'), - (f.FLOAT = 'Float'), - (f.STRING = 'String'), - (f.BLOCK_STRING = 'BlockString'), - (f.COMMENT = 'Comment') - })(j || (j = {})) - var Ag = class { - constructor(f) { - let D = new cf(j.SOF, 0, 0, 0, 0) - ;(this.source = f), - (this.lastToken = D), - (this.token = D), - (this.line = 1), - (this.lineStart = 0) - } - get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { - return 'Lexer' - } - advance() { - return (this.lastToken = this.token), (this.token = this.lookahead()) - } - lookahead() { - let f = this.token - if (f.kind !== j.EOF) - do - if (f.next) f = f.next - else { - let D = wg(this, f.end) - ;(f.next = D), (D.prev = f), (f = D) - } - while (f.kind === j.COMMENT) - return f - } - } - function Fg(f) { - return ( - f === j.BANG || - f === j.DOLLAR || - f === j.AMP || - f === j.PAREN_L || - f === j.PAREN_R || - f === j.SPREAD || - f === j.COLON || - f === j.EQUALS || - f === j.AT || - f === j.BRACKET_L || - f === j.BRACKET_R || - f === j.BRACE_L || - f === j.PIPE || - f === j.BRACE_R - ) - } - function ti(f) { - return (f >= 0 && f <= 55295) || (f >= 57344 && f <= 1114111) - } - function To(f, D) { - return xf(f.charCodeAt(D)) && _f(f.charCodeAt(D + 1)) - } - function xf(f) { - return f >= 55296 && f <= 56319 - } - function _f(f) { - return f >= 56320 && f <= 57343 - } - function Er(f, D) { - let b = f.source.body.codePointAt(D) - if (b === void 0) return j.EOF - if (b >= 32 && b <= 126) { - let x = String.fromCodePoint(b) - return x === '"' ? `'"'` : `"${x}"` - } - return 'U+' + b.toString(16).toUpperCase().padStart(4, '0') - } - function rt(f, D, b, x, y) { - let V = f.line, - ie = 1 + b - f.lineStart - return new cf(D, b, x, V, ie, y) - } - function wg(f, D) { - let b = f.source.body, - x = b.length, - y = D - for (; y < x; ) { - let V = b.charCodeAt(y) - switch (V) { - case 65279: - case 9: - case 32: - case 44: - ++y - continue - case 10: - ++y, ++f.line, (f.lineStart = y) - continue - case 13: - b.charCodeAt(y + 1) === 10 ? (y += 2) : ++y, ++f.line, (f.lineStart = y) - continue - case 35: - return Lg(f, y) - case 33: - return rt(f, j.BANG, y, y + 1) - case 36: - return rt(f, j.DOLLAR, y, y + 1) - case 38: - return rt(f, j.AMP, y, y + 1) - case 40: - return rt(f, j.PAREN_L, y, y + 1) - case 41: - return rt(f, j.PAREN_R, y, y + 1) - case 46: - if (b.charCodeAt(y + 1) === 46 && b.charCodeAt(y + 2) === 46) - return rt(f, j.SPREAD, y, y + 3) - break - case 58: - return rt(f, j.COLON, y, y + 1) - case 61: - return rt(f, j.EQUALS, y, y + 1) - case 64: - return rt(f, j.AT, y, y + 1) - case 91: - return rt(f, j.BRACKET_L, y, y + 1) - case 93: - return rt(f, j.BRACKET_R, y, y + 1) - case 123: - return rt(f, j.BRACE_L, y, y + 1) - case 124: - return rt(f, j.PIPE, y, y + 1) - case 125: - return rt(f, j.BRACE_R, y, y + 1) - case 34: - return b.charCodeAt(y + 1) === 34 && b.charCodeAt(y + 2) === 34 ? Mg(f, y) : Ig(f, y) - } - if (ps(V) || V === 45) return Cg(f, y, V) - if (yf(V)) return Pg(f, y) - throw ft( - f.source, - y, - V === 39 - ? `Unexpected single quote character ('), did you mean to use a double quote (")?` - : ti(V) || To(b, y) - ? `Unexpected character: ${Er(f, y)}.` - : `Invalid character: ${Er(f, y)}.` - ) - } - return rt(f, j.EOF, x, x) - } - function Lg(f, D) { - let b = f.source.body, - x = b.length, - y = D + 1 - for (; y < x; ) { - let V = b.charCodeAt(y) - if (V === 10 || V === 13) break - if (ti(V)) ++y - else if (To(b, y)) y += 2 - else break - } - return rt(f, j.COMMENT, D, y, b.slice(D + 1, y)) - } - function Cg(f, D, b) { - let x = f.source.body, - y = D, - V = b, - ie = !1 - if ((V === 45 && (V = x.charCodeAt(++y)), V === 48)) { - if (((V = x.charCodeAt(++y)), ps(V))) - throw ft(f.source, y, `Invalid number, unexpected digit after 0: ${Er(f, y)}.`) - } else (y = Qu(f, y, V)), (V = x.charCodeAt(y)) - if ( - (V === 46 && - ((ie = !0), (V = x.charCodeAt(++y)), (y = Qu(f, y, V)), (V = x.charCodeAt(y))), - (V === 69 || V === 101) && - ((ie = !0), - (V = x.charCodeAt(++y)), - (V === 43 || V === 45) && (V = x.charCodeAt(++y)), - (y = Qu(f, y, V)), - (V = x.charCodeAt(y))), - V === 46 || yf(V)) - ) - throw ft(f.source, y, `Invalid number, expected digit but got: ${Er(f, y)}.`) - return rt(f, ie ? j.FLOAT : j.INT, D, y, x.slice(D, y)) - } - function Qu(f, D, b) { - if (!ps(b)) throw ft(f.source, D, `Invalid number, expected digit but got: ${Er(f, D)}.`) - let x = f.source.body, - y = D + 1 - for (; ps(x.charCodeAt(y)); ) ++y - return y - } - function Ig(f, D) { - let b = f.source.body, - x = b.length, - y = D + 1, - V = y, - ie = '' - for (; y < x; ) { - let Ae = b.charCodeAt(y) - if (Ae === 34) return (ie += b.slice(V, y)), rt(f, j.STRING, D, y + 1, ie) - if (Ae === 92) { - ie += b.slice(V, y) - let Qe = - b.charCodeAt(y + 1) === 117 - ? b.charCodeAt(y + 2) === 123 - ? Rg(f, y) - : kg(f, y) - : Og(f, y) - ;(ie += Qe.value), (y += Qe.size), (V = y) - continue - } - if (Ae === 10 || Ae === 13) break - if (ti(Ae)) ++y - else if (To(b, y)) y += 2 - else throw ft(f.source, y, `Invalid character within String: ${Er(f, y)}.`) - } - throw ft(f.source, y, 'Unterminated string.') - } - function Rg(f, D) { - let b = f.source.body, - x = 0, - y = 3 - for (; y < 12; ) { - let V = b.charCodeAt(D + y++) - if (V === 125) { - if (y < 5 || !ti(x)) break - return { value: String.fromCodePoint(x), size: y } - } - if (((x = (x << 4) | hs(V)), x < 0)) break - } - throw ft(f.source, D, `Invalid Unicode escape sequence: "${b.slice(D, D + y)}".`) - } - function kg(f, D) { - let b = f.source.body, - x = Nf(b, D + 2) - if (ti(x)) return { value: String.fromCodePoint(x), size: 6 } - if (xf(x) && b.charCodeAt(D + 6) === 92 && b.charCodeAt(D + 7) === 117) { - let y = Nf(b, D + 8) - if (_f(y)) return { value: String.fromCodePoint(x, y), size: 12 } - } - throw ft(f.source, D, `Invalid Unicode escape sequence: "${b.slice(D, D + 6)}".`) - } - function Nf(f, D) { - return ( - (hs(f.charCodeAt(D)) << 12) | - (hs(f.charCodeAt(D + 1)) << 8) | - (hs(f.charCodeAt(D + 2)) << 4) | - hs(f.charCodeAt(D + 3)) - ) - } - function hs(f) { - return f >= 48 && f <= 57 - ? f - 48 - : f >= 65 && f <= 70 - ? f - 55 - : f >= 97 && f <= 102 - ? f - 87 - : -1 - } - function Og(f, D) { - let b = f.source.body - switch (b.charCodeAt(D + 1)) { - case 34: - return { value: '"', size: 2 } - case 92: - return { value: '\\', size: 2 } - case 47: - return { value: '/', size: 2 } - case 98: - return { value: '\b', size: 2 } - case 102: - return { value: '\f', size: 2 } - case 110: - return { - value: ` -`, - size: 2 - } - case 114: - return { value: '\r', size: 2 } - case 116: - return { value: ' ', size: 2 } - } - throw ft(f.source, D, `Invalid character escape sequence: "${b.slice(D, D + 2)}".`) - } - function Mg(f, D) { - let b = f.source.body, - x = b.length, - y = f.lineStart, - V = D + 3, - ie = V, - Ae = '', - Qe = [] - for (; V < x; ) { - let Rt = b.charCodeAt(V) - if (Rt === 34 && b.charCodeAt(V + 1) === 34 && b.charCodeAt(V + 2) === 34) { - ;(Ae += b.slice(ie, V)), Qe.push(Ae) - let xt = rt( - f, - j.BLOCK_STRING, - D, - V + 3, - Tg(Qe).join(` -`) - ) - return (f.line += Qe.length - 1), (f.lineStart = y), xt - } - if ( - Rt === 92 && - b.charCodeAt(V + 1) === 34 && - b.charCodeAt(V + 2) === 34 && - b.charCodeAt(V + 3) === 34 - ) { - ;(Ae += b.slice(ie, V)), (ie = V + 1), (V += 4) - continue - } - if (Rt === 10 || Rt === 13) { - ;(Ae += b.slice(ie, V)), - Qe.push(Ae), - Rt === 13 && b.charCodeAt(V + 1) === 10 ? (V += 2) : ++V, - (Ae = ''), - (ie = V), - (y = V) - continue - } - if (ti(Rt)) ++V - else if (To(b, V)) V += 2 - else throw ft(f.source, V, `Invalid character within String: ${Er(f, V)}.`) - } - throw ft(f.source, V, 'Unterminated string.') - } - function Pg(f, D) { - let b = f.source.body, - x = b.length, - y = D + 1 - for (; y < x; ) { - let V = b.charCodeAt(y) - if (Ng(V)) ++y - else break - } - return rt(f, j.NAME, D, y, b.slice(D, y)) - } - function zu(f, D) { - if (!f) throw new Error(D) - } - function Tf(f) { - return So(f, []) - } - function So(f, D) { - switch (typeof f) { - case 'string': - return JSON.stringify(f) - case 'function': - return f.name ? `[function ${f.name}]` : '[function]' - case 'object': - return Bg(f, D) - default: - return String(f) - } - } - function Bg(f, D) { - if (f === null) return 'null' - if (D.includes(f)) return '[Circular]' - let b = [...D, f] - if (Vg(f)) { - let x = f.toJSON() - if (x !== f) return typeof x == 'string' ? x : So(x, b) - } else if (Array.isArray(f)) return $g(f, b) - return Ug(f, b) - } - function Vg(f) { - return typeof f.toJSON == 'function' - } - function Ug(f, D) { - let b = Object.entries(f) - return b.length === 0 - ? '{}' - : D.length > 2 - ? '[' + jg(f) + ']' - : '{ ' + b.map(([x, y]) => x + ': ' + So(y, D)).join(', ') + ' }' - } - function $g(f, D) { - if (f.length === 0) return '[]' - if (D.length > 2) return '[Array]' - let b = Math.min(10, f.length), - x = f.length - b, - y = [] - for (let V = 0; V < b; ++V) y.push(So(f[V], D)) - return ( - x === 1 ? y.push('... 1 more item') : x > 1 && y.push(`... ${x} more items`), - '[' + y.join(', ') + ']' - ) - } - function jg(f) { - let D = Object.prototype.toString - .call(f) - .replace(/^\[object /, '') - .replace(/]$/, '') - if (D === 'Object' && typeof f.constructor == 'function') { - let b = f.constructor.name - if (typeof b == 'string' && b !== '') return b - } - return D - } - var qg = - globalThis.process && globalThis.process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' - ? function (f, D) { - return f instanceof D - } - : function (f, D) { - if (f instanceof D) return !0 - if (typeof f == 'object' && f !== null) { - var b - let x = D.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag], - y = - Symbol.toStringTag in f - ? f[Symbol.toStringTag] - : (b = f.constructor) === null || b === void 0 - ? void 0 - : b.name - if (x === y) { - let V = Tf(f) - throw new Error(`Cannot use ${x} "${V}" from another module or realm. Ensure that there is only one instance of "graphql" in the node_modules directory. If different versions of "graphql" are the dependencies of other @@ -6309,11739 +59,6 @@ https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/selective-version-resolutions Duplicate "graphql" modules cannot be used at the same time since different versions may have different capabilities and behavior. The data from one version used in the function from another could produce confusing and -spurious results.`) - } - } - return !1 - }, - Sf = class { - constructor(f, D = 'GraphQL request', b = { line: 1, column: 1 }) { - typeof f == 'string' || zu(!1, `Body must be a string. Received: ${Tf(f)}.`), - (this.body = f), - (this.name = D), - (this.locationOffset = b), - this.locationOffset.line > 0 || - zu(!1, 'line in locationOffset is 1-indexed and must be positive.'), - this.locationOffset.column > 0 || - zu(!1, 'column in locationOffset is 1-indexed and must be positive.') - } - get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { - return 'Source' - } - } - function Gg(f) { - return qg(f, Sf) - } - function Hg(f, D) { - return new Wg(f, D).parseDocument() - } - var Wg = class { - constructor(f, D = {}) { - let b = Gg(f) ? f : new Sf(f) - ;(this._lexer = new Ag(b)), (this._options = D), (this._tokenCounter = 0) - } - parseName() { - let f = this.expectToken(j.NAME) - return this.node(f, { kind: ue.NAME, value: f.value }) - } - parseDocument() { - return this.node(this._lexer.token, { - kind: ue.DOCUMENT, - definitions: this.many(j.SOF, this.parseDefinition, j.EOF) - }) - } - parseDefinition() { - if (this.peek(j.BRACE_L)) return this.parseOperationDefinition() - let f = this.peekDescription(), - D = f ? this._lexer.lookahead() : this._lexer.token - if (D.kind === j.NAME) { - switch (D.value) { - case 'schema': - return this.parseSchemaDefinition() - case 'scalar': - return this.parseScalarTypeDefinition() - case 'type': - return this.parseObjectTypeDefinition() - case 'interface': - return this.parseInterfaceTypeDefinition() - case 'union': - return this.parseUnionTypeDefinition() - case 'enum': - return this.parseEnumTypeDefinition() - case 'input': - return this.parseInputObjectTypeDefinition() - case 'directive': - return this.parseDirectiveDefinition() - } - if (f) - throw ft( - this._lexer.source, - this._lexer.token.start, - 'Unexpected description, descriptions are supported only on type definitions.' - ) - switch (D.value) { - case 'query': - case 'mutation': - case 'subscription': - return this.parseOperationDefinition() - case 'fragment': - return this.parseFragmentDefinition() - case 'extend': - return this.parseTypeSystemExtension() - } - } - throw this.unexpected(D) - } - parseOperationDefinition() { - let f = this._lexer.token - if (this.peek(j.BRACE_L)) - return this.node(f, { - kind: ue.OPERATION_DEFINITION, - operation: ei.QUERY, - name: void 0, - variableDefinitions: [], - directives: [], - selectionSet: this.parseSelectionSet() - }) - let D = this.parseOperationType(), - b - return ( - this.peek(j.NAME) && (b = this.parseName()), - this.node(f, { - kind: ue.OPERATION_DEFINITION, - operation: D, - name: b, - variableDefinitions: this.parseVariableDefinitions(), - directives: this.parseDirectives(!1), - selectionSet: this.parseSelectionSet() - }) - ) - } - parseOperationType() { - let f = this.expectToken(j.NAME) - switch (f.value) { - case 'query': - return ei.QUERY - case 'mutation': - return ei.MUTATION - case 'subscription': - return ei.SUBSCRIPTION - } - throw this.unexpected(f) - } - parseVariableDefinitions() { - return this.optionalMany(j.PAREN_L, this.parseVariableDefinition, j.PAREN_R) - } - parseVariableDefinition() { - return this.node(this._lexer.token, { - kind: ue.VARIABLE_DEFINITION, - variable: this.parseVariable(), - type: (this.expectToken(j.COLON), this.parseTypeReference()), - defaultValue: this.expectOptionalToken(j.EQUALS) - ? this.parseConstValueLiteral() - : void 0, - directives: this.parseConstDirectives() - }) - } - parseVariable() { - let f = this._lexer.token - return ( - this.expectToken(j.DOLLAR), this.node(f, { kind: ue.VARIABLE, name: this.parseName() }) - ) - } - parseSelectionSet() { - return this.node(this._lexer.token, { - kind: ue.SELECTION_SET, - selections: this.many(j.BRACE_L, this.parseSelection, j.BRACE_R) - }) - } - parseSelection() { - return this.peek(j.SPREAD) ? this.parseFragment() : this.parseField() - } - parseField() { - let f = this._lexer.token, - D = this.parseName(), - b, - x - return ( - this.expectOptionalToken(j.COLON) ? ((b = D), (x = this.parseName())) : (x = D), - this.node(f, { - kind: ue.FIELD, - alias: b, - name: x, - arguments: this.parseArguments(!1), - directives: this.parseDirectives(!1), - selectionSet: this.peek(j.BRACE_L) ? this.parseSelectionSet() : void 0 - }) - ) - } - parseArguments(f) { - let D = f ? this.parseConstArgument : this.parseArgument - return this.optionalMany(j.PAREN_L, D, j.PAREN_R) - } - parseArgument(f = !1) { - let D = this._lexer.token, - b = this.parseName() - return ( - this.expectToken(j.COLON), - this.node(D, { kind: ue.ARGUMENT, name: b, value: this.parseValueLiteral(f) }) - ) - } - parseConstArgument() { - return this.parseArgument(!0) - } - parseFragment() { - let f = this._lexer.token - this.expectToken(j.SPREAD) - let D = this.expectOptionalKeyword('on') - return !D && this.peek(j.NAME) - ? this.node(f, { - kind: ue.FRAGMENT_SPREAD, - name: this.parseFragmentName(), - directives: this.parseDirectives(!1) - }) - : this.node(f, { - kind: ue.INLINE_FRAGMENT, - typeCondition: D ? this.parseNamedType() : void 0, - directives: this.parseDirectives(!1), - selectionSet: this.parseSelectionSet() - }) - } - parseFragmentDefinition() { - let f = this._lexer.token - return ( - this.expectKeyword('fragment'), - this._options.allowLegacyFragmentVariables === !0 - ? this.node(f, { - kind: ue.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION, - name: this.parseFragmentName(), - variableDefinitions: this.parseVariableDefinitions(), - typeCondition: (this.expectKeyword('on'), this.parseNamedType()), - directives: this.parseDirectives(!1), - selectionSet: this.parseSelectionSet() - }) - : this.node(f, { - kind: ue.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION, - name: this.parseFragmentName(), - typeCondition: (this.expectKeyword('on'), this.parseNamedType()), - directives: this.parseDirectives(!1), - selectionSet: this.parseSelectionSet() - }) - ) - } - parseFragmentName() { - if (this._lexer.token.value === 'on') throw this.unexpected() - return this.parseName() - } - parseValueLiteral(f) { - let D = this._lexer.token - switch (D.kind) { - case j.BRACKET_L: - return this.parseList(f) - case j.BRACE_L: - return this.parseObject(f) - case j.INT: - return this.advanceLexer(), this.node(D, { kind: ue.INT, value: D.value }) - case j.FLOAT: - return this.advanceLexer(), this.node(D, { kind: ue.FLOAT, value: D.value }) - case j.STRING: - case j.BLOCK_STRING: - return this.parseStringLiteral() - case j.NAME: - switch ((this.advanceLexer(), D.value)) { - case 'true': - return this.node(D, { kind: ue.BOOLEAN, value: !0 }) - case 'false': - return this.node(D, { kind: ue.BOOLEAN, value: !1 }) - case 'null': - return this.node(D, { kind: ue.NULL }) - default: - return this.node(D, { kind: ue.ENUM, value: D.value }) - } - case j.DOLLAR: - if (f) - if ((this.expectToken(j.DOLLAR), this._lexer.token.kind === j.NAME)) { - let b = this._lexer.token.value - throw ft( - this._lexer.source, - D.start, - `Unexpected variable "$${b}" in constant value.` - ) - } else throw this.unexpected(D) - return this.parseVariable() - default: - throw this.unexpected() - } - } - parseConstValueLiteral() { - return this.parseValueLiteral(!0) - } - parseStringLiteral() { - let f = this._lexer.token - return ( - this.advanceLexer(), - this.node(f, { kind: ue.STRING, value: f.value, block: f.kind === j.BLOCK_STRING }) - ) - } - parseList(f) { - let D = () => this.parseValueLiteral(f) - return this.node(this._lexer.token, { - kind: ue.LIST, - values: this.any(j.BRACKET_L, D, j.BRACKET_R) - }) - } - parseObject(f) { - let D = () => this.parseObjectField(f) - return this.node(this._lexer.token, { - kind: ue.OBJECT, - fields: this.any(j.BRACE_L, D, j.BRACE_R) - }) - } - parseObjectField(f) { - let D = this._lexer.token, - b = this.parseName() - return ( - this.expectToken(j.COLON), - this.node(D, { kind: ue.OBJECT_FIELD, name: b, value: this.parseValueLiteral(f) }) - ) - } - parseDirectives(f) { - let D = [] - for (; this.peek(j.AT); ) D.push(this.parseDirective(f)) - return D - } - parseConstDirectives() { - return this.parseDirectives(!0) - } - parseDirective(f) { - let D = this._lexer.token - return ( - this.expectToken(j.AT), - this.node(D, { - kind: ue.DIRECTIVE, - name: this.parseName(), - arguments: this.parseArguments(f) - }) - ) - } - parseTypeReference() { - let f = this._lexer.token, - D - if (this.expectOptionalToken(j.BRACKET_L)) { - let b = this.parseTypeReference() - this.expectToken(j.BRACKET_R), (D = this.node(f, { kind: ue.LIST_TYPE, type: b })) - } else D = this.parseNamedType() - return this.expectOptionalToken(j.BANG) - ? this.node(f, { kind: ue.NON_NULL_TYPE, type: D }) - : D - } - parseNamedType() { - return this.node(this._lexer.token, { kind: ue.NAMED_TYPE, name: this.parseName() }) - } - peekDescription() { - return this.peek(j.STRING) || this.peek(j.BLOCK_STRING) - } - parseDescription() { - if (this.peekDescription()) return this.parseStringLiteral() - } - parseSchemaDefinition() { - let f = this._lexer.token, - D = this.parseDescription() - this.expectKeyword('schema') - let b = this.parseConstDirectives(), - x = this.many(j.BRACE_L, this.parseOperationTypeDefinition, j.BRACE_R) - return this.node(f, { - kind: ue.SCHEMA_DEFINITION, - description: D, - directives: b, - operationTypes: x - }) - } - parseOperationTypeDefinition() { - let f = this._lexer.token, - D = this.parseOperationType() - this.expectToken(j.COLON) - let b = this.parseNamedType() - return this.node(f, { kind: ue.OPERATION_TYPE_DEFINITION, operation: D, type: b }) - } - parseScalarTypeDefinition() { - let f = this._lexer.token, - D = this.parseDescription() - this.expectKeyword('scalar') - let b = this.parseName(), - x = this.parseConstDirectives() - return this.node(f, { - kind: ue.SCALAR_TYPE_DEFINITION, - description: D, - name: b, - directives: x - }) - } - parseObjectTypeDefinition() { - let f = this._lexer.token, - D = this.parseDescription() - this.expectKeyword('type') - let b = this.parseName(), - x = this.parseImplementsInterfaces(), - y = this.parseConstDirectives(), - V = this.parseFieldsDefinition() - return this.node(f, { - kind: ue.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION, - description: D, - name: b, - interfaces: x, - directives: y, - fields: V - }) - } - parseImplementsInterfaces() { - return this.expectOptionalKeyword('implements') - ? this.delimitedMany(j.AMP, this.parseNamedType) - : [] - } - parseFieldsDefinition() { - return this.optionalMany(j.BRACE_L, this.parseFieldDefinition, j.BRACE_R) - } - parseFieldDefinition() { - let f = this._lexer.token, - D = this.parseDescription(), - b = this.parseName(), - x = this.parseArgumentDefs() - this.expectToken(j.COLON) - let y = this.parseTypeReference(), - V = this.parseConstDirectives() - return this.node(f, { - kind: ue.FIELD_DEFINITION, - description: D, - name: b, - arguments: x, - type: y, - directives: V - }) - } - parseArgumentDefs() { - return this.optionalMany(j.PAREN_L, this.parseInputValueDef, j.PAREN_R) - } - parseInputValueDef() { - let f = this._lexer.token, - D = this.parseDescription(), - b = this.parseName() - this.expectToken(j.COLON) - let x = this.parseTypeReference(), - y - this.expectOptionalToken(j.EQUALS) && (y = this.parseConstValueLiteral()) - let V = this.parseConstDirectives() - return this.node(f, { - kind: ue.INPUT_VALUE_DEFINITION, - description: D, - name: b, - type: x, - defaultValue: y, - directives: V - }) - } - parseInterfaceTypeDefinition() { - let f = this._lexer.token, - D = this.parseDescription() - this.expectKeyword('interface') - let b = this.parseName(), - x = this.parseImplementsInterfaces(), - y = this.parseConstDirectives(), - V = this.parseFieldsDefinition() - return this.node(f, { - kind: ue.INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION, - description: D, - name: b, - interfaces: x, - directives: y, - fields: V - }) - } - parseUnionTypeDefinition() { - let f = this._lexer.token, - D = this.parseDescription() - this.expectKeyword('union') - let b = this.parseName(), - x = this.parseConstDirectives(), - y = this.parseUnionMemberTypes() - return this.node(f, { - kind: ue.UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION, - description: D, - name: b, - directives: x, - types: y - }) - } - parseUnionMemberTypes() { - return this.expectOptionalToken(j.EQUALS) - ? this.delimitedMany(j.PIPE, this.parseNamedType) - : [] - } - parseEnumTypeDefinition() { - let f = this._lexer.token, - D = this.parseDescription() - this.expectKeyword('enum') - let b = this.parseName(), - x = this.parseConstDirectives(), - y = this.parseEnumValuesDefinition() - return this.node(f, { - kind: ue.ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION, - description: D, - name: b, - directives: x, - values: y - }) - } - parseEnumValuesDefinition() { - return this.optionalMany(j.BRACE_L, this.parseEnumValueDefinition, j.BRACE_R) - } - parseEnumValueDefinition() { - let f = this._lexer.token, - D = this.parseDescription(), - b = this.parseEnumValueName(), - x = this.parseConstDirectives() - return this.node(f, { - kind: ue.ENUM_VALUE_DEFINITION, - description: D, - name: b, - directives: x - }) - } - parseEnumValueName() { - if ( - this._lexer.token.value === 'true' || - this._lexer.token.value === 'false' || - this._lexer.token.value === 'null' - ) - throw ft( - this._lexer.source, - this._lexer.token.start, - `${Ao(this._lexer.token)} is reserved and cannot be used for an enum value.` - ) - return this.parseName() - } - parseInputObjectTypeDefinition() { - let f = this._lexer.token, - D = this.parseDescription() - this.expectKeyword('input') - let b = this.parseName(), - x = this.parseConstDirectives(), - y = this.parseInputFieldsDefinition() - return this.node(f, { - kind: ue.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION, - description: D, - name: b, - directives: x, - fields: y - }) - } - parseInputFieldsDefinition() { - return this.optionalMany(j.BRACE_L, this.parseInputValueDef, j.BRACE_R) - } - parseTypeSystemExtension() { - let f = this._lexer.lookahead() - if (f.kind === j.NAME) - switch (f.value) { - case 'schema': - return this.parseSchemaExtension() - case 'scalar': - return this.parseScalarTypeExtension() - case 'type': - return this.parseObjectTypeExtension() - case 'interface': - return this.parseInterfaceTypeExtension() - case 'union': - return this.parseUnionTypeExtension() - case 'enum': - return this.parseEnumTypeExtension() - case 'input': - return this.parseInputObjectTypeExtension() - } - throw this.unexpected(f) - } - parseSchemaExtension() { - let f = this._lexer.token - this.expectKeyword('extend'), this.expectKeyword('schema') - let D = this.parseConstDirectives(), - b = this.optionalMany(j.BRACE_L, this.parseOperationTypeDefinition, j.BRACE_R) - if (D.length === 0 && b.length === 0) throw this.unexpected() - return this.node(f, { kind: ue.SCHEMA_EXTENSION, directives: D, operationTypes: b }) - } - parseScalarTypeExtension() { - let f = this._lexer.token - this.expectKeyword('extend'), this.expectKeyword('scalar') - let D = this.parseName(), - b = this.parseConstDirectives() - if (b.length === 0) throw this.unexpected() - return this.node(f, { kind: ue.SCALAR_TYPE_EXTENSION, name: D, directives: b }) - } - parseObjectTypeExtension() { - let f = this._lexer.token - this.expectKeyword('extend'), this.expectKeyword('type') - let D = this.parseName(), - b = this.parseImplementsInterfaces(), - x = this.parseConstDirectives(), - y = this.parseFieldsDefinition() - if (b.length === 0 && x.length === 0 && y.length === 0) throw this.unexpected() - return this.node(f, { - kind: ue.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION, - name: D, - interfaces: b, - directives: x, - fields: y - }) - } - parseInterfaceTypeExtension() { - let f = this._lexer.token - this.expectKeyword('extend'), this.expectKeyword('interface') - let D = this.parseName(), - b = this.parseImplementsInterfaces(), - x = this.parseConstDirectives(), - y = this.parseFieldsDefinition() - if (b.length === 0 && x.length === 0 && y.length === 0) throw this.unexpected() - return this.node(f, { - kind: ue.INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION, - name: D, - interfaces: b, - directives: x, - fields: y - }) - } - parseUnionTypeExtension() { - let f = this._lexer.token - this.expectKeyword('extend'), this.expectKeyword('union') - let D = this.parseName(), - b = this.parseConstDirectives(), - x = this.parseUnionMemberTypes() - if (b.length === 0 && x.length === 0) throw this.unexpected() - return this.node(f, { kind: ue.UNION_TYPE_EXTENSION, name: D, directives: b, types: x }) - } - parseEnumTypeExtension() { - let f = this._lexer.token - this.expectKeyword('extend'), this.expectKeyword('enum') - let D = this.parseName(), - b = this.parseConstDirectives(), - x = this.parseEnumValuesDefinition() - if (b.length === 0 && x.length === 0) throw this.unexpected() - return this.node(f, { kind: ue.ENUM_TYPE_EXTENSION, name: D, directives: b, values: x }) - } - parseInputObjectTypeExtension() { - let f = this._lexer.token - this.expectKeyword('extend'), this.expectKeyword('input') - let D = this.parseName(), - b = this.parseConstDirectives(), - x = this.parseInputFieldsDefinition() - if (b.length === 0 && x.length === 0) throw this.unexpected() - return this.node(f, { - kind: ue.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION, - name: D, - directives: b, - fields: x - }) - } - parseDirectiveDefinition() { - let f = this._lexer.token, - D = this.parseDescription() - this.expectKeyword('directive'), this.expectToken(j.AT) - let b = this.parseName(), - x = this.parseArgumentDefs(), - y = this.expectOptionalKeyword('repeatable') - this.expectKeyword('on') - let V = this.parseDirectiveLocations() - return this.node(f, { - kind: ue.DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION, - description: D, - name: b, - arguments: x, - repeatable: y, - locations: V - }) - } - parseDirectiveLocations() { - return this.delimitedMany(j.PIPE, this.parseDirectiveLocation) - } - parseDirectiveLocation() { - let f = this._lexer.token, - D = this.parseName() - if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Wu, D.value)) return D - throw this.unexpected(f) - } - node(f, D) { - return ( - this._options.noLocation !== !0 && - (D.loc = new Zr(f, this._lexer.lastToken, this._lexer.source)), - D - ) - } - peek(f) { - return this._lexer.token.kind === f - } - expectToken(f) { - let D = this._lexer.token - if (D.kind === f) return this.advanceLexer(), D - throw ft(this._lexer.source, D.start, `Expected ${Af(f)}, found ${Ao(D)}.`) - } - expectOptionalToken(f) { - return this._lexer.token.kind === f ? (this.advanceLexer(), !0) : !1 - } - expectKeyword(f) { - let D = this._lexer.token - if (D.kind === j.NAME && D.value === f) this.advanceLexer() - else throw ft(this._lexer.source, D.start, `Expected "${f}", found ${Ao(D)}.`) - } - expectOptionalKeyword(f) { - let D = this._lexer.token - return D.kind === j.NAME && D.value === f ? (this.advanceLexer(), !0) : !1 - } - unexpected(f) { - let D = f ?? this._lexer.token - return ft(this._lexer.source, D.start, `Unexpected ${Ao(D)}.`) - } - any(f, D, b) { - this.expectToken(f) - let x = [] - for (; !this.expectOptionalToken(b); ) x.push(D.call(this)) - return x - } - optionalMany(f, D, b) { - if (this.expectOptionalToken(f)) { - let x = [] - do x.push(D.call(this)) - while (!this.expectOptionalToken(b)) - return x - } - return [] - } - many(f, D, b) { - this.expectToken(f) - let x = [] - do x.push(D.call(this)) - while (!this.expectOptionalToken(b)) - return x - } - delimitedMany(f, D) { - this.expectOptionalToken(f) - let b = [] - do b.push(D.call(this)) - while (this.expectOptionalToken(f)) - return b - } - advanceLexer() { - let { maxTokens: f } = this._options, - D = this._lexer.advance() - if (f !== void 0 && D.kind !== j.EOF && (++this._tokenCounter, this._tokenCounter > f)) - throw ft( - this._lexer.source, - D.start, - `Document contains more that ${f} tokens. Parsing aborted.` - ) - } - } - function Ao(f) { - let D = f.value - return Af(f.kind) + (D != null ? ` "${D}"` : '') - } - function Af(f) { - return Fg(f) ? `"${f}"` : f - } - function Qg(f, D) { - let b = new SyntaxError(f + ' (' + D.loc.start.line + ':' + D.loc.start.column + ')') - return Object.assign(b, D) - } - var zg = Qg - function Yg(f) { - let D = [], - { startToken: b, endToken: x } = f.loc - for (let y = b; y !== x; y = y.next) - y.kind === 'Comment' && D.push({ ...y, loc: { start: y.start, end: y.end } }) - return D - } - var Jg = { allowLegacyFragmentVariables: !0 } - function Xg(f) { - if (f?.name === 'GraphQLError') { - let { - message: D, - locations: [b] - } = f - return zg(D, { loc: { start: b }, cause: f }) - } - return f - } - function Kg(f) { - let D - try { - D = Hg(f, Jg) - } catch (b) { - throw Xg(b) - } - return (D.comments = Yg(D)), D - } - var Zg = { parse: Kg, astFormat: 'graphql', hasPragma: rg, locStart: df, locEnd: pf }, - e4 = { graphql: dg } - return o(a) - }) - }) - var Ku = class { - constructor() { - ;(this.listeners = []), - (this.unexpectedErrorHandler = function (t) { - setTimeout(() => { - throw t.stack - ? ms.isErrorNoTelemetry(t) - ? new ms( - t.message + - ` - -` + - t.stack - ) - : new Error( - t.message + - ` - -` + - t.stack - ) - : t - }, 0) - }) - } - emit(t) { - this.listeners.forEach((n) => { - n(t) - }) - } - onUnexpectedError(t) { - this.unexpectedErrorHandler(t), this.emit(t) - } - onUnexpectedExternalError(t) { - this.unexpectedErrorHandler(t) - } - }, - l4 = new Ku() - function In(e) { - c4(e) || l4.onUnexpectedError(e) - } - function el(e) { - if (e instanceof Error) { - let { name: t, message: n } = e, - r = e.stacktrace || e.stack - return { $isError: !0, name: t, message: n, stack: r, noTelemetry: ms.isErrorNoTelemetry(e) } - } - return e - } - var Zu = 'Canceled' - function c4(e) { - return e instanceof Fo ? !0 : e instanceof Error && e.name === Zu && e.message === Zu - } - var Fo = class extends Error { - constructor() { - super(Zu), (this.name = this.message) - } - } - var ms = class e extends Error { - constructor(t) { - super(t), (this.name = 'CodeExpectedError') - } - static fromError(t) { - if (t instanceof e) return t - let n = new e() - return (n.message = t.message), (n.stack = t.stack), n - } - static isErrorNoTelemetry(t) { - return t.name === 'CodeExpectedError' - } - }, - it = class e extends Error { - constructor(t) { - super(t || 'An unexpected bug occurred.'), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, e.prototype) - } - } - function tl(e, t) { - let n = this, - r = !1, - i - return function () { - if (r) return i - if (((r = !0), t)) - try { - i = e.apply(n, arguments) - } finally { - t() - } - else i = e.apply(n, arguments) - return i - } - } - var ii - ;(function (e) { - function t(S) { - return S && typeof S == 'object' && typeof S[Symbol.iterator] == 'function' - } - e.is = t - let n = Object.freeze([]) - function r() { - return n - } - e.empty = r - function* i(S) { - yield S - } - e.single = i - function s(S) { - return t(S) ? S : i(S) - } - e.wrap = s - function o(S) { - return S || n - } - e.from = o - function* a(S) { - for (let k = S.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) yield S[k] - } - e.reverse = a - function u(S) { - return !S || S[Symbol.iterator]().next().done === !0 - } - e.isEmpty = u - function l(S) { - return S[Symbol.iterator]().next().value - } - e.first = l - function c(S, k) { - let M = 0 - for (let I of S) if (k(I, M++)) return !0 - return !1 - } - e.some = c - function d(S, k) { - for (let M of S) if (k(M)) return M - } - e.find = d - function* h(S, k) { - for (let M of S) k(M) && (yield M) - } - e.filter = h - function* m(S, k) { - let M = 0 - for (let I of S) yield k(I, M++) - } - e.map = m - function* g(S, k) { - let M = 0 - for (let I of S) yield* k(I, M++) - } - e.flatMap = g - function* v(...S) { - for (let k of S) yield* k - } - e.concat = v - function N(S, k, M) { - let I = M - for (let B of S) I = k(I, B) - return I - } - e.reduce = N - function* _(S, k, M = S.length) { - for ( - k < 0 && (k += S.length), M < 0 ? (M += S.length) : M > S.length && (M = S.length); - k < M; - k++ - ) - yield S[k] - } - e.slice = _ - function w(S, k = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { - let M = [] - if (k === 0) return [M, S] - let I = S[Symbol.iterator]() - for (let B = 0; B < k; B++) { - let L = I.next() - if (L.done) return [M, e.empty()] - M.push(L.value) - } - return [ - M, - { - [Symbol.iterator]() { - return I - } - } - ] - } - e.consume = w - async function C(S) { - let k = [] - for await (let M of S) k.push(M) - return Promise.resolve(k) - } - e.asyncToArray = C - })(ii || (ii = {})) - var d4 = !1, - si = null - function p4(e) { - si = e - } - if (d4) { - let e = '__is_disposable_tracked__' - p4( - new (class { - trackDisposable(t) { - let n = new Error('Potentially leaked disposable').stack - setTimeout(() => { - t[e] || console.log(n) - }, 3e3) - } - setParent(t, n) { - if (t && t !== Xt.None) - try { - t[e] = !0 - } catch {} - } - markAsDisposed(t) { - if (t && t !== Xt.None) - try { - t[e] = !0 - } catch {} - } - markAsSingleton(t) {} - })() - ) - } - function wo(e) { - return si?.trackDisposable(e), e - } - function Lo(e) { - si?.markAsDisposed(e) - } - function nl(e, t) { - si?.setParent(e, t) - } - function h4(e, t) { - if (si) for (let n of e) si.setParent(n, t) - } - function Co(e) { - if (ii.is(e)) { - let t = [] - for (let n of e) - if (n) - try { - n.dispose() - } catch (r) { - t.push(r) - } - if (t.length === 1) throw t[0] - if (t.length > 1) throw new AggregateError(t, 'Encountered errors while disposing of store') - return Array.isArray(e) ? [] : e - } else if (e) return e.dispose(), e - } - function Lf(...e) { - let t = Zn(() => Co(e)) - return h4(e, t), t - } - function Zn(e) { - let t = wo({ - dispose: tl(() => { - Lo(t), e() - }) - }) - return t - } - var yr = class e { - static { - this.DISABLE_DISPOSED_WARNING = !1 - } - constructor() { - ;(this._toDispose = new Set()), (this._isDisposed = !1), wo(this) - } - dispose() { - this._isDisposed || (Lo(this), (this._isDisposed = !0), this.clear()) - } - get isDisposed() { - return this._isDisposed - } - clear() { - if (this._toDispose.size !== 0) - try { - Co(this._toDispose) - } finally { - this._toDispose.clear() - } - } - add(t) { - if (!t) return t - if (t === this) throw new Error('Cannot register a disposable on itself!') - return ( - nl(t, this), - this._isDisposed - ? e.DISABLE_DISPOSED_WARNING || - console.warn( - new Error( - 'Trying to add a disposable to a DisposableStore that has already been disposed of. The added object will be leaked!' - ).stack - ) - : this._toDispose.add(t), - t - ) - } - deleteAndLeak(t) { - t && this._toDispose.has(t) && (this._toDispose.delete(t), nl(t, null)) - } - }, - Xt = class { - static { - this.None = Object.freeze({ dispose() {} }) - } - constructor() { - ;(this._store = new yr()), wo(this), nl(this._store, this) - } - dispose() { - Lo(this), this._store.dispose() - } - _register(t) { - if (t === this) throw new Error('Cannot register a disposable on itself!') - return this._store.add(t) - } - } - var wf = class { - constructor() { - ;(this._store = new Map()), (this._isDisposed = !1), wo(this) - } - dispose() { - Lo(this), (this._isDisposed = !0), this.clearAndDisposeAll() - } - clearAndDisposeAll() { - if (this._store.size) - try { - Co(this._store.values()) - } finally { - this._store.clear() - } - } - get(t) { - return this._store.get(t) - } - set(t, n, r = !1) { - this._isDisposed && - console.warn( - new Error( - 'Trying to add a disposable to a DisposableMap that has already been disposed of. The added object will be leaked!' - ).stack - ), - r || this._store.get(t)?.dispose(), - this._store.set(t, n) - } - deleteAndDispose(t) { - this._store.get(t)?.dispose(), this._store.delete(t) - } - [Symbol.iterator]() { - return this._store[Symbol.iterator]() - } - } - var $e = class e { - static { - this.Undefined = new e(void 0) - } - constructor(t) { - ;(this.element = t), (this.next = e.Undefined), (this.prev = e.Undefined) - } - }, - gs = class { - constructor() { - ;(this._first = $e.Undefined), (this._last = $e.Undefined), (this._size = 0) - } - get size() { - return this._size - } - isEmpty() { - return this._first === $e.Undefined - } - clear() { - let t = this._first - for (; t !== $e.Undefined; ) { - let n = t.next - ;(t.prev = $e.Undefined), (t.next = $e.Undefined), (t = n) - } - ;(this._first = $e.Undefined), (this._last = $e.Undefined), (this._size = 0) - } - unshift(t) { - return this._insert(t, !1) - } - push(t) { - return this._insert(t, !0) - } - _insert(t, n) { - let r = new $e(t) - if (this._first === $e.Undefined) (this._first = r), (this._last = r) - else if (n) { - let s = this._last - ;(this._last = r), (r.prev = s), (s.next = r) - } else { - let s = this._first - ;(this._first = r), (r.next = s), (s.prev = r) - } - this._size += 1 - let i = !1 - return () => { - i || ((i = !0), this._remove(r)) - } - } - shift() { - if (this._first !== $e.Undefined) { - let t = this._first.element - return this._remove(this._first), t - } - } - pop() { - if (this._last !== $e.Undefined) { - let t = this._last.element - return this._remove(this._last), t - } - } - _remove(t) { - if (t.prev !== $e.Undefined && t.next !== $e.Undefined) { - let n = t.prev - ;(n.next = t.next), (t.next.prev = n) - } else - t.prev === $e.Undefined && t.next === $e.Undefined - ? ((this._first = $e.Undefined), (this._last = $e.Undefined)) - : t.next === $e.Undefined - ? ((this._last = this._last.prev), (this._last.next = $e.Undefined)) - : t.prev === $e.Undefined && - ((this._first = this._first.next), (this._first.prev = $e.Undefined)) - this._size -= 1 - } - *[Symbol.iterator]() { - let t = this._first - for (; t !== $e.Undefined; ) yield t.element, (t = t.next) - } - } - var m4 = globalThis.performance && typeof globalThis.performance.now == 'function', - oi = class e { - static create(t) { - return new e(t) - } - constructor(t) { - ;(this._now = - m4 && t === !1 ? Date.now : globalThis.performance.now.bind(globalThis.performance)), - (this._startTime = this._now()), - (this._stopTime = -1) - } - stop() { - this._stopTime = this._now() - } - reset() { - ;(this._startTime = this._now()), (this._stopTime = -1) - } - elapsed() { - return this._stopTime !== -1 - ? this._stopTime - this._startTime - : this._now() - this._startTime - } - } - var g4 = !1, - Cf = !1, - D4 = !1, - ui - ;(function (e) { - e.None = () => Xt.None - function t(F) { - if (D4) { - let { onDidAddListener: T } = F, - Q = Ds.create(), - $ = 0 - F.onDidAddListener = () => { - ++$ === 2 && - (console.warn( - 'snapshotted emitter LIKELY used public and SHOULD HAVE BEEN created with DisposableStore. snapshotted here' - ), - Q.print()), - T?.() - } - } - } - function n(F, T) { - return m(F, () => {}, 0, void 0, !0, void 0, T) - } - e.defer = n - function r(F) { - return (T, Q = null, $) => { - let ee = !1, - ne - return ( - (ne = F( - (se) => { - if (!ee) return ne ? ne.dispose() : (ee = !0), T.call(Q, se) - }, - null, - $ - )), - ee && ne.dispose(), - ne - ) - } - } - e.once = r - function i(F, T) { - return e.once(e.filter(F, T)) - } - e.onceIf = i - function s(F, T, Q) { - return d(($, ee = null, ne) => F((se) => $.call(ee, T(se)), null, ne), Q) - } - e.map = s - function o(F, T, Q) { - return d( - ($, ee = null, ne) => - F( - (se) => { - T(se), $.call(ee, se) - }, - null, - ne - ), - Q - ) - } - e.forEach = o - function a(F, T, Q) { - return d(($, ee = null, ne) => F((se) => T(se) && $.call(ee, se), null, ne), Q) - } - e.filter = a - function u(F) { - return F - } - e.signal = u - function l(...F) { - return (T, Q = null, $) => { - let ee = Lf(...F.map((ne) => ne((se) => T.call(Q, se)))) - return h(ee, $) - } - } - e.any = l - function c(F, T, Q, $) { - let ee = Q - return s(F, (ne) => ((ee = T(ee, ne)), ee), $) - } - e.reduce = c - function d(F, T) { - let Q, - $ = { - onWillAddFirstListener() { - Q = F(ee.fire, ee) - }, - onDidRemoveLastListener() { - Q?.dispose() - } - } - T || t($) - let ee = new lt($) - return T?.add(ee), ee.event - } - function h(F, T) { - return T instanceof Array ? T.push(F) : T && T.add(F), F - } - function m(F, T, Q = 100, $ = !1, ee = !1, ne, se) { - let Ie, - P, - Z, - J = 0, - G, - _e = { - leakWarningThreshold: ne, - onWillAddFirstListener() { - Ie = F((H) => { - J++, - (P = T(P, H)), - $ && !Z && (Re.fire(P), (P = void 0)), - (G = () => { - let Ne = P - ;(P = void 0), (Z = void 0), (!$ || J > 1) && Re.fire(Ne), (J = 0) - }), - typeof Q == 'number' - ? (clearTimeout(Z), (Z = setTimeout(G, Q))) - : Z === void 0 && ((Z = 0), queueMicrotask(G)) - }) - }, - onWillRemoveListener() { - ee && J > 0 && G?.() - }, - onDidRemoveLastListener() { - ;(G = void 0), Ie.dispose() - } - } - se || t(_e) - let Re = new lt(_e) - return se?.add(Re), Re.event - } - e.debounce = m - function g(F, T = 0, Q) { - return e.debounce(F, ($, ee) => ($ ? ($.push(ee), $) : [ee]), T, void 0, !0, void 0, Q) - } - e.accumulate = g - function v(F, T = ($, ee) => $ === ee, Q) { - let $ = !0, - ee - return a( - F, - (ne) => { - let se = $ || !T(ne, ee) - return ($ = !1), (ee = ne), se - }, - Q - ) - } - e.latch = v - function N(F, T, Q) { - return [e.filter(F, T, Q), e.filter(F, ($) => !T($), Q)] - } - e.split = N - function _(F, T = !1, Q = [], $) { - let ee = Q.slice(), - ne = F((P) => { - ee ? ee.push(P) : Ie.fire(P) - }) - $ && $.add(ne) - let se = () => { - ee?.forEach((P) => Ie.fire(P)), (ee = null) - }, - Ie = new lt({ - onWillAddFirstListener() { - ne || ((ne = F((P) => Ie.fire(P))), $ && $.add(ne)) - }, - onDidAddFirstListener() { - ee && (T ? setTimeout(se) : se()) - }, - onDidRemoveLastListener() { - ne && ne.dispose(), (ne = null) - } - }) - return $ && $.add(Ie), Ie.event - } - e.buffer = _ - function w(F, T) { - return ($, ee, ne) => { - let se = T(new S()) - return F( - function (Ie) { - let P = se.evaluate(Ie) - P !== C && $.call(ee, P) - }, - void 0, - ne - ) - } - } - e.chain = w - let C = Symbol('HaltChainable') - class S { - constructor() { - this.steps = [] - } - map(T) { - return this.steps.push(T), this - } - forEach(T) { - return this.steps.push((Q) => (T(Q), Q)), this - } - filter(T) { - return this.steps.push((Q) => (T(Q) ? Q : C)), this - } - reduce(T, Q) { - let $ = Q - return this.steps.push((ee) => (($ = T($, ee)), $)), this - } - latch(T = (Q, $) => Q === $) { - let Q = !0, - $ - return ( - this.steps.push((ee) => { - let ne = Q || !T(ee, $) - return (Q = !1), ($ = ee), ne ? ee : C - }), - this - ) - } - evaluate(T) { - for (let Q of this.steps) if (((T = Q(T)), T === C)) break - return T - } - } - function k(F, T, Q = ($) => $) { - let $ = (...Ie) => se.fire(Q(...Ie)), - ee = () => F.on(T, $), - ne = () => F.removeListener(T, $), - se = new lt({ onWillAddFirstListener: ee, onDidRemoveLastListener: ne }) - return se.event - } - e.fromNodeEventEmitter = k - function M(F, T, Q = ($) => $) { - let $ = (...Ie) => se.fire(Q(...Ie)), - ee = () => F.addEventListener(T, $), - ne = () => F.removeEventListener(T, $), - se = new lt({ onWillAddFirstListener: ee, onDidRemoveLastListener: ne }) - return se.event - } - e.fromDOMEventEmitter = M - function I(F) { - return new Promise((T) => r(F)(T)) - } - e.toPromise = I - function B(F) { - let T = new lt() - return ( - F.then( - (Q) => { - T.fire(Q) - }, - () => { - T.fire(void 0) - } - ).finally(() => { - T.dispose() - }), - T.event - ) - } - e.fromPromise = B - function L(F, T) { - return F((Q) => T.fire(Q)) - } - e.forward = L - function A(F, T, Q) { - return T(Q), F(($) => T($)) - } - e.runAndSubscribe = A - class X { - constructor(T, Q) { - ;(this._observable = T), (this._counter = 0), (this._hasChanged = !1) - let $ = { - onWillAddFirstListener: () => { - T.addObserver(this), this._observable.reportChanges() - }, - onDidRemoveLastListener: () => { - T.removeObserver(this) - } - } - Q || t($), (this.emitter = new lt($)), Q && Q.add(this.emitter) - } - beginUpdate(T) { - this._counter++ - } - handlePossibleChange(T) {} - handleChange(T, Q) { - this._hasChanged = !0 - } - endUpdate(T) { - this._counter--, - this._counter === 0 && - (this._observable.reportChanges(), - this._hasChanged && - ((this._hasChanged = !1), this.emitter.fire(this._observable.get()))) - } - } - function z(F, T) { - return new X(F, T).emitter.event - } - e.fromObservable = z - function fe(F) { - return (T, Q, $) => { - let ee = 0, - ne = !1, - se = { - beginUpdate() { - ee++ - }, - endUpdate() { - ee--, ee === 0 && (F.reportChanges(), ne && ((ne = !1), T.call(Q))) - }, - handlePossibleChange() {}, - handleChange() { - ne = !0 - } - } - F.addObserver(se), F.reportChanges() - let Ie = { - dispose() { - F.removeObserver(se) - } - } - return $ instanceof yr ? $.add(Ie) : Array.isArray($) && $.push(Ie), Ie - } - } - e.fromObservableLight = fe - })(ui || (ui = {})) - var rl = class e { - static { - this.all = new Set() - } - static { - this._idPool = 0 - } - constructor(t) { - ;(this.listenerCount = 0), - (this.invocationCount = 0), - (this.elapsedOverall = 0), - (this.durations = []), - (this.name = `${t}_${e._idPool++}`), - e.all.add(this) - } - start(t) { - ;(this._stopWatch = new oi()), (this.listenerCount = t) - } - stop() { - if (this._stopWatch) { - let t = this._stopWatch.elapsed() - this.durations.push(t), - (this.elapsedOverall += t), - (this.invocationCount += 1), - (this._stopWatch = void 0) - } - } - }, - If = -1, - il = class e { - static { - this._idPool = 1 - } - constructor(t, n, r = (e._idPool++).toString(16).padStart(3, '0')) { - ;(this._errorHandler = t), (this.threshold = n), (this.name = r), (this._warnCountdown = 0) - } - dispose() { - this._stacks?.clear() - } - check(t, n) { - let r = this.threshold - if (r <= 0 || n < r) return - this._stacks || (this._stacks = new Map()) - let i = this._stacks.get(t.value) || 0 - if ( - (this._stacks.set(t.value, i + 1), (this._warnCountdown -= 1), this._warnCountdown <= 0) - ) { - this._warnCountdown = r * 0.5 - let [s, o] = this.getMostFrequentStack(), - a = `[${this.name}] potential listener LEAK detected, having ${n} listeners already. MOST frequent listener (${o}):` - console.warn(a), console.warn(s) - let u = new sl(a, s) - this._errorHandler(u) - } - return () => { - let s = this._stacks.get(t.value) || 0 - this._stacks.set(t.value, s - 1) - } - } - getMostFrequentStack() { - if (!this._stacks) return - let t, - n = 0 - for (let [r, i] of this._stacks) (!t || n < i) && ((t = [r, i]), (n = i)) - return t - } - }, - Ds = class e { - static create() { - let t = new Error() - return new e(t.stack ?? '') - } - constructor(t) { - this.value = t - } - print() { - console.warn( - this.value - .split( - ` -` - ) - .slice(2).join(` -`) - ) - } - }, - sl = class extends Error { - constructor(t, n) { - super(t), (this.name = 'ListenerLeakError'), (this.stack = n) - } - }, - ol = class extends Error { - constructor(t, n) { - super(t), (this.name = 'ListenerRefusalError'), (this.stack = n) - } - }, - ai = class { - constructor(t) { - this.value = t - } - }, - v4 = 2, - b4 = (e, t) => { - if (e instanceof ai) t(e) - else - for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { - let r = e[n] - r && t(r) - } - }, - Io - if (g4) { - let e = [] - setInterval(() => { - e.length !== 0 && - (console.warn("[LEAKING LISTENERS] GC'ed these listeners that were NOT yet disposed:"), - console.warn( - e.join(` -`) - ), - (e.length = 0)) - }, 3e3), - (Io = new FinalizationRegistry((t) => { - typeof t == 'string' && e.push(t) - })) - } - var lt = class { - constructor(t) { - ;(this._size = 0), - (this._options = t), - (this._leakageMon = - If > 0 || this._options?.leakWarningThreshold - ? new il(t?.onListenerError ?? In, this._options?.leakWarningThreshold ?? If) - : void 0), - (this._perfMon = this._options?._profName ? new rl(this._options._profName) : void 0), - (this._deliveryQueue = this._options?.deliveryQueue) - } - dispose() { - if (!this._disposed) { - if ( - ((this._disposed = !0), - this._deliveryQueue?.current === this && this._deliveryQueue.reset(), - this._listeners) - ) { - if (Cf) { - let t = this._listeners - queueMicrotask(() => { - b4(t, (n) => n.stack?.print()) - }) - } - ;(this._listeners = void 0), (this._size = 0) - } - this._options?.onDidRemoveLastListener?.(), this._leakageMon?.dispose() - } - } - get event() { - return ( - (this._event ??= (t, n, r) => { - if (this._leakageMon && this._size > this._leakageMon.threshold ** 2) { - let u = `[${this._leakageMon.name}] REFUSES to accept new listeners because it exceeded its threshold by far (${this._size} vs ${this._leakageMon.threshold})` - console.warn(u) - let l = this._leakageMon.getMostFrequentStack() ?? ['UNKNOWN stack', -1], - c = new ol(`${u}. HINT: Stack shows most frequent listener (${l[1]}-times)`, l[0]) - return (this._options?.onListenerError || In)(c), Xt.None - } - if (this._disposed) return Xt.None - n && (t = t.bind(n)) - let i = new ai(t), - s, - o - this._leakageMon && - this._size >= Math.ceil(this._leakageMon.threshold * 0.2) && - ((i.stack = Ds.create()), (s = this._leakageMon.check(i.stack, this._size + 1))), - Cf && (i.stack = o ?? Ds.create()), - this._listeners - ? this._listeners instanceof ai - ? ((this._deliveryQueue ??= new al()), (this._listeners = [this._listeners, i])) - : this._listeners.push(i) - : (this._options?.onWillAddFirstListener?.(this), - (this._listeners = i), - this._options?.onDidAddFirstListener?.(this)), - this._size++ - let a = Zn(() => { - Io?.unregister(a), s?.(), this._removeListener(i) - }) - if ((r instanceof yr ? r.add(a) : Array.isArray(r) && r.push(a), Io)) { - let u = new Error().stack - .split( - ` -` - ) - .slice(2, 3) - .join( - ` -` - ) - .trim(), - l = /(file:|vscode-file:\/\/vscode-app)?(\/[^:]*:\d+:\d+)/.exec(u) - Io.register(a, l?.[2] ?? u, a) - } - return a - }), - this._event - ) - } - _removeListener(t) { - if ((this._options?.onWillRemoveListener?.(this), !this._listeners)) return - if (this._size === 1) { - ;(this._listeners = void 0), - this._options?.onDidRemoveLastListener?.(this), - (this._size = 0) - return - } - let n = this._listeners, - r = n.indexOf(t) - if (r === -1) - throw ( - (console.log('disposed?', this._disposed), - console.log('size?', this._size), - console.log('arr?', JSON.stringify(this._listeners)), - new Error('Attempted to dispose unknown listener')) - ) - this._size--, (n[r] = void 0) - let i = this._deliveryQueue.current === this - if (this._size * v4 <= n.length) { - let s = 0 - for (let o = 0; o < n.length; o++) - n[o] - ? (n[s++] = n[o]) - : i && (this._deliveryQueue.end--, s < this._deliveryQueue.i && this._deliveryQueue.i--) - n.length = s - } - } - _deliver(t, n) { - if (!t) return - let r = this._options?.onListenerError || In - if (!r) { - t.value(n) - return - } - try { - t.value(n) - } catch (i) { - r(i) - } - } - _deliverQueue(t) { - let n = t.current._listeners - for (; t.i < t.end; ) this._deliver(n[t.i++], t.value) - t.reset() - } - fire(t) { - if ( - (this._deliveryQueue?.current && - (this._deliverQueue(this._deliveryQueue), this._perfMon?.stop()), - this._perfMon?.start(this._size), - this._listeners) - ) - if (this._listeners instanceof ai) this._deliver(this._listeners, t) - else { - let n = this._deliveryQueue - n.enqueue(this, t, this._listeners.length), this._deliverQueue(n) - } - this._perfMon?.stop() - } - hasListeners() { - return this._size > 0 - } - } - var al = class { - constructor() { - ;(this.i = -1), (this.end = 0) - } - enqueue(t, n, r) { - ;(this.i = 0), (this.end = r), (this.current = t), (this.value = n) - } - reset() { - ;(this.i = this.end), (this.current = void 0), (this.value = void 0) - } - } - function ul() { - return globalThis._VSCODE_NLS_MESSAGES - } - function vs() { - return globalThis._VSCODE_NLS_LANGUAGE - } - var E4 = - vs() === 'pseudo' || - (typeof document < 'u' && - document.location && - document.location.hash.indexOf('pseudo=true') >= 0) - function Rf(e, t) { - let n - return ( - t.length === 0 - ? (n = e) - : (n = e.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, (r, i) => { - let s = i[0], - o = t[s], - a = r - return ( - typeof o == 'string' - ? (a = o) - : (typeof o == 'number' || typeof o == 'boolean' || o === void 0 || o === null) && - (a = String(o)), - a - ) - })), - E4 && (n = '\uFF3B' + n.replace(/[aouei]/g, '$&$&') + '\uFF3D'), - n - ) - } - function ke(e, t, ...n) { - return Rf(typeof e == 'number' ? y4(e, t) : t, n) - } - function y4(e, t) { - let n = ul()?.[e] - if (typeof n != 'string') { - if (typeof t == 'string') return t - throw new Error(`!!! NLS MISSING: ${e} !!!`) - } - return n - } - var li = 'en', - Oo = !1, - Mo = !1, - ko = !1, - _4 = !1, - Of = !1, - fl = !1, - N4 = !1, - T4 = !1, - S4 = !1, - A4 = !1, - Ro, - ll = li, - kf = li, - F4, - Rn, - kn = globalThis, - jt - typeof kn.vscode < 'u' && typeof kn.vscode.process < 'u' - ? (jt = kn.vscode.process) - : typeof process < 'u' && typeof process?.versions?.node == 'string' && (jt = process) - var Mf = typeof jt?.versions?.electron == 'string', - w4 = Mf && jt?.type === 'renderer' - if (typeof jt == 'object') { - ;(Oo = jt.platform === 'win32'), - (Mo = jt.platform === 'darwin'), - (ko = jt.platform === 'linux'), - (_4 = ko && !!jt.env.SNAP && !!jt.env.SNAP_REVISION), - (N4 = Mf), - (S4 = !!jt.env.CI || !!jt.env.BUILD_ARTIFACTSTAGINGDIRECTORY), - (Ro = li), - (ll = li) - let e = jt.env.VSCODE_NLS_CONFIG - if (e) - try { - let t = JSON.parse(e) - ;(Ro = t.userLocale), - (kf = t.osLocale), - (ll = t.resolvedLanguage || li), - (F4 = t.languagePack?.translationsConfigFile) - } catch {} - Of = !0 - } else - typeof navigator == 'object' && !w4 - ? ((Rn = navigator.userAgent), - (Oo = Rn.indexOf('Windows') >= 0), - (Mo = Rn.indexOf('Macintosh') >= 0), - (T4 = - (Rn.indexOf('Macintosh') >= 0 || Rn.indexOf('iPad') >= 0 || Rn.indexOf('iPhone') >= 0) && - !!navigator.maxTouchPoints && - navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0), - (ko = Rn.indexOf('Linux') >= 0), - (A4 = Rn?.indexOf('Mobi') >= 0), - (fl = !0), - (ll = vs() || li), - (Ro = navigator.language.toLowerCase()), - (kf = Ro)) - : console.error('Unable to resolve platform.') - var cl = 0 - Mo ? (cl = 1) : Oo ? (cl = 3) : ko && (cl = 2) - var xr = Oo, - Pf = Mo - var Bf = Of, - dl = fl, - L4 = fl && typeof kn.importScripts == 'function', - Vf = L4 ? kn.origin : void 0 - var dn = Rn - var C4 = typeof kn.postMessage == 'function' && !kn.importScripts, - Uf = (() => { - if (C4) { - let e = [] - kn.addEventListener('message', (n) => { - if (n.data && n.data.vscodeScheduleAsyncWork) - for (let r = 0, i = e.length; r < i; r++) { - let s = e[r] - if (s.id === n.data.vscodeScheduleAsyncWork) { - e.splice(r, 1), s.callback() - return - } - } - }) - let t = 0 - return (n) => { - let r = ++t - e.push({ id: r, callback: n }), kn.postMessage({ vscodeScheduleAsyncWork: r }, '*') - } - } - return (e) => setTimeout(e) - })() - var I4 = !!(dn && dn.indexOf('Chrome') >= 0), - fE = !!(dn && dn.indexOf('Firefox') >= 0), - dE = !!(!I4 && dn && dn.indexOf('Safari') >= 0), - pE = !!(dn && dn.indexOf('Edg/') >= 0), - hE = !!(dn && dn.indexOf('Android') >= 0) - function k4(e) { - return e - } - var Po = class { - constructor(t, n) { - ;(this.lastCache = void 0), - (this.lastArgKey = void 0), - typeof t == 'function' - ? ((this._fn = t), (this._computeKey = k4)) - : ((this._fn = n), (this._computeKey = t.getCacheKey)) - } - get(t) { - let n = this._computeKey(t) - return ( - this.lastArgKey !== n && ((this.lastArgKey = n), (this.lastCache = this._fn(t))), - this.lastCache - ) - } - } - var bs = class { - constructor(t) { - ;(this.executor = t), (this._didRun = !1) - } - get value() { - if (!this._didRun) - try { - this._value = this.executor() - } catch (t) { - this._error = t - } finally { - this._didRun = !0 - } - if (this._error) throw this._error - return this._value - } - get rawValue() { - return this._value - } - } - function jf(e) { - return e.replace(/[\\\{\}\*\+\?\|\^\$\.\[\]\(\)]/g, '\\$&') - } - function qf(e) { - return e.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/) - } - function Gf(e) { - for (let t = 0, n = e.length; t < n; t++) { - let r = e.charCodeAt(t) - if (r !== 32 && r !== 9) return t - } - return -1 - } - function Hf(e, t = e.length - 1) { - for (let n = t; n >= 0; n--) { - let r = e.charCodeAt(n) - if (r !== 32 && r !== 9) return n - } - return -1 - } - function pl(e) { - return e >= 65 && e <= 90 - } - function di(e) { - return 55296 <= e && e <= 56319 - } - function Bo(e) { - return 56320 <= e && e <= 57343 - } - function hl(e, t) { - return ((e - 55296) << 10) + (t - 56320) + 65536 - } - function Wf(e, t, n) { - let r = e.charCodeAt(n) - if (di(r) && n + 1 < t) { - let i = e.charCodeAt(n + 1) - if (Bo(i)) return hl(r, i) - } - return r - } - var O4 = /^[\t\n\r\x20-\x7E]*$/ - function Qf(e) { - return O4.test(e) - } - var bE = String.fromCharCode(65279) - var $f = class e { - static { - this._INSTANCE = null - } - static getInstance() { - return e._INSTANCE || (e._INSTANCE = new e()), e._INSTANCE - } - constructor() { - this._data = M4() - } - getGraphemeBreakType(t) { - if (t < 32) return t === 10 ? 3 : t === 13 ? 2 : 4 - if (t < 127) return 0 - let n = this._data, - r = n.length / 3, - i = 1 - for (; i <= r; ) - if (t < n[3 * i]) i = 2 * i - else if (t > n[3 * i + 1]) i = 2 * i + 1 - else return n[3 * i + 2] - return 0 - } - } - function M4() { - return JSON.parse( - 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- ) - } - static { - this._data = void 0 - } - static getData() { - return this._data || (this._data = new Set(e.getRawData())), this._data - } - static isInvisibleCharacter(t) { - return e.getData().has(t) - } - static get codePoints() { - return e.getData() - } - } - var pi, - ml = globalThis.vscode - if (typeof ml < 'u' && typeof ml.process < 'u') { - let e = ml.process - pi = { - get platform() { - return e.platform - }, - get arch() { - return e.arch - }, - get env() { - return e.env - }, - cwd() { - return e.cwd() - } - } - } else - typeof process < 'u' && typeof process?.versions?.node == 'string' - ? (pi = { - get platform() { - return process.platform - }, - get arch() { - return process.arch - }, - get env() { - return process.env - }, - cwd() { - return process.env.VSCODE_CWD || process.cwd() - } - }) - : (pi = { - get platform() { - return xr ? 'win32' : Pf ? 'darwin' : 'linux' - }, - get arch() {}, - get env() { - return {} - }, - cwd() { - return '/' - } - }) - var ys = pi.cwd, - zf = pi.env, - Yf = pi.platform - var B4 = 65, - V4 = 97, - U4 = 90, - $4 = 122, - nr = 46, - dt = 47, - kt = 92, - er = 58, - j4 = 63, - Vo = class extends Error { - constructor(t, n, r) { - let i - typeof n == 'string' && n.indexOf('not ') === 0 - ? ((i = 'must not be'), (n = n.replace(/^not /, ''))) - : (i = 'must be') - let s = t.indexOf('.') !== -1 ? 'property' : 'argument', - o = `The "${t}" ${s} ${i} of type ${n}` - ;(o += `. Received type ${typeof r}`), super(o), (this.code = 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE') - } - } - function q4(e, t) { - if (e === null || typeof e != 'object') throw new Vo(t, 'Object', e) - } - function ze(e, t) { - if (typeof e != 'string') throw new Vo(t, 'string', e) - } - var On = Yf === 'win32' - function he(e) { - return e === dt || e === kt - } - function gl(e) { - return e === dt - } - function tr(e) { - return (e >= B4 && e <= U4) || (e >= V4 && e <= $4) - } - function Uo(e, t, n, r) { - let i = '', - s = 0, - o = -1, - a = 0, - u = 0 - for (let l = 0; l <= e.length; ++l) { - if (l < e.length) u = e.charCodeAt(l) - else { - if (r(u)) break - u = dt - } - if (r(u)) { - if (!(o === l - 1 || a === 1)) - if (a === 2) { - if ( - i.length < 2 || - s !== 2 || - i.charCodeAt(i.length - 1) !== nr || - i.charCodeAt(i.length - 2) !== nr - ) { - if (i.length > 2) { - let c = i.lastIndexOf(n) - c === -1 - ? ((i = ''), (s = 0)) - : ((i = i.slice(0, c)), (s = i.length - 1 - i.lastIndexOf(n))), - (o = l), - (a = 0) - continue - } else if (i.length !== 0) { - ;(i = ''), (s = 0), (o = l), (a = 0) - continue - } - } - t && ((i += i.length > 0 ? `${n}..` : '..'), (s = 2)) - } else - i.length > 0 ? (i += `${n}${e.slice(o + 1, l)}`) : (i = e.slice(o + 1, l)), - (s = l - o - 1) - ;(o = l), (a = 0) - } else u === nr && a !== -1 ? ++a : (a = -1) - } - return i - } - function G4(e) { - return e ? `${e[0] === '.' ? '' : '.'}${e}` : '' - } - function Jf(e, t) { - q4(t, 'pathObject') - let n = t.dir || t.root, - r = t.base || `${t.name || ''}${G4(t.ext)}` - return n ? (n === t.root ? `${n}${r}` : `${n}${e}${r}`) : r - } - var vt = { - resolve(...e) { - let t = '', - n = '', - r = !1 - for (let i = e.length - 1; i >= -1; i--) { - let s - if (i >= 0) { - if (((s = e[i]), ze(s, `paths[${i}]`), s.length === 0)) continue - } else - t.length === 0 - ? (s = ys()) - : ((s = zf[`=${t}`] || ys()), - (s === void 0 || - (s.slice(0, 2).toLowerCase() !== t.toLowerCase() && s.charCodeAt(2) === kt)) && - (s = `${t}\\`)) - let o = s.length, - a = 0, - u = '', - l = !1, - c = s.charCodeAt(0) - if (o === 1) he(c) && ((a = 1), (l = !0)) - else if (he(c)) - if (((l = !0), he(s.charCodeAt(1)))) { - let d = 2, - h = d - for (; d < o && !he(s.charCodeAt(d)); ) d++ - if (d < o && d !== h) { - let m = s.slice(h, d) - for (h = d; d < o && he(s.charCodeAt(d)); ) d++ - if (d < o && d !== h) { - for (h = d; d < o && !he(s.charCodeAt(d)); ) d++ - ;(d === o || d !== h) && ((u = `\\\\${m}\\${s.slice(h, d)}`), (a = d)) - } - } - } else a = 1 - else - tr(c) && - s.charCodeAt(1) === er && - ((u = s.slice(0, 2)), (a = 2), o > 2 && he(s.charCodeAt(2)) && ((l = !0), (a = 3))) - if (u.length > 0) - if (t.length > 0) { - if (u.toLowerCase() !== t.toLowerCase()) continue - } else t = u - if (r) { - if (t.length > 0) break - } else if (((n = `${s.slice(a)}\\${n}`), (r = l), l && t.length > 0)) break - } - return (n = Uo(n, !r, '\\', he)), r ? `${t}\\${n}` : `${t}${n}` || '.' - }, - normalize(e) { - ze(e, 'path') - let t = e.length - if (t === 0) return '.' - let n = 0, - r, - i = !1, - s = e.charCodeAt(0) - if (t === 1) return gl(s) ? '\\' : e - if (he(s)) - if (((i = !0), he(e.charCodeAt(1)))) { - let a = 2, - u = a - for (; a < t && !he(e.charCodeAt(a)); ) a++ - if (a < t && a !== u) { - let l = e.slice(u, a) - for (u = a; a < t && he(e.charCodeAt(a)); ) a++ - if (a < t && a !== u) { - for (u = a; a < t && !he(e.charCodeAt(a)); ) a++ - if (a === t) return `\\\\${l}\\${e.slice(u)}\\` - a !== u && ((r = `\\\\${l}\\${e.slice(u, a)}`), (n = a)) - } - } - } else n = 1 - else - tr(s) && - e.charCodeAt(1) === er && - ((r = e.slice(0, 2)), (n = 2), t > 2 && he(e.charCodeAt(2)) && ((i = !0), (n = 3))) - let o = n < t ? Uo(e.slice(n), !i, '\\', he) : '' - return ( - o.length === 0 && !i && (o = '.'), - o.length > 0 && he(e.charCodeAt(t - 1)) && (o += '\\'), - r === void 0 ? (i ? `\\${o}` : o) : i ? `${r}\\${o}` : `${r}${o}` - ) - }, - isAbsolute(e) { - ze(e, 'path') - let t = e.length - if (t === 0) return !1 - let n = e.charCodeAt(0) - return he(n) || (t > 2 && tr(n) && e.charCodeAt(1) === er && he(e.charCodeAt(2))) - }, - join(...e) { - if (e.length === 0) return '.' - let t, n - for (let s = 0; s < e.length; ++s) { - let o = e[s] - ze(o, 'path'), o.length > 0 && (t === void 0 ? (t = n = o) : (t += `\\${o}`)) - } - if (t === void 0) return '.' - let r = !0, - i = 0 - if (typeof n == 'string' && he(n.charCodeAt(0))) { - ++i - let s = n.length - s > 1 && he(n.charCodeAt(1)) && (++i, s > 2 && (he(n.charCodeAt(2)) ? ++i : (r = !1))) - } - if (r) { - for (; i < t.length && he(t.charCodeAt(i)); ) i++ - i >= 2 && (t = `\\${t.slice(i)}`) - } - return vt.normalize(t) - }, - relative(e, t) { - if ((ze(e, 'from'), ze(t, 'to'), e === t)) return '' - let n = vt.resolve(e), - r = vt.resolve(t) - if (n === r || ((e = n.toLowerCase()), (t = r.toLowerCase()), e === t)) return '' - let i = 0 - for (; i < e.length && e.charCodeAt(i) === kt; ) i++ - let s = e.length - for (; s - 1 > i && e.charCodeAt(s - 1) === kt; ) s-- - let o = s - i, - a = 0 - for (; a < t.length && t.charCodeAt(a) === kt; ) a++ - let u = t.length - for (; u - 1 > a && t.charCodeAt(u - 1) === kt; ) u-- - let l = u - a, - c = o < l ? o : l, - d = -1, - h = 0 - for (; h < c; h++) { - let g = e.charCodeAt(i + h) - if (g !== t.charCodeAt(a + h)) break - g === kt && (d = h) - } - if (h !== c) { - if (d === -1) return r - } else { - if (l > c) { - if (t.charCodeAt(a + h) === kt) return r.slice(a + h + 1) - if (h === 2) return r.slice(a + h) - } - o > c && (e.charCodeAt(i + h) === kt ? (d = h) : h === 2 && (d = 3)), d === -1 && (d = 0) - } - let m = '' - for (h = i + d + 1; h <= s; ++h) - (h === s || e.charCodeAt(h) === kt) && (m += m.length === 0 ? '..' : '\\..') - return ( - (a += d), - m.length > 0 ? `${m}${r.slice(a, u)}` : (r.charCodeAt(a) === kt && ++a, r.slice(a, u)) - ) - }, - toNamespacedPath(e) { - if (typeof e != 'string' || e.length === 0) return e - let t = vt.resolve(e) - if (t.length <= 2) return e - if (t.charCodeAt(0) === kt) { - if (t.charCodeAt(1) === kt) { - let n = t.charCodeAt(2) - if (n !== j4 && n !== nr) return `\\\\?\\UNC\\${t.slice(2)}` - } - } else if (tr(t.charCodeAt(0)) && t.charCodeAt(1) === er && t.charCodeAt(2) === kt) - return `\\\\?\\${t}` - return e - }, - dirname(e) { - ze(e, 'path') - let t = e.length - if (t === 0) return '.' - let n = -1, - r = 0, - i = e.charCodeAt(0) - if (t === 1) return he(i) ? e : '.' - if (he(i)) { - if (((n = r = 1), he(e.charCodeAt(1)))) { - let a = 2, - u = a - for (; a < t && !he(e.charCodeAt(a)); ) a++ - if (a < t && a !== u) { - for (u = a; a < t && he(e.charCodeAt(a)); ) a++ - if (a < t && a !== u) { - for (u = a; a < t && !he(e.charCodeAt(a)); ) a++ - if (a === t) return e - a !== u && (n = r = a + 1) - } - } - } - } else - tr(i) && e.charCodeAt(1) === er && ((n = t > 2 && he(e.charCodeAt(2)) ? 3 : 2), (r = n)) - let s = -1, - o = !0 - for (let a = t - 1; a >= r; --a) - if (he(e.charCodeAt(a))) { - if (!o) { - s = a - break - } - } else o = !1 - if (s === -1) { - if (n === -1) return '.' - s = n - } - return e.slice(0, s) - }, - basename(e, t) { - t !== void 0 && ze(t, 'suffix'), ze(e, 'path') - let n = 0, - r = -1, - i = !0, - s - if ( - (e.length >= 2 && tr(e.charCodeAt(0)) && e.charCodeAt(1) === er && (n = 2), - t !== void 0 && t.length > 0 && t.length <= e.length) - ) { - if (t === e) return '' - let o = t.length - 1, - a = -1 - for (s = e.length - 1; s >= n; --s) { - let u = e.charCodeAt(s) - if (he(u)) { - if (!i) { - n = s + 1 - break - } - } else - a === -1 && ((i = !1), (a = s + 1)), - o >= 0 && (u === t.charCodeAt(o) ? --o === -1 && (r = s) : ((o = -1), (r = a))) - } - return n === r ? (r = a) : r === -1 && (r = e.length), e.slice(n, r) - } - for (s = e.length - 1; s >= n; --s) - if (he(e.charCodeAt(s))) { - if (!i) { - n = s + 1 - break - } - } else r === -1 && ((i = !1), (r = s + 1)) - return r === -1 ? '' : e.slice(n, r) - }, - extname(e) { - ze(e, 'path') - let t = 0, - n = -1, - r = 0, - i = -1, - s = !0, - o = 0 - e.length >= 2 && e.charCodeAt(1) === er && tr(e.charCodeAt(0)) && (t = r = 2) - for (let a = e.length - 1; a >= t; --a) { - let u = e.charCodeAt(a) - if (he(u)) { - if (!s) { - r = a + 1 - break - } - continue - } - i === -1 && ((s = !1), (i = a + 1)), - u === nr ? (n === -1 ? (n = a) : o !== 1 && (o = 1)) : n !== -1 && (o = -1) - } - return n === -1 || i === -1 || o === 0 || (o === 1 && n === i - 1 && n === r + 1) - ? '' - : e.slice(n, i) - }, - format: Jf.bind(null, '\\'), - parse(e) { - ze(e, 'path') - let t = { root: '', dir: '', base: '', ext: '', name: '' } - if (e.length === 0) return t - let n = e.length, - r = 0, - i = e.charCodeAt(0) - if (n === 1) return he(i) ? ((t.root = t.dir = e), t) : ((t.base = t.name = e), t) - if (he(i)) { - if (((r = 1), he(e.charCodeAt(1)))) { - let d = 2, - h = d - for (; d < n && !he(e.charCodeAt(d)); ) d++ - if (d < n && d !== h) { - for (h = d; d < n && he(e.charCodeAt(d)); ) d++ - if (d < n && d !== h) { - for (h = d; d < n && !he(e.charCodeAt(d)); ) d++ - d === n ? (r = d) : d !== h && (r = d + 1) - } - } - } - } else if (tr(i) && e.charCodeAt(1) === er) { - if (n <= 2) return (t.root = t.dir = e), t - if (((r = 2), he(e.charCodeAt(2)))) { - if (n === 3) return (t.root = t.dir = e), t - r = 3 - } - } - r > 0 && (t.root = e.slice(0, r)) - let s = -1, - o = r, - a = -1, - u = !0, - l = e.length - 1, - c = 0 - for (; l >= r; --l) { - if (((i = e.charCodeAt(l)), he(i))) { - if (!u) { - o = l + 1 - break - } - continue - } - a === -1 && ((u = !1), (a = l + 1)), - i === nr ? (s === -1 ? (s = l) : c !== 1 && (c = 1)) : s !== -1 && (c = -1) - } - return ( - a !== -1 && - (s === -1 || c === 0 || (c === 1 && s === a - 1 && s === o + 1) - ? (t.base = t.name = e.slice(o, a)) - : ((t.name = e.slice(o, s)), (t.base = e.slice(o, a)), (t.ext = e.slice(s, a)))), - o > 0 && o !== r ? (t.dir = e.slice(0, o - 1)) : (t.dir = t.root), - t - ) - }, - sep: '\\', - delimiter: ';', - win32: null, - posix: null - }, - H4 = (() => { - if (On) { - let e = /\\/g - return () => { - let t = ys().replace(e, '/') - return t.slice(t.indexOf('/')) - } - } - return () => ys() - })(), - pt = { - resolve(...e) { - let t = '', - n = !1 - for (let r = e.length - 1; r >= -1 && !n; r--) { - let i = r >= 0 ? e[r] : H4() - ze(i, `paths[${r}]`), i.length !== 0 && ((t = `${i}/${t}`), (n = i.charCodeAt(0) === dt)) - } - return (t = Uo(t, !n, '/', gl)), n ? `/${t}` : t.length > 0 ? t : '.' - }, - normalize(e) { - if ((ze(e, 'path'), e.length === 0)) return '.' - let t = e.charCodeAt(0) === dt, - n = e.charCodeAt(e.length - 1) === dt - return ( - (e = Uo(e, !t, '/', gl)), - e.length === 0 ? (t ? '/' : n ? './' : '.') : (n && (e += '/'), t ? `/${e}` : e) - ) - }, - isAbsolute(e) { - return ze(e, 'path'), e.length > 0 && e.charCodeAt(0) === dt - }, - join(...e) { - if (e.length === 0) return '.' - let t - for (let n = 0; n < e.length; ++n) { - let r = e[n] - ze(r, 'path'), r.length > 0 && (t === void 0 ? (t = r) : (t += `/${r}`)) - } - return t === void 0 ? '.' : pt.normalize(t) - }, - relative(e, t) { - if ( - (ze(e, 'from'), - ze(t, 'to'), - e === t || ((e = pt.resolve(e)), (t = pt.resolve(t)), e === t)) - ) - return '' - let n = 1, - r = e.length, - i = r - n, - s = 1, - o = t.length - s, - a = i < o ? i : o, - u = -1, - l = 0 - for (; l < a; l++) { - let d = e.charCodeAt(n + l) - if (d !== t.charCodeAt(s + l)) break - d === dt && (u = l) - } - if (l === a) - if (o > a) { - if (t.charCodeAt(s + l) === dt) return t.slice(s + l + 1) - if (l === 0) return t.slice(s + l) - } else i > a && (e.charCodeAt(n + l) === dt ? (u = l) : l === 0 && (u = 0)) - let c = '' - for (l = n + u + 1; l <= r; ++l) - (l === r || e.charCodeAt(l) === dt) && (c += c.length === 0 ? '..' : '/..') - return `${c}${t.slice(s + u)}` - }, - toNamespacedPath(e) { - return e - }, - dirname(e) { - if ((ze(e, 'path'), e.length === 0)) return '.' - let t = e.charCodeAt(0) === dt, - n = -1, - r = !0 - for (let i = e.length - 1; i >= 1; --i) - if (e.charCodeAt(i) === dt) { - if (!r) { - n = i - break - } - } else r = !1 - return n === -1 ? (t ? '/' : '.') : t && n === 1 ? '//' : e.slice(0, n) - }, - basename(e, t) { - t !== void 0 && ze(t, 'ext'), ze(e, 'path') - let n = 0, - r = -1, - i = !0, - s - if (t !== void 0 && t.length > 0 && t.length <= e.length) { - if (t === e) return '' - let o = t.length - 1, - a = -1 - for (s = e.length - 1; s >= 0; --s) { - let u = e.charCodeAt(s) - if (u === dt) { - if (!i) { - n = s + 1 - break - } - } else - a === -1 && ((i = !1), (a = s + 1)), - o >= 0 && (u === t.charCodeAt(o) ? --o === -1 && (r = s) : ((o = -1), (r = a))) - } - return n === r ? (r = a) : r === -1 && (r = e.length), e.slice(n, r) - } - for (s = e.length - 1; s >= 0; --s) - if (e.charCodeAt(s) === dt) { - if (!i) { - n = s + 1 - break - } - } else r === -1 && ((i = !1), (r = s + 1)) - return r === -1 ? '' : e.slice(n, r) - }, - extname(e) { - ze(e, 'path') - let t = -1, - n = 0, - r = -1, - i = !0, - s = 0 - for (let o = e.length - 1; o >= 0; --o) { - let a = e.charCodeAt(o) - if (a === dt) { - if (!i) { - n = o + 1 - break - } - continue - } - r === -1 && ((i = !1), (r = o + 1)), - a === nr ? (t === -1 ? (t = o) : s !== 1 && (s = 1)) : t !== -1 && (s = -1) - } - return t === -1 || r === -1 || s === 0 || (s === 1 && t === r - 1 && t === n + 1) - ? '' - : e.slice(t, r) - }, - format: Jf.bind(null, '/'), - parse(e) { - ze(e, 'path') - let t = { root: '', dir: '', base: '', ext: '', name: '' } - if (e.length === 0) return t - let n = e.charCodeAt(0) === dt, - r - n ? ((t.root = '/'), (r = 1)) : (r = 0) - let i = -1, - s = 0, - o = -1, - a = !0, - u = e.length - 1, - l = 0 - for (; u >= r; --u) { - let c = e.charCodeAt(u) - if (c === dt) { - if (!a) { - s = u + 1 - break - } - continue - } - o === -1 && ((a = !1), (o = u + 1)), - c === nr ? (i === -1 ? (i = u) : l !== 1 && (l = 1)) : i !== -1 && (l = -1) - } - if (o !== -1) { - let c = s === 0 && n ? 1 : s - i === -1 || l === 0 || (l === 1 && i === o - 1 && i === s + 1) - ? (t.base = t.name = e.slice(c, o)) - : ((t.name = e.slice(c, i)), (t.base = e.slice(c, o)), (t.ext = e.slice(i, o))) - } - return s > 0 ? (t.dir = e.slice(0, s - 1)) : n && (t.dir = '/'), t - }, - sep: '/', - delimiter: ':', - win32: null, - posix: null - } - pt.win32 = vt.win32 = vt - pt.posix = vt.posix = pt - var yE = On ? vt.normalize : pt.normalize, - Xf = On ? vt.join : pt.join, - xE = On ? vt.resolve : pt.resolve, - _E = On ? vt.relative : pt.relative, - NE = On ? vt.dirname : pt.dirname, - TE = On ? vt.basename : pt.basename, - SE = On ? vt.extname : pt.extname, - AE = On ? vt.sep : pt.sep - var W4 = /^\w[\w\d+.-]*$/, - Q4 = /^\//, - z4 = /^\/\// - function Y4(e, t) { - if (!e.scheme && t) - throw new Error( - `[UriError]: Scheme is missing: {scheme: "", authority: "${e.authority}", path: "${e.path}", query: "${e.query}", fragment: "${e.fragment}"}` - ) - if (e.scheme && !W4.test(e.scheme)) - throw new Error('[UriError]: Scheme contains illegal characters.') - if (e.path) { - if (e.authority) { - if (!Q4.test(e.path)) - throw new Error( - '[UriError]: If a URI contains an authority component, then the path component must either be empty or begin with a slash ("/") character' - ) - } else if (z4.test(e.path)) - throw new Error( - '[UriError]: If a URI does not contain an authority component, then the path cannot begin with two slash characters ("//")' - ) - } - } - function J4(e, t) { - return !e && !t ? 'file' : e - } - function X4(e, t) { - switch (e) { - case 'https': - case 'http': - case 'file': - t ? t[0] !== rn && (t = rn + t) : (t = rn) - break - } - return t - } - var Oe = '', - rn = '/', - K4 = /^(([^:/?#]+?):)?(\/\/([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?/, - _t = class e { - static isUri(t) { - return t instanceof e - ? !0 - : t - ? typeof t.authority == 'string' && - typeof t.fragment == 'string' && - typeof t.path == 'string' && - typeof t.query == 'string' && - typeof t.scheme == 'string' && - typeof t.fsPath == 'string' && - typeof t.with == 'function' && - typeof t.toString == 'function' - : !1 - } - constructor(t, n, r, i, s, o = !1) { - typeof t == 'object' - ? ((this.scheme = t.scheme || Oe), - (this.authority = t.authority || Oe), - (this.path = t.path || Oe), - (this.query = t.query || Oe), - (this.fragment = t.fragment || Oe)) - : ((this.scheme = J4(t, o)), - (this.authority = n || Oe), - (this.path = X4(this.scheme, r || Oe)), - (this.query = i || Oe), - (this.fragment = s || Oe), - Y4(this, o)) - } - get fsPath() { - return Dl(this, !1) - } - with(t) { - if (!t) return this - let { scheme: n, authority: r, path: i, query: s, fragment: o } = t - return ( - n === void 0 ? (n = this.scheme) : n === null && (n = Oe), - r === void 0 ? (r = this.authority) : r === null && (r = Oe), - i === void 0 ? (i = this.path) : i === null && (i = Oe), - s === void 0 ? (s = this.query) : s === null && (s = Oe), - o === void 0 ? (o = this.fragment) : o === null && (o = Oe), - n === this.scheme && - r === this.authority && - i === this.path && - s === this.query && - o === this.fragment - ? this - : new rr(n, r, i, s, o) - ) - } - static parse(t, n = !1) { - let r = K4.exec(t) - return r - ? new rr(r[2] || Oe, $o(r[4] || Oe), $o(r[5] || Oe), $o(r[7] || Oe), $o(r[9] || Oe), n) - : new rr(Oe, Oe, Oe, Oe, Oe) - } - static file(t) { - let n = Oe - if ((xr && (t = t.replace(/\\/g, rn)), t[0] === rn && t[1] === rn)) { - let r = t.indexOf(rn, 2) - r === -1 - ? ((n = t.substring(2)), (t = rn)) - : ((n = t.substring(2, r)), (t = t.substring(r) || rn)) - } - return new rr('file', n, t, Oe, Oe) - } - static from(t, n) { - return new rr(t.scheme, t.authority, t.path, t.query, t.fragment, n) - } - static joinPath(t, ...n) { - if (!t.path) throw new Error('[UriError]: cannot call joinPath on URI without path') - let r - return ( - xr && t.scheme === 'file' - ? (r = e.file(vt.join(Dl(t, !0), ...n)).path) - : (r = pt.join(t.path, ...n)), - t.with({ path: r }) - ) - } - toString(t = !1) { - return vl(this, t) - } - toJSON() { - return this - } - static revive(t) { - if (t) { - if (t instanceof e) return t - { - let n = new rr(t) - return ( - (n._formatted = t.external ?? null), - (n._fsPath = t._sep === td ? t.fsPath ?? null : null), - n - ) - } - } else return t - } - }, - td = xr ? 1 : void 0, - rr = class extends _t { - constructor() { - super(...arguments), (this._formatted = null), (this._fsPath = null) - } - get fsPath() { - return this._fsPath || (this._fsPath = Dl(this, !1)), this._fsPath - } - toString(t = !1) { - return t - ? vl(this, !0) - : (this._formatted || (this._formatted = vl(this, !1)), this._formatted) - } - toJSON() { - let t = { $mid: 1 } - return ( - this._fsPath && ((t.fsPath = this._fsPath), (t._sep = td)), - this._formatted && (t.external = this._formatted), - this.path && (t.path = this.path), - this.scheme && (t.scheme = this.scheme), - this.authority && (t.authority = this.authority), - this.query && (t.query = this.query), - this.fragment && (t.fragment = this.fragment), - t - ) - } - }, - nd = { - 58: '%3A', - 47: '%2F', - 63: '%3F', - 35: '%23', - 91: '%5B', - 93: '%5D', - 64: '%40', - 33: '%21', - 36: '%24', - 38: '%26', - 39: '%27', - 40: '%28', - 41: '%29', - 42: '%2A', - 43: '%2B', - 44: '%2C', - 59: '%3B', - 61: '%3D', - 32: '%20' - } - function Zf(e, t, n) { - let r, - i = -1 - for (let s = 0; s < e.length; s++) { - let o = e.charCodeAt(s) - if ( - (o >= 97 && o <= 122) || - (o >= 65 && o <= 90) || - (o >= 48 && o <= 57) || - o === 45 || - o === 46 || - o === 95 || - o === 126 || - (t && o === 47) || - (n && o === 91) || - (n && o === 93) || - (n && o === 58) - ) - i !== -1 && ((r += encodeURIComponent(e.substring(i, s))), (i = -1)), - r !== void 0 && (r += e.charAt(s)) - else { - r === void 0 && (r = e.substr(0, s)) - let a = nd[o] - a !== void 0 - ? (i !== -1 && ((r += encodeURIComponent(e.substring(i, s))), (i = -1)), (r += a)) - : i === -1 && (i = s) - } - } - return i !== -1 && (r += encodeURIComponent(e.substring(i))), r !== void 0 ? r : e - } - function Z4(e) { - let t - for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { - let r = e.charCodeAt(n) - r === 35 || r === 63 - ? (t === void 0 && (t = e.substr(0, n)), (t += nd[r])) - : t !== void 0 && (t += e[n]) - } - return t !== void 0 ? t : e - } - function Dl(e, t) { - let n - return ( - e.authority && e.path.length > 1 && e.scheme === 'file' - ? (n = `//${e.authority}${e.path}`) - : e.path.charCodeAt(0) === 47 && - ((e.path.charCodeAt(1) >= 65 && e.path.charCodeAt(1) <= 90) || - (e.path.charCodeAt(1) >= 97 && e.path.charCodeAt(1) <= 122)) && - e.path.charCodeAt(2) === 58 - ? t - ? (n = e.path.substr(1)) - : (n = e.path[1].toLowerCase() + e.path.substr(2)) - : (n = e.path), - xr && (n = n.replace(/\//g, '\\')), - n - ) - } - function vl(e, t) { - let n = t ? Z4 : Zf, - r = '', - { scheme: i, authority: s, path: o, query: a, fragment: u } = e - if ((i && ((r += i), (r += ':')), (s || i === 'file') && ((r += rn), (r += rn)), s)) { - let l = s.indexOf('@') - if (l !== -1) { - let c = s.substr(0, l) - ;(s = s.substr(l + 1)), - (l = c.lastIndexOf(':')), - l === -1 - ? (r += n(c, !1, !1)) - : ((r += n(c.substr(0, l), !1, !1)), (r += ':'), (r += n(c.substr(l + 1), !1, !0))), - (r += '@') - } - ;(s = s.toLowerCase()), - (l = s.lastIndexOf(':')), - l === -1 ? (r += n(s, !1, !0)) : ((r += n(s.substr(0, l), !1, !0)), (r += s.substr(l))) - } - if (o) { - if (o.length >= 3 && o.charCodeAt(0) === 47 && o.charCodeAt(2) === 58) { - let l = o.charCodeAt(1) - l >= 65 && l <= 90 && (o = `/${String.fromCharCode(l + 32)}:${o.substr(3)}`) - } else if (o.length >= 2 && o.charCodeAt(1) === 58) { - let l = o.charCodeAt(0) - l >= 65 && l <= 90 && (o = `${String.fromCharCode(l + 32)}:${o.substr(2)}`) - } - r += n(o, !0, !1) - } - return ( - a && ((r += '?'), (r += n(a, !1, !1))), u && ((r += '#'), (r += t ? u : Zf(u, !1, !1))), r - ) - } - function rd(e) { - try { - return decodeURIComponent(e) - } catch { - return e.length > 3 ? e.substr(0, 3) + rd(e.substr(3)) : e - } - } - var ed = /(%[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z])+/g - function $o(e) { - return e.match(ed) ? e.replace(ed, (t) => rd(t)) : e - } - var ir - ;(function (e) { - ;(e.inMemory = 'inmemory'), - (e.vscode = 'vscode'), - (e.internal = 'private'), - (e.walkThrough = 'walkThrough'), - (e.walkThroughSnippet = 'walkThroughSnippet'), - (e.http = 'http'), - (e.https = 'https'), - (e.file = 'file'), - (e.mailto = 'mailto'), - (e.untitled = 'untitled'), - (e.data = 'data'), - (e.command = 'command'), - (e.vscodeRemote = 'vscode-remote'), - (e.vscodeRemoteResource = 'vscode-remote-resource'), - (e.vscodeManagedRemoteResource = 'vscode-managed-remote-resource'), - (e.vscodeUserData = 'vscode-userdata'), - (e.vscodeCustomEditor = 'vscode-custom-editor'), - (e.vscodeNotebookCell = 'vscode-notebook-cell'), - (e.vscodeNotebookCellMetadata = 'vscode-notebook-cell-metadata'), - (e.vscodeNotebookCellMetadataDiff = 'vscode-notebook-cell-metadata-diff'), - (e.vscodeNotebookCellOutput = 'vscode-notebook-cell-output'), - (e.vscodeNotebookCellOutputDiff = 'vscode-notebook-cell-output-diff'), - (e.vscodeNotebookMetadata = 'vscode-notebook-metadata'), - (e.vscodeInteractiveInput = 'vscode-interactive-input'), - (e.vscodeSettings = 'vscode-settings'), - (e.vscodeWorkspaceTrust = 'vscode-workspace-trust'), - (e.vscodeTerminal = 'vscode-terminal'), - (e.vscodeChatCodeBlock = 'vscode-chat-code-block'), - (e.vscodeChatCodeCompareBlock = 'vscode-chat-code-compare-block'), - (e.vscodeChatSesssion = 'vscode-chat-editor'), - (e.webviewPanel = 'webview-panel'), - (e.vscodeWebview = 'vscode-webview'), - (e.extension = 'extension'), - (e.vscodeFileResource = 'vscode-file'), - (e.tmp = 'tmp'), - (e.vsls = 'vsls'), - (e.vscodeSourceControl = 'vscode-scm'), - (e.commentsInput = 'comment'), - (e.codeSetting = 'code-setting'), - (e.outputChannel = 'output') - })(ir || (ir = {})) - var e5 = 'tkn', - bl = class { - constructor() { - ;(this._hosts = Object.create(null)), - (this._ports = Object.create(null)), - (this._connectionTokens = Object.create(null)), - (this._preferredWebSchema = 'http'), - (this._delegate = null), - (this._serverRootPath = '/') - } - setPreferredWebSchema(t) { - this._preferredWebSchema = t - } - get _remoteResourcesPath() { - return pt.join(this._serverRootPath, ir.vscodeRemoteResource) - } - rewrite(t) { - if (this._delegate) - try { - return this._delegate(t) - } catch (a) { - return In(a), t - } - let n = t.authority, - r = this._hosts[n] - r && r.indexOf(':') !== -1 && r.indexOf('[') === -1 && (r = `[${r}]`) - let i = this._ports[n], - s = this._connectionTokens[n], - o = `path=${encodeURIComponent(t.path)}` - return ( - typeof s == 'string' && (o += `&${e5}=${encodeURIComponent(s)}`), - _t.from({ - scheme: dl ? this._preferredWebSchema : ir.vscodeRemoteResource, - authority: `${r}:${i}`, - path: this._remoteResourcesPath, - query: o - }) - ) - } - }, - t5 = new bl(), - n5 = 'vscode-app', - El = class e { - static { - this.FALLBACK_AUTHORITY = n5 - } - asBrowserUri(t) { - let n = this.toUri(t) - return this.uriToBrowserUri(n) - } - uriToBrowserUri(t) { - return t.scheme === ir.vscodeRemote - ? t5.rewrite(t) - : t.scheme === ir.file && - (Bf || Vf === `${ir.vscodeFileResource}://${e.FALLBACK_AUTHORITY}`) - ? t.with({ - scheme: ir.vscodeFileResource, - authority: t.authority || e.FALLBACK_AUTHORITY, - query: null, - fragment: null - }) - : t - } - toUri(t, n) { - if (_t.isUri(t)) return t - if (globalThis._VSCODE_FILE_ROOT) { - let r = globalThis._VSCODE_FILE_ROOT - if (/^\w[\w\d+.-]*:\/\//.test(r)) return _t.joinPath(_t.parse(r, !0), t) - let i = Xf(r, t) - return _t.file(i) - } - return _t.parse(n.toUrl(t)) - } - }, - jo = new El(), - id - ;(function (e) { - let t = new Map([ - ['1', { 'Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy': 'same-origin' }], - ['2', { 'Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy': 'require-corp' }], - [ - '3', - { - 'Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy': 'same-origin', - 'Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy': 'require-corp' - } - ] - ]) - e.CoopAndCoep = Object.freeze(t.get('3')) - let n = 'vscode-coi' - function r(s) { - let o - typeof s == 'string' - ? (o = new URL(s).searchParams) - : s instanceof URL - ? (o = s.searchParams) - : _t.isUri(s) && (o = new URL(s.toString(!0)).searchParams) - let a = o?.get(n) - if (a) return t.get(a) - } - e.getHeadersFromQuery = r - function i(s, o, a) { - if (!globalThis.crossOriginIsolated) return - let u = o && a ? '3' : a ? '2' : '1' - s instanceof URLSearchParams ? s.set(n, u) : (s[n] = u) - } - e.addSearchParam = i - })(id || (id = {})) - var r5 = !0, - yl = 'default', - i5 = '$initialize' - var xl = class { - constructor(t, n, r, i, s) { - ;(this.vsWorker = t), - (this.req = n), - (this.channel = r), - (this.method = i), - (this.args = s), - (this.type = 0) - } - }, - qo = class { - constructor(t, n, r, i) { - ;(this.vsWorker = t), (this.seq = n), (this.res = r), (this.err = i), (this.type = 1) - } - }, - _l = class { - constructor(t, n, r, i, s) { - ;(this.vsWorker = t), - (this.req = n), - (this.channel = r), - (this.eventName = i), - (this.arg = s), - (this.type = 2) - } - }, - Nl = class { - constructor(t, n, r) { - ;(this.vsWorker = t), (this.req = n), (this.event = r), (this.type = 3) - } - }, - Tl = class { - constructor(t, n) { - ;(this.vsWorker = t), (this.req = n), (this.type = 4) - } - }, - Sl = class { - constructor(t) { - ;(this._workerId = -1), - (this._handler = t), - (this._lastSentReq = 0), - (this._pendingReplies = Object.create(null)), - (this._pendingEmitters = new Map()), - (this._pendingEvents = new Map()) - } - setWorkerId(t) { - this._workerId = t - } - sendMessage(t, n, r) { - let i = String(++this._lastSentReq) - return new Promise((s, o) => { - ;(this._pendingReplies[i] = { resolve: s, reject: o }), - this._send(new xl(this._workerId, i, t, n, r)) - }) - } - listen(t, n, r) { - let i = null, - s = new lt({ - onWillAddFirstListener: () => { - ;(i = String(++this._lastSentReq)), - this._pendingEmitters.set(i, s), - this._send(new _l(this._workerId, i, t, n, r)) - }, - onDidRemoveLastListener: () => { - this._pendingEmitters.delete(i), this._send(new Tl(this._workerId, i)), (i = null) - } - }) - return s.event - } - handleMessage(t) { - !t || - !t.vsWorker || - (this._workerId !== -1 && t.vsWorker !== this._workerId) || - this._handleMessage(t) - } - createProxyToRemoteChannel(t, n) { - let r = { - get: (i, s) => ( - typeof s == 'string' && - !i[s] && - (od(s) - ? (i[s] = (o) => this.listen(t, s, o)) - : sd(s) - ? (i[s] = this.listen(t, s, void 0)) - : s.charCodeAt(0) === 36 && - (i[s] = async (...o) => (await n?.(), this.sendMessage(t, s, o)))), - i[s] - ) - } - return new Proxy(Object.create(null), r) - } - _handleMessage(t) { - switch (t.type) { - case 1: - return this._handleReplyMessage(t) - case 0: - return this._handleRequestMessage(t) - case 2: - return this._handleSubscribeEventMessage(t) - case 3: - return this._handleEventMessage(t) - case 4: - return this._handleUnsubscribeEventMessage(t) - } - } - _handleReplyMessage(t) { - if (!this._pendingReplies[t.seq]) { - console.warn('Got reply to unknown seq') - return - } - let n = this._pendingReplies[t.seq] - if ((delete this._pendingReplies[t.seq], t.err)) { - let r = t.err - t.err.$isError && - ((r = new Error()), - (r.name = t.err.name), - (r.message = t.err.message), - (r.stack = t.err.stack)), - n.reject(r) - return - } - n.resolve(t.res) - } - _handleRequestMessage(t) { - let n = t.req - this._handler.handleMessage(t.channel, t.method, t.args).then( - (i) => { - this._send(new qo(this._workerId, n, i, void 0)) - }, - (i) => { - i.detail instanceof Error && (i.detail = el(i.detail)), - this._send(new qo(this._workerId, n, void 0, el(i))) - } - ) - } - _handleSubscribeEventMessage(t) { - let n = t.req, - r = this._handler.handleEvent( - t.channel, - t.eventName, - t.arg - )((i) => { - this._send(new Nl(this._workerId, n, i)) - }) - this._pendingEvents.set(n, r) - } - _handleEventMessage(t) { - if (!this._pendingEmitters.has(t.req)) { - console.warn('Got event for unknown req') - return - } - this._pendingEmitters.get(t.req).fire(t.event) - } - _handleUnsubscribeEventMessage(t) { - if (!this._pendingEvents.has(t.req)) { - console.warn('Got unsubscribe for unknown req') - return - } - this._pendingEvents.get(t.req).dispose(), this._pendingEvents.delete(t.req) - } - _send(t) { - let n = [] - if (t.type === 0) - for (let r = 0; r < t.args.length; r++) - t.args[r] instanceof ArrayBuffer && n.push(t.args[r]) - else t.type === 1 && t.res instanceof ArrayBuffer && n.push(t.res) - this._handler.sendMessage(t, n) - } - } - function sd(e) { - return e[0] === 'o' && e[1] === 'n' && pl(e.charCodeAt(2)) - } - function od(e) { - return /^onDynamic/.test(e) && pl(e.charCodeAt(9)) - } - var Go = class { - constructor(t, n) { - ;(this._localChannels = new Map()), - (this._remoteChannels = new Map()), - (this._requestHandlerFactory = n), - (this._requestHandler = null), - (this._protocol = new Sl({ - sendMessage: (r, i) => { - t(r, i) - }, - handleMessage: (r, i, s) => this._handleMessage(r, i, s), - handleEvent: (r, i, s) => this._handleEvent(r, i, s) - })) - } - onmessage(t) { - this._protocol.handleMessage(t) - } - _handleMessage(t, n, r) { - if (t === yl && n === i5) return this.initialize(r[0], r[1], r[2]) - let i = t === yl ? this._requestHandler : this._localChannels.get(t) - if (!i) return Promise.reject(new Error(`Missing channel ${t} on worker thread`)) - if (typeof i[n] != 'function') - return Promise.reject(new Error(`Missing method ${n} on worker thread channel ${t}`)) - try { - return Promise.resolve(i[n].apply(i, r)) - } catch (s) { - return Promise.reject(s) - } - } - _handleEvent(t, n, r) { - let i = t === yl ? this._requestHandler : this._localChannels.get(t) - if (!i) throw new Error(`Missing channel ${t} on worker thread`) - if (od(n)) { - let s = i[n].call(i, r) - if (typeof s != 'function') - throw new Error(`Missing dynamic event ${n} on request handler.`) - return s - } - if (sd(n)) { - let s = i[n] - if (typeof s != 'function') throw new Error(`Missing event ${n} on request handler.`) - return s - } - throw new Error(`Malformed event name ${n}`) - } - getChannel(t) { - if (!this._remoteChannels.has(t)) { - let n = this._protocol.createProxyToRemoteChannel(t) - this._remoteChannels.set(t, n) - } - return this._remoteChannels.get(t) - } - async initialize(t, n, r) { - if ((this._protocol.setWorkerId(t), this._requestHandlerFactory)) { - this._requestHandler = this._requestHandlerFactory(this) - return - } - return ( - n && - (typeof n.baseUrl < 'u' && delete n.baseUrl, - typeof n.paths < 'u' && typeof n.paths.vs < 'u' && delete n.paths.vs, - typeof n.trustedTypesPolicy < 'u' && delete n.trustedTypesPolicy, - (n.catchError = !0), - globalThis.require.config(n)), - r5 - ? import(`${jo.asBrowserUri(`${r}.js`).toString(!0)}`).then((s) => { - if (((this._requestHandler = s.create(this)), !this._requestHandler)) - throw new Error('No RequestHandler!') - }) - : new Promise((i, s) => { - let o = globalThis.require - o( - [r], - (a) => { - if (((this._requestHandler = a.create(this)), !this._requestHandler)) { - s(new Error('No RequestHandler!')) - return - } - i() - }, - s - ) - }) - ) - } - } - var sn = class { - constructor(t, n, r, i) { - ;(this.originalStart = t), - (this.originalLength = n), - (this.modifiedStart = r), - (this.modifiedLength = i) - } - getOriginalEnd() { - return this.originalStart + this.originalLength - } - getModifiedEnd() { - return this.modifiedStart + this.modifiedLength - } - } - function ad(e, t) { - return ((t << 5) - t + e) | 0 - } - function cd(e, t) { - t = ad(149417, t) - for (let n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; n++) t = ad(e.charCodeAt(n), t) - return t - } - function Al(e, t, n = 32) { - let r = n - t, - i = ~((1 << r) - 1) - return ((e << t) | ((i & e) >>> r)) >>> 0 - } - function ud(e, t = 0, n = e.byteLength, r = 0) { - for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) e[t + i] = r - } - function s5(e, t, n = '0') { - for (; e.length < t; ) e = n + e - return e - } - function xs(e, t = 32) { - return e instanceof ArrayBuffer - ? Array.from(new Uint8Array(e)) - .map((n) => n.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')) - .join('') - : s5((e >>> 0).toString(16), t / 4) - } - var ld = class e { - static { - this._bigBlock32 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(320)) - } - constructor() { - ;(this._h0 = 1732584193), - (this._h1 = 4023233417), - (this._h2 = 2562383102), - (this._h3 = 271733878), - (this._h4 = 3285377520), - (this._buff = new Uint8Array(64 + 3)), - (this._buffDV = new DataView(this._buff.buffer)), - (this._buffLen = 0), - (this._totalLen = 0), - (this._leftoverHighSurrogate = 0), - (this._finished = !1) - } - update(t) { - let n = t.length - if (n === 0) return - let r = this._buff, - i = this._buffLen, - s = this._leftoverHighSurrogate, - o, - a - for (s !== 0 ? ((o = s), (a = -1), (s = 0)) : ((o = t.charCodeAt(0)), (a = 0)); ; ) { - let u = o - if (di(o)) - if (a + 1 < n) { - let l = t.charCodeAt(a + 1) - Bo(l) ? (a++, (u = hl(o, l))) : (u = 65533) - } else { - s = o - break - } - else Bo(o) && (u = 65533) - if (((i = this._push(r, i, u)), a++, a < n)) o = t.charCodeAt(a) - else break - } - ;(this._buffLen = i), (this._leftoverHighSurrogate = s) - } - _push(t, n, r) { - return ( - r < 128 - ? (t[n++] = r) - : r < 2048 - ? ((t[n++] = 192 | ((r & 1984) >>> 6)), (t[n++] = 128 | ((r & 63) >>> 0))) - : r < 65536 - ? ((t[n++] = 224 | ((r & 61440) >>> 12)), - (t[n++] = 128 | ((r & 4032) >>> 6)), - (t[n++] = 128 | ((r & 63) >>> 0))) - : ((t[n++] = 240 | ((r & 1835008) >>> 18)), - (t[n++] = 128 | ((r & 258048) >>> 12)), - (t[n++] = 128 | ((r & 4032) >>> 6)), - (t[n++] = 128 | ((r & 63) >>> 0))), - n >= 64 && - (this._step(), - (n -= 64), - (this._totalLen += 64), - (t[0] = t[64 + 0]), - (t[1] = t[64 + 1]), - (t[2] = t[64 + 2])), - n - ) - } - digest() { - return ( - this._finished || - ((this._finished = !0), - this._leftoverHighSurrogate && - ((this._leftoverHighSurrogate = 0), - (this._buffLen = this._push(this._buff, this._buffLen, 65533))), - (this._totalLen += this._buffLen), - this._wrapUp()), - xs(this._h0) + xs(this._h1) + xs(this._h2) + xs(this._h3) + xs(this._h4) - ) - } - _wrapUp() { - ;(this._buff[this._buffLen++] = 128), - ud(this._buff, this._buffLen), - this._buffLen > 56 && (this._step(), ud(this._buff)) - let t = 8 * this._totalLen - this._buffDV.setUint32(56, Math.floor(t / 4294967296), !1), - this._buffDV.setUint32(60, t % 4294967296, !1), - this._step() - } - _step() { - let t = e._bigBlock32, - n = this._buffDV - for (let d = 0; d < 64; d += 4) t.setUint32(d, n.getUint32(d, !1), !1) - for (let d = 64; d < 320; d += 4) - t.setUint32( - d, - Al( - t.getUint32(d - 12, !1) ^ - t.getUint32(d - 32, !1) ^ - t.getUint32(d - 56, !1) ^ - t.getUint32(d - 64, !1), - 1 - ), - !1 - ) - let r = this._h0, - i = this._h1, - s = this._h2, - o = this._h3, - a = this._h4, - u, - l, - c - for (let d = 0; d < 80; d++) - d < 20 - ? ((u = (i & s) | (~i & o)), (l = 1518500249)) - : d < 40 - ? ((u = i ^ s ^ o), (l = 1859775393)) - : d < 60 - ? ((u = (i & s) | (i & o) | (s & o)), (l = 2400959708)) - : ((u = i ^ s ^ o), (l = 3395469782)), - (c = (Al(r, 5) + u + a + l + t.getUint32(d * 4, !1)) & 4294967295), - (a = o), - (o = s), - (s = Al(i, 30)), - (i = r), - (r = c) - ;(this._h0 = (this._h0 + r) & 4294967295), - (this._h1 = (this._h1 + i) & 4294967295), - (this._h2 = (this._h2 + s) & 4294967295), - (this._h3 = (this._h3 + o) & 4294967295), - (this._h4 = (this._h4 + a) & 4294967295) - } - } - var Ho = class { - constructor(t) { - this.source = t - } - getElements() { - let t = this.source, - n = new Int32Array(t.length) - for (let r = 0, i = t.length; r < i; r++) n[r] = t.charCodeAt(r) - return n - } - } - function fd(e, t, n) { - return new _s(new Ho(e), new Ho(t)).ComputeDiff(n).changes - } - var sr = class { - static Assert(t, n) { - if (!t) throw new Error(n) - } - }, - or = class { - static Copy(t, n, r, i, s) { - for (let o = 0; o < s; o++) r[i + o] = t[n + o] - } - static Copy2(t, n, r, i, s) { - for (let o = 0; o < s; o++) r[i + o] = t[n + o] - } - }, - Wo = class { - constructor() { - ;(this.m_changes = []), - (this.m_originalStart = 1073741824), - (this.m_modifiedStart = 1073741824), - (this.m_originalCount = 0), - (this.m_modifiedCount = 0) - } - MarkNextChange() { - ;(this.m_originalCount > 0 || this.m_modifiedCount > 0) && - this.m_changes.push( - new sn( - this.m_originalStart, - this.m_originalCount, - this.m_modifiedStart, - this.m_modifiedCount - ) - ), - (this.m_originalCount = 0), - (this.m_modifiedCount = 0), - (this.m_originalStart = 1073741824), - (this.m_modifiedStart = 1073741824) - } - AddOriginalElement(t, n) { - ;(this.m_originalStart = Math.min(this.m_originalStart, t)), - (this.m_modifiedStart = Math.min(this.m_modifiedStart, n)), - this.m_originalCount++ - } - AddModifiedElement(t, n) { - ;(this.m_originalStart = Math.min(this.m_originalStart, t)), - (this.m_modifiedStart = Math.min(this.m_modifiedStart, n)), - this.m_modifiedCount++ - } - getChanges() { - return ( - (this.m_originalCount > 0 || this.m_modifiedCount > 0) && this.MarkNextChange(), - this.m_changes - ) - } - getReverseChanges() { - return ( - (this.m_originalCount > 0 || this.m_modifiedCount > 0) && this.MarkNextChange(), - this.m_changes.reverse(), - this.m_changes - ) - } - }, - _s = class e { - constructor(t, n, r = null) { - ;(this.ContinueProcessingPredicate = r), - (this._originalSequence = t), - (this._modifiedSequence = n) - let [i, s, o] = e._getElements(t), - [a, u, l] = e._getElements(n) - ;(this._hasStrings = o && l), - (this._originalStringElements = i), - (this._originalElementsOrHash = s), - (this._modifiedStringElements = a), - (this._modifiedElementsOrHash = u), - (this.m_forwardHistory = []), - (this.m_reverseHistory = []) - } - static _isStringArray(t) { - return t.length > 0 && typeof t[0] == 'string' - } - static _getElements(t) { - let n = t.getElements() - if (e._isStringArray(n)) { - let r = new Int32Array(n.length) - for (let i = 0, s = n.length; i < s; i++) r[i] = cd(n[i], 0) - return [n, r, !0] - } - return n instanceof Int32Array ? [[], n, !1] : [[], new Int32Array(n), !1] - } - ElementsAreEqual(t, n) { - return this._originalElementsOrHash[t] !== this._modifiedElementsOrHash[n] - ? !1 - : this._hasStrings - ? this._originalStringElements[t] === this._modifiedStringElements[n] - : !0 - } - ElementsAreStrictEqual(t, n) { - if (!this.ElementsAreEqual(t, n)) return !1 - let r = e._getStrictElement(this._originalSequence, t), - i = e._getStrictElement(this._modifiedSequence, n) - return r === i - } - static _getStrictElement(t, n) { - return typeof t.getStrictElement == 'function' ? t.getStrictElement(n) : null - } - OriginalElementsAreEqual(t, n) { - return this._originalElementsOrHash[t] !== this._originalElementsOrHash[n] - ? !1 - : this._hasStrings - ? this._originalStringElements[t] === this._originalStringElements[n] - : !0 - } - ModifiedElementsAreEqual(t, n) { - return this._modifiedElementsOrHash[t] !== this._modifiedElementsOrHash[n] - ? !1 - : this._hasStrings - ? this._modifiedStringElements[t] === this._modifiedStringElements[n] - : !0 - } - ComputeDiff(t) { - return this._ComputeDiff( - 0, - this._originalElementsOrHash.length - 1, - 0, - this._modifiedElementsOrHash.length - 1, - t - ) - } - _ComputeDiff(t, n, r, i, s) { - let o = [!1], - a = this.ComputeDiffRecursive(t, n, r, i, o) - return s && (a = this.PrettifyChanges(a)), { quitEarly: o[0], changes: a } - } - ComputeDiffRecursive(t, n, r, i, s) { - for (s[0] = !1; t <= n && r <= i && this.ElementsAreEqual(t, r); ) t++, r++ - for (; n >= t && i >= r && this.ElementsAreEqual(n, i); ) n--, i-- - if (t > n || r > i) { - let d - return ( - r <= i - ? (sr.Assert(t === n + 1, 'originalStart should only be one more than originalEnd'), - (d = [new sn(t, 0, r, i - r + 1)])) - : t <= n - ? (sr.Assert(r === i + 1, 'modifiedStart should only be one more than modifiedEnd'), - (d = [new sn(t, n - t + 1, r, 0)])) - : (sr.Assert(t === n + 1, 'originalStart should only be one more than originalEnd'), - sr.Assert(r === i + 1, 'modifiedStart should only be one more than modifiedEnd'), - (d = [])), - d - ) - } - let o = [0], - a = [0], - u = this.ComputeRecursionPoint(t, n, r, i, o, a, s), - l = o[0], - c = a[0] - if (u !== null) return u - if (!s[0]) { - let d = this.ComputeDiffRecursive(t, l, r, c, s), - h = [] - return ( - s[0] - ? (h = [new sn(l + 1, n - (l + 1) + 1, c + 1, i - (c + 1) + 1)]) - : (h = this.ComputeDiffRecursive(l + 1, n, c + 1, i, s)), - this.ConcatenateChanges(d, h) - ) - } - return [new sn(t, n - t + 1, r, i - r + 1)] - } - WALKTRACE(t, n, r, i, s, o, a, u, l, c, d, h, m, g, v, N, _, w) { - let C = null, - S = null, - k = new Wo(), - M = n, - I = r, - B = m[0] - N[0] - i, - L = -1073741824, - A = this.m_forwardHistory.length - 1 - do { - let X = B + t - X === M || (X < I && l[X - 1] < l[X + 1]) - ? ((d = l[X + 1]), - (g = d - B - i), - d < L && k.MarkNextChange(), - (L = d), - k.AddModifiedElement(d + 1, g), - (B = X + 1 - t)) - : ((d = l[X - 1] + 1), - (g = d - B - i), - d < L && k.MarkNextChange(), - (L = d - 1), - k.AddOriginalElement(d, g + 1), - (B = X - 1 - t)), - A >= 0 && ((l = this.m_forwardHistory[A]), (t = l[0]), (M = 1), (I = l.length - 1)) - } while (--A >= -1) - if (((C = k.getReverseChanges()), w[0])) { - let X = m[0] + 1, - z = N[0] + 1 - if (C !== null && C.length > 0) { - let fe = C[C.length - 1] - ;(X = Math.max(X, fe.getOriginalEnd())), (z = Math.max(z, fe.getModifiedEnd())) - } - S = [new sn(X, h - X + 1, z, v - z + 1)] - } else { - ;(k = new Wo()), - (M = o), - (I = a), - (B = m[0] - N[0] - u), - (L = 1073741824), - (A = _ ? this.m_reverseHistory.length - 1 : this.m_reverseHistory.length - 2) - do { - let X = B + s - X === M || (X < I && c[X - 1] >= c[X + 1]) - ? ((d = c[X + 1] - 1), - (g = d - B - u), - d > L && k.MarkNextChange(), - (L = d + 1), - k.AddOriginalElement(d + 1, g + 1), - (B = X + 1 - s)) - : ((d = c[X - 1]), - (g = d - B - u), - d > L && k.MarkNextChange(), - (L = d), - k.AddModifiedElement(d + 1, g + 1), - (B = X - 1 - s)), - A >= 0 && ((c = this.m_reverseHistory[A]), (s = c[0]), (M = 1), (I = c.length - 1)) - } while (--A >= -1) - S = k.getChanges() - } - return this.ConcatenateChanges(C, S) - } - ComputeRecursionPoint(t, n, r, i, s, o, a) { - let u = 0, - l = 0, - c = 0, - d = 0, - h = 0, - m = 0 - t--, r--, (s[0] = 0), (o[0] = 0), (this.m_forwardHistory = []), (this.m_reverseHistory = []) - let g = n - t + (i - r), - v = g + 1, - N = new Int32Array(v), - _ = new Int32Array(v), - w = i - r, - C = n - t, - S = t - r, - k = n - i, - I = (C - w) % 2 === 0 - ;(N[w] = t), (_[C] = n), (a[0] = !1) - for (let B = 1; B <= g / 2 + 1; B++) { - let L = 0, - A = 0 - ;(c = this.ClipDiagonalBound(w - B, B, w, v)), - (d = this.ClipDiagonalBound(w + B, B, w, v)) - for (let z = c; z <= d; z += 2) { - z === c || (z < d && N[z - 1] < N[z + 1]) ? (u = N[z + 1]) : (u = N[z - 1] + 1), - (l = u - (z - w) - S) - let fe = u - for (; u < n && l < i && this.ElementsAreEqual(u + 1, l + 1); ) u++, l++ - if ( - ((N[z] = u), - u + l > L + A && ((L = u), (A = l)), - !I && Math.abs(z - C) <= B - 1 && u >= _[z]) - ) - return ( - (s[0] = u), - (o[0] = l), - fe <= _[z] && 1447 > 0 && B <= 1447 + 1 - ? this.WALKTRACE(w, c, d, S, C, h, m, k, N, _, u, n, s, l, i, o, I, a) - : null - ) - } - let X = (L - t + (A - r) - B) / 2 - if (this.ContinueProcessingPredicate !== null && !this.ContinueProcessingPredicate(L, X)) - return ( - (a[0] = !0), - (s[0] = L), - (o[0] = A), - X > 0 && 1447 > 0 && B <= 1447 + 1 - ? this.WALKTRACE(w, c, d, S, C, h, m, k, N, _, u, n, s, l, i, o, I, a) - : (t++, r++, [new sn(t, n - t + 1, r, i - r + 1)]) - ) - ;(h = this.ClipDiagonalBound(C - B, B, C, v)), - (m = this.ClipDiagonalBound(C + B, B, C, v)) - for (let z = h; z <= m; z += 2) { - z === h || (z < m && _[z - 1] >= _[z + 1]) ? (u = _[z + 1] - 1) : (u = _[z - 1]), - (l = u - (z - C) - k) - let fe = u - for (; u > t && l > r && this.ElementsAreEqual(u, l); ) u--, l-- - if (((_[z] = u), I && Math.abs(z - w) <= B && u <= N[z])) - return ( - (s[0] = u), - (o[0] = l), - fe >= N[z] && 1447 > 0 && B <= 1447 + 1 - ? this.WALKTRACE(w, c, d, S, C, h, m, k, N, _, u, n, s, l, i, o, I, a) - : null - ) - } - if (B <= 1447) { - let z = new Int32Array(d - c + 2) - ;(z[0] = w - c + 1), - or.Copy2(N, c, z, 1, d - c + 1), - this.m_forwardHistory.push(z), - (z = new Int32Array(m - h + 2)), - (z[0] = C - h + 1), - or.Copy2(_, h, z, 1, m - h + 1), - this.m_reverseHistory.push(z) - } - } - return this.WALKTRACE(w, c, d, S, C, h, m, k, N, _, u, n, s, l, i, o, I, a) - } - PrettifyChanges(t) { - for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { - let r = t[n], - i = n < t.length - 1 ? t[n + 1].originalStart : this._originalElementsOrHash.length, - s = n < t.length - 1 ? t[n + 1].modifiedStart : this._modifiedElementsOrHash.length, - o = r.originalLength > 0, - a = r.modifiedLength > 0 - for ( - ; - r.originalStart + r.originalLength < i && - r.modifiedStart + r.modifiedLength < s && - (!o || - this.OriginalElementsAreEqual(r.originalStart, r.originalStart + r.originalLength)) && - (!a || - this.ModifiedElementsAreEqual(r.modifiedStart, r.modifiedStart + r.modifiedLength)); - - ) { - let l = this.ElementsAreStrictEqual(r.originalStart, r.modifiedStart) - if ( - this.ElementsAreStrictEqual( - r.originalStart + r.originalLength, - r.modifiedStart + r.modifiedLength - ) && - !l - ) - break - r.originalStart++, r.modifiedStart++ - } - let u = [null] - if (n < t.length - 1 && this.ChangesOverlap(t[n], t[n + 1], u)) { - ;(t[n] = u[0]), t.splice(n + 1, 1), n-- - continue - } - } - for (let n = t.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) { - let r = t[n], - i = 0, - s = 0 - if (n > 0) { - let d = t[n - 1] - ;(i = d.originalStart + d.originalLength), (s = d.modifiedStart + d.modifiedLength) - } - let o = r.originalLength > 0, - a = r.modifiedLength > 0, - u = 0, - l = this._boundaryScore( - r.originalStart, - r.originalLength, - r.modifiedStart, - r.modifiedLength - ) - for (let d = 1; ; d++) { - let h = r.originalStart - d, - m = r.modifiedStart - d - if ( - h < i || - m < s || - (o && !this.OriginalElementsAreEqual(h, h + r.originalLength)) || - (a && !this.ModifiedElementsAreEqual(m, m + r.modifiedLength)) - ) - break - let v = - (h === i && m === s ? 5 : 0) + - this._boundaryScore(h, r.originalLength, m, r.modifiedLength) - v > l && ((l = v), (u = d)) - } - ;(r.originalStart -= u), (r.modifiedStart -= u) - let c = [null] - if (n > 0 && this.ChangesOverlap(t[n - 1], t[n], c)) { - ;(t[n - 1] = c[0]), t.splice(n, 1), n++ - continue - } - } - if (this._hasStrings) - for (let n = 1, r = t.length; n < r; n++) { - let i = t[n - 1], - s = t[n], - o = s.originalStart - i.originalStart - i.originalLength, - a = i.originalStart, - u = s.originalStart + s.originalLength, - l = u - a, - c = i.modifiedStart, - d = s.modifiedStart + s.modifiedLength, - h = d - c - if (o < 5 && l < 20 && h < 20) { - let m = this._findBetterContiguousSequence(a, l, c, h, o) - if (m) { - let [g, v] = m - ;(g !== i.originalStart + i.originalLength || - v !== i.modifiedStart + i.modifiedLength) && - ((i.originalLength = g - i.originalStart), - (i.modifiedLength = v - i.modifiedStart), - (s.originalStart = g + o), - (s.modifiedStart = v + o), - (s.originalLength = u - s.originalStart), - (s.modifiedLength = d - s.modifiedStart)) - } - } - } - return t - } - _findBetterContiguousSequence(t, n, r, i, s) { - if (n < s || i < s) return null - let o = t + n - s + 1, - a = r + i - s + 1, - u = 0, - l = 0, - c = 0 - for (let d = t; d < o; d++) - for (let h = r; h < a; h++) { - let m = this._contiguousSequenceScore(d, h, s) - m > 0 && m > u && ((u = m), (l = d), (c = h)) - } - return u > 0 ? [l, c] : null - } - _contiguousSequenceScore(t, n, r) { - let i = 0 - for (let s = 0; s < r; s++) { - if (!this.ElementsAreEqual(t + s, n + s)) return 0 - i += this._originalStringElements[t + s].length - } - return i - } - _OriginalIsBoundary(t) { - return t <= 0 || t >= this._originalElementsOrHash.length - 1 - ? !0 - : this._hasStrings && /^\s*$/.test(this._originalStringElements[t]) - } - _OriginalRegionIsBoundary(t, n) { - if (this._OriginalIsBoundary(t) || this._OriginalIsBoundary(t - 1)) return !0 - if (n > 0) { - let r = t + n - if (this._OriginalIsBoundary(r - 1) || this._OriginalIsBoundary(r)) return !0 - } - return !1 - } - _ModifiedIsBoundary(t) { - return t <= 0 || t >= this._modifiedElementsOrHash.length - 1 - ? !0 - : this._hasStrings && /^\s*$/.test(this._modifiedStringElements[t]) - } - _ModifiedRegionIsBoundary(t, n) { - if (this._ModifiedIsBoundary(t) || this._ModifiedIsBoundary(t - 1)) return !0 - if (n > 0) { - let r = t + n - if (this._ModifiedIsBoundary(r - 1) || this._ModifiedIsBoundary(r)) return !0 - } - return !1 - } - _boundaryScore(t, n, r, i) { - let s = this._OriginalRegionIsBoundary(t, n) ? 1 : 0, - o = this._ModifiedRegionIsBoundary(r, i) ? 1 : 0 - return s + o - } - ConcatenateChanges(t, n) { - let r = [] - if (t.length === 0 || n.length === 0) return n.length > 0 ? n : t - if (this.ChangesOverlap(t[t.length - 1], n[0], r)) { - let i = new Array(t.length + n.length - 1) - return ( - or.Copy(t, 0, i, 0, t.length - 1), - (i[t.length - 1] = r[0]), - or.Copy(n, 1, i, t.length, n.length - 1), - i - ) - } else { - let i = new Array(t.length + n.length) - return or.Copy(t, 0, i, 0, t.length), or.Copy(n, 0, i, t.length, n.length), i - } - } - ChangesOverlap(t, n, r) { - if ( - (sr.Assert( - t.originalStart <= n.originalStart, - 'Left change is not less than or equal to right change' - ), - sr.Assert( - t.modifiedStart <= n.modifiedStart, - 'Left change is not less than or equal to right change' - ), - t.originalStart + t.originalLength >= n.originalStart || - t.modifiedStart + t.modifiedLength >= n.modifiedStart) - ) { - let i = t.originalStart, - s = t.originalLength, - o = t.modifiedStart, - a = t.modifiedLength - return ( - t.originalStart + t.originalLength >= n.originalStart && - (s = n.originalStart + n.originalLength - t.originalStart), - t.modifiedStart + t.modifiedLength >= n.modifiedStart && - (a = n.modifiedStart + n.modifiedLength - t.modifiedStart), - (r[0] = new sn(i, s, o, a)), - !0 - ) - } else return (r[0] = null), !1 - } - ClipDiagonalBound(t, n, r, i) { - if (t >= 0 && t < i) return t - let s = r, - o = i - r - 1, - a = n % 2 === 0 - if (t < 0) { - let u = s % 2 === 0 - return a === u ? 0 : 1 - } else { - let u = o % 2 === 0 - return a === u ? i - 1 : i - 2 - } - } - } - var Se = class e { - constructor(t, n) { - ;(this.lineNumber = t), (this.column = n) - } - with(t = this.lineNumber, n = this.column) { - return t === this.lineNumber && n === this.column ? this : new e(t, n) - } - delta(t = 0, n = 0) { - return this.with(this.lineNumber + t, this.column + n) - } - equals(t) { - return e.equals(this, t) - } - static equals(t, n) { - return !t && !n ? !0 : !!t && !!n && t.lineNumber === n.lineNumber && t.column === n.column - } - isBefore(t) { - return e.isBefore(this, t) - } - static isBefore(t, n) { - return t.lineNumber < n.lineNumber - ? !0 - : n.lineNumber < t.lineNumber - ? !1 - : t.column < n.column - } - isBeforeOrEqual(t) { - return e.isBeforeOrEqual(this, t) - } - static isBeforeOrEqual(t, n) { - return t.lineNumber < n.lineNumber - ? !0 - : n.lineNumber < t.lineNumber - ? !1 - : t.column <= n.column - } - static compare(t, n) { - let r = t.lineNumber | 0, - i = n.lineNumber | 0 - if (r === i) { - let s = t.column | 0, - o = n.column | 0 - return s - o - } - return r - i - } - clone() { - return new e(this.lineNumber, this.column) - } - toString() { - return '(' + this.lineNumber + ',' + this.column + ')' - } - static lift(t) { - return new e(t.lineNumber, t.column) - } - static isIPosition(t) { - return t && typeof t.lineNumber == 'number' && typeof t.column == 'number' - } - toJSON() { - return { lineNumber: this.lineNumber, column: this.column } - } - } - var oe = class e { - constructor(t, n, r, i) { - t > r || (t === r && n > i) - ? ((this.startLineNumber = r), - (this.startColumn = i), - (this.endLineNumber = t), - (this.endColumn = n)) - : ((this.startLineNumber = t), - (this.startColumn = n), - (this.endLineNumber = r), - (this.endColumn = i)) - } - isEmpty() { - return e.isEmpty(this) - } - static isEmpty(t) { - return t.startLineNumber === t.endLineNumber && t.startColumn === t.endColumn - } - containsPosition(t) { - return e.containsPosition(this, t) - } - static containsPosition(t, n) { - return !( - n.lineNumber < t.startLineNumber || - n.lineNumber > t.endLineNumber || - (n.lineNumber === t.startLineNumber && n.column < t.startColumn) || - (n.lineNumber === t.endLineNumber && n.column > t.endColumn) - ) - } - static strictContainsPosition(t, n) { - return !( - n.lineNumber < t.startLineNumber || - n.lineNumber > t.endLineNumber || - (n.lineNumber === t.startLineNumber && n.column <= t.startColumn) || - (n.lineNumber === t.endLineNumber && n.column >= t.endColumn) - ) - } - containsRange(t) { - return e.containsRange(this, t) - } - static containsRange(t, n) { - return !( - n.startLineNumber < t.startLineNumber || - n.endLineNumber < t.startLineNumber || - n.startLineNumber > t.endLineNumber || - n.endLineNumber > t.endLineNumber || - (n.startLineNumber === t.startLineNumber && n.startColumn < t.startColumn) || - (n.endLineNumber === t.endLineNumber && n.endColumn > t.endColumn) - ) - } - strictContainsRange(t) { - return e.strictContainsRange(this, t) - } - static strictContainsRange(t, n) { - return !( - n.startLineNumber < t.startLineNumber || - n.endLineNumber < t.startLineNumber || - n.startLineNumber > t.endLineNumber || - n.endLineNumber > t.endLineNumber || - (n.startLineNumber === t.startLineNumber && n.startColumn <= t.startColumn) || - (n.endLineNumber === t.endLineNumber && n.endColumn >= t.endColumn) - ) - } - plusRange(t) { - return e.plusRange(this, t) - } - static plusRange(t, n) { - let r, i, s, o - return ( - n.startLineNumber < t.startLineNumber - ? ((r = n.startLineNumber), (i = n.startColumn)) - : n.startLineNumber === t.startLineNumber - ? ((r = n.startLineNumber), (i = Math.min(n.startColumn, t.startColumn))) - : ((r = t.startLineNumber), (i = t.startColumn)), - n.endLineNumber > t.endLineNumber - ? ((s = n.endLineNumber), (o = n.endColumn)) - : n.endLineNumber === t.endLineNumber - ? ((s = n.endLineNumber), (o = Math.max(n.endColumn, t.endColumn))) - : ((s = t.endLineNumber), (o = t.endColumn)), - new e(r, i, s, o) - ) - } - intersectRanges(t) { - return e.intersectRanges(this, t) - } - static intersectRanges(t, n) { - let r = t.startLineNumber, - i = t.startColumn, - s = t.endLineNumber, - o = t.endColumn, - a = n.startLineNumber, - u = n.startColumn, - l = n.endLineNumber, - c = n.endColumn - return ( - r < a ? ((r = a), (i = u)) : r === a && (i = Math.max(i, u)), - s > l ? ((s = l), (o = c)) : s === l && (o = Math.min(o, c)), - r > s || (r === s && i > o) ? null : new e(r, i, s, o) - ) - } - equalsRange(t) { - return e.equalsRange(this, t) - } - static equalsRange(t, n) { - return !t && !n - ? !0 - : !!t && - !!n && - t.startLineNumber === n.startLineNumber && - t.startColumn === n.startColumn && - t.endLineNumber === n.endLineNumber && - t.endColumn === n.endColumn - } - getEndPosition() { - return e.getEndPosition(this) - } - static getEndPosition(t) { - return new Se(t.endLineNumber, t.endColumn) - } - getStartPosition() { - return e.getStartPosition(this) - } - static getStartPosition(t) { - return new Se(t.startLineNumber, t.startColumn) - } - toString() { - return ( - '[' + - this.startLineNumber + - ',' + - this.startColumn + - ' -> ' + - this.endLineNumber + - ',' + - this.endColumn + - ']' - ) - } - setEndPosition(t, n) { - return new e(this.startLineNumber, this.startColumn, t, n) - } - setStartPosition(t, n) { - return new e(t, n, this.endLineNumber, this.endColumn) - } - collapseToStart() { - return e.collapseToStart(this) - } - static collapseToStart(t) { - return new e(t.startLineNumber, t.startColumn, t.startLineNumber, t.startColumn) - } - collapseToEnd() { - return e.collapseToEnd(this) - } - static collapseToEnd(t) { - return new e(t.endLineNumber, t.endColumn, t.endLineNumber, t.endColumn) - } - delta(t) { - return new e( - this.startLineNumber + t, - this.startColumn, - this.endLineNumber + t, - this.endColumn - ) - } - static fromPositions(t, n = t) { - return new e(t.lineNumber, t.column, n.lineNumber, n.column) - } - static lift(t) { - return t ? new e(t.startLineNumber, t.startColumn, t.endLineNumber, t.endColumn) : null - } - static isIRange(t) { - return ( - t && - typeof t.startLineNumber == 'number' && - typeof t.startColumn == 'number' && - typeof t.endLineNumber == 'number' && - typeof t.endColumn == 'number' - ) - } - static areIntersectingOrTouching(t, n) { - return !( - t.endLineNumber < n.startLineNumber || - (t.endLineNumber === n.startLineNumber && t.endColumn < n.startColumn) || - n.endLineNumber < t.startLineNumber || - (n.endLineNumber === t.startLineNumber && n.endColumn < t.startColumn) - ) - } - static areIntersecting(t, n) { - return !( - t.endLineNumber < n.startLineNumber || - (t.endLineNumber === n.startLineNumber && t.endColumn <= n.startColumn) || - n.endLineNumber < t.startLineNumber || - (n.endLineNumber === t.startLineNumber && n.endColumn <= t.startColumn) - ) - } - static compareRangesUsingStarts(t, n) { - if (t && n) { - let s = t.startLineNumber | 0, - o = n.startLineNumber | 0 - if (s === o) { - let a = t.startColumn | 0, - u = n.startColumn | 0 - if (a === u) { - let l = t.endLineNumber | 0, - c = n.endLineNumber | 0 - if (l === c) { - let d = t.endColumn | 0, - h = n.endColumn | 0 - return d - h - } - return l - c - } - return a - u - } - return s - o - } - return (t ? 1 : 0) - (n ? 1 : 0) - } - static compareRangesUsingEnds(t, n) { - return t.endLineNumber === n.endLineNumber - ? t.endColumn === n.endColumn - ? t.startLineNumber === n.startLineNumber - ? t.startColumn - n.startColumn - : t.startLineNumber - n.startLineNumber - : t.endColumn - n.endColumn - : t.endLineNumber - n.endLineNumber - } - static spansMultipleLines(t) { - return t.endLineNumber > t.startLineNumber - } - toJSON() { - return this - } - } - function Fl(e) { - return e < 0 ? 0 : e > 255 ? 255 : e | 0 - } - function _r(e) { - return e < 0 ? 0 : e > 4294967295 ? 4294967295 : e | 0 - } - var Ns = class e { - constructor(t) { - let n = Fl(t) - ;(this._defaultValue = n), (this._asciiMap = e._createAsciiMap(n)), (this._map = new Map()) - } - static _createAsciiMap(t) { - let n = new Uint8Array(256) - return n.fill(t), n - } - set(t, n) { - let r = Fl(n) - t >= 0 && t < 256 ? (this._asciiMap[t] = r) : this._map.set(t, r) - } - get(t) { - return t >= 0 && t < 256 ? this._asciiMap[t] : this._map.get(t) || this._defaultValue - } - clear() { - this._asciiMap.fill(this._defaultValue), this._map.clear() - } - } - var Ll = class { - constructor(t, n, r) { - let i = new Uint8Array(t * n) - for (let s = 0, o = t * n; s < o; s++) i[s] = r - ;(this._data = i), (this.rows = t), (this.cols = n) - } - get(t, n) { - return this._data[t * this.cols + n] - } - set(t, n, r) { - this._data[t * this.cols + n] = r - } - }, - Cl = class { - constructor(t) { - let n = 0, - r = 0 - for (let s = 0, o = t.length; s < o; s++) { - let [a, u, l] = t[s] - u > n && (n = u), a > r && (r = a), l > r && (r = l) - } - n++, r++ - let i = new Ll(r, n, 0) - for (let s = 0, o = t.length; s < o; s++) { - let [a, u, l] = t[s] - i.set(a, u, l) - } - ;(this._states = i), (this._maxCharCode = n) - } - nextState(t, n) { - return n < 0 || n >= this._maxCharCode ? 0 : this._states.get(t, n) - } - }, - wl = null - function o5() { - return ( - wl === null && - (wl = new Cl([ - [1, 104, 2], - [1, 72, 2], - [1, 102, 6], - [1, 70, 6], - [2, 116, 3], - [2, 84, 3], - [3, 116, 4], - [3, 84, 4], - [4, 112, 5], - [4, 80, 5], - [5, 115, 9], - [5, 83, 9], - [5, 58, 10], - [6, 105, 7], - [6, 73, 7], - [7, 108, 8], - [7, 76, 8], - [8, 101, 9], - [8, 69, 9], - [9, 58, 10], - [10, 47, 11], - [11, 47, 12] - ])), - wl - ) - } - var Ts = null - function a5() { - if (Ts === null) { - Ts = new Ns(0) - let e = ` <>'"\u3001\u3002\uFF61\uFF64\uFF0C\uFF0E\uFF1A\uFF1B\u2018\u3008\u300C\u300E\u3014\uFF08\uFF3B\uFF5B\uFF62\uFF63\uFF5D\uFF3D\uFF09\u3015\u300F\u300D\u3009\u2019\uFF40\uFF5E\u2026` - for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) Ts.set(e.charCodeAt(n), 1) - let t = '.,;:' - for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++) Ts.set(t.charCodeAt(n), 2) - } - return Ts - } - var Il = class e { - static _createLink(t, n, r, i, s) { - let o = s - 1 - do { - let a = n.charCodeAt(o) - if (t.get(a) !== 2) break - o-- - } while (o > i) - if (i > 0) { - let a = n.charCodeAt(i - 1), - u = n.charCodeAt(o) - ;((a === 40 && u === 41) || (a === 91 && u === 93) || (a === 123 && u === 125)) && o-- - } - return { - range: { startLineNumber: r, startColumn: i + 1, endLineNumber: r, endColumn: o + 2 }, - url: n.substring(i, o + 1) - } - } - static computeLinks(t, n = o5()) { - let r = a5(), - i = [] - for (let s = 1, o = t.getLineCount(); s <= o; s++) { - let a = t.getLineContent(s), - u = a.length, - l = 0, - c = 0, - d = 0, - h = 1, - m = !1, - g = !1, - v = !1, - N = !1 - for (; l < u; ) { - let _ = !1, - w = a.charCodeAt(l) - if (h === 13) { - let C - switch (w) { - case 40: - ;(m = !0), (C = 0) - break - case 41: - C = m ? 0 : 1 - break - case 91: - ;(v = !0), (g = !0), (C = 0) - break - case 93: - ;(v = !1), (C = g ? 0 : 1) - break - case 123: - ;(N = !0), (C = 0) - break - case 125: - C = N ? 0 : 1 - break - case 39: - case 34: - case 96: - d === w ? (C = 1) : d === 39 || d === 34 || d === 96 ? (C = 0) : (C = 1) - break - case 42: - C = d === 42 ? 1 : 0 - break - case 124: - C = d === 124 ? 1 : 0 - break - case 32: - C = v ? 0 : 1 - break - default: - C = r.get(w) - } - C === 1 && (i.push(e._createLink(r, a, s, c, l)), (_ = !0)) - } else if (h === 12) { - let C - w === 91 ? ((g = !0), (C = 0)) : (C = r.get(w)), C === 1 ? (_ = !0) : (h = 13) - } else (h = n.nextState(h, w)), h === 0 && (_ = !0) - _ && ((h = 1), (m = !1), (g = !1), (N = !1), (c = l + 1), (d = w)), l++ - } - h === 13 && i.push(e._createLink(r, a, s, c, u)) - } - return i - } - } - function dd(e) { - return !e || typeof e.getLineCount != 'function' || typeof e.getLineContent != 'function' - ? [] - : Il.computeLinks(e) - } - var Qo = class e { - constructor() { - this._defaultValueSet = [ - ['true', 'false'], - ['True', 'False'], - ['Private', 'Public', 'Friend', 'ReadOnly', 'Partial', 'Protected', 'WriteOnly'], - ['public', 'protected', 'private'] - ] - } - static { - this.INSTANCE = new e() - } - navigateValueSet(t, n, r, i, s) { - if (t && n) { - let o = this.doNavigateValueSet(n, s) - if (o) return { range: t, value: o } - } - if (r && i) { - let o = this.doNavigateValueSet(i, s) - if (o) return { range: r, value: o } - } - return null - } - doNavigateValueSet(t, n) { - let r = this.numberReplace(t, n) - return r !== null ? r : this.textReplace(t, n) - } - numberReplace(t, n) { - let r = Math.pow(10, t.length - (t.lastIndexOf('.') + 1)), - i = Number(t), - s = parseFloat(t) - return !isNaN(i) && !isNaN(s) && i === s - ? i === 0 && !n - ? null - : ((i = Math.floor(i * r)), (i += n ? r : -r), String(i / r)) - : null - } - textReplace(t, n) { - return this.valueSetsReplace(this._defaultValueSet, t, n) - } - valueSetsReplace(t, n, r) { - let i = null - for (let s = 0, o = t.length; i === null && s < o; s++) i = this.valueSetReplace(t[s], n, r) - return i - } - valueSetReplace(t, n, r) { - let i = t.indexOf(n) - return i >= 0 ? ((i += r ? 1 : -1), i < 0 ? (i = t.length - 1) : (i %= t.length), t[i]) : null - } - } - var pd = Object.freeze(function (e, t) { - let n = setTimeout(e.bind(t), 0) - return { - dispose() { - clearTimeout(n) - } - } - }), - zo - ;(function (e) { - function t(n) { - return n === e.None || n === e.Cancelled || n instanceof hi - ? !0 - : !n || typeof n != 'object' - ? !1 - : typeof n.isCancellationRequested == 'boolean' && - typeof n.onCancellationRequested == 'function' - } - ;(e.isCancellationToken = t), - (e.None = Object.freeze({ isCancellationRequested: !1, onCancellationRequested: ui.None })), - (e.Cancelled = Object.freeze({ isCancellationRequested: !0, onCancellationRequested: pd })) - })(zo || (zo = {})) - var hi = class { - constructor() { - ;(this._isCancelled = !1), (this._emitter = null) - } - cancel() { - this._isCancelled || - ((this._isCancelled = !0), this._emitter && (this._emitter.fire(void 0), this.dispose())) - } - get isCancellationRequested() { - return this._isCancelled - } - get onCancellationRequested() { - return this._isCancelled - ? pd - : (this._emitter || (this._emitter = new lt()), this._emitter.event) - } - dispose() { - this._emitter && (this._emitter.dispose(), (this._emitter = null)) - } - }, - Ss = class { - constructor(t) { - ;(this._token = void 0), - (this._parentListener = void 0), - (this._parentListener = t && t.onCancellationRequested(this.cancel, this)) - } - get token() { - return this._token || (this._token = new hi()), this._token - } - cancel() { - this._token - ? this._token instanceof hi && this._token.cancel() - : (this._token = zo.Cancelled) - } - dispose(t = !1) { - t && this.cancel(), - this._parentListener?.dispose(), - this._token ? this._token instanceof hi && this._token.dispose() : (this._token = zo.None) - } - } - var As = class { - constructor() { - ;(this._keyCodeToStr = []), (this._strToKeyCode = Object.create(null)) - } - define(t, n) { - ;(this._keyCodeToStr[t] = n), (this._strToKeyCode[n.toLowerCase()] = t) - } - keyCodeToStr(t) { - return this._keyCodeToStr[t] - } - strToKeyCode(t) { - return this._strToKeyCode[t.toLowerCase()] || 0 - } - }, - Yo = new As(), - Rl = new As(), - kl = new As(), - u5 = new Array(230), - l5 = {}, - c5 = [], - f5 = Object.create(null), - d5 = Object.create(null), - md = [], - Ol = [] - for (let e = 0; e <= 193; e++) md[e] = -1 - for (let e = 0; e <= 132; e++) Ol[e] = -1 - ;(function () { - let e = '', - t = [ - [1, 0, 'None', 0, 'unknown', 0, 'VK_UNKNOWN', e, e], - [1, 1, 'Hyper', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 2, 'Super', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 3, 'Fn', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 4, 'FnLock', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 5, 'Suspend', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 6, 'Resume', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 7, 'Turbo', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 8, 'Sleep', 0, e, 0, 'VK_SLEEP', e, e], - [1, 9, 'WakeUp', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [0, 10, 'KeyA', 31, 'A', 65, 'VK_A', e, e], - [0, 11, 'KeyB', 32, 'B', 66, 'VK_B', e, e], - [0, 12, 'KeyC', 33, 'C', 67, 'VK_C', e, e], - [0, 13, 'KeyD', 34, 'D', 68, 'VK_D', e, e], - [0, 14, 'KeyE', 35, 'E', 69, 'VK_E', e, e], - [0, 15, 'KeyF', 36, 'F', 70, 'VK_F', e, e], - [0, 16, 'KeyG', 37, 'G', 71, 'VK_G', e, e], - [0, 17, 'KeyH', 38, 'H', 72, 'VK_H', e, e], - [0, 18, 'KeyI', 39, 'I', 73, 'VK_I', e, e], - [0, 19, 'KeyJ', 40, 'J', 74, 'VK_J', e, e], - [0, 20, 'KeyK', 41, 'K', 75, 'VK_K', e, e], - [0, 21, 'KeyL', 42, 'L', 76, 'VK_L', e, e], - [0, 22, 'KeyM', 43, 'M', 77, 'VK_M', e, e], - [0, 23, 'KeyN', 44, 'N', 78, 'VK_N', e, e], - [0, 24, 'KeyO', 45, 'O', 79, 'VK_O', e, e], - [0, 25, 'KeyP', 46, 'P', 80, 'VK_P', e, e], - [0, 26, 'KeyQ', 47, 'Q', 81, 'VK_Q', e, e], - [0, 27, 'KeyR', 48, 'R', 82, 'VK_R', e, e], - [0, 28, 'KeyS', 49, 'S', 83, 'VK_S', e, e], - [0, 29, 'KeyT', 50, 'T', 84, 'VK_T', e, e], - [0, 30, 'KeyU', 51, 'U', 85, 'VK_U', e, e], - [0, 31, 'KeyV', 52, 'V', 86, 'VK_V', e, e], - [0, 32, 'KeyW', 53, 'W', 87, 'VK_W', e, e], - [0, 33, 'KeyX', 54, 'X', 88, 'VK_X', e, e], - [0, 34, 'KeyY', 55, 'Y', 89, 'VK_Y', e, e], - [0, 35, 'KeyZ', 56, 'Z', 90, 'VK_Z', e, e], - [0, 36, 'Digit1', 22, '1', 49, 'VK_1', e, e], - [0, 37, 'Digit2', 23, '2', 50, 'VK_2', e, e], - [0, 38, 'Digit3', 24, '3', 51, 'VK_3', e, e], - [0, 39, 'Digit4', 25, '4', 52, 'VK_4', e, e], - [0, 40, 'Digit5', 26, '5', 53, 'VK_5', e, e], - [0, 41, 'Digit6', 27, '6', 54, 'VK_6', e, e], - [0, 42, 'Digit7', 28, '7', 55, 'VK_7', e, e], - [0, 43, 'Digit8', 29, '8', 56, 'VK_8', e, e], - [0, 44, 'Digit9', 30, '9', 57, 'VK_9', e, e], - [0, 45, 'Digit0', 21, '0', 48, 'VK_0', e, e], - [1, 46, 'Enter', 3, 'Enter', 13, 'VK_RETURN', e, e], - [1, 47, 'Escape', 9, 'Escape', 27, 'VK_ESCAPE', e, e], - [1, 48, 'Backspace', 1, 'Backspace', 8, 'VK_BACK', e, e], - [1, 49, 'Tab', 2, 'Tab', 9, 'VK_TAB', e, e], - [1, 50, 'Space', 10, 'Space', 32, 'VK_SPACE', e, e], - [0, 51, 'Minus', 88, '-', 189, 'VK_OEM_MINUS', '-', 'OEM_MINUS'], - [0, 52, 'Equal', 86, '=', 187, 'VK_OEM_PLUS', '=', 'OEM_PLUS'], - [0, 53, 'BracketLeft', 92, '[', 219, 'VK_OEM_4', '[', 'OEM_4'], - [0, 54, 'BracketRight', 94, ']', 221, 'VK_OEM_6', ']', 'OEM_6'], - [0, 55, 'Backslash', 93, '\\', 220, 'VK_OEM_5', '\\', 'OEM_5'], - [0, 56, 'IntlHash', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [0, 57, 'Semicolon', 85, ';', 186, 'VK_OEM_1', ';', 'OEM_1'], - [0, 58, 'Quote', 95, "'", 222, 'VK_OEM_7', "'", 'OEM_7'], - [0, 59, 'Backquote', 91, '`', 192, 'VK_OEM_3', '`', 'OEM_3'], - [0, 60, 'Comma', 87, ',', 188, 'VK_OEM_COMMA', ',', 'OEM_COMMA'], - [0, 61, 'Period', 89, '.', 190, 'VK_OEM_PERIOD', '.', 'OEM_PERIOD'], - [0, 62, 'Slash', 90, '/', 191, 'VK_OEM_2', '/', 'OEM_2'], - [1, 63, 'CapsLock', 8, 'CapsLock', 20, 'VK_CAPITAL', e, e], - [1, 64, 'F1', 59, 'F1', 112, 'VK_F1', e, e], - [1, 65, 'F2', 60, 'F2', 113, 'VK_F2', e, e], - [1, 66, 'F3', 61, 'F3', 114, 'VK_F3', e, e], - [1, 67, 'F4', 62, 'F4', 115, 'VK_F4', e, e], - [1, 68, 'F5', 63, 'F5', 116, 'VK_F5', e, e], - [1, 69, 'F6', 64, 'F6', 117, 'VK_F6', e, e], - [1, 70, 'F7', 65, 'F7', 118, 'VK_F7', e, e], - [1, 71, 'F8', 66, 'F8', 119, 'VK_F8', e, e], - [1, 72, 'F9', 67, 'F9', 120, 'VK_F9', e, e], - [1, 73, 'F10', 68, 'F10', 121, 'VK_F10', e, e], - [1, 74, 'F11', 69, 'F11', 122, 'VK_F11', e, e], - [1, 75, 'F12', 70, 'F12', 123, 'VK_F12', e, e], - [1, 76, 'PrintScreen', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 77, 'ScrollLock', 84, 'ScrollLock', 145, 'VK_SCROLL', e, e], - [1, 78, 'Pause', 7, 'PauseBreak', 19, 'VK_PAUSE', e, e], - [1, 79, 'Insert', 19, 'Insert', 45, 'VK_INSERT', e, e], - [1, 80, 'Home', 14, 'Home', 36, 'VK_HOME', e, e], - [1, 81, 'PageUp', 11, 'PageUp', 33, 'VK_PRIOR', e, e], - [1, 82, 'Delete', 20, 'Delete', 46, 'VK_DELETE', e, e], - [1, 83, 'End', 13, 'End', 35, 'VK_END', e, e], - [1, 84, 'PageDown', 12, 'PageDown', 34, 'VK_NEXT', e, e], - [1, 85, 'ArrowRight', 17, 'RightArrow', 39, 'VK_RIGHT', 'Right', e], - [1, 86, 'ArrowLeft', 15, 'LeftArrow', 37, 'VK_LEFT', 'Left', e], - [1, 87, 'ArrowDown', 18, 'DownArrow', 40, 'VK_DOWN', 'Down', e], - [1, 88, 'ArrowUp', 16, 'UpArrow', 38, 'VK_UP', 'Up', e], - [1, 89, 'NumLock', 83, 'NumLock', 144, 'VK_NUMLOCK', e, e], - [1, 90, 'NumpadDivide', 113, 'NumPad_Divide', 111, 'VK_DIVIDE', e, e], - [1, 91, 'NumpadMultiply', 108, 'NumPad_Multiply', 106, 'VK_MULTIPLY', e, e], - [1, 92, 'NumpadSubtract', 111, 'NumPad_Subtract', 109, 'VK_SUBTRACT', e, e], - [1, 93, 'NumpadAdd', 109, 'NumPad_Add', 107, 'VK_ADD', e, e], - [1, 94, 'NumpadEnter', 3, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 95, 'Numpad1', 99, 'NumPad1', 97, 'VK_NUMPAD1', e, e], - [1, 96, 'Numpad2', 100, 'NumPad2', 98, 'VK_NUMPAD2', e, e], - [1, 97, 'Numpad3', 101, 'NumPad3', 99, 'VK_NUMPAD3', e, e], - [1, 98, 'Numpad4', 102, 'NumPad4', 100, 'VK_NUMPAD4', e, e], - [1, 99, 'Numpad5', 103, 'NumPad5', 101, 'VK_NUMPAD5', e, e], - [1, 100, 'Numpad6', 104, 'NumPad6', 102, 'VK_NUMPAD6', e, e], - [1, 101, 'Numpad7', 105, 'NumPad7', 103, 'VK_NUMPAD7', e, e], - [1, 102, 'Numpad8', 106, 'NumPad8', 104, 'VK_NUMPAD8', e, e], - [1, 103, 'Numpad9', 107, 'NumPad9', 105, 'VK_NUMPAD9', e, e], - [1, 104, 'Numpad0', 98, 'NumPad0', 96, 'VK_NUMPAD0', e, e], - [1, 105, 'NumpadDecimal', 112, 'NumPad_Decimal', 110, 'VK_DECIMAL', e, e], - [0, 106, 'IntlBackslash', 97, 'OEM_102', 226, 'VK_OEM_102', e, e], - [1, 107, 'ContextMenu', 58, 'ContextMenu', 93, e, e, e], - [1, 108, 'Power', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 109, 'NumpadEqual', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 110, 'F13', 71, 'F13', 124, 'VK_F13', e, e], - [1, 111, 'F14', 72, 'F14', 125, 'VK_F14', e, e], - [1, 112, 'F15', 73, 'F15', 126, 'VK_F15', e, e], - [1, 113, 'F16', 74, 'F16', 127, 'VK_F16', e, e], - [1, 114, 'F17', 75, 'F17', 128, 'VK_F17', e, e], - [1, 115, 'F18', 76, 'F18', 129, 'VK_F18', e, e], - [1, 116, 'F19', 77, 'F19', 130, 'VK_F19', e, e], - [1, 117, 'F20', 78, 'F20', 131, 'VK_F20', e, e], - [1, 118, 'F21', 79, 'F21', 132, 'VK_F21', e, e], - [1, 119, 'F22', 80, 'F22', 133, 'VK_F22', e, e], - [1, 120, 'F23', 81, 'F23', 134, 'VK_F23', e, e], - [1, 121, 'F24', 82, 'F24', 135, 'VK_F24', e, e], - [1, 122, 'Open', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 123, 'Help', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 124, 'Select', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 125, 'Again', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 126, 'Undo', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 127, 'Cut', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 128, 'Copy', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 129, 'Paste', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 130, 'Find', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 131, 'AudioVolumeMute', 117, 'AudioVolumeMute', 173, 'VK_VOLUME_MUTE', e, e], - [1, 132, 'AudioVolumeUp', 118, 'AudioVolumeUp', 175, 'VK_VOLUME_UP', e, e], - [1, 133, 'AudioVolumeDown', 119, 'AudioVolumeDown', 174, 'VK_VOLUME_DOWN', e, e], - [1, 134, 'NumpadComma', 110, 'NumPad_Separator', 108, 'VK_SEPARATOR', e, e], - [0, 135, 'IntlRo', 115, 'ABNT_C1', 193, 'VK_ABNT_C1', e, e], - [1, 136, 'KanaMode', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [0, 137, 'IntlYen', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 138, 'Convert', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 139, 'NonConvert', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 140, 'Lang1', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 141, 'Lang2', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 142, 'Lang3', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 143, 'Lang4', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 144, 'Lang5', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 145, 'Abort', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 146, 'Props', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 147, 'NumpadParenLeft', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 148, 'NumpadParenRight', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 149, 'NumpadBackspace', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 150, 'NumpadMemoryStore', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 151, 'NumpadMemoryRecall', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 152, 'NumpadMemoryClear', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 153, 'NumpadMemoryAdd', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 154, 'NumpadMemorySubtract', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 155, 'NumpadClear', 131, 'Clear', 12, 'VK_CLEAR', e, e], - [1, 156, 'NumpadClearEntry', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 0, e, 5, 'Ctrl', 17, 'VK_CONTROL', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 4, 'Shift', 16, 'VK_SHIFT', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 6, 'Alt', 18, 'VK_MENU', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 57, 'Meta', 91, 'VK_COMMAND', e, e], - [1, 157, 'ControlLeft', 5, e, 0, 'VK_LCONTROL', e, e], - [1, 158, 'ShiftLeft', 4, e, 0, 'VK_LSHIFT', e, e], - [1, 159, 'AltLeft', 6, e, 0, 'VK_LMENU', e, e], - [1, 160, 'MetaLeft', 57, e, 0, 'VK_LWIN', e, e], - [1, 161, 'ControlRight', 5, e, 0, 'VK_RCONTROL', e, e], - [1, 162, 'ShiftRight', 4, e, 0, 'VK_RSHIFT', e, e], - [1, 163, 'AltRight', 6, e, 0, 'VK_RMENU', e, e], - [1, 164, 'MetaRight', 57, e, 0, 'VK_RWIN', e, e], - [1, 165, 'BrightnessUp', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 166, 'BrightnessDown', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 167, 'MediaPlay', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 168, 'MediaRecord', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 169, 'MediaFastForward', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 170, 'MediaRewind', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 171, 'MediaTrackNext', 124, 'MediaTrackNext', 176, 'VK_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK', e, e], - [1, 172, 'MediaTrackPrevious', 125, 'MediaTrackPrevious', 177, 'VK_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK', e, e], - [1, 173, 'MediaStop', 126, 'MediaStop', 178, 'VK_MEDIA_STOP', e, e], - [1, 174, 'Eject', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 175, 'MediaPlayPause', 127, 'MediaPlayPause', 179, 'VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE', e, e], - [ - 1, - 176, - 'MediaSelect', - 128, - 'LaunchMediaPlayer', - 181, - 'VK_MEDIA_LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT', - e, - e - ], - [1, 177, 'LaunchMail', 129, 'LaunchMail', 180, 'VK_MEDIA_LAUNCH_MAIL', e, e], - [1, 178, 'LaunchApp2', 130, 'LaunchApp2', 183, 'VK_MEDIA_LAUNCH_APP2', e, e], - [1, 179, 'LaunchApp1', 0, e, 0, 'VK_MEDIA_LAUNCH_APP1', e, e], - [1, 180, 'SelectTask', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 181, 'LaunchScreenSaver', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 182, 'BrowserSearch', 120, 'BrowserSearch', 170, 'VK_BROWSER_SEARCH', e, e], - [1, 183, 'BrowserHome', 121, 'BrowserHome', 172, 'VK_BROWSER_HOME', e, e], - [1, 184, 'BrowserBack', 122, 'BrowserBack', 166, 'VK_BROWSER_BACK', e, e], - [1, 185, 'BrowserForward', 123, 'BrowserForward', 167, 'VK_BROWSER_FORWARD', e, e], - [1, 186, 'BrowserStop', 0, e, 0, 'VK_BROWSER_STOP', e, e], - [1, 187, 'BrowserRefresh', 0, e, 0, 'VK_BROWSER_REFRESH', e, e], - [1, 188, 'BrowserFavorites', 0, e, 0, 'VK_BROWSER_FAVORITES', e, e], - [1, 189, 'ZoomToggle', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 190, 'MailReply', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 191, 'MailForward', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 192, 'MailSend', 0, e, 0, e, e, e], - [1, 0, e, 114, 'KeyInComposition', 229, e, e, e], - [1, 0, e, 116, 'ABNT_C2', 194, 'VK_ABNT_C2', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 96, 'OEM_8', 223, 'VK_OEM_8', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_KANA', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_HANGUL', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_JUNJA', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_FINAL', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_HANJA', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_KANJI', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_CONVERT', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_NONCONVERT', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_ACCEPT', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_MODECHANGE', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_SELECT', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_PRINT', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_EXECUTE', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_SNAPSHOT', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_HELP', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_APPS', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_PROCESSKEY', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_PACKET', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_DBE_SBCSCHAR', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_DBE_DBCSCHAR', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_ATTN', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_CRSEL', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_EXSEL', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_EREOF', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_PLAY', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_ZOOM', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_NONAME', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_PA1', e, e], - [1, 0, e, 0, e, 0, 'VK_OEM_CLEAR', e, e] - ], - n = [], - r = [] - for (let i of t) { - let [s, o, a, u, l, c, d, h, m] = i - if ( - (r[o] || - ((r[o] = !0), - (c5[o] = a), - (f5[a] = o), - (d5[a.toLowerCase()] = o), - s && - ((md[o] = u), - u !== 0 && u !== 3 && u !== 5 && u !== 4 && u !== 6 && u !== 57 && (Ol[u] = o))), - !n[u]) - ) { - if (((n[u] = !0), !l)) - throw new Error(`String representation missing for key code ${u} around scan code ${a}`) - Yo.define(u, l), Rl.define(u, h || l), kl.define(u, m || h || l) - } - c && (u5[c] = u), d && (l5[d] = u) - } - Ol[3] = 46 - })() - var hd - ;(function (e) { - function t(a) { - return Yo.keyCodeToStr(a) - } - e.toString = t - function n(a) { - return Yo.strToKeyCode(a) - } - e.fromString = n - function r(a) { - return Rl.keyCodeToStr(a) - } - e.toUserSettingsUS = r - function i(a) { - return kl.keyCodeToStr(a) - } - e.toUserSettingsGeneral = i - function s(a) { - return Rl.strToKeyCode(a) || kl.strToKeyCode(a) - } - e.fromUserSettings = s - function o(a) { - if (a >= 98 && a <= 113) return null - switch (a) { - case 16: - return 'Up' - case 18: - return 'Down' - case 15: - return 'Left' - case 17: - return 'Right' - } - return Yo.keyCodeToStr(a) - } - e.toElectronAccelerator = o - })(hd || (hd = {})) - function gd(e, t) { - let n = ((t & 65535) << 16) >>> 0 - return (e | n) >>> 0 - } - var Jo = class e extends oe { - constructor(t, n, r, i) { - super(t, n, r, i), - (this.selectionStartLineNumber = t), - (this.selectionStartColumn = n), - (this.positionLineNumber = r), - (this.positionColumn = i) - } - toString() { - return ( - '[' + - this.selectionStartLineNumber + - ',' + - this.selectionStartColumn + - ' -> ' + - this.positionLineNumber + - ',' + - this.positionColumn + - ']' - ) - } - equalsSelection(t) { - return e.selectionsEqual(this, t) - } - static selectionsEqual(t, n) { - return ( - t.selectionStartLineNumber === n.selectionStartLineNumber && - t.selectionStartColumn === n.selectionStartColumn && - t.positionLineNumber === n.positionLineNumber && - t.positionColumn === n.positionColumn - ) - } - getDirection() { - return this.selectionStartLineNumber === this.startLineNumber && - this.selectionStartColumn === this.startColumn - ? 0 - : 1 - } - setEndPosition(t, n) { - return this.getDirection() === 0 - ? new e(this.startLineNumber, this.startColumn, t, n) - : new e(t, n, this.startLineNumber, this.startColumn) - } - getPosition() { - return new Se(this.positionLineNumber, this.positionColumn) - } - getSelectionStart() { - return new Se(this.selectionStartLineNumber, this.selectionStartColumn) - } - setStartPosition(t, n) { - return this.getDirection() === 0 - ? new e(t, n, this.endLineNumber, this.endColumn) - : new e(this.endLineNumber, this.endColumn, t, n) - } - static fromPositions(t, n = t) { - return new e(t.lineNumber, t.column, n.lineNumber, n.column) - } - static fromRange(t, n) { - return n === 0 - ? new e(t.startLineNumber, t.startColumn, t.endLineNumber, t.endColumn) - : new e(t.endLineNumber, t.endColumn, t.startLineNumber, t.startColumn) - } - static liftSelection(t) { - return new e( - t.selectionStartLineNumber, - t.selectionStartColumn, - t.positionLineNumber, - t.positionColumn - ) - } - static selectionsArrEqual(t, n) { - if ((t && !n) || (!t && n)) return !1 - if (!t && !n) return !0 - if (t.length !== n.length) return !1 - for (let r = 0, i = t.length; r < i; r++) if (!this.selectionsEqual(t[r], n[r])) return !1 - return !0 - } - static isISelection(t) { - return ( - t && - typeof t.selectionStartLineNumber == 'number' && - typeof t.selectionStartColumn == 'number' && - typeof t.positionLineNumber == 'number' && - typeof t.positionColumn == 'number' - ) - } - static createWithDirection(t, n, r, i, s) { - return s === 0 ? new e(t, n, r, i) : new e(r, i, t, n) - } - } - function Dd(e) { - return typeof e == 'string' - } - var vd = Object.create(null) - function p(e, t) { - if (Dd(t)) { - let n = vd[t] - if (n === void 0) throw new Error(`${e} references an unknown codicon: ${t}`) - t = n - } - return (vd[e] = t), { id: e } - } - var bd = { - add: p('add', 6e4), - plus: p('plus', 6e4), - gistNew: p('gist-new', 6e4), - repoCreate: p('repo-create', 6e4), - lightbulb: p('lightbulb', 60001), - lightBulb: p('light-bulb', 60001), - repo: p('repo', 60002), - repoDelete: p('repo-delete', 60002), - gistFork: p('gist-fork', 60003), - repoForked: p('repo-forked', 60003), - gitPullRequest: p('git-pull-request', 60004), - gitPullRequestAbandoned: p('git-pull-request-abandoned', 60004), - recordKeys: p('record-keys', 60005), - keyboard: p('keyboard', 60005), - tag: p('tag', 60006), - gitPullRequestLabel: p('git-pull-request-label', 60006), - tagAdd: p('tag-add', 60006), - tagRemove: p('tag-remove', 60006), - person: p('person', 60007), - personFollow: p('person-follow', 60007), - personOutline: p('person-outline', 60007), - personFilled: p('person-filled', 60007), - gitBranch: p('git-branch', 60008), - gitBranchCreate: p('git-branch-create', 60008), - gitBranchDelete: p('git-branch-delete', 60008), - sourceControl: p('source-control', 60008), - mirror: p('mirror', 60009), - mirrorPublic: p('mirror-public', 60009), - star: p('star', 60010), - starAdd: p('star-add', 60010), - starDelete: p('star-delete', 60010), - starEmpty: p('star-empty', 60010), - comment: p('comment', 60011), - commentAdd: p('comment-add', 60011), - alert: p('alert', 60012), - warning: p('warning', 60012), - search: p('search', 60013), - searchSave: p('search-save', 60013), - logOut: p('log-out', 60014), - signOut: p('sign-out', 60014), - logIn: p('log-in', 60015), - signIn: p('sign-in', 60015), - eye: p('eye', 60016), - eyeUnwatch: p('eye-unwatch', 60016), - eyeWatch: p('eye-watch', 60016), - circleFilled: p('circle-filled', 60017), - primitiveDot: p('primitive-dot', 60017), - closeDirty: p('close-dirty', 60017), - debugBreakpoint: p('debug-breakpoint', 60017), - debugBreakpointDisabled: p('debug-breakpoint-disabled', 60017), - debugHint: p('debug-hint', 60017), - terminalDecorationSuccess: p('terminal-decoration-success', 60017), - primitiveSquare: p('primitive-square', 60018), - edit: p('edit', 60019), - pencil: p('pencil', 60019), - info: p('info', 60020), - issueOpened: p('issue-opened', 60020), - gistPrivate: p('gist-private', 60021), - gitForkPrivate: p('git-fork-private', 60021), - lock: p('lock', 60021), - mirrorPrivate: p('mirror-private', 60021), - close: p('close', 60022), - removeClose: p('remove-close', 60022), - x: p('x', 60022), - repoSync: p('repo-sync', 60023), - sync: p('sync', 60023), - clone: p('clone', 60024), - desktopDownload: p('desktop-download', 60024), - beaker: p('beaker', 60025), - microscope: p('microscope', 60025), - vm: p('vm', 60026), - deviceDesktop: p('device-desktop', 60026), - file: p('file', 60027), - fileText: p('file-text', 60027), - more: p('more', 60028), - ellipsis: p('ellipsis', 60028), - kebabHorizontal: p('kebab-horizontal', 60028), - mailReply: p('mail-reply', 60029), - reply: p('reply', 60029), - organization: p('organization', 60030), - organizationFilled: p('organization-filled', 60030), - organizationOutline: p('organization-outline', 60030), - newFile: p('new-file', 60031), - fileAdd: p('file-add', 60031), - newFolder: p('new-folder', 60032), - fileDirectoryCreate: p('file-directory-create', 60032), - trash: p('trash', 60033), - trashcan: p('trashcan', 60033), - history: p('history', 60034), - clock: p('clock', 60034), - folder: p('folder', 60035), - fileDirectory: p('file-directory', 60035), - symbolFolder: p('symbol-folder', 60035), - logoGithub: p('logo-github', 60036), - markGithub: p('mark-github', 60036), - github: p('github', 60036), - terminal: p('terminal', 60037), - console: p('console', 60037), - repl: p('repl', 60037), - zap: p('zap', 60038), - symbolEvent: p('symbol-event', 60038), - error: p('error', 60039), - stop: p('stop', 60039), - variable: p('variable', 60040), - symbolVariable: p('symbol-variable', 60040), - array: p('array', 60042), - symbolArray: p('symbol-array', 60042), - symbolModule: p('symbol-module', 60043), - symbolPackage: p('symbol-package', 60043), - symbolNamespace: p('symbol-namespace', 60043), - symbolObject: p('symbol-object', 60043), - symbolMethod: p('symbol-method', 60044), - symbolFunction: p('symbol-function', 60044), - symbolConstructor: p('symbol-constructor', 60044), - symbolBoolean: p('symbol-boolean', 60047), - symbolNull: p('symbol-null', 60047), - symbolNumeric: p('symbol-numeric', 60048), - symbolNumber: p('symbol-number', 60048), - symbolStructure: p('symbol-structure', 60049), - symbolStruct: p('symbol-struct', 60049), - symbolParameter: p('symbol-parameter', 60050), - symbolTypeParameter: p('symbol-type-parameter', 60050), - symbolKey: p('symbol-key', 60051), - symbolText: p('symbol-text', 60051), - symbolReference: p('symbol-reference', 60052), - goToFile: p('go-to-file', 60052), - symbolEnum: p('symbol-enum', 60053), - symbolValue: p('symbol-value', 60053), - symbolRuler: p('symbol-ruler', 60054), - symbolUnit: p('symbol-unit', 60054), - activateBreakpoints: p('activate-breakpoints', 60055), - archive: p('archive', 60056), - arrowBoth: p('arrow-both', 60057), - arrowDown: p('arrow-down', 60058), - arrowLeft: p('arrow-left', 60059), - arrowRight: p('arrow-right', 60060), - arrowSmallDown: p('arrow-small-down', 60061), - arrowSmallLeft: p('arrow-small-left', 60062), - arrowSmallRight: p('arrow-small-right', 60063), - arrowSmallUp: p('arrow-small-up', 60064), - arrowUp: p('arrow-up', 60065), - bell: p('bell', 60066), - bold: p('bold', 60067), - book: p('book', 60068), - bookmark: p('bookmark', 60069), - debugBreakpointConditionalUnverified: p('debug-breakpoint-conditional-unverified', 60070), - debugBreakpointConditional: p('debug-breakpoint-conditional', 60071), - debugBreakpointConditionalDisabled: p('debug-breakpoint-conditional-disabled', 60071), - debugBreakpointDataUnverified: p('debug-breakpoint-data-unverified', 60072), - debugBreakpointData: p('debug-breakpoint-data', 60073), - debugBreakpointDataDisabled: p('debug-breakpoint-data-disabled', 60073), - debugBreakpointLogUnverified: p('debug-breakpoint-log-unverified', 60074), - debugBreakpointLog: p('debug-breakpoint-log', 60075), - debugBreakpointLogDisabled: p('debug-breakpoint-log-disabled', 60075), - briefcase: p('briefcase', 60076), - broadcast: p('broadcast', 60077), - browser: p('browser', 60078), - bug: p('bug', 60079), - calendar: p('calendar', 60080), - caseSensitive: p('case-sensitive', 60081), - check: p('check', 60082), - checklist: p('checklist', 60083), - chevronDown: p('chevron-down', 60084), - chevronLeft: p('chevron-left', 60085), - chevronRight: p('chevron-right', 60086), - chevronUp: p('chevron-up', 60087), - chromeClose: p('chrome-close', 60088), - chromeMaximize: p('chrome-maximize', 60089), - chromeMinimize: p('chrome-minimize', 60090), - chromeRestore: p('chrome-restore', 60091), - circleOutline: p('circle-outline', 60092), - circle: p('circle', 60092), - debugBreakpointUnverified: p('debug-breakpoint-unverified', 60092), - terminalDecorationIncomplete: p('terminal-decoration-incomplete', 60092), - circleSlash: p('circle-slash', 60093), - circuitBoard: p('circuit-board', 60094), - clearAll: p('clear-all', 60095), - clippy: p('clippy', 60096), - closeAll: p('close-all', 60097), - cloudDownload: p('cloud-download', 60098), - cloudUpload: p('cloud-upload', 60099), - code: p('code', 60100), - collapseAll: p('collapse-all', 60101), - colorMode: p('color-mode', 60102), - commentDiscussion: p('comment-discussion', 60103), - creditCard: p('credit-card', 60105), - dash: p('dash', 60108), - dashboard: p('dashboard', 60109), - database: p('database', 60110), - debugContinue: p('debug-continue', 60111), - debugDisconnect: p('debug-disconnect', 60112), - debugPause: p('debug-pause', 60113), - debugRestart: p('debug-restart', 60114), - debugStart: p('debug-start', 60115), - debugStepInto: p('debug-step-into', 60116), - debugStepOut: p('debug-step-out', 60117), - debugStepOver: p('debug-step-over', 60118), - debugStop: p('debug-stop', 60119), - debug: p('debug', 60120), - deviceCameraVideo: p('device-camera-video', 60121), - deviceCamera: p('device-camera', 60122), - deviceMobile: p('device-mobile', 60123), - diffAdded: p('diff-added', 60124), - diffIgnored: p('diff-ignored', 60125), - diffModified: p('diff-modified', 60126), - diffRemoved: p('diff-removed', 60127), - diffRenamed: p('diff-renamed', 60128), - diff: p('diff', 60129), - diffSidebyside: p('diff-sidebyside', 60129), - discard: p('discard', 60130), - editorLayout: p('editor-layout', 60131), - emptyWindow: p('empty-window', 60132), - exclude: p('exclude', 60133), - extensions: p('extensions', 60134), - eyeClosed: p('eye-closed', 60135), - fileBinary: p('file-binary', 60136), - fileCode: p('file-code', 60137), - fileMedia: p('file-media', 60138), - filePdf: p('file-pdf', 60139), - fileSubmodule: p('file-submodule', 60140), - fileSymlinkDirectory: p('file-symlink-directory', 60141), - fileSymlinkFile: p('file-symlink-file', 60142), - fileZip: p('file-zip', 60143), - files: p('files', 60144), - filter: p('filter', 60145), - flame: p('flame', 60146), - foldDown: p('fold-down', 60147), - foldUp: p('fold-up', 60148), - fold: p('fold', 60149), - folderActive: p('folder-active', 60150), - folderOpened: p('folder-opened', 60151), - gear: p('gear', 60152), - gift: p('gift', 60153), - gistSecret: p('gist-secret', 60154), - gist: p('gist', 60155), - gitCommit: p('git-commit', 60156), - gitCompare: p('git-compare', 60157), - compareChanges: p('compare-changes', 60157), - gitMerge: p('git-merge', 60158), - githubAction: p('github-action', 60159), - githubAlt: p('github-alt', 60160), - globe: p('globe', 60161), - grabber: p('grabber', 60162), - graph: p('graph', 60163), - gripper: p('gripper', 60164), - heart: p('heart', 60165), - home: p('home', 60166), - horizontalRule: p('horizontal-rule', 60167), - hubot: p('hubot', 60168), - inbox: p('inbox', 60169), - issueReopened: p('issue-reopened', 60171), - issues: p('issues', 60172), - italic: p('italic', 60173), - jersey: p('jersey', 60174), - json: p('json', 60175), - kebabVertical: p('kebab-vertical', 60176), - key: p('key', 60177), - law: p('law', 60178), - lightbulbAutofix: p('lightbulb-autofix', 60179), - linkExternal: p('link-external', 60180), - link: p('link', 60181), - listOrdered: p('list-ordered', 60182), - listUnordered: p('list-unordered', 60183), - liveShare: p('live-share', 60184), - loading: p('loading', 60185), - location: p('location', 60186), - mailRead: p('mail-read', 60187), - mail: p('mail', 60188), - markdown: p('markdown', 60189), - megaphone: p('megaphone', 60190), - mention: p('mention', 60191), - milestone: p('milestone', 60192), - gitPullRequestMilestone: p('git-pull-request-milestone', 60192), - mortarBoard: p('mortar-board', 60193), - move: p('move', 60194), - multipleWindows: p('multiple-windows', 60195), - mute: p('mute', 60196), - noNewline: p('no-newline', 60197), - note: p('note', 60198), - octoface: p('octoface', 60199), - openPreview: p('open-preview', 60200), - package: p('package', 60201), - paintcan: p('paintcan', 60202), - pin: p('pin', 60203), - play: p('play', 60204), - run: p('run', 60204), - plug: p('plug', 60205), - preserveCase: p('preserve-case', 60206), - preview: p('preview', 60207), - project: p('project', 60208), - pulse: p('pulse', 60209), - question: p('question', 60210), - quote: p('quote', 60211), - radioTower: p('radio-tower', 60212), - reactions: p('reactions', 60213), - references: p('references', 60214), - refresh: p('refresh', 60215), - regex: p('regex', 60216), - remoteExplorer: p('remote-explorer', 60217), - remote: p('remote', 60218), - remove: p('remove', 60219), - replaceAll: p('replace-all', 60220), - replace: p('replace', 60221), - repoClone: p('repo-clone', 60222), - repoForcePush: p('repo-force-push', 60223), - repoPull: p('repo-pull', 60224), - repoPush: p('repo-push', 60225), - report: p('report', 60226), - requestChanges: p('request-changes', 60227), - rocket: p('rocket', 60228), - rootFolderOpened: p('root-folder-opened', 60229), - rootFolder: p('root-folder', 60230), - rss: p('rss', 60231), - ruby: p('ruby', 60232), - saveAll: p('save-all', 60233), - saveAs: p('save-as', 60234), - save: p('save', 60235), - screenFull: p('screen-full', 60236), - screenNormal: p('screen-normal', 60237), - searchStop: p('search-stop', 60238), - server: p('server', 60240), - settingsGear: p('settings-gear', 60241), - settings: p('settings', 60242), - shield: p('shield', 60243), - smiley: p('smiley', 60244), - sortPrecedence: p('sort-precedence', 60245), - splitHorizontal: p('split-horizontal', 60246), - splitVertical: p('split-vertical', 60247), - squirrel: p('squirrel', 60248), - starFull: p('star-full', 60249), - starHalf: p('star-half', 60250), - symbolClass: p('symbol-class', 60251), - symbolColor: p('symbol-color', 60252), - symbolConstant: p('symbol-constant', 60253), - symbolEnumMember: p('symbol-enum-member', 60254), - symbolField: p('symbol-field', 60255), - symbolFile: p('symbol-file', 60256), - symbolInterface: p('symbol-interface', 60257), - symbolKeyword: p('symbol-keyword', 60258), - symbolMisc: p('symbol-misc', 60259), - symbolOperator: p('symbol-operator', 60260), - symbolProperty: p('symbol-property', 60261), - wrench: p('wrench', 60261), - wrenchSubaction: p('wrench-subaction', 60261), - symbolSnippet: p('symbol-snippet', 60262), - tasklist: p('tasklist', 60263), - telescope: p('telescope', 60264), - textSize: p('text-size', 60265), - threeBars: p('three-bars', 60266), - thumbsdown: p('thumbsdown', 60267), - thumbsup: p('thumbsup', 60268), - tools: p('tools', 60269), - triangleDown: p('triangle-down', 60270), - triangleLeft: p('triangle-left', 60271), - triangleRight: p('triangle-right', 60272), - triangleUp: p('triangle-up', 60273), - twitter: p('twitter', 60274), - unfold: p('unfold', 60275), - unlock: p('unlock', 60276), - unmute: p('unmute', 60277), - unverified: p('unverified', 60278), - verified: p('verified', 60279), - versions: p('versions', 60280), - vmActive: p('vm-active', 60281), - vmOutline: p('vm-outline', 60282), - vmRunning: p('vm-running', 60283), - watch: p('watch', 60284), - whitespace: p('whitespace', 60285), - wholeWord: p('whole-word', 60286), - window: p('window', 60287), - wordWrap: p('word-wrap', 60288), - zoomIn: p('zoom-in', 60289), - zoomOut: p('zoom-out', 60290), - listFilter: p('list-filter', 60291), - listFlat: p('list-flat', 60292), - listSelection: p('list-selection', 60293), - selection: p('selection', 60293), - listTree: p('list-tree', 60294), - debugBreakpointFunctionUnverified: p('debug-breakpoint-function-unverified', 60295), - debugBreakpointFunction: p('debug-breakpoint-function', 60296), - debugBreakpointFunctionDisabled: p('debug-breakpoint-function-disabled', 60296), - debugStackframeActive: p('debug-stackframe-active', 60297), - circleSmallFilled: p('circle-small-filled', 60298), - debugStackframeDot: p('debug-stackframe-dot', 60298), - terminalDecorationMark: p('terminal-decoration-mark', 60298), - debugStackframe: p('debug-stackframe', 60299), - debugStackframeFocused: p('debug-stackframe-focused', 60299), - debugBreakpointUnsupported: p('debug-breakpoint-unsupported', 60300), - symbolString: p('symbol-string', 60301), - debugReverseContinue: p('debug-reverse-continue', 60302), - debugStepBack: p('debug-step-back', 60303), - debugRestartFrame: p('debug-restart-frame', 60304), - debugAlt: p('debug-alt', 60305), - callIncoming: p('call-incoming', 60306), - callOutgoing: p('call-outgoing', 60307), - menu: p('menu', 60308), - expandAll: p('expand-all', 60309), - feedback: p('feedback', 60310), - gitPullRequestReviewer: p('git-pull-request-reviewer', 60310), - groupByRefType: p('group-by-ref-type', 60311), - ungroupByRefType: p('ungroup-by-ref-type', 60312), - account: p('account', 60313), - gitPullRequestAssignee: p('git-pull-request-assignee', 60313), - bellDot: p('bell-dot', 60314), - debugConsole: p('debug-console', 60315), - library: p('library', 60316), - output: p('output', 60317), - runAll: p('run-all', 60318), - syncIgnored: p('sync-ignored', 60319), - pinned: p('pinned', 60320), - githubInverted: p('github-inverted', 60321), - serverProcess: p('server-process', 60322), - serverEnvironment: p('server-environment', 60323), - pass: p('pass', 60324), - issueClosed: p('issue-closed', 60324), - stopCircle: p('stop-circle', 60325), - playCircle: p('play-circle', 60326), - record: p('record', 60327), - debugAltSmall: p('debug-alt-small', 60328), - vmConnect: p('vm-connect', 60329), - cloud: p('cloud', 60330), - merge: p('merge', 60331), - export: p('export', 60332), - graphLeft: p('graph-left', 60333), - magnet: p('magnet', 60334), - notebook: p('notebook', 60335), - redo: p('redo', 60336), - checkAll: p('check-all', 60337), - pinnedDirty: p('pinned-dirty', 60338), - passFilled: p('pass-filled', 60339), - circleLargeFilled: p('circle-large-filled', 60340), - circleLarge: p('circle-large', 60341), - circleLargeOutline: p('circle-large-outline', 60341), - combine: p('combine', 60342), - gather: p('gather', 60342), - table: p('table', 60343), - variableGroup: p('variable-group', 60344), - typeHierarchy: p('type-hierarchy', 60345), - typeHierarchySub: p('type-hierarchy-sub', 60346), - typeHierarchySuper: p('type-hierarchy-super', 60347), - gitPullRequestCreate: p('git-pull-request-create', 60348), - runAbove: p('run-above', 60349), - runBelow: p('run-below', 60350), - notebookTemplate: p('notebook-template', 60351), - debugRerun: p('debug-rerun', 60352), - workspaceTrusted: p('workspace-trusted', 60353), - workspaceUntrusted: p('workspace-untrusted', 60354), - workspaceUnknown: p('workspace-unknown', 60355), - terminalCmd: p('terminal-cmd', 60356), - terminalDebian: p('terminal-debian', 60357), - terminalLinux: p('terminal-linux', 60358), - terminalPowershell: p('terminal-powershell', 60359), - terminalTmux: p('terminal-tmux', 60360), - terminalUbuntu: p('terminal-ubuntu', 60361), - terminalBash: p('terminal-bash', 60362), - arrowSwap: p('arrow-swap', 60363), - copy: p('copy', 60364), - personAdd: p('person-add', 60365), - filterFilled: p('filter-filled', 60366), - wand: p('wand', 60367), - debugLineByLine: p('debug-line-by-line', 60368), - inspect: p('inspect', 60369), - layers: p('layers', 60370), - layersDot: p('layers-dot', 60371), - layersActive: p('layers-active', 60372), - compass: p('compass', 60373), - compassDot: p('compass-dot', 60374), - compassActive: p('compass-active', 60375), - azure: p('azure', 60376), - issueDraft: p('issue-draft', 60377), - gitPullRequestClosed: p('git-pull-request-closed', 60378), - gitPullRequestDraft: p('git-pull-request-draft', 60379), - debugAll: p('debug-all', 60380), - debugCoverage: p('debug-coverage', 60381), - runErrors: p('run-errors', 60382), - folderLibrary: p('folder-library', 60383), - debugContinueSmall: p('debug-continue-small', 60384), - beakerStop: p('beaker-stop', 60385), - graphLine: p('graph-line', 60386), - graphScatter: p('graph-scatter', 60387), - pieChart: p('pie-chart', 60388), - bracket: p('bracket', 60175), - bracketDot: p('bracket-dot', 60389), - bracketError: p('bracket-error', 60390), - lockSmall: p('lock-small', 60391), - azureDevops: p('azure-devops', 60392), - verifiedFilled: p('verified-filled', 60393), - newline: p('newline', 60394), - layout: p('layout', 60395), - layoutActivitybarLeft: p('layout-activitybar-left', 60396), - layoutActivitybarRight: p('layout-activitybar-right', 60397), - layoutPanelLeft: p('layout-panel-left', 60398), - layoutPanelCenter: p('layout-panel-center', 60399), - layoutPanelJustify: p('layout-panel-justify', 60400), - layoutPanelRight: p('layout-panel-right', 60401), - layoutPanel: p('layout-panel', 60402), - layoutSidebarLeft: p('layout-sidebar-left', 60403), - layoutSidebarRight: p('layout-sidebar-right', 60404), - layoutStatusbar: p('layout-statusbar', 60405), - layoutMenubar: p('layout-menubar', 60406), - layoutCentered: p('layout-centered', 60407), - target: p('target', 60408), - indent: p('indent', 60409), - recordSmall: p('record-small', 60410), - errorSmall: p('error-small', 60411), - terminalDecorationError: p('terminal-decoration-error', 60411), - arrowCircleDown: p('arrow-circle-down', 60412), - arrowCircleLeft: p('arrow-circle-left', 60413), - arrowCircleRight: p('arrow-circle-right', 60414), - arrowCircleUp: p('arrow-circle-up', 60415), - layoutSidebarRightOff: p('layout-sidebar-right-off', 60416), - layoutPanelOff: p('layout-panel-off', 60417), - layoutSidebarLeftOff: p('layout-sidebar-left-off', 60418), - blank: p('blank', 60419), - heartFilled: p('heart-filled', 60420), - map: p('map', 60421), - mapHorizontal: p('map-horizontal', 60421), - foldHorizontal: p('fold-horizontal', 60421), - mapFilled: p('map-filled', 60422), - mapHorizontalFilled: p('map-horizontal-filled', 60422), - foldHorizontalFilled: p('fold-horizontal-filled', 60422), - circleSmall: p('circle-small', 60423), - bellSlash: p('bell-slash', 60424), - bellSlashDot: p('bell-slash-dot', 60425), - commentUnresolved: p('comment-unresolved', 60426), - gitPullRequestGoToChanges: p('git-pull-request-go-to-changes', 60427), - gitPullRequestNewChanges: p('git-pull-request-new-changes', 60428), - searchFuzzy: p('search-fuzzy', 60429), - commentDraft: p('comment-draft', 60430), - send: p('send', 60431), - sparkle: p('sparkle', 60432), - insert: p('insert', 60433), - mic: p('mic', 60434), - thumbsdownFilled: p('thumbsdown-filled', 60435), - thumbsupFilled: p('thumbsup-filled', 60436), - coffee: p('coffee', 60437), - snake: p('snake', 60438), - game: p('game', 60439), - vr: p('vr', 60440), - chip: p('chip', 60441), - piano: p('piano', 60442), - music: p('music', 60443), - micFilled: p('mic-filled', 60444), - repoFetch: p('repo-fetch', 60445), - copilot: p('copilot', 60446), - lightbulbSparkle: p('lightbulb-sparkle', 60447), - robot: p('robot', 60448), - sparkleFilled: p('sparkle-filled', 60449), - diffSingle: p('diff-single', 60450), - diffMultiple: p('diff-multiple', 60451), - surroundWith: p('surround-with', 60452), - share: p('share', 60453), - gitStash: p('git-stash', 60454), - gitStashApply: p('git-stash-apply', 60455), - gitStashPop: p('git-stash-pop', 60456), - vscode: p('vscode', 60457), - vscodeInsiders: p('vscode-insiders', 60458), - codeOss: p('code-oss', 60459), - runCoverage: p('run-coverage', 60460), - runAllCoverage: p('run-all-coverage', 60461), - coverage: p('coverage', 60462), - githubProject: p('github-project', 60463), - mapVertical: p('map-vertical', 60464), - foldVertical: p('fold-vertical', 60464), - mapVerticalFilled: p('map-vertical-filled', 60465), - foldVerticalFilled: p('fold-vertical-filled', 60465), - goToSearch: p('go-to-search', 60466), - percentage: p('percentage', 60467), - sortPercentage: p('sort-percentage', 60467), - attach: p('attach', 60468) - } - var p5 = { - dialogError: p('dialog-error', 'error'), - dialogWarning: p('dialog-warning', 'warning'), - dialogInfo: p('dialog-info', 'info'), - dialogClose: p('dialog-close', 'close'), - treeItemExpanded: p('tree-item-expanded', 'chevron-down'), - treeFilterOnTypeOn: p('tree-filter-on-type-on', 'list-filter'), - treeFilterOnTypeOff: p('tree-filter-on-type-off', 'list-selection'), - treeFilterClear: p('tree-filter-clear', 'close'), - treeItemLoading: p('tree-item-loading', 'loading'), - menuSelection: p('menu-selection', 'check'), - menuSubmenu: p('menu-submenu', 'chevron-right'), - menuBarMore: p('menubar-more', 'more'), - scrollbarButtonLeft: p('scrollbar-button-left', 'triangle-left'), - scrollbarButtonRight: p('scrollbar-button-right', 'triangle-right'), - scrollbarButtonUp: p('scrollbar-button-up', 'triangle-up'), - scrollbarButtonDown: p('scrollbar-button-down', 'triangle-down'), - toolBarMore: p('toolbar-more', 'more'), - quickInputBack: p('quick-input-back', 'arrow-left'), - dropDownButton: p('drop-down-button', 60084), - symbolCustomColor: p('symbol-customcolor', 60252), - exportIcon: p('export', 60332), - workspaceUnspecified: p('workspace-unspecified', 60355), - newLine: p('newline', 60394), - thumbsDownFilled: p('thumbsdown-filled', 60435), - thumbsUpFilled: p('thumbsup-filled', 60436), - gitFetch: p('git-fetch', 60445), - lightbulbSparkleAutofix: p('lightbulb-sparkle-autofix', 60447), - debugBreakpointPending: p('debug-breakpoint-pending', 60377) - }, - re = { ...bd, ...p5 } - var Fs = class { - constructor() { - ;(this._tokenizationSupports = new Map()), - (this._factories = new Map()), - (this._onDidChange = new lt()), - (this.onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event), - (this._colorMap = null) - } - handleChange(t) { - this._onDidChange.fire({ changedLanguages: t, changedColorMap: !1 }) - } - register(t, n) { - return ( - this._tokenizationSupports.set(t, n), - this.handleChange([t]), - Zn(() => { - this._tokenizationSupports.get(t) === n && - (this._tokenizationSupports.delete(t), this.handleChange([t])) - }) - ) - } - get(t) { - return this._tokenizationSupports.get(t) || null - } - registerFactory(t, n) { - this._factories.get(t)?.dispose() - let r = new Ml(this, t, n) - return ( - this._factories.set(t, r), - Zn(() => { - let i = this._factories.get(t) - !i || i !== r || (this._factories.delete(t), i.dispose()) - }) - ) - } - async getOrCreate(t) { - let n = this.get(t) - if (n) return n - let r = this._factories.get(t) - return !r || r.isResolved ? null : (await r.resolve(), this.get(t)) - } - isResolved(t) { - if (this.get(t)) return !0 - let r = this._factories.get(t) - return !!(!r || r.isResolved) - } - setColorMap(t) { - ;(this._colorMap = t), - this._onDidChange.fire({ - changedLanguages: Array.from(this._tokenizationSupports.keys()), - changedColorMap: !0 - }) - } - getColorMap() { - return this._colorMap - } - getDefaultBackground() { - return this._colorMap && this._colorMap.length > 2 ? this._colorMap[2] : null - } - }, - Ml = class extends Xt { - get isResolved() { - return this._isResolved - } - constructor(t, n, r) { - super(), - (this._registry = t), - (this._languageId = n), - (this._factory = r), - (this._isDisposed = !1), - (this._resolvePromise = null), - (this._isResolved = !1) - } - dispose() { - ;(this._isDisposed = !0), super.dispose() - } - async resolve() { - return this._resolvePromise || (this._resolvePromise = this._create()), this._resolvePromise - } - async _create() { - let t = await this._factory.tokenizationSupport - ;(this._isResolved = !0), - t && !this._isDisposed && this._register(this._registry.register(this._languageId, t)) - } - } - var Xo = class { - constructor(t, n, r) { - ;(this.offset = t), (this.type = n), (this.language = r), (this._tokenBrand = void 0) - } - toString() { - return '(' + this.offset + ', ' + this.type + ')' - } - } - var Ed - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Increase = 0)] = 'Increase'), (e[(e.Decrease = 1)] = 'Decrease') - })(Ed || (Ed = {})) - var yd - ;(function (e) { - let t = new Map() - t.set(0, re.symbolMethod), - t.set(1, re.symbolFunction), - t.set(2, re.symbolConstructor), - t.set(3, re.symbolField), - t.set(4, re.symbolVariable), - t.set(5, re.symbolClass), - t.set(6, re.symbolStruct), - t.set(7, re.symbolInterface), - t.set(8, re.symbolModule), - t.set(9, re.symbolProperty), - t.set(10, re.symbolEvent), - t.set(11, re.symbolOperator), - t.set(12, re.symbolUnit), - t.set(13, re.symbolValue), - t.set(15, re.symbolEnum), - t.set(14, re.symbolConstant), - t.set(15, re.symbolEnum), - t.set(16, re.symbolEnumMember), - t.set(17, re.symbolKeyword), - t.set(27, re.symbolSnippet), - t.set(18, re.symbolText), - t.set(19, re.symbolColor), - t.set(20, re.symbolFile), - t.set(21, re.symbolReference), - t.set(22, re.symbolCustomColor), - t.set(23, re.symbolFolder), - t.set(24, re.symbolTypeParameter), - t.set(25, re.account), - t.set(26, re.issues) - function n(s) { - let o = t.get(s) - return ( - o || - (console.info('No codicon found for CompletionItemKind ' + s), (o = re.symbolProperty)), - o - ) - } - e.toIcon = n - let r = new Map() - r.set('method', 0), - r.set('function', 1), - r.set('constructor', 2), - r.set('field', 3), - r.set('variable', 4), - r.set('class', 5), - r.set('struct', 6), - r.set('interface', 7), - r.set('module', 8), - r.set('property', 9), - r.set('event', 10), - r.set('operator', 11), - r.set('unit', 12), - r.set('value', 13), - r.set('constant', 14), - r.set('enum', 15), - r.set('enum-member', 16), - r.set('enumMember', 16), - r.set('keyword', 17), - r.set('snippet', 27), - r.set('text', 18), - r.set('color', 19), - r.set('file', 20), - r.set('reference', 21), - r.set('customcolor', 22), - r.set('folder', 23), - r.set('type-parameter', 24), - r.set('typeParameter', 24), - r.set('account', 25), - r.set('issue', 26) - function i(s, o) { - let a = r.get(s) - return typeof a > 'u' && !o && (a = 9), a - } - e.fromString = i - })(yd || (yd = {})) - var xd - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Automatic = 0)] = 'Automatic'), (e[(e.Explicit = 1)] = 'Explicit') - })(xd || (xd = {})) - var _d - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Automatic = 0)] = 'Automatic'), (e[(e.PasteAs = 1)] = 'PasteAs') - })(_d || (_d = {})) - var Nd - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Invoke = 1)] = 'Invoke'), - (e[(e.TriggerCharacter = 2)] = 'TriggerCharacter'), - (e[(e.ContentChange = 3)] = 'ContentChange') - })(Nd || (Nd = {})) - var Td - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Text = 0)] = 'Text'), (e[(e.Read = 1)] = 'Read'), (e[(e.Write = 2)] = 'Write') - })(Td || (Td = {})) - var _6 = { - 17: ke('Array', 'array'), - 16: ke('Boolean', 'boolean'), - 4: ke('Class', 'class'), - 13: ke('Constant', 'constant'), - 8: ke('Constructor', 'constructor'), - 9: ke('Enum', 'enumeration'), - 21: ke('EnumMember', 'enumeration member'), - 23: ke('Event', 'event'), - 7: ke('Field', 'field'), - 0: ke('File', 'file'), - 11: ke('Function', 'function'), - 10: ke('Interface', 'interface'), - 19: ke('Key', 'key'), - 5: ke('Method', 'method'), - 1: ke('Module', 'module'), - 2: ke('Namespace', 'namespace'), - 20: ke('Null', 'null'), - 15: ke('Number', 'number'), - 18: ke('Object', 'object'), - 24: ke('Operator', 'operator'), - 3: ke('Package', 'package'), - 6: ke('Property', 'property'), - 14: ke('String', 'string'), - 22: ke('Struct', 'struct'), - 25: ke('TypeParameter', 'type parameter'), - 12: ke('Variable', 'variable') - } - var Sd - ;(function (e) { - let t = new Map() - t.set(0, re.symbolFile), - t.set(1, re.symbolModule), - t.set(2, re.symbolNamespace), - t.set(3, re.symbolPackage), - t.set(4, re.symbolClass), - t.set(5, re.symbolMethod), - t.set(6, re.symbolProperty), - t.set(7, re.symbolField), - t.set(8, re.symbolConstructor), - t.set(9, re.symbolEnum), - t.set(10, re.symbolInterface), - t.set(11, re.symbolFunction), - t.set(12, re.symbolVariable), - t.set(13, re.symbolConstant), - t.set(14, re.symbolString), - t.set(15, re.symbolNumber), - t.set(16, re.symbolBoolean), - t.set(17, re.symbolArray), - t.set(18, re.symbolObject), - t.set(19, re.symbolKey), - t.set(20, re.symbolNull), - t.set(21, re.symbolEnumMember), - t.set(22, re.symbolStruct), - t.set(23, re.symbolEvent), - t.set(24, re.symbolOperator), - t.set(25, re.symbolTypeParameter) - function n(r) { - let i = t.get(r) - return i || (console.info('No codicon found for SymbolKind ' + r), (i = re.symbolProperty)), i - } - e.toIcon = n - })(Sd || (Sd = {})) - var Ad = class e { - static { - this.Comment = new e('comment') - } - static { - this.Imports = new e('imports') - } - static { - this.Region = new e('region') - } - static fromValue(t) { - switch (t) { - case 'comment': - return e.Comment - case 'imports': - return e.Imports - case 'region': - return e.Region - } - return new e(t) - } - constructor(t) { - this.value = t - } - }, - Fd - ;(function (e) { - e[(e.AIGenerated = 1)] = 'AIGenerated' - })(Fd || (Fd = {})) - var wd - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Invoke = 0)] = 'Invoke'), (e[(e.Automatic = 1)] = 'Automatic') - })(wd || (wd = {})) - var Ld - ;(function (e) { - function t(n) { - return !n || typeof n != 'object' ? !1 : typeof n.id == 'string' && typeof n.title == 'string' - } - e.is = t - })(Ld || (Ld = {})) - var Cd - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Type = 1)] = 'Type'), (e[(e.Parameter = 2)] = 'Parameter') - })(Cd || (Cd = {})) - var N6 = new Fs(), - T6 = new Fs(), - Id - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Invoke = 0)] = 'Invoke'), (e[(e.Automatic = 1)] = 'Automatic') - })(Id || (Id = {})) - var Rd - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Unknown = 0)] = 'Unknown'), - (e[(e.Disabled = 1)] = 'Disabled'), - (e[(e.Enabled = 2)] = 'Enabled') - })(Rd || (Rd = {})) - var kd - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Invoke = 1)] = 'Invoke'), (e[(e.Auto = 2)] = 'Auto') - })(kd || (kd = {})) - var Od - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.None = 0)] = 'None'), - (e[(e.KeepWhitespace = 1)] = 'KeepWhitespace'), - (e[(e.InsertAsSnippet = 4)] = 'InsertAsSnippet') - })(Od || (Od = {})) - var Md - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Method = 0)] = 'Method'), - (e[(e.Function = 1)] = 'Function'), - (e[(e.Constructor = 2)] = 'Constructor'), - (e[(e.Field = 3)] = 'Field'), - (e[(e.Variable = 4)] = 'Variable'), - (e[(e.Class = 5)] = 'Class'), - (e[(e.Struct = 6)] = 'Struct'), - (e[(e.Interface = 7)] = 'Interface'), - (e[(e.Module = 8)] = 'Module'), - (e[(e.Property = 9)] = 'Property'), - (e[(e.Event = 10)] = 'Event'), - (e[(e.Operator = 11)] = 'Operator'), - (e[(e.Unit = 12)] = 'Unit'), - (e[(e.Value = 13)] = 'Value'), - (e[(e.Constant = 14)] = 'Constant'), - (e[(e.Enum = 15)] = 'Enum'), - (e[(e.EnumMember = 16)] = 'EnumMember'), - (e[(e.Keyword = 17)] = 'Keyword'), - (e[(e.Text = 18)] = 'Text'), - (e[(e.Color = 19)] = 'Color'), - (e[(e.File = 20)] = 'File'), - (e[(e.Reference = 21)] = 'Reference'), - (e[(e.Customcolor = 22)] = 'Customcolor'), - (e[(e.Folder = 23)] = 'Folder'), - (e[(e.TypeParameter = 24)] = 'TypeParameter'), - (e[(e.User = 25)] = 'User'), - (e[(e.Issue = 26)] = 'Issue'), - (e[(e.Snippet = 27)] = 'Snippet') - })(Md || (Md = {})) - var Pd - ;(function (e) { - e[(e.Deprecated = 1)] = 'Deprecated' - })(Pd || (Pd = {})) - var Bd - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Invoke = 0)] = 'Invoke'), - (e[(e.TriggerCharacter = 1)] = 'TriggerCharacter'), - (e[(e.TriggerForIncompleteCompletions = 2)] = 'TriggerForIncompleteCompletions') - })(Bd || (Bd = {})) - var Vd - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.EXACT = 0)] = 'EXACT'), (e[(e.ABOVE = 1)] = 'ABOVE'), (e[(e.BELOW = 2)] = 'BELOW') - })(Vd || (Vd = {})) - var Ud - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.NotSet = 0)] = 'NotSet'), - (e[(e.ContentFlush = 1)] = 'ContentFlush'), - (e[(e.RecoverFromMarkers = 2)] = 'RecoverFromMarkers'), - (e[(e.Explicit = 3)] = 'Explicit'), - (e[(e.Paste = 4)] = 'Paste'), - (e[(e.Undo = 5)] = 'Undo'), - (e[(e.Redo = 6)] = 'Redo') - })(Ud || (Ud = {})) - var $d - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.LF = 1)] = 'LF'), (e[(e.CRLF = 2)] = 'CRLF') - })($d || ($d = {})) - var jd - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Text = 0)] = 'Text'), (e[(e.Read = 1)] = 'Read'), (e[(e.Write = 2)] = 'Write') - })(jd || (jd = {})) - var qd - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.None = 0)] = 'None'), - (e[(e.Keep = 1)] = 'Keep'), - (e[(e.Brackets = 2)] = 'Brackets'), - (e[(e.Advanced = 3)] = 'Advanced'), - (e[(e.Full = 4)] = 'Full') - })(qd || (qd = {})) - var Gd - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter = 0)] = 'acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter'), - (e[(e.acceptSuggestionOnEnter = 1)] = 'acceptSuggestionOnEnter'), - (e[(e.accessibilitySupport = 2)] = 'accessibilitySupport'), - (e[(e.accessibilityPageSize = 3)] = 'accessibilityPageSize'), - (e[(e.ariaLabel = 4)] = 'ariaLabel'), - (e[(e.ariaRequired = 5)] = 'ariaRequired'), - (e[(e.autoClosingBrackets = 6)] = 'autoClosingBrackets'), - (e[(e.autoClosingComments = 7)] = 'autoClosingComments'), - (e[(e.screenReaderAnnounceInlineSuggestion = 8)] = 'screenReaderAnnounceInlineSuggestion'), - (e[(e.autoClosingDelete = 9)] = 'autoClosingDelete'), - (e[(e.autoClosingOvertype = 10)] = 'autoClosingOvertype'), - (e[(e.autoClosingQuotes = 11)] = 'autoClosingQuotes'), - (e[(e.autoIndent = 12)] = 'autoIndent'), - (e[(e.automaticLayout = 13)] = 'automaticLayout'), - (e[(e.autoSurround = 14)] = 'autoSurround'), - (e[(e.bracketPairColorization = 15)] = 'bracketPairColorization'), - (e[(e.guides = 16)] = 'guides'), - (e[(e.codeLens = 17)] = 'codeLens'), - (e[(e.codeLensFontFamily = 18)] = 'codeLensFontFamily'), - (e[(e.codeLensFontSize = 19)] = 'codeLensFontSize'), - (e[(e.colorDecorators = 20)] = 'colorDecorators'), - (e[(e.colorDecoratorsLimit = 21)] = 'colorDecoratorsLimit'), - (e[(e.columnSelection = 22)] = 'columnSelection'), - (e[(e.comments = 23)] = 'comments'), - (e[(e.contextmenu = 24)] = 'contextmenu'), - (e[(e.copyWithSyntaxHighlighting = 25)] = 'copyWithSyntaxHighlighting'), - (e[(e.cursorBlinking = 26)] = 'cursorBlinking'), - (e[(e.cursorSmoothCaretAnimation = 27)] = 'cursorSmoothCaretAnimation'), - (e[(e.cursorStyle = 28)] = 'cursorStyle'), - (e[(e.cursorSurroundingLines = 29)] = 'cursorSurroundingLines'), - (e[(e.cursorSurroundingLinesStyle = 30)] = 'cursorSurroundingLinesStyle'), - (e[(e.cursorWidth = 31)] = 'cursorWidth'), - (e[(e.disableLayerHinting = 32)] = 'disableLayerHinting'), - (e[(e.disableMonospaceOptimizations = 33)] = 'disableMonospaceOptimizations'), - (e[(e.domReadOnly = 34)] = 'domReadOnly'), - (e[(e.dragAndDrop = 35)] = 'dragAndDrop'), - (e[(e.dropIntoEditor = 36)] = 'dropIntoEditor'), - (e[(e.emptySelectionClipboard = 37)] = 'emptySelectionClipboard'), - (e[(e.experimentalWhitespaceRendering = 38)] = 'experimentalWhitespaceRendering'), - (e[(e.extraEditorClassName = 39)] = 'extraEditorClassName'), - (e[(e.fastScrollSensitivity = 40)] = 'fastScrollSensitivity'), - (e[(e.find = 41)] = 'find'), - (e[(e.fixedOverflowWidgets = 42)] = 'fixedOverflowWidgets'), - (e[(e.folding = 43)] = 'folding'), - (e[(e.foldingStrategy = 44)] = 'foldingStrategy'), - (e[(e.foldingHighlight = 45)] = 'foldingHighlight'), - (e[(e.foldingImportsByDefault = 46)] = 'foldingImportsByDefault'), - (e[(e.foldingMaximumRegions = 47)] = 'foldingMaximumRegions'), - (e[(e.unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine = 48)] = 'unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine'), - (e[(e.fontFamily = 49)] = 'fontFamily'), - (e[(e.fontInfo = 50)] = 'fontInfo'), - (e[(e.fontLigatures = 51)] = 'fontLigatures'), - (e[(e.fontSize = 52)] = 'fontSize'), - (e[(e.fontWeight = 53)] = 'fontWeight'), - (e[(e.fontVariations = 54)] = 'fontVariations'), - (e[(e.formatOnPaste = 55)] = 'formatOnPaste'), - (e[(e.formatOnType = 56)] = 'formatOnType'), - (e[(e.glyphMargin = 57)] = 'glyphMargin'), - (e[(e.gotoLocation = 58)] = 'gotoLocation'), - (e[(e.hideCursorInOverviewRuler = 59)] = 'hideCursorInOverviewRuler'), - (e[(e.hover = 60)] = 'hover'), - (e[(e.inDiffEditor = 61)] = 'inDiffEditor'), - (e[(e.inlineSuggest = 62)] = 'inlineSuggest'), - (e[(e.inlineEdit = 63)] = 'inlineEdit'), - (e[(e.letterSpacing = 64)] = 'letterSpacing'), - (e[(e.lightbulb = 65)] = 'lightbulb'), - (e[(e.lineDecorationsWidth = 66)] = 'lineDecorationsWidth'), - (e[(e.lineHeight = 67)] = 'lineHeight'), - (e[(e.lineNumbers = 68)] = 'lineNumbers'), - (e[(e.lineNumbersMinChars = 69)] = 'lineNumbersMinChars'), - (e[(e.linkedEditing = 70)] = 'linkedEditing'), - (e[(e.links = 71)] = 'links'), - (e[(e.matchBrackets = 72)] = 'matchBrackets'), - (e[(e.minimap = 73)] = 'minimap'), - (e[(e.mouseStyle = 74)] = 'mouseStyle'), - (e[(e.mouseWheelScrollSensitivity = 75)] = 'mouseWheelScrollSensitivity'), - (e[(e.mouseWheelZoom = 76)] = 'mouseWheelZoom'), - (e[(e.multiCursorMergeOverlapping = 77)] = 'multiCursorMergeOverlapping'), - (e[(e.multiCursorModifier = 78)] = 'multiCursorModifier'), - (e[(e.multiCursorPaste = 79)] = 'multiCursorPaste'), - (e[(e.multiCursorLimit = 80)] = 'multiCursorLimit'), - (e[(e.occurrencesHighlight = 81)] = 'occurrencesHighlight'), - (e[(e.overviewRulerBorder = 82)] = 'overviewRulerBorder'), - (e[(e.overviewRulerLanes = 83)] = 'overviewRulerLanes'), - (e[(e.padding = 84)] = 'padding'), - (e[(e.pasteAs = 85)] = 'pasteAs'), - (e[(e.parameterHints = 86)] = 'parameterHints'), - (e[(e.peekWidgetDefaultFocus = 87)] = 'peekWidgetDefaultFocus'), - (e[(e.placeholder = 88)] = 'placeholder'), - (e[(e.definitionLinkOpensInPeek = 89)] = 'definitionLinkOpensInPeek'), - (e[(e.quickSuggestions = 90)] = 'quickSuggestions'), - (e[(e.quickSuggestionsDelay = 91)] = 'quickSuggestionsDelay'), - (e[(e.readOnly = 92)] = 'readOnly'), - (e[(e.readOnlyMessage = 93)] = 'readOnlyMessage'), - (e[(e.renameOnType = 94)] = 'renameOnType'), - (e[(e.renderControlCharacters = 95)] = 'renderControlCharacters'), - (e[(e.renderFinalNewline = 96)] = 'renderFinalNewline'), - (e[(e.renderLineHighlight = 97)] = 'renderLineHighlight'), - (e[(e.renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus = 98)] = 'renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus'), - (e[(e.renderValidationDecorations = 99)] = 'renderValidationDecorations'), - (e[(e.renderWhitespace = 100)] = 'renderWhitespace'), - (e[(e.revealHorizontalRightPadding = 101)] = 'revealHorizontalRightPadding'), - (e[(e.roundedSelection = 102)] = 'roundedSelection'), - (e[(e.rulers = 103)] = 'rulers'), - (e[(e.scrollbar = 104)] = 'scrollbar'), - (e[(e.scrollBeyondLastColumn = 105)] = 'scrollBeyondLastColumn'), - (e[(e.scrollBeyondLastLine = 106)] = 'scrollBeyondLastLine'), - (e[(e.scrollPredominantAxis = 107)] = 'scrollPredominantAxis'), - (e[(e.selectionClipboard = 108)] = 'selectionClipboard'), - (e[(e.selectionHighlight = 109)] = 'selectionHighlight'), - (e[(e.selectOnLineNumbers = 110)] = 'selectOnLineNumbers'), - (e[(e.showFoldingControls = 111)] = 'showFoldingControls'), - (e[(e.showUnused = 112)] = 'showUnused'), - (e[(e.snippetSuggestions = 113)] = 'snippetSuggestions'), - (e[(e.smartSelect = 114)] = 'smartSelect'), - (e[(e.smoothScrolling = 115)] = 'smoothScrolling'), - (e[(e.stickyScroll = 116)] = 'stickyScroll'), - (e[(e.stickyTabStops = 117)] = 'stickyTabStops'), - (e[(e.stopRenderingLineAfter = 118)] = 'stopRenderingLineAfter'), - (e[(e.suggest = 119)] = 'suggest'), - (e[(e.suggestFontSize = 120)] = 'suggestFontSize'), - (e[(e.suggestLineHeight = 121)] = 'suggestLineHeight'), - (e[(e.suggestOnTriggerCharacters = 122)] = 'suggestOnTriggerCharacters'), - (e[(e.suggestSelection = 123)] = 'suggestSelection'), - (e[(e.tabCompletion = 124)] = 'tabCompletion'), - (e[(e.tabIndex = 125)] = 'tabIndex'), - (e[(e.unicodeHighlighting = 126)] = 'unicodeHighlighting'), - (e[(e.unusualLineTerminators = 127)] = 'unusualLineTerminators'), - (e[(e.useShadowDOM = 128)] = 'useShadowDOM'), - (e[(e.useTabStops = 129)] = 'useTabStops'), - (e[(e.wordBreak = 130)] = 'wordBreak'), - (e[(e.wordSegmenterLocales = 131)] = 'wordSegmenterLocales'), - (e[(e.wordSeparators = 132)] = 'wordSeparators'), - (e[(e.wordWrap = 133)] = 'wordWrap'), - (e[(e.wordWrapBreakAfterCharacters = 134)] = 'wordWrapBreakAfterCharacters'), - (e[(e.wordWrapBreakBeforeCharacters = 135)] = 'wordWrapBreakBeforeCharacters'), - (e[(e.wordWrapColumn = 136)] = 'wordWrapColumn'), - (e[(e.wordWrapOverride1 = 137)] = 'wordWrapOverride1'), - (e[(e.wordWrapOverride2 = 138)] = 'wordWrapOverride2'), - (e[(e.wrappingIndent = 139)] = 'wrappingIndent'), - (e[(e.wrappingStrategy = 140)] = 'wrappingStrategy'), - (e[(e.showDeprecated = 141)] = 'showDeprecated'), - (e[(e.inlayHints = 142)] = 'inlayHints'), - (e[(e.editorClassName = 143)] = 'editorClassName'), - (e[(e.pixelRatio = 144)] = 'pixelRatio'), - (e[(e.tabFocusMode = 145)] = 'tabFocusMode'), - (e[(e.layoutInfo = 146)] = 'layoutInfo'), - (e[(e.wrappingInfo = 147)] = 'wrappingInfo'), - (e[(e.defaultColorDecorators = 148)] = 'defaultColorDecorators'), - (e[(e.colorDecoratorsActivatedOn = 149)] = 'colorDecoratorsActivatedOn'), - (e[(e.inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose = 150)] = 'inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose') - })(Gd || (Gd = {})) - var Hd - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.TextDefined = 0)] = 'TextDefined'), (e[(e.LF = 1)] = 'LF'), (e[(e.CRLF = 2)] = 'CRLF') - })(Hd || (Hd = {})) - var Wd - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.LF = 0)] = 'LF'), (e[(e.CRLF = 1)] = 'CRLF') - })(Wd || (Wd = {})) - var Qd - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Left = 1)] = 'Left'), (e[(e.Center = 2)] = 'Center'), (e[(e.Right = 3)] = 'Right') - })(Qd || (Qd = {})) - var zd - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Increase = 0)] = 'Increase'), (e[(e.Decrease = 1)] = 'Decrease') - })(zd || (zd = {})) - var Yd - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.None = 0)] = 'None'), - (e[(e.Indent = 1)] = 'Indent'), - (e[(e.IndentOutdent = 2)] = 'IndentOutdent'), - (e[(e.Outdent = 3)] = 'Outdent') - })(Yd || (Yd = {})) - var Jd - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Both = 0)] = 'Both'), - (e[(e.Right = 1)] = 'Right'), - (e[(e.Left = 2)] = 'Left'), - (e[(e.None = 3)] = 'None') - })(Jd || (Jd = {})) - var Xd - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Type = 1)] = 'Type'), (e[(e.Parameter = 2)] = 'Parameter') - })(Xd || (Xd = {})) - var Kd - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Automatic = 0)] = 'Automatic'), (e[(e.Explicit = 1)] = 'Explicit') - })(Kd || (Kd = {})) - var Zd - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Invoke = 0)] = 'Invoke'), (e[(e.Automatic = 1)] = 'Automatic') - })(Zd || (Zd = {})) - var Ko - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.DependsOnKbLayout = -1)] = 'DependsOnKbLayout'), - (e[(e.Unknown = 0)] = 'Unknown'), - (e[(e.Backspace = 1)] = 'Backspace'), - (e[(e.Tab = 2)] = 'Tab'), - (e[(e.Enter = 3)] = 'Enter'), - (e[(e.Shift = 4)] = 'Shift'), - (e[(e.Ctrl = 5)] = 'Ctrl'), - (e[(e.Alt = 6)] = 'Alt'), - (e[(e.PauseBreak = 7)] = 'PauseBreak'), - (e[(e.CapsLock = 8)] = 'CapsLock'), - (e[(e.Escape = 9)] = 'Escape'), - (e[(e.Space = 10)] = 'Space'), - (e[(e.PageUp = 11)] = 'PageUp'), - (e[(e.PageDown = 12)] = 'PageDown'), - (e[(e.End = 13)] = 'End'), - (e[(e.Home = 14)] = 'Home'), - (e[(e.LeftArrow = 15)] = 'LeftArrow'), - (e[(e.UpArrow = 16)] = 'UpArrow'), - (e[(e.RightArrow = 17)] = 'RightArrow'), - (e[(e.DownArrow = 18)] = 'DownArrow'), - (e[(e.Insert = 19)] = 'Insert'), - (e[(e.Delete = 20)] = 'Delete'), - (e[(e.Digit0 = 21)] = 'Digit0'), - (e[(e.Digit1 = 22)] = 'Digit1'), - (e[(e.Digit2 = 23)] = 'Digit2'), - (e[(e.Digit3 = 24)] = 'Digit3'), - (e[(e.Digit4 = 25)] = 'Digit4'), - (e[(e.Digit5 = 26)] = 'Digit5'), - (e[(e.Digit6 = 27)] = 'Digit6'), - (e[(e.Digit7 = 28)] = 'Digit7'), - (e[(e.Digit8 = 29)] = 'Digit8'), - (e[(e.Digit9 = 30)] = 'Digit9'), - (e[(e.KeyA = 31)] = 'KeyA'), - (e[(e.KeyB = 32)] = 'KeyB'), - (e[(e.KeyC = 33)] = 'KeyC'), - (e[(e.KeyD = 34)] = 'KeyD'), - (e[(e.KeyE = 35)] = 'KeyE'), - (e[(e.KeyF = 36)] = 'KeyF'), - (e[(e.KeyG = 37)] = 'KeyG'), - (e[(e.KeyH = 38)] = 'KeyH'), - (e[(e.KeyI = 39)] = 'KeyI'), - (e[(e.KeyJ = 40)] = 'KeyJ'), - (e[(e.KeyK = 41)] = 'KeyK'), - (e[(e.KeyL = 42)] = 'KeyL'), - (e[(e.KeyM = 43)] = 'KeyM'), - (e[(e.KeyN = 44)] = 'KeyN'), - (e[(e.KeyO = 45)] = 'KeyO'), - (e[(e.KeyP = 46)] = 'KeyP'), - (e[(e.KeyQ = 47)] = 'KeyQ'), - (e[(e.KeyR = 48)] = 'KeyR'), - (e[(e.KeyS = 49)] = 'KeyS'), - (e[(e.KeyT = 50)] = 'KeyT'), - (e[(e.KeyU = 51)] = 'KeyU'), - (e[(e.KeyV = 52)] = 'KeyV'), - (e[(e.KeyW = 53)] = 'KeyW'), - (e[(e.KeyX = 54)] = 'KeyX'), - (e[(e.KeyY = 55)] = 'KeyY'), - (e[(e.KeyZ = 56)] = 'KeyZ'), - (e[(e.Meta = 57)] = 'Meta'), - (e[(e.ContextMenu = 58)] = 'ContextMenu'), - (e[(e.F1 = 59)] = 'F1'), - (e[(e.F2 = 60)] = 'F2'), - (e[(e.F3 = 61)] = 'F3'), - (e[(e.F4 = 62)] = 'F4'), - (e[(e.F5 = 63)] = 'F5'), - (e[(e.F6 = 64)] = 'F6'), - (e[(e.F7 = 65)] = 'F7'), - (e[(e.F8 = 66)] = 'F8'), - (e[(e.F9 = 67)] = 'F9'), - (e[(e.F10 = 68)] = 'F10'), - (e[(e.F11 = 69)] = 'F11'), - (e[(e.F12 = 70)] = 'F12'), - (e[(e.F13 = 71)] = 'F13'), - (e[(e.F14 = 72)] = 'F14'), - (e[(e.F15 = 73)] = 'F15'), - (e[(e.F16 = 74)] = 'F16'), - (e[(e.F17 = 75)] = 'F17'), - (e[(e.F18 = 76)] = 'F18'), - (e[(e.F19 = 77)] = 'F19'), - (e[(e.F20 = 78)] = 'F20'), - (e[(e.F21 = 79)] = 'F21'), - (e[(e.F22 = 80)] = 'F22'), - (e[(e.F23 = 81)] = 'F23'), - (e[(e.F24 = 82)] = 'F24'), - (e[(e.NumLock = 83)] = 'NumLock'), - (e[(e.ScrollLock = 84)] = 'ScrollLock'), - (e[(e.Semicolon = 85)] = 'Semicolon'), - (e[(e.Equal = 86)] = 'Equal'), - (e[(e.Comma = 87)] = 'Comma'), - (e[(e.Minus = 88)] = 'Minus'), - (e[(e.Period = 89)] = 'Period'), - (e[(e.Slash = 90)] = 'Slash'), - (e[(e.Backquote = 91)] = 'Backquote'), - (e[(e.BracketLeft = 92)] = 'BracketLeft'), - (e[(e.Backslash = 93)] = 'Backslash'), - (e[(e.BracketRight = 94)] = 'BracketRight'), - (e[(e.Quote = 95)] = 'Quote'), - (e[(e.OEM_8 = 96)] = 'OEM_8'), - (e[(e.IntlBackslash = 97)] = 'IntlBackslash'), - (e[(e.Numpad0 = 98)] = 'Numpad0'), - (e[(e.Numpad1 = 99)] = 'Numpad1'), - (e[(e.Numpad2 = 100)] = 'Numpad2'), - (e[(e.Numpad3 = 101)] = 'Numpad3'), - (e[(e.Numpad4 = 102)] = 'Numpad4'), - (e[(e.Numpad5 = 103)] = 'Numpad5'), - (e[(e.Numpad6 = 104)] = 'Numpad6'), - (e[(e.Numpad7 = 105)] = 'Numpad7'), - (e[(e.Numpad8 = 106)] = 'Numpad8'), - (e[(e.Numpad9 = 107)] = 'Numpad9'), - (e[(e.NumpadMultiply = 108)] = 'NumpadMultiply'), - (e[(e.NumpadAdd = 109)] = 'NumpadAdd'), - (e[(e.NUMPAD_SEPARATOR = 110)] = 'NUMPAD_SEPARATOR'), - (e[(e.NumpadSubtract = 111)] = 'NumpadSubtract'), - (e[(e.NumpadDecimal = 112)] = 'NumpadDecimal'), - (e[(e.NumpadDivide = 113)] = 'NumpadDivide'), - (e[(e.KEY_IN_COMPOSITION = 114)] = 'KEY_IN_COMPOSITION'), - (e[(e.ABNT_C1 = 115)] = 'ABNT_C1'), - (e[(e.ABNT_C2 = 116)] = 'ABNT_C2'), - (e[(e.AudioVolumeMute = 117)] = 'AudioVolumeMute'), - (e[(e.AudioVolumeUp = 118)] = 'AudioVolumeUp'), - (e[(e.AudioVolumeDown = 119)] = 'AudioVolumeDown'), - (e[(e.BrowserSearch = 120)] = 'BrowserSearch'), - (e[(e.BrowserHome = 121)] = 'BrowserHome'), - (e[(e.BrowserBack = 122)] = 'BrowserBack'), - (e[(e.BrowserForward = 123)] = 'BrowserForward'), - (e[(e.MediaTrackNext = 124)] = 'MediaTrackNext'), - (e[(e.MediaTrackPrevious = 125)] = 'MediaTrackPrevious'), - (e[(e.MediaStop = 126)] = 'MediaStop'), - (e[(e.MediaPlayPause = 127)] = 'MediaPlayPause'), - (e[(e.LaunchMediaPlayer = 128)] = 'LaunchMediaPlayer'), - (e[(e.LaunchMail = 129)] = 'LaunchMail'), - (e[(e.LaunchApp2 = 130)] = 'LaunchApp2'), - (e[(e.Clear = 131)] = 'Clear'), - (e[(e.MAX_VALUE = 132)] = 'MAX_VALUE') - })(Ko || (Ko = {})) - var Zo - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Hint = 1)] = 'Hint'), - (e[(e.Info = 2)] = 'Info'), - (e[(e.Warning = 4)] = 'Warning'), - (e[(e.Error = 8)] = 'Error') - })(Zo || (Zo = {})) - var ea - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Unnecessary = 1)] = 'Unnecessary'), (e[(e.Deprecated = 2)] = 'Deprecated') - })(ea || (ea = {})) - var ep - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Inline = 1)] = 'Inline'), (e[(e.Gutter = 2)] = 'Gutter') - })(ep || (ep = {})) - var tp - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Normal = 1)] = 'Normal'), (e[(e.Underlined = 2)] = 'Underlined') - })(tp || (tp = {})) - var np - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.UNKNOWN = 0)] = 'UNKNOWN'), - (e[(e.TEXTAREA = 1)] = 'TEXTAREA'), - (e[(e.GUTTER_GLYPH_MARGIN = 2)] = 'GUTTER_GLYPH_MARGIN'), - (e[(e.GUTTER_LINE_NUMBERS = 3)] = 'GUTTER_LINE_NUMBERS'), - (e[(e.GUTTER_LINE_DECORATIONS = 4)] = 'GUTTER_LINE_DECORATIONS'), - (e[(e.GUTTER_VIEW_ZONE = 5)] = 'GUTTER_VIEW_ZONE'), - (e[(e.CONTENT_TEXT = 6)] = 'CONTENT_TEXT'), - (e[(e.CONTENT_EMPTY = 7)] = 'CONTENT_EMPTY'), - (e[(e.CONTENT_VIEW_ZONE = 8)] = 'CONTENT_VIEW_ZONE'), - (e[(e.CONTENT_WIDGET = 9)] = 'CONTENT_WIDGET'), - (e[(e.OVERVIEW_RULER = 10)] = 'OVERVIEW_RULER'), - (e[(e.SCROLLBAR = 11)] = 'SCROLLBAR'), - (e[(e.OVERLAY_WIDGET = 12)] = 'OVERLAY_WIDGET'), - (e[(e.OUTSIDE_EDITOR = 13)] = 'OUTSIDE_EDITOR') - })(np || (np = {})) - var rp - ;(function (e) { - e[(e.AIGenerated = 1)] = 'AIGenerated' - })(rp || (rp = {})) - var ip - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Invoke = 0)] = 'Invoke'), (e[(e.Automatic = 1)] = 'Automatic') - })(ip || (ip = {})) - var sp - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.TOP_RIGHT_CORNER = 0)] = 'TOP_RIGHT_CORNER'), - (e[(e.BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER = 1)] = 'BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER'), - (e[(e.TOP_CENTER = 2)] = 'TOP_CENTER') - })(sp || (sp = {})) - var op - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Left = 1)] = 'Left'), - (e[(e.Center = 2)] = 'Center'), - (e[(e.Right = 4)] = 'Right'), - (e[(e.Full = 7)] = 'Full') - })(op || (op = {})) - var ap - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Word = 0)] = 'Word'), (e[(e.Line = 1)] = 'Line'), (e[(e.Suggest = 2)] = 'Suggest') - })(ap || (ap = {})) - var up - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Left = 0)] = 'Left'), - (e[(e.Right = 1)] = 'Right'), - (e[(e.None = 2)] = 'None'), - (e[(e.LeftOfInjectedText = 3)] = 'LeftOfInjectedText'), - (e[(e.RightOfInjectedText = 4)] = 'RightOfInjectedText') - })(up || (up = {})) - var lp - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Off = 0)] = 'Off'), - (e[(e.On = 1)] = 'On'), - (e[(e.Relative = 2)] = 'Relative'), - (e[(e.Interval = 3)] = 'Interval'), - (e[(e.Custom = 4)] = 'Custom') - })(lp || (lp = {})) - var cp - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.None = 0)] = 'None'), (e[(e.Text = 1)] = 'Text'), (e[(e.Blocks = 2)] = 'Blocks') - })(cp || (cp = {})) - var fp - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Smooth = 0)] = 'Smooth'), (e[(e.Immediate = 1)] = 'Immediate') - })(fp || (fp = {})) - var dp - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Auto = 1)] = 'Auto'), (e[(e.Hidden = 2)] = 'Hidden'), (e[(e.Visible = 3)] = 'Visible') - })(dp || (dp = {})) - var ta - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.LTR = 0)] = 'LTR'), (e[(e.RTL = 1)] = 'RTL') - })(ta || (ta = {})) - var pp - ;(function (e) { - ;(e.Off = 'off'), (e.OnCode = 'onCode'), (e.On = 'on') - })(pp || (pp = {})) - var hp - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Invoke = 1)] = 'Invoke'), - (e[(e.TriggerCharacter = 2)] = 'TriggerCharacter'), - (e[(e.ContentChange = 3)] = 'ContentChange') - })(hp || (hp = {})) - var mp - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.File = 0)] = 'File'), - (e[(e.Module = 1)] = 'Module'), - (e[(e.Namespace = 2)] = 'Namespace'), - (e[(e.Package = 3)] = 'Package'), - (e[(e.Class = 4)] = 'Class'), - (e[(e.Method = 5)] = 'Method'), - (e[(e.Property = 6)] = 'Property'), - (e[(e.Field = 7)] = 'Field'), - (e[(e.Constructor = 8)] = 'Constructor'), - (e[(e.Enum = 9)] = 'Enum'), - (e[(e.Interface = 10)] = 'Interface'), - (e[(e.Function = 11)] = 'Function'), - (e[(e.Variable = 12)] = 'Variable'), - (e[(e.Constant = 13)] = 'Constant'), - (e[(e.String = 14)] = 'String'), - (e[(e.Number = 15)] = 'Number'), - (e[(e.Boolean = 16)] = 'Boolean'), - (e[(e.Array = 17)] = 'Array'), - (e[(e.Object = 18)] = 'Object'), - (e[(e.Key = 19)] = 'Key'), - (e[(e.Null = 20)] = 'Null'), - (e[(e.EnumMember = 21)] = 'EnumMember'), - (e[(e.Struct = 22)] = 'Struct'), - (e[(e.Event = 23)] = 'Event'), - (e[(e.Operator = 24)] = 'Operator'), - (e[(e.TypeParameter = 25)] = 'TypeParameter') - })(mp || (mp = {})) - var gp - ;(function (e) { - e[(e.Deprecated = 1)] = 'Deprecated' - })(gp || (gp = {})) - var Dp - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Hidden = 0)] = 'Hidden'), - (e[(e.Blink = 1)] = 'Blink'), - (e[(e.Smooth = 2)] = 'Smooth'), - (e[(e.Phase = 3)] = 'Phase'), - (e[(e.Expand = 4)] = 'Expand'), - (e[(e.Solid = 5)] = 'Solid') - })(Dp || (Dp = {})) - var vp - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Line = 1)] = 'Line'), - (e[(e.Block = 2)] = 'Block'), - (e[(e.Underline = 3)] = 'Underline'), - (e[(e.LineThin = 4)] = 'LineThin'), - (e[(e.BlockOutline = 5)] = 'BlockOutline'), - (e[(e.UnderlineThin = 6)] = 'UnderlineThin') - })(vp || (vp = {})) - var bp - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.AlwaysGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges = 0)] = 'AlwaysGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges'), - (e[(e.NeverGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges = 1)] = 'NeverGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges'), - (e[(e.GrowsOnlyWhenTypingBefore = 2)] = 'GrowsOnlyWhenTypingBefore'), - (e[(e.GrowsOnlyWhenTypingAfter = 3)] = 'GrowsOnlyWhenTypingAfter') - })(bp || (bp = {})) - var Ep - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.None = 0)] = 'None'), - (e[(e.Same = 1)] = 'Same'), - (e[(e.Indent = 2)] = 'Indent'), - (e[(e.DeepIndent = 3)] = 'DeepIndent') - })(Ep || (Ep = {})) - var Pl = class { - static { - this.CtrlCmd = 2048 - } - static { - this.Shift = 1024 - } - static { - this.Alt = 512 - } - static { - this.WinCtrl = 256 - } - static chord(t, n) { - return gd(t, n) - } - } - function yp() { - return { - editor: void 0, - languages: void 0, - CancellationTokenSource: Ss, - Emitter: lt, - KeyCode: Ko, - KeyMod: Pl, - Position: Se, - Range: oe, - Selection: Jo, - SelectionDirection: ta, - MarkerSeverity: Zo, - MarkerTag: ea, - Uri: _t, - Token: Xo - } - } - var ws = class e { - static { - this.CHANNEL_NAME = 'editorWorkerHost' - } - static getChannel(t) { - return t.getChannel(e.CHANNEL_NAME) - } - static setChannel(t, n) { - t.setChannel(e.CHANNEL_NAME, n) - } - } - var xp, - _p, - Bl = class { - constructor(t, n) { - ;(this.uri = t), (this.value = n) - } - } - function m5(e) { - return Array.isArray(e) - } - var Np = class e { - static { - this.defaultToKey = (t) => t.toString() - } - constructor(t, n) { - if (((this[xp] = 'ResourceMap'), t instanceof e)) - (this.map = new Map(t.map)), (this.toKey = n ?? e.defaultToKey) - else if (m5(t)) { - ;(this.map = new Map()), (this.toKey = n ?? e.defaultToKey) - for (let [r, i] of t) this.set(r, i) - } else (this.map = new Map()), (this.toKey = t ?? e.defaultToKey) - } - set(t, n) { - return this.map.set(this.toKey(t), new Bl(t, n)), this - } - get(t) { - return this.map.get(this.toKey(t))?.value - } - has(t) { - return this.map.has(this.toKey(t)) - } - get size() { - return this.map.size - } - clear() { - this.map.clear() - } - delete(t) { - return this.map.delete(this.toKey(t)) - } - forEach(t, n) { - typeof n < 'u' && (t = t.bind(n)) - for (let [r, i] of this.map) t(i.value, i.uri, this) - } - *values() { - for (let t of this.map.values()) yield t.value - } - *keys() { - for (let t of this.map.values()) yield t.uri - } - *entries() { - for (let t of this.map.values()) yield [t.uri, t.value] - } - *[((xp = Symbol.toStringTag), Symbol.iterator)]() { - for (let [, t] of this.map) yield [t.uri, t.value] - } - }, - Vl = class { - constructor() { - ;(this[_p] = 'LinkedMap'), - (this._map = new Map()), - (this._head = void 0), - (this._tail = void 0), - (this._size = 0), - (this._state = 0) - } - clear() { - this._map.clear(), - (this._head = void 0), - (this._tail = void 0), - (this._size = 0), - this._state++ - } - isEmpty() { - return !this._head && !this._tail - } - get size() { - return this._size - } - get first() { - return this._head?.value - } - get last() { - return this._tail?.value - } - has(t) { - return this._map.has(t) - } - get(t, n = 0) { - let r = this._map.get(t) - if (r) return n !== 0 && this.touch(r, n), r.value - } - set(t, n, r = 0) { - let i = this._map.get(t) - if (i) (i.value = n), r !== 0 && this.touch(i, r) - else { - switch (((i = { key: t, value: n, next: void 0, previous: void 0 }), r)) { - case 0: - this.addItemLast(i) - break - case 1: - this.addItemFirst(i) - break - case 2: - this.addItemLast(i) - break - default: - this.addItemLast(i) - break - } - this._map.set(t, i), this._size++ - } - return this - } - delete(t) { - return !!this.remove(t) - } - remove(t) { - let n = this._map.get(t) - if (n) return this._map.delete(t), this.removeItem(n), this._size--, n.value - } - shift() { - if (!this._head && !this._tail) return - if (!this._head || !this._tail) throw new Error('Invalid list') - let t = this._head - return this._map.delete(t.key), this.removeItem(t), this._size--, t.value - } - forEach(t, n) { - let r = this._state, - i = this._head - for (; i; ) { - if ((n ? t.bind(n)(i.value, i.key, this) : t(i.value, i.key, this), this._state !== r)) - throw new Error('LinkedMap got modified during iteration.') - i = i.next - } - } - keys() { - let t = this, - n = this._state, - r = this._head, - i = { - [Symbol.iterator]() { - return i - }, - next() { - if (t._state !== n) throw new Error('LinkedMap got modified during iteration.') - if (r) { - let s = { value: r.key, done: !1 } - return (r = r.next), s - } else return { value: void 0, done: !0 } - } - } - return i - } - values() { - let t = this, - n = this._state, - r = this._head, - i = { - [Symbol.iterator]() { - return i - }, - next() { - if (t._state !== n) throw new Error('LinkedMap got modified during iteration.') - if (r) { - let s = { value: r.value, done: !1 } - return (r = r.next), s - } else return { value: void 0, done: !0 } - } - } - return i - } - entries() { - let t = this, - n = this._state, - r = this._head, - i = { - [Symbol.iterator]() { - return i - }, - next() { - if (t._state !== n) throw new Error('LinkedMap got modified during iteration.') - if (r) { - let s = { value: [r.key, r.value], done: !1 } - return (r = r.next), s - } else return { value: void 0, done: !0 } - } - } - return i - } - [((_p = Symbol.toStringTag), Symbol.iterator)]() { - return this.entries() - } - trimOld(t) { - if (t >= this.size) return - if (t === 0) { - this.clear() - return - } - let n = this._head, - r = this.size - for (; n && r > t; ) this._map.delete(n.key), (n = n.next), r-- - ;(this._head = n), (this._size = r), n && (n.previous = void 0), this._state++ - } - trimNew(t) { - if (t >= this.size) return - if (t === 0) { - this.clear() - return - } - let n = this._tail, - r = this.size - for (; n && r > t; ) this._map.delete(n.key), (n = n.previous), r-- - ;(this._tail = n), (this._size = r), n && (n.next = void 0), this._state++ - } - addItemFirst(t) { - if (!this._head && !this._tail) this._tail = t - else if (this._head) (t.next = this._head), (this._head.previous = t) - else throw new Error('Invalid list') - ;(this._head = t), this._state++ - } - addItemLast(t) { - if (!this._head && !this._tail) this._head = t - else if (this._tail) (t.previous = this._tail), (this._tail.next = t) - else throw new Error('Invalid list') - ;(this._tail = t), this._state++ - } - removeItem(t) { - if (t === this._head && t === this._tail) (this._head = void 0), (this._tail = void 0) - else if (t === this._head) { - if (!t.next) throw new Error('Invalid list') - ;(t.next.previous = void 0), (this._head = t.next) - } else if (t === this._tail) { - if (!t.previous) throw new Error('Invalid list') - ;(t.previous.next = void 0), (this._tail = t.previous) - } else { - let n = t.next, - r = t.previous - if (!n || !r) throw new Error('Invalid list') - ;(n.previous = r), (r.next = n) - } - ;(t.next = void 0), (t.previous = void 0), this._state++ - } - touch(t, n) { - if (!this._head || !this._tail) throw new Error('Invalid list') - if (!(n !== 1 && n !== 2)) { - if (n === 1) { - if (t === this._head) return - let r = t.next, - i = t.previous - t === this._tail - ? ((i.next = void 0), (this._tail = i)) - : ((r.previous = i), (i.next = r)), - (t.previous = void 0), - (t.next = this._head), - (this._head.previous = t), - (this._head = t), - this._state++ - } else if (n === 2) { - if (t === this._tail) return - let r = t.next, - i = t.previous - t === this._head - ? ((r.previous = void 0), (this._head = r)) - : ((r.previous = i), (i.next = r)), - (t.next = void 0), - (t.previous = this._tail), - (this._tail.next = t), - (this._tail = t), - this._state++ - } - } - } - toJSON() { - let t = [] - return ( - this.forEach((n, r) => { - t.push([r, n]) - }), - t - ) - } - fromJSON(t) { - this.clear() - for (let [n, r] of t) this.set(n, r) - } - }, - Ul = class extends Vl { - constructor(t, n = 1) { - super(), (this._limit = t), (this._ratio = Math.min(Math.max(0, n), 1)) - } - get limit() { - return this._limit - } - set limit(t) { - ;(this._limit = t), this.checkTrim() - } - get(t, n = 2) { - return super.get(t, n) - } - peek(t) { - return super.get(t, 0) - } - set(t, n) { - return super.set(t, n, 2), this - } - checkTrim() { - this.size > this._limit && this.trim(Math.round(this._limit * this._ratio)) - } - }, - na = class extends Ul { - constructor(t, n = 1) { - super(t, n) - } - trim(t) { - this.trimOld(t) - } - set(t, n) { - return super.set(t, n), this.checkTrim(), this - } - } - var ra = class { - constructor() { - this.map = new Map() - } - add(t, n) { - let r = this.map.get(t) - r || ((r = new Set()), this.map.set(t, r)), r.add(n) - } - delete(t, n) { - let r = this.map.get(t) - r && (r.delete(n), r.size === 0 && this.map.delete(t)) - } - forEach(t, n) { - let r = this.map.get(t) - r && r.forEach(n) - } - get(t) { - let n = this.map.get(t) - return n || new Set() - } - } - var U6 = new na(10) - function g5(e) { - let t = [] - for (; Object.prototype !== e; ) - (t = t.concat(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e))), (e = Object.getPrototypeOf(e)) - return t - } - function $l(e) { - let t = [] - for (let n of g5(e)) typeof e[n] == 'function' && t.push(n) - return t - } - function Tp(e, t) { - let n = (i) => - function () { - let s = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0) - return t(i, s) - }, - r = {} - for (let i of e) r[i] = n(i) - return r - } - var Sp - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Left = 1)] = 'Left'), - (e[(e.Center = 2)] = 'Center'), - (e[(e.Right = 4)] = 'Right'), - (e[(e.Full = 7)] = 'Full') - })(Sp || (Sp = {})) - var Ap - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Left = 1)] = 'Left'), (e[(e.Center = 2)] = 'Center'), (e[(e.Right = 3)] = 'Right') - })(Ap || (Ap = {})) - var Fp - ;(function (e) { - ;(e[(e.Both = 0)] = 'Both'), - (e[(e.Right = 1)] = 'Right'), - (e[(e.Left = 2)] = 'Left'), - (e[(e.None = 3)] = 'None') - })(Fp || (Fp = {})) - function D5(e, t, n, r, i) { - if (r === 0) return !0 - let s = t.charCodeAt(r - 1) - if (e.get(s) !== 0 || s === 13 || s === 10) return !0 - if (i > 0) { - let o = t.charCodeAt(r) - if (e.get(o) !== 0) return !0 - } - return !1 - } - function v5(e, t, n, r, i) { - if (r + i === n) return !0 - let s = t.charCodeAt(r + i) - if (e.get(s) !== 0 || s === 13 || s === 10) return !0 - if (i > 0) { - let o = t.charCodeAt(r + i - 1) - if (e.get(o) !== 0) return !0 - } - return !1 - } - function b5(e, t, n, r, i) { - return D5(e, t, n, r, i) && v5(e, t, n, r, i) - } - var ia = class { - constructor(t, n) { - ;(this._wordSeparators = t), - (this._searchRegex = n), - (this._prevMatchStartIndex = -1), - (this._prevMatchLength = 0) - } - reset(t) { - ;(this._searchRegex.lastIndex = t), - (this._prevMatchStartIndex = -1), - (this._prevMatchLength = 0) - } - next(t) { - let n = t.length, - r - do { - if ( - this._prevMatchStartIndex + this._prevMatchLength === n || - ((r = this._searchRegex.exec(t)), !r) - ) - return null - let i = r.index, - s = r[0].length - if (i === this._prevMatchStartIndex && s === this._prevMatchLength) { - if (s === 0) { - Wf(t, n, this._searchRegex.lastIndex) > 65535 - ? (this._searchRegex.lastIndex += 2) - : (this._searchRegex.lastIndex += 1) - continue - } - return null - } - if ( - ((this._prevMatchStartIndex = i), - (this._prevMatchLength = s), - !this._wordSeparators || b5(this._wordSeparators, t, n, i, s)) - ) - return r - } while (r) - return null - } - } - function wp(e, t = 'Unreachable') { - throw new Error(t) - } - function Nr(e) { - if (!e()) { - debugger - e(), In(new it('Assertion Failed')) - } - } - function Ls(e, t) { - let n = 0 - for (; n < e.length - 1; ) { - let r = e[n], - i = e[n + 1] - if (!t(r, i)) return !1 - n++ - } - return !0 - } - var E5 = '`~!@#$%^&*()-=+[{]}\\|;:\'",.<>/?' - function y5(e = '') { - let t = '(-?\\d*\\.\\d\\w*)|([^' - for (let n of E5) e.indexOf(n) >= 0 || (t += '\\' + n) - return (t += '\\s]+)'), new RegExp(t, 'g') - } - var jl = y5() - function ql(e) { - let t = jl - if (e && e instanceof RegExp) - if (e.global) t = e - else { - let n = 'g' - e.ignoreCase && (n += 'i'), - e.multiline && (n += 'm'), - e.unicode && (n += 'u'), - (t = new RegExp(e.source, n)) - } - return (t.lastIndex = 0), t - } - var Lp = new gs() - Lp.unshift({ maxLen: 1e3, windowSize: 15, timeBudget: 150 }) - function Cs(e, t, n, r, i) { - if (((t = ql(t)), i || (i = ii.first(Lp)), n.length > i.maxLen)) { - let l = e - i.maxLen / 2 - return l < 0 ? (l = 0) : (r += l), (n = n.substring(l, e + i.maxLen / 2)), Cs(e, t, n, r, i) - } - let s = Date.now(), - o = e - 1 - r, - a = -1, - u = null - for (let l = 1; !(Date.now() - s >= i.timeBudget); l++) { - let c = o - i.windowSize * l - t.lastIndex = Math.max(0, c) - let d = x5(t, n, o, a) - if ((!d && u) || ((u = d), c <= 0)) break - a = c - } - if (u) { - let l = { word: u[0], startColumn: r + 1 + u.index, endColumn: r + 1 + u.index + u[0].length } - return (t.lastIndex = 0), l - } - return null - } - function x5(e, t, n, r) { - let i - for (; (i = e.exec(t)); ) { - let s = i.index || 0 - if (s <= n && e.lastIndex >= n) return i - if (r > 0 && s > r) return null - } - return null - } - var sa = class { - static computeUnicodeHighlights(t, n, r) { - let i = r ? r.startLineNumber : 1, - s = r ? r.endLineNumber : t.getLineCount(), - o = new oa(n), - a = o.getCandidateCodePoints(), - u - a === 'allNonBasicAscii' - ? (u = new RegExp('[^\\t\\n\\r\\x20-\\x7E]', 'g')) - : (u = new RegExp(`${_5(Array.from(a))}`, 'g')) - let l = new ia(null, u), - c = [], - d = !1, - h, - m = 0, - g = 0, - v = 0 - e: for (let N = i, _ = s; N <= _; N++) { - let w = t.getLineContent(N), - C = w.length - l.reset(0) - do - if (((h = l.next(w)), h)) { - let S = h.index, - k = h.index + h[0].length - if (S > 0) { - let L = w.charCodeAt(S - 1) - di(L) && S-- - } - if (k + 1 < C) { - let L = w.charCodeAt(k - 1) - di(L) && k++ - } - let M = w.substring(S, k), - I = Cs(S + 1, jl, w, 0) - I && I.endColumn <= S + 1 && (I = null) - let B = o.shouldHighlightNonBasicASCII(M, I ? I.word : null) - if (B !== 0) { - B === 3 ? m++ : B === 2 ? g++ : B === 1 ? v++ : wp(B) - let L = 1e3 - if (c.length >= L) { - d = !0 - break e - } - c.push(new oe(N, S + 1, N, k + 1)) - } - } - while (h) - } - return { - ranges: c, - hasMore: d, - ambiguousCharacterCount: m, - invisibleCharacterCount: g, - nonBasicAsciiCharacterCount: v - } - } - static computeUnicodeHighlightReason(t, n) { - let r = new oa(n) - switch (r.shouldHighlightNonBasicASCII(t, null)) { - case 0: - return null - case 2: - return { kind: 1 } - case 3: { - let s = t.codePointAt(0), - o = r.ambiguousCharacters.getPrimaryConfusable(s), - a = ci - .getLocales() - .filter((u) => !ci.getInstance(new Set([...n.allowedLocales, u])).isAmbiguous(s)) - return { kind: 0, confusableWith: String.fromCodePoint(o), notAmbiguousInLocales: a } - } - case 1: - return { kind: 2 } - } - } - } - function _5(e, t) { - return `[${jf(e.map((r) => String.fromCodePoint(r)).join(''))}]` - } - var oa = class { - constructor(t) { - ;(this.options = t), - (this.allowedCodePoints = new Set(t.allowedCodePoints)), - (this.ambiguousCharacters = ci.getInstance(new Set(t.allowedLocales))) - } - getCandidateCodePoints() { - if (this.options.nonBasicASCII) return 'allNonBasicAscii' - let t = new Set() - if (this.options.invisibleCharacters) - for (let n of fi.codePoints) Cp(String.fromCodePoint(n)) || t.add(n) - if (this.options.ambiguousCharacters) - for (let n of this.ambiguousCharacters.getConfusableCodePoints()) t.add(n) - for (let n of this.allowedCodePoints) t.delete(n) - return t - } - shouldHighlightNonBasicASCII(t, n) { - let r = t.codePointAt(0) - if (this.allowedCodePoints.has(r)) return 0 - if (this.options.nonBasicASCII) return 1 - let i = !1, - s = !1 - if (n) - for (let o of n) { - let a = o.codePointAt(0), - u = Qf(o) - ;(i = i || u), - !u && - !this.ambiguousCharacters.isAmbiguous(a) && - !fi.isInvisibleCharacter(a) && - (s = !0) - } - return !i && s - ? 0 - : this.options.invisibleCharacters && !Cp(t) && fi.isInvisibleCharacter(r) - ? 2 - : this.options.ambiguousCharacters && this.ambiguousCharacters.isAmbiguous(r) - ? 3 - : 0 - } - } - function Cp(e) { - return ( - e === ' ' || - e === - ` -` || - e === ' ' - ) - } - var ar = class { - constructor(t, n, r) { - ;(this.changes = t), (this.moves = n), (this.hitTimeout = r) - } - }, - aa = class { - constructor(t, n) { - ;(this.lineRangeMapping = t), (this.changes = n) - } - } - var Ee = class e { - static addRange(t, n) { - let r = 0 - for (; r < n.length && n[r].endExclusive < t.start; ) r++ - let i = r - for (; i < n.length && n[i].start <= t.endExclusive; ) i++ - if (r === i) n.splice(r, 0, t) - else { - let s = Math.min(t.start, n[r].start), - o = Math.max(t.endExclusive, n[i - 1].endExclusive) - n.splice(r, i - r, new e(s, o)) - } - } - static tryCreate(t, n) { - if (!(t > n)) return new e(t, n) - } - static ofLength(t) { - return new e(0, t) - } - static ofStartAndLength(t, n) { - return new e(t, t + n) - } - constructor(t, n) { - if (((this.start = t), (this.endExclusive = n), t > n)) - throw new it(`Invalid range: ${this.toString()}`) - } - get isEmpty() { - return this.start === this.endExclusive - } - delta(t) { - return new e(this.start + t, this.endExclusive + t) - } - deltaStart(t) { - return new e(this.start + t, this.endExclusive) - } - deltaEnd(t) { - return new e(this.start, this.endExclusive + t) - } - get length() { - return this.endExclusive - this.start - } - toString() { - return `[${this.start}, ${this.endExclusive})` - } - contains(t) { - return this.start <= t && t < this.endExclusive - } - join(t) { - return new e(Math.min(this.start, t.start), Math.max(this.endExclusive, t.endExclusive)) - } - intersect(t) { - let n = Math.max(this.start, t.start), - r = Math.min(this.endExclusive, t.endExclusive) - if (n <= r) return new e(n, r) - } - intersects(t) { - let n = Math.max(this.start, t.start), - r = Math.min(this.endExclusive, t.endExclusive) - return n < r - } - isBefore(t) { - return this.endExclusive <= t.start - } - isAfter(t) { - return this.start >= t.endExclusive - } - slice(t) { - return t.slice(this.start, this.endExclusive) - } - substring(t) { - return t.substring(this.start, this.endExclusive) - } - clip(t) { - if (this.isEmpty) throw new it(`Invalid clipping range: ${this.toString()}`) - return Math.max(this.start, Math.min(this.endExclusive - 1, t)) - } - clipCyclic(t) { - if (this.isEmpty) throw new it(`Invalid clipping range: ${this.toString()}`) - return t < this.start - ? this.endExclusive - ((this.start - t) % this.length) - : t >= this.endExclusive - ? this.start + ((t - this.start) % this.length) - : t - } - forEach(t) { - for (let n = this.start; n < this.endExclusive; n++) t(n) - } - } - function Mn(e, t) { - let n = Tr(e, t) - return n === -1 ? void 0 : e[n] - } - function Tr(e, t, n = 0, r = e.length) { - let i = n, - s = r - for (; i < s; ) { - let o = Math.floor((i + s) / 2) - t(e[o]) ? (i = o + 1) : (s = o) - } - return i - 1 - } - function Ip(e, t) { - let n = ua(e, t) - return n === e.length ? void 0 : e[n] - } - function ua(e, t, n = 0, r = e.length) { - let i = n, - s = r - for (; i < s; ) { - let o = Math.floor((i + s) / 2) - t(e[o]) ? (s = o) : (i = o + 1) - } - return i - } - var Is = class e { - static { - this.assertInvariants = !1 - } - constructor(t) { - ;(this._array = t), (this._findLastMonotonousLastIdx = 0) - } - findLastMonotonous(t) { - if (e.assertInvariants) { - if (this._prevFindLastPredicate) { - for (let r of this._array) - if (this._prevFindLastPredicate(r) && !t(r)) - throw new Error( - 'MonotonousArray: current predicate must be weaker than (or equal to) the previous predicate.' - ) - } - this._prevFindLastPredicate = t - } - let n = Tr(this._array, t, this._findLastMonotonousLastIdx) - return (this._findLastMonotonousLastIdx = n + 1), n === -1 ? void 0 : this._array[n] - } - } - var ge = class e { - static fromRangeInclusive(t) { - return new e(t.startLineNumber, t.endLineNumber + 1) - } - static joinMany(t) { - if (t.length === 0) return [] - let n = new Sr(t[0].slice()) - for (let r = 1; r < t.length; r++) n = n.getUnion(new Sr(t[r].slice())) - return n.ranges - } - static join(t) { - if (t.length === 0) throw new it('lineRanges cannot be empty') - let n = t[0].startLineNumber, - r = t[0].endLineNumberExclusive - for (let i = 1; i < t.length; i++) - (n = Math.min(n, t[i].startLineNumber)), (r = Math.max(r, t[i].endLineNumberExclusive)) - return new e(n, r) - } - static ofLength(t, n) { - return new e(t, t + n) - } - static deserialize(t) { - return new e(t[0], t[1]) - } - constructor(t, n) { - if (t > n) throw new it(`startLineNumber ${t} cannot be after endLineNumberExclusive ${n}`) - ;(this.startLineNumber = t), (this.endLineNumberExclusive = n) - } - contains(t) { - return this.startLineNumber <= t && t < this.endLineNumberExclusive - } - get isEmpty() { - return this.startLineNumber === this.endLineNumberExclusive - } - delta(t) { - return new e(this.startLineNumber + t, this.endLineNumberExclusive + t) - } - deltaLength(t) { - return new e(this.startLineNumber, this.endLineNumberExclusive + t) - } - get length() { - return this.endLineNumberExclusive - this.startLineNumber - } - join(t) { - return new e( - Math.min(this.startLineNumber, t.startLineNumber), - Math.max(this.endLineNumberExclusive, t.endLineNumberExclusive) - ) - } - toString() { - return `[${this.startLineNumber},${this.endLineNumberExclusive})` - } - intersect(t) { - let n = Math.max(this.startLineNumber, t.startLineNumber), - r = Math.min(this.endLineNumberExclusive, t.endLineNumberExclusive) - if (n <= r) return new e(n, r) - } - intersectsStrict(t) { - return ( - this.startLineNumber < t.endLineNumberExclusive && - t.startLineNumber < this.endLineNumberExclusive - ) - } - overlapOrTouch(t) { - return ( - this.startLineNumber <= t.endLineNumberExclusive && - t.startLineNumber <= this.endLineNumberExclusive - ) - } - equals(t) { - return ( - this.startLineNumber === t.startLineNumber && - this.endLineNumberExclusive === t.endLineNumberExclusive - ) - } - toInclusiveRange() { - return this.isEmpty - ? null - : new oe( - this.startLineNumber, - 1, - this.endLineNumberExclusive - 1, - Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER - ) - } - toExclusiveRange() { - return new oe(this.startLineNumber, 1, this.endLineNumberExclusive, 1) - } - mapToLineArray(t) { - let n = [] - for (let r = this.startLineNumber; r < this.endLineNumberExclusive; r++) n.push(t(r)) - return n - } - forEach(t) { - for (let n = this.startLineNumber; n < this.endLineNumberExclusive; n++) t(n) - } - serialize() { - return [this.startLineNumber, this.endLineNumberExclusive] - } - includes(t) { - return this.startLineNumber <= t && t < this.endLineNumberExclusive - } - toOffsetRange() { - return new Ee(this.startLineNumber - 1, this.endLineNumberExclusive - 1) - } - }, - Sr = class e { - constructor(t = []) { - this._normalizedRanges = t - } - get ranges() { - return this._normalizedRanges - } - addRange(t) { - if (t.length === 0) return - let n = ua(this._normalizedRanges, (i) => i.endLineNumberExclusive >= t.startLineNumber), - r = Tr(this._normalizedRanges, (i) => i.startLineNumber <= t.endLineNumberExclusive) + 1 - if (n === r) this._normalizedRanges.splice(n, 0, t) - else if (n === r - 1) { - let i = this._normalizedRanges[n] - this._normalizedRanges[n] = i.join(t) - } else { - let i = this._normalizedRanges[n].join(this._normalizedRanges[r - 1]).join(t) - this._normalizedRanges.splice(n, r - n, i) - } - } - contains(t) { - let n = Mn(this._normalizedRanges, (r) => r.startLineNumber <= t) - return !!n && n.endLineNumberExclusive > t - } - intersects(t) { - let n = Mn(this._normalizedRanges, (r) => r.startLineNumber < t.endLineNumberExclusive) - return !!n && n.endLineNumberExclusive > t.startLineNumber - } - getUnion(t) { - if (this._normalizedRanges.length === 0) return t - if (t._normalizedRanges.length === 0) return this - let n = [], - r = 0, - i = 0, - s = null - for (; r < this._normalizedRanges.length || i < t._normalizedRanges.length; ) { - let o = null - if (r < this._normalizedRanges.length && i < t._normalizedRanges.length) { - let a = this._normalizedRanges[r], - u = t._normalizedRanges[i] - a.startLineNumber < u.startLineNumber ? ((o = a), r++) : ((o = u), i++) - } else - r < this._normalizedRanges.length - ? ((o = this._normalizedRanges[r]), r++) - : ((o = t._normalizedRanges[i]), i++) - s === null - ? (s = o) - : s.endLineNumberExclusive >= o.startLineNumber - ? (s = new ge( - s.startLineNumber, - Math.max(s.endLineNumberExclusive, o.endLineNumberExclusive) - )) - : (n.push(s), (s = o)) - } - return s !== null && n.push(s), new e(n) - } - subtractFrom(t) { - let n = ua(this._normalizedRanges, (o) => o.endLineNumberExclusive >= t.startLineNumber), - r = Tr(this._normalizedRanges, (o) => o.startLineNumber <= t.endLineNumberExclusive) + 1 - if (n === r) return new e([t]) - let i = [], - s = t.startLineNumber - for (let o = n; o < r; o++) { - let a = this._normalizedRanges[o] - a.startLineNumber > s && i.push(new ge(s, a.startLineNumber)), - (s = a.endLineNumberExclusive) - } - return s < t.endLineNumberExclusive && i.push(new ge(s, t.endLineNumberExclusive)), new e(i) - } - toString() { - return this._normalizedRanges.map((t) => t.toString()).join(', ') - } - getIntersection(t) { - let n = [], - r = 0, - i = 0 - for (; r < this._normalizedRanges.length && i < t._normalizedRanges.length; ) { - let s = this._normalizedRanges[r], - o = t._normalizedRanges[i], - a = s.intersect(o) - a && !a.isEmpty && n.push(a), - s.endLineNumberExclusive < o.endLineNumberExclusive ? r++ : i++ - } - return new e(n) - } - getWithDelta(t) { - return new e(this._normalizedRanges.map((n) => n.delta(t))) - } - } - var la = class e { - static { - this.zero = new e(0, 0) - } - static betweenPositions(t, n) { - return t.lineNumber === n.lineNumber - ? new e(0, n.column - t.column) - : new e(n.lineNumber - t.lineNumber, n.column - 1) - } - static ofRange(t) { - return e.betweenPositions(t.getStartPosition(), t.getEndPosition()) - } - static ofText(t) { - let n = 0, - r = 0 - for (let i of t) - i === - ` -` - ? (n++, (r = 0)) - : r++ - return new e(n, r) - } - constructor(t, n) { - ;(this.lineCount = t), (this.columnCount = n) - } - isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(t) { - return this.lineCount !== t.lineCount - ? this.lineCount > t.lineCount - : this.columnCount >= t.columnCount - } - createRange(t) { - return this.lineCount === 0 - ? new oe(t.lineNumber, t.column, t.lineNumber, t.column + this.columnCount) - : new oe(t.lineNumber, t.column, t.lineNumber + this.lineCount, this.columnCount + 1) - } - addToPosition(t) { - return this.lineCount === 0 - ? new Se(t.lineNumber, t.column + this.columnCount) - : new Se(t.lineNumber + this.lineCount, this.columnCount + 1) - } - toString() { - return `${this.lineCount},${this.columnCount}` - } - } - var ca = class { - constructor(t, n) { - ;(this.range = t), (this.text = n) - } - toSingleEditOperation() { - return { range: this.range, text: this.text } - } - } - var pn = class e { - static inverse(t, n, r) { - let i = [], - s = 1, - o = 1 - for (let u of t) { - let l = new e(new ge(s, u.original.startLineNumber), new ge(o, u.modified.startLineNumber)) - l.modified.isEmpty || i.push(l), - (s = u.original.endLineNumberExclusive), - (o = u.modified.endLineNumberExclusive) - } - let a = new e(new ge(s, n + 1), new ge(o, r + 1)) - return a.modified.isEmpty || i.push(a), i - } - static clip(t, n, r) { - let i = [] - for (let s of t) { - let o = s.original.intersect(n), - a = s.modified.intersect(r) - o && !o.isEmpty && a && !a.isEmpty && i.push(new e(o, a)) - } - return i - } - constructor(t, n) { - ;(this.original = t), (this.modified = n) - } - toString() { - return `{${this.original.toString()}->${this.modified.toString()}}` - } - flip() { - return new e(this.modified, this.original) - } - join(t) { - return new e(this.original.join(t.original), this.modified.join(t.modified)) - } - toRangeMapping() { - let t = this.original.toInclusiveRange(), - n = this.modified.toInclusiveRange() - if (t && n) return new Ot(t, n) - if (this.original.startLineNumber === 1 || this.modified.startLineNumber === 1) { - if (!(this.modified.startLineNumber === 1 && this.original.startLineNumber === 1)) - throw new it('not a valid diff') - return new Ot( - new oe(this.original.startLineNumber, 1, this.original.endLineNumberExclusive, 1), - new oe(this.modified.startLineNumber, 1, this.modified.endLineNumberExclusive, 1) - ) - } else - return new Ot( - new oe( - this.original.startLineNumber - 1, - Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, - this.original.endLineNumberExclusive - 1, - Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER - ), - new oe( - this.modified.startLineNumber - 1, - Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, - this.modified.endLineNumberExclusive - 1, - Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER - ) - ) - } - toRangeMapping2(t, n) { - if ( - Rp(this.original.endLineNumberExclusive, t) && - Rp(this.modified.endLineNumberExclusive, n) - ) - return new Ot( - new oe(this.original.startLineNumber, 1, this.original.endLineNumberExclusive, 1), - new oe(this.modified.startLineNumber, 1, this.modified.endLineNumberExclusive, 1) - ) - if (!this.original.isEmpty && !this.modified.isEmpty) - return new Ot( - oe.fromPositions( - new Se(this.original.startLineNumber, 1), - mi(new Se(this.original.endLineNumberExclusive - 1, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER), t) - ), - oe.fromPositions( - new Se(this.modified.startLineNumber, 1), - mi(new Se(this.modified.endLineNumberExclusive - 1, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER), n) - ) - ) - if (this.original.startLineNumber > 1 && this.modified.startLineNumber > 1) - return new Ot( - oe.fromPositions( - mi(new Se(this.original.startLineNumber - 1, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER), t), - mi(new Se(this.original.endLineNumberExclusive - 1, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER), t) - ), - oe.fromPositions( - mi(new Se(this.modified.startLineNumber - 1, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER), n), - mi(new Se(this.modified.endLineNumberExclusive - 1, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER), n) - ) - ) - throw new it() - } - } - function mi(e, t) { - if (e.lineNumber < 1) return new Se(1, 1) - if (e.lineNumber > t.length) return new Se(t.length, t[t.length - 1].length + 1) - let n = t[e.lineNumber - 1] - return e.column > n.length + 1 ? new Se(e.lineNumber, n.length + 1) : e - } - function Rp(e, t) { - return e >= 1 && e <= t.length - } - var Pn = class e extends pn { - static fromRangeMappings(t) { - let n = ge.join(t.map((i) => ge.fromRangeInclusive(i.originalRange))), - r = ge.join(t.map((i) => ge.fromRangeInclusive(i.modifiedRange))) - return new e(n, r, t) - } - constructor(t, n, r) { - super(t, n), (this.innerChanges = r) - } - flip() { - return new e( - this.modified, - this.original, - this.innerChanges?.map((t) => t.flip()) - ) - } - withInnerChangesFromLineRanges() { - return new e(this.original, this.modified, [this.toRangeMapping()]) - } - }, - Ot = class e { - static assertSorted(t) { - for (let n = 1; n < t.length; n++) { - let r = t[n - 1], - i = t[n] - if ( - !( - r.originalRange - .getEndPosition() - .isBeforeOrEqual(i.originalRange.getStartPosition()) && - r.modifiedRange.getEndPosition().isBeforeOrEqual(i.modifiedRange.getStartPosition()) - ) - ) - throw new it('Range mappings must be sorted') - } - } - constructor(t, n) { - ;(this.originalRange = t), (this.modifiedRange = n) - } - toString() { - return `{${this.originalRange.toString()}->${this.modifiedRange.toString()}}` - } - flip() { - return new e(this.modifiedRange, this.originalRange) - } - toTextEdit(t) { - let n = t.getValueOfRange(this.modifiedRange) - return new ca(this.originalRange, n) - } - } - var N5 = 3, - fa = class { - computeDiff(t, n, r) { - let s = new Hl(t, n, { - maxComputationTime: r.maxComputationTimeMs, - shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace: r.ignoreTrimWhitespace, - shouldComputeCharChanges: !0, - shouldMakePrettyDiff: !0, - shouldPostProcessCharChanges: !0 - }).computeDiff(), - o = [], - a = null - for (let u of s.changes) { - let l - u.originalEndLineNumber === 0 - ? (l = new ge(u.originalStartLineNumber + 1, u.originalStartLineNumber + 1)) - : (l = new ge(u.originalStartLineNumber, u.originalEndLineNumber + 1)) - let c - u.modifiedEndLineNumber === 0 - ? (c = new ge(u.modifiedStartLineNumber + 1, u.modifiedStartLineNumber + 1)) - : (c = new ge(u.modifiedStartLineNumber, u.modifiedEndLineNumber + 1)) - let d = new Pn( - l, - c, - u.charChanges?.map( - (h) => - new Ot( - new oe( - h.originalStartLineNumber, - h.originalStartColumn, - h.originalEndLineNumber, - h.originalEndColumn - ), - new oe( - h.modifiedStartLineNumber, - h.modifiedStartColumn, - h.modifiedEndLineNumber, - h.modifiedEndColumn - ) - ) - ) - ) - a && - (a.modified.endLineNumberExclusive === d.modified.startLineNumber || - a.original.endLineNumberExclusive === d.original.startLineNumber) && - ((d = new Pn( - a.original.join(d.original), - a.modified.join(d.modified), - a.innerChanges && d.innerChanges ? a.innerChanges.concat(d.innerChanges) : void 0 - )), - o.pop()), - o.push(d), - (a = d) - } - return ( - Nr(() => - Ls( - o, - (u, l) => - l.original.startLineNumber - u.original.endLineNumberExclusive === - l.modified.startLineNumber - u.modified.endLineNumberExclusive && - u.original.endLineNumberExclusive < l.original.startLineNumber && - u.modified.endLineNumberExclusive < l.modified.startLineNumber - ) - ), - new ar(o, [], s.quitEarly) - ) - } - } - function Op(e, t, n, r) { - return new _s(e, t, n).ComputeDiff(r) - } - var da = class { - constructor(t) { - let n = [], - r = [] - for (let i = 0, s = t.length; i < s; i++) (n[i] = Wl(t[i], 1)), (r[i] = Ql(t[i], 1)) - ;(this.lines = t), (this._startColumns = n), (this._endColumns = r) - } - getElements() { - let t = [] - for (let n = 0, r = this.lines.length; n < r; n++) - t[n] = this.lines[n].substring(this._startColumns[n] - 1, this._endColumns[n] - 1) - return t - } - getStrictElement(t) { - return this.lines[t] - } - getStartLineNumber(t) { - return t + 1 - } - getEndLineNumber(t) { - return t + 1 - } - createCharSequence(t, n, r) { - let i = [], - s = [], - o = [], - a = 0 - for (let u = n; u <= r; u++) { - let l = this.lines[u], - c = t ? this._startColumns[u] : 1, - d = t ? this._endColumns[u] : l.length + 1 - for (let h = c; h < d; h++) (i[a] = l.charCodeAt(h - 1)), (s[a] = u + 1), (o[a] = h), a++ - !t && u < r && ((i[a] = 10), (s[a] = u + 1), (o[a] = l.length + 1), a++) - } - return new Gl(i, s, o) - } - }, - Gl = class { - constructor(t, n, r) { - ;(this._charCodes = t), (this._lineNumbers = n), (this._columns = r) - } - toString() { - return ( - '[' + - this._charCodes - .map( - (t, n) => - (t === 10 ? '\\n' : String.fromCharCode(t)) + - `-(${this._lineNumbers[n]},${this._columns[n]})` - ) - .join(', ') + - ']' - ) - } - _assertIndex(t, n) { - if (t < 0 || t >= n.length) throw new Error('Illegal index') - } - getElements() { - return this._charCodes - } - getStartLineNumber(t) { - return t > 0 && t === this._lineNumbers.length - ? this.getEndLineNumber(t - 1) - : (this._assertIndex(t, this._lineNumbers), this._lineNumbers[t]) - } - getEndLineNumber(t) { - return t === -1 - ? this.getStartLineNumber(t + 1) - : (this._assertIndex(t, this._lineNumbers), - this._charCodes[t] === 10 ? this._lineNumbers[t] + 1 : this._lineNumbers[t]) - } - getStartColumn(t) { - return t > 0 && t === this._columns.length - ? this.getEndColumn(t - 1) - : (this._assertIndex(t, this._columns), this._columns[t]) - } - getEndColumn(t) { - return t === -1 - ? this.getStartColumn(t + 1) - : (this._assertIndex(t, this._columns), - this._charCodes[t] === 10 ? 1 : this._columns[t] + 1) - } - }, - gi = class e { - constructor(t, n, r, i, s, o, a, u) { - ;(this.originalStartLineNumber = t), - (this.originalStartColumn = n), - (this.originalEndLineNumber = r), - (this.originalEndColumn = i), - (this.modifiedStartLineNumber = s), - (this.modifiedStartColumn = o), - (this.modifiedEndLineNumber = a), - (this.modifiedEndColumn = u) - } - static createFromDiffChange(t, n, r) { - let i = n.getStartLineNumber(t.originalStart), - s = n.getStartColumn(t.originalStart), - o = n.getEndLineNumber(t.originalStart + t.originalLength - 1), - a = n.getEndColumn(t.originalStart + t.originalLength - 1), - u = r.getStartLineNumber(t.modifiedStart), - l = r.getStartColumn(t.modifiedStart), - c = r.getEndLineNumber(t.modifiedStart + t.modifiedLength - 1), - d = r.getEndColumn(t.modifiedStart + t.modifiedLength - 1) - return new e(i, s, o, a, u, l, c, d) - } - } - function T5(e) { - if (e.length <= 1) return e - let t = [e[0]], - n = t[0] - for (let r = 1, i = e.length; r < i; r++) { - let s = e[r], - o = s.originalStart - (n.originalStart + n.originalLength), - a = s.modifiedStart - (n.modifiedStart + n.modifiedLength) - Math.min(o, a) < N5 - ? ((n.originalLength = s.originalStart + s.originalLength - n.originalStart), - (n.modifiedLength = s.modifiedStart + s.modifiedLength - n.modifiedStart)) - : (t.push(s), (n = s)) - } - return t - } - var Rs = class e { - constructor(t, n, r, i, s) { - ;(this.originalStartLineNumber = t), - (this.originalEndLineNumber = n), - (this.modifiedStartLineNumber = r), - (this.modifiedEndLineNumber = i), - (this.charChanges = s) - } - static createFromDiffResult(t, n, r, i, s, o, a) { - let u, l, c, d, h - if ( - (n.originalLength === 0 - ? ((u = r.getStartLineNumber(n.originalStart) - 1), (l = 0)) - : ((u = r.getStartLineNumber(n.originalStart)), - (l = r.getEndLineNumber(n.originalStart + n.originalLength - 1))), - n.modifiedLength === 0 - ? ((c = i.getStartLineNumber(n.modifiedStart) - 1), (d = 0)) - : ((c = i.getStartLineNumber(n.modifiedStart)), - (d = i.getEndLineNumber(n.modifiedStart + n.modifiedLength - 1))), - o && - n.originalLength > 0 && - n.originalLength < 20 && - n.modifiedLength > 0 && - n.modifiedLength < 20 && - s()) - ) { - let m = r.createCharSequence(t, n.originalStart, n.originalStart + n.originalLength - 1), - g = i.createCharSequence(t, n.modifiedStart, n.modifiedStart + n.modifiedLength - 1) - if (m.getElements().length > 0 && g.getElements().length > 0) { - let v = Op(m, g, s, !0).changes - a && (v = T5(v)), (h = []) - for (let N = 0, _ = v.length; N < _; N++) h.push(gi.createFromDiffChange(v[N], m, g)) - } - } - return new e(u, l, c, d, h) - } - }, - Hl = class { - constructor(t, n, r) { - ;(this.shouldComputeCharChanges = r.shouldComputeCharChanges), - (this.shouldPostProcessCharChanges = r.shouldPostProcessCharChanges), - (this.shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace = r.shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace), - (this.shouldMakePrettyDiff = r.shouldMakePrettyDiff), - (this.originalLines = t), - (this.modifiedLines = n), - (this.original = new da(t)), - (this.modified = new da(n)), - (this.continueLineDiff = kp(r.maxComputationTime)), - (this.continueCharDiff = kp( - r.maxComputationTime === 0 ? 0 : Math.min(r.maxComputationTime, 5e3) - )) - } - computeDiff() { - if (this.original.lines.length === 1 && this.original.lines[0].length === 0) - return this.modified.lines.length === 1 && this.modified.lines[0].length === 0 - ? { quitEarly: !1, changes: [] } - : { - quitEarly: !1, - changes: [ - { - originalStartLineNumber: 1, - originalEndLineNumber: 1, - modifiedStartLineNumber: 1, - modifiedEndLineNumber: this.modified.lines.length, - charChanges: void 0 - } - ] - } - if (this.modified.lines.length === 1 && this.modified.lines[0].length === 0) - return { - quitEarly: !1, - changes: [ - { - originalStartLineNumber: 1, - originalEndLineNumber: this.original.lines.length, - modifiedStartLineNumber: 1, - modifiedEndLineNumber: 1, - charChanges: void 0 - } - ] - } - let t = Op(this.original, this.modified, this.continueLineDiff, this.shouldMakePrettyDiff), - n = t.changes, - r = t.quitEarly - if (this.shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace) { - let a = [] - for (let u = 0, l = n.length; u < l; u++) - a.push( - Rs.createFromDiffResult( - this.shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace, - n[u], - this.original, - this.modified, - this.continueCharDiff, - this.shouldComputeCharChanges, - this.shouldPostProcessCharChanges - ) - ) - return { quitEarly: r, changes: a } - } - let i = [], - s = 0, - o = 0 - for (let a = -1, u = n.length; a < u; a++) { - let l = a + 1 < u ? n[a + 1] : null, - c = l ? l.originalStart : this.originalLines.length, - d = l ? l.modifiedStart : this.modifiedLines.length - for (; s < c && o < d; ) { - let h = this.originalLines[s], - m = this.modifiedLines[o] - if (h !== m) { - { - let g = Wl(h, 1), - v = Wl(m, 1) - for (; g > 1 && v > 1; ) { - let N = h.charCodeAt(g - 2), - _ = m.charCodeAt(v - 2) - if (N !== _) break - g--, v-- - } - ;(g > 1 || v > 1) && this._pushTrimWhitespaceCharChange(i, s + 1, 1, g, o + 1, 1, v) - } - { - let g = Ql(h, 1), - v = Ql(m, 1), - N = h.length + 1, - _ = m.length + 1 - for (; g < N && v < _; ) { - let w = h.charCodeAt(g - 1), - C = h.charCodeAt(v - 1) - if (w !== C) break - g++, v++ - } - ;(g < N || v < _) && this._pushTrimWhitespaceCharChange(i, s + 1, g, N, o + 1, v, _) - } - } - s++, o++ - } - l && - (i.push( - Rs.createFromDiffResult( - this.shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace, - l, - this.original, - this.modified, - this.continueCharDiff, - this.shouldComputeCharChanges, - this.shouldPostProcessCharChanges - ) - ), - (s += l.originalLength), - (o += l.modifiedLength)) - } - return { quitEarly: r, changes: i } - } - _pushTrimWhitespaceCharChange(t, n, r, i, s, o, a) { - if (this._mergeTrimWhitespaceCharChange(t, n, r, i, s, o, a)) return - let u - this.shouldComputeCharChanges && (u = [new gi(n, r, n, i, s, o, s, a)]), - t.push(new Rs(n, n, s, s, u)) - } - _mergeTrimWhitespaceCharChange(t, n, r, i, s, o, a) { - let u = t.length - if (u === 0) return !1 - let l = t[u - 1] - return l.originalEndLineNumber === 0 || l.modifiedEndLineNumber === 0 - ? !1 - : l.originalEndLineNumber === n && l.modifiedEndLineNumber === s - ? (this.shouldComputeCharChanges && - l.charChanges && - l.charChanges.push(new gi(n, r, n, i, s, o, s, a)), - !0) - : l.originalEndLineNumber + 1 === n && l.modifiedEndLineNumber + 1 === s - ? ((l.originalEndLineNumber = n), - (l.modifiedEndLineNumber = s), - this.shouldComputeCharChanges && - l.charChanges && - l.charChanges.push(new gi(n, r, n, i, s, o, s, a)), - !0) - : !1 - } - } - function Wl(e, t) { - let n = Gf(e) - return n === -1 ? t : n + 1 - } - function Ql(e, t) { - let n = Hf(e) - return n === -1 ? t : n + 2 - } - function kp(e) { - if (e === 0) return () => !0 - let t = Date.now() - return () => Date.now() - t < e - } - function Pp(e, t, n = (r, i) => r === i) { - if (e === t) return !0 - if (!e || !t || e.length !== t.length) return !1 - for (let r = 0, i = e.length; r < i; r++) if (!n(e[r], t[r])) return !1 - return !0 - } - function* Bp(e, t) { - let n, r - for (let i of e) r !== void 0 && t(r, i) ? n.push(i) : (n && (yield n), (n = [i])), (r = i) - n && (yield n) - } - function Vp(e, t) { - for (let n = 0; n <= e.length; n++) - t(n === 0 ? void 0 : e[n - 1], n === e.length ? void 0 : e[n]) - } - function Up(e, t) { - for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) - t(n === 0 ? void 0 : e[n - 1], e[n], n + 1 === e.length ? void 0 : e[n + 1]) - } - function $p(e, t) { - for (let n of t) e.push(n) - } - var zl - ;(function (e) { - function t(s) { - return s < 0 - } - e.isLessThan = t - function n(s) { - return s <= 0 - } - e.isLessThanOrEqual = n - function r(s) { - return s > 0 - } - e.isGreaterThan = r - function i(s) { - return s === 0 - } - ;(e.isNeitherLessOrGreaterThan = i), - (e.greaterThan = 1), - (e.lessThan = -1), - (e.neitherLessOrGreaterThan = 0) - })(zl || (zl = {})) - function ks(e, t) { - return (n, r) => t(e(n), e(r)) - } - var Os = (e, t) => e - t - function jp(e) { - return (t, n) => -e(t, n) - } - var Mp = class e { - static { - this.empty = new e((t) => {}) - } - constructor(t) { - this.iterate = t - } - toArray() { - let t = [] - return this.iterate((n) => (t.push(n), !0)), t - } - filter(t) { - return new e((n) => this.iterate((r) => (t(r) ? n(r) : !0))) - } - map(t) { - return new e((n) => this.iterate((r) => n(t(r)))) - } - findLast(t) { - let n - return this.iterate((r) => (t(r) && (n = r), !0)), n - } - findLastMaxBy(t) { - let n, - r = !0 - return this.iterate((i) => ((r || zl.isGreaterThan(t(i, n))) && ((r = !1), (n = i)), !0)), n - } - } - var mn = class e { - static trivial(t, n) { - return new e([new Pe(Ee.ofLength(t.length), Ee.ofLength(n.length))], !1) - } - static trivialTimedOut(t, n) { - return new e([new Pe(Ee.ofLength(t.length), Ee.ofLength(n.length))], !0) - } - constructor(t, n) { - ;(this.diffs = t), (this.hitTimeout = n) - } - }, - Pe = class e { - static invert(t, n) { - let r = [] - return ( - Vp(t, (i, s) => { - r.push( - e.fromOffsetPairs( - i ? i.getEndExclusives() : hn.zero, - s - ? s.getStarts() - : new hn(n, (i ? i.seq2Range.endExclusive - i.seq1Range.endExclusive : 0) + n) - ) - ) - }), - r - ) - } - static fromOffsetPairs(t, n) { - return new e(new Ee(t.offset1, n.offset1), new Ee(t.offset2, n.offset2)) - } - static assertSorted(t) { - let n - for (let r of t) { - if ( - n && - !( - n.seq1Range.endExclusive <= r.seq1Range.start && - n.seq2Range.endExclusive <= r.seq2Range.start - ) - ) - throw new it('Sequence diffs must be sorted') - n = r - } - } - constructor(t, n) { - ;(this.seq1Range = t), (this.seq2Range = n) - } - swap() { - return new e(this.seq2Range, this.seq1Range) - } - toString() { - return `${this.seq1Range} <-> ${this.seq2Range}` - } - join(t) { - return new e(this.seq1Range.join(t.seq1Range), this.seq2Range.join(t.seq2Range)) - } - delta(t) { - return t === 0 ? this : new e(this.seq1Range.delta(t), this.seq2Range.delta(t)) - } - deltaStart(t) { - return t === 0 ? this : new e(this.seq1Range.deltaStart(t), this.seq2Range.deltaStart(t)) - } - deltaEnd(t) { - return t === 0 ? this : new e(this.seq1Range.deltaEnd(t), this.seq2Range.deltaEnd(t)) - } - intersect(t) { - let n = this.seq1Range.intersect(t.seq1Range), - r = this.seq2Range.intersect(t.seq2Range) - if (!(!n || !r)) return new e(n, r) - } - getStarts() { - return new hn(this.seq1Range.start, this.seq2Range.start) - } - getEndExclusives() { - return new hn(this.seq1Range.endExclusive, this.seq2Range.endExclusive) - } - }, - hn = class e { - static { - this.zero = new e(0, 0) - } - static { - this.max = new e(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) - } - constructor(t, n) { - ;(this.offset1 = t), (this.offset2 = n) - } - toString() { - return `${this.offset1} <-> ${this.offset2}` - } - delta(t) { - return t === 0 ? this : new e(this.offset1 + t, this.offset2 + t) - } - equals(t) { - return this.offset1 === t.offset1 && this.offset2 === t.offset2 - } - }, - ur = class e { - static { - this.instance = new e() - } - isValid() { - return !0 - } - }, - pa = class { - constructor(t) { - if (((this.timeout = t), (this.startTime = Date.now()), (this.valid = !0), t <= 0)) - throw new it('timeout must be positive') - } - isValid() { - if (!(Date.now() - this.startTime < this.timeout) && this.valid) { - this.valid = !1 - debugger - } - return this.valid - } - } - var Di = class { - constructor(t, n) { - ;(this.width = t), (this.height = n), (this.array = []), (this.array = new Array(t * n)) - } - get(t, n) { - return this.array[t + n * this.width] - } - set(t, n, r) { - this.array[t + n * this.width] = r - } - } - function Ps(e) { - return e === 32 || e === 9 - } - var Ms = class e { - static { - this.chrKeys = new Map() - } - static getKey(t) { - let n = this.chrKeys.get(t) - return n === void 0 && ((n = this.chrKeys.size), this.chrKeys.set(t, n)), n - } - constructor(t, n, r) { - ;(this.range = t), (this.lines = n), (this.source = r), (this.histogram = []) - let i = 0 - for (let s = t.startLineNumber - 1; s < t.endLineNumberExclusive - 1; s++) { - let o = n[s] - for (let u = 0; u < o.length; u++) { - i++ - let l = o[u], - c = e.getKey(l) - this.histogram[c] = (this.histogram[c] || 0) + 1 - } - i++ - let a = e.getKey(` -`) - this.histogram[a] = (this.histogram[a] || 0) + 1 - } - this.totalCount = i - } - computeSimilarity(t) { - let n = 0, - r = Math.max(this.histogram.length, t.histogram.length) - for (let i = 0; i < r; i++) n += Math.abs((this.histogram[i] ?? 0) - (t.histogram[i] ?? 0)) - return 1 - n / (this.totalCount + t.totalCount) - } - } - var ha = class { - compute(t, n, r = ur.instance, i) { - if (t.length === 0 || n.length === 0) return mn.trivial(t, n) - let s = new Di(t.length, n.length), - o = new Di(t.length, n.length), - a = new Di(t.length, n.length) - for (let g = 0; g < t.length; g++) - for (let v = 0; v < n.length; v++) { - if (!r.isValid()) return mn.trivialTimedOut(t, n) - let N = g === 0 ? 0 : s.get(g - 1, v), - _ = v === 0 ? 0 : s.get(g, v - 1), - w - t.getElement(g) === n.getElement(v) - ? (g === 0 || v === 0 ? (w = 0) : (w = s.get(g - 1, v - 1)), - g > 0 && v > 0 && o.get(g - 1, v - 1) === 3 && (w += a.get(g - 1, v - 1)), - (w += i ? i(g, v) : 1)) - : (w = -1) - let C = Math.max(N, _, w) - if (C === w) { - let S = g > 0 && v > 0 ? a.get(g - 1, v - 1) : 0 - a.set(g, v, S + 1), o.set(g, v, 3) - } else - C === N ? (a.set(g, v, 0), o.set(g, v, 1)) : C === _ && (a.set(g, v, 0), o.set(g, v, 2)) - s.set(g, v, C) - } - let u = [], - l = t.length, - c = n.length - function d(g, v) { - ;(g + 1 !== l || v + 1 !== c) && u.push(new Pe(new Ee(g + 1, l), new Ee(v + 1, c))), - (l = g), - (c = v) - } - let h = t.length - 1, - m = n.length - 1 - for (; h >= 0 && m >= 0; ) - o.get(h, m) === 3 ? (d(h, m), h--, m--) : o.get(h, m) === 1 ? h-- : m-- - return d(-1, -1), u.reverse(), new mn(u, !1) - } - } - var vi = class { - compute(t, n, r = ur.instance) { - if (t.length === 0 || n.length === 0) return mn.trivial(t, n) - let i = t, - s = n - function o(v, N) { - for (; v < i.length && N < s.length && i.getElement(v) === s.getElement(N); ) v++, N++ - return v - } - let a = 0, - u = new Yl() - u.set(0, o(0, 0)) - let l = new Jl() - l.set(0, u.get(0) === 0 ? null : new ma(null, 0, 0, u.get(0))) - let c = 0 - e: for (;;) { - if ((a++, !r.isValid())) return mn.trivialTimedOut(i, s) - let v = -Math.min(a, s.length + (a % 2)), - N = Math.min(a, i.length + (a % 2)) - for (c = v; c <= N; c += 2) { - let _ = 0, - w = c === N ? -1 : u.get(c + 1), - C = c === v ? -1 : u.get(c - 1) + 1 - _++ - let S = Math.min(Math.max(w, C), i.length), - k = S - c - if ((_++, S > i.length || k > s.length)) continue - let M = o(S, k) - u.set(c, M) - let I = S === w ? l.get(c + 1) : l.get(c - 1) - if ( - (l.set(c, M !== S ? new ma(I, S, k, M - S) : I), - u.get(c) === i.length && u.get(c) - c === s.length) - ) - break e - } - } - let d = l.get(c), - h = [], - m = i.length, - g = s.length - for (;;) { - let v = d ? d.x + d.length : 0, - N = d ? d.y + d.length : 0 - if (((v !== m || N !== g) && h.push(new Pe(new Ee(v, m), new Ee(N, g))), !d)) break - ;(m = d.x), (g = d.y), (d = d.prev) - } - return h.reverse(), new mn(h, !1) - } - }, - ma = class { - constructor(t, n, r, i) { - ;(this.prev = t), (this.x = n), (this.y = r), (this.length = i) - } - }, - Yl = class { - constructor() { - ;(this.positiveArr = new Int32Array(10)), (this.negativeArr = new Int32Array(10)) - } - get(t) { - return t < 0 ? ((t = -t - 1), this.negativeArr[t]) : this.positiveArr[t] - } - set(t, n) { - if (t < 0) { - if (((t = -t - 1), t >= this.negativeArr.length)) { - let r = this.negativeArr - ;(this.negativeArr = new Int32Array(r.length * 2)), this.negativeArr.set(r) - } - this.negativeArr[t] = n - } else { - if (t >= this.positiveArr.length) { - let r = this.positiveArr - ;(this.positiveArr = new Int32Array(r.length * 2)), this.positiveArr.set(r) - } - this.positiveArr[t] = n - } - } - }, - Jl = class { - constructor() { - ;(this.positiveArr = []), (this.negativeArr = []) - } - get(t) { - return t < 0 ? ((t = -t - 1), this.negativeArr[t]) : this.positiveArr[t] - } - set(t, n) { - t < 0 ? ((t = -t - 1), (this.negativeArr[t] = n)) : (this.positiveArr[t] = n) - } - } - var lr = class { - constructor(t, n, r) { - ;(this.lines = t), - (this.range = n), - (this.considerWhitespaceChanges = r), - (this.elements = []), - (this.firstElementOffsetByLineIdx = []), - (this.lineStartOffsets = []), - (this.trimmedWsLengthsByLineIdx = []), - this.firstElementOffsetByLineIdx.push(0) - for (let i = this.range.startLineNumber; i <= this.range.endLineNumber; i++) { - let s = t[i - 1], - o = 0 - i === this.range.startLineNumber && - this.range.startColumn > 1 && - ((o = this.range.startColumn - 1), (s = s.substring(o))), - this.lineStartOffsets.push(o) - let a = 0 - if (!r) { - let l = s.trimStart() - ;(a = s.length - l.length), (s = l.trimEnd()) - } - this.trimmedWsLengthsByLineIdx.push(a) - let u = - i === this.range.endLineNumber - ? Math.min(this.range.endColumn - 1 - o - a, s.length) - : s.length - for (let l = 0; l < u; l++) this.elements.push(s.charCodeAt(l)) - i < this.range.endLineNumber && - (this.elements.push( - ` -`.charCodeAt(0) - ), - this.firstElementOffsetByLineIdx.push(this.elements.length)) - } - } - toString() { - return `Slice: "${this.text}"` - } - get text() { - return this.getText(new Ee(0, this.length)) - } - getText(t) { - return this.elements - .slice(t.start, t.endExclusive) - .map((n) => String.fromCharCode(n)) - .join('') - } - getElement(t) { - return this.elements[t] - } - get length() { - return this.elements.length - } - getBoundaryScore(t) { - let n = Gp(t > 0 ? this.elements[t - 1] : -1), - r = Gp(t < this.elements.length ? this.elements[t] : -1) - if (n === 7 && r === 8) return 0 - if (n === 8) return 150 - let i = 0 - return n !== r && ((i += 10), n === 0 && r === 1 && (i += 1)), (i += qp(n)), (i += qp(r)), i - } - translateOffset(t, n = 'right') { - let r = Tr(this.firstElementOffsetByLineIdx, (s) => s <= t), - i = t - this.firstElementOffsetByLineIdx[r] - return new Se( - this.range.startLineNumber + r, - 1 + - this.lineStartOffsets[r] + - i + - (i === 0 && n === 'left' ? 0 : this.trimmedWsLengthsByLineIdx[r]) - ) - } - translateRange(t) { - let n = this.translateOffset(t.start, 'right'), - r = this.translateOffset(t.endExclusive, 'left') - return r.isBefore(n) ? oe.fromPositions(r, r) : oe.fromPositions(n, r) - } - findWordContaining(t) { - if (t < 0 || t >= this.elements.length || !Xl(this.elements[t])) return - let n = t - for (; n > 0 && Xl(this.elements[n - 1]); ) n-- - let r = t - for (; r < this.elements.length && Xl(this.elements[r]); ) r++ - return new Ee(n, r) - } - countLinesIn(t) { - return ( - this.translateOffset(t.endExclusive).lineNumber - this.translateOffset(t.start).lineNumber - ) - } - isStronglyEqual(t, n) { - return this.elements[t] === this.elements[n] - } - extendToFullLines(t) { - let n = Mn(this.firstElementOffsetByLineIdx, (i) => i <= t.start) ?? 0, - r = Ip(this.firstElementOffsetByLineIdx, (i) => t.endExclusive <= i) ?? this.elements.length - return new Ee(n, r) - } - } - function Xl(e) { - return (e >= 97 && e <= 122) || (e >= 65 && e <= 90) || (e >= 48 && e <= 57) - } - var S5 = { 0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 10, 4: 2, 5: 30, 6: 3, 7: 10, 8: 10 } - function qp(e) { - return S5[e] - } - function Gp(e) { - return e === 10 - ? 8 - : e === 13 - ? 7 - : Ps(e) - ? 6 - : e >= 97 && e <= 122 - ? 0 - : e >= 65 && e <= 90 - ? 1 - : e >= 48 && e <= 57 - ? 2 - : e === -1 - ? 3 - : e === 44 || e === 59 - ? 5 - : 4 - } - function Wp(e, t, n, r, i, s) { - let { moves: o, excludedChanges: a } = F5(e, t, n, s) - if (!s.isValid()) return [] - let u = e.filter((c) => !a.has(c)), - l = w5(u, r, i, t, n, s) - return ( - $p(o, l), - (o = L5(o)), - (o = o.filter((c) => { - let d = c.original - .toOffsetRange() - .slice(t) - .map((m) => m.trim()) - return ( - d.join(` -`).length >= 15 && A5(d, (m) => m.length >= 2) >= 2 - ) - })), - (o = C5(e, o)), - o - ) - } - function A5(e, t) { - let n = 0 - for (let r of e) t(r) && n++ - return n - } - function F5(e, t, n, r) { - let i = [], - s = e - .filter((u) => u.modified.isEmpty && u.original.length >= 3) - .map((u) => new Ms(u.original, t, u)), - o = new Set( - e - .filter((u) => u.original.isEmpty && u.modified.length >= 3) - .map((u) => new Ms(u.modified, n, u)) - ), - a = new Set() - for (let u of s) { - let l = -1, - c - for (let d of o) { - let h = u.computeSimilarity(d) - h > l && ((l = h), (c = d)) - } - if ( - (l > 0.9 && - c && - (o.delete(c), i.push(new pn(u.range, c.range)), a.add(u.source), a.add(c.source)), - !r.isValid()) - ) - return { moves: i, excludedChanges: a } - } - return { moves: i, excludedChanges: a } - } - function w5(e, t, n, r, i, s) { - let o = [], - a = new ra() - for (let h of e) - for (let m = h.original.startLineNumber; m < h.original.endLineNumberExclusive - 2; m++) { - let g = `${t[m - 1]}:${t[m + 1 - 1]}:${t[m + 2 - 1]}` - a.add(g, { range: new ge(m, m + 3) }) - } - let u = [] - e.sort(ks((h) => h.modified.startLineNumber, Os)) - for (let h of e) { - let m = [] - for (let g = h.modified.startLineNumber; g < h.modified.endLineNumberExclusive - 2; g++) { - let v = `${n[g - 1]}:${n[g + 1 - 1]}:${n[g + 2 - 1]}`, - N = new ge(g, g + 3), - _ = [] - a.forEach(v, ({ range: w }) => { - for (let S of m) - if ( - S.originalLineRange.endLineNumberExclusive + 1 === w.endLineNumberExclusive && - S.modifiedLineRange.endLineNumberExclusive + 1 === N.endLineNumberExclusive - ) { - ;(S.originalLineRange = new ge( - S.originalLineRange.startLineNumber, - w.endLineNumberExclusive - )), - (S.modifiedLineRange = new ge( - S.modifiedLineRange.startLineNumber, - N.endLineNumberExclusive - )), - _.push(S) - return - } - let C = { modifiedLineRange: N, originalLineRange: w } - u.push(C), _.push(C) - }), - (m = _) - } - if (!s.isValid()) return [] - } - u.sort(jp(ks((h) => h.modifiedLineRange.length, Os))) - let l = new Sr(), - c = new Sr() - for (let h of u) { - let m = h.modifiedLineRange.startLineNumber - h.originalLineRange.startLineNumber, - g = l.subtractFrom(h.modifiedLineRange), - v = c.subtractFrom(h.originalLineRange).getWithDelta(m), - N = g.getIntersection(v) - for (let _ of N.ranges) { - if (_.length < 3) continue - let w = _, - C = _.delta(-m) - o.push(new pn(C, w)), l.addRange(w), c.addRange(C) - } - } - o.sort(ks((h) => h.original.startLineNumber, Os)) - let d = new Is(e) - for (let h = 0; h < o.length; h++) { - let m = o[h], - g = d.findLastMonotonous((M) => M.original.startLineNumber <= m.original.startLineNumber), - v = Mn(e, (M) => M.modified.startLineNumber <= m.modified.startLineNumber), - N = Math.max( - m.original.startLineNumber - g.original.startLineNumber, - m.modified.startLineNumber - v.modified.startLineNumber - ), - _ = d.findLastMonotonous( - (M) => M.original.startLineNumber < m.original.endLineNumberExclusive - ), - w = Mn(e, (M) => M.modified.startLineNumber < m.modified.endLineNumberExclusive), - C = Math.max( - _.original.endLineNumberExclusive - m.original.endLineNumberExclusive, - w.modified.endLineNumberExclusive - m.modified.endLineNumberExclusive - ), - S - for (S = 0; S < N; S++) { - let M = m.original.startLineNumber - S - 1, - I = m.modified.startLineNumber - S - 1 - if ( - M > r.length || - I > i.length || - l.contains(I) || - c.contains(M) || - !Hp(r[M - 1], i[I - 1], s) - ) - break - } - S > 0 && - (c.addRange(new ge(m.original.startLineNumber - S, m.original.startLineNumber)), - l.addRange(new ge(m.modified.startLineNumber - S, m.modified.startLineNumber))) - let k - for (k = 0; k < C; k++) { - let M = m.original.endLineNumberExclusive + k, - I = m.modified.endLineNumberExclusive + k - if ( - M > r.length || - I > i.length || - l.contains(I) || - c.contains(M) || - !Hp(r[M - 1], i[I - 1], s) - ) - break - } - k > 0 && - (c.addRange( - new ge(m.original.endLineNumberExclusive, m.original.endLineNumberExclusive + k) - ), - l.addRange( - new ge(m.modified.endLineNumberExclusive, m.modified.endLineNumberExclusive + k) - )), - (S > 0 || k > 0) && - (o[h] = new pn( - new ge(m.original.startLineNumber - S, m.original.endLineNumberExclusive + k), - new ge(m.modified.startLineNumber - S, m.modified.endLineNumberExclusive + k) - )) - } - return o - } - function Hp(e, t, n) { - if (e.trim() === t.trim()) return !0 - if (e.length > 300 && t.length > 300) return !1 - let i = new vi().compute( - new lr([e], new oe(1, 1, 1, e.length), !1), - new lr([t], new oe(1, 1, 1, t.length), !1), - n - ), - s = 0, - o = Pe.invert(i.diffs, e.length) - for (let c of o) - c.seq1Range.forEach((d) => { - Ps(e.charCodeAt(d)) || s++ - }) - function a(c) { - let d = 0 - for (let h = 0; h < e.length; h++) Ps(c.charCodeAt(h)) || d++ - return d - } - let u = a(e.length > t.length ? e : t) - return s / u > 0.6 && u > 10 - } - function L5(e) { - if (e.length === 0) return e - e.sort(ks((n) => n.original.startLineNumber, Os)) - let t = [e[0]] - for (let n = 1; n < e.length; n++) { - let r = t[t.length - 1], - i = e[n], - s = i.original.startLineNumber - r.original.endLineNumberExclusive, - o = i.modified.startLineNumber - r.modified.endLineNumberExclusive - if (s >= 0 && o >= 0 && s + o <= 2) { - t[t.length - 1] = r.join(i) - continue - } - t.push(i) - } - return t - } - function C5(e, t) { - let n = new Is(e) - return ( - (t = t.filter((r) => { - let i = - n.findLastMonotonous( - (a) => a.original.startLineNumber < r.original.endLineNumberExclusive - ) || new pn(new ge(1, 1), new ge(1, 1)), - s = Mn(e, (a) => a.modified.startLineNumber < r.modified.endLineNumberExclusive) - return i !== s - })), - t - ) - } - function Kl(e, t, n) { - let r = n - return (r = Qp(e, t, r)), (r = Qp(e, t, r)), (r = I5(e, t, r)), r - } - function Qp(e, t, n) { - if (n.length === 0) return n - let r = [] - r.push(n[0]) - for (let s = 1; s < n.length; s++) { - let o = r[r.length - 1], - a = n[s] - if (a.seq1Range.isEmpty || a.seq2Range.isEmpty) { - let u = a.seq1Range.start - o.seq1Range.endExclusive, - l - for ( - l = 1; - l <= u && - !( - e.getElement(a.seq1Range.start - l) !== e.getElement(a.seq1Range.endExclusive - l) || - t.getElement(a.seq2Range.start - l) !== t.getElement(a.seq2Range.endExclusive - l) - ); - l++ - ); - if ((l--, l === u)) { - r[r.length - 1] = new Pe( - new Ee(o.seq1Range.start, a.seq1Range.endExclusive - u), - new Ee(o.seq2Range.start, a.seq2Range.endExclusive - u) - ) - continue - } - a = a.delta(-l) - } - r.push(a) - } - let i = [] - for (let s = 0; s < r.length - 1; s++) { - let o = r[s + 1], - a = r[s] - if (a.seq1Range.isEmpty || a.seq2Range.isEmpty) { - let u = o.seq1Range.start - a.seq1Range.endExclusive, - l - for ( - l = 0; - l < u && - !( - !e.isStronglyEqual(a.seq1Range.start + l, a.seq1Range.endExclusive + l) || - !t.isStronglyEqual(a.seq2Range.start + l, a.seq2Range.endExclusive + l) - ); - l++ - ); - if (l === u) { - r[s + 1] = new Pe( - new Ee(a.seq1Range.start + u, o.seq1Range.endExclusive), - new Ee(a.seq2Range.start + u, o.seq2Range.endExclusive) - ) - continue - } - l > 0 && (a = a.delta(l)) - } - i.push(a) - } - return r.length > 0 && i.push(r[r.length - 1]), i - } - function I5(e, t, n) { - if (!e.getBoundaryScore || !t.getBoundaryScore) return n - for (let r = 0; r < n.length; r++) { - let i = r > 0 ? n[r - 1] : void 0, - s = n[r], - o = r + 1 < n.length ? n[r + 1] : void 0, - a = new Ee(i ? i.seq1Range.endExclusive + 1 : 0, o ? o.seq1Range.start - 1 : e.length), - u = new Ee(i ? i.seq2Range.endExclusive + 1 : 0, o ? o.seq2Range.start - 1 : t.length) - s.seq1Range.isEmpty - ? (n[r] = zp(s, e, t, a, u)) - : s.seq2Range.isEmpty && (n[r] = zp(s.swap(), t, e, u, a).swap()) - } - return n - } - function zp(e, t, n, r, i) { - let o = 1 - for ( - ; - e.seq1Range.start - o >= r.start && - e.seq2Range.start - o >= i.start && - n.isStronglyEqual(e.seq2Range.start - o, e.seq2Range.endExclusive - o) && - o < 100; - - ) - o++ - o-- - let a = 0 - for ( - ; - e.seq1Range.start + a < r.endExclusive && - e.seq2Range.endExclusive + a < i.endExclusive && - n.isStronglyEqual(e.seq2Range.start + a, e.seq2Range.endExclusive + a) && - a < 100; - - ) - a++ - if (o === 0 && a === 0) return e - let u = 0, - l = -1 - for (let c = -o; c <= a; c++) { - let d = e.seq2Range.start + c, - h = e.seq2Range.endExclusive + c, - m = e.seq1Range.start + c, - g = t.getBoundaryScore(m) + n.getBoundaryScore(d) + n.getBoundaryScore(h) - g > l && ((l = g), (u = c)) - } - return e.delta(u) - } - function Yp(e, t, n) { - let r = [] - for (let i of n) { - let s = r[r.length - 1] - if (!s) { - r.push(i) - continue - } - i.seq1Range.start - s.seq1Range.endExclusive <= 2 || - i.seq2Range.start - s.seq2Range.endExclusive <= 2 - ? (r[r.length - 1] = new Pe(s.seq1Range.join(i.seq1Range), s.seq2Range.join(i.seq2Range))) - : r.push(i) - } - return r - } - function Jp(e, t, n) { - let r = Pe.invert(n, e.length), - i = [], - s = new hn(0, 0) - function o(u, l) { - if (u.offset1 < s.offset1 || u.offset2 < s.offset2) return - let c = e.findWordContaining(u.offset1), - d = t.findWordContaining(u.offset2) - if (!c || !d) return - let h = new Pe(c, d), - m = h.intersect(l), - g = m.seq1Range.length, - v = m.seq2Range.length - for (; r.length > 0; ) { - let N = r[0] - if (!(N.seq1Range.intersects(h.seq1Range) || N.seq2Range.intersects(h.seq2Range))) break - let w = e.findWordContaining(N.seq1Range.start), - C = t.findWordContaining(N.seq2Range.start), - S = new Pe(w, C), - k = S.intersect(N) - if ( - ((g += k.seq1Range.length), - (v += k.seq2Range.length), - (h = h.join(S)), - h.seq1Range.endExclusive >= N.seq1Range.endExclusive) - ) - r.shift() - else break - } - g + v < ((h.seq1Range.length + h.seq2Range.length) * 2) / 3 && i.push(h), - (s = h.getEndExclusives()) - } - for (; r.length > 0; ) { - let u = r.shift() - u.seq1Range.isEmpty || (o(u.getStarts(), u), o(u.getEndExclusives().delta(-1), u)) - } - return R5(n, i) - } - function R5(e, t) { - let n = [] - for (; e.length > 0 || t.length > 0; ) { - let r = e[0], - i = t[0], - s - r && (!i || r.seq1Range.start < i.seq1Range.start) ? (s = e.shift()) : (s = t.shift()), - n.length > 0 && n[n.length - 1].seq1Range.endExclusive >= s.seq1Range.start - ? (n[n.length - 1] = n[n.length - 1].join(s)) - : n.push(s) - } - return n - } - function Xp(e, t, n) { - let r = n - if (r.length === 0) return r - let i = 0, - s - do { - s = !1 - let o = [r[0]] - for (let a = 1; a < r.length; a++) { - let c = function (h, m) { - let g = new Ee(l.seq1Range.endExclusive, u.seq1Range.start) - return ( - e.getText(g).replace(/\s/g, '').length <= 4 && - (h.seq1Range.length + h.seq2Range.length > 5 || - m.seq1Range.length + m.seq2Range.length > 5) - ) - }, - u = r[a], - l = o[o.length - 1] - c(l, u) ? ((s = !0), (o[o.length - 1] = o[o.length - 1].join(u))) : o.push(u) - } - r = o - } while (i++ < 10 && s) - return r - } - function Kp(e, t, n) { - let r = n - if (r.length === 0) return r - let i = 0, - s - do { - s = !1 - let a = [r[0]] - for (let u = 1; u < r.length; u++) { - let d = function (m, g) { - let v = new Ee(c.seq1Range.endExclusive, l.seq1Range.start) - if (e.countLinesIn(v) > 5 || v.length > 500) return !1 - let _ = e.getText(v).trim() - if (_.length > 20 || _.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/).length > 1) return !1 - let w = e.countLinesIn(m.seq1Range), - C = m.seq1Range.length, - S = t.countLinesIn(m.seq2Range), - k = m.seq2Range.length, - M = e.countLinesIn(g.seq1Range), - I = g.seq1Range.length, - B = t.countLinesIn(g.seq2Range), - L = g.seq2Range.length, - A = 2 * 40 + 50 - function X(z) { - return Math.min(z, A) - } - return ( - Math.pow(Math.pow(X(w * 40 + C), 1.5) + Math.pow(X(S * 40 + k), 1.5), 1.5) + - Math.pow(Math.pow(X(M * 40 + I), 1.5) + Math.pow(X(B * 40 + L), 1.5), 1.5) > - (A ** 1.5) ** 1.5 * 1.3 - ) - }, - l = r[u], - c = a[a.length - 1] - d(c, l) ? ((s = !0), (a[a.length - 1] = a[a.length - 1].join(l))) : a.push(l) - } - r = a - } while (i++ < 10 && s) - let o = [] - return ( - Up(r, (a, u, l) => { - let c = u - function d(_) { - return ( - _.length > 0 && _.trim().length <= 3 && u.seq1Range.length + u.seq2Range.length > 100 - ) - } - let h = e.extendToFullLines(u.seq1Range), - m = e.getText(new Ee(h.start, u.seq1Range.start)) - d(m) && (c = c.deltaStart(-m.length)) - let g = e.getText(new Ee(u.seq1Range.endExclusive, h.endExclusive)) - d(g) && (c = c.deltaEnd(g.length)) - let v = Pe.fromOffsetPairs(a ? a.getEndExclusives() : hn.zero, l ? l.getStarts() : hn.max), - N = c.intersect(v) - o.length > 0 && N.getStarts().equals(o[o.length - 1].getEndExclusives()) - ? (o[o.length - 1] = o[o.length - 1].join(N)) - : o.push(N) - }), - o - ) - } - var Bs = class { - constructor(t, n) { - ;(this.trimmedHash = t), (this.lines = n) - } - getElement(t) { - return this.trimmedHash[t] - } - get length() { - return this.trimmedHash.length - } - getBoundaryScore(t) { - let n = t === 0 ? 0 : Zp(this.lines[t - 1]), - r = t === this.lines.length ? 0 : Zp(this.lines[t]) - return 1e3 - (n + r) - } - getText(t) { - return this.lines.slice(t.start, t.endExclusive).join(` -`) - } - isStronglyEqual(t, n) { - return this.lines[t] === this.lines[n] - } - } - function Zp(e) { - let t = 0 - for (; t < e.length && (e.charCodeAt(t) === 32 || e.charCodeAt(t) === 9); ) t++ - return t - } - var ga = class { - constructor() { - ;(this.dynamicProgrammingDiffing = new ha()), (this.myersDiffingAlgorithm = new vi()) - } - computeDiff(t, n, r) { - if (t.length <= 1 && Pp(t, n, (k, M) => k === M)) return new ar([], [], !1) - if ((t.length === 1 && t[0].length === 0) || (n.length === 1 && n[0].length === 0)) - return new ar( - [ - new Pn(new ge(1, t.length + 1), new ge(1, n.length + 1), [ - new Ot( - new oe(1, 1, t.length, t[t.length - 1].length + 1), - new oe(1, 1, n.length, n[n.length - 1].length + 1) - ) - ]) - ], - [], - !1 - ) - let i = r.maxComputationTimeMs === 0 ? ur.instance : new pa(r.maxComputationTimeMs), - s = !r.ignoreTrimWhitespace, - o = new Map() - function a(k) { - let M = o.get(k) - return M === void 0 && ((M = o.size), o.set(k, M)), M - } - let u = t.map((k) => a(k.trim())), - l = n.map((k) => a(k.trim())), - c = new Bs(u, t), - d = new Bs(l, n), - h = (() => - c.length + d.length < 1700 - ? this.dynamicProgrammingDiffing.compute(c, d, i, (k, M) => - t[k] === n[M] ? (n[M].length === 0 ? 0.1 : 1 + Math.log(1 + n[M].length)) : 0.99 - ) - : this.myersDiffingAlgorithm.compute(c, d, i))(), - m = h.diffs, - g = h.hitTimeout - ;(m = Kl(c, d, m)), (m = Xp(c, d, m)) - let v = [], - N = (k) => { - if (s) - for (let M = 0; M < k; M++) { - let I = _ + M, - B = w + M - if (t[I] !== n[B]) { - let L = this.refineDiff(t, n, new Pe(new Ee(I, I + 1), new Ee(B, B + 1)), i, s) - for (let A of L.mappings) v.push(A) - L.hitTimeout && (g = !0) - } - } - }, - _ = 0, - w = 0 - for (let k of m) { - Nr(() => k.seq1Range.start - _ === k.seq2Range.start - w) - let M = k.seq1Range.start - _ - N(M), (_ = k.seq1Range.endExclusive), (w = k.seq2Range.endExclusive) - let I = this.refineDiff(t, n, k, i, s) - I.hitTimeout && (g = !0) - for (let B of I.mappings) v.push(B) - } - N(t.length - _) - let C = eh(v, t, n), - S = [] - return ( - r.computeMoves && (S = this.computeMoves(C, t, n, u, l, i, s)), - Nr(() => { - function k(I, B) { - if (I.lineNumber < 1 || I.lineNumber > B.length) return !1 - let L = B[I.lineNumber - 1] - return !(I.column < 1 || I.column > L.length + 1) - } - function M(I, B) { - return !( - I.startLineNumber < 1 || - I.startLineNumber > B.length + 1 || - I.endLineNumberExclusive < 1 || - I.endLineNumberExclusive > B.length + 1 - ) - } - for (let I of C) { - if (!I.innerChanges) return !1 - for (let B of I.innerChanges) - if ( - !( - k(B.modifiedRange.getStartPosition(), n) && - k(B.modifiedRange.getEndPosition(), n) && - k(B.originalRange.getStartPosition(), t) && - k(B.originalRange.getEndPosition(), t) - ) - ) - return !1 - if (!M(I.modified, n) || !M(I.original, t)) return !1 - } - return !0 - }), - new ar(C, S, g) - ) - } - computeMoves(t, n, r, i, s, o, a) { - return Wp(t, n, r, i, s, o).map((c) => { - let d = this.refineDiff( - n, - r, - new Pe(c.original.toOffsetRange(), c.modified.toOffsetRange()), - o, - a - ), - h = eh(d.mappings, n, r, !0) - return new aa(c, h) - }) - } - refineDiff(t, n, r, i, s) { - let a = O5(r).toRangeMapping2(t, n), - u = new lr(t, a.originalRange, s), - l = new lr(n, a.modifiedRange, s), - c = - u.length + l.length < 500 - ? this.dynamicProgrammingDiffing.compute(u, l, i) - : this.myersDiffingAlgorithm.compute(u, l, i), - d = !1, - h = c.diffs - d && Pe.assertSorted(h), - (h = Kl(u, l, h)), - d && Pe.assertSorted(h), - (h = Jp(u, l, h)), - d && Pe.assertSorted(h), - (h = Yp(u, l, h)), - d && Pe.assertSorted(h), - (h = Kp(u, l, h)), - d && Pe.assertSorted(h) - let m = h.map((g) => new Ot(u.translateRange(g.seq1Range), l.translateRange(g.seq2Range))) - return d && Ot.assertSorted(m), { mappings: m, hitTimeout: c.hitTimeout } - } - } - function eh(e, t, n, r = !1) { - let i = [] - for (let s of Bp( - e.map((o) => k5(o, t, n)), - (o, a) => o.original.overlapOrTouch(a.original) || o.modified.overlapOrTouch(a.modified) - )) { - let o = s[0], - a = s[s.length - 1] - i.push( - new Pn( - o.original.join(a.original), - o.modified.join(a.modified), - s.map((u) => u.innerChanges[0]) - ) - ) - } - return ( - Nr(() => - !r && - i.length > 0 && - (i[0].modified.startLineNumber !== i[0].original.startLineNumber || - n.length - i[i.length - 1].modified.endLineNumberExclusive !== - t.length - i[i.length - 1].original.endLineNumberExclusive) - ? !1 - : Ls( - i, - (s, o) => - o.original.startLineNumber - s.original.endLineNumberExclusive === - o.modified.startLineNumber - s.modified.endLineNumberExclusive && - s.original.endLineNumberExclusive < o.original.startLineNumber && - s.modified.endLineNumberExclusive < o.modified.startLineNumber - ) - ), - i - ) - } - function k5(e, t, n) { - let r = 0, - i = 0 - e.modifiedRange.endColumn === 1 && - e.originalRange.endColumn === 1 && - e.originalRange.startLineNumber + r <= e.originalRange.endLineNumber && - e.modifiedRange.startLineNumber + r <= e.modifiedRange.endLineNumber && - (i = -1), - e.modifiedRange.startColumn - 1 >= n[e.modifiedRange.startLineNumber - 1].length && - e.originalRange.startColumn - 1 >= t[e.originalRange.startLineNumber - 1].length && - e.originalRange.startLineNumber <= e.originalRange.endLineNumber + i && - e.modifiedRange.startLineNumber <= e.modifiedRange.endLineNumber + i && - (r = 1) - let s = new ge(e.originalRange.startLineNumber + r, e.originalRange.endLineNumber + 1 + i), - o = new ge(e.modifiedRange.startLineNumber + r, e.modifiedRange.endLineNumber + 1 + i) - return new Pn(s, o, [e]) - } - function O5(e) { - return new pn( - new ge(e.seq1Range.start + 1, e.seq1Range.endExclusive + 1), - new ge(e.seq2Range.start + 1, e.seq2Range.endExclusive + 1) - ) - } - var Zl = { getLegacy: () => new fa(), getDefault: () => new ga() } - function cr(e, t) { - let n = Math.pow(10, t) - return Math.round(e * n) / n - } - var Je = class { - constructor(t, n, r, i = 1) { - ;(this._rgbaBrand = void 0), - (this.r = Math.min(255, Math.max(0, t)) | 0), - (this.g = Math.min(255, Math.max(0, n)) | 0), - (this.b = Math.min(255, Math.max(0, r)) | 0), - (this.a = cr(Math.max(Math.min(1, i), 0), 3)) - } - static equals(t, n) { - return t.r === n.r && t.g === n.g && t.b === n.b && t.a === n.a - } - }, - gn = class e { - constructor(t, n, r, i) { - ;(this._hslaBrand = void 0), - (this.h = Math.max(Math.min(360, t), 0) | 0), - (this.s = cr(Math.max(Math.min(1, n), 0), 3)), - (this.l = cr(Math.max(Math.min(1, r), 0), 3)), - (this.a = cr(Math.max(Math.min(1, i), 0), 3)) - } - static equals(t, n) { - return t.h === n.h && t.s === n.s && t.l === n.l && t.a === n.a - } - static fromRGBA(t) { - let n = t.r / 255, - r = t.g / 255, - i = t.b / 255, - s = t.a, - o = Math.max(n, r, i), - a = Math.min(n, r, i), - u = 0, - l = 0, - c = (a + o) / 2, - d = o - a - if (d > 0) { - switch (((l = Math.min(c <= 0.5 ? d / (2 * c) : d / (2 - 2 * c), 1)), o)) { - case n: - u = (r - i) / d + (r < i ? 6 : 0) - break - case r: - u = (i - n) / d + 2 - break - case i: - u = (n - r) / d + 4 - break - } - ;(u *= 60), (u = Math.round(u)) - } - return new e(u, l, c, s) - } - static _hue2rgb(t, n, r) { - return ( - r < 0 && (r += 1), - r > 1 && (r -= 1), - r < 1 / 6 - ? t + (n - t) * 6 * r - : r < 1 / 2 - ? n - : r < 2 / 3 - ? t + (n - t) * (2 / 3 - r) * 6 - : t - ) - } - static toRGBA(t) { - let n = t.h / 360, - { s: r, l: i, a: s } = t, - o, - a, - u - if (r === 0) o = a = u = i - else { - let l = i < 0.5 ? i * (1 + r) : i + r - i * r, - c = 2 * i - l - ;(o = e._hue2rgb(c, l, n + 1 / 3)), - (a = e._hue2rgb(c, l, n)), - (u = e._hue2rgb(c, l, n - 1 / 3)) - } - return new Je(Math.round(o * 255), Math.round(a * 255), Math.round(u * 255), s) - } - }, - bi = class e { - constructor(t, n, r, i) { - ;(this._hsvaBrand = void 0), - (this.h = Math.max(Math.min(360, t), 0) | 0), - (this.s = cr(Math.max(Math.min(1, n), 0), 3)), - (this.v = cr(Math.max(Math.min(1, r), 0), 3)), - (this.a = cr(Math.max(Math.min(1, i), 0), 3)) - } - static equals(t, n) { - return t.h === n.h && t.s === n.s && t.v === n.v && t.a === n.a - } - static fromRGBA(t) { - let n = t.r / 255, - r = t.g / 255, - i = t.b / 255, - s = Math.max(n, r, i), - o = Math.min(n, r, i), - a = s - o, - u = s === 0 ? 0 : a / s, - l - return ( - a === 0 - ? (l = 0) - : s === n - ? (l = ((((r - i) / a) % 6) + 6) % 6) - : s === r - ? (l = (i - n) / a + 2) - : (l = (n - r) / a + 4), - new e(Math.round(l * 60), u, s, t.a) - ) - } - static toRGBA(t) { - let { h: n, s: r, v: i, a: s } = t, - o = i * r, - a = o * (1 - Math.abs(((n / 60) % 2) - 1)), - u = i - o, - [l, c, d] = [0, 0, 0] - return ( - n < 60 - ? ((l = o), (c = a)) - : n < 120 - ? ((l = a), (c = o)) - : n < 180 - ? ((c = o), (d = a)) - : n < 240 - ? ((c = a), (d = o)) - : n < 300 - ? ((l = a), (d = o)) - : n <= 360 && ((l = o), (d = a)), - (l = Math.round((l + u) * 255)), - (c = Math.round((c + u) * 255)), - (d = Math.round((d + u) * 255)), - new Je(l, c, d, s) - ) - } - }, - Ar = class e { - static fromHex(t) { - return e.Format.CSS.parseHex(t) || e.red - } - static equals(t, n) { - return !t && !n ? !0 : !t || !n ? !1 : t.equals(n) - } - get hsla() { - return this._hsla ? this._hsla : gn.fromRGBA(this.rgba) - } - get hsva() { - return this._hsva ? this._hsva : bi.fromRGBA(this.rgba) - } - constructor(t) { - if (t) - if (t instanceof Je) this.rgba = t - else if (t instanceof gn) (this._hsla = t), (this.rgba = gn.toRGBA(t)) - else if (t instanceof bi) (this._hsva = t), (this.rgba = bi.toRGBA(t)) - else throw new Error('Invalid color ctor argument') - else throw new Error('Color needs a value') - } - equals(t) { - return ( - !!t && - Je.equals(this.rgba, t.rgba) && - gn.equals(this.hsla, t.hsla) && - bi.equals(this.hsva, t.hsva) - ) - } - getRelativeLuminance() { - let t = e._relativeLuminanceForComponent(this.rgba.r), - n = e._relativeLuminanceForComponent(this.rgba.g), - r = e._relativeLuminanceForComponent(this.rgba.b), - i = 0.2126 * t + 0.7152 * n + 0.0722 * r - return cr(i, 4) - } - static _relativeLuminanceForComponent(t) { - let n = t / 255 - return n <= 0.03928 ? n / 12.92 : Math.pow((n + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) - } - isLighter() { - return (this.rgba.r * 299 + this.rgba.g * 587 + this.rgba.b * 114) / 1e3 >= 128 - } - isLighterThan(t) { - let n = this.getRelativeLuminance(), - r = t.getRelativeLuminance() - return n > r - } - isDarkerThan(t) { - let n = this.getRelativeLuminance(), - r = t.getRelativeLuminance() - return n < r - } - lighten(t) { - return new e(new gn(this.hsla.h, this.hsla.s, this.hsla.l + this.hsla.l * t, this.hsla.a)) - } - darken(t) { - return new e(new gn(this.hsla.h, this.hsla.s, this.hsla.l - this.hsla.l * t, this.hsla.a)) - } - transparent(t) { - let { r: n, g: r, b: i, a: s } = this.rgba - return new e(new Je(n, r, i, s * t)) - } - isTransparent() { - return this.rgba.a === 0 - } - isOpaque() { - return this.rgba.a === 1 - } - opposite() { - return new e(new Je(255 - this.rgba.r, 255 - this.rgba.g, 255 - this.rgba.b, this.rgba.a)) - } - makeOpaque(t) { - if (this.isOpaque() || t.rgba.a !== 1) return this - let { r: n, g: r, b: i, a: s } = this.rgba - return new e( - new Je( - t.rgba.r - s * (t.rgba.r - n), - t.rgba.g - s * (t.rgba.g - r), - t.rgba.b - s * (t.rgba.b - i), - 1 - ) - ) - } - toString() { - return this._toString || (this._toString = e.Format.CSS.format(this)), this._toString - } - static getLighterColor(t, n, r) { - if (t.isLighterThan(n)) return t - r = r || 0.5 - let i = t.getRelativeLuminance(), - s = n.getRelativeLuminance() - return (r = (r * (s - i)) / s), t.lighten(r) - } - static getDarkerColor(t, n, r) { - if (t.isDarkerThan(n)) return t - r = r || 0.5 - let i = t.getRelativeLuminance(), - s = n.getRelativeLuminance() - return (r = (r * (i - s)) / i), t.darken(r) - } - static { - this.white = new e(new Je(255, 255, 255, 1)) - } - static { - this.black = new e(new Je(0, 0, 0, 1)) - } - static { - this.red = new e(new Je(255, 0, 0, 1)) - } - static { - this.blue = new e(new Je(0, 0, 255, 1)) - } - static { - this.green = new e(new Je(0, 255, 0, 1)) - } - static { - this.cyan = new e(new Je(0, 255, 255, 1)) - } - static { - this.lightgrey = new e(new Je(211, 211, 211, 1)) - } - static { - this.transparent = new e(new Je(0, 0, 0, 0)) - } - } - ;(function (e) { - let t - ;(function (n) { - let r - ;(function (i) { - function s(v) { - return v.rgba.a === 1 - ? `rgb(${v.rgba.r}, ${v.rgba.g}, ${v.rgba.b})` - : e.Format.CSS.formatRGBA(v) - } - i.formatRGB = s - function o(v) { - return `rgba(${v.rgba.r}, ${v.rgba.g}, ${v.rgba.b}, ${+v.rgba.a.toFixed(2)})` - } - i.formatRGBA = o - function a(v) { - return v.hsla.a === 1 - ? `hsl(${v.hsla.h}, ${(v.hsla.s * 100).toFixed(2)}%, ${(v.hsla.l * 100).toFixed(2)}%)` - : e.Format.CSS.formatHSLA(v) - } - i.formatHSL = a - function u(v) { - return `hsla(${v.hsla.h}, ${(v.hsla.s * 100).toFixed(2)}%, ${(v.hsla.l * 100).toFixed( - 2 - )}%, ${v.hsla.a.toFixed(2)})` - } - i.formatHSLA = u - function l(v) { - let N = v.toString(16) - return N.length !== 2 ? '0' + N : N - } - function c(v) { - return `#${l(v.rgba.r)}${l(v.rgba.g)}${l(v.rgba.b)}` - } - i.formatHex = c - function d(v, N = !1) { - return N && v.rgba.a === 1 - ? e.Format.CSS.formatHex(v) - : `#${l(v.rgba.r)}${l(v.rgba.g)}${l(v.rgba.b)}${l(Math.round(v.rgba.a * 255))}` - } - i.formatHexA = d - function h(v) { - return v.isOpaque() ? e.Format.CSS.formatHex(v) : e.Format.CSS.formatRGBA(v) - } - i.format = h - function m(v) { - let N = v.length - if (N === 0 || v.charCodeAt(0) !== 35) return null - if (N === 7) { - let _ = 16 * g(v.charCodeAt(1)) + g(v.charCodeAt(2)), - w = 16 * g(v.charCodeAt(3)) + g(v.charCodeAt(4)), - C = 16 * g(v.charCodeAt(5)) + g(v.charCodeAt(6)) - return new e(new Je(_, w, C, 1)) - } - if (N === 9) { - let _ = 16 * g(v.charCodeAt(1)) + g(v.charCodeAt(2)), - w = 16 * g(v.charCodeAt(3)) + g(v.charCodeAt(4)), - C = 16 * g(v.charCodeAt(5)) + g(v.charCodeAt(6)), - S = 16 * g(v.charCodeAt(7)) + g(v.charCodeAt(8)) - return new e(new Je(_, w, C, S / 255)) - } - if (N === 4) { - let _ = g(v.charCodeAt(1)), - w = g(v.charCodeAt(2)), - C = g(v.charCodeAt(3)) - return new e(new Je(16 * _ + _, 16 * w + w, 16 * C + C)) - } - if (N === 5) { - let _ = g(v.charCodeAt(1)), - w = g(v.charCodeAt(2)), - C = g(v.charCodeAt(3)), - S = g(v.charCodeAt(4)) - return new e(new Je(16 * _ + _, 16 * w + w, 16 * C + C, (16 * S + S) / 255)) - } - return null - } - i.parseHex = m - function g(v) { - switch (v) { - case 48: - return 0 - case 49: - return 1 - case 50: - return 2 - case 51: - return 3 - case 52: - return 4 - case 53: - return 5 - case 54: - return 6 - case 55: - return 7 - case 56: - return 8 - case 57: - return 9 - case 97: - return 10 - case 65: - return 10 - case 98: - return 11 - case 66: - return 11 - case 99: - return 12 - case 67: - return 12 - case 100: - return 13 - case 68: - return 13 - case 101: - return 14 - case 69: - return 14 - case 102: - return 15 - case 70: - return 15 - } - return 0 - } - })((r = n.CSS || (n.CSS = {}))) - })((t = e.Format || (e.Format = {}))) - })(Ar || (Ar = {})) - function rh(e) { - let t = [] - for (let n of e) { - let r = Number(n) - ;(r || (r === 0 && n.replace(/\s/g, '') !== '')) && t.push(r) - } - return t - } - function ec(e, t, n, r) { - return { red: e / 255, blue: n / 255, green: t / 255, alpha: r } - } - function Vs(e, t) { - let n = t.index, - r = t[0].length - if (!n) return - let i = e.positionAt(n) - return { - startLineNumber: i.lineNumber, - startColumn: i.column, - endLineNumber: i.lineNumber, - endColumn: i.column + r - } - } - function M5(e, t) { - if (!e) return - let n = Ar.Format.CSS.parseHex(t) - if (n) return { range: e, color: ec(n.rgba.r, n.rgba.g, n.rgba.b, n.rgba.a) } - } - function th(e, t, n) { - if (!e || t.length !== 1) return - let i = t[0].values(), - s = rh(i) - return { range: e, color: ec(s[0], s[1], s[2], n ? s[3] : 1) } - } - function nh(e, t, n) { - if (!e || t.length !== 1) return - let i = t[0].values(), - s = rh(i), - o = new Ar(new gn(s[0], s[1] / 100, s[2] / 100, n ? s[3] : 1)) - return { range: e, color: ec(o.rgba.r, o.rgba.g, o.rgba.b, o.rgba.a) } - } - function Us(e, t) { - return typeof e == 'string' ? [...e.matchAll(t)] : e.findMatches(t) - } - function P5(e) { - let t = [], - r = Us( - e, - /\b(rgb|rgba|hsl|hsla)(\([0-9\s,.\%]*\))|(#)([A-Fa-f0-9]{3})\b|(#)([A-Fa-f0-9]{4})\b|(#)([A-Fa-f0-9]{6})\b|(#)([A-Fa-f0-9]{8})\b/gm - ) - if (r.length > 0) - for (let i of r) { - let s = i.filter((l) => l !== void 0), - o = s[1], - a = s[2] - if (!a) continue - let u - if (o === 'rgb') { - let l = - /^\(\s*(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])\s*,\s*(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])\s*,\s*(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])\s*\)$/gm - u = th(Vs(e, i), Us(a, l), !1) - } else if (o === 'rgba') { - let l = - /^\(\s*(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])\s*,\s*(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])\s*,\s*(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])\s*,\s*(0[.][0-9]+|[.][0-9]+|[01][.]|[01])\s*\)$/gm - u = th(Vs(e, i), Us(a, l), !0) - } else if (o === 'hsl') { - let l = - /^\(\s*(36[0]|3[0-5][0-9]|[12][0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])\s*,\s*(100|\d{1,2}[.]\d*|\d{1,2})%\s*,\s*(100|\d{1,2}[.]\d*|\d{1,2})%\s*\)$/gm - u = nh(Vs(e, i), Us(a, l), !1) - } else if (o === 'hsla') { - let l = - /^\(\s*(36[0]|3[0-5][0-9]|[12][0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])\s*,\s*(100|\d{1,2}[.]\d*|\d{1,2})%\s*,\s*(100|\d{1,2}[.]\d*|\d{1,2})%\s*,\s*(0[.][0-9]+|[.][0-9]+|[01][.]|[01])\s*\)$/gm - u = nh(Vs(e, i), Us(a, l), !0) - } else o === '#' && (u = M5(Vs(e, i), o + a)) - u && t.push(u) - } - return t - } - function ih(e) { - return !e || typeof e.getValue != 'function' || typeof e.positionAt != 'function' ? [] : P5(e) - } - var sh = new RegExp('\\bMARK:\\s*(.*)$', 'd'), - B5 = /^-+|-+$/g - function oh(e, t) { - let n = [] - if (t.findRegionSectionHeaders && t.foldingRules?.markers) { - let r = V5(e, t) - n = n.concat(r) - } - if (t.findMarkSectionHeaders) { - let r = U5(e) - n = n.concat(r) - } - return n - } - function V5(e, t) { - let n = [], - r = e.getLineCount() - for (let i = 1; i <= r; i++) { - let s = e.getLineContent(i), - o = s.match(t.foldingRules.markers.start) - if (o) { - let a = { - startLineNumber: i, - startColumn: o[0].length + 1, - endLineNumber: i, - endColumn: s.length + 1 - } - if (a.endColumn > a.startColumn) { - let u = { range: a, ...ah(s.substring(o[0].length)), shouldBeInComments: !1 } - ;(u.text || u.hasSeparatorLine) && n.push(u) - } - } - } - return n - } - function U5(e) { - let t = [], - n = e.getLineCount() - for (let r = 1; r <= n; r++) { - let i = e.getLineContent(r) - $5(i, r, t) - } - return t - } - function $5(e, t, n) { - sh.lastIndex = 0 - let r = sh.exec(e) - if (r) { - let i = r.indices[1][0] + 1, - s = r.indices[1][1] + 1, - o = { startLineNumber: t, startColumn: i, endLineNumber: t, endColumn: s } - if (o.endColumn > o.startColumn) { - let a = { range: o, ...ah(r[1]), shouldBeInComments: !0 } - ;(a.text || a.hasSeparatorLine) && n.push(a) - } - } - } - function ah(e) { - e = e.trim() - let t = e.startsWith('-') - return (e = e.replace(B5, '')), { text: e, hasSeparatorLine: t } - } - var j5 = Symbol('MicrotaskDelay') - var q5, tc - ;(function () { - typeof globalThis.requestIdleCallback != 'function' || - typeof globalThis.cancelIdleCallback != 'function' - ? (tc = (e, t) => { - Uf(() => { - if (n) return - let r = Date.now() + 15 - t( - Object.freeze({ - didTimeout: !0, - timeRemaining() { - return Math.max(0, r - Date.now()) - } - }) - ) - }) - let n = !1 - return { - dispose() { - n || (n = !0) - } - } - }) - : (tc = (e, t, n) => { - let r = e.requestIdleCallback(t, typeof n == 'number' ? { timeout: n } : void 0), - i = !1 - return { - dispose() { - i || ((i = !0), e.cancelIdleCallback(r)) - } - } - }), - (q5 = (e) => tc(globalThis, e)) - })() - var uh - ;(function (e) { - async function t(r) { - let i, - s = await Promise.all( - r.map((o) => - o.then( - (a) => a, - (a) => { - i || (i = a) - } - ) - ) - ) - if (typeof i < 'u') throw i - return s - } - e.settled = t - function n(r) { - return new Promise(async (i, s) => { - try { - await r(i, s) - } catch (o) { - s(o) - } - }) - } - e.withAsyncBody = n - })(uh || (uh = {})) - var lh = class e { - static fromArray(t) { - return new e((n) => { - n.emitMany(t) - }) - } - static fromPromise(t) { - return new e(async (n) => { - n.emitMany(await t) - }) - } - static fromPromises(t) { - return new e(async (n) => { - await Promise.all(t.map(async (r) => n.emitOne(await r))) - }) - } - static merge(t) { - return new e(async (n) => { - await Promise.all( - t.map(async (r) => { - for await (let i of r) n.emitOne(i) - }) - ) - }) - } - static { - this.EMPTY = e.fromArray([]) - } - constructor(t, n) { - ;(this._state = 0), - (this._results = []), - (this._error = null), - (this._onReturn = n), - (this._onStateChanged = new lt()), - queueMicrotask(async () => { - let r = { - emitOne: (i) => this.emitOne(i), - emitMany: (i) => this.emitMany(i), - reject: (i) => this.reject(i) - } - try { - await Promise.resolve(t(r)), this.resolve() - } catch (i) { - this.reject(i) - } finally { - ;(r.emitOne = void 0), (r.emitMany = void 0), (r.reject = void 0) - } - }) - } - [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { - let t = 0 - return { - next: async () => { - do { - if (this._state === 2) throw this._error - if (t < this._results.length) return { done: !1, value: this._results[t++] } - if (this._state === 1) return { done: !0, value: void 0 } - await ui.toPromise(this._onStateChanged.event) - } while (!0) - }, - return: async () => (this._onReturn?.(), { done: !0, value: void 0 }) - } - } - static map(t, n) { - return new e(async (r) => { - for await (let i of t) r.emitOne(n(i)) - }) - } - map(t) { - return e.map(this, t) - } - static filter(t, n) { - return new e(async (r) => { - for await (let i of t) n(i) && r.emitOne(i) - }) - } - filter(t) { - return e.filter(this, t) - } - static coalesce(t) { - return e.filter(t, (n) => !!n) - } - coalesce() { - return e.coalesce(this) - } - static async toPromise(t) { - let n = [] - for await (let r of t) n.push(r) - return n - } - toPromise() { - return e.toPromise(this) - } - emitOne(t) { - this._state === 0 && (this._results.push(t), this._onStateChanged.fire()) - } - emitMany(t) { - this._state === 0 && ((this._results = this._results.concat(t)), this._onStateChanged.fire()) - } - resolve() { - this._state === 0 && ((this._state = 1), this._onStateChanged.fire()) - } - reject(t) { - this._state === 0 && ((this._state = 2), (this._error = t), this._onStateChanged.fire()) - } - } - var Da = class { - constructor(t) { - ;(this.values = t), - (this.prefixSum = new Uint32Array(t.length)), - (this.prefixSumValidIndex = new Int32Array(1)), - (this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] = -1) - } - insertValues(t, n) { - t = _r(t) - let r = this.values, - i = this.prefixSum, - s = n.length - return s === 0 - ? !1 - : ((this.values = new Uint32Array(r.length + s)), - this.values.set(r.subarray(0, t), 0), - this.values.set(r.subarray(t), t + s), - this.values.set(n, t), - t - 1 < this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] && (this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] = t - 1), - (this.prefixSum = new Uint32Array(this.values.length)), - this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] >= 0 && - this.prefixSum.set(i.subarray(0, this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] + 1)), - !0) - } - setValue(t, n) { - return ( - (t = _r(t)), - (n = _r(n)), - this.values[t] === n - ? !1 - : ((this.values[t] = n), - t - 1 < this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] && (this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] = t - 1), - !0) - ) - } - removeValues(t, n) { - ;(t = _r(t)), (n = _r(n)) - let r = this.values, - i = this.prefixSum - if (t >= r.length) return !1 - let s = r.length - t - return ( - n >= s && (n = s), - n === 0 - ? !1 - : ((this.values = new Uint32Array(r.length - n)), - this.values.set(r.subarray(0, t), 0), - this.values.set(r.subarray(t + n), t), - (this.prefixSum = new Uint32Array(this.values.length)), - t - 1 < this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] && (this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] = t - 1), - this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] >= 0 && - this.prefixSum.set(i.subarray(0, this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] + 1)), - !0) - ) - } - getTotalSum() { - return this.values.length === 0 ? 0 : this._getPrefixSum(this.values.length - 1) - } - getPrefixSum(t) { - return t < 0 ? 0 : ((t = _r(t)), this._getPrefixSum(t)) - } - _getPrefixSum(t) { - if (t <= this.prefixSumValidIndex[0]) return this.prefixSum[t] - let n = this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] + 1 - n === 0 && ((this.prefixSum[0] = this.values[0]), n++), - t >= this.values.length && (t = this.values.length - 1) - for (let r = n; r <= t; r++) this.prefixSum[r] = this.prefixSum[r - 1] + this.values[r] - return ( - (this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] = Math.max(this.prefixSumValidIndex[0], t)), this.prefixSum[t] - ) - } - getIndexOf(t) { - ;(t = Math.floor(t)), this.getTotalSum() - let n = 0, - r = this.values.length - 1, - i = 0, - s = 0, - o = 0 - for (; n <= r; ) - if (((i = (n + (r - n) / 2) | 0), (s = this.prefixSum[i]), (o = s - this.values[i]), t < o)) - r = i - 1 - else if (t >= s) n = i + 1 - else break - return new nc(i, t - o) - } - } - var nc = class { - constructor(t, n) { - ;(this.index = t), - (this.remainder = n), - (this._prefixSumIndexOfResultBrand = void 0), - (this.index = t), - (this.remainder = n) - } - } - var va = class { - constructor(t, n, r, i) { - ;(this._uri = t), - (this._lines = n), - (this._eol = r), - (this._versionId = i), - (this._lineStarts = null), - (this._cachedTextValue = null) - } - dispose() { - this._lines.length = 0 - } - get version() { - return this._versionId - } - getText() { - return ( - this._cachedTextValue === null && (this._cachedTextValue = this._lines.join(this._eol)), - this._cachedTextValue - ) - } - onEvents(t) { - t.eol && t.eol !== this._eol && ((this._eol = t.eol), (this._lineStarts = null)) - let n = t.changes - for (let r of n) - this._acceptDeleteRange(r.range), - this._acceptInsertText(new Se(r.range.startLineNumber, r.range.startColumn), r.text) - ;(this._versionId = t.versionId), (this._cachedTextValue = null) - } - _ensureLineStarts() { - if (!this._lineStarts) { - let t = this._eol.length, - n = this._lines.length, - r = new Uint32Array(n) - for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) r[i] = this._lines[i].length + t - this._lineStarts = new Da(r) - } - } - _setLineText(t, n) { - ;(this._lines[t] = n), - this._lineStarts && this._lineStarts.setValue(t, this._lines[t].length + this._eol.length) - } - _acceptDeleteRange(t) { - if (t.startLineNumber === t.endLineNumber) { - if (t.startColumn === t.endColumn) return - this._setLineText( - t.startLineNumber - 1, - this._lines[t.startLineNumber - 1].substring(0, t.startColumn - 1) + - this._lines[t.startLineNumber - 1].substring(t.endColumn - 1) - ) - return - } - this._setLineText( - t.startLineNumber - 1, - this._lines[t.startLineNumber - 1].substring(0, t.startColumn - 1) + - this._lines[t.endLineNumber - 1].substring(t.endColumn - 1) - ), - this._lines.splice(t.startLineNumber, t.endLineNumber - t.startLineNumber), - this._lineStarts && - this._lineStarts.removeValues(t.startLineNumber, t.endLineNumber - t.startLineNumber) - } - _acceptInsertText(t, n) { - if (n.length === 0) return - let r = qf(n) - if (r.length === 1) { - this._setLineText( - t.lineNumber - 1, - this._lines[t.lineNumber - 1].substring(0, t.column - 1) + - r[0] + - this._lines[t.lineNumber - 1].substring(t.column - 1) - ) - return - } - ;(r[r.length - 1] += this._lines[t.lineNumber - 1].substring(t.column - 1)), - this._setLineText( - t.lineNumber - 1, - this._lines[t.lineNumber - 1].substring(0, t.column - 1) + r[0] - ) - let i = new Uint32Array(r.length - 1) - for (let s = 1; s < r.length; s++) - this._lines.splice(t.lineNumber + s - 1, 0, r[s]), - (i[s - 1] = r[s].length + this._eol.length) - this._lineStarts && this._lineStarts.insertValues(t.lineNumber, i) - } - } - var Nx = 60 * 1e3 - var ba = class { - constructor() { - this._models = Object.create(null) - } - getModel(t) { - return this._models[t] - } - getModels() { - let t = [] - return Object.keys(this._models).forEach((n) => t.push(this._models[n])), t - } - $acceptNewModel(t) { - this._models[t.url] = new rc(_t.parse(t.url), t.lines, t.EOL, t.versionId) - } - $acceptModelChanged(t, n) { - if (!this._models[t]) return - this._models[t].onEvents(n) - } - $acceptRemovedModel(t) { - this._models[t] && delete this._models[t] - } - }, - rc = class extends va { - get uri() { - return this._uri - } - get eol() { - return this._eol - } - getValue() { - return this.getText() - } - findMatches(t) { - let n = [] - for (let r = 0; r < this._lines.length; r++) { - let i = this._lines[r], - s = this.offsetAt(new Se(r + 1, 1)), - o = i.matchAll(t) - for (let a of o) (a.index || a.index === 0) && (a.index = a.index + s), n.push(a) - } - return n - } - getLinesContent() { - return this._lines.slice(0) - } - getLineCount() { - return this._lines.length - } - getLineContent(t) { - return this._lines[t - 1] - } - getWordAtPosition(t, n) { - let r = Cs(t.column, ql(n), this._lines[t.lineNumber - 1], 0) - return r ? new oe(t.lineNumber, r.startColumn, t.lineNumber, r.endColumn) : null - } - words(t) { - let n = this._lines, - r = this._wordenize.bind(this), - i = 0, - s = '', - o = 0, - a = [] - return { - *[Symbol.iterator]() { - for (;;) - if (o < a.length) { - let u = s.substring(a[o].start, a[o].end) - ;(o += 1), yield u - } else if (i < n.length) (s = n[i]), (a = r(s, t)), (o = 0), (i += 1) - else break - } - } - } - getLineWords(t, n) { - let r = this._lines[t - 1], - i = this._wordenize(r, n), - s = [] - for (let o of i) - s.push({ - word: r.substring(o.start, o.end), - startColumn: o.start + 1, - endColumn: o.end + 1 - }) - return s - } - _wordenize(t, n) { - let r = [], - i - for (n.lastIndex = 0; (i = n.exec(t)) && i[0].length !== 0; ) - r.push({ start: i.index, end: i.index + i[0].length }) - return r - } - getValueInRange(t) { - if (((t = this._validateRange(t)), t.startLineNumber === t.endLineNumber)) - return this._lines[t.startLineNumber - 1].substring(t.startColumn - 1, t.endColumn - 1) - let n = this._eol, - r = t.startLineNumber - 1, - i = t.endLineNumber - 1, - s = [] - s.push(this._lines[r].substring(t.startColumn - 1)) - for (let o = r + 1; o < i; o++) s.push(this._lines[o]) - return s.push(this._lines[i].substring(0, t.endColumn - 1)), s.join(n) - } - offsetAt(t) { - return ( - (t = this._validatePosition(t)), - this._ensureLineStarts(), - this._lineStarts.getPrefixSum(t.lineNumber - 2) + (t.column - 1) - ) - } - positionAt(t) { - ;(t = Math.floor(t)), (t = Math.max(0, t)), this._ensureLineStarts() - let n = this._lineStarts.getIndexOf(t), - r = this._lines[n.index].length - return { lineNumber: 1 + n.index, column: 1 + Math.min(n.remainder, r) } - } - _validateRange(t) { - let n = this._validatePosition({ lineNumber: t.startLineNumber, column: t.startColumn }), - r = this._validatePosition({ lineNumber: t.endLineNumber, column: t.endColumn }) - return n.lineNumber !== t.startLineNumber || - n.column !== t.startColumn || - r.lineNumber !== t.endLineNumber || - r.column !== t.endColumn - ? { - startLineNumber: n.lineNumber, - startColumn: n.column, - endLineNumber: r.lineNumber, - endColumn: r.column - } - : t - } - _validatePosition(t) { - if (!Se.isIPosition(t)) throw new Error('bad position') - let { lineNumber: n, column: r } = t, - i = !1 - if (n < 1) (n = 1), (r = 1), (i = !0) - else if (n > this._lines.length) - (n = this._lines.length), (r = this._lines[n - 1].length + 1), (i = !0) - else { - let s = this._lines[n - 1].length + 1 - r < 1 ? ((r = 1), (i = !0)) : r > s && ((r = s), (i = !0)) - } - return i ? { lineNumber: n, column: r } : t - } - } - var G5 = !0, - ic = class { - constructor() { - this._workerTextModelSyncServer = new ba() - } - dispose() {} - _getModel(t) { - return this._workerTextModelSyncServer.getModel(t) - } - _getModels() { - return this._workerTextModelSyncServer.getModels() - } - $acceptNewModel(t) { - this._workerTextModelSyncServer.$acceptNewModel(t) - } - $acceptModelChanged(t, n) { - this._workerTextModelSyncServer.$acceptModelChanged(t, n) - } - $acceptRemovedModel(t) { - this._workerTextModelSyncServer.$acceptRemovedModel(t) - } - async $computeUnicodeHighlights(t, n, r) { - let i = this._getModel(t) - return i - ? sa.computeUnicodeHighlights(i, n, r) - : { - ranges: [], - hasMore: !1, - ambiguousCharacterCount: 0, - invisibleCharacterCount: 0, - nonBasicAsciiCharacterCount: 0 - } - } - async $findSectionHeaders(t, n) { - let r = this._getModel(t) - return r ? oh(r, n) : [] - } - async $computeDiff(t, n, r, i) { - let s = this._getModel(t), - o = this._getModel(n) - return !s || !o ? null : Fr.computeDiff(s, o, r, i) - } - static computeDiff(t, n, r, i) { - let s = i === 'advanced' ? Zl.getDefault() : Zl.getLegacy(), - o = t.getLinesContent(), - a = n.getLinesContent(), - u = s.computeDiff(o, a, r), - l = u.changes.length > 0 ? !1 : this._modelsAreIdentical(t, n) - function c(d) { - return d.map((h) => [ - h.original.startLineNumber, - h.original.endLineNumberExclusive, - h.modified.startLineNumber, - h.modified.endLineNumberExclusive, - h.innerChanges?.map((m) => [ - m.originalRange.startLineNumber, - m.originalRange.startColumn, - m.originalRange.endLineNumber, - m.originalRange.endColumn, - m.modifiedRange.startLineNumber, - m.modifiedRange.startColumn, - m.modifiedRange.endLineNumber, - m.modifiedRange.endColumn - ]) - ]) - } - return { - identical: l, - quitEarly: u.hitTimeout, - changes: c(u.changes), - moves: u.moves.map((d) => [ - d.lineRangeMapping.original.startLineNumber, - d.lineRangeMapping.original.endLineNumberExclusive, - d.lineRangeMapping.modified.startLineNumber, - d.lineRangeMapping.modified.endLineNumberExclusive, - c(d.changes) - ]) - } - } - static _modelsAreIdentical(t, n) { - let r = t.getLineCount(), - i = n.getLineCount() - if (r !== i) return !1 - for (let s = 1; s <= r; s++) { - let o = t.getLineContent(s), - a = n.getLineContent(s) - if (o !== a) return !1 - } - return !0 - } - static { - this._diffLimit = 1e5 - } - async $computeMoreMinimalEdits(t, n, r) { - let i = this._getModel(t) - if (!i) return n - let s = [], - o - n = n.slice(0).sort((u, l) => { - if (u.range && l.range) return oe.compareRangesUsingStarts(u.range, l.range) - let c = u.range ? 0 : 1, - d = l.range ? 0 : 1 - return c - d - }) - let a = 0 - for (let u = 1; u < n.length; u++) - oe.getEndPosition(n[a].range).equals(oe.getStartPosition(n[u].range)) - ? ((n[a].range = oe.fromPositions( - oe.getStartPosition(n[a].range), - oe.getEndPosition(n[u].range) - )), - (n[a].text += n[u].text)) - : (a++, (n[a] = n[u])) - n.length = a + 1 - for (let { range: u, text: l, eol: c } of n) { - if ((typeof c == 'number' && (o = c), oe.isEmpty(u) && !l)) continue - let d = i.getValueInRange(u) - if (((l = l.replace(/\r\n|\n|\r/g, i.eol)), d === l)) continue - if (Math.max(l.length, d.length) > Fr._diffLimit) { - s.push({ range: u, text: l }) - continue - } - let h = fd(d, l, r), - m = i.offsetAt(oe.lift(u).getStartPosition()) - for (let g of h) { - let v = i.positionAt(m + g.originalStart), - N = i.positionAt(m + g.originalStart + g.originalLength), - _ = { - text: l.substr(g.modifiedStart, g.modifiedLength), - range: { - startLineNumber: v.lineNumber, - startColumn: v.column, - endLineNumber: N.lineNumber, - endColumn: N.column - } - } - i.getValueInRange(_.range) !== _.text && s.push(_) - } - } - return ( - typeof o == 'number' && - s.push({ - eol: o, - text: '', - range: { startLineNumber: 0, startColumn: 0, endLineNumber: 0, endColumn: 0 } - }), - s - ) - } - async $computeLinks(t) { - let n = this._getModel(t) - return n ? dd(n) : null - } - async $computeDefaultDocumentColors(t) { - let n = this._getModel(t) - return n ? ih(n) : null - } - static { - this._suggestionsLimit = 1e4 - } - async $textualSuggest(t, n, r, i) { - let s = new oi(), - o = new RegExp(r, i), - a = new Set() - e: for (let u of t) { - let l = this._getModel(u) - if (l) { - for (let c of l.words(o)) - if (!(c === n || !isNaN(Number(c))) && (a.add(c), a.size > Fr._suggestionsLimit)) - break e - } - } - return { words: Array.from(a), duration: s.elapsed() } - } - async $computeWordRanges(t, n, r, i) { - let s = this._getModel(t) - if (!s) return Object.create(null) - let o = new RegExp(r, i), - a = Object.create(null) - for (let u = n.startLineNumber; u < n.endLineNumber; u++) { - let l = s.getLineWords(u, o) - for (let c of l) { - if (!isNaN(Number(c.word))) continue - let d = a[c.word] - d || ((d = []), (a[c.word] = d)), - d.push({ - startLineNumber: u, - startColumn: c.startColumn, - endLineNumber: u, - endColumn: c.endColumn - }) - } - } - return a - } - async $navigateValueSet(t, n, r, i, s) { - let o = this._getModel(t) - if (!o) return null - let a = new RegExp(i, s) - n.startColumn === n.endColumn && - (n = { - startLineNumber: n.startLineNumber, - startColumn: n.startColumn, - endLineNumber: n.endLineNumber, - endColumn: n.endColumn + 1 - }) - let u = o.getValueInRange(n), - l = o.getWordAtPosition({ lineNumber: n.startLineNumber, column: n.startColumn }, a) - if (!l) return null - let c = o.getValueInRange(l) - return Qo.INSTANCE.navigateValueSet(n, u, l, c, r) - } - }, - Fr = class extends ic { - constructor(t, n) { - super(), (this._host = t), (this._foreignModuleFactory = n), (this._foreignModule = null) - } - async $ping() { - return 'pong' - } - $loadForeignModule(t, n, r) { - let o = { - host: Tp(r, (a, u) => this._host.$fhr(a, u)), - getMirrorModels: () => this._getModels() - } - return this._foreignModuleFactory - ? ((this._foreignModule = this._foreignModuleFactory(o, n)), - Promise.resolve($l(this._foreignModule))) - : new Promise((a, u) => { - let l = (c) => { - ;(this._foreignModule = c.create(o, n)), a($l(this._foreignModule)) - } - G5 - ? import(`${jo.asBrowserUri(`${t}.js`).toString(!0)}`) - .then(l) - .catch(u) - : Ff([`${t}`], l, u) - }) - } - $fmr(t, n) { - if (!this._foreignModule || typeof this._foreignModule[t] != 'function') - return Promise.reject(new Error('Missing requestHandler or method: ' + t)) - try { - return Promise.resolve(this._foreignModule[t].apply(this._foreignModule, n)) - } catch (r) { - return Promise.reject(r) - } - } - } - typeof importScripts == 'function' && (globalThis.monaco = yp()) - var sc = !1 - function oc(e) { - if (sc) return - sc = !0 - let t = new Go( - (n) => { - globalThis.postMessage(n) - }, - (n) => new Fr(ws.getChannel(n), e) - ) - globalThis.onmessage = (n) => { - t.onmessage(n.data) - } - } - globalThis.onmessage = (e) => { - sc || oc(null) - } - function pe(e, t) { - if (!!!e) throw new Error(t) - } - function Nt(e) { - return typeof e == 'object' && e !== null - } - function Ge(e, t) { - if (!!!e) throw new Error(t ?? 'Unexpected invariant triggered.') - } - var H5 = /\r\n|[\n\r]/g - function Ei(e, t) { - let n = 0, - r = 1 - for (let i of e.body.matchAll(H5)) { - if ((typeof i.index == 'number' || Ge(!1), i.index >= t)) break - ;(n = i.index + i[0].length), (r += 1) - } - return { line: r, column: t + 1 - n } - } - function ac(e) { - return Ea(e.source, Ei(e.source, e.start)) - } - function Ea(e, t) { - let n = e.locationOffset.column - 1, - r = ''.padStart(n) + e.body, - i = t.line - 1, - s = e.locationOffset.line - 1, - o = t.line + s, - a = t.line === 1 ? n : 0, - u = t.column + a, - l = `${e.name}:${o}:${u} -`, - c = r.split(/\r\n|[\n\r]/g), - d = c[i] - if (d.length > 120) { - let h = Math.floor(u / 80), - m = u % 80, - g = [] - for (let v = 0; v < d.length; v += 80) g.push(d.slice(v, v + 80)) - return ( - l + - ch([ - [`${o} |`, g[0]], - ...g.slice(1, h + 1).map((v) => ['|', v]), - ['|', '^'.padStart(m)], - ['|', g[h + 1]] - ]) - ) - } - return ( - l + - ch([ - [`${o - 1} |`, c[i - 1]], - [`${o} |`, d], - ['|', '^'.padStart(u)], - [`${o + 1} |`, c[i + 1]] - ]) - ) - } - function ch(e) { - let t = e.filter(([r, i]) => i !== void 0), - n = Math.max(...t.map(([r]) => r.length)) - return t.map(([r, i]) => r.padStart(n) + (i ? ' ' + i : '')).join(` -`) - } - function W5(e) { - let t = e[0] - return t == null || 'kind' in t || 'length' in t - ? { - nodes: t, - source: e[1], - positions: e[2], - path: e[3], - originalError: e[4], - extensions: e[5] - } - : t - } - var O = class e extends Error { - constructor(t, ...n) { - var r, i, s - let { nodes: o, source: a, positions: u, path: l, originalError: c, extensions: d } = W5(n) - super(t), - (this.name = 'GraphQLError'), - (this.path = l ?? void 0), - (this.originalError = c ?? void 0), - (this.nodes = fh(Array.isArray(o) ? o : o ? [o] : void 0)) - let h = fh( - (r = this.nodes) === null || r === void 0 - ? void 0 - : r.map((g) => g.loc).filter((g) => g != null) - ) - ;(this.source = a ?? (h == null || (i = h[0]) === null || i === void 0 ? void 0 : i.source)), - (this.positions = u ?? h?.map((g) => g.start)), - (this.locations = u && a ? u.map((g) => Ei(a, g)) : h?.map((g) => Ei(g.source, g.start))) - let m = Nt(c?.extensions) ? c?.extensions : void 0 - ;(this.extensions = (s = d ?? m) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : Object.create(null)), - Object.defineProperties(this, { - message: { writable: !0, enumerable: !0 }, - name: { enumerable: !1 }, - nodes: { enumerable: !1 }, - source: { enumerable: !1 }, - positions: { enumerable: !1 }, - originalError: { enumerable: !1 } - }), - c != null && c.stack - ? Object.defineProperty(this, 'stack', { value: c.stack, writable: !0, configurable: !0 }) - : Error.captureStackTrace - ? Error.captureStackTrace(this, e) - : Object.defineProperty(this, 'stack', { - value: Error().stack, - writable: !0, - configurable: !0 - }) - } - get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { - return 'GraphQLError' - } - toString() { - let t = this.message - if (this.nodes) - for (let n of this.nodes) - n.loc && - (t += - ` - -` + ac(n.loc)) - else if (this.source && this.locations) - for (let n of this.locations) - t += - ` - -` + Ea(this.source, n) - return t - } - toJSON() { - let t = { message: this.message } - return ( - this.locations != null && (t.locations = this.locations), - this.path != null && (t.path = this.path), - this.extensions != null && - Object.keys(this.extensions).length > 0 && - (t.extensions = this.extensions), - t - ) - } - } - function fh(e) { - return e === void 0 || e.length === 0 ? void 0 : e - } - function Xe(e, t, n) { - return new O(`Syntax Error: ${n}`, { source: e, positions: [t] }) - } - var $s = class { - constructor(t, n, r) { - ;(this.start = t.start), - (this.end = n.end), - (this.startToken = t), - (this.endToken = n), - (this.source = r) - } - get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { - return 'Location' - } - toJSON() { - return { start: this.start, end: this.end } - } - }, - yi = class { - constructor(t, n, r, i, s, o) { - ;(this.kind = t), - (this.start = n), - (this.end = r), - (this.line = i), - (this.column = s), - (this.value = o), - (this.prev = null), - (this.next = null) - } - get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { - return 'Token' - } - toJSON() { - return { kind: this.kind, value: this.value, line: this.line, column: this.column } - } - }, - uc = { - Name: [], - Document: ['definitions'], - OperationDefinition: ['name', 'variableDefinitions', 'directives', 'selectionSet'], - VariableDefinition: ['variable', 'type', 'defaultValue', 'directives'], - Variable: ['name'], - SelectionSet: ['selections'], - Field: ['alias', 'name', 'arguments', 'directives', 'selectionSet'], - Argument: ['name', 'value'], - FragmentSpread: ['name', 'directives'], - InlineFragment: ['typeCondition', 'directives', 'selectionSet'], - FragmentDefinition: [ - 'name', - 'variableDefinitions', - 'typeCondition', - 'directives', - 'selectionSet' - ], - IntValue: [], - FloatValue: [], - StringValue: [], - BooleanValue: [], - NullValue: [], - EnumValue: [], - ListValue: ['values'], - ObjectValue: ['fields'], - ObjectField: ['name', 'value'], - Directive: ['name', 'arguments'], - NamedType: ['name'], - ListType: ['type'], - NonNullType: ['type'], - SchemaDefinition: ['description', 'directives', 'operationTypes'], - OperationTypeDefinition: ['type'], - ScalarTypeDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'directives'], - ObjectTypeDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'interfaces', 'directives', 'fields'], - FieldDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'arguments', 'type', 'directives'], - InputValueDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'type', 'defaultValue', 'directives'], - InterfaceTypeDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'interfaces', 'directives', 'fields'], - UnionTypeDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'directives', 'types'], - EnumTypeDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'directives', 'values'], - EnumValueDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'directives'], - InputObjectTypeDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'directives', 'fields'], - DirectiveDefinition: ['description', 'name', 'arguments', 'locations'], - SchemaExtension: ['directives', 'operationTypes'], - ScalarTypeExtension: ['name', 'directives'], - ObjectTypeExtension: ['name', 'interfaces', 'directives', 'fields'], - InterfaceTypeExtension: ['name', 'interfaces', 'directives', 'fields'], - UnionTypeExtension: ['name', 'directives', 'types'], - EnumTypeExtension: ['name', 'directives', 'values'], - InputObjectTypeExtension: ['name', 'directives', 'fields'] - }, - Q5 = new Set(Object.keys(uc)) - function js(e) { - let t = e?.kind - return typeof t == 'string' && Q5.has(t) - } - var st - ;(function (e) { - ;(e.QUERY = 'query'), (e.MUTATION = 'mutation'), (e.SUBSCRIPTION = 'subscription') - })(st || (st = {})) - var K - ;(function (e) { - ;(e.QUERY = 'QUERY'), - (e.MUTATION = 'MUTATION'), - (e.SUBSCRIPTION = 'SUBSCRIPTION'), - (e.FIELD = 'FIELD'), - (e.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION = 'FRAGMENT_DEFINITION'), - (e.FRAGMENT_SPREAD = 'FRAGMENT_SPREAD'), - (e.INLINE_FRAGMENT = 'INLINE_FRAGMENT'), - (e.VARIABLE_DEFINITION = 'VARIABLE_DEFINITION'), - (e.SCHEMA = 'SCHEMA'), - (e.SCALAR = 'SCALAR'), - (e.OBJECT = 'OBJECT'), - (e.FIELD_DEFINITION = 'FIELD_DEFINITION'), - (e.ARGUMENT_DEFINITION = 'ARGUMENT_DEFINITION'), - (e.INTERFACE = 'INTERFACE'), - (e.UNION = 'UNION'), - (e.ENUM = 'ENUM'), - (e.ENUM_VALUE = 'ENUM_VALUE'), - (e.INPUT_OBJECT = 'INPUT_OBJECT'), - (e.INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION = 'INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION') - })(K || (K = {})) - var E - ;(function (e) { - ;(e.NAME = 'Name'), - (e.DOCUMENT = 'Document'), - (e.OPERATION_DEFINITION = 'OperationDefinition'), - (e.VARIABLE_DEFINITION = 'VariableDefinition'), - (e.SELECTION_SET = 'SelectionSet'), - (e.FIELD = 'Field'), - (e.ARGUMENT = 'Argument'), - (e.FRAGMENT_SPREAD = 'FragmentSpread'), - (e.INLINE_FRAGMENT = 'InlineFragment'), - (e.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION = 'FragmentDefinition'), - (e.VARIABLE = 'Variable'), - (e.INT = 'IntValue'), - (e.FLOAT = 'FloatValue'), - (e.STRING = 'StringValue'), - (e.BOOLEAN = 'BooleanValue'), - (e.NULL = 'NullValue'), - (e.ENUM = 'EnumValue'), - (e.LIST = 'ListValue'), - (e.OBJECT = 'ObjectValue'), - (e.OBJECT_FIELD = 'ObjectField'), - (e.DIRECTIVE = 'Directive'), - (e.NAMED_TYPE = 'NamedType'), - (e.LIST_TYPE = 'ListType'), - (e.NON_NULL_TYPE = 'NonNullType'), - (e.SCHEMA_DEFINITION = 'SchemaDefinition'), - (e.OPERATION_TYPE_DEFINITION = 'OperationTypeDefinition'), - (e.SCALAR_TYPE_DEFINITION = 'ScalarTypeDefinition'), - (e.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION = 'ObjectTypeDefinition'), - (e.FIELD_DEFINITION = 'FieldDefinition'), - (e.INPUT_VALUE_DEFINITION = 'InputValueDefinition'), - (e.INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION = 'InterfaceTypeDefinition'), - (e.UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION = 'UnionTypeDefinition'), - (e.ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION = 'EnumTypeDefinition'), - (e.ENUM_VALUE_DEFINITION = 'EnumValueDefinition'), - (e.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION = 'InputObjectTypeDefinition'), - (e.DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION = 'DirectiveDefinition'), - (e.SCHEMA_EXTENSION = 'SchemaExtension'), - (e.SCALAR_TYPE_EXTENSION = 'ScalarTypeExtension'), - (e.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION = 'ObjectTypeExtension'), - (e.INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION = 'InterfaceTypeExtension'), - (e.UNION_TYPE_EXTENSION = 'UnionTypeExtension'), - (e.ENUM_TYPE_EXTENSION = 'EnumTypeExtension'), - (e.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION = 'InputObjectTypeExtension') - })(E || (E = {})) - function ya(e) { - return e === 9 || e === 32 - } - function xi(e) { - return e >= 48 && e <= 57 - } - function dh(e) { - return (e >= 97 && e <= 122) || (e >= 65 && e <= 90) - } - function qs(e) { - return dh(e) || e === 95 - } - function xa(e) { - return dh(e) || xi(e) || e === 95 - } - function ph(e) { - var t - let n = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, - r = null, - i = -1 - for (let o = 0; o < e.length; ++o) { - var s - let a = e[o], - u = z5(a) - u !== a.length && - ((r = (s = r) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : o), (i = o), o !== 0 && u < n && (n = u)) - } - return e - .map((o, a) => (a === 0 ? o : o.slice(n))) - .slice((t = r) !== null && t !== void 0 ? t : 0, i + 1) - } - function z5(e) { - let t = 0 - for (; t < e.length && ya(e.charCodeAt(t)); ) ++t - return t - } - function hh(e, t) { - let n = e.replace(/"""/g, '\\"""'), - r = n.split(/\r\n|[\n\r]/g), - i = r.length === 1, - s = r.length > 1 && r.slice(1).every((m) => m.length === 0 || ya(m.charCodeAt(0))), - o = n.endsWith('\\"""'), - a = e.endsWith('"') && !o, - u = e.endsWith('\\'), - l = a || u, - c = !(t != null && t.minimize) && (!i || e.length > 70 || l || s || o), - d = '', - h = i && ya(e.charCodeAt(0)) - return ( - ((c && !h) || s) && - (d += ` -`), - (d += n), - (c || l) && - (d += ` -`), - '"""' + d + '"""' - ) - } - var U - ;(function (e) { - ;(e.SOF = ''), - (e.EOF = ''), - (e.BANG = '!'), - (e.DOLLAR = '$'), - (e.AMP = '&'), - (e.PAREN_L = '('), - (e.PAREN_R = ')'), - (e.SPREAD = '...'), - (e.COLON = ':'), - (e.EQUALS = '='), - (e.AT = '@'), - (e.BRACKET_L = '['), - (e.BRACKET_R = ']'), - (e.BRACE_L = '{'), - (e.PIPE = '|'), - (e.BRACE_R = '}'), - (e.NAME = 'Name'), - (e.INT = 'Int'), - (e.FLOAT = 'Float'), - (e.STRING = 'String'), - (e.BLOCK_STRING = 'BlockString'), - (e.COMMENT = 'Comment') - })(U || (U = {})) - var Hs = class { - constructor(t) { - let n = new yi(U.SOF, 0, 0, 0, 0) - ;(this.source = t), - (this.lastToken = n), - (this.token = n), - (this.line = 1), - (this.lineStart = 0) - } - get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { - return 'Lexer' - } - advance() { - return (this.lastToken = this.token), (this.token = this.lookahead()) - } - lookahead() { - let t = this.token - if (t.kind !== U.EOF) - do - if (t.next) t = t.next - else { - let n = Y5(this, t.end) - ;(t.next = n), (n.prev = t), (t = n) - } - while (t.kind === U.COMMENT) - return t - } - } - function gh(e) { - return ( - e === U.BANG || - e === U.DOLLAR || - e === U.AMP || - e === U.PAREN_L || - e === U.PAREN_R || - e === U.SPREAD || - e === U.COLON || - e === U.EQUALS || - e === U.AT || - e === U.BRACKET_L || - e === U.BRACKET_R || - e === U.BRACE_L || - e === U.PIPE || - e === U.BRACE_R - ) - } - function _i(e) { - return (e >= 0 && e <= 55295) || (e >= 57344 && e <= 1114111) - } - function _a(e, t) { - return Dh(e.charCodeAt(t)) && vh(e.charCodeAt(t + 1)) - } - function Dh(e) { - return e >= 55296 && e <= 56319 - } - function vh(e) { - return e >= 56320 && e <= 57343 - } - function wr(e, t) { - let n = e.source.body.codePointAt(t) - if (n === void 0) return U.EOF - if (n >= 32 && n <= 126) { - let r = String.fromCodePoint(n) - return r === '"' ? `'"'` : `"${r}"` - } - return 'U+' + n.toString(16).toUpperCase().padStart(4, '0') - } - function ot(e, t, n, r, i) { - let s = e.line, - o = 1 + n - e.lineStart - return new yi(t, n, r, s, o, i) - } - function Y5(e, t) { - let n = e.source.body, - r = n.length, - i = t - for (; i < r; ) { - let s = n.charCodeAt(i) - switch (s) { - case 65279: - case 9: - case 32: - case 44: - ++i - continue - case 10: - ++i, ++e.line, (e.lineStart = i) - continue - case 13: - n.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 10 ? (i += 2) : ++i, ++e.line, (e.lineStart = i) - continue - case 35: - return J5(e, i) - case 33: - return ot(e, U.BANG, i, i + 1) - case 36: - return ot(e, U.DOLLAR, i, i + 1) - case 38: - return ot(e, U.AMP, i, i + 1) - case 40: - return ot(e, U.PAREN_L, i, i + 1) - case 41: - return ot(e, U.PAREN_R, i, i + 1) - case 46: - if (n.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 46 && n.charCodeAt(i + 2) === 46) - return ot(e, U.SPREAD, i, i + 3) - break - case 58: - return ot(e, U.COLON, i, i + 1) - case 61: - return ot(e, U.EQUALS, i, i + 1) - case 64: - return ot(e, U.AT, i, i + 1) - case 91: - return ot(e, U.BRACKET_L, i, i + 1) - case 93: - return ot(e, U.BRACKET_R, i, i + 1) - case 123: - return ot(e, U.BRACE_L, i, i + 1) - case 124: - return ot(e, U.PIPE, i, i + 1) - case 125: - return ot(e, U.BRACE_R, i, i + 1) - case 34: - return n.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 34 && n.charCodeAt(i + 2) === 34 ? n7(e, i) : K5(e, i) - } - if (xi(s) || s === 45) return X5(e, i, s) - if (qs(s)) return r7(e, i) - throw Xe( - e.source, - i, - s === 39 - ? `Unexpected single quote character ('), did you mean to use a double quote (")?` - : _i(s) || _a(n, i) - ? `Unexpected character: ${wr(e, i)}.` - : `Invalid character: ${wr(e, i)}.` - ) - } - return ot(e, U.EOF, r, r) - } - function J5(e, t) { - let n = e.source.body, - r = n.length, - i = t + 1 - for (; i < r; ) { - let s = n.charCodeAt(i) - if (s === 10 || s === 13) break - if (_i(s)) ++i - else if (_a(n, i)) i += 2 - else break - } - return ot(e, U.COMMENT, t, i, n.slice(t + 1, i)) - } - function X5(e, t, n) { - let r = e.source.body, - i = t, - s = n, - o = !1 - if ((s === 45 && (s = r.charCodeAt(++i)), s === 48)) { - if (((s = r.charCodeAt(++i)), xi(s))) - throw Xe(e.source, i, `Invalid number, unexpected digit after 0: ${wr(e, i)}.`) - } else (i = lc(e, i, s)), (s = r.charCodeAt(i)) - if ( - (s === 46 && ((o = !0), (s = r.charCodeAt(++i)), (i = lc(e, i, s)), (s = r.charCodeAt(i))), - (s === 69 || s === 101) && - ((o = !0), - (s = r.charCodeAt(++i)), - (s === 43 || s === 45) && (s = r.charCodeAt(++i)), - (i = lc(e, i, s)), - (s = r.charCodeAt(i))), - s === 46 || qs(s)) - ) - throw Xe(e.source, i, `Invalid number, expected digit but got: ${wr(e, i)}.`) - return ot(e, o ? U.FLOAT : U.INT, t, i, r.slice(t, i)) - } - function lc(e, t, n) { - if (!xi(n)) throw Xe(e.source, t, `Invalid number, expected digit but got: ${wr(e, t)}.`) - let r = e.source.body, - i = t + 1 - for (; xi(r.charCodeAt(i)); ) ++i - return i - } - function K5(e, t) { - let n = e.source.body, - r = n.length, - i = t + 1, - s = i, - o = '' - for (; i < r; ) { - let a = n.charCodeAt(i) - if (a === 34) return (o += n.slice(s, i)), ot(e, U.STRING, t, i + 1, o) - if (a === 92) { - o += n.slice(s, i) - let u = - n.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 117 - ? n.charCodeAt(i + 2) === 123 - ? Z5(e, i) - : e7(e, i) - : t7(e, i) - ;(o += u.value), (i += u.size), (s = i) - continue - } - if (a === 10 || a === 13) break - if (_i(a)) ++i - else if (_a(n, i)) i += 2 - else throw Xe(e.source, i, `Invalid character within String: ${wr(e, i)}.`) - } - throw Xe(e.source, i, 'Unterminated string.') - } - function Z5(e, t) { - let n = e.source.body, - r = 0, - i = 3 - for (; i < 12; ) { - let s = n.charCodeAt(t + i++) - if (s === 125) { - if (i < 5 || !_i(r)) break - return { value: String.fromCodePoint(r), size: i } - } - if (((r = (r << 4) | Gs(s)), r < 0)) break - } - throw Xe(e.source, t, `Invalid Unicode escape sequence: "${n.slice(t, t + i)}".`) - } - function e7(e, t) { - let n = e.source.body, - r = mh(n, t + 2) - if (_i(r)) return { value: String.fromCodePoint(r), size: 6 } - if (Dh(r) && n.charCodeAt(t + 6) === 92 && n.charCodeAt(t + 7) === 117) { - let i = mh(n, t + 8) - if (vh(i)) return { value: String.fromCodePoint(r, i), size: 12 } - } - throw Xe(e.source, t, `Invalid Unicode escape sequence: "${n.slice(t, t + 6)}".`) - } - function mh(e, t) { - return ( - (Gs(e.charCodeAt(t)) << 12) | - (Gs(e.charCodeAt(t + 1)) << 8) | - (Gs(e.charCodeAt(t + 2)) << 4) | - Gs(e.charCodeAt(t + 3)) - ) - } - function Gs(e) { - return e >= 48 && e <= 57 - ? e - 48 - : e >= 65 && e <= 70 - ? e - 55 - : e >= 97 && e <= 102 - ? e - 87 - : -1 - } - function t7(e, t) { - let n = e.source.body - switch (n.charCodeAt(t + 1)) { - case 34: - return { value: '"', size: 2 } - case 92: - return { value: '\\', size: 2 } - case 47: - return { value: '/', size: 2 } - case 98: - return { value: '\b', size: 2 } - case 102: - return { value: '\f', size: 2 } - case 110: - return { - value: ` -`, - size: 2 - } - case 114: - return { value: '\r', size: 2 } - case 116: - return { value: ' ', size: 2 } - } - throw Xe(e.source, t, `Invalid character escape sequence: "${n.slice(t, t + 2)}".`) - } - function n7(e, t) { - let n = e.source.body, - r = n.length, - i = e.lineStart, - s = t + 3, - o = s, - a = '', - u = [] - for (; s < r; ) { - let l = n.charCodeAt(s) - if (l === 34 && n.charCodeAt(s + 1) === 34 && n.charCodeAt(s + 2) === 34) { - ;(a += n.slice(o, s)), u.push(a) - let c = ot( - e, - U.BLOCK_STRING, - t, - s + 3, - ph(u).join(` -`) - ) - return (e.line += u.length - 1), (e.lineStart = i), c - } - if ( - l === 92 && - n.charCodeAt(s + 1) === 34 && - n.charCodeAt(s + 2) === 34 && - n.charCodeAt(s + 3) === 34 - ) { - ;(a += n.slice(o, s)), (o = s + 1), (s += 4) - continue - } - if (l === 10 || l === 13) { - ;(a += n.slice(o, s)), - u.push(a), - l === 13 && n.charCodeAt(s + 1) === 10 ? (s += 2) : ++s, - (a = ''), - (o = s), - (i = s) - continue - } - if (_i(l)) ++s - else if (_a(n, s)) s += 2 - else throw Xe(e.source, s, `Invalid character within String: ${wr(e, s)}.`) - } - throw Xe(e.source, s, 'Unterminated string.') - } - function r7(e, t) { - let n = e.source.body, - r = n.length, - i = t + 1 - for (; i < r; ) { - let s = n.charCodeAt(i) - if (xa(s)) ++i - else break - } - return ot(e, U.NAME, t, i, n.slice(t, i)) - } - function q(e) { - return Na(e, []) - } - function Na(e, t) { - switch (typeof e) { - case 'string': - return JSON.stringify(e) - case 'function': - return e.name ? `[function ${e.name}]` : '[function]' - case 'object': - return i7(e, t) - default: - return String(e) - } - } - function i7(e, t) { - if (e === null) return 'null' - if (t.includes(e)) return '[Circular]' - let n = [...t, e] - if (s7(e)) { - let r = e.toJSON() - if (r !== e) return typeof r == 'string' ? r : Na(r, n) - } else if (Array.isArray(e)) return a7(e, n) - return o7(e, n) - } - function s7(e) { - return typeof e.toJSON == 'function' - } - function o7(e, t) { - let n = Object.entries(e) - return n.length === 0 - ? '{}' - : t.length > 2 - ? '[' + u7(e) + ']' - : '{ ' + n.map(([i, s]) => i + ': ' + Na(s, t)).join(', ') + ' }' - } - function a7(e, t) { - if (e.length === 0) return '[]' - if (t.length > 2) return '[Array]' - let n = Math.min(10, e.length), - r = e.length - n, - i = [] - for (let s = 0; s < n; ++s) i.push(Na(e[s], t)) - return ( - r === 1 ? i.push('... 1 more item') : r > 1 && i.push(`... ${r} more items`), - '[' + i.join(', ') + ']' - ) - } - function u7(e) { - let t = Object.prototype.toString - .call(e) - .replace(/^\[object /, '') - .replace(/]$/, '') - if (t === 'Object' && typeof e.constructor == 'function') { - let n = e.constructor.name - if (typeof n == 'string' && n !== '') return n - } - return t - } - var l7 = globalThis.process && !0, - Lt = l7 - ? function (t, n) { - return t instanceof n - } - : function (t, n) { - if (t instanceof n) return !0 - if (typeof t == 'object' && t !== null) { - var r - let i = n.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag], - s = - Symbol.toStringTag in t - ? t[Symbol.toStringTag] - : (r = t.constructor) === null || r === void 0 - ? void 0 - : r.name - if (i === s) { - let o = q(t) - throw new Error(`Cannot use ${i} "${o}" from another module or realm. ->>>>>>> main - -Ensure that there is only one instance of "graphql" in the node_modules -directory. If different versions of "graphql" are the dependencies of other -relied on modules, use "resolutions" to ensure only one version is installed. - -https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/selective-version-resolutions - -Duplicate "graphql" modules cannot be used at the same time since different -versions may have different capabilities and behavior. The data from one -version used in the function from another could produce confusing and -<<<<<<< HEAD spurious results.`)}}return!1},Sf=class{constructor(f,D="GraphQL request",b={line:1,column:1}){typeof f=="string"||zu(!1,`Body must be a string. Received: ${Tf(f)}.`),this.body=f,this.name=D,this.locationOffset=b,this.locationOffset.line>0||zu(!1,"line in locationOffset is 1-indexed and must be positive."),this.locationOffset.column>0||zu(!1,"column in locationOffset is 1-indexed and must be positive.")}get[Symbol.toStringTag](){return"Source"}};function Gg(f){return qg(f,Sf)}function Hg(f,D){return new Wg(f,D).parseDocument()}var Wg=class{constructor(f,D={}){let b=Gg(f)?f:new Sf(f);this._lexer=new Ag(b),this._options=D,this._tokenCounter=0}parseName(){let f=this.expectToken(j.NAME);return this.node(f,{kind:ue.NAME,value:f.value})}parseDocument(){return this.node(this._lexer.token,{kind:ue.DOCUMENT,definitions:this.many(j.SOF,this.parseDefinition,j.EOF)})}parseDefinition(){if(this.peek(j.BRACE_L))return this.parseOperationDefinition();let f=this.peekDescription(),D=f?this._lexer.lookahead():this._lexer.token;if(D.kind===j.NAME){switch(D.value){case"schema":return this.parseSchemaDefinition();case"scalar":return this.parseScalarTypeDefinition();case"type":return this.parseObjectTypeDefinition();case"interface":return this.parseInterfaceTypeDefinition();case"union":return this.parseUnionTypeDefinition();case"enum":return this.parseEnumTypeDefinition();case"input":return this.parseInputObjectTypeDefinition();case"directive":return this.parseDirectiveDefinition()}if(f)throw ft(this._lexer.source,this._lexer.token.start,"Unexpected description, descriptions are supported only on type definitions.");switch(D.value){case"query":case"mutation":case"subscription":return this.parseOperationDefinition();case"fragment":return this.parseFragmentDefinition();case"extend":return this.parseTypeSystemExtension()}}throw this.unexpected(D)}parseOperationDefinition(){let f=this._lexer.token;if(this.peek(j.BRACE_L))return this.node(f,{kind:ue.OPERATION_DEFINITION,operation:ei.QUERY,name:void 0,variableDefinitions:[],directives:[],selectionSet:this.parseSelectionSet()});let D=this.parseOperationType(),b;return this.peek(j.NAME)&&(b=this.parseName()),this.node(f,{kind:ue.OPERATION_DEFINITION,operation:D,name:b,variableDefinitions:this.parseVariableDefinitions(),directives:this.parseDirectives(!1),selectionSet:this.parseSelectionSet()})}parseOperationType(){let f=this.expectToken(j.NAME);switch(f.value){case"query":return ei.QUERY;case"mutation":return ei.MUTATION;case"subscription":return ei.SUBSCRIPTION}throw this.unexpected(f)}parseVariableDefinitions(){return this.optionalMany(j.PAREN_L,this.parseVariableDefinition,j.PAREN_R)}parseVariableDefinition(){return this.node(this._lexer.token,{kind:ue.VARIABLE_DEFINITION,variable:this.parseVariable(),type:(this.expectToken(j.COLON),this.parseTypeReference()),defaultValue:this.expectOptionalToken(j.EQUALS)?this.parseConstValueLiteral():void 0,directives:this.parseConstDirectives()})}parseVariable(){let f=this._lexer.token;return this.expectToken(j.DOLLAR),this.node(f,{kind:ue.VARIABLE,name:this.parseName()})}parseSelectionSet(){return this.node(this._lexer.token,{kind:ue.SELECTION_SET,selections:this.many(j.BRACE_L,this.parseSelection,j.BRACE_R)})}parseSelection(){return this.peek(j.SPREAD)?this.parseFragment():this.parseField()}parseField(){let f=this._lexer.token,D=this.parseName(),b,x;return this.expectOptionalToken(j.COLON)?(b=D,x=this.parseName()):x=D,this.node(f,{kind:ue.FIELD,alias:b,name:x,arguments:this.parseArguments(!1),directives:this.parseDirectives(!1),selectionSet:this.peek(j.BRACE_L)?this.parseSelectionSet():void 0})}parseArguments(f){let D=f?this.parseConstArgument:this.parseArgument;return this.optionalMany(j.PAREN_L,D,j.PAREN_R)}parseArgument(f=!1){let D=this._lexer.token,b=this.parseName();return this.expectToken(j.COLON),this.node(D,{kind:ue.ARGUMENT,name:b,value:this.parseValueLiteral(f)})}parseConstArgument(){return this.parseArgument(!0)}parseFragment(){let f=this._lexer.token;this.expectToken(j.SPREAD);let D=this.expectOptionalKeyword("on");return!D&&this.peek(j.NAME)?this.node(f,{kind:ue.FRAGMENT_SPREAD,name:this.parseFragmentName(),directives:this.parseDirectives(!1)}):this.node(f,{kind:ue.INLINE_FRAGMENT,typeCondition:D?this.parseNamedType():void 0,directives:this.parseDirectives(!1),selectionSet:this.parseSelectionSet()})}parseFragmentDefinition(){let f=this._lexer.token;return this.expectKeyword("fragment"),this._options.allowLegacyFragmentVariables===!0?this.node(f,{kind:ue.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION,name:this.parseFragmentName(),variableDefinitions:this.parseVariableDefinitions(),typeCondition:(this.expectKeyword("on"),this.parseNamedType()),directives:this.parseDirectives(!1),selectionSet:this.parseSelectionSet()}):this.node(f,{kind:ue.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION,name:this.parseFragmentName(),typeCondition:(this.expectKeyword("on"),this.parseNamedType()),directives:this.parseDirectives(!1),selectionSet:this.parseSelectionSet()})}parseFragmentName(){if(this._lexer.token.value==="on")throw this.unexpected();return this.parseName()}parseValueLiteral(f){let D=this._lexer.token;switch(D.kind){case j.BRACKET_L:return this.parseList(f);case j.BRACE_L:return this.parseObject(f);case j.INT:return this.advanceLexer(),this.node(D,{kind:ue.INT,value:D.value});case j.FLOAT:return this.advanceLexer(),this.node(D,{kind:ue.FLOAT,value:D.value});case j.STRING:case j.BLOCK_STRING:return this.parseStringLiteral();case j.NAME:switch(this.advanceLexer(),D.value){case"true":return this.node(D,{kind:ue.BOOLEAN,value:!0});case"false":return this.node(D,{kind:ue.BOOLEAN,value:!1});case"null":return this.node(D,{kind:ue.NULL});default:return this.node(D,{kind:ue.ENUM,value:D.value})}case j.DOLLAR:if(f)if(this.expectToken(j.DOLLAR),this._lexer.token.kind===j.NAME){let b=this._lexer.token.value;throw ft(this._lexer.source,D.start,`Unexpected variable "$${b}" in constant value.`)}else throw this.unexpected(D);return this.parseVariable();default:throw this.unexpected()}}parseConstValueLiteral(){return this.parseValueLiteral(!0)}parseStringLiteral(){let f=this._lexer.token;return this.advanceLexer(),this.node(f,{kind:ue.STRING,value:f.value,block:f.kind===j.BLOCK_STRING})}parseList(f){let D=()=>this.parseValueLiteral(f);return this.node(this._lexer.token,{kind:ue.LIST,values:this.any(j.BRACKET_L,D,j.BRACKET_R)})}parseObject(f){let D=()=>this.parseObjectField(f);return this.node(this._lexer.token,{kind:ue.OBJECT,fields:this.any(j.BRACE_L,D,j.BRACE_R)})}parseObjectField(f){let D=this._lexer.token,b=this.parseName();return this.expectToken(j.COLON),this.node(D,{kind:ue.OBJECT_FIELD,name:b,value:this.parseValueLiteral(f)})}parseDirectives(f){let D=[];for(;this.peek(j.AT);)D.push(this.parseDirective(f));return D}parseConstDirectives(){return this.parseDirectives(!0)}parseDirective(f){let D=this._lexer.token;return this.expectToken(j.AT),this.node(D,{kind:ue.DIRECTIVE,name:this.parseName(),arguments:this.parseArguments(f)})}parseTypeReference(){let f=this._lexer.token,D;if(this.expectOptionalToken(j.BRACKET_L)){let b=this.parseTypeReference();this.expectToken(j.BRACKET_R),D=this.node(f,{kind:ue.LIST_TYPE,type:b})}else D=this.parseNamedType();return this.expectOptionalToken(j.BANG)?this.node(f,{kind:ue.NON_NULL_TYPE,type:D}):D}parseNamedType(){return this.node(this._lexer.token,{kind:ue.NAMED_TYPE,name:this.parseName()})}peekDescription(){return this.peek(j.STRING)||this.peek(j.BLOCK_STRING)}parseDescription(){if(this.peekDescription())return this.parseStringLiteral()}parseSchemaDefinition(){let f=this._lexer.token,D=this.parseDescription();this.expectKeyword("schema");let b=this.parseConstDirectives(),x=this.many(j.BRACE_L,this.parseOperationTypeDefinition,j.BRACE_R);return this.node(f,{kind:ue.SCHEMA_DEFINITION,description:D,directives:b,operationTypes:x})}parseOperationTypeDefinition(){let f=this._lexer.token,D=this.parseOperationType();this.expectToken(j.COLON);let b=this.parseNamedType();return this.node(f,{kind:ue.OPERATION_TYPE_DEFINITION,operation:D,type:b})}parseScalarTypeDefinition(){let f=this._lexer.token,D=this.parseDescription();this.expectKeyword("scalar");let b=this.parseName(),x=this.parseConstDirectives();return this.node(f,{kind:ue.SCALAR_TYPE_DEFINITION,description:D,name:b,directives:x})}parseObjectTypeDefinition(){let f=this._lexer.token,D=this.parseDescription();this.expectKeyword("type");let b=this.parseName(),x=this.parseImplementsInterfaces(),y=this.parseConstDirectives(),V=this.parseFieldsDefinition();return this.node(f,{kind:ue.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION,description:D,name:b,interfaces:x,directives:y,fields:V})}parseImplementsInterfaces(){return this.expectOptionalKeyword("implements")?this.delimitedMany(j.AMP,this.parseNamedType):[]}parseFieldsDefinition(){return this.optionalMany(j.BRACE_L,this.parseFieldDefinition,j.BRACE_R)}parseFieldDefinition(){let f=this._lexer.token,D=this.parseDescription(),b=this.parseName(),x=this.parseArgumentDefs();this.expectToken(j.COLON);let y=this.parseTypeReference(),V=this.parseConstDirectives();return this.node(f,{kind:ue.FIELD_DEFINITION,description:D,name:b,arguments:x,type:y,directives:V})}parseArgumentDefs(){return this.optionalMany(j.PAREN_L,this.parseInputValueDef,j.PAREN_R)}parseInputValueDef(){let f=this._lexer.token,D=this.parseDescription(),b=this.parseName();this.expectToken(j.COLON);let x=this.parseTypeReference(),y;this.expectOptionalToken(j.EQUALS)&&(y=this.parseConstValueLiteral());let V=this.parseConstDirectives();return this.node(f,{kind:ue.INPUT_VALUE_DEFINITION,description:D,name:b,type:x,defaultValue:y,directives:V})}parseInterfaceTypeDefinition(){let f=this._lexer.token,D=this.parseDescription();this.expectKeyword("interface");let b=this.parseName(),x=this.parseImplementsInterfaces(),y=this.parseConstDirectives(),V=this.parseFieldsDefinition();return this.node(f,{kind:ue.INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION,description:D,name:b,interfaces:x,directives:y,fields:V})}parseUnionTypeDefinition(){let f=this._lexer.token,D=this.parseDescription();this.expectKeyword("union");let b=this.parseName(),x=this.parseConstDirectives(),y=this.parseUnionMemberTypes();return this.node(f,{kind:ue.UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION,description:D,name:b,directives:x,types:y})}parseUnionMemberTypes(){return this.expectOptionalToken(j.EQUALS)?this.delimitedMany(j.PIPE,this.parseNamedType):[]}parseEnumTypeDefinition(){let f=this._lexer.token,D=this.parseDescription();this.expectKeyword("enum");let b=this.parseName(),x=this.parseConstDirectives(),y=this.parseEnumValuesDefinition();return this.node(f,{kind:ue.ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION,description:D,name:b,directives:x,values:y})}parseEnumValuesDefinition(){return this.optionalMany(j.BRACE_L,this.parseEnumValueDefinition,j.BRACE_R)}parseEnumValueDefinition(){let f=this._lexer.token,D=this.parseDescription(),b=this.parseEnumValueName(),x=this.parseConstDirectives();return this.node(f,{kind:ue.ENUM_VALUE_DEFINITION,description:D,name:b,directives:x})}parseEnumValueName(){if(this._lexer.token.value==="true"||this._lexer.token.value==="false"||this._lexer.token.value==="null")throw ft(this._lexer.source,this._lexer.token.start,`${Ao(this._lexer.token)} is reserved and cannot be used for an enum value.`);return this.parseName()}parseInputObjectTypeDefinition(){let f=this._lexer.token,D=this.parseDescription();this.expectKeyword("input");let b=this.parseName(),x=this.parseConstDirectives(),y=this.parseInputFieldsDefinition();return this.node(f,{kind:ue.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION,description:D,name:b,directives:x,fields:y})}parseInputFieldsDefinition(){return this.optionalMany(j.BRACE_L,this.parseInputValueDef,j.BRACE_R)}parseTypeSystemExtension(){let f=this._lexer.lookahead();if(f.kind===j.NAME)switch(f.value){case"schema":return this.parseSchemaExtension();case"scalar":return this.parseScalarTypeExtension();case"type":return this.parseObjectTypeExtension();case"interface":return this.parseInterfaceTypeExtension();case"union":return this.parseUnionTypeExtension();case"enum":return this.parseEnumTypeExtension();case"input":return this.parseInputObjectTypeExtension()}throw this.unexpected(f)}parseSchemaExtension(){let f=this._lexer.token;this.expectKeyword("extend"),this.expectKeyword("schema");let D=this.parseConstDirectives(),b=this.optionalMany(j.BRACE_L,this.parseOperationTypeDefinition,j.BRACE_R);if(D.length===0&&b.length===0)throw this.unexpected();return this.node(f,{kind:ue.SCHEMA_EXTENSION,directives:D,operationTypes:b})}parseScalarTypeExtension(){let f=this._lexer.token;this.expectKeyword("extend"),this.expectKeyword("scalar");let D=this.parseName(),b=this.parseConstDirectives();if(b.length===0)throw this.unexpected();return this.node(f,{kind:ue.SCALAR_TYPE_EXTENSION,name:D,directives:b})}parseObjectTypeExtension(){let f=this._lexer.token;this.expectKeyword("extend"),this.expectKeyword("type");let D=this.parseName(),b=this.parseImplementsInterfaces(),x=this.parseConstDirectives(),y=this.parseFieldsDefinition();if(b.length===0&&x.length===0&&y.length===0)throw this.unexpected();return this.node(f,{kind:ue.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION,name:D,interfaces:b,directives:x,fields:y})}parseInterfaceTypeExtension(){let f=this._lexer.token;this.expectKeyword("extend"),this.expectKeyword("interface");let D=this.parseName(),b=this.parseImplementsInterfaces(),x=this.parseConstDirectives(),y=this.parseFieldsDefinition();if(b.length===0&&x.length===0&&y.length===0)throw this.unexpected();return this.node(f,{kind:ue.INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION,name:D,interfaces:b,directives:x,fields:y})}parseUnionTypeExtension(){let f=this._lexer.token;this.expectKeyword("extend"),this.expectKeyword("union");let D=this.parseName(),b=this.parseConstDirectives(),x=this.parseUnionMemberTypes();if(b.length===0&&x.length===0)throw this.unexpected();return this.node(f,{kind:ue.UNION_TYPE_EXTENSION,name:D,directives:b,types:x})}parseEnumTypeExtension(){let f=this._lexer.token;this.expectKeyword("extend"),this.expectKeyword("enum");let D=this.parseName(),b=this.parseConstDirectives(),x=this.parseEnumValuesDefinition();if(b.length===0&&x.length===0)throw this.unexpected();return this.node(f,{kind:ue.ENUM_TYPE_EXTENSION,name:D,directives:b,values:x})}parseInputObjectTypeExtension(){let f=this._lexer.token;this.expectKeyword("extend"),this.expectKeyword("input");let D=this.parseName(),b=this.parseConstDirectives(),x=this.parseInputFieldsDefinition();if(b.length===0&&x.length===0)throw this.unexpected();return this.node(f,{kind:ue.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION,name:D,directives:b,fields:x})}parseDirectiveDefinition(){let f=this._lexer.token,D=this.parseDescription();this.expectKeyword("directive"),this.expectToken(j.AT);let b=this.parseName(),x=this.parseArgumentDefs(),y=this.expectOptionalKeyword("repeatable");this.expectKeyword("on");let V=this.parseDirectiveLocations();return this.node(f,{kind:ue.DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION,description:D,name:b,arguments:x,repeatable:y,locations:V})}parseDirectiveLocations(){return this.delimitedMany(j.PIPE,this.parseDirectiveLocation)}parseDirectiveLocation(){let f=this._lexer.token,D=this.parseName();if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Wu,D.value))return D;throw this.unexpected(f)}node(f,D){return this._options.noLocation!==!0&&(D.loc=new Zr(f,this._lexer.lastToken,this._lexer.source)),D}peek(f){return this._lexer.token.kind===f}expectToken(f){let D=this._lexer.token;if(D.kind===f)return this.advanceLexer(),D;throw ft(this._lexer.source,D.start,`Expected ${Af(f)}, found ${Ao(D)}.`)}expectOptionalToken(f){return this._lexer.token.kind===f?(this.advanceLexer(),!0):!1}expectKeyword(f){let D=this._lexer.token;if(D.kind===j.NAME&&D.value===f)this.advanceLexer();else throw ft(this._lexer.source,D.start,`Expected "${f}", found ${Ao(D)}.`)}expectOptionalKeyword(f){let D=this._lexer.token;return D.kind===j.NAME&&D.value===f?(this.advanceLexer(),!0):!1}unexpected(f){let D=f??this._lexer.token;return ft(this._lexer.source,D.start,`Unexpected ${Ao(D)}.`)}any(f,D,b){this.expectToken(f);let x=[];for(;!this.expectOptionalToken(b);)x.push(D.call(this));return x}optionalMany(f,D,b){if(this.expectOptionalToken(f)){let x=[];do x.push(D.call(this));while(!this.expectOptionalToken(b));return x}return[]}many(f,D,b){this.expectToken(f);let x=[];do x.push(D.call(this));while(!this.expectOptionalToken(b));return x}delimitedMany(f,D){this.expectOptionalToken(f);let b=[];do b.push(D.call(this));while(this.expectOptionalToken(f));return b}advanceLexer(){let{maxTokens:f}=this._options,D=this._lexer.advance();if(f!==void 0&&D.kind!==j.EOF&&(++this._tokenCounter,this._tokenCounter>f))throw ft(this._lexer.source,D.start,`Document contains more that ${f} tokens. Parsing aborted.`)}};function Ao(f){let D=f.value;return Af(f.kind)+(D!=null?` "${D}"`:"")}function Af(f){return Fg(f)?`"${f}"`:f}function Qg(f,D){let b=new SyntaxError(f+" ("+D.loc.start.line+":"+D.loc.start.column+")");return Object.assign(b,D)}var zg=Qg;function Yg(f){let D=[],{startToken:b,endToken:x}=f.loc;for(let y=b;y!==x;y=y.next)y.kind==="Comment"&&D.push({...y,loc:{start:y.start,end:y.end}});return D}var Jg={allowLegacyFragmentVariables:!0};function Xg(f){if(f?.name==="GraphQLError"){let{message:D,locations:[b]}=f;return zg(D,{loc:{start:b},cause:f})}return f}function Kg(f){let D;try{D=Hg(f,Jg)}catch(b){throw Xg(b)}return D.comments=Yg(D),D}var Zg={parse:Kg,astFormat:"graphql",hasPragma:rg,locStart:df,locEnd:pf},e4={graphql:dg};return o(a)})});var Ku=class{constructor(){this.listeners=[],this.unexpectedErrorHandler=function(t){setTimeout(()=>{throw t.stack?ms.isErrorNoTelemetry(t)?new ms(t.message+` `+t.stack):new Error(t.message+` @@ -18137,9373 +154,3 @@ ${u}`:e;try{a=Kt(l)}catch(c){if(c instanceof O){let d=Tu((o=(s=c.locations)===nu `),ut(e,"Deprecated: "),ut(e,r))}function ut(e,t){e.push(t)}var Fm=Xu(Am());var S1=(e,t)=>{let{schema:n,documentAST:r,introspectionJSON:i,introspectionJSONString:s,buildSchemaOptions:o,documentString:a}=e;if(n)return n;if(s){let u=JSON.parse(s);return io(u,o)}if(a&&t){let u=t(a);return so(u,o)}if(i)return io(i,o);if(r)return so(r,o);throw new Error("no schema supplied")};var BD=new Map,Cu=class{_parser=Kt;_schemas=[];_schemaCache=BD;_schemaLoader=S1;_parseOptions=void 0;_customValidationRules=void 0;_externalFragmentDefinitionNodes=null;_externalFragmentDefinitionsString=null;_completionSettings;constructor({parser:t,schemas:n,parseOptions:r,externalFragmentDefinitions:i,customValidationRules:s,fillLeafsOnComplete:o,completionSettings:a}){this._schemaLoader=S1,n&&(this._schemas=n,this._cacheSchemas()),t&&(this._parser=t),this._completionSettings={...a,fillLeafsOnComplete:a?.fillLeafsOnComplete??o},r&&(this._parseOptions=r),s&&(this._customValidationRules=s),i&&(Array.isArray(i)?this._externalFragmentDefinitionNodes=i:this._externalFragmentDefinitionsString=i)}_cacheSchemas(){for(let t of this._schemas)this._cacheSchema(t)}_cacheSchema(t){let n=this._schemaLoader(t,this.parse.bind(this));return this._schemaCache.set(t.uri,{...t,schema:n})}getSchemaForFile(t){if(!this._schemas?.length)return;if(this._schemas.length===1)return this._schemaCache.get(this._schemas[0].uri);let n=this._schemas.find(r=>r.fileMatch?r.fileMatch.some(i=>(0,Fm.default)(i)(t)):!1);if(n){let r=this._schemaCache.get(n.uri);return r||this._cacheSchema(n).get(n.uri)}}getExternalFragmentDefinitions(){if(!this._externalFragmentDefinitionNodes&&this._externalFragmentDefinitionsString){let t=[];try{ht(this._parser(this._externalFragmentDefinitionsString),{FragmentDefinition(n){t.push(n)}})}catch{throw new Error(`Failed parsing externalFragmentDefinitions string: ${this._externalFragmentDefinitionsString}`)}this._externalFragmentDefinitionNodes=t}return this._externalFragmentDefinitionNodes}async updateSchemas(t){this._schemas=t,this._cacheSchemas()}updateSchema(t){let n=this._schemas.findIndex(r=>r.uri===t.uri);if(n<0){console.warn("updateSchema could not find a schema in your config by that URI",t.uri);return}this._schemas[n]=t,this._cacheSchema(t)}addSchema(t){this._schemas.push(t),this._cacheSchema(t)}parse(t,n){return this._parser(t,n||this._parseOptions)}getCompletion=(t,n,r)=>{let i=this.getSchemaForFile(t);return!n||n.length<1||!i?.schema?[]:f1(i.schema,n,r,void 0,this.getExternalFragmentDefinitions(),{uri:t,...this._completionSettings})};getDiagnostics=(t,n,r)=>{let i=this.getSchemaForFile(t);return!n||n.trim().length<2||!i?.schema?[]:v1(n,i.schema,r??this._customValidationRules,!1,this.getExternalFragmentDefinitions())};getHover=(t,n,r,i)=>{let s=this.getSchemaForFile(t);if(s&&n?.length>3)return Su(s.schema,n,r,void 0,{useMarkdown:!0,...i})};getVariablesJSONSchema=(t,n,r)=>{let i=this.getSchemaForFile(t);if(i&&n.length>3)try{let s=this.parse(n),o=xu(s,i.schema);if(o?.variableToType)return bu(o.variableToType,{...r,scalarSchemas:i.customScalarSchemas})}catch{}return null}};function A1(e){return{startLineNumber:e.start.line+1,startColumn:e.start.character+1,endLineNumber:e.end.line+1,endColumn:e.end.character+1}}function F1(e){return new Yt(e.lineNumber-1,e.column-1)}function wm(e,t){let n={label:e.label,insertText:e?.insertText,sortText:e.sortText,filterText:e?.filterText,documentation:e.documentation,detail:e.detail,range:t?A1(t):void 0,kind:e.kind};return e.insertTextFormat&&(n.insertTextFormat=e.insertTextFormat),e.insertTextMode&&(n.insertTextMode=e.insertTextMode),e.command&&(n.command={...e.command,id:e.command.command}),e.labelDetails&&(n.labelDetails=e.labelDetails),n}function Lm(e){return{startLineNumber:e.range.start.line+1,endLineNumber:e.range.end.line+1,startColumn:e.range.start.character+1,endColumn:e.range.end.character,message:e.message,severity:5,code:e.code||void 0}}var Gu=class{_ctx;_languageService;_formattingOptions;constructor(t,n){this._ctx=t,this._languageService=new Cu(n.languageConfig),this._formattingOptions=n.formattingOptions}async doValidation(t){try{let r=this._getTextModel(t)?.getValue();return r?this._languageService.getDiagnostics(t,r).map(Lm):[]}catch(n){return console.error(n),[]}}async doComplete(t,n){try{let i=this._getTextModel(t)?.getValue();if(!i)return[];let s=F1(n);return this._languageService.getCompletion(t,i,s).map(a=>wm(a))}catch(r){return console.error(r),[]}}async doHover(t,n){try{let i=this._getTextModel(t)?.getValue();if(!i)return null;let s=F1(n);return{content:this._languageService.getHover(t,i,s),range:A1(Tu({column:s.character,line:s.line},i))}}catch(r){return console.error(r),null}}async doGetVariablesJSONSchema(t){let n=this._getTextModel(t),r=n?.getValue();if(!n||!r)return null;let i=this._languageService.getVariablesJSONSchema(t,r,{useMarkdownDescription:!0});return i?(i.$id="monaco://variables-schema.json",i.title="GraphQL Variables",i):null}async doFormat(t){let n=this._getTextModel(t),r=n?.getValue();if(!n||!r)return null;let i=await Promise.resolve().then(()=>(X2(),J2)),s=await Promise.resolve().then(()=>Xu(eg()));return i.format(r,{parser:"graphql",plugins:[s],...this._formattingOptions?.prettierConfig})}_getTextModel(t){let n=this._ctx.getMirrorModels();for(let r of n)if(r.uri.toString()===t)return r;return null}doUpdateSchema(t){return this._languageService.updateSchema(t)}doUpdateSchemas(t){return this._languageService.updateSchemas(t)}};self.onmessage=()=>{oc((e,t)=>new Gu(e,t))};})(); -======= -spurious results.`) - } - } - return !1 - } - var Ni = class { - constructor(t, n = 'GraphQL request', r = { line: 1, column: 1 }) { - typeof t == 'string' || pe(!1, `Body must be a string. Received: ${q(t)}.`), - (this.body = t), - (this.name = n), - (this.locationOffset = r), - this.locationOffset.line > 0 || - pe(!1, 'line in locationOffset is 1-indexed and must be positive.'), - this.locationOffset.column > 0 || - pe(!1, 'column in locationOffset is 1-indexed and must be positive.') - } - get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { - return 'Source' - } - } - function bh(e) { - return Lt(e, Ni) - } - function Kt(e, t) { - return new Sa(e, t).parseDocument() - } - function Aa(e, t) { - let n = new Sa(e, t) - n.expectToken(U.SOF) - let r = n.parseValueLiteral(!1) - return n.expectToken(U.EOF), r - } - var Sa = class { - constructor(t, n = {}) { - let r = bh(t) ? t : new Ni(t) - ;(this._lexer = new Hs(r)), (this._options = n), (this._tokenCounter = 0) - } - parseName() { - let t = this.expectToken(U.NAME) - return this.node(t, { kind: E.NAME, value: t.value }) - } - parseDocument() { - return this.node(this._lexer.token, { - kind: E.DOCUMENT, - definitions: this.many(U.SOF, this.parseDefinition, U.EOF) - }) - } - parseDefinition() { - if (this.peek(U.BRACE_L)) return this.parseOperationDefinition() - let t = this.peekDescription(), - n = t ? this._lexer.lookahead() : this._lexer.token - if (n.kind === U.NAME) { - switch (n.value) { - case 'schema': - return this.parseSchemaDefinition() - case 'scalar': - return this.parseScalarTypeDefinition() - case 'type': - return this.parseObjectTypeDefinition() - case 'interface': - return this.parseInterfaceTypeDefinition() - case 'union': - return this.parseUnionTypeDefinition() - case 'enum': - return this.parseEnumTypeDefinition() - case 'input': - return this.parseInputObjectTypeDefinition() - case 'directive': - return this.parseDirectiveDefinition() - } - if (t) - throw Xe( - this._lexer.source, - this._lexer.token.start, - 'Unexpected description, descriptions are supported only on type definitions.' - ) - switch (n.value) { - case 'query': - case 'mutation': - case 'subscription': - return this.parseOperationDefinition() - case 'fragment': - return this.parseFragmentDefinition() - case 'extend': - return this.parseTypeSystemExtension() - } - } - throw this.unexpected(n) - } - parseOperationDefinition() { - let t = this._lexer.token - if (this.peek(U.BRACE_L)) - return this.node(t, { - kind: E.OPERATION_DEFINITION, - operation: st.QUERY, - name: void 0, - variableDefinitions: [], - directives: [], - selectionSet: this.parseSelectionSet() - }) - let n = this.parseOperationType(), - r - return ( - this.peek(U.NAME) && (r = this.parseName()), - this.node(t, { - kind: E.OPERATION_DEFINITION, - operation: n, - name: r, - variableDefinitions: this.parseVariableDefinitions(), - directives: this.parseDirectives(!1), - selectionSet: this.parseSelectionSet() - }) - ) - } - parseOperationType() { - let t = this.expectToken(U.NAME) - switch (t.value) { - case 'query': - return st.QUERY - case 'mutation': - return st.MUTATION - case 'subscription': - return st.SUBSCRIPTION - } - throw this.unexpected(t) - } - parseVariableDefinitions() { - return this.optionalMany(U.PAREN_L, this.parseVariableDefinition, U.PAREN_R) - } - parseVariableDefinition() { - return this.node(this._lexer.token, { - kind: E.VARIABLE_DEFINITION, - variable: this.parseVariable(), - type: (this.expectToken(U.COLON), this.parseTypeReference()), - defaultValue: this.expectOptionalToken(U.EQUALS) ? this.parseConstValueLiteral() : void 0, - directives: this.parseConstDirectives() - }) - } - parseVariable() { - let t = this._lexer.token - return this.expectToken(U.DOLLAR), this.node(t, { kind: E.VARIABLE, name: this.parseName() }) - } - parseSelectionSet() { - return this.node(this._lexer.token, { - kind: E.SELECTION_SET, - selections: this.many(U.BRACE_L, this.parseSelection, U.BRACE_R) - }) - } - parseSelection() { - return this.peek(U.SPREAD) ? this.parseFragment() : this.parseField() - } - parseField() { - let t = this._lexer.token, - n = this.parseName(), - r, - i - return ( - this.expectOptionalToken(U.COLON) ? ((r = n), (i = this.parseName())) : (i = n), - this.node(t, { - kind: E.FIELD, - alias: r, - name: i, - arguments: this.parseArguments(!1), - directives: this.parseDirectives(!1), - selectionSet: this.peek(U.BRACE_L) ? this.parseSelectionSet() : void 0 - }) - ) - } - parseArguments(t) { - let n = t ? this.parseConstArgument : this.parseArgument - return this.optionalMany(U.PAREN_L, n, U.PAREN_R) - } - parseArgument(t = !1) { - let n = this._lexer.token, - r = this.parseName() - return ( - this.expectToken(U.COLON), - this.node(n, { kind: E.ARGUMENT, name: r, value: this.parseValueLiteral(t) }) - ) - } - parseConstArgument() { - return this.parseArgument(!0) - } - parseFragment() { - let t = this._lexer.token - this.expectToken(U.SPREAD) - let n = this.expectOptionalKeyword('on') - return !n && this.peek(U.NAME) - ? this.node(t, { - kind: E.FRAGMENT_SPREAD, - name: this.parseFragmentName(), - directives: this.parseDirectives(!1) - }) - : this.node(t, { - kind: E.INLINE_FRAGMENT, - typeCondition: n ? this.parseNamedType() : void 0, - directives: this.parseDirectives(!1), - selectionSet: this.parseSelectionSet() - }) - } - parseFragmentDefinition() { - let t = this._lexer.token - return ( - this.expectKeyword('fragment'), - this._options.allowLegacyFragmentVariables === !0 - ? this.node(t, { - kind: E.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION, - name: this.parseFragmentName(), - variableDefinitions: this.parseVariableDefinitions(), - typeCondition: (this.expectKeyword('on'), this.parseNamedType()), - directives: this.parseDirectives(!1), - selectionSet: this.parseSelectionSet() - }) - : this.node(t, { - kind: E.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION, - name: this.parseFragmentName(), - typeCondition: (this.expectKeyword('on'), this.parseNamedType()), - directives: this.parseDirectives(!1), - selectionSet: this.parseSelectionSet() - }) - ) - } - parseFragmentName() { - if (this._lexer.token.value === 'on') throw this.unexpected() - return this.parseName() - } - parseValueLiteral(t) { - let n = this._lexer.token - switch (n.kind) { - case U.BRACKET_L: - return this.parseList(t) - case U.BRACE_L: - return this.parseObject(t) - case U.INT: - return this.advanceLexer(), this.node(n, { kind: E.INT, value: n.value }) - case U.FLOAT: - return this.advanceLexer(), this.node(n, { kind: E.FLOAT, value: n.value }) - case U.STRING: - case U.BLOCK_STRING: - return this.parseStringLiteral() - case U.NAME: - switch ((this.advanceLexer(), n.value)) { - case 'true': - return this.node(n, { kind: E.BOOLEAN, value: !0 }) - case 'false': - return this.node(n, { kind: E.BOOLEAN, value: !1 }) - case 'null': - return this.node(n, { kind: E.NULL }) - default: - return this.node(n, { kind: E.ENUM, value: n.value }) - } - case U.DOLLAR: - if (t) - if ((this.expectToken(U.DOLLAR), this._lexer.token.kind === U.NAME)) { - let r = this._lexer.token.value - throw Xe( - this._lexer.source, - n.start, - `Unexpected variable "$${r}" in constant value.` - ) - } else throw this.unexpected(n) - return this.parseVariable() - default: - throw this.unexpected() - } - } - parseConstValueLiteral() { - return this.parseValueLiteral(!0) - } - parseStringLiteral() { - let t = this._lexer.token - return ( - this.advanceLexer(), - this.node(t, { kind: E.STRING, value: t.value, block: t.kind === U.BLOCK_STRING }) - ) - } - parseList(t) { - let n = () => this.parseValueLiteral(t) - return this.node(this._lexer.token, { - kind: E.LIST, - values: this.any(U.BRACKET_L, n, U.BRACKET_R) - }) - } - parseObject(t) { - let n = () => this.parseObjectField(t) - return this.node(this._lexer.token, { - kind: E.OBJECT, - fields: this.any(U.BRACE_L, n, U.BRACE_R) - }) - } - parseObjectField(t) { - let n = this._lexer.token, - r = this.parseName() - return ( - this.expectToken(U.COLON), - this.node(n, { kind: E.OBJECT_FIELD, name: r, value: this.parseValueLiteral(t) }) - ) - } - parseDirectives(t) { - let n = [] - for (; this.peek(U.AT); ) n.push(this.parseDirective(t)) - return n - } - parseConstDirectives() { - return this.parseDirectives(!0) - } - parseDirective(t) { - let n = this._lexer.token - return ( - this.expectToken(U.AT), - this.node(n, { - kind: E.DIRECTIVE, - name: this.parseName(), - arguments: this.parseArguments(t) - }) - ) - } - parseTypeReference() { - let t = this._lexer.token, - n - if (this.expectOptionalToken(U.BRACKET_L)) { - let r = this.parseTypeReference() - this.expectToken(U.BRACKET_R), (n = this.node(t, { kind: E.LIST_TYPE, type: r })) - } else n = this.parseNamedType() - return this.expectOptionalToken(U.BANG) ? this.node(t, { kind: E.NON_NULL_TYPE, type: n }) : n - } - parseNamedType() { - return this.node(this._lexer.token, { kind: E.NAMED_TYPE, name: this.parseName() }) - } - peekDescription() { - return this.peek(U.STRING) || this.peek(U.BLOCK_STRING) - } - parseDescription() { - if (this.peekDescription()) return this.parseStringLiteral() - } - parseSchemaDefinition() { - let t = this._lexer.token, - n = this.parseDescription() - this.expectKeyword('schema') - let r = this.parseConstDirectives(), - i = this.many(U.BRACE_L, this.parseOperationTypeDefinition, U.BRACE_R) - return this.node(t, { - kind: E.SCHEMA_DEFINITION, - description: n, - directives: r, - operationTypes: i - }) - } - parseOperationTypeDefinition() { - let t = this._lexer.token, - n = this.parseOperationType() - this.expectToken(U.COLON) - let r = this.parseNamedType() - return this.node(t, { kind: E.OPERATION_TYPE_DEFINITION, operation: n, type: r }) - } - parseScalarTypeDefinition() { - let t = this._lexer.token, - n = this.parseDescription() - this.expectKeyword('scalar') - let r = this.parseName(), - i = this.parseConstDirectives() - return this.node(t, { - kind: E.SCALAR_TYPE_DEFINITION, - description: n, - name: r, - directives: i - }) - } - parseObjectTypeDefinition() { - let t = this._lexer.token, - n = this.parseDescription() - this.expectKeyword('type') - let r = this.parseName(), - i = this.parseImplementsInterfaces(), - s = this.parseConstDirectives(), - o = this.parseFieldsDefinition() - return this.node(t, { - kind: E.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION, - description: n, - name: r, - interfaces: i, - directives: s, - fields: o - }) - } - parseImplementsInterfaces() { - return this.expectOptionalKeyword('implements') - ? this.delimitedMany(U.AMP, this.parseNamedType) - : [] - } - parseFieldsDefinition() { - return this.optionalMany(U.BRACE_L, this.parseFieldDefinition, U.BRACE_R) - } - parseFieldDefinition() { - let t = this._lexer.token, - n = this.parseDescription(), - r = this.parseName(), - i = this.parseArgumentDefs() - this.expectToken(U.COLON) - let s = this.parseTypeReference(), - o = this.parseConstDirectives() - return this.node(t, { - kind: E.FIELD_DEFINITION, - description: n, - name: r, - arguments: i, - type: s, - directives: o - }) - } - parseArgumentDefs() { - return this.optionalMany(U.PAREN_L, this.parseInputValueDef, U.PAREN_R) - } - parseInputValueDef() { - let t = this._lexer.token, - n = this.parseDescription(), - r = this.parseName() - this.expectToken(U.COLON) - let i = this.parseTypeReference(), - s - this.expectOptionalToken(U.EQUALS) && (s = this.parseConstValueLiteral()) - let o = this.parseConstDirectives() - return this.node(t, { - kind: E.INPUT_VALUE_DEFINITION, - description: n, - name: r, - type: i, - defaultValue: s, - directives: o - }) - } - parseInterfaceTypeDefinition() { - let t = this._lexer.token, - n = this.parseDescription() - this.expectKeyword('interface') - let r = this.parseName(), - i = this.parseImplementsInterfaces(), - s = this.parseConstDirectives(), - o = this.parseFieldsDefinition() - return this.node(t, { - kind: E.INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION, - description: n, - name: r, - interfaces: i, - directives: s, - fields: o - }) - } - parseUnionTypeDefinition() { - let t = this._lexer.token, - n = this.parseDescription() - this.expectKeyword('union') - let r = this.parseName(), - i = this.parseConstDirectives(), - s = this.parseUnionMemberTypes() - return this.node(t, { - kind: E.UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION, - description: n, - name: r, - directives: i, - types: s - }) - } - parseUnionMemberTypes() { - return this.expectOptionalToken(U.EQUALS) - ? this.delimitedMany(U.PIPE, this.parseNamedType) - : [] - } - parseEnumTypeDefinition() { - let t = this._lexer.token, - n = this.parseDescription() - this.expectKeyword('enum') - let r = this.parseName(), - i = this.parseConstDirectives(), - s = this.parseEnumValuesDefinition() - return this.node(t, { - kind: E.ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION, - description: n, - name: r, - directives: i, - values: s - }) - } - parseEnumValuesDefinition() { - return this.optionalMany(U.BRACE_L, this.parseEnumValueDefinition, U.BRACE_R) - } - parseEnumValueDefinition() { - let t = this._lexer.token, - n = this.parseDescription(), - r = this.parseEnumValueName(), - i = this.parseConstDirectives() - return this.node(t, { kind: E.ENUM_VALUE_DEFINITION, description: n, name: r, directives: i }) - } - parseEnumValueName() { - if ( - this._lexer.token.value === 'true' || - this._lexer.token.value === 'false' || - this._lexer.token.value === 'null' - ) - throw Xe( - this._lexer.source, - this._lexer.token.start, - `${Ta(this._lexer.token)} is reserved and cannot be used for an enum value.` - ) - return this.parseName() - } - parseInputObjectTypeDefinition() { - let t = this._lexer.token, - n = this.parseDescription() - this.expectKeyword('input') - let r = this.parseName(), - i = this.parseConstDirectives(), - s = this.parseInputFieldsDefinition() - return this.node(t, { - kind: E.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION, - description: n, - name: r, - directives: i, - fields: s - }) - } - parseInputFieldsDefinition() { - return this.optionalMany(U.BRACE_L, this.parseInputValueDef, U.BRACE_R) - } - parseTypeSystemExtension() { - let t = this._lexer.lookahead() - if (t.kind === U.NAME) - switch (t.value) { - case 'schema': - return this.parseSchemaExtension() - case 'scalar': - return this.parseScalarTypeExtension() - case 'type': - return this.parseObjectTypeExtension() - case 'interface': - return this.parseInterfaceTypeExtension() - case 'union': - return this.parseUnionTypeExtension() - case 'enum': - return this.parseEnumTypeExtension() - case 'input': - return this.parseInputObjectTypeExtension() - } - throw this.unexpected(t) - } - parseSchemaExtension() { - let t = this._lexer.token - this.expectKeyword('extend'), this.expectKeyword('schema') - let n = this.parseConstDirectives(), - r = this.optionalMany(U.BRACE_L, this.parseOperationTypeDefinition, U.BRACE_R) - if (n.length === 0 && r.length === 0) throw this.unexpected() - return this.node(t, { kind: E.SCHEMA_EXTENSION, directives: n, operationTypes: r }) - } - parseScalarTypeExtension() { - let t = this._lexer.token - this.expectKeyword('extend'), this.expectKeyword('scalar') - let n = this.parseName(), - r = this.parseConstDirectives() - if (r.length === 0) throw this.unexpected() - return this.node(t, { kind: E.SCALAR_TYPE_EXTENSION, name: n, directives: r }) - } - parseObjectTypeExtension() { - let t = this._lexer.token - this.expectKeyword('extend'), this.expectKeyword('type') - let n = this.parseName(), - r = this.parseImplementsInterfaces(), - i = this.parseConstDirectives(), - s = this.parseFieldsDefinition() - if (r.length === 0 && i.length === 0 && s.length === 0) throw this.unexpected() - return this.node(t, { - kind: E.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION, - name: n, - interfaces: r, - directives: i, - fields: s - }) - } - parseInterfaceTypeExtension() { - let t = this._lexer.token - this.expectKeyword('extend'), this.expectKeyword('interface') - let n = this.parseName(), - r = this.parseImplementsInterfaces(), - i = this.parseConstDirectives(), - s = this.parseFieldsDefinition() - if (r.length === 0 && i.length === 0 && s.length === 0) throw this.unexpected() - return this.node(t, { - kind: E.INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION, - name: n, - interfaces: r, - directives: i, - fields: s - }) - } - parseUnionTypeExtension() { - let t = this._lexer.token - this.expectKeyword('extend'), this.expectKeyword('union') - let n = this.parseName(), - r = this.parseConstDirectives(), - i = this.parseUnionMemberTypes() - if (r.length === 0 && i.length === 0) throw this.unexpected() - return this.node(t, { kind: E.UNION_TYPE_EXTENSION, name: n, directives: r, types: i }) - } - parseEnumTypeExtension() { - let t = this._lexer.token - this.expectKeyword('extend'), this.expectKeyword('enum') - let n = this.parseName(), - r = this.parseConstDirectives(), - i = this.parseEnumValuesDefinition() - if (r.length === 0 && i.length === 0) throw this.unexpected() - return this.node(t, { kind: E.ENUM_TYPE_EXTENSION, name: n, directives: r, values: i }) - } - parseInputObjectTypeExtension() { - let t = this._lexer.token - this.expectKeyword('extend'), this.expectKeyword('input') - let n = this.parseName(), - r = this.parseConstDirectives(), - i = this.parseInputFieldsDefinition() - if (r.length === 0 && i.length === 0) throw this.unexpected() - return this.node(t, { - kind: E.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION, - name: n, - directives: r, - fields: i - }) - } - parseDirectiveDefinition() { - let t = this._lexer.token, - n = this.parseDescription() - this.expectKeyword('directive'), this.expectToken(U.AT) - let r = this.parseName(), - i = this.parseArgumentDefs(), - s = this.expectOptionalKeyword('repeatable') - this.expectKeyword('on') - let o = this.parseDirectiveLocations() - return this.node(t, { - kind: E.DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION, - description: n, - name: r, - arguments: i, - repeatable: s, - locations: o - }) - } - parseDirectiveLocations() { - return this.delimitedMany(U.PIPE, this.parseDirectiveLocation) - } - parseDirectiveLocation() { - let t = this._lexer.token, - n = this.parseName() - if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(K, n.value)) return n - throw this.unexpected(t) - } - node(t, n) { - return ( - this._options.noLocation !== !0 && - (n.loc = new $s(t, this._lexer.lastToken, this._lexer.source)), - n - ) - } - peek(t) { - return this._lexer.token.kind === t - } - expectToken(t) { - let n = this._lexer.token - if (n.kind === t) return this.advanceLexer(), n - throw Xe(this._lexer.source, n.start, `Expected ${Eh(t)}, found ${Ta(n)}.`) - } - expectOptionalToken(t) { - return this._lexer.token.kind === t ? (this.advanceLexer(), !0) : !1 - } - expectKeyword(t) { - let n = this._lexer.token - if (n.kind === U.NAME && n.value === t) this.advanceLexer() - else throw Xe(this._lexer.source, n.start, `Expected "${t}", found ${Ta(n)}.`) - } - expectOptionalKeyword(t) { - let n = this._lexer.token - return n.kind === U.NAME && n.value === t ? (this.advanceLexer(), !0) : !1 - } - unexpected(t) { - let n = t ?? this._lexer.token - return Xe(this._lexer.source, n.start, `Unexpected ${Ta(n)}.`) - } - any(t, n, r) { - this.expectToken(t) - let i = [] - for (; !this.expectOptionalToken(r); ) i.push(n.call(this)) - return i - } - optionalMany(t, n, r) { - if (this.expectOptionalToken(t)) { - let i = [] - do i.push(n.call(this)) - while (!this.expectOptionalToken(r)) - return i - } - return [] - } - many(t, n, r) { - this.expectToken(t) - let i = [] - do i.push(n.call(this)) - while (!this.expectOptionalToken(r)) - return i - } - delimitedMany(t, n) { - this.expectOptionalToken(t) - let r = [] - do r.push(n.call(this)) - while (this.expectOptionalToken(t)) - return r - } - advanceLexer() { - let { maxTokens: t } = this._options, - n = this._lexer.advance() - if (t !== void 0 && n.kind !== U.EOF && (++this._tokenCounter, this._tokenCounter > t)) - throw Xe( - this._lexer.source, - n.start, - `Document contains more that ${t} tokens. Parsing aborted.` - ) - } - } - function Ta(e) { - let t = e.value - return Eh(e.kind) + (t != null ? ` "${t}"` : '') - } - function Eh(e) { - return gh(e) ? `"${e}"` : e - } - function Mt(e, t) { - let [n, r] = t ? [e, t] : [void 0, e], - i = ' Did you mean ' - n && (i += n + ' ') - let s = r.map((u) => `"${u}"`) - switch (s.length) { - case 0: - return '' - case 1: - return i + s[0] + '?' - case 2: - return i + s[0] + ' or ' + s[1] + '?' - } - let o = s.slice(0, 5), - a = o.pop() - return i + o.join(', ') + ', or ' + a + '?' - } - function cc(e) { - return e - } - function qt(e, t) { - let n = Object.create(null) - for (let r of e) n[t(r)] = r - return n - } - function Dn(e, t, n) { - let r = Object.create(null) - for (let i of e) r[t(i)] = n(i) - return r - } - function on(e, t) { - let n = Object.create(null) - for (let r of Object.keys(e)) n[r] = t(e[r], r) - return n - } - function Ti(e, t) { - let n = 0, - r = 0 - for (; n < e.length && r < t.length; ) { - let i = e.charCodeAt(n), - s = t.charCodeAt(r) - if (Fa(i) && Fa(s)) { - let o = 0 - do ++n, (o = o * 10 + i - fc), (i = e.charCodeAt(n)) - while (Fa(i) && o > 0) - let a = 0 - do ++r, (a = a * 10 + s - fc), (s = t.charCodeAt(r)) - while (Fa(s) && a > 0) - if (o < a) return -1 - if (o > a) return 1 - } else { - if (i < s) return -1 - if (i > s) return 1 - ++n, ++r - } - } - return e.length - t.length - } - var fc = 48, - c7 = 57 - function Fa(e) { - return !isNaN(e) && fc <= e && e <= c7 - } - function Gt(e, t) { - let n = Object.create(null), - r = new dc(e), - i = Math.floor(e.length * 0.4) + 1 - for (let s of t) { - let o = r.measure(s, i) - o !== void 0 && (n[s] = o) - } - return Object.keys(n).sort((s, o) => { - let a = n[s] - n[o] - return a !== 0 ? a : Ti(s, o) - }) - } - var dc = class { - constructor(t) { - ;(this._input = t), - (this._inputLowerCase = t.toLowerCase()), - (this._inputArray = yh(this._inputLowerCase)), - (this._rows = [ - new Array(t.length + 1).fill(0), - new Array(t.length + 1).fill(0), - new Array(t.length + 1).fill(0) - ]) - } - measure(t, n) { - if (this._input === t) return 0 - let r = t.toLowerCase() - if (this._inputLowerCase === r) return 1 - let i = yh(r), - s = this._inputArray - if (i.length < s.length) { - let c = i - ;(i = s), (s = c) - } - let o = i.length, - a = s.length - if (o - a > n) return - let u = this._rows - for (let c = 0; c <= a; c++) u[0][c] = c - for (let c = 1; c <= o; c++) { - let d = u[(c - 1) % 3], - h = u[c % 3], - m = (h[0] = c) - for (let g = 1; g <= a; g++) { - let v = i[c - 1] === s[g - 1] ? 0 : 1, - N = Math.min(d[g] + 1, h[g - 1] + 1, d[g - 1] + v) - if (c > 1 && g > 1 && i[c - 1] === s[g - 2] && i[c - 2] === s[g - 1]) { - let _ = u[(c - 2) % 3][g - 2] - N = Math.min(N, _ + 1) - } - N < m && (m = N), (h[g] = N) - } - if (m > n) return - } - let l = u[o % 3][a] - return l <= n ? l : void 0 - } - } - function yh(e) { - let t = e.length, - n = new Array(t) - for (let r = 0; r < t; ++r) n[r] = e.charCodeAt(r) - return n - } - function Ct(e) { - if (e == null) return Object.create(null) - if (Object.getPrototypeOf(e) === null) return e - let t = Object.create(null) - for (let [n, r] of Object.entries(e)) t[n] = r - return t - } - function xh(e) { - return `"${e.replace(f7, d7)}"` - } - var f7 = /[\x00-\x1f\x22\x5c\x7f-\x9f]/g - function d7(e) { - return p7[e.charCodeAt(0)] - } - var p7 = [ - '\\u0000', - '\\u0001', - '\\u0002', - '\\u0003', - '\\u0004', - '\\u0005', - '\\u0006', - '\\u0007', - '\\b', - '\\t', - '\\n', - '\\u000B', - '\\f', - '\\r', - '\\u000E', - '\\u000F', - '\\u0010', - '\\u0011', - '\\u0012', - '\\u0013', - '\\u0014', - '\\u0015', - '\\u0016', - '\\u0017', - '\\u0018', - '\\u0019', - '\\u001A', - '\\u001B', - '\\u001C', - '\\u001D', - '\\u001E', - '\\u001F', - '', - '', - '\\"', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '\\\\', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '', - '\\u007F', - '\\u0080', - '\\u0081', - '\\u0082', - '\\u0083', - '\\u0084', - '\\u0085', - '\\u0086', - '\\u0087', - '\\u0088', - '\\u0089', - '\\u008A', - '\\u008B', - '\\u008C', - '\\u008D', - '\\u008E', - '\\u008F', - '\\u0090', - '\\u0091', - '\\u0092', - '\\u0093', - '\\u0094', - '\\u0095', - '\\u0096', - '\\u0097', - '\\u0098', - '\\u0099', - '\\u009A', - '\\u009B', - '\\u009C', - '\\u009D', - '\\u009E', - '\\u009F' - ] - var Bn = Object.freeze({}) - function ht(e, t, n = uc) { - let r = new Map() - for (let _ of Object.values(E)) r.set(_, Lr(t, _)) - let i, - s = Array.isArray(e), - o = [e], - a = -1, - u = [], - l = e, - c, - d, - h = [], - m = [] - do { - a++ - let _ = a === o.length, - w = _ && u.length !== 0 - if (_) { - if (((c = m.length === 0 ? void 0 : h[h.length - 1]), (l = d), (d = m.pop()), w)) - if (s) { - l = l.slice() - let S = 0 - for (let [k, M] of u) { - let I = k - S - M === null ? (l.splice(I, 1), S++) : (l[I] = M) - } - } else { - l = Object.defineProperties({}, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(l)) - for (let [S, k] of u) l[S] = k - } - ;(a = i.index), (o = i.keys), (u = i.edits), (s = i.inArray), (i = i.prev) - } else if (d) { - if (((c = s ? a : o[a]), (l = d[c]), l == null)) continue - h.push(c) - } - let C - if (!Array.isArray(l)) { - var g, v - js(l) || pe(!1, `Invalid AST Node: ${q(l)}.`) - let S = _ - ? (g = r.get(l.kind)) === null || g === void 0 - ? void 0 - : g.leave - : (v = r.get(l.kind)) === null || v === void 0 - ? void 0 - : v.enter - if (((C = S?.call(t, l, c, d, h, m)), C === Bn)) break - if (C === !1) { - if (!_) { - h.pop() - continue - } - } else if (C !== void 0 && (u.push([c, C]), !_)) - if (js(C)) l = C - else { - h.pop() - continue - } - } - if ((C === void 0 && w && u.push([c, l]), _)) h.pop() - else { - var N - ;(i = { inArray: s, index: a, keys: o, edits: u, prev: i }), - (s = Array.isArray(l)), - (o = s ? l : (N = n[l.kind]) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : []), - (a = -1), - (u = []), - d && m.push(d), - (d = l) - } - } while (i !== void 0) - return u.length !== 0 ? u[u.length - 1][1] : e - } - function Ws(e) { - let t = new Array(e.length).fill(null), - n = Object.create(null) - for (let r of Object.values(E)) { - let i = !1, - s = new Array(e.length).fill(void 0), - o = new Array(e.length).fill(void 0) - for (let u = 0; u < e.length; ++u) { - let { enter: l, leave: c } = Lr(e[u], r) - i || (i = l != null || c != null), (s[u] = l), (o[u] = c) - } - if (!i) continue - let a = { - enter(...u) { - let l = u[0] - for (let d = 0; d < e.length; d++) - if (t[d] === null) { - var c - let h = (c = s[d]) === null || c === void 0 ? void 0 : c.apply(e[d], u) - if (h === !1) t[d] = l - else if (h === Bn) t[d] = Bn - else if (h !== void 0) return h - } - }, - leave(...u) { - let l = u[0] - for (let d = 0; d < e.length; d++) - if (t[d] === null) { - var c - let h = (c = o[d]) === null || c === void 0 ? void 0 : c.apply(e[d], u) - if (h === Bn) t[d] = Bn - else if (h !== void 0 && h !== !1) return h - } else t[d] === l && (t[d] = null) - } - } - n[r] = a - } - return n - } - function Lr(e, t) { - let n = e[t] - return typeof n == 'object' - ? n - : typeof n == 'function' - ? { enter: n, leave: void 0 } - : { enter: e.enter, leave: e.leave } - } - function Le(e) { - return ht(e, m7) - } - var h7 = 80, - m7 = { - Name: { leave: (e) => e.value }, - Variable: { leave: (e) => '$' + e.name }, - Document: { - leave: (e) => - te( - e.definitions, - ` - -` - ) - }, - OperationDefinition: { - leave(e) { - let t = ye('(', te(e.variableDefinitions, ', '), ')'), - n = te([e.operation, te([e.name, t]), te(e.directives, ' ')], ' ') - return (n === 'query' ? '' : n + ' ') + e.selectionSet - } - }, - VariableDefinition: { - leave: ({ variable: e, type: t, defaultValue: n, directives: r }) => - e + ': ' + t + ye(' = ', n) + ye(' ', te(r, ' ')) - }, - SelectionSet: { leave: ({ selections: e }) => an(e) }, - Field: { - leave({ alias: e, name: t, arguments: n, directives: r, selectionSet: i }) { - let s = ye('', e, ': ') + t, - o = s + ye('(', te(n, ', '), ')') - return ( - o.length > h7 && - (o = - s + - ye( - `( -`, - wa( - te( - n, - ` -` - ) - ), - ` -)` - )), - te([o, te(r, ' '), i], ' ') - ) - } - }, - Argument: { leave: ({ name: e, value: t }) => e + ': ' + t }, - FragmentSpread: { leave: ({ name: e, directives: t }) => '...' + e + ye(' ', te(t, ' ')) }, - InlineFragment: { - leave: ({ typeCondition: e, directives: t, selectionSet: n }) => - te(['...', ye('on ', e), te(t, ' '), n], ' ') - }, - FragmentDefinition: { - leave: ({ - name: e, - typeCondition: t, - variableDefinitions: n, - directives: r, - selectionSet: i - }) => `fragment ${e}${ye('(', te(n, ', '), ')')} on ${t} ${ye('', te(r, ' '), ' ')}` + i - }, - IntValue: { leave: ({ value: e }) => e }, - FloatValue: { leave: ({ value: e }) => e }, - StringValue: { leave: ({ value: e, block: t }) => (t ? hh(e) : xh(e)) }, - BooleanValue: { leave: ({ value: e }) => (e ? 'true' : 'false') }, - NullValue: { leave: () => 'null' }, - EnumValue: { leave: ({ value: e }) => e }, - ListValue: { leave: ({ values: e }) => '[' + te(e, ', ') + ']' }, - ObjectValue: { leave: ({ fields: e }) => '{' + te(e, ', ') + '}' }, - ObjectField: { leave: ({ name: e, value: t }) => e + ': ' + t }, - Directive: { leave: ({ name: e, arguments: t }) => '@' + e + ye('(', te(t, ', '), ')') }, - NamedType: { leave: ({ name: e }) => e }, - ListType: { leave: ({ type: e }) => '[' + e + ']' }, - NonNullType: { leave: ({ type: e }) => e + '!' }, - SchemaDefinition: { - leave: ({ description: e, directives: t, operationTypes: n }) => - ye( - '', - e, - ` -` - ) + te(['schema', te(t, ' '), an(n)], ' ') - }, - OperationTypeDefinition: { leave: ({ operation: e, type: t }) => e + ': ' + t }, - ScalarTypeDefinition: { - leave: ({ description: e, name: t, directives: n }) => - ye( - '', - e, - ` -` - ) + te(['scalar', t, te(n, ' ')], ' ') - }, - ObjectTypeDefinition: { - leave: ({ description: e, name: t, interfaces: n, directives: r, fields: i }) => - ye( - '', - e, - ` -` - ) + te(['type', t, ye('implements ', te(n, ' & ')), te(r, ' '), an(i)], ' ') - }, - FieldDefinition: { - leave: ({ description: e, name: t, arguments: n, type: r, directives: i }) => - ye( - '', - e, - ` -` - ) + - t + - (_h(n) - ? ye( - `( -`, - wa( - te( - n, - ` -` - ) - ), - ` -)` - ) - : ye('(', te(n, ', '), ')')) + - ': ' + - r + - ye(' ', te(i, ' ')) - }, - InputValueDefinition: { - leave: ({ description: e, name: t, type: n, defaultValue: r, directives: i }) => - ye( - '', - e, - ` -` - ) + te([t + ': ' + n, ye('= ', r), te(i, ' ')], ' ') - }, - InterfaceTypeDefinition: { - leave: ({ description: e, name: t, interfaces: n, directives: r, fields: i }) => - ye( - '', - e, - ` -` - ) + te(['interface', t, ye('implements ', te(n, ' & ')), te(r, ' '), an(i)], ' ') - }, - UnionTypeDefinition: { - leave: ({ description: e, name: t, directives: n, types: r }) => - ye( - '', - e, - ` -` - ) + te(['union', t, te(n, ' '), ye('= ', te(r, ' | '))], ' ') - }, - EnumTypeDefinition: { - leave: ({ description: e, name: t, directives: n, values: r }) => - ye( - '', - e, - ` -` - ) + te(['enum', t, te(n, ' '), an(r)], ' ') - }, - EnumValueDefinition: { - leave: ({ description: e, name: t, directives: n }) => - ye( - '', - e, - ` -` - ) + te([t, te(n, ' ')], ' ') - }, - InputObjectTypeDefinition: { - leave: ({ description: e, name: t, directives: n, fields: r }) => - ye( - '', - e, - ` -` - ) + te(['input', t, te(n, ' '), an(r)], ' ') - }, - DirectiveDefinition: { - leave: ({ description: e, name: t, arguments: n, repeatable: r, locations: i }) => - ye( - '', - e, - ` -` - ) + - 'directive @' + - t + - (_h(n) - ? ye( - `( -`, - wa( - te( - n, - ` -` - ) - ), - ` -)` - ) - : ye('(', te(n, ', '), ')')) + - (r ? ' repeatable' : '') + - ' on ' + - te(i, ' | ') - }, - SchemaExtension: { - leave: ({ directives: e, operationTypes: t }) => - te(['extend schema', te(e, ' '), an(t)], ' ') - }, - ScalarTypeExtension: { - leave: ({ name: e, directives: t }) => te(['extend scalar', e, te(t, ' ')], ' ') - }, - ObjectTypeExtension: { - leave: ({ name: e, interfaces: t, directives: n, fields: r }) => - te(['extend type', e, ye('implements ', te(t, ' & ')), te(n, ' '), an(r)], ' ') - }, - InterfaceTypeExtension: { - leave: ({ name: e, interfaces: t, directives: n, fields: r }) => - te(['extend interface', e, ye('implements ', te(t, ' & ')), te(n, ' '), an(r)], ' ') - }, - UnionTypeExtension: { - leave: ({ name: e, directives: t, types: n }) => - te(['extend union', e, te(t, ' '), ye('= ', te(n, ' | '))], ' ') - }, - EnumTypeExtension: { - leave: ({ name: e, directives: t, values: n }) => - te(['extend enum', e, te(t, ' '), an(n)], ' ') - }, - InputObjectTypeExtension: { - leave: ({ name: e, directives: t, fields: n }) => - te(['extend input', e, te(t, ' '), an(n)], ' ') - } - } - function te(e, t = '') { - var n - return (n = e?.filter((r) => r).join(t)) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : '' - } - function an(e) { - return ye( - `{ -`, - wa( - te( - e, - ` -` - ) - ), - ` -}` - ) - } - function ye(e, t, n = '') { - return t != null && t !== '' ? e + t + n : '' - } - function wa(e) { - return ye( - ' ', - e.replace( - /\n/g, - ` - ` - ) - ) - } - function _h(e) { - var t - return (t = e?.some((n) => - n.includes(` -`) - )) !== null && t !== void 0 - ? t - : !1 - } - function Qs(e, t) { - switch (e.kind) { - case E.NULL: - return null - case E.INT: - return parseInt(e.value, 10) - case E.FLOAT: - return parseFloat(e.value) - case E.STRING: - case E.ENUM: - case E.BOOLEAN: - return e.value - case E.LIST: - return e.values.map((n) => Qs(n, t)) - case E.OBJECT: - return Dn( - e.fields, - (n) => n.name.value, - (n) => Qs(n.value, t) - ) - case E.VARIABLE: - return t?.[e.name.value] - } - } - function Pt(e) { - if ( - (e != null || pe(!1, 'Must provide name.'), - typeof e == 'string' || pe(!1, 'Expected name to be a string.'), - e.length === 0) - ) - throw new O('Expected name to be a non-empty string.') - for (let t = 1; t < e.length; ++t) - if (!xa(e.charCodeAt(t))) - throw new O(`Names must only contain [_a-zA-Z0-9] but "${e}" does not.`) - if (!qs(e.charCodeAt(0))) throw new O(`Names must start with [_a-zA-Z] but "${e}" does not.`) - return e - } - function pc(e) { - if (e === 'true' || e === 'false' || e === 'null') - throw new O(`Enum values cannot be named: ${e}`) - return Pt(e) - } - function Ai(e) { - return ct(e) || me(e) || De(e) || Ze(e) || Be(e) || be(e) || Fe(e) || ce(e) - } - function ct(e) { - return Lt(e, Tt) - } - function me(e) { - return Lt(e, Ke) - } - function Ca(e) { - if (!me(e)) throw new Error(`Expected ${q(e)} to be a GraphQL Object type.`) - return e - } - function De(e) { - return Lt(e, St) - } - function Ia(e) { - if (!De(e)) throw new Error(`Expected ${q(e)} to be a GraphQL Interface type.`) - return e - } - function Ze(e) { - return Lt(e, vn) - } - function Be(e) { - return Lt(e, bt) - } - function be(e) { - return Lt(e, Zt) - } - function Fe(e) { - return Lt(e, Me) - } - function ce(e) { - return Lt(e, ae) - } - function et(e) { - return ct(e) || Be(e) || be(e) || (zs(e) && et(e.ofType)) - } - function Ht(e) { - return ct(e) || me(e) || De(e) || Ze(e) || Be(e) || (zs(e) && Ht(e.ofType)) - } - function Wt(e) { - return ct(e) || Be(e) - } - function at(e) { - return me(e) || De(e) || Ze(e) - } - function mt(e) { - return De(e) || Ze(e) - } - function Ra(e) { - if (!mt(e)) throw new Error(`Expected ${q(e)} to be a GraphQL abstract type.`) - return e - } - var Me = class { - constructor(t) { - Ai(t) || pe(!1, `Expected ${q(t)} to be a GraphQL type.`), (this.ofType = t) - } - get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { - return 'GraphQLList' - } - toString() { - return '[' + String(this.ofType) + ']' - } - toJSON() { - return this.toString() - } - }, - ae = class { - constructor(t) { - ka(t) || pe(!1, `Expected ${q(t)} to be a GraphQL nullable type.`), (this.ofType = t) - } - get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { - return 'GraphQLNonNull' - } - toString() { - return String(this.ofType) + '!' - } - toJSON() { - return this.toString() - } - } - function zs(e) { - return Fe(e) || ce(e) - } - function ka(e) { - return Ai(e) && !ce(e) - } - function Oa(e) { - if (!ka(e)) throw new Error(`Expected ${q(e)} to be a GraphQL nullable type.`) - return e - } - function fr(e) { - if (e) return ce(e) ? e.ofType : e - } - function Ma(e) { - return ct(e) || me(e) || De(e) || Ze(e) || Be(e) || be(e) - } - function we(e) { - if (e) { - let t = e - for (; zs(t); ) t = t.ofType - return t - } - } - function Pa(e) { - return typeof e == 'function' ? e() : e - } - function Ba(e) { - return typeof e == 'function' ? e() : e - } - var Tt = class { - constructor(t) { - var n, r, i, s - let o = (n = t.parseValue) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : cc - ;(this.name = Pt(t.name)), - (this.description = t.description), - (this.specifiedByURL = t.specifiedByURL), - (this.serialize = (r = t.serialize) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : cc), - (this.parseValue = o), - (this.parseLiteral = - (i = t.parseLiteral) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : (a, u) => o(Qs(a, u))), - (this.extensions = Ct(t.extensions)), - (this.astNode = t.astNode), - (this.extensionASTNodes = (s = t.extensionASTNodes) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : []), - t.specifiedByURL == null || - typeof t.specifiedByURL == 'string' || - pe( - !1, - `${this.name} must provide "specifiedByURL" as a string, but got: ${q( - t.specifiedByURL - )}.` - ), - t.serialize == null || - typeof t.serialize == 'function' || - pe( - !1, - `${this.name} must provide "serialize" function. If this custom Scalar is also used as an input type, ensure "parseValue" and "parseLiteral" functions are also provided.` - ), - t.parseLiteral && - ((typeof t.parseValue == 'function' && typeof t.parseLiteral == 'function') || - pe(!1, `${this.name} must provide both "parseValue" and "parseLiteral" functions.`)) - } - get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { - return 'GraphQLScalarType' - } - toConfig() { - return { - name: this.name, - description: this.description, - specifiedByURL: this.specifiedByURL, - serialize: this.serialize, - parseValue: this.parseValue, - parseLiteral: this.parseLiteral, - extensions: this.extensions, - astNode: this.astNode, - extensionASTNodes: this.extensionASTNodes - } - } - toString() { - return this.name - } - toJSON() { - return this.toString() - } - }, - Ke = class { - constructor(t) { - var n - ;(this.name = Pt(t.name)), - (this.description = t.description), - (this.isTypeOf = t.isTypeOf), - (this.extensions = Ct(t.extensions)), - (this.astNode = t.astNode), - (this.extensionASTNodes = (n = t.extensionASTNodes) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : []), - (this._fields = () => Sh(t)), - (this._interfaces = () => Th(t)), - t.isTypeOf == null || - typeof t.isTypeOf == 'function' || - pe(!1, `${this.name} must provide "isTypeOf" as a function, but got: ${q(t.isTypeOf)}.`) - } - get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { - return 'GraphQLObjectType' - } - getFields() { - return typeof this._fields == 'function' && (this._fields = this._fields()), this._fields - } - getInterfaces() { - return ( - typeof this._interfaces == 'function' && (this._interfaces = this._interfaces()), - this._interfaces - ) - } - toConfig() { - return { - name: this.name, - description: this.description, - interfaces: this.getInterfaces(), - fields: Ah(this.getFields()), - isTypeOf: this.isTypeOf, - extensions: this.extensions, - astNode: this.astNode, - extensionASTNodes: this.extensionASTNodes - } - } - toString() { - return this.name - } - toJSON() { - return this.toString() - } - } - function Th(e) { - var t - let n = Pa((t = e.interfaces) !== null && t !== void 0 ? t : []) - return ( - Array.isArray(n) || - pe(!1, `${e.name} interfaces must be an Array or a function which returns an Array.`), - n - ) - } - function Sh(e) { - let t = Ba(e.fields) - return ( - Si(t) || - pe( - !1, - `${e.name} fields must be an object with field names as keys or a function which returns such an object.` - ), - on(t, (n, r) => { - var i - Si(n) || pe(!1, `${e.name}.${r} field config must be an object.`), - n.resolve == null || - typeof n.resolve == 'function' || - pe( - !1, - `${e.name}.${r} field resolver must be a function if provided, but got: ${q( - n.resolve - )}.` - ) - let s = (i = n.args) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : {} - return ( - Si(s) || pe(!1, `${e.name}.${r} args must be an object with argument names as keys.`), - { - name: Pt(r), - description: n.description, - type: n.type, - args: hc(s), - resolve: n.resolve, - subscribe: n.subscribe, - deprecationReason: n.deprecationReason, - extensions: Ct(n.extensions), - astNode: n.astNode - } - ) - }) - ) - } - function hc(e) { - return Object.entries(e).map(([t, n]) => ({ - name: Pt(t), - description: n.description, - type: n.type, - defaultValue: n.defaultValue, - deprecationReason: n.deprecationReason, - extensions: Ct(n.extensions), - astNode: n.astNode - })) - } - function Si(e) { - return Nt(e) && !Array.isArray(e) - } - function Ah(e) { - return on(e, (t) => ({ - description: t.description, - type: t.type, - args: mc(t.args), - resolve: t.resolve, - subscribe: t.subscribe, - deprecationReason: t.deprecationReason, - extensions: t.extensions, - astNode: t.astNode - })) - } - function mc(e) { - return Dn( - e, - (t) => t.name, - (t) => ({ - description: t.description, - type: t.type, - defaultValue: t.defaultValue, - deprecationReason: t.deprecationReason, - extensions: t.extensions, - astNode: t.astNode - }) - ) - } - function Vn(e) { - return ce(e.type) && e.defaultValue === void 0 - } - var St = class { - constructor(t) { - var n - ;(this.name = Pt(t.name)), - (this.description = t.description), - (this.resolveType = t.resolveType), - (this.extensions = Ct(t.extensions)), - (this.astNode = t.astNode), - (this.extensionASTNodes = (n = t.extensionASTNodes) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : []), - (this._fields = Sh.bind(void 0, t)), - (this._interfaces = Th.bind(void 0, t)), - t.resolveType == null || - typeof t.resolveType == 'function' || - pe( - !1, - `${this.name} must provide "resolveType" as a function, but got: ${q(t.resolveType)}.` - ) - } - get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { - return 'GraphQLInterfaceType' - } - getFields() { - return typeof this._fields == 'function' && (this._fields = this._fields()), this._fields - } - getInterfaces() { - return ( - typeof this._interfaces == 'function' && (this._interfaces = this._interfaces()), - this._interfaces - ) - } - toConfig() { - return { - name: this.name, - description: this.description, - interfaces: this.getInterfaces(), - fields: Ah(this.getFields()), - resolveType: this.resolveType, - extensions: this.extensions, - astNode: this.astNode, - extensionASTNodes: this.extensionASTNodes - } - } - toString() { - return this.name - } - toJSON() { - return this.toString() - } - }, - vn = class { - constructor(t) { - var n - ;(this.name = Pt(t.name)), - (this.description = t.description), - (this.resolveType = t.resolveType), - (this.extensions = Ct(t.extensions)), - (this.astNode = t.astNode), - (this.extensionASTNodes = (n = t.extensionASTNodes) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : []), - (this._types = g7.bind(void 0, t)), - t.resolveType == null || - typeof t.resolveType == 'function' || - pe( - !1, - `${this.name} must provide "resolveType" as a function, but got: ${q(t.resolveType)}.` - ) - } - get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { - return 'GraphQLUnionType' - } - getTypes() { - return typeof this._types == 'function' && (this._types = this._types()), this._types - } - toConfig() { - return { - name: this.name, - description: this.description, - types: this.getTypes(), - resolveType: this.resolveType, - extensions: this.extensions, - astNode: this.astNode, - extensionASTNodes: this.extensionASTNodes - } - } - toString() { - return this.name - } - toJSON() { - return this.toString() - } - } - function g7(e) { - let t = Pa(e.types) - return ( - Array.isArray(t) || - pe( - !1, - `Must provide Array of types or a function which returns such an array for Union ${e.name}.` - ), - t - ) - } - var bt = class { - constructor(t) { - var n - ;(this.name = Pt(t.name)), - (this.description = t.description), - (this.extensions = Ct(t.extensions)), - (this.astNode = t.astNode), - (this.extensionASTNodes = (n = t.extensionASTNodes) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : []), - (this._values = typeof t.values == 'function' ? t.values : Nh(this.name, t.values)), - (this._valueLookup = null), - (this._nameLookup = null) - } - get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { - return 'GraphQLEnumType' - } - getValues() { - return ( - typeof this._values == 'function' && (this._values = Nh(this.name, this._values())), - this._values - ) - } - getValue(t) { - return ( - this._nameLookup === null && (this._nameLookup = qt(this.getValues(), (n) => n.name)), - this._nameLookup[t] - ) - } - serialize(t) { - this._valueLookup === null && - (this._valueLookup = new Map(this.getValues().map((r) => [r.value, r]))) - let n = this._valueLookup.get(t) - if (n === void 0) throw new O(`Enum "${this.name}" cannot represent value: ${q(t)}`) - return n.name - } - parseValue(t) { - if (typeof t != 'string') { - let r = q(t) - throw new O(`Enum "${this.name}" cannot represent non-string value: ${r}.` + La(this, r)) - } - let n = this.getValue(t) - if (n == null) - throw new O(`Value "${t}" does not exist in "${this.name}" enum.` + La(this, t)) - return n.value - } - parseLiteral(t, n) { - if (t.kind !== E.ENUM) { - let i = Le(t) - throw new O(`Enum "${this.name}" cannot represent non-enum value: ${i}.` + La(this, i), { - nodes: t - }) - } - let r = this.getValue(t.value) - if (r == null) { - let i = Le(t) - throw new O(`Value "${i}" does not exist in "${this.name}" enum.` + La(this, i), { - nodes: t - }) - } - return r.value - } - toConfig() { - let t = Dn( - this.getValues(), - (n) => n.name, - (n) => ({ - description: n.description, - value: n.value, - deprecationReason: n.deprecationReason, - extensions: n.extensions, - astNode: n.astNode - }) - ) - return { - name: this.name, - description: this.description, - values: t, - extensions: this.extensions, - astNode: this.astNode, - extensionASTNodes: this.extensionASTNodes - } - } - toString() { - return this.name - } - toJSON() { - return this.toString() - } - } - function La(e, t) { - let n = e.getValues().map((i) => i.name), - r = Gt(t, n) - return Mt('the enum value', r) - } - function Nh(e, t) { - return ( - Si(t) || pe(!1, `${e} values must be an object with value names as keys.`), - Object.entries(t).map( - ([n, r]) => ( - Si(r) || - pe( - !1, - `${e}.${n} must refer to an object with a "value" key representing an internal value but got: ${q( - r - )}.` - ), - { - name: pc(n), - description: r.description, - value: r.value !== void 0 ? r.value : n, - deprecationReason: r.deprecationReason, - extensions: Ct(r.extensions), - astNode: r.astNode - } - ) - ) - ) - } - var Zt = class { - constructor(t) { - var n, r - ;(this.name = Pt(t.name)), - (this.description = t.description), - (this.extensions = Ct(t.extensions)), - (this.astNode = t.astNode), - (this.extensionASTNodes = (n = t.extensionASTNodes) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : []), - (this.isOneOf = (r = t.isOneOf) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : !1), - (this._fields = D7.bind(void 0, t)) - } - get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { - return 'GraphQLInputObjectType' - } - getFields() { - return typeof this._fields == 'function' && (this._fields = this._fields()), this._fields - } - toConfig() { - let t = on(this.getFields(), (n) => ({ - description: n.description, - type: n.type, - defaultValue: n.defaultValue, - deprecationReason: n.deprecationReason, - extensions: n.extensions, - astNode: n.astNode - })) - return { - name: this.name, - description: this.description, - fields: t, - extensions: this.extensions, - astNode: this.astNode, - extensionASTNodes: this.extensionASTNodes, - isOneOf: this.isOneOf - } - } - toString() { - return this.name - } - toJSON() { - return this.toString() - } - } - function D7(e) { - let t = Ba(e.fields) - return ( - Si(t) || - pe( - !1, - `${e.name} fields must be an object with field names as keys or a function which returns such an object.` - ), - on( - t, - (n, r) => ( - !('resolve' in n) || - pe( - !1, - `${e.name}.${r} field has a resolve property, but Input Types cannot define resolvers.` - ), - { - name: Pt(r), - description: n.description, - type: n.type, - defaultValue: n.defaultValue, - deprecationReason: n.deprecationReason, - extensions: Ct(n.extensions), - astNode: n.astNode - } - ) - ) - ) - } - function Fi(e) { - return ce(e.type) && e.defaultValue === void 0 - } - function wi(e, t) { - return e === t ? !0 : (ce(e) && ce(t)) || (Fe(e) && Fe(t)) ? wi(e.ofType, t.ofType) : !1 - } - function bn(e, t, n) { - return t === n - ? !0 - : ce(n) - ? ce(t) - ? bn(e, t.ofType, n.ofType) - : !1 - : ce(t) - ? bn(e, t.ofType, n) - : Fe(n) - ? Fe(t) - ? bn(e, t.ofType, n.ofType) - : !1 - : Fe(t) - ? !1 - : mt(n) && (De(t) || me(t)) && e.isSubType(n, t) - } - function Cr(e, t, n) { - return t === n - ? !0 - : mt(t) - ? mt(n) - ? e.getPossibleTypes(t).some((r) => e.isSubType(n, r)) - : e.isSubType(t, n) - : mt(n) - ? e.isSubType(n, t) - : !1 - } - var Ys = 2147483647, - Js = -2147483648, - gc = new Tt({ - name: 'Int', - description: - 'The `Int` scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.', - serialize(e) { - let t = Zs(e) - if (typeof t == 'boolean') return t ? 1 : 0 - let n = t - if ( - (typeof t == 'string' && t !== '' && (n = Number(t)), - typeof n != 'number' || !Number.isInteger(n)) - ) - throw new O(`Int cannot represent non-integer value: ${q(t)}`) - if (n > Ys || n < Js) - throw new O('Int cannot represent non 32-bit signed integer value: ' + q(t)) - return n - }, - parseValue(e) { - if (typeof e != 'number' || !Number.isInteger(e)) - throw new O(`Int cannot represent non-integer value: ${q(e)}`) - if (e > Ys || e < Js) - throw new O(`Int cannot represent non 32-bit signed integer value: ${e}`) - return e - }, - parseLiteral(e) { - if (e.kind !== E.INT) - throw new O(`Int cannot represent non-integer value: ${Le(e)}`, { nodes: e }) - let t = parseInt(e.value, 10) - if (t > Ys || t < Js) - throw new O(`Int cannot represent non 32-bit signed integer value: ${e.value}`, { - nodes: e - }) - return t - } - }), - Xs = new Tt({ - name: 'Float', - description: - 'The `Float` scalar type represents signed double-precision fractional values as specified by [IEEE 754](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_floating_point).', - serialize(e) { - let t = Zs(e) - if (typeof t == 'boolean') return t ? 1 : 0 - let n = t - if ( - (typeof t == 'string' && t !== '' && (n = Number(t)), - typeof n != 'number' || !Number.isFinite(n)) - ) - throw new O(`Float cannot represent non numeric value: ${q(t)}`) - return n - }, - parseValue(e) { - if (typeof e != 'number' || !Number.isFinite(e)) - throw new O(`Float cannot represent non numeric value: ${q(e)}`) - return e - }, - parseLiteral(e) { - if (e.kind !== E.FLOAT && e.kind !== E.INT) - throw new O(`Float cannot represent non numeric value: ${Le(e)}`, e) - return parseFloat(e.value) - } - }), - je = new Tt({ - name: 'String', - description: - 'The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.', - serialize(e) { - let t = Zs(e) - if (typeof t == 'string') return t - if (typeof t == 'boolean') return t ? 'true' : 'false' - if (typeof t == 'number' && Number.isFinite(t)) return t.toString() - throw new O(`String cannot represent value: ${q(e)}`) - }, - parseValue(e) { - if (typeof e != 'string') throw new O(`String cannot represent a non string value: ${q(e)}`) - return e - }, - parseLiteral(e) { - if (e.kind !== E.STRING) - throw new O(`String cannot represent a non string value: ${Le(e)}`, { nodes: e }) - return e.value - } - }), - He = new Tt({ - name: 'Boolean', - description: 'The `Boolean` scalar type represents `true` or `false`.', - serialize(e) { - let t = Zs(e) - if (typeof t == 'boolean') return t - if (Number.isFinite(t)) return t !== 0 - throw new O(`Boolean cannot represent a non boolean value: ${q(t)}`) - }, - parseValue(e) { - if (typeof e != 'boolean') - throw new O(`Boolean cannot represent a non boolean value: ${q(e)}`) - return e - }, - parseLiteral(e) { - if (e.kind !== E.BOOLEAN) - throw new O(`Boolean cannot represent a non boolean value: ${Le(e)}`, { nodes: e }) - return e.value - } - }), - Ks = new Tt({ - name: 'ID', - description: - 'The `ID` scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as `"4"`) or integer (such as `4`) input value will be accepted as an ID.', - serialize(e) { - let t = Zs(e) - if (typeof t == 'string') return t - if (Number.isInteger(t)) return String(t) - throw new O(`ID cannot represent value: ${q(e)}`) - }, - parseValue(e) { - if (typeof e == 'string') return e - if (typeof e == 'number' && Number.isInteger(e)) return e.toString() - throw new O(`ID cannot represent value: ${q(e)}`) - }, - parseLiteral(e) { - if (e.kind !== E.STRING && e.kind !== E.INT) - throw new O('ID cannot represent a non-string and non-integer value: ' + Le(e), { - nodes: e - }) - return e.value - } - }), - Un = Object.freeze([je, gc, Xs, He, Ks]) - function Va(e) { - return Un.some(({ name: t }) => e.name === t) - } - function Zs(e) { - if (Nt(e)) { - if (typeof e.valueOf == 'function') { - let t = e.valueOf() - if (!Nt(t)) return t - } - if (typeof e.toJSON == 'function') return e.toJSON() - } - return e - } - function eo(e) { - return Lt(e, Bt) - } - var Bt = class { - constructor(t) { - var n, r - ;(this.name = Pt(t.name)), - (this.description = t.description), - (this.locations = t.locations), - (this.isRepeatable = (n = t.isRepeatable) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : !1), - (this.extensions = Ct(t.extensions)), - (this.astNode = t.astNode), - Array.isArray(t.locations) || pe(!1, `@${t.name} locations must be an Array.`) - let i = (r = t.args) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : {} - ;(Nt(i) && !Array.isArray(i)) || - pe(!1, `@${t.name} args must be an object with argument names as keys.`), - (this.args = hc(i)) - } - get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { - return 'GraphQLDirective' - } - toConfig() { - return { - name: this.name, - description: this.description, - locations: this.locations, - args: mc(this.args), - isRepeatable: this.isRepeatable, - extensions: this.extensions, - astNode: this.astNode - } - } - toString() { - return '@' + this.name - } - toJSON() { - return this.toString() - } - }, - Ua = new Bt({ - name: 'include', - description: - 'Directs the executor to include this field or fragment only when the `if` argument is true.', - locations: [K.FIELD, K.FRAGMENT_SPREAD, K.INLINE_FRAGMENT], - args: { if: { type: new ae(He), description: 'Included when true.' } } - }), - $a = new Bt({ - name: 'skip', - description: - 'Directs the executor to skip this field or fragment when the `if` argument is true.', - locations: [K.FIELD, K.FRAGMENT_SPREAD, K.INLINE_FRAGMENT], - args: { if: { type: new ae(He), description: 'Skipped when true.' } } - }), - Fh = 'No longer supported', - Li = new Bt({ - name: 'deprecated', - description: 'Marks an element of a GraphQL schema as no longer supported.', - locations: [ - K.FIELD_DEFINITION, - K.ARGUMENT_DEFINITION, - K.INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION, - K.ENUM_VALUE - ], - args: { - reason: { - type: je, - description: - 'Explains why this element was deprecated, usually also including a suggestion for how to access supported similar data. Formatted using the Markdown syntax, as specified by [CommonMark](https://commonmark.org/).', - defaultValue: Fh - } - } - }), - ja = new Bt({ - name: 'specifiedBy', - description: 'Exposes a URL that specifies the behavior of this scalar.', - locations: [K.SCALAR], - args: { - url: { - type: new ae(je), - description: 'The URL that specifies the behavior of this scalar.' - } - } - }), - qa = new Bt({ - name: 'oneOf', - description: - 'Indicates exactly one field must be supplied and this field must not be `null`.', - locations: [K.INPUT_OBJECT], - args: {} - }), - Qt = Object.freeze([Ua, $a, Li, ja, qa]) - function wh(e) { - return typeof e == 'object' && typeof e?.[Symbol.iterator] == 'function' - } - function Ir(e, t) { - if (ce(t)) { - let n = Ir(e, t.ofType) - return n?.kind === E.NULL ? null : n - } - if (e === null) return { kind: E.NULL } - if (e === void 0) return null - if (Fe(t)) { - let n = t.ofType - if (wh(e)) { - let r = [] - for (let i of e) { - let s = Ir(i, n) - s != null && r.push(s) - } - return { kind: E.LIST, values: r } - } - return Ir(e, n) - } - if (be(t)) { - if (!Nt(e)) return null - let n = [] - for (let r of Object.values(t.getFields())) { - let i = Ir(e[r.name], r.type) - i && n.push({ kind: E.OBJECT_FIELD, name: { kind: E.NAME, value: r.name }, value: i }) - } - return { kind: E.OBJECT, fields: n } - } - if (Wt(t)) { - let n = t.serialize(e) - if (n == null) return null - if (typeof n == 'boolean') return { kind: E.BOOLEAN, value: n } - if (typeof n == 'number' && Number.isFinite(n)) { - let r = String(n) - return Lh.test(r) ? { kind: E.INT, value: r } : { kind: E.FLOAT, value: r } - } - if (typeof n == 'string') - return Be(t) - ? { kind: E.ENUM, value: n } - : t === Ks && Lh.test(n) - ? { kind: E.INT, value: n } - : { kind: E.STRING, value: n } - throw new TypeError(`Cannot convert value to AST: ${q(n)}.`) - } - Ge(!1, 'Unexpected input type: ' + q(t)) - } - var Lh = /^-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/ - var Ci = new Ke({ - name: '__Schema', - description: - 'A GraphQL Schema defines the capabilities of a GraphQL server. It exposes all available types and directives on the server, as well as the entry points for query, mutation, and subscription operations.', - fields: () => ({ - description: { type: je, resolve: (e) => e.description }, - types: { - description: 'A list of all types supported by this server.', - type: new ae(new Me(new ae(zt))), - resolve(e) { - return Object.values(e.getTypeMap()) - } - }, - queryType: { - description: 'The type that query operations will be rooted at.', - type: new ae(zt), - resolve: (e) => e.getQueryType() - }, - mutationType: { - description: - 'If this server supports mutation, the type that mutation operations will be rooted at.', - type: zt, - resolve: (e) => e.getMutationType() - }, - subscriptionType: { - description: - 'If this server support subscription, the type that subscription operations will be rooted at.', - type: zt, - resolve: (e) => e.getSubscriptionType() - }, - directives: { - description: 'A list of all directives supported by this server.', - type: new ae(new Me(new ae(Ga))), - resolve: (e) => e.getDirectives() - } - }) - }), - Ga = new Ke({ - name: '__Directive', - description: `A Directive provides a way to describe alternate runtime execution and type validation behavior in a GraphQL document. - -In some cases, you need to provide options to alter GraphQL's execution behavior in ways field arguments will not suffice, such as conditionally including or skipping a field. Directives provide this by describing additional information to the executor.`, - fields: () => ({ - name: { type: new ae(je), resolve: (e) => e.name }, - description: { type: je, resolve: (e) => e.description }, - isRepeatable: { type: new ae(He), resolve: (e) => e.isRepeatable }, - locations: { type: new ae(new Me(new ae(Ha))), resolve: (e) => e.locations }, - args: { - type: new ae(new Me(new ae(Ii))), - args: { includeDeprecated: { type: He, defaultValue: !1 } }, - resolve(e, { includeDeprecated: t }) { - return t ? e.args : e.args.filter((n) => n.deprecationReason == null) - } - } - }) - }), - Ha = new bt({ - name: '__DirectiveLocation', - description: - 'A Directive can be adjacent to many parts of the GraphQL language, a __DirectiveLocation describes one such possible adjacencies.', - values: { - QUERY: { value: K.QUERY, description: 'Location adjacent to a query operation.' }, - MUTATION: { value: K.MUTATION, description: 'Location adjacent to a mutation operation.' }, - SUBSCRIPTION: { - value: K.SUBSCRIPTION, - description: 'Location adjacent to a subscription operation.' - }, - FIELD: { value: K.FIELD, description: 'Location adjacent to a field.' }, - FRAGMENT_DEFINITION: { - value: K.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION, - description: 'Location adjacent to a fragment definition.' - }, - FRAGMENT_SPREAD: { - value: K.FRAGMENT_SPREAD, - description: 'Location adjacent to a fragment spread.' - }, - INLINE_FRAGMENT: { - value: K.INLINE_FRAGMENT, - description: 'Location adjacent to an inline fragment.' - }, - VARIABLE_DEFINITION: { - value: K.VARIABLE_DEFINITION, - description: 'Location adjacent to a variable definition.' - }, - SCHEMA: { value: K.SCHEMA, description: 'Location adjacent to a schema definition.' }, - SCALAR: { value: K.SCALAR, description: 'Location adjacent to a scalar definition.' }, - OBJECT: { value: K.OBJECT, description: 'Location adjacent to an object type definition.' }, - FIELD_DEFINITION: { - value: K.FIELD_DEFINITION, - description: 'Location adjacent to a field definition.' - }, - ARGUMENT_DEFINITION: { - value: K.ARGUMENT_DEFINITION, - description: 'Location adjacent to an argument definition.' - }, - INTERFACE: { - value: K.INTERFACE, - description: 'Location adjacent to an interface definition.' - }, - UNION: { value: K.UNION, description: 'Location adjacent to a union definition.' }, - ENUM: { value: K.ENUM, description: 'Location adjacent to an enum definition.' }, - ENUM_VALUE: { - value: K.ENUM_VALUE, - description: 'Location adjacent to an enum value definition.' - }, - INPUT_OBJECT: { - value: K.INPUT_OBJECT, - description: 'Location adjacent to an input object type definition.' - }, - INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION: { - value: K.INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION, - description: 'Location adjacent to an input object field definition.' - } - } - }), - zt = new Ke({ - name: '__Type', - description: - 'The fundamental unit of any GraphQL Schema is the type. There are many kinds of types in GraphQL as represented by the `__TypeKind` enum.\n\nDepending on the kind of a type, certain fields describe information about that type. Scalar types provide no information beyond a name, description and optional `specifiedByURL`, while Enum types provide their values. Object and Interface types provide the fields they describe. Abstract types, Union and Interface, provide the Object types possible at runtime. List and NonNull types compose other types.', - fields: () => ({ - kind: { - type: new ae(za), - resolve(e) { - if (ct(e)) return Ce.SCALAR - if (me(e)) return Ce.OBJECT - if (De(e)) return Ce.INTERFACE - if (Ze(e)) return Ce.UNION - if (Be(e)) return Ce.ENUM - if (be(e)) return Ce.INPUT_OBJECT - if (Fe(e)) return Ce.LIST - if (ce(e)) return Ce.NON_NULL - Ge(!1, `Unexpected type: "${q(e)}".`) - } - }, - name: { type: je, resolve: (e) => ('name' in e ? e.name : void 0) }, - description: { type: je, resolve: (e) => ('description' in e ? e.description : void 0) }, - specifiedByURL: { - type: je, - resolve: (e) => ('specifiedByURL' in e ? e.specifiedByURL : void 0) - }, - fields: { - type: new Me(new ae(Wa)), - args: { includeDeprecated: { type: He, defaultValue: !1 } }, - resolve(e, { includeDeprecated: t }) { - if (me(e) || De(e)) { - let n = Object.values(e.getFields()) - return t ? n : n.filter((r) => r.deprecationReason == null) - } - } - }, - interfaces: { - type: new Me(new ae(zt)), - resolve(e) { - if (me(e) || De(e)) return e.getInterfaces() - } - }, - possibleTypes: { - type: new Me(new ae(zt)), - resolve(e, t, n, { schema: r }) { - if (mt(e)) return r.getPossibleTypes(e) - } - }, - enumValues: { - type: new Me(new ae(Qa)), - args: { includeDeprecated: { type: He, defaultValue: !1 } }, - resolve(e, { includeDeprecated: t }) { - if (Be(e)) { - let n = e.getValues() - return t ? n : n.filter((r) => r.deprecationReason == null) - } - } - }, - inputFields: { - type: new Me(new ae(Ii)), - args: { includeDeprecated: { type: He, defaultValue: !1 } }, - resolve(e, { includeDeprecated: t }) { - if (be(e)) { - let n = Object.values(e.getFields()) - return t ? n : n.filter((r) => r.deprecationReason == null) - } - } - }, - ofType: { type: zt, resolve: (e) => ('ofType' in e ? e.ofType : void 0) }, - isOneOf: { - type: He, - resolve: (e) => { - if (be(e)) return e.isOneOf - } - } - }) - }), - Wa = new Ke({ - name: '__Field', - description: - 'Object and Interface types are described by a list of Fields, each of which has a name, potentially a list of arguments, and a return type.', - fields: () => ({ - name: { type: new ae(je), resolve: (e) => e.name }, - description: { type: je, resolve: (e) => e.description }, - args: { - type: new ae(new Me(new ae(Ii))), - args: { includeDeprecated: { type: He, defaultValue: !1 } }, - resolve(e, { includeDeprecated: t }) { - return t ? e.args : e.args.filter((n) => n.deprecationReason == null) - } - }, - type: { type: new ae(zt), resolve: (e) => e.type }, - isDeprecated: { type: new ae(He), resolve: (e) => e.deprecationReason != null }, - deprecationReason: { type: je, resolve: (e) => e.deprecationReason } - }) - }), - Ii = new Ke({ - name: '__InputValue', - description: - 'Arguments provided to Fields or Directives and the input fields of an InputObject are represented as Input Values which describe their type and optionally a default value.', - fields: () => ({ - name: { type: new ae(je), resolve: (e) => e.name }, - description: { type: je, resolve: (e) => e.description }, - type: { type: new ae(zt), resolve: (e) => e.type }, - defaultValue: { - type: je, - description: - 'A GraphQL-formatted string representing the default value for this input value.', - resolve(e) { - let { type: t, defaultValue: n } = e, - r = Ir(n, t) - return r ? Le(r) : null - } - }, - isDeprecated: { type: new ae(He), resolve: (e) => e.deprecationReason != null }, - deprecationReason: { type: je, resolve: (e) => e.deprecationReason } - }) - }), - Qa = new Ke({ - name: '__EnumValue', - description: - 'One possible value for a given Enum. Enum values are unique values, not a placeholder for a string or numeric value. However an Enum value is returned in a JSON response as a string.', - fields: () => ({ - name: { type: new ae(je), resolve: (e) => e.name }, - description: { type: je, resolve: (e) => e.description }, - isDeprecated: { type: new ae(He), resolve: (e) => e.deprecationReason != null }, - deprecationReason: { type: je, resolve: (e) => e.deprecationReason } - }) - }), - Ce - ;(function (e) { - ;(e.SCALAR = 'SCALAR'), - (e.OBJECT = 'OBJECT'), - (e.INTERFACE = 'INTERFACE'), - (e.UNION = 'UNION'), - (e.ENUM = 'ENUM'), - (e.INPUT_OBJECT = 'INPUT_OBJECT'), - (e.LIST = 'LIST'), - (e.NON_NULL = 'NON_NULL') - })(Ce || (Ce = {})) - var za = new bt({ - name: '__TypeKind', - description: 'An enum describing what kind of type a given `__Type` is.', - values: { - SCALAR: { value: Ce.SCALAR, description: 'Indicates this type is a scalar.' }, - OBJECT: { - value: Ce.OBJECT, - description: - 'Indicates this type is an object. `fields` and `interfaces` are valid fields.' - }, - INTERFACE: { - value: Ce.INTERFACE, - description: - 'Indicates this type is an interface. `fields`, `interfaces`, and `possibleTypes` are valid fields.' - }, - UNION: { - value: Ce.UNION, - description: 'Indicates this type is a union. `possibleTypes` is a valid field.' - }, - ENUM: { - value: Ce.ENUM, - description: 'Indicates this type is an enum. `enumValues` is a valid field.' - }, - INPUT_OBJECT: { - value: Ce.INPUT_OBJECT, - description: 'Indicates this type is an input object. `inputFields` is a valid field.' - }, - LIST: { - value: Ce.LIST, - description: 'Indicates this type is a list. `ofType` is a valid field.' - }, - NON_NULL: { - value: Ce.NON_NULL, - description: 'Indicates this type is a non-null. `ofType` is a valid field.' - } - } - }), - En = { - name: '__schema', - type: new ae(Ci), - description: 'Access the current type schema of this server.', - args: [], - resolve: (e, t, n, { schema: r }) => r, - deprecationReason: void 0, - extensions: Object.create(null), - astNode: void 0 - }, - yn = { - name: '__type', - type: zt, - description: 'Request the type information of a single type.', - args: [ - { - name: 'name', - description: void 0, - type: new ae(je), - defaultValue: void 0, - deprecationReason: void 0, - extensions: Object.create(null), - astNode: void 0 - } - ], - resolve: (e, { name: t }, n, { schema: r }) => r.getType(t), - deprecationReason: void 0, - extensions: Object.create(null), - astNode: void 0 - }, - xn = { - name: '__typename', - type: new ae(je), - description: 'The name of the current Object type at runtime.', - args: [], - resolve: (e, t, n, { parentType: r }) => r.name, - deprecationReason: void 0, - extensions: Object.create(null), - astNode: void 0 - }, - $n = Object.freeze([Ci, Ga, Ha, zt, Wa, Ii, Qa, za]) - function Ri(e) { - return $n.some(({ name: t }) => e.name === t) - } - function Ch(e) { - return Lt(e, dr) - } - function Dc(e) { - if (!Ch(e)) throw new Error(`Expected ${q(e)} to be a GraphQL schema.`) - return e - } - var dr = class { - constructor(t) { - var n, r - ;(this.__validationErrors = t.assumeValid === !0 ? [] : void 0), - Nt(t) || pe(!1, 'Must provide configuration object.'), - !t.types || - Array.isArray(t.types) || - pe(!1, `"types" must be Array if provided but got: ${q(t.types)}.`), - !t.directives || - Array.isArray(t.directives) || - pe(!1, `"directives" must be Array if provided but got: ${q(t.directives)}.`), - (this.description = t.description), - (this.extensions = Ct(t.extensions)), - (this.astNode = t.astNode), - (this.extensionASTNodes = (n = t.extensionASTNodes) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : []), - (this._queryType = t.query), - (this._mutationType = t.mutation), - (this._subscriptionType = t.subscription), - (this._directives = (r = t.directives) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : Qt) - let i = new Set(t.types) - if (t.types != null) for (let s of t.types) i.delete(s), un(s, i) - this._queryType != null && un(this._queryType, i), - this._mutationType != null && un(this._mutationType, i), - this._subscriptionType != null && un(this._subscriptionType, i) - for (let s of this._directives) if (eo(s)) for (let o of s.args) un(o.type, i) - un(Ci, i), - (this._typeMap = Object.create(null)), - (this._subTypeMap = Object.create(null)), - (this._implementationsMap = Object.create(null)) - for (let s of i) { - if (s == null) continue - let o = s.name - if ( - (o || pe(!1, 'One of the provided types for building the Schema is missing a name.'), - this._typeMap[o] !== void 0) - ) - throw new Error( - `Schema must contain uniquely named types but contains multiple types named "${o}".` - ) - if (((this._typeMap[o] = s), De(s))) { - for (let a of s.getInterfaces()) - if (De(a)) { - let u = this._implementationsMap[a.name] - u === void 0 && - (u = this._implementationsMap[a.name] = { objects: [], interfaces: [] }), - u.interfaces.push(s) - } - } else if (me(s)) { - for (let a of s.getInterfaces()) - if (De(a)) { - let u = this._implementationsMap[a.name] - u === void 0 && - (u = this._implementationsMap[a.name] = { objects: [], interfaces: [] }), - u.objects.push(s) - } - } - } - } - get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { - return 'GraphQLSchema' - } - getQueryType() { - return this._queryType - } - getMutationType() { - return this._mutationType - } - getSubscriptionType() { - return this._subscriptionType - } - getRootType(t) { - switch (t) { - case st.QUERY: - return this.getQueryType() - case st.MUTATION: - return this.getMutationType() - case st.SUBSCRIPTION: - return this.getSubscriptionType() - } - } - getTypeMap() { - return this._typeMap - } - getType(t) { - return this.getTypeMap()[t] - } - getPossibleTypes(t) { - return Ze(t) ? t.getTypes() : this.getImplementations(t).objects - } - getImplementations(t) { - let n = this._implementationsMap[t.name] - return n ?? { objects: [], interfaces: [] } - } - isSubType(t, n) { - let r = this._subTypeMap[t.name] - if (r === void 0) { - if (((r = Object.create(null)), Ze(t))) for (let i of t.getTypes()) r[i.name] = !0 - else { - let i = this.getImplementations(t) - for (let s of i.objects) r[s.name] = !0 - for (let s of i.interfaces) r[s.name] = !0 - } - this._subTypeMap[t.name] = r - } - return r[n.name] !== void 0 - } - getDirectives() { - return this._directives - } - getDirective(t) { - return this.getDirectives().find((n) => n.name === t) - } - toConfig() { - return { - description: this.description, - query: this.getQueryType(), - mutation: this.getMutationType(), - subscription: this.getSubscriptionType(), - types: Object.values(this.getTypeMap()), - directives: this.getDirectives(), - extensions: this.extensions, - astNode: this.astNode, - extensionASTNodes: this.extensionASTNodes, - assumeValid: this.__validationErrors !== void 0 - } - } - } - function un(e, t) { - let n = we(e) - if (!t.has(n)) { - if ((t.add(n), Ze(n))) for (let r of n.getTypes()) un(r, t) - else if (me(n) || De(n)) { - for (let r of n.getInterfaces()) un(r, t) - for (let r of Object.values(n.getFields())) { - un(r.type, t) - for (let i of r.args) un(i.type, t) - } - } else if (be(n)) for (let r of Object.values(n.getFields())) un(r.type, t) - } - return t - } - function Oh(e) { - if ((Dc(e), e.__validationErrors)) return e.__validationErrors - let t = new bc(e) - v7(t), b7(t), E7(t) - let n = t.getErrors() - return (e.__validationErrors = n), n - } - function Ec(e) { - let t = Oh(e) - if (t.length !== 0) - throw new Error( - t.map((n) => n.message).join(` - -`) - ) - } - var bc = class { - constructor(t) { - ;(this._errors = []), (this.schema = t) - } - reportError(t, n) { - let r = Array.isArray(n) ? n.filter(Boolean) : n - this._errors.push(new O(t, { nodes: r })) - } - getErrors() { - return this._errors - } - } - function v7(e) { - let t = e.schema, - n = t.getQueryType() - if (!n) e.reportError('Query root type must be provided.', t.astNode) - else if (!me(n)) { - var r - e.reportError( - `Query root type must be Object type, it cannot be ${q(n)}.`, - (r = vc(t, st.QUERY)) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : n.astNode - ) - } - let i = t.getMutationType() - if (i && !me(i)) { - var s - e.reportError( - `Mutation root type must be Object type if provided, it cannot be ${q(i)}.`, - (s = vc(t, st.MUTATION)) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : i.astNode - ) - } - let o = t.getSubscriptionType() - if (o && !me(o)) { - var a - e.reportError( - `Subscription root type must be Object type if provided, it cannot be ${q(o)}.`, - (a = vc(t, st.SUBSCRIPTION)) !== null && a !== void 0 ? a : o.astNode - ) - } - } - function vc(e, t) { - var n - return (n = [e.astNode, ...e.extensionASTNodes] - .flatMap((r) => { - var i - return (i = r?.operationTypes) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : [] - }) - .find((r) => r.operation === t)) === null || n === void 0 - ? void 0 - : n.type - } - function b7(e) { - for (let n of e.schema.getDirectives()) { - if (!eo(n)) { - e.reportError(`Expected directive but got: ${q(n)}.`, n?.astNode) - continue - } - Rr(e, n) - for (let r of n.args) - if ( - (Rr(e, r), - et(r.type) || - e.reportError( - `The type of @${n.name}(${r.name}:) must be Input Type but got: ${q(r.type)}.`, - r.astNode - ), - Vn(r) && r.deprecationReason != null) - ) { - var t - e.reportError(`Required argument @${n.name}(${r.name}:) cannot be deprecated.`, [ - yc(r.astNode), - (t = r.astNode) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.type - ]) - } - } - } - function Rr(e, t) { - t.name.startsWith('__') && - e.reportError( - `Name "${t.name}" must not begin with "__", which is reserved by GraphQL introspection.`, - t.astNode - ) - } - function E7(e) { - let t = A7(e), - n = e.schema.getTypeMap() - for (let r of Object.values(n)) { - if (!Ma(r)) { - e.reportError(`Expected GraphQL named type but got: ${q(r)}.`, r.astNode) - continue - } - Ri(r) || Rr(e, r), - me(r) || De(r) - ? (Ih(e, r), Rh(e, r)) - : Ze(r) - ? _7(e, r) - : Be(r) - ? N7(e, r) - : be(r) && (T7(e, r), t(r)) - } - } - function Ih(e, t) { - let n = Object.values(t.getFields()) - n.length === 0 && - e.reportError(`Type ${t.name} must define one or more fields.`, [ - t.astNode, - ...t.extensionASTNodes - ]) - for (let o of n) { - if ((Rr(e, o), !Ht(o.type))) { - var r - e.reportError( - `The type of ${t.name}.${o.name} must be Output Type but got: ${q(o.type)}.`, - (r = o.astNode) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.type - ) - } - for (let a of o.args) { - let u = a.name - if ((Rr(e, a), !et(a.type))) { - var i - e.reportError( - `The type of ${t.name}.${o.name}(${u}:) must be Input Type but got: ${q(a.type)}.`, - (i = a.astNode) === null || i === void 0 ? void 0 : i.type - ) - } - if (Vn(a) && a.deprecationReason != null) { - var s - e.reportError(`Required argument ${t.name}.${o.name}(${u}:) cannot be deprecated.`, [ - yc(a.astNode), - (s = a.astNode) === null || s === void 0 ? void 0 : s.type - ]) - } - } - } - } - function Rh(e, t) { - let n = Object.create(null) - for (let r of t.getInterfaces()) { - if (!De(r)) { - e.reportError( - `Type ${q(t)} must only implement Interface types, it cannot implement ${q(r)}.`, - to(t, r) - ) - continue - } - if (t === r) { - e.reportError( - `Type ${t.name} cannot implement itself because it would create a circular reference.`, - to(t, r) - ) - continue - } - if (n[r.name]) { - e.reportError(`Type ${t.name} can only implement ${r.name} once.`, to(t, r)) - continue - } - ;(n[r.name] = !0), x7(e, t, r), y7(e, t, r) - } - } - function y7(e, t, n) { - let r = t.getFields() - for (let u of Object.values(n.getFields())) { - let l = u.name, - c = r[l] - if (!c) { - e.reportError( - `Interface field ${n.name}.${l} expected but ${t.name} does not provide it.`, - [u.astNode, t.astNode, ...t.extensionASTNodes] - ) - continue - } - if (!bn(e.schema, c.type, u.type)) { - var i, s - e.reportError( - `Interface field ${n.name}.${l} expects type ${q(u.type)} but ${t.name}.${l} is type ${q( - c.type - )}.`, - [ - (i = u.astNode) === null || i === void 0 ? void 0 : i.type, - (s = c.astNode) === null || s === void 0 ? void 0 : s.type - ] - ) - } - for (let d of u.args) { - let h = d.name, - m = c.args.find((g) => g.name === h) - if (!m) { - e.reportError( - `Interface field argument ${n.name}.${l}(${h}:) expected but ${t.name}.${l} does not provide it.`, - [d.astNode, c.astNode] - ) - continue - } - if (!wi(d.type, m.type)) { - var o, a - e.reportError( - `Interface field argument ${n.name}.${l}(${h}:) expects type ${q(d.type)} but ${ - t.name - }.${l}(${h}:) is type ${q(m.type)}.`, - [ - (o = d.astNode) === null || o === void 0 ? void 0 : o.type, - (a = m.astNode) === null || a === void 0 ? void 0 : a.type - ] - ) - } - } - for (let d of c.args) { - let h = d.name - !u.args.find((g) => g.name === h) && - Vn(d) && - e.reportError( - `Object field ${t.name}.${l} includes required argument ${h} that is missing from the Interface field ${n.name}.${l}.`, - [d.astNode, u.astNode] - ) - } - } - } - function x7(e, t, n) { - let r = t.getInterfaces() - for (let i of n.getInterfaces()) - r.includes(i) || - e.reportError( - i === t - ? `Type ${t.name} cannot implement ${n.name} because it would create a circular reference.` - : `Type ${t.name} must implement ${i.name} because it is implemented by ${n.name}.`, - [...to(n, i), ...to(t, n)] - ) - } - function _7(e, t) { - let n = t.getTypes() - n.length === 0 && - e.reportError(`Union type ${t.name} must define one or more member types.`, [ - t.astNode, - ...t.extensionASTNodes - ]) - let r = Object.create(null) - for (let i of n) { - if (r[i.name]) { - e.reportError(`Union type ${t.name} can only include type ${i.name} once.`, kh(t, i.name)) - continue - } - ;(r[i.name] = !0), - me(i) || - e.reportError( - `Union type ${t.name} can only include Object types, it cannot include ${q(i)}.`, - kh(t, String(i)) - ) - } - } - function N7(e, t) { - let n = t.getValues() - n.length === 0 && - e.reportError(`Enum type ${t.name} must define one or more values.`, [ - t.astNode, - ...t.extensionASTNodes - ]) - for (let r of n) Rr(e, r) - } - function T7(e, t) { - let n = Object.values(t.getFields()) - n.length === 0 && - e.reportError(`Input Object type ${t.name} must define one or more fields.`, [ - t.astNode, - ...t.extensionASTNodes - ]) - for (let s of n) { - if ((Rr(e, s), !et(s.type))) { - var r - e.reportError( - `The type of ${t.name}.${s.name} must be Input Type but got: ${q(s.type)}.`, - (r = s.astNode) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.type - ) - } - if (Fi(s) && s.deprecationReason != null) { - var i - e.reportError(`Required input field ${t.name}.${s.name} cannot be deprecated.`, [ - yc(s.astNode), - (i = s.astNode) === null || i === void 0 ? void 0 : i.type - ]) - } - t.isOneOf && S7(t, s, e) - } - } - function S7(e, t, n) { - if (ce(t.type)) { - var r - n.reportError( - `OneOf input field ${e.name}.${t.name} must be nullable.`, - (r = t.astNode) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.type - ) - } - t.defaultValue !== void 0 && - n.reportError(`OneOf input field ${e.name}.${t.name} cannot have a default value.`, t.astNode) - } - function A7(e) { - let t = Object.create(null), - n = [], - r = Object.create(null) - return i - function i(s) { - if (t[s.name]) return - ;(t[s.name] = !0), (r[s.name] = n.length) - let o = Object.values(s.getFields()) - for (let a of o) - if (ce(a.type) && be(a.type.ofType)) { - let u = a.type.ofType, - l = r[u.name] - if ((n.push(a), l === void 0)) i(u) - else { - let c = n.slice(l), - d = c.map((h) => h.name).join('.') - e.reportError( - `Cannot reference Input Object "${u.name}" within itself through a series of non-null fields: "${d}".`, - c.map((h) => h.astNode) - ) - } - n.pop() - } - r[s.name] = void 0 - } - } - function to(e, t) { - let { astNode: n, extensionASTNodes: r } = e - return (n != null ? [n, ...r] : r) - .flatMap((s) => { - var o - return (o = s.interfaces) !== null && o !== void 0 ? o : [] - }) - .filter((s) => s.name.value === t.name) - } - function kh(e, t) { - let { astNode: n, extensionASTNodes: r } = e - return (n != null ? [n, ...r] : r) - .flatMap((s) => { - var o - return (o = s.types) !== null && o !== void 0 ? o : [] - }) - .filter((s) => s.name.value === t) - } - function yc(e) { - var t - return e == null || (t = e.directives) === null || t === void 0 - ? void 0 - : t.find((n) => n.name.value === Li.name) - } - function We(e, t) { - switch (t.kind) { - case E.LIST_TYPE: { - let n = We(e, t.type) - return n && new Me(n) - } - case E.NON_NULL_TYPE: { - let n = We(e, t.type) - return n && new ae(n) - } - case E.NAMED_TYPE: - return e.getType(t.name.value) - } - } - var kr = class { - constructor(t, n, r) { - ;(this._schema = t), - (this._typeStack = []), - (this._parentTypeStack = []), - (this._inputTypeStack = []), - (this._fieldDefStack = []), - (this._defaultValueStack = []), - (this._directive = null), - (this._argument = null), - (this._enumValue = null), - (this._getFieldDef = r ?? F7), - n && - (et(n) && this._inputTypeStack.push(n), - at(n) && this._parentTypeStack.push(n), - Ht(n) && this._typeStack.push(n)) - } - get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { - return 'TypeInfo' - } - getType() { - if (this._typeStack.length > 0) return this._typeStack[this._typeStack.length - 1] - } - getParentType() { - if (this._parentTypeStack.length > 0) - return this._parentTypeStack[this._parentTypeStack.length - 1] - } - getInputType() { - if (this._inputTypeStack.length > 0) - return this._inputTypeStack[this._inputTypeStack.length - 1] - } - getParentInputType() { - if (this._inputTypeStack.length > 1) - return this._inputTypeStack[this._inputTypeStack.length - 2] - } - getFieldDef() { - if (this._fieldDefStack.length > 0) return this._fieldDefStack[this._fieldDefStack.length - 1] - } - getDefaultValue() { - if (this._defaultValueStack.length > 0) - return this._defaultValueStack[this._defaultValueStack.length - 1] - } - getDirective() { - return this._directive - } - getArgument() { - return this._argument - } - getEnumValue() { - return this._enumValue - } - enter(t) { - let n = this._schema - switch (t.kind) { - case E.SELECTION_SET: { - let i = we(this.getType()) - this._parentTypeStack.push(at(i) ? i : void 0) - break - } - case E.FIELD: { - let i = this.getParentType(), - s, - o - i && ((s = this._getFieldDef(n, i, t)), s && (o = s.type)), - this._fieldDefStack.push(s), - this._typeStack.push(Ht(o) ? o : void 0) - break - } - case E.DIRECTIVE: - this._directive = n.getDirective(t.name.value) - break - case E.OPERATION_DEFINITION: { - let i = n.getRootType(t.operation) - this._typeStack.push(me(i) ? i : void 0) - break - } - case E.INLINE_FRAGMENT: - case E.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION: { - let i = t.typeCondition, - s = i ? We(n, i) : we(this.getType()) - this._typeStack.push(Ht(s) ? s : void 0) - break - } - case E.VARIABLE_DEFINITION: { - let i = We(n, t.type) - this._inputTypeStack.push(et(i) ? i : void 0) - break - } - case E.ARGUMENT: { - var r - let i, - s, - o = (r = this.getDirective()) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : this.getFieldDef() - o && ((i = o.args.find((a) => a.name === t.name.value)), i && (s = i.type)), - (this._argument = i), - this._defaultValueStack.push(i ? i.defaultValue : void 0), - this._inputTypeStack.push(et(s) ? s : void 0) - break - } - case E.LIST: { - let i = fr(this.getInputType()), - s = Fe(i) ? i.ofType : i - this._defaultValueStack.push(void 0), this._inputTypeStack.push(et(s) ? s : void 0) - break - } - case E.OBJECT_FIELD: { - let i = we(this.getInputType()), - s, - o - be(i) && ((o = i.getFields()[t.name.value]), o && (s = o.type)), - this._defaultValueStack.push(o ? o.defaultValue : void 0), - this._inputTypeStack.push(et(s) ? s : void 0) - break - } - case E.ENUM: { - let i = we(this.getInputType()), - s - Be(i) && (s = i.getValue(t.value)), (this._enumValue = s) - break - } - default: - } - } - leave(t) { - switch (t.kind) { - case E.SELECTION_SET: - this._parentTypeStack.pop() - break - case E.FIELD: - this._fieldDefStack.pop(), this._typeStack.pop() - break - case E.DIRECTIVE: - this._directive = null - break - case E.OPERATION_DEFINITION: - case E.INLINE_FRAGMENT: - case E.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION: - this._typeStack.pop() - break - case E.VARIABLE_DEFINITION: - this._inputTypeStack.pop() - break - case E.ARGUMENT: - ;(this._argument = null), this._defaultValueStack.pop(), this._inputTypeStack.pop() - break - case E.LIST: - case E.OBJECT_FIELD: - this._defaultValueStack.pop(), this._inputTypeStack.pop() - break - case E.ENUM: - this._enumValue = null - break - default: - } - } - } - function F7(e, t, n) { - let r = n.name.value - if (r === En.name && e.getQueryType() === t) return En - if (r === yn.name && e.getQueryType() === t) return yn - if (r === xn.name && at(t)) return xn - if (me(t) || De(t)) return t.getFields()[r] - } - function no(e, t) { - return { - enter(...n) { - let r = n[0] - e.enter(r) - let i = Lr(t, r.kind).enter - if (i) { - let s = i.apply(t, n) - return s !== void 0 && (e.leave(r), js(s) && e.enter(s)), s - } - }, - leave(...n) { - let r = n[0], - i = Lr(t, r.kind).leave, - s - return i && (s = i.apply(t, n)), e.leave(r), s - } - } - } - function xc(e) { - return e.kind === E.OPERATION_DEFINITION || e.kind === E.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION - } - function _c(e) { - return e.kind === E.SCHEMA_DEFINITION || _n(e) || e.kind === E.DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION - } - function _n(e) { - return ( - e.kind === E.SCALAR_TYPE_DEFINITION || - e.kind === E.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION || - e.kind === E.INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION || - e.kind === E.UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION || - e.kind === E.ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION || - e.kind === E.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION - ) - } - function Nc(e) { - return e.kind === E.SCHEMA_EXTENSION || ki(e) - } - function ki(e) { - return ( - e.kind === E.SCALAR_TYPE_EXTENSION || - e.kind === E.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION || - e.kind === E.INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION || - e.kind === E.UNION_TYPE_EXTENSION || - e.kind === E.ENUM_TYPE_EXTENSION || - e.kind === E.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION - ) - } - function Oi(e) { - return { - Document(t) { - for (let n of t.definitions) - if (!xc(n)) { - let r = - n.kind === E.SCHEMA_DEFINITION || n.kind === E.SCHEMA_EXTENSION - ? 'schema' - : '"' + n.name.value + '"' - e.reportError(new O(`The ${r} definition is not executable.`, { nodes: n })) - } - return !1 - } - } - } - function Tc(e) { - return { - Field(t) { - let n = e.getParentType() - if (n && !e.getFieldDef()) { - let i = e.getSchema(), - s = t.name.value, - o = Mt('to use an inline fragment on', w7(i, n, s)) - o === '' && (o = Mt(L7(n, s))), - e.reportError(new O(`Cannot query field "${s}" on type "${n.name}".` + o, { nodes: t })) - } - } - } - } - function w7(e, t, n) { - if (!mt(t)) return [] - let r = new Set(), - i = Object.create(null) - for (let o of e.getPossibleTypes(t)) - if (o.getFields()[n]) { - r.add(o), (i[o.name] = 1) - for (let a of o.getInterfaces()) { - var s - a.getFields()[n] && - (r.add(a), (i[a.name] = ((s = i[a.name]) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : 0) + 1)) - } - } - return [...r] - .sort((o, a) => { - let u = i[a.name] - i[o.name] - return u !== 0 - ? u - : De(o) && e.isSubType(o, a) - ? -1 - : De(a) && e.isSubType(a, o) - ? 1 - : Ti(o.name, a.name) - }) - .map((o) => o.name) - } - function L7(e, t) { - if (me(e) || De(e)) { - let n = Object.keys(e.getFields()) - return Gt(t, n) - } - return [] - } - function Mi(e) { - return { - InlineFragment(t) { - let n = t.typeCondition - if (n) { - let r = We(e.getSchema(), n) - if (r && !at(r)) { - let i = Le(n) - e.reportError( - new O(`Fragment cannot condition on non composite type "${i}".`, { nodes: n }) - ) - } - } - }, - FragmentDefinition(t) { - let n = We(e.getSchema(), t.typeCondition) - if (n && !at(n)) { - let r = Le(t.typeCondition) - e.reportError( - new O(`Fragment "${t.name.value}" cannot condition on non composite type "${r}".`, { - nodes: t.typeCondition - }) - ) - } - } - } - } - function Sc(e) { - return { - ...Ac(e), - Argument(t) { - let n = e.getArgument(), - r = e.getFieldDef(), - i = e.getParentType() - if (!n && r && i) { - let s = t.name.value, - o = r.args.map((u) => u.name), - a = Gt(s, o) - e.reportError( - new O(`Unknown argument "${s}" on field "${i.name}.${r.name}".` + Mt(a), { nodes: t }) - ) - } - } - } - } - function Ac(e) { - let t = Object.create(null), - n = e.getSchema(), - r = n ? n.getDirectives() : Qt - for (let o of r) t[o.name] = o.args.map((a) => a.name) - let i = e.getDocument().definitions - for (let o of i) - if (o.kind === E.DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION) { - var s - let a = (s = o.arguments) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : [] - t[o.name.value] = a.map((u) => u.name.value) - } - return { - Directive(o) { - let a = o.name.value, - u = t[a] - if (o.arguments && u) - for (let l of o.arguments) { - let c = l.name.value - if (!u.includes(c)) { - let d = Gt(c, u) - e.reportError( - new O(`Unknown argument "${c}" on directive "@${a}".` + Mt(d), { nodes: l }) - ) - } - } - return !1 - } - } - } - function Or(e) { - let t = Object.create(null), - n = e.getSchema(), - r = n ? n.getDirectives() : Qt - for (let s of r) t[s.name] = s.locations - let i = e.getDocument().definitions - for (let s of i) - s.kind === E.DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION && (t[s.name.value] = s.locations.map((o) => o.value)) - return { - Directive(s, o, a, u, l) { - let c = s.name.value, - d = t[c] - if (!d) { - e.reportError(new O(`Unknown directive "@${c}".`, { nodes: s })) - return - } - let h = C7(l) - h && - !d.includes(h) && - e.reportError(new O(`Directive "@${c}" may not be used on ${h}.`, { nodes: s })) - } - } - } - function C7(e) { - let t = e[e.length - 1] - switch (('kind' in t || Ge(!1), t.kind)) { - case E.OPERATION_DEFINITION: - return I7(t.operation) - case E.FIELD: - return K.FIELD - case E.FRAGMENT_SPREAD: - return K.FRAGMENT_SPREAD - case E.INLINE_FRAGMENT: - return K.INLINE_FRAGMENT - case E.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION: - return K.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION - case E.VARIABLE_DEFINITION: - return K.VARIABLE_DEFINITION - case E.SCHEMA_DEFINITION: - case E.SCHEMA_EXTENSION: - return K.SCHEMA - case E.SCALAR_TYPE_DEFINITION: - case E.SCALAR_TYPE_EXTENSION: - return K.SCALAR - case E.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION: - case E.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION: - return K.OBJECT - case E.FIELD_DEFINITION: - return K.FIELD_DEFINITION - case E.INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION: - case E.INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION: - return K.INTERFACE - case E.UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION: - case E.UNION_TYPE_EXTENSION: - return K.UNION - case E.ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION: - case E.ENUM_TYPE_EXTENSION: - return K.ENUM - case E.ENUM_VALUE_DEFINITION: - return K.ENUM_VALUE - case E.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION: - case E.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION: - return K.INPUT_OBJECT - case E.INPUT_VALUE_DEFINITION: { - let n = e[e.length - 3] - return ( - 'kind' in n || Ge(!1), - n.kind === E.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION - ? K.INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION - : K.ARGUMENT_DEFINITION - ) - } - default: - Ge(!1, 'Unexpected kind: ' + q(t.kind)) - } - } - function I7(e) { - switch (e) { - case st.QUERY: - return K.QUERY - case st.MUTATION: - return K.MUTATION - case st.SUBSCRIPTION: - return K.SUBSCRIPTION - } - } - function Pi(e) { - return { - FragmentSpread(t) { - let n = t.name.value - e.getFragment(n) || e.reportError(new O(`Unknown fragment "${n}".`, { nodes: t.name })) - } - } - } - function Mr(e) { - let t = e.getSchema(), - n = t ? t.getTypeMap() : Object.create(null), - r = Object.create(null) - for (let s of e.getDocument().definitions) _n(s) && (r[s.name.value] = !0) - let i = [...Object.keys(n), ...Object.keys(r)] - return { - NamedType(s, o, a, u, l) { - let c = s.name.value - if (!n[c] && !r[c]) { - var d - let h = (d = l[2]) !== null && d !== void 0 ? d : a, - m = h != null && R7(h) - if (m && Mh.includes(c)) return - let g = Gt(c, m ? Mh.concat(i) : i) - e.reportError(new O(`Unknown type "${c}".` + Mt(g), { nodes: s })) - } - } - } - } - var Mh = [...Un, ...$n].map((e) => e.name) - function R7(e) { - return 'kind' in e && (_c(e) || Nc(e)) - } - function Fc(e) { - let t = 0 - return { - Document(n) { - t = n.definitions.filter((r) => r.kind === E.OPERATION_DEFINITION).length - }, - OperationDefinition(n) { - !n.name && - t > 1 && - e.reportError( - new O('This anonymous operation must be the only defined operation.', { nodes: n }) - ) - } - } - } - function Bi(e) { - var t, n, r - let i = e.getSchema(), - s = - (t = - (n = (r = i?.astNode) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : i?.getQueryType()) !== null && - n !== void 0 - ? n - : i?.getMutationType()) !== null && t !== void 0 - ? t - : i?.getSubscriptionType(), - o = 0 - return { - SchemaDefinition(a) { - if (s) { - e.reportError( - new O('Cannot define a new schema within a schema extension.', { nodes: a }) - ) - return - } - o > 0 && e.reportError(new O('Must provide only one schema definition.', { nodes: a })), ++o - } - } - } - var k7 = 3 - function wc(e) { - function t(n, r = Object.create(null), i = 0) { - if (n.kind === E.FRAGMENT_SPREAD) { - let s = n.name.value - if (r[s] === !0) return !1 - let o = e.getFragment(s) - if (!o) return !1 - try { - return (r[s] = !0), t(o, r, i) - } finally { - r[s] = void 0 - } - } - if ( - n.kind === E.FIELD && - (n.name.value === 'fields' || - n.name.value === 'interfaces' || - n.name.value === 'possibleTypes' || - n.name.value === 'inputFields') && - (i++, i >= k7) - ) - return !0 - if ('selectionSet' in n && n.selectionSet) { - for (let s of n.selectionSet.selections) if (t(s, r, i)) return !0 - } - return !1 - } - return { - Field(n) { - if ((n.name.value === '__schema' || n.name.value === '__type') && t(n)) - return e.reportError(new O('Maximum introspection depth exceeded', { nodes: [n] })), !1 - } - } - } - function Lc(e) { - let t = Object.create(null), - n = [], - r = Object.create(null) - return { - OperationDefinition: () => !1, - FragmentDefinition(s) { - return i(s), !1 - } - } - function i(s) { - if (t[s.name.value]) return - let o = s.name.value - t[o] = !0 - let a = e.getFragmentSpreads(s.selectionSet) - if (a.length !== 0) { - r[o] = n.length - for (let u of a) { - let l = u.name.value, - c = r[l] - if ((n.push(u), c === void 0)) { - let d = e.getFragment(l) - d && i(d) - } else { - let d = n.slice(c), - h = d - .slice(0, -1) - .map((m) => '"' + m.name.value + '"') - .join(', ') - e.reportError( - new O( - `Cannot spread fragment "${l}" within itself` + (h !== '' ? ` via ${h}.` : '.'), - { nodes: d } - ) - ) - } - n.pop() - } - r[o] = void 0 - } - } - } - function Cc(e) { - let t = Object.create(null) - return { - OperationDefinition: { - enter() { - t = Object.create(null) - }, - leave(n) { - let r = e.getRecursiveVariableUsages(n) - for (let { node: i } of r) { - let s = i.name.value - t[s] !== !0 && - e.reportError( - new O( - n.name - ? `Variable "$${s}" is not defined by operation "${n.name.value}".` - : `Variable "$${s}" is not defined.`, - { nodes: [i, n] } - ) - ) - } - } - }, - VariableDefinition(n) { - t[n.variable.name.value] = !0 - } - } - } - function Vi(e) { - let t = [], - n = [] - return { - OperationDefinition(r) { - return t.push(r), !1 - }, - FragmentDefinition(r) { - return n.push(r), !1 - }, - Document: { - leave() { - let r = Object.create(null) - for (let i of t) - for (let s of e.getRecursivelyReferencedFragments(i)) r[s.name.value] = !0 - for (let i of n) { - let s = i.name.value - r[s] !== !0 && e.reportError(new O(`Fragment "${s}" is never used.`, { nodes: i })) - } - } - } - } - } - function Ic(e) { - let t = [] - return { - OperationDefinition: { - enter() { - t = [] - }, - leave(n) { - let r = Object.create(null), - i = e.getRecursiveVariableUsages(n) - for (let { node: s } of i) r[s.name.value] = !0 - for (let s of t) { - let o = s.variable.name.value - r[o] !== !0 && - e.reportError( - new O( - n.name - ? `Variable "$${o}" is never used in operation "${n.name.value}".` - : `Variable "$${o}" is never used.`, - { nodes: s } - ) - ) - } - } - }, - VariableDefinition(n) { - t.push(n) - } - } - } - function Ya(e) { - switch (e.kind) { - case E.OBJECT: - return { ...e, fields: O7(e.fields) } - case E.LIST: - return { ...e, values: e.values.map(Ya) } - case E.INT: - case E.FLOAT: - case E.STRING: - case E.BOOLEAN: - case E.NULL: - case E.ENUM: - case E.VARIABLE: - return e - } - } - function O7(e) { - return e - .map((t) => ({ ...t, value: Ya(t.value) })) - .sort((t, n) => Ti(t.name.value, n.name.value)) - } - function Bh(e) { - return Array.isArray(e) - ? e.map(([t, n]) => `subfields "${t}" conflict because ` + Bh(n)).join(' and ') - : e - } - function Mc(e) { - let t = new Oc(), - n = new Map() - return { - SelectionSet(r) { - let i = M7(e, n, t, e.getParentType(), r) - for (let [[s, o], a, u] of i) { - let l = Bh(o) - e.reportError( - new O( - `Fields "${s}" conflict because ${l}. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.`, - { nodes: a.concat(u) } - ) - ) - } - } - } - } - function M7(e, t, n, r, i) { - let s = [], - [o, a] = Ka(e, t, r, i) - if ((B7(e, s, t, n, o), a.length !== 0)) - for (let u = 0; u < a.length; u++) { - Ja(e, s, t, n, !1, o, a[u]) - for (let l = u + 1; l < a.length; l++) Xa(e, s, t, n, !1, a[u], a[l]) - } - return s - } - function Ja(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) { - let a = e.getFragment(o) - if (!a) return - let [u, l] = kc(e, n, a) - if (s !== u) { - Pc(e, t, n, r, i, s, u) - for (let c of l) r.has(c, o, i) || (r.add(c, o, i), Ja(e, t, n, r, i, s, c)) - } - } - function Xa(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) { - if (s === o || r.has(s, o, i)) return - r.add(s, o, i) - let a = e.getFragment(s), - u = e.getFragment(o) - if (!a || !u) return - let [l, c] = kc(e, n, a), - [d, h] = kc(e, n, u) - Pc(e, t, n, r, i, l, d) - for (let m of h) Xa(e, t, n, r, i, s, m) - for (let m of c) Xa(e, t, n, r, i, m, o) - } - function P7(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, a) { - let u = [], - [l, c] = Ka(e, t, i, s), - [d, h] = Ka(e, t, o, a) - Pc(e, u, t, n, r, l, d) - for (let m of h) Ja(e, u, t, n, r, l, m) - for (let m of c) Ja(e, u, t, n, r, d, m) - for (let m of c) for (let g of h) Xa(e, u, t, n, r, m, g) - return u - } - function B7(e, t, n, r, i) { - for (let [s, o] of Object.entries(i)) - if (o.length > 1) - for (let a = 0; a < o.length; a++) - for (let u = a + 1; u < o.length; u++) { - let l = Vh(e, n, r, !1, s, o[a], o[u]) - l && t.push(l) - } - } - function Pc(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) { - for (let [a, u] of Object.entries(s)) { - let l = o[a] - if (l) - for (let c of u) - for (let d of l) { - let h = Vh(e, n, r, i, a, c, d) - h && t.push(h) - } - } - } - function Vh(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) { - let [a, u, l] = s, - [c, d, h] = o, - m = r || (a !== c && me(a) && me(c)) - if (!m) { - let w = u.name.value, - C = d.name.value - if (w !== C) return [[i, `"${w}" and "${C}" are different fields`], [u], [d]] - if (!V7(u, d)) return [[i, 'they have differing arguments'], [u], [d]] - } - let g = l?.type, - v = h?.type - if (g && v && Rc(g, v)) - return [[i, `they return conflicting types "${q(g)}" and "${q(v)}"`], [u], [d]] - let N = u.selectionSet, - _ = d.selectionSet - if (N && _) { - let w = P7(e, t, n, m, we(g), N, we(v), _) - return U7(w, i, u, d) - } - } - function V7(e, t) { - let n = e.arguments, - r = t.arguments - if (n === void 0 || n.length === 0) return r === void 0 || r.length === 0 - if (r === void 0 || r.length === 0 || n.length !== r.length) return !1 - let i = new Map(r.map(({ name: s, value: o }) => [s.value, o])) - return n.every((s) => { - let o = s.value, - a = i.get(s.name.value) - return a === void 0 ? !1 : Ph(o) === Ph(a) - }) - } - function Ph(e) { - return Le(Ya(e)) - } - function Rc(e, t) { - return Fe(e) - ? Fe(t) - ? Rc(e.ofType, t.ofType) - : !0 - : Fe(t) - ? !0 - : ce(e) - ? ce(t) - ? Rc(e.ofType, t.ofType) - : !0 - : ce(t) - ? !0 - : Wt(e) || Wt(t) - ? e !== t - : !1 - } - function Ka(e, t, n, r) { - let i = t.get(r) - if (i) return i - let s = Object.create(null), - o = Object.create(null) - Uh(e, n, r, s, o) - let a = [s, Object.keys(o)] - return t.set(r, a), a - } - function kc(e, t, n) { - let r = t.get(n.selectionSet) - if (r) return r - let i = We(e.getSchema(), n.typeCondition) - return Ka(e, t, i, n.selectionSet) - } - function Uh(e, t, n, r, i) { - for (let s of n.selections) - switch (s.kind) { - case E.FIELD: { - let o = s.name.value, - a - ;(me(t) || De(t)) && (a = t.getFields()[o]) - let u = s.alias ? s.alias.value : o - r[u] || (r[u] = []), r[u].push([t, s, a]) - break - } - case E.FRAGMENT_SPREAD: - i[s.name.value] = !0 - break - case E.INLINE_FRAGMENT: { - let o = s.typeCondition, - a = o ? We(e.getSchema(), o) : t - Uh(e, a, s.selectionSet, r, i) - break - } - } - } - function U7(e, t, n, r) { - if (e.length > 0) - return [ - [t, e.map(([i]) => i)], - [n, ...e.map(([, i]) => i).flat()], - [r, ...e.map(([, , i]) => i).flat()] - ] - } - var Oc = class { - constructor() { - this._data = new Map() - } - has(t, n, r) { - var i - let [s, o] = t < n ? [t, n] : [n, t], - a = (i = this._data.get(s)) === null || i === void 0 ? void 0 : i.get(o) - return a === void 0 ? !1 : r ? !0 : r === a - } - add(t, n, r) { - let [i, s] = t < n ? [t, n] : [n, t], - o = this._data.get(i) - o === void 0 ? this._data.set(i, new Map([[s, r]])) : o.set(s, r) - } - } - function Bc(e) { - return { - InlineFragment(t) { - let n = e.getType(), - r = e.getParentType() - if (at(n) && at(r) && !Cr(e.getSchema(), n, r)) { - let i = q(r), - s = q(n) - e.reportError( - new O( - `Fragment cannot be spread here as objects of type "${i}" can never be of type "${s}".`, - { nodes: t } - ) - ) - } - }, - FragmentSpread(t) { - let n = t.name.value, - r = $7(e, n), - i = e.getParentType() - if (r && i && !Cr(e.getSchema(), r, i)) { - let s = q(i), - o = q(r) - e.reportError( - new O( - `Fragment "${n}" cannot be spread here as objects of type "${s}" can never be of type "${o}".`, - { nodes: t } - ) - ) - } - } - } - } - function $7(e, t) { - let n = e.getFragment(t) - if (n) { - let r = We(e.getSchema(), n.typeCondition) - if (at(r)) return r - } - } - function Ui(e) { - let t = e.getSchema(), - n = Object.create(null) - for (let i of e.getDocument().definitions) _n(i) && (n[i.name.value] = i) - return { - ScalarTypeExtension: r, - ObjectTypeExtension: r, - InterfaceTypeExtension: r, - UnionTypeExtension: r, - EnumTypeExtension: r, - InputObjectTypeExtension: r - } - function r(i) { - let s = i.name.value, - o = n[s], - a = t?.getType(s), - u - if ((o ? (u = j7[o.kind]) : a && (u = q7(a)), u)) { - if (u !== i.kind) { - let l = G7(i.kind) - e.reportError(new O(`Cannot extend non-${l} type "${s}".`, { nodes: o ? [o, i] : i })) - } - } else { - let l = Object.keys({ ...n, ...t?.getTypeMap() }), - c = Gt(s, l) - e.reportError( - new O(`Cannot extend type "${s}" because it is not defined.` + Mt(c), { nodes: i.name }) - ) - } - } - } - var j7 = { - [E.SCALAR_TYPE_DEFINITION]: E.SCALAR_TYPE_EXTENSION, - [E.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION]: E.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION, - [E.INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION]: E.INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION, - [E.UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION]: E.UNION_TYPE_EXTENSION, - [E.ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION]: E.ENUM_TYPE_EXTENSION, - [E.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION]: E.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION - } - function q7(e) { - if (ct(e)) return E.SCALAR_TYPE_EXTENSION - if (me(e)) return E.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION - if (De(e)) return E.INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION - if (Ze(e)) return E.UNION_TYPE_EXTENSION - if (Be(e)) return E.ENUM_TYPE_EXTENSION - if (be(e)) return E.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION - Ge(!1, 'Unexpected type: ' + q(e)) - } - function G7(e) { - switch (e) { - case E.SCALAR_TYPE_EXTENSION: - return 'scalar' - case E.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION: - return 'object' - case E.INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION: - return 'interface' - case E.UNION_TYPE_EXTENSION: - return 'union' - case E.ENUM_TYPE_EXTENSION: - return 'enum' - case E.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION: - return 'input object' - default: - Ge(!1, 'Unexpected kind: ' + q(e)) - } - } - function $i(e) { - return { - ...Vc(e), - Field: { - leave(t) { - var n - let r = e.getFieldDef() - if (!r) return !1 - let i = new Set( - (n = t.arguments) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.map((s) => s.name.value) - ) - for (let s of r.args) - if (!i.has(s.name) && Vn(s)) { - let o = q(s.type) - e.reportError( - new O( - `Field "${r.name}" argument "${s.name}" of type "${o}" is required, but it was not provided.`, - { nodes: t } - ) - ) - } - } - } - } - } - function Vc(e) { - var t - let n = Object.create(null), - r = e.getSchema(), - i = (t = r?.getDirectives()) !== null && t !== void 0 ? t : Qt - for (let a of i) n[a.name] = qt(a.args.filter(Vn), (u) => u.name) - let s = e.getDocument().definitions - for (let a of s) - if (a.kind === E.DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION) { - var o - let u = (o = a.arguments) !== null && o !== void 0 ? o : [] - n[a.name.value] = qt(u.filter(H7), (l) => l.name.value) - } - return { - Directive: { - leave(a) { - let u = a.name.value, - l = n[u] - if (l) { - var c - let d = (c = a.arguments) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : [], - h = new Set(d.map((m) => m.name.value)) - for (let [m, g] of Object.entries(l)) - if (!h.has(m)) { - let v = Ai(g.type) ? q(g.type) : Le(g.type) - e.reportError( - new O( - `Directive "@${u}" argument "${m}" of type "${v}" is required, but it was not provided.`, - { nodes: a } - ) - ) - } - } - } - } - } - } - function H7(e) { - return e.type.kind === E.NON_NULL_TYPE && e.defaultValue == null - } - function Uc(e) { - return { - Field(t) { - let n = e.getType(), - r = t.selectionSet - if (n) { - if (Wt(we(n))) { - if (r) { - let i = t.name.value, - s = q(n) - e.reportError( - new O( - `Field "${i}" must not have a selection since type "${s}" has no subfields.`, - { nodes: r } - ) - ) - } - } else if (!r) { - let i = t.name.value, - s = q(n) - e.reportError( - new O( - `Field "${i}" of type "${s}" must have a selection of subfields. Did you mean "${i} { ... }"?`, - { nodes: t } - ) - ) - } - } - } - } - } - function en(e, t, n) { - if (e) { - if (e.kind === E.VARIABLE) { - let r = e.name.value - if (n == null || n[r] === void 0) return - let i = n[r] - return i === null && ce(t) ? void 0 : i - } - if (ce(t)) return e.kind === E.NULL ? void 0 : en(e, t.ofType, n) - if (e.kind === E.NULL) return null - if (Fe(t)) { - let r = t.ofType - if (e.kind === E.LIST) { - let s = [] - for (let o of e.values) - if ($h(o, n)) { - if (ce(r)) return - s.push(null) - } else { - let a = en(o, r, n) - if (a === void 0) return - s.push(a) - } - return s - } - let i = en(e, r, n) - return i === void 0 ? void 0 : [i] - } - if (be(t)) { - if (e.kind !== E.OBJECT) return - let r = Object.create(null), - i = qt(e.fields, (s) => s.name.value) - for (let s of Object.values(t.getFields())) { - let o = i[s.name] - if (!o || $h(o.value, n)) { - if (s.defaultValue !== void 0) r[s.name] = s.defaultValue - else if (ce(s.type)) return - continue - } - let a = en(o.value, s.type, n) - if (a === void 0) return - r[s.name] = a - } - if (t.isOneOf) { - let s = Object.keys(r) - if (s.length !== 1 || r[s[0]] === null) return - } - return r - } - if (Wt(t)) { - let r - try { - r = t.parseLiteral(e, n) - } catch { - return - } - return r === void 0 ? void 0 : r - } - Ge(!1, 'Unexpected input type: ' + q(t)) - } - } - function $h(e, t) { - return e.kind === E.VARIABLE && (t == null || t[e.name.value] === void 0) - } - function W7(e, t, n) { - var r - let i = {}, - s = (r = t.arguments) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : [], - o = qt(s, (a) => a.name.value) - for (let a of e.args) { - let u = a.name, - l = a.type, - c = o[u] - if (!c) { - if (a.defaultValue !== void 0) i[u] = a.defaultValue - else if (ce(l)) - throw new O(`Argument "${u}" of required type "${q(l)}" was not provided.`, { nodes: t }) - continue - } - let d = c.value, - h = d.kind === E.NULL - if (d.kind === E.VARIABLE) { - let g = d.name.value - if (n == null || !Q7(n, g)) { - if (a.defaultValue !== void 0) i[u] = a.defaultValue - else if (ce(l)) - throw new O( - `Argument "${u}" of required type "${q( - l - )}" was provided the variable "$${g}" which was not provided a runtime value.`, - { nodes: d } - ) - continue - } - h = n[g] == null - } - if (h && ce(l)) - throw new O(`Argument "${u}" of non-null type "${q(l)}" must not be null.`, { nodes: d }) - let m = en(d, l, n) - if (m === void 0) throw new O(`Argument "${u}" has invalid value ${Le(d)}.`, { nodes: d }) - i[u] = m - } - return i - } - function Pr(e, t, n) { - var r - let i = - (r = t.directives) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.find((s) => s.name.value === e.name) - if (i) return W7(e, i, n) - } - function Q7(e, t) { - return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t) - } - function qh(e, t, n, r, i) { - let s = new Map() - return jc(e, t, n, r, i, s, new Set()), s - } - function jc(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) { - for (let a of i.selections) - switch (a.kind) { - case E.FIELD: { - if (!$c(n, a)) continue - let u = z7(a), - l = s.get(u) - l !== void 0 ? l.push(a) : s.set(u, [a]) - break - } - case E.INLINE_FRAGMENT: { - if (!$c(n, a) || !jh(e, a, r)) continue - jc(e, t, n, r, a.selectionSet, s, o) - break - } - case E.FRAGMENT_SPREAD: { - let u = a.name.value - if (o.has(u) || !$c(n, a)) continue - o.add(u) - let l = t[u] - if (!l || !jh(e, l, r)) continue - jc(e, t, n, r, l.selectionSet, s, o) - break - } - } - } - function $c(e, t) { - let n = Pr($a, t, e) - if (n?.if === !0) return !1 - let r = Pr(Ua, t, e) - return r?.if !== !1 - } - function jh(e, t, n) { - let r = t.typeCondition - if (!r) return !0 - let i = We(e, r) - return i === n ? !0 : mt(i) ? e.isSubType(i, n) : !1 - } - function z7(e) { - return e.alias ? e.alias.value : e.name.value - } - function qc(e) { - return { - OperationDefinition(t) { - if (t.operation === 'subscription') { - let n = e.getSchema(), - r = n.getSubscriptionType() - if (r) { - let i = t.name ? t.name.value : null, - s = Object.create(null), - o = e.getDocument(), - a = Object.create(null) - for (let l of o.definitions) l.kind === E.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION && (a[l.name.value] = l) - let u = qh(n, a, s, r, t.selectionSet) - if (u.size > 1) { - let d = [...u.values()].slice(1).flat() - e.reportError( - new O( - i != null - ? `Subscription "${i}" must select only one top level field.` - : 'Anonymous Subscription must select only one top level field.', - { nodes: d } - ) - ) - } - for (let l of u.values()) - l[0].name.value.startsWith('__') && - e.reportError( - new O( - i != null - ? `Subscription "${i}" must not select an introspection top level field.` - : 'Anonymous Subscription must not select an introspection top level field.', - { nodes: l } - ) - ) - } - } - } - } - } - function ji(e, t) { - let n = new Map() - for (let r of e) { - let i = t(r), - s = n.get(i) - s === void 0 ? n.set(i, [r]) : s.push(r) - } - return n - } - function Gc(e) { - return { - DirectiveDefinition(r) { - var i - let s = (i = r.arguments) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : [] - return n(`@${r.name.value}`, s) - }, - InterfaceTypeDefinition: t, - InterfaceTypeExtension: t, - ObjectTypeDefinition: t, - ObjectTypeExtension: t - } - function t(r) { - var i - let s = r.name.value, - o = (i = r.fields) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : [] - for (let u of o) { - var a - let l = u.name.value, - c = (a = u.arguments) !== null && a !== void 0 ? a : [] - n(`${s}.${l}`, c) - } - return !1 - } - function n(r, i) { - let s = ji(i, (o) => o.name.value) - for (let [o, a] of s) - a.length > 1 && - e.reportError( - new O(`Argument "${r}(${o}:)" can only be defined once.`, { - nodes: a.map((u) => u.name) - }) - ) - return !1 - } - } - function Br(e) { - return { Field: t, Directive: t } - function t(n) { - var r - let i = (r = n.arguments) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : [], - s = ji(i, (o) => o.name.value) - for (let [o, a] of s) - a.length > 1 && - e.reportError( - new O(`There can be only one argument named "${o}".`, { nodes: a.map((u) => u.name) }) - ) - } - } - function qi(e) { - let t = Object.create(null), - n = e.getSchema() - return { - DirectiveDefinition(r) { - let i = r.name.value - if (n != null && n.getDirective(i)) { - e.reportError( - new O(`Directive "@${i}" already exists in the schema. It cannot be redefined.`, { - nodes: r.name - }) - ) - return - } - return ( - t[i] - ? e.reportError( - new O(`There can be only one directive named "@${i}".`, { nodes: [t[i], r.name] }) - ) - : (t[i] = r.name), - !1 - ) - } - } - } - function Vr(e) { - let t = Object.create(null), - n = e.getSchema(), - r = n ? n.getDirectives() : Qt - for (let a of r) t[a.name] = !a.isRepeatable - let i = e.getDocument().definitions - for (let a of i) a.kind === E.DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION && (t[a.name.value] = !a.repeatable) - let s = Object.create(null), - o = Object.create(null) - return { - enter(a) { - if (!('directives' in a) || !a.directives) return - let u - if (a.kind === E.SCHEMA_DEFINITION || a.kind === E.SCHEMA_EXTENSION) u = s - else if (_n(a) || ki(a)) { - let l = a.name.value - ;(u = o[l]), u === void 0 && (o[l] = u = Object.create(null)) - } else u = Object.create(null) - for (let l of a.directives) { - let c = l.name.value - t[c] && - (u[c] - ? e.reportError( - new O(`The directive "@${c}" can only be used once at this location.`, { - nodes: [u[c], l] - }) - ) - : (u[c] = l)) - } - } - } - } - function Gi(e) { - let t = e.getSchema(), - n = t ? t.getTypeMap() : Object.create(null), - r = Object.create(null) - return { EnumTypeDefinition: i, EnumTypeExtension: i } - function i(s) { - var o - let a = s.name.value - r[a] || (r[a] = Object.create(null)) - let u = (o = s.values) !== null && o !== void 0 ? o : [], - l = r[a] - for (let c of u) { - let d = c.name.value, - h = n[a] - Be(h) && h.getValue(d) - ? e.reportError( - new O( - `Enum value "${a}.${d}" already exists in the schema. It cannot also be defined in this type extension.`, - { nodes: c.name } - ) - ) - : l[d] - ? e.reportError( - new O(`Enum value "${a}.${d}" can only be defined once.`, { nodes: [l[d], c.name] }) - ) - : (l[d] = c.name) - } - return !1 - } - } - function Hi(e) { - let t = e.getSchema(), - n = t ? t.getTypeMap() : Object.create(null), - r = Object.create(null) - return { - InputObjectTypeDefinition: i, - InputObjectTypeExtension: i, - InterfaceTypeDefinition: i, - InterfaceTypeExtension: i, - ObjectTypeDefinition: i, - ObjectTypeExtension: i - } - function i(s) { - var o - let a = s.name.value - r[a] || (r[a] = Object.create(null)) - let u = (o = s.fields) !== null && o !== void 0 ? o : [], - l = r[a] - for (let c of u) { - let d = c.name.value - Y7(n[a], d) - ? e.reportError( - new O( - `Field "${a}.${d}" already exists in the schema. It cannot also be defined in this type extension.`, - { nodes: c.name } - ) - ) - : l[d] - ? e.reportError( - new O(`Field "${a}.${d}" can only be defined once.`, { nodes: [l[d], c.name] }) - ) - : (l[d] = c.name) - } - return !1 - } - } - function Y7(e, t) { - return me(e) || De(e) || be(e) ? e.getFields()[t] != null : !1 - } - function Hc(e) { - let t = Object.create(null) - return { - OperationDefinition: () => !1, - FragmentDefinition(n) { - let r = n.name.value - return ( - t[r] - ? e.reportError( - new O(`There can be only one fragment named "${r}".`, { nodes: [t[r], n.name] }) - ) - : (t[r] = n.name), - !1 - ) - } - } - } - function Ur(e) { - let t = [], - n = Object.create(null) - return { - ObjectValue: { - enter() { - t.push(n), (n = Object.create(null)) - }, - leave() { - let r = t.pop() - r || Ge(!1), (n = r) - } - }, - ObjectField(r) { - let i = r.name.value - n[i] - ? e.reportError( - new O(`There can be only one input field named "${i}".`, { nodes: [n[i], r.name] }) - ) - : (n[i] = r.name) - } - } - } - function Wc(e) { - let t = Object.create(null) - return { - OperationDefinition(n) { - let r = n.name - return ( - r && - (t[r.value] - ? e.reportError( - new O(`There can be only one operation named "${r.value}".`, { - nodes: [t[r.value], r] - }) - ) - : (t[r.value] = r)), - !1 - ) - }, - FragmentDefinition: () => !1 - } - } - function Wi(e) { - let t = e.getSchema(), - n = Object.create(null), - r = t - ? { - query: t.getQueryType(), - mutation: t.getMutationType(), - subscription: t.getSubscriptionType() - } - : {} - return { SchemaDefinition: i, SchemaExtension: i } - function i(s) { - var o - let a = (o = s.operationTypes) !== null && o !== void 0 ? o : [] - for (let u of a) { - let l = u.operation, - c = n[l] - r[l] - ? e.reportError( - new O(`Type for ${l} already defined in the schema. It cannot be redefined.`, { - nodes: u - }) - ) - : c - ? e.reportError(new O(`There can be only one ${l} type in schema.`, { nodes: [c, u] })) - : (n[l] = u) - } - return !1 - } - } - function Qi(e) { - let t = Object.create(null), - n = e.getSchema() - return { - ScalarTypeDefinition: r, - ObjectTypeDefinition: r, - InterfaceTypeDefinition: r, - UnionTypeDefinition: r, - EnumTypeDefinition: r, - InputObjectTypeDefinition: r - } - function r(i) { - let s = i.name.value - if (n != null && n.getType(s)) { - e.reportError( - new O( - `Type "${s}" already exists in the schema. It cannot also be defined in this type definition.`, - { nodes: i.name } - ) - ) - return - } - return ( - t[s] - ? e.reportError( - new O(`There can be only one type named "${s}".`, { nodes: [t[s], i.name] }) - ) - : (t[s] = i.name), - !1 - ) - } - } - function zi(e) { - return { - OperationDefinition(t) { - var n - let r = (n = t.variableDefinitions) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : [], - i = ji(r, (s) => s.variable.name.value) - for (let [s, o] of i) - o.length > 1 && - e.reportError( - new O(`There can be only one variable named "$${s}".`, { - nodes: o.map((a) => a.variable.name) - }) - ) - } - } - } - function Qc(e) { - let t = {} - return { - OperationDefinition: { - enter() { - t = {} - } - }, - VariableDefinition(n) { - t[n.variable.name.value] = n - }, - ListValue(n) { - let r = fr(e.getParentInputType()) - if (!Fe(r)) return $r(e, n), !1 - }, - ObjectValue(n) { - let r = we(e.getInputType()) - if (!be(r)) return $r(e, n), !1 - let i = qt(n.fields, (s) => s.name.value) - for (let s of Object.values(r.getFields())) - if (!i[s.name] && Fi(s)) { - let a = q(s.type) - e.reportError( - new O(`Field "${r.name}.${s.name}" of required type "${a}" was not provided.`, { - nodes: n - }) - ) - } - r.isOneOf && J7(e, n, r, i, t) - }, - ObjectField(n) { - let r = we(e.getParentInputType()) - if (!e.getInputType() && be(r)) { - let s = Gt(n.name.value, Object.keys(r.getFields())) - e.reportError( - new O(`Field "${n.name.value}" is not defined by type "${r.name}".` + Mt(s), { - nodes: n - }) - ) - } - }, - NullValue(n) { - let r = e.getInputType() - ce(r) && - e.reportError(new O(`Expected value of type "${q(r)}", found ${Le(n)}.`, { nodes: n })) - }, - EnumValue: (n) => $r(e, n), - IntValue: (n) => $r(e, n), - FloatValue: (n) => $r(e, n), - StringValue: (n) => $r(e, n), - BooleanValue: (n) => $r(e, n) - } - } - function $r(e, t) { - let n = e.getInputType() - if (!n) return - let r = we(n) - if (!Wt(r)) { - let i = q(n) - e.reportError(new O(`Expected value of type "${i}", found ${Le(t)}.`, { nodes: t })) - return - } - try { - if (r.parseLiteral(t, void 0) === void 0) { - let s = q(n) - e.reportError(new O(`Expected value of type "${s}", found ${Le(t)}.`, { nodes: t })) - } - } catch (i) { - let s = q(n) - i instanceof O - ? e.reportError(i) - : e.reportError( - new O(`Expected value of type "${s}", found ${Le(t)}; ` + i.message, { - nodes: t, - originalError: i - }) - ) - } - } - function J7(e, t, n, r, i) { - var s - let o = Object.keys(r) - if (o.length !== 1) { - e.reportError( - new O(`OneOf Input Object "${n.name}" must specify exactly one key.`, { nodes: [t] }) - ) - return - } - let u = (s = r[o[0]]) === null || s === void 0 ? void 0 : s.value, - l = !u || u.kind === E.NULL, - c = u?.kind === E.VARIABLE - if (l) { - e.reportError(new O(`Field "${n.name}.${o[0]}" must be non-null.`, { nodes: [t] })) - return - } - if (c) { - let d = u.name.value - i[d].type.kind !== E.NON_NULL_TYPE && - e.reportError( - new O( - `Variable "${d}" must be non-nullable to be used for OneOf Input Object "${n.name}".`, - { nodes: [t] } - ) - ) - } - } - function zc(e) { - return { - VariableDefinition(t) { - let n = We(e.getSchema(), t.type) - if (n !== void 0 && !et(n)) { - let r = t.variable.name.value, - i = Le(t.type) - e.reportError( - new O(`Variable "$${r}" cannot be non-input type "${i}".`, { nodes: t.type }) - ) - } - } - } - } - function Yc(e) { - let t = Object.create(null) - return { - OperationDefinition: { - enter() { - t = Object.create(null) - }, - leave(n) { - let r = e.getRecursiveVariableUsages(n) - for (let { node: i, type: s, defaultValue: o } of r) { - let a = i.name.value, - u = t[a] - if (u && s) { - let l = e.getSchema(), - c = We(l, u.type) - if (c && !X7(l, c, u.defaultValue, s, o)) { - let d = q(c), - h = q(s) - e.reportError( - new O(`Variable "$${a}" of type "${d}" used in position expecting type "${h}".`, { - nodes: [u, i] - }) - ) - } - } - } - } - }, - VariableDefinition(n) { - t[n.variable.name.value] = n - } - } - } - function X7(e, t, n, r, i) { - if (ce(r) && !ce(t)) { - if (!(n != null && n.kind !== E.NULL) && !(i !== void 0)) return !1 - let a = r.ofType - return bn(e, t, a) - } - return bn(e, t, r) - } - var Jc = Object.freeze([wc]), - Yi = Object.freeze([ - Oi, - Wc, - Fc, - qc, - Mr, - Mi, - zc, - Uc, - Tc, - Hc, - Pi, - Vi, - Bc, - Lc, - zi, - Cc, - Ic, - Or, - Vr, - Sc, - Br, - Qc, - $i, - Yc, - Mc, - Ur, - ...Jc - ]), - Gh = Object.freeze([Bi, Wi, Qi, Gi, Hi, Gc, qi, Mr, Or, Vr, Ui, Ac, Br, Ur, Vc]) - var Za = class { - constructor(t, n) { - ;(this._ast = t), - (this._fragments = void 0), - (this._fragmentSpreads = new Map()), - (this._recursivelyReferencedFragments = new Map()), - (this._onError = n) - } - get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { - return 'ASTValidationContext' - } - reportError(t) { - this._onError(t) - } - getDocument() { - return this._ast - } - getFragment(t) { - let n - if (this._fragments) n = this._fragments - else { - n = Object.create(null) - for (let r of this.getDocument().definitions) - r.kind === E.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION && (n[r.name.value] = r) - this._fragments = n - } - return n[t] - } - getFragmentSpreads(t) { - let n = this._fragmentSpreads.get(t) - if (!n) { - n = [] - let r = [t], - i - for (; (i = r.pop()); ) - for (let s of i.selections) - s.kind === E.FRAGMENT_SPREAD ? n.push(s) : s.selectionSet && r.push(s.selectionSet) - this._fragmentSpreads.set(t, n) - } - return n - } - getRecursivelyReferencedFragments(t) { - let n = this._recursivelyReferencedFragments.get(t) - if (!n) { - n = [] - let r = Object.create(null), - i = [t.selectionSet], - s - for (; (s = i.pop()); ) - for (let o of this.getFragmentSpreads(s)) { - let a = o.name.value - if (r[a] !== !0) { - r[a] = !0 - let u = this.getFragment(a) - u && (n.push(u), i.push(u.selectionSet)) - } - } - this._recursivelyReferencedFragments.set(t, n) - } - return n - } - }, - eu = class extends Za { - constructor(t, n, r) { - super(t, r), (this._schema = n) - } - get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { - return 'SDLValidationContext' - } - getSchema() { - return this._schema - } - }, - ro = class extends Za { - constructor(t, n, r, i) { - super(n, i), - (this._schema = t), - (this._typeInfo = r), - (this._variableUsages = new Map()), - (this._recursiveVariableUsages = new Map()) - } - get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { - return 'ValidationContext' - } - getSchema() { - return this._schema - } - getVariableUsages(t) { - let n = this._variableUsages.get(t) - if (!n) { - let r = [], - i = new kr(this._schema) - ht( - t, - no(i, { - VariableDefinition: () => !1, - Variable(s) { - r.push({ node: s, type: i.getInputType(), defaultValue: i.getDefaultValue() }) - } - }) - ), - (n = r), - this._variableUsages.set(t, n) - } - return n - } - getRecursiveVariableUsages(t) { - let n = this._recursiveVariableUsages.get(t) - if (!n) { - n = this.getVariableUsages(t) - for (let r of this.getRecursivelyReferencedFragments(t)) - n = n.concat(this.getVariableUsages(r)) - this._recursiveVariableUsages.set(t, n) - } - return n - } - getType() { - return this._typeInfo.getType() - } - getParentType() { - return this._typeInfo.getParentType() - } - getInputType() { - return this._typeInfo.getInputType() - } - getParentInputType() { - return this._typeInfo.getParentInputType() - } - getFieldDef() { - return this._typeInfo.getFieldDef() - } - getDirective() { - return this._typeInfo.getDirective() - } - getArgument() { - return this._typeInfo.getArgument() - } - getEnumValue() { - return this._typeInfo.getEnumValue() - } - } - function Ji(e, t, n = Yi, r, i = new kr(e)) { - var s - let o = (s = r?.maxErrors) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : 100 - t || pe(!1, 'Must provide document.'), Ec(e) - let a = Object.freeze({}), - u = [], - l = new ro(e, t, i, (d) => { - if (u.length >= o) - throw ( - (u.push(new O('Too many validation errors, error limit reached. Validation aborted.')), - a) - ) - u.push(d) - }), - c = Ws(n.map((d) => d(l))) - try { - ht(t, no(i, c)) - } catch (d) { - if (d !== a) throw d - } - return u - } - function K7(e, t, n = Gh) { - let r = [], - i = new eu(e, t, (o) => { - r.push(o) - }), - s = n.map((o) => o(i)) - return ht(e, Ws(s)), r - } - function Hh(e) { - let t = K7(e) - if (t.length !== 0) - throw new Error( - t.map((n) => n.message).join(` - -`) - ) - } - function tu(e) { - return { - Field(t) { - let n = e.getFieldDef(), - r = n?.deprecationReason - if (n && r != null) { - let i = e.getParentType() - i != null || Ge(!1), - e.reportError(new O(`The field ${i.name}.${n.name} is deprecated. ${r}`, { nodes: t })) - } - }, - Argument(t) { - let n = e.getArgument(), - r = n?.deprecationReason - if (n && r != null) { - let i = e.getDirective() - if (i != null) - e.reportError( - new O(`Directive "@${i.name}" argument "${n.name}" is deprecated. ${r}`, { nodes: t }) - ) - else { - let s = e.getParentType(), - o = e.getFieldDef() - ;(s != null && o != null) || Ge(!1), - e.reportError( - new O(`Field "${s.name}.${o.name}" argument "${n.name}" is deprecated. ${r}`, { - nodes: t - }) - ) - } - } - }, - ObjectField(t) { - let n = we(e.getParentInputType()) - if (be(n)) { - let r = n.getFields()[t.name.value], - i = r?.deprecationReason - i != null && - e.reportError( - new O(`The input field ${n.name}.${r.name} is deprecated. ${i}`, { nodes: t }) - ) - } - }, - EnumValue(t) { - let n = e.getEnumValue(), - r = n?.deprecationReason - if (n && r != null) { - let i = we(e.getInputType()) - i != null || Ge(!1), - e.reportError( - new O(`The enum value "${i.name}.${n.name}" is deprecated. ${r}`, { nodes: t }) - ) - } - } - } - } - function io(e, t) { - ;(Nt(e) && Nt(e.__schema)) || - pe( - !1, - `Invalid or incomplete introspection result. Ensure that you are passing "data" property of introspection response and no "errors" was returned alongside: ${q( - e - )}.` - ) - let n = e.__schema, - r = Dn( - n.types, - (L) => L.name, - (L) => h(L) - ) - for (let L of [...Un, ...$n]) r[L.name] && (r[L.name] = L) - let i = n.queryType ? c(n.queryType) : null, - s = n.mutationType ? c(n.mutationType) : null, - o = n.subscriptionType ? c(n.subscriptionType) : null, - a = n.directives ? n.directives.map(B) : [] - return new dr({ - description: n.description, - query: i, - mutation: s, - subscription: o, - types: Object.values(r), - directives: a, - assumeValid: t?.assumeValid - }) - function u(L) { - if (L.kind === Ce.LIST) { - let A = L.ofType - if (!A) throw new Error('Decorated type deeper than introspection query.') - return new Me(u(A)) - } - if (L.kind === Ce.NON_NULL) { - let A = L.ofType - if (!A) throw new Error('Decorated type deeper than introspection query.') - let X = u(A) - return new ae(Oa(X)) - } - return l(L) - } - function l(L) { - let A = L.name - if (!A) throw new Error(`Unknown type reference: ${q(L)}.`) - let X = r[A] - if (!X) - throw new Error( - `Invalid or incomplete schema, unknown type: ${A}. Ensure that a full introspection query is used in order to build a client schema.` - ) - return X - } - function c(L) { - return Ca(l(L)) - } - function d(L) { - return Ia(l(L)) - } - function h(L) { - if (L != null && L.name != null && L.kind != null) - switch (L.kind) { - case Ce.SCALAR: - return m(L) - case Ce.OBJECT: - return v(L) - case Ce.INTERFACE: - return N(L) - case Ce.UNION: - return _(L) - case Ce.ENUM: - return w(L) - case Ce.INPUT_OBJECT: - return C(L) - } - let A = q(L) - throw new Error( - `Invalid or incomplete introspection result. Ensure that a full introspection query is used in order to build a client schema: ${A}.` - ) - } - function m(L) { - return new Tt({ name: L.name, description: L.description, specifiedByURL: L.specifiedByURL }) - } - function g(L) { - if (L.interfaces === null && L.kind === Ce.INTERFACE) return [] - if (!L.interfaces) { - let A = q(L) - throw new Error(`Introspection result missing interfaces: ${A}.`) - } - return L.interfaces.map(d) - } - function v(L) { - return new Ke({ - name: L.name, - description: L.description, - interfaces: () => g(L), - fields: () => S(L) - }) - } - function N(L) { - return new St({ - name: L.name, - description: L.description, - interfaces: () => g(L), - fields: () => S(L) - }) - } - function _(L) { - if (!L.possibleTypes) { - let A = q(L) - throw new Error(`Introspection result missing possibleTypes: ${A}.`) - } - return new vn({ - name: L.name, - description: L.description, - types: () => L.possibleTypes.map(c) - }) - } - function w(L) { - if (!L.enumValues) { - let A = q(L) - throw new Error(`Introspection result missing enumValues: ${A}.`) - } - return new bt({ - name: L.name, - description: L.description, - values: Dn( - L.enumValues, - (A) => A.name, - (A) => ({ description: A.description, deprecationReason: A.deprecationReason }) - ) - }) - } - function C(L) { - if (!L.inputFields) { - let A = q(L) - throw new Error(`Introspection result missing inputFields: ${A}.`) - } - return new Zt({ - name: L.name, - description: L.description, - fields: () => M(L.inputFields), - isOneOf: L.isOneOf - }) - } - function S(L) { - if (!L.fields) throw new Error(`Introspection result missing fields: ${q(L)}.`) - return Dn(L.fields, (A) => A.name, k) - } - function k(L) { - let A = u(L.type) - if (!Ht(A)) { - let X = q(A) - throw new Error(`Introspection must provide output type for fields, but received: ${X}.`) - } - if (!L.args) { - let X = q(L) - throw new Error(`Introspection result missing field args: ${X}.`) - } - return { - description: L.description, - deprecationReason: L.deprecationReason, - type: A, - args: M(L.args) - } - } - function M(L) { - return Dn(L, (A) => A.name, I) - } - function I(L) { - let A = u(L.type) - if (!et(A)) { - let z = q(A) - throw new Error(`Introspection must provide input type for arguments, but received: ${z}.`) - } - let X = L.defaultValue != null ? en(Aa(L.defaultValue), A) : void 0 - return { - description: L.description, - type: A, - defaultValue: X, - deprecationReason: L.deprecationReason - } - } - function B(L) { - if (!L.args) { - let A = q(L) - throw new Error(`Introspection result missing directive args: ${A}.`) - } - if (!L.locations) { - let A = q(L) - throw new Error(`Introspection result missing directive locations: ${A}.`) - } - return new Bt({ - name: L.name, - description: L.description, - isRepeatable: L.isRepeatable, - locations: L.locations.slice(), - args: M(L.args) - }) - } - } - function zh(e, t, n) { - var r, i, s, o - let a = [], - u = Object.create(null), - l = [], - c, - d = [] - for (let P of t.definitions) - if (P.kind === E.SCHEMA_DEFINITION) c = P - else if (P.kind === E.SCHEMA_EXTENSION) d.push(P) - else if (_n(P)) a.push(P) - else if (ki(P)) { - let Z = P.name.value, - J = u[Z] - u[Z] = J ? J.concat([P]) : [P] - } else P.kind === E.DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION && l.push(P) - if ( - Object.keys(u).length === 0 && - a.length === 0 && - l.length === 0 && - d.length === 0 && - c == null - ) - return e - let h = Object.create(null) - for (let P of e.types) h[P.name] = w(P) - for (let P of a) { - var m - let Z = P.name.value - h[Z] = (m = Wh[Z]) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : Ie(P) - } - let g = { - query: e.query && N(e.query), - mutation: e.mutation && N(e.mutation), - subscription: e.subscription && N(e.subscription), - ...(c && X([c])), - ...X(d) - } - return { - description: - (r = c) === null || r === void 0 || (i = r.description) === null || i === void 0 - ? void 0 - : i.value, - ...g, - types: Object.values(h), - directives: [...e.directives.map(_), ...l.map(F)], - extensions: Object.create(null), - astNode: (s = c) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : e.astNode, - extensionASTNodes: e.extensionASTNodes.concat(d), - assumeValid: (o = n?.assumeValid) !== null && o !== void 0 ? o : !1 - } - function v(P) { - return Fe(P) ? new Me(v(P.ofType)) : ce(P) ? new ae(v(P.ofType)) : N(P) - } - function N(P) { - return h[P.name] - } - function _(P) { - let Z = P.toConfig() - return new Bt({ ...Z, args: on(Z.args, A) }) - } - function w(P) { - if (Ri(P) || Va(P)) return P - if (ct(P)) return k(P) - if (me(P)) return M(P) - if (De(P)) return I(P) - if (Ze(P)) return B(P) - if (Be(P)) return S(P) - if (be(P)) return C(P) - Ge(!1, 'Unexpected type: ' + q(P)) - } - function C(P) { - var Z - let J = P.toConfig(), - G = (Z = u[J.name]) !== null && Z !== void 0 ? Z : [] - return new Zt({ - ...J, - fields: () => ({ ...on(J.fields, (_e) => ({ ..._e, type: v(_e.type) })), ...$(G) }), - extensionASTNodes: J.extensionASTNodes.concat(G) - }) - } - function S(P) { - var Z - let J = P.toConfig(), - G = (Z = u[P.name]) !== null && Z !== void 0 ? Z : [] - return new bt({ - ...J, - values: { ...J.values, ...ee(G) }, - extensionASTNodes: J.extensionASTNodes.concat(G) - }) - } - function k(P) { - var Z - let J = P.toConfig(), - G = (Z = u[J.name]) !== null && Z !== void 0 ? Z : [], - _e = J.specifiedByURL - for (let H of G) { - var Re - _e = (Re = Qh(H)) !== null && Re !== void 0 ? Re : _e - } - return new Tt({ ...J, specifiedByURL: _e, extensionASTNodes: J.extensionASTNodes.concat(G) }) - } - function M(P) { - var Z - let J = P.toConfig(), - G = (Z = u[J.name]) !== null && Z !== void 0 ? Z : [] - return new Ke({ - ...J, - interfaces: () => [...P.getInterfaces().map(N), ...ne(G)], - fields: () => ({ ...on(J.fields, L), ...T(G) }), - extensionASTNodes: J.extensionASTNodes.concat(G) - }) - } - function I(P) { - var Z - let J = P.toConfig(), - G = (Z = u[J.name]) !== null && Z !== void 0 ? Z : [] - return new St({ - ...J, - interfaces: () => [...P.getInterfaces().map(N), ...ne(G)], - fields: () => ({ ...on(J.fields, L), ...T(G) }), - extensionASTNodes: J.extensionASTNodes.concat(G) - }) - } - function B(P) { - var Z - let J = P.toConfig(), - G = (Z = u[J.name]) !== null && Z !== void 0 ? Z : [] - return new vn({ - ...J, - types: () => [...P.getTypes().map(N), ...se(G)], - extensionASTNodes: J.extensionASTNodes.concat(G) - }) - } - function L(P) { - return { ...P, type: v(P.type), args: P.args && on(P.args, A) } - } - function A(P) { - return { ...P, type: v(P.type) } - } - function X(P) { - let Z = {} - for (let G of P) { - var J - let _e = (J = G.operationTypes) !== null && J !== void 0 ? J : [] - for (let Re of _e) Z[Re.operation] = z(Re.type) - } - return Z - } - function z(P) { - var Z - let J = P.name.value, - G = (Z = Wh[J]) !== null && Z !== void 0 ? Z : h[J] - if (G === void 0) throw new Error(`Unknown type: "${J}".`) - return G - } - function fe(P) { - return P.kind === E.LIST_TYPE - ? new Me(fe(P.type)) - : P.kind === E.NON_NULL_TYPE - ? new ae(fe(P.type)) - : z(P) - } - function F(P) { - var Z - return new Bt({ - name: P.name.value, - description: (Z = P.description) === null || Z === void 0 ? void 0 : Z.value, - locations: P.locations.map(({ value: J }) => J), - isRepeatable: P.repeatable, - args: Q(P.arguments), - astNode: P - }) - } - function T(P) { - let Z = Object.create(null) - for (let _e of P) { - var J - let Re = (J = _e.fields) !== null && J !== void 0 ? J : [] - for (let H of Re) { - var G - Z[H.name.value] = { - type: fe(H.type), - description: (G = H.description) === null || G === void 0 ? void 0 : G.value, - args: Q(H.arguments), - deprecationReason: nu(H), - astNode: H - } - } - } - return Z - } - function Q(P) { - let Z = P ?? [], - J = Object.create(null) - for (let _e of Z) { - var G - let Re = fe(_e.type) - J[_e.name.value] = { - type: Re, - description: (G = _e.description) === null || G === void 0 ? void 0 : G.value, - defaultValue: en(_e.defaultValue, Re), - deprecationReason: nu(_e), - astNode: _e - } - } - return J - } - function $(P) { - let Z = Object.create(null) - for (let _e of P) { - var J - let Re = (J = _e.fields) !== null && J !== void 0 ? J : [] - for (let H of Re) { - var G - let Ne = fe(H.type) - Z[H.name.value] = { - type: Ne, - description: (G = H.description) === null || G === void 0 ? void 0 : G.value, - defaultValue: en(H.defaultValue, Ne), - deprecationReason: nu(H), - astNode: H - } - } - } - return Z - } - function ee(P) { - let Z = Object.create(null) - for (let _e of P) { - var J - let Re = (J = _e.values) !== null && J !== void 0 ? J : [] - for (let H of Re) { - var G - Z[H.name.value] = { - description: (G = H.description) === null || G === void 0 ? void 0 : G.value, - deprecationReason: nu(H), - astNode: H - } - } - } - return Z - } - function ne(P) { - return P.flatMap((Z) => { - var J, G - return (J = (G = Z.interfaces) === null || G === void 0 ? void 0 : G.map(z)) !== null && - J !== void 0 - ? J - : [] - }) - } - function se(P) { - return P.flatMap((Z) => { - var J, G - return (J = (G = Z.types) === null || G === void 0 ? void 0 : G.map(z)) !== null && - J !== void 0 - ? J - : [] - }) - } - function Ie(P) { - var Z - let J = P.name.value, - G = (Z = u[J]) !== null && Z !== void 0 ? Z : [] - switch (P.kind) { - case E.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION: { - var _e - let Te = [P, ...G] - return new Ke({ - name: J, - description: (_e = P.description) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.value, - interfaces: () => ne(Te), - fields: () => T(Te), - astNode: P, - extensionASTNodes: G - }) - } - case E.INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION: { - var Re - let Te = [P, ...G] - return new St({ - name: J, - description: (Re = P.description) === null || Re === void 0 ? void 0 : Re.value, - interfaces: () => ne(Te), - fields: () => T(Te), - astNode: P, - extensionASTNodes: G - }) - } - case E.ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION: { - var H - let Te = [P, ...G] - return new bt({ - name: J, - description: (H = P.description) === null || H === void 0 ? void 0 : H.value, - values: ee(Te), - astNode: P, - extensionASTNodes: G - }) - } - case E.UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION: { - var Ne - let Te = [P, ...G] - return new vn({ - name: J, - description: (Ne = P.description) === null || Ne === void 0 ? void 0 : Ne.value, - types: () => se(Te), - astNode: P, - extensionASTNodes: G - }) - } - case E.SCALAR_TYPE_DEFINITION: { - var Y - return new Tt({ - name: J, - description: (Y = P.description) === null || Y === void 0 ? void 0 : Y.value, - specifiedByURL: Qh(P), - astNode: P, - extensionASTNodes: G - }) - } - case E.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION: { - var de - let Te = [P, ...G] - return new Zt({ - name: J, - description: (de = P.description) === null || de === void 0 ? void 0 : de.value, - fields: () => $(Te), - astNode: P, - extensionASTNodes: G, - isOneOf: D9(P) - }) - } - } - } - } - var Wh = qt([...Un, ...$n], (e) => e.name) - function nu(e) { - let t = Pr(Li, e) - return t?.reason - } - function Qh(e) { - let t = Pr(ja, e) - return t?.url - } - function D9(e) { - return !!Pr(qa, e) - } - function so(e, t) { - ;(e != null && e.kind === E.DOCUMENT) || pe(!1, 'Must provide valid Document AST.'), - t?.assumeValid !== !0 && t?.assumeValidSDL !== !0 && Hh(e) - let r = zh( - { - description: void 0, - types: [], - directives: [], - extensions: Object.create(null), - extensionASTNodes: [], - assumeValid: !1 - }, - e, - t - ) - if (r.astNode == null) - for (let s of r.types) - switch (s.name) { - case 'Query': - r.query = s - break - case 'Mutation': - r.mutation = s - break - case 'Subscription': - r.subscription = s - break - } - let i = [...r.directives, ...Qt.filter((s) => r.directives.every((o) => o.name !== s.name))] - return new dr({ ...r, directives: i }) - } - function pr(e) { - let t = Object.keys(e), - n = t.length, - r = new Array(n) - for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) r[i] = e[t[i]] - return r - } - function Ve(e, t) { - return b9(t, Yh(e.string)) - } - function b9(e, t) { - if (!t || t.trim() === '' || t.trim() === ':' || t.trim() === '{') - return Xc(e, (r) => !r.isDeprecated) - let n = e.map((r) => ({ proximity: E9(Yh(r.label), t), entry: r })) - return Xc( - Xc(n, (r) => r.proximity <= 2), - (r) => !r.entry.isDeprecated - ) - .sort( - (r, i) => - (r.entry.isDeprecated ? 1 : 0) - (i.entry.isDeprecated ? 1 : 0) || - r.proximity - i.proximity || - r.entry.label.length - i.entry.label.length - ) - .map((r) => r.entry) - } - function Xc(e, t) { - let n = e.filter(t) - return n.length === 0 ? e : n - } - function Yh(e) { - return e.toLowerCase().replaceAll(/\W/g, '') - } - function E9(e, t) { - let n = y9(t, e) - return ( - e.length > t.length && ((n -= e.length - t.length - 1), (n += e.indexOf(t) === 0 ? 0 : 0.5)), - n - ) - } - function y9(e, t) { - let n, - r, - i = [], - s = e.length, - o = t.length - for (n = 0; n <= s; n++) i[n] = [n] - for (r = 1; r <= o; r++) i[0][r] = r - for (n = 1; n <= s; n++) - for (r = 1; r <= o; r++) { - let a = e[n - 1] === t[r - 1] ? 0 : 1 - ;(i[n][r] = Math.min(i[n - 1][r] + 1, i[n][r - 1] + 1, i[n - 1][r - 1] + a)), - n > 1 && - r > 1 && - e[n - 1] === t[r - 2] && - e[n - 2] === t[r - 1] && - (i[n][r] = Math.min(i[n][r], i[n - 2][r - 2] + a)) - } - return i[s][o] - } - var x9 = (e) => ` { - $${e ?? 1} -}`, - oo = (e, t, n) => { - if (!t) return n ?? e - let r = we(t) - return me(r) || be(r) || Fe(r) || mt(r) ? e + x9() : n ?? e - }, - Kc = (e, t, n) => { - if (Fe(t)) { - let r = we(t.ofType) - return e + `[${oo('', r, '$1')}]` - } - return oo(e, t, n) - }, - Jh = (e) => { - let t = e.args.filter((n) => n.type.toString().endsWith('!')) - if (t.length) - return ( - e.name + - `(${t.map((n, r) => `${n.name}: $${r + 1}`)}) ${oo( - '', - e.type, - ` -` - )}` - ) - } - var Xh - ;(function (e) { - function t(n) { - return typeof n == 'string' - } - e.is = t - })(Xh || (Xh = {})) - var Zc - ;(function (e) { - function t(n) { - return typeof n == 'string' - } - e.is = t - })(Zc || (Zc = {})) - var Kh - ;(function (e) { - ;(e.MIN_VALUE = -2147483648), (e.MAX_VALUE = 2147483647) - function t(n) { - return typeof n == 'number' && e.MIN_VALUE <= n && n <= e.MAX_VALUE - } - e.is = t - })(Kh || (Kh = {})) - var iu - ;(function (e) { - ;(e.MIN_VALUE = 0), (e.MAX_VALUE = 2147483647) - function t(n) { - return typeof n == 'number' && e.MIN_VALUE <= n && n <= e.MAX_VALUE - } - e.is = t - })(iu || (iu = {})) - var ln - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i) { - return ( - r === Number.MAX_VALUE && (r = iu.MAX_VALUE), - i === Number.MAX_VALUE && (i = iu.MAX_VALUE), - { line: r, character: i } - ) - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return R.objectLiteral(i) && R.uinteger(i.line) && R.uinteger(i.character) - } - e.is = n - })(ln || (ln = {})) - var tt - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i, s, o) { - if (R.uinteger(r) && R.uinteger(i) && R.uinteger(s) && R.uinteger(o)) - return { start: ln.create(r, i), end: ln.create(s, o) } - if (ln.is(r) && ln.is(i)) return { start: r, end: i } - throw new Error( - 'Range#create called with invalid arguments[' - .concat(r, ', ') - .concat(i, ', ') - .concat(s, ', ') - .concat(o, ']') - ) - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return R.objectLiteral(i) && ln.is(i.start) && ln.is(i.end) - } - e.is = n - })(tt || (tt = {})) - var su - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i) { - return { uri: r, range: i } - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return R.objectLiteral(i) && tt.is(i.range) && (R.string(i.uri) || R.undefined(i.uri)) - } - e.is = n - })(su || (su = {})) - var Zh - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i, s, o) { - return { targetUri: r, targetRange: i, targetSelectionRange: s, originSelectionRange: o } - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return ( - R.objectLiteral(i) && - tt.is(i.targetRange) && - R.string(i.targetUri) && - tt.is(i.targetSelectionRange) && - (tt.is(i.originSelectionRange) || R.undefined(i.originSelectionRange)) - ) - } - e.is = n - })(Zh || (Zh = {})) - var e1 - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i, s, o) { - return { red: r, green: i, blue: s, alpha: o } - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return ( - R.objectLiteral(i) && - R.numberRange(i.red, 0, 1) && - R.numberRange(i.green, 0, 1) && - R.numberRange(i.blue, 0, 1) && - R.numberRange(i.alpha, 0, 1) - ) - } - e.is = n - })(e1 || (e1 = {})) - var e0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i) { - return { range: r, color: i } - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return R.objectLiteral(i) && tt.is(i.range) && e1.is(i.color) - } - e.is = n - })(e0 || (e0 = {})) - var t0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i, s) { - return { label: r, textEdit: i, additionalTextEdits: s } - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return ( - R.objectLiteral(i) && - R.string(i.label) && - (R.undefined(i.textEdit) || jn.is(i)) && - (R.undefined(i.additionalTextEdits) || R.typedArray(i.additionalTextEdits, jn.is)) - ) - } - e.is = n - })(t0 || (t0 = {})) - var n0 - ;(function (e) { - ;(e.Comment = 'comment'), (e.Imports = 'imports'), (e.Region = 'region') - })(n0 || (n0 = {})) - var r0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i, s, o, a, u) { - var l = { startLine: r, endLine: i } - return ( - R.defined(s) && (l.startCharacter = s), - R.defined(o) && (l.endCharacter = o), - R.defined(a) && (l.kind = a), - R.defined(u) && (l.collapsedText = u), - l - ) - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return ( - R.objectLiteral(i) && - R.uinteger(i.startLine) && - R.uinteger(i.startLine) && - (R.undefined(i.startCharacter) || R.uinteger(i.startCharacter)) && - (R.undefined(i.endCharacter) || R.uinteger(i.endCharacter)) && - (R.undefined(i.kind) || R.string(i.kind)) - ) - } - e.is = n - })(r0 || (r0 = {})) - var t1 - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i) { - return { location: r, message: i } - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return R.defined(i) && su.is(i.location) && R.string(i.message) - } - e.is = n - })(t1 || (t1 = {})) - var i0 - ;(function (e) { - ;(e.Error = 1), (e.Warning = 2), (e.Information = 3), (e.Hint = 4) - })(i0 || (i0 = {})) - var s0 - ;(function (e) { - ;(e.Unnecessary = 1), (e.Deprecated = 2) - })(s0 || (s0 = {})) - var o0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(n) { - var r = n - return R.objectLiteral(r) && R.string(r.href) - } - e.is = t - })(o0 || (o0 = {})) - var ou - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i, s, o, a, u) { - var l = { range: r, message: i } - return ( - R.defined(s) && (l.severity = s), - R.defined(o) && (l.code = o), - R.defined(a) && (l.source = a), - R.defined(u) && (l.relatedInformation = u), - l - ) - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i, - s = r - return ( - R.defined(s) && - tt.is(s.range) && - R.string(s.message) && - (R.number(s.severity) || R.undefined(s.severity)) && - (R.integer(s.code) || R.string(s.code) || R.undefined(s.code)) && - (R.undefined(s.codeDescription) || - R.string((i = s.codeDescription) === null || i === void 0 ? void 0 : i.href)) && - (R.string(s.source) || R.undefined(s.source)) && - (R.undefined(s.relatedInformation) || R.typedArray(s.relatedInformation, t1.is)) - ) - } - e.is = n - })(ou || (ou = {})) - var Ki - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i) { - for (var s = [], o = 2; o < arguments.length; o++) s[o - 2] = arguments[o] - var a = { title: r, command: i } - return R.defined(s) && s.length > 0 && (a.arguments = s), a - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return R.defined(i) && R.string(i.title) && R.string(i.command) - } - e.is = n - })(Ki || (Ki = {})) - var jn - ;(function (e) { - function t(s, o) { - return { range: s, newText: o } - } - e.replace = t - function n(s, o) { - return { range: { start: s, end: s }, newText: o } - } - e.insert = n - function r(s) { - return { range: s, newText: '' } - } - e.del = r - function i(s) { - var o = s - return R.objectLiteral(o) && R.string(o.newText) && tt.is(o.range) - } - e.is = i - })(jn || (jn = {})) - var Xi - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i, s) { - var o = { label: r } - return i !== void 0 && (o.needsConfirmation = i), s !== void 0 && (o.description = s), o - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return ( - R.objectLiteral(i) && - R.string(i.label) && - (R.boolean(i.needsConfirmation) || i.needsConfirmation === void 0) && - (R.string(i.description) || i.description === void 0) - ) - } - e.is = n - })(Xi || (Xi = {})) - var At - ;(function (e) { - function t(n) { - var r = n - return R.string(r) - } - e.is = t - })(At || (At = {})) - var hr - ;(function (e) { - function t(s, o, a) { - return { range: s, newText: o, annotationId: a } - } - e.replace = t - function n(s, o, a) { - return { range: { start: s, end: s }, newText: o, annotationId: a } - } - e.insert = n - function r(s, o) { - return { range: s, newText: '', annotationId: o } - } - e.del = r - function i(s) { - var o = s - return jn.is(o) && (Xi.is(o.annotationId) || At.is(o.annotationId)) - } - e.is = i - })(hr || (hr = {})) - var au - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i) { - return { textDocument: r, edits: i } - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return R.defined(i) && uu.is(i.textDocument) && Array.isArray(i.edits) - } - e.is = n - })(au || (au = {})) - var ao - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i, s) { - var o = { kind: 'create', uri: r } - return ( - i !== void 0 && (i.overwrite !== void 0 || i.ignoreIfExists !== void 0) && (o.options = i), - s !== void 0 && (o.annotationId = s), - o - ) - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return ( - i && - i.kind === 'create' && - R.string(i.uri) && - (i.options === void 0 || - ((i.options.overwrite === void 0 || R.boolean(i.options.overwrite)) && - (i.options.ignoreIfExists === void 0 || R.boolean(i.options.ignoreIfExists)))) && - (i.annotationId === void 0 || At.is(i.annotationId)) - ) - } - e.is = n - })(ao || (ao = {})) - var uo - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i, s, o) { - var a = { kind: 'rename', oldUri: r, newUri: i } - return ( - s !== void 0 && (s.overwrite !== void 0 || s.ignoreIfExists !== void 0) && (a.options = s), - o !== void 0 && (a.annotationId = o), - a - ) - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return ( - i && - i.kind === 'rename' && - R.string(i.oldUri) && - R.string(i.newUri) && - (i.options === void 0 || - ((i.options.overwrite === void 0 || R.boolean(i.options.overwrite)) && - (i.options.ignoreIfExists === void 0 || R.boolean(i.options.ignoreIfExists)))) && - (i.annotationId === void 0 || At.is(i.annotationId)) - ) - } - e.is = n - })(uo || (uo = {})) - var lo - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i, s) { - var o = { kind: 'delete', uri: r } - return ( - i !== void 0 && - (i.recursive !== void 0 || i.ignoreIfNotExists !== void 0) && - (o.options = i), - s !== void 0 && (o.annotationId = s), - o - ) - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return ( - i && - i.kind === 'delete' && - R.string(i.uri) && - (i.options === void 0 || - ((i.options.recursive === void 0 || R.boolean(i.options.recursive)) && - (i.options.ignoreIfNotExists === void 0 || R.boolean(i.options.ignoreIfNotExists)))) && - (i.annotationId === void 0 || At.is(i.annotationId)) - ) - } - e.is = n - })(lo || (lo = {})) - var n1 - ;(function (e) { - function t(n) { - var r = n - return ( - r && - (r.changes !== void 0 || r.documentChanges !== void 0) && - (r.documentChanges === void 0 || - r.documentChanges.every(function (i) { - return R.string(i.kind) ? ao.is(i) || uo.is(i) || lo.is(i) : au.is(i) - })) - ) - } - e.is = t - })(n1 || (n1 = {})) - var ru = (function () { - function e(t, n) { - ;(this.edits = t), (this.changeAnnotations = n) - } - return ( - (e.prototype.insert = function (t, n, r) { - var i, s - if ( - (r === void 0 - ? (i = jn.insert(t, n)) - : At.is(r) - ? ((s = r), (i = hr.insert(t, n, r))) - : (this.assertChangeAnnotations(this.changeAnnotations), - (s = this.changeAnnotations.manage(r)), - (i = hr.insert(t, n, s))), - this.edits.push(i), - s !== void 0) - ) - return s - }), - (e.prototype.replace = function (t, n, r) { - var i, s - if ( - (r === void 0 - ? (i = jn.replace(t, n)) - : At.is(r) - ? ((s = r), (i = hr.replace(t, n, r))) - : (this.assertChangeAnnotations(this.changeAnnotations), - (s = this.changeAnnotations.manage(r)), - (i = hr.replace(t, n, s))), - this.edits.push(i), - s !== void 0) - ) - return s - }), - (e.prototype.delete = function (t, n) { - var r, i - if ( - (n === void 0 - ? (r = jn.del(t)) - : At.is(n) - ? ((i = n), (r = hr.del(t, n))) - : (this.assertChangeAnnotations(this.changeAnnotations), - (i = this.changeAnnotations.manage(n)), - (r = hr.del(t, i))), - this.edits.push(r), - i !== void 0) - ) - return i - }), - (e.prototype.add = function (t) { - this.edits.push(t) - }), - (e.prototype.all = function () { - return this.edits - }), - (e.prototype.clear = function () { - this.edits.splice(0, this.edits.length) - }), - (e.prototype.assertChangeAnnotations = function (t) { - if (t === void 0) - throw new Error('Text edit change is not configured to manage change annotations.') - }), - e - ) - })(), - a0 = (function () { - function e(t) { - ;(this._annotations = t === void 0 ? Object.create(null) : t), - (this._counter = 0), - (this._size = 0) - } - return ( - (e.prototype.all = function () { - return this._annotations - }), - Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'size', { - get: function () { - return this._size - }, - enumerable: !1, - configurable: !0 - }), - (e.prototype.manage = function (t, n) { - var r - if ( - (At.is(t) ? (r = t) : ((r = this.nextId()), (n = t)), this._annotations[r] !== void 0) - ) - throw new Error('Id '.concat(r, ' is already in use.')) - if (n === void 0) throw new Error('No annotation provided for id '.concat(r)) - return (this._annotations[r] = n), this._size++, r - }), - (e.prototype.nextId = function () { - return this._counter++, this._counter.toString() - }), - e - ) - })(), - UC = (function () { - function e(t) { - var n = this - ;(this._textEditChanges = Object.create(null)), - t !== void 0 - ? ((this._workspaceEdit = t), - t.documentChanges - ? ((this._changeAnnotations = new a0(t.changeAnnotations)), - (t.changeAnnotations = this._changeAnnotations.all()), - t.documentChanges.forEach(function (r) { - if (au.is(r)) { - var i = new ru(r.edits, n._changeAnnotations) - n._textEditChanges[r.textDocument.uri] = i - } - })) - : t.changes && - Object.keys(t.changes).forEach(function (r) { - var i = new ru(t.changes[r]) - n._textEditChanges[r] = i - })) - : (this._workspaceEdit = {}) - } - return ( - Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'edit', { - get: function () { - return ( - this.initDocumentChanges(), - this._changeAnnotations !== void 0 && - (this._changeAnnotations.size === 0 - ? (this._workspaceEdit.changeAnnotations = void 0) - : (this._workspaceEdit.changeAnnotations = this._changeAnnotations.all())), - this._workspaceEdit - ) - }, - enumerable: !1, - configurable: !0 - }), - (e.prototype.getTextEditChange = function (t) { - if (uu.is(t)) { - if ((this.initDocumentChanges(), this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges === void 0)) - throw new Error('Workspace edit is not configured for document changes.') - var n = { uri: t.uri, version: t.version }, - r = this._textEditChanges[n.uri] - if (!r) { - var i = [], - s = { textDocument: n, edits: i } - this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges.push(s), - (r = new ru(i, this._changeAnnotations)), - (this._textEditChanges[n.uri] = r) - } - return r - } else { - if ((this.initChanges(), this._workspaceEdit.changes === void 0)) - throw new Error('Workspace edit is not configured for normal text edit changes.') - var r = this._textEditChanges[t] - if (!r) { - var i = [] - ;(this._workspaceEdit.changes[t] = i), (r = new ru(i)), (this._textEditChanges[t] = r) - } - return r - } - }), - (e.prototype.initDocumentChanges = function () { - this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges === void 0 && - this._workspaceEdit.changes === void 0 && - ((this._changeAnnotations = new a0()), - (this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges = []), - (this._workspaceEdit.changeAnnotations = this._changeAnnotations.all())) - }), - (e.prototype.initChanges = function () { - this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges === void 0 && - this._workspaceEdit.changes === void 0 && - (this._workspaceEdit.changes = Object.create(null)) - }), - (e.prototype.createFile = function (t, n, r) { - if ((this.initDocumentChanges(), this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges === void 0)) - throw new Error('Workspace edit is not configured for document changes.') - var i - Xi.is(n) || At.is(n) ? (i = n) : (r = n) - var s, o - if ( - (i === void 0 - ? (s = ao.create(t, r)) - : ((o = At.is(i) ? i : this._changeAnnotations.manage(i)), (s = ao.create(t, r, o))), - this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges.push(s), - o !== void 0) - ) - return o - }), - (e.prototype.renameFile = function (t, n, r, i) { - if ((this.initDocumentChanges(), this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges === void 0)) - throw new Error('Workspace edit is not configured for document changes.') - var s - Xi.is(r) || At.is(r) ? (s = r) : (i = r) - var o, a - if ( - (s === void 0 - ? (o = uo.create(t, n, i)) - : ((a = At.is(s) ? s : this._changeAnnotations.manage(s)), - (o = uo.create(t, n, i, a))), - this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges.push(o), - a !== void 0) - ) - return a - }), - (e.prototype.deleteFile = function (t, n, r) { - if ((this.initDocumentChanges(), this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges === void 0)) - throw new Error('Workspace edit is not configured for document changes.') - var i - Xi.is(n) || At.is(n) ? (i = n) : (r = n) - var s, o - if ( - (i === void 0 - ? (s = lo.create(t, r)) - : ((o = At.is(i) ? i : this._changeAnnotations.manage(i)), (s = lo.create(t, r, o))), - this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges.push(s), - o !== void 0) - ) - return o - }), - e - ) - })() - var u0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(r) { - return { uri: r } - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return R.defined(i) && R.string(i.uri) - } - e.is = n - })(u0 || (u0 = {})) - var l0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i) { - return { uri: r, version: i } - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return R.defined(i) && R.string(i.uri) && R.integer(i.version) - } - e.is = n - })(l0 || (l0 = {})) - var uu - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i) { - return { uri: r, version: i } - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return R.defined(i) && R.string(i.uri) && (i.version === null || R.integer(i.version)) - } - e.is = n - })(uu || (uu = {})) - var c0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i, s, o) { - return { uri: r, languageId: i, version: s, text: o } - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return ( - R.defined(i) && - R.string(i.uri) && - R.string(i.languageId) && - R.integer(i.version) && - R.string(i.text) - ) - } - e.is = n - })(c0 || (c0 = {})) - var r1 - ;(function (e) { - ;(e.PlainText = 'plaintext'), (e.Markdown = 'markdown') - function t(n) { - var r = n - return r === e.PlainText || r === e.Markdown - } - e.is = t - })(r1 || (r1 = {})) - var co - ;(function (e) { - function t(n) { - var r = n - return R.objectLiteral(n) && r1.is(r.kind) && R.string(r.value) - } - e.is = t - })(co || (co = {})) - var f0 - ;(function (e) { - ;(e.Text = 1), - (e.Method = 2), - (e.Function = 3), - (e.Constructor = 4), - (e.Field = 5), - (e.Variable = 6), - (e.Class = 7), - (e.Interface = 8), - (e.Module = 9), - (e.Property = 10), - (e.Unit = 11), - (e.Value = 12), - (e.Enum = 13), - (e.Keyword = 14), - (e.Snippet = 15), - (e.Color = 16), - (e.File = 17), - (e.Reference = 18), - (e.Folder = 19), - (e.EnumMember = 20), - (e.Constant = 21), - (e.Struct = 22), - (e.Event = 23), - (e.Operator = 24), - (e.TypeParameter = 25) - })(f0 || (f0 = {})) - var mr - ;(function (e) { - ;(e.PlainText = 1), (e.Snippet = 2) - })(mr || (mr = {})) - var d0 - ;(function (e) { - e.Deprecated = 1 - })(d0 || (d0 = {})) - var p0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i, s) { - return { newText: r, insert: i, replace: s } - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return i && R.string(i.newText) && tt.is(i.insert) && tt.is(i.replace) - } - e.is = n - })(p0 || (p0 = {})) - var gr - ;(function (e) { - ;(e.asIs = 1), (e.adjustIndentation = 2) - })(gr || (gr = {})) - var h0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(n) { - var r = n - return ( - r && - (R.string(r.detail) || r.detail === void 0) && - (R.string(r.description) || r.description === void 0) - ) - } - e.is = t - })(h0 || (h0 = {})) - var m0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(n) { - return { label: n } - } - e.create = t - })(m0 || (m0 = {})) - var g0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(n, r) { - return { items: n || [], isIncomplete: !!r } - } - e.create = t - })(g0 || (g0 = {})) - var lu - ;(function (e) { - function t(r) { - return r.replace(/[\\`*_{}[\]()#+\-.!]/g, '\\$&') - } - e.fromPlainText = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return R.string(i) || (R.objectLiteral(i) && R.string(i.language) && R.string(i.value)) - } - e.is = n - })(lu || (lu = {})) - var D0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(n) { - var r = n - return ( - !!r && - R.objectLiteral(r) && - (co.is(r.contents) || lu.is(r.contents) || R.typedArray(r.contents, lu.is)) && - (n.range === void 0 || tt.is(n.range)) - ) - } - e.is = t - })(D0 || (D0 = {})) - var v0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(n, r) { - return r ? { label: n, documentation: r } : { label: n } - } - e.create = t - })(v0 || (v0 = {})) - var b0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(n, r) { - for (var i = [], s = 2; s < arguments.length; s++) i[s - 2] = arguments[s] - var o = { label: n } - return ( - R.defined(r) && (o.documentation = r), - R.defined(i) ? (o.parameters = i) : (o.parameters = []), - o - ) - } - e.create = t - })(b0 || (b0 = {})) - var E0 - ;(function (e) { - ;(e.Text = 1), (e.Read = 2), (e.Write = 3) - })(E0 || (E0 = {})) - var y0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(n, r) { - var i = { range: n } - return R.number(r) && (i.kind = r), i - } - e.create = t - })(y0 || (y0 = {})) - var x0 - ;(function (e) { - ;(e.File = 1), - (e.Module = 2), - (e.Namespace = 3), - (e.Package = 4), - (e.Class = 5), - (e.Method = 6), - (e.Property = 7), - (e.Field = 8), - (e.Constructor = 9), - (e.Enum = 10), - (e.Interface = 11), - (e.Function = 12), - (e.Variable = 13), - (e.Constant = 14), - (e.String = 15), - (e.Number = 16), - (e.Boolean = 17), - (e.Array = 18), - (e.Object = 19), - (e.Key = 20), - (e.Null = 21), - (e.EnumMember = 22), - (e.Struct = 23), - (e.Event = 24), - (e.Operator = 25), - (e.TypeParameter = 26) - })(x0 || (x0 = {})) - var _0 - ;(function (e) { - e.Deprecated = 1 - })(_0 || (_0 = {})) - var N0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(n, r, i, s, o) { - var a = { name: n, kind: r, location: { uri: s, range: i } } - return o && (a.containerName = o), a - } - e.create = t - })(N0 || (N0 = {})) - var T0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(n, r, i, s) { - return s !== void 0 - ? { name: n, kind: r, location: { uri: i, range: s } } - : { name: n, kind: r, location: { uri: i } } - } - e.create = t - })(T0 || (T0 = {})) - var S0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i, s, o, a, u) { - var l = { name: r, detail: i, kind: s, range: o, selectionRange: a } - return u !== void 0 && (l.children = u), l - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return ( - i && - R.string(i.name) && - R.number(i.kind) && - tt.is(i.range) && - tt.is(i.selectionRange) && - (i.detail === void 0 || R.string(i.detail)) && - (i.deprecated === void 0 || R.boolean(i.deprecated)) && - (i.children === void 0 || Array.isArray(i.children)) && - (i.tags === void 0 || Array.isArray(i.tags)) - ) - } - e.is = n - })(S0 || (S0 = {})) - var A0 - ;(function (e) { - ;(e.Empty = ''), - (e.QuickFix = 'quickfix'), - (e.Refactor = 'refactor'), - (e.RefactorExtract = 'refactor.extract'), - (e.RefactorInline = 'refactor.inline'), - (e.RefactorRewrite = 'refactor.rewrite'), - (e.Source = 'source'), - (e.SourceOrganizeImports = 'source.organizeImports'), - (e.SourceFixAll = 'source.fixAll') - })(A0 || (A0 = {})) - var cu - ;(function (e) { - ;(e.Invoked = 1), (e.Automatic = 2) - })(cu || (cu = {})) - var F0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i, s) { - var o = { diagnostics: r } - return i != null && (o.only = i), s != null && (o.triggerKind = s), o - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return ( - R.defined(i) && - R.typedArray(i.diagnostics, ou.is) && - (i.only === void 0 || R.typedArray(i.only, R.string)) && - (i.triggerKind === void 0 || i.triggerKind === cu.Invoked || i.triggerKind === cu.Automatic) - ) - } - e.is = n - })(F0 || (F0 = {})) - var w0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i, s) { - var o = { title: r }, - a = !0 - return ( - typeof i == 'string' ? ((a = !1), (o.kind = i)) : Ki.is(i) ? (o.command = i) : (o.edit = i), - a && s !== void 0 && (o.kind = s), - o - ) - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return ( - i && - R.string(i.title) && - (i.diagnostics === void 0 || R.typedArray(i.diagnostics, ou.is)) && - (i.kind === void 0 || R.string(i.kind)) && - (i.edit !== void 0 || i.command !== void 0) && - (i.command === void 0 || Ki.is(i.command)) && - (i.isPreferred === void 0 || R.boolean(i.isPreferred)) && - (i.edit === void 0 || n1.is(i.edit)) - ) - } - e.is = n - })(w0 || (w0 = {})) - var L0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i) { - var s = { range: r } - return R.defined(i) && (s.data = i), s - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return R.defined(i) && tt.is(i.range) && (R.undefined(i.command) || Ki.is(i.command)) - } - e.is = n - })(L0 || (L0 = {})) - var C0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i) { - return { tabSize: r, insertSpaces: i } - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return R.defined(i) && R.uinteger(i.tabSize) && R.boolean(i.insertSpaces) - } - e.is = n - })(C0 || (C0 = {})) - var I0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i, s) { - return { range: r, target: i, data: s } - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return R.defined(i) && tt.is(i.range) && (R.undefined(i.target) || R.string(i.target)) - } - e.is = n - })(I0 || (I0 = {})) - var R0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i) { - return { range: r, parent: i } - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return R.objectLiteral(i) && tt.is(i.range) && (i.parent === void 0 || e.is(i.parent)) - } - e.is = n - })(R0 || (R0 = {})) - var k0 - ;(function (e) { - ;(e.namespace = 'namespace'), - (e.type = 'type'), - (e.class = 'class'), - (e.enum = 'enum'), - (e.interface = 'interface'), - (e.struct = 'struct'), - (e.typeParameter = 'typeParameter'), - (e.parameter = 'parameter'), - (e.variable = 'variable'), - (e.property = 'property'), - (e.enumMember = 'enumMember'), - (e.event = 'event'), - (e.function = 'function'), - (e.method = 'method'), - (e.macro = 'macro'), - (e.keyword = 'keyword'), - (e.modifier = 'modifier'), - (e.comment = 'comment'), - (e.string = 'string'), - (e.number = 'number'), - (e.regexp = 'regexp'), - (e.operator = 'operator'), - (e.decorator = 'decorator') - })(k0 || (k0 = {})) - var O0 - ;(function (e) { - ;(e.declaration = 'declaration'), - (e.definition = 'definition'), - (e.readonly = 'readonly'), - (e.static = 'static'), - (e.deprecated = 'deprecated'), - (e.abstract = 'abstract'), - (e.async = 'async'), - (e.modification = 'modification'), - (e.documentation = 'documentation'), - (e.defaultLibrary = 'defaultLibrary') - })(O0 || (O0 = {})) - var M0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(n) { - var r = n - return ( - R.objectLiteral(r) && - (r.resultId === void 0 || typeof r.resultId == 'string') && - Array.isArray(r.data) && - (r.data.length === 0 || typeof r.data[0] == 'number') - ) - } - e.is = t - })(M0 || (M0 = {})) - var P0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i) { - return { range: r, text: i } - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return i != null && tt.is(i.range) && R.string(i.text) - } - e.is = n - })(P0 || (P0 = {})) - var B0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i, s) { - return { range: r, variableName: i, caseSensitiveLookup: s } - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return ( - i != null && - tt.is(i.range) && - R.boolean(i.caseSensitiveLookup) && - (R.string(i.variableName) || i.variableName === void 0) - ) - } - e.is = n - })(B0 || (B0 = {})) - var V0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i) { - return { range: r, expression: i } - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return i != null && tt.is(i.range) && (R.string(i.expression) || i.expression === void 0) - } - e.is = n - })(V0 || (V0 = {})) - var U0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i) { - return { frameId: r, stoppedLocation: i } - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return R.defined(i) && tt.is(r.stoppedLocation) - } - e.is = n - })(U0 || (U0 = {})) - var i1 - ;(function (e) { - ;(e.Type = 1), (e.Parameter = 2) - function t(n) { - return n === 1 || n === 2 - } - e.is = t - })(i1 || (i1 = {})) - var s1 - ;(function (e) { - function t(r) { - return { value: r } - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return ( - R.objectLiteral(i) && - (i.tooltip === void 0 || R.string(i.tooltip) || co.is(i.tooltip)) && - (i.location === void 0 || su.is(i.location)) && - (i.command === void 0 || Ki.is(i.command)) - ) - } - e.is = n - })(s1 || (s1 = {})) - var $0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(r, i, s) { - var o = { position: r, label: i } - return s !== void 0 && (o.kind = s), o - } - e.create = t - function n(r) { - var i = r - return ( - (R.objectLiteral(i) && - ln.is(i.position) && - (R.string(i.label) || R.typedArray(i.label, s1.is)) && - (i.kind === void 0 || i1.is(i.kind)) && - i.textEdits === void 0) || - (R.typedArray(i.textEdits, jn.is) && - (i.tooltip === void 0 || R.string(i.tooltip) || co.is(i.tooltip)) && - (i.paddingLeft === void 0 || R.boolean(i.paddingLeft)) && - (i.paddingRight === void 0 || R.boolean(i.paddingRight))) - ) - } - e.is = n - })($0 || ($0 = {})) - var j0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(n) { - var r = n - return R.objectLiteral(r) && Zc.is(r.uri) && R.string(r.name) - } - e.is = t - })(j0 || (j0 = {})) - var q0 - ;(function (e) { - function t(s, o, a, u) { - return new _9(s, o, a, u) - } - e.create = t - function n(s) { - var o = s - return !!( - R.defined(o) && - R.string(o.uri) && - (R.undefined(o.languageId) || R.string(o.languageId)) && - R.uinteger(o.lineCount) && - R.func(o.getText) && - R.func(o.positionAt) && - R.func(o.offsetAt) - ) - } - e.is = n - function r(s, o) { - for ( - var a = s.getText(), - u = i(o, function (g, v) { - var N = g.range.start.line - v.range.start.line - return N === 0 ? g.range.start.character - v.range.start.character : N - }), - l = a.length, - c = u.length - 1; - c >= 0; - c-- - ) { - var d = u[c], - h = s.offsetAt(d.range.start), - m = s.offsetAt(d.range.end) - if (m <= l) a = a.substring(0, h) + d.newText + a.substring(m, a.length) - else throw new Error('Overlapping edit') - l = h - } - return a - } - e.applyEdits = r - function i(s, o) { - if (s.length <= 1) return s - var a = (s.length / 2) | 0, - u = s.slice(0, a), - l = s.slice(a) - i(u, o), i(l, o) - for (var c = 0, d = 0, h = 0; c < u.length && d < l.length; ) { - var m = o(u[c], l[d]) - m <= 0 ? (s[h++] = u[c++]) : (s[h++] = l[d++]) - } - for (; c < u.length; ) s[h++] = u[c++] - for (; d < l.length; ) s[h++] = l[d++] - return s - } - })(q0 || (q0 = {})) - var _9 = (function () { - function e(t, n, r, i) { - ;(this._uri = t), - (this._languageId = n), - (this._version = r), - (this._content = i), - (this._lineOffsets = void 0) - } - return ( - Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'uri', { - get: function () { - return this._uri - }, - enumerable: !1, - configurable: !0 - }), - Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'languageId', { - get: function () { - return this._languageId - }, - enumerable: !1, - configurable: !0 - }), - Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'version', { - get: function () { - return this._version - }, - enumerable: !1, - configurable: !0 - }), - (e.prototype.getText = function (t) { - if (t) { - var n = this.offsetAt(t.start), - r = this.offsetAt(t.end) - return this._content.substring(n, r) - } - return this._content - }), - (e.prototype.update = function (t, n) { - ;(this._content = t.text), (this._version = n), (this._lineOffsets = void 0) - }), - (e.prototype.getLineOffsets = function () { - if (this._lineOffsets === void 0) { - for (var t = [], n = this._content, r = !0, i = 0; i < n.length; i++) { - r && (t.push(i), (r = !1)) - var s = n.charAt(i) - ;(r = - s === '\r' || - s === - ` -`), - s === '\r' && - i + 1 < n.length && - n.charAt(i + 1) === - ` -` && - i++ - } - r && n.length > 0 && t.push(n.length), (this._lineOffsets = t) - } - return this._lineOffsets - }), - (e.prototype.positionAt = function (t) { - t = Math.max(Math.min(t, this._content.length), 0) - var n = this.getLineOffsets(), - r = 0, - i = n.length - if (i === 0) return ln.create(0, t) - for (; r < i; ) { - var s = Math.floor((r + i) / 2) - n[s] > t ? (i = s) : (r = s + 1) - } - var o = r - 1 - return ln.create(o, t - n[o]) - }), - (e.prototype.offsetAt = function (t) { - var n = this.getLineOffsets() - if (t.line >= n.length) return this._content.length - if (t.line < 0) return 0 - var r = n[t.line], - i = t.line + 1 < n.length ? n[t.line + 1] : this._content.length - return Math.max(Math.min(r + t.character, i), r) - }), - Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'lineCount', { - get: function () { - return this.getLineOffsets().length - }, - enumerable: !1, - configurable: !0 - }), - e - ) - })(), - R - ;(function (e) { - var t = Object.prototype.toString - function n(m) { - return typeof m < 'u' - } - e.defined = n - function r(m) { - return typeof m > 'u' - } - e.undefined = r - function i(m) { - return m === !0 || m === !1 - } - e.boolean = i - function s(m) { - return t.call(m) === '[object String]' - } - e.string = s - function o(m) { - return t.call(m) === '[object Number]' - } - e.number = o - function a(m, g, v) { - return t.call(m) === '[object Number]' && g <= m && m <= v - } - e.numberRange = a - function u(m) { - return t.call(m) === '[object Number]' && -2147483648 <= m && m <= 2147483647 - } - e.integer = u - function l(m) { - return t.call(m) === '[object Number]' && 0 <= m && m <= 2147483647 - } - e.uinteger = l - function c(m) { - return t.call(m) === '[object Function]' - } - e.func = c - function d(m) { - return m !== null && typeof m == 'object' - } - e.objectLiteral = d - function h(m, g) { - return Array.isArray(m) && m.every(g) - } - e.typedArray = h - })(R || (R = {})) - var Nn = class { - constructor(t) { - ;(this._start = 0), - (this._pos = 0), - (this.getStartOfToken = () => this._start), - (this.getCurrentPosition = () => this._pos), - (this.eol = () => this._sourceText.length === this._pos), - (this.sol = () => this._pos === 0), - (this.peek = () => this._sourceText.charAt(this._pos) || null), - (this.next = () => { - let n = this._sourceText.charAt(this._pos) - return this._pos++, n - }), - (this.eat = (n) => { - if (this._testNextCharacter(n)) - return (this._start = this._pos), this._pos++, this._sourceText.charAt(this._pos - 1) - }), - (this.eatWhile = (n) => { - let r = this._testNextCharacter(n), - i = !1 - for (r && ((i = r), (this._start = this._pos)); r; ) - this._pos++, (r = this._testNextCharacter(n)), (i = !0) - return i - }), - (this.eatSpace = () => this.eatWhile(/[\s\u00a0]/)), - (this.skipToEnd = () => { - this._pos = this._sourceText.length - }), - (this.skipTo = (n) => { - this._pos = n - }), - (this.match = (n, r = !0, i = !1) => { - let s = null, - o = null - return ( - typeof n == 'string' - ? ((o = new RegExp(n, i ? 'i' : 'g').test( - this._sourceText.slice(this._pos, this._pos + n.length) - )), - (s = n)) - : n instanceof RegExp && - ((o = this._sourceText.slice(this._pos).match(n)), (s = o?.[0])), - o != null && - (typeof n == 'string' || - (o instanceof Array && this._sourceText.startsWith(o[0], this._pos))) - ? (r && ((this._start = this._pos), s && s.length && (this._pos += s.length)), o) - : !1 - ) - }), - (this.backUp = (n) => { - this._pos -= n - }), - (this.column = () => this._pos), - (this.indentation = () => { - let n = this._sourceText.match(/\s*/), - r = 0 - if (n && n.length !== 0) { - let i = n[0], - s = 0 - for (; i.length > s; ) i.charCodeAt(s) === 9 ? (r += 2) : r++, s++ - } - return r - }), - (this.current = () => this._sourceText.slice(this._start, this._pos)), - (this._sourceText = t) - } - _testNextCharacter(t) { - let n = this._sourceText.charAt(this._pos), - r = !1 - return typeof t == 'string' ? (r = n === t) : (r = t instanceof RegExp ? t.test(n) : t(n)), r - } - } - function qe(e) { - return { ofRule: e } - } - function xe(e, t) { - return { ofRule: e, isList: !0, separator: t } - } - function o1(e, t) { - let n = e.match - return ( - (e.match = (r) => { - let i = !1 - return n && (i = n(r)), i && t.every((s) => s.match && !s.match(r)) - }), - e - ) - } - function Zi(e, t) { - return { style: t, match: (n) => n.kind === e } - } - function le(e, t) { - return { style: t || 'punctuation', match: (n) => n.kind === 'Punctuation' && n.value === e } - } - var fu = (e) => - e === ' ' || - e === ' ' || - e === ',' || - e === - ` -` || - e === '\r' || - e === '\uFEFF' || - e === '\xA0', - du = { - Name: /^[_A-Za-z][_0-9A-Za-z]*/, - Punctuation: /^(?:!|\$|\(|\)|\.\.\.|:|=|&|@|\[|]|\{|\||\})/, - Number: /^-?(?:0|(?:[1-9][0-9]*))(?:\.[0-9]*)?(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?/, - String: - /^(?:"""(?:\\"""|[^"]|"[^"]|""[^"])*(?:""")?|"(?:[^"\\]|\\(?:"|\/|\\|b|f|n|r|t|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}))*"?)/, - Comment: /^#.*/ - }, - pu = { - Document: [xe('Definition')], - Definition(e) { - switch (e.value) { - case '{': - return 'ShortQuery' - case 'query': - return 'Query' - case 'mutation': - return 'Mutation' - case 'subscription': - return 'Subscription' - case 'fragment': - return E.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION - case 'schema': - return 'SchemaDef' - case 'scalar': - return 'ScalarDef' - case 'type': - return 'ObjectTypeDef' - case 'interface': - return 'InterfaceDef' - case 'union': - return 'UnionDef' - case 'enum': - return 'EnumDef' - case 'input': - return 'InputDef' - case 'extend': - return 'ExtendDef' - case 'directive': - return 'DirectiveDef' - } - }, - ShortQuery: ['SelectionSet'], - Query: [ - Et('query'), - qe(Ue('def')), - qe('VariableDefinitions'), - xe('Directive'), - 'SelectionSet' - ], - Mutation: [ - Et('mutation'), - qe(Ue('def')), - qe('VariableDefinitions'), - xe('Directive'), - 'SelectionSet' - ], - Subscription: [ - Et('subscription'), - qe(Ue('def')), - qe('VariableDefinitions'), - xe('Directive'), - 'SelectionSet' - ], - VariableDefinitions: [le('('), xe('VariableDefinition'), le(')')], - VariableDefinition: ['Variable', le(':'), 'Type', qe('DefaultValue')], - Variable: [le('$', 'variable'), Ue('variable')], - DefaultValue: [le('='), 'Value'], - SelectionSet: [le('{'), xe('Selection'), le('}')], - Selection(e, t) { - return e.value === '...' - ? t.match(/[\s\u00a0,]*(on\b|@|{)/, !1) - ? 'InlineFragment' - : 'FragmentSpread' - : t.match(/[\s\u00a0,]*:/, !1) - ? 'AliasedField' - : 'Field' - }, - AliasedField: [ - Ue('property'), - le(':'), - Ue('qualifier'), - qe('Arguments'), - xe('Directive'), - qe('SelectionSet') - ], - Field: [Ue('property'), qe('Arguments'), xe('Directive'), qe('SelectionSet')], - Arguments: [le('('), xe('Argument'), le(')')], - Argument: [Ue('attribute'), le(':'), 'Value'], - FragmentSpread: [le('...'), Ue('def'), xe('Directive')], - InlineFragment: [le('...'), qe('TypeCondition'), xe('Directive'), 'SelectionSet'], - FragmentDefinition: [ - Et('fragment'), - qe(o1(Ue('def'), [Et('on')])), - 'TypeCondition', - xe('Directive'), - 'SelectionSet' - ], - TypeCondition: [Et('on'), 'NamedType'], - Value(e) { - switch (e.kind) { - case 'Number': - return 'NumberValue' - case 'String': - return 'StringValue' - case 'Punctuation': - switch (e.value) { - case '[': - return 'ListValue' - case '{': - return 'ObjectValue' - case '$': - return 'Variable' - case '&': - return 'NamedType' - } - return null - case 'Name': - switch (e.value) { - case 'true': - case 'false': - return 'BooleanValue' - } - return e.value === 'null' ? 'NullValue' : 'EnumValue' - } - }, - NumberValue: [Zi('Number', 'number')], - StringValue: [ - { - style: 'string', - match: (e) => e.kind === 'String', - update(e, t) { - t.value.startsWith('"""') && (e.inBlockstring = !t.value.slice(3).endsWith('"""')) - } - } - ], - BooleanValue: [Zi('Name', 'builtin')], - NullValue: [Zi('Name', 'keyword')], - EnumValue: [Ue('string-2')], - ListValue: [le('['), xe('Value'), le(']')], - ObjectValue: [le('{'), xe('ObjectField'), le('}')], - ObjectField: [Ue('attribute'), le(':'), 'Value'], - Type(e) { - return e.value === '[' ? 'ListType' : 'NonNullType' - }, - ListType: [le('['), 'Type', le(']'), qe(le('!'))], - NonNullType: ['NamedType', qe(le('!'))], - NamedType: [N9('atom')], - Directive: [le('@', 'meta'), Ue('meta'), qe('Arguments')], - DirectiveDef: [ - Et('directive'), - le('@', 'meta'), - Ue('meta'), - qe('ArgumentsDef'), - Et('on'), - xe('DirectiveLocation', le('|')) - ], - InterfaceDef: [ - Et('interface'), - Ue('atom'), - qe('Implements'), - xe('Directive'), - le('{'), - xe('FieldDef'), - le('}') - ], - Implements: [Et('implements'), xe('NamedType', le('&'))], - DirectiveLocation: [Ue('string-2')], - SchemaDef: [Et('schema'), xe('Directive'), le('{'), xe('OperationTypeDef'), le('}')], - OperationTypeDef: [Ue('keyword'), le(':'), Ue('atom')], - ScalarDef: [Et('scalar'), Ue('atom'), xe('Directive')], - ObjectTypeDef: [ - Et('type'), - Ue('atom'), - qe('Implements'), - xe('Directive'), - le('{'), - xe('FieldDef'), - le('}') - ], - FieldDef: [Ue('property'), qe('ArgumentsDef'), le(':'), 'Type', xe('Directive')], - ArgumentsDef: [le('('), xe('InputValueDef'), le(')')], - InputValueDef: [Ue('attribute'), le(':'), 'Type', qe('DefaultValue'), xe('Directive')], - UnionDef: [Et('union'), Ue('atom'), xe('Directive'), le('='), xe('UnionMember', le('|'))], - UnionMember: ['NamedType'], - EnumDef: [Et('enum'), Ue('atom'), xe('Directive'), le('{'), xe('EnumValueDef'), le('}')], - EnumValueDef: [Ue('string-2'), xe('Directive')], - InputDef: [Et('input'), Ue('atom'), xe('Directive'), le('{'), xe('InputValueDef'), le('}')], - ExtendDef: [Et('extend'), 'ExtensionDefinition'], - ExtensionDefinition(e) { - switch (e.value) { - case 'schema': - return E.SCHEMA_EXTENSION - case 'scalar': - return E.SCALAR_TYPE_EXTENSION - case 'type': - return E.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION - case 'interface': - return E.INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION - case 'union': - return E.UNION_TYPE_EXTENSION - case 'enum': - return E.ENUM_TYPE_EXTENSION - case 'input': - return E.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION - } - }, - [E.SCHEMA_EXTENSION]: ['SchemaDef'], - [E.SCALAR_TYPE_EXTENSION]: ['ScalarDef'], - [E.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION]: ['ObjectTypeDef'], - [E.INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION]: ['InterfaceDef'], - [E.UNION_TYPE_EXTENSION]: ['UnionDef'], - [E.ENUM_TYPE_EXTENSION]: ['EnumDef'], - [E.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION]: ['InputDef'] - } - function Et(e) { - return { style: 'keyword', match: (t) => t.kind === 'Name' && t.value === e } - } - function Ue(e) { - return { - style: e, - match: (t) => t.kind === 'Name', - update(t, n) { - t.name = n.value - } - } - } - function N9(e) { - return { - style: e, - match: (t) => t.kind === 'Name', - update(t, n) { - var r - !((r = t.prevState) === null || r === void 0) && - r.prevState && - ((t.name = n.value), (t.prevState.prevState.type = n.value)) - } - } - } - function jr( - e = { eatWhitespace: (t) => t.eatWhile(fu), lexRules: du, parseRules: pu, editorConfig: {} } - ) { - return { - startState() { - let t = { - level: 0, - step: 0, - name: null, - kind: null, - type: null, - rule: null, - needsSeparator: !1, - prevState: null - } - return fo(e.parseRules, t, E.DOCUMENT), t - }, - token(t, n) { - return T9(t, n, e) - } - } - } - function T9(e, t, n) { - var r - if (t.inBlockstring) - return e.match(/.*"""/) ? ((t.inBlockstring = !1), 'string') : (e.skipToEnd(), 'string') - let { lexRules: i, parseRules: s, eatWhitespace: o, editorConfig: a } = n - if ( - (t.rule && t.rule.length === 0 ? l1(t) : t.needsAdvance && ((t.needsAdvance = !1), u1(t, !0)), - e.sol()) - ) { - let c = a?.tabSize || 2 - t.indentLevel = Math.floor(e.indentation() / c) - } - if (o(e)) return 'ws' - let u = A9(i, e) - if (!u) return e.match(/\S+/) || e.match(/\s/), fo(a1, t, 'Invalid'), 'invalidchar' - if (u.kind === 'Comment') return fo(a1, t, 'Comment'), 'comment' - let l = G0({}, t) - if (u.kind === 'Punctuation') { - if (/^[{([]/.test(u.value)) - t.indentLevel !== void 0 && (t.levels = (t.levels || []).concat(t.indentLevel + 1)) - else if (/^[})\]]/.test(u.value)) { - let c = (t.levels = (t.levels || []).slice(0, -1)) - t.indentLevel && c.length > 0 && c.at(-1) < t.indentLevel && (t.indentLevel = c.at(-1)) - } - } - for (; t.rule; ) { - let c = typeof t.rule == 'function' ? (t.step === 0 ? t.rule(u, e) : null) : t.rule[t.step] - if ((t.needsSeparator && (c = c?.separator), c)) { - if ((c.ofRule && (c = c.ofRule), typeof c == 'string')) { - fo(s, t, c) - continue - } - if (!((r = c.match) === null || r === void 0) && r.call(c, u)) - return ( - c.update && c.update(t, u), - u.kind === 'Punctuation' ? u1(t, !0) : (t.needsAdvance = !0), - c.style - ) - } - S9(t) - } - return G0(t, l), fo(a1, t, 'Invalid'), 'invalidchar' - } - function G0(e, t) { - let n = Object.keys(t) - for (let r = 0; r < n.length; r++) e[n[r]] = t[n[r]] - return e - } - var a1 = { Invalid: [], Comment: [] } - function fo(e, t, n) { - if (!e[n]) throw new TypeError('Unknown rule: ' + n) - ;(t.prevState = Object.assign({}, t)), - (t.kind = n), - (t.name = null), - (t.type = null), - (t.rule = e[n]), - (t.step = 0), - (t.needsSeparator = !1) - } - function l1(e) { - e.prevState && - ((e.kind = e.prevState.kind), - (e.name = e.prevState.name), - (e.type = e.prevState.type), - (e.rule = e.prevState.rule), - (e.step = e.prevState.step), - (e.needsSeparator = e.prevState.needsSeparator), - (e.prevState = e.prevState.prevState)) - } - function u1(e, t) { - var n - if (H0(e) && e.rule) { - let r = e.rule[e.step] - if (r.separator) { - let { separator: i } = r - if (((e.needsSeparator = !e.needsSeparator), !e.needsSeparator && i.ofRule)) return - } - if (t) return - } - for ( - e.needsSeparator = !1, e.step++; - e.rule && !(Array.isArray(e.rule) && e.step < e.rule.length); - - ) - l1(e), - e.rule && - (H0(e) - ? !((n = e.rule) === null || n === void 0) && - n[e.step].separator && - (e.needsSeparator = !e.needsSeparator) - : ((e.needsSeparator = !1), e.step++)) - } - function H0(e) { - let t = Array.isArray(e.rule) && typeof e.rule[e.step] != 'string' && e.rule[e.step] - return t && t.isList - } - function S9(e) { - for (; e.rule && !(Array.isArray(e.rule) && e.rule[e.step].ofRule); ) l1(e) - e.rule && u1(e, !1) - } - function A9(e, t) { - let n = Object.keys(e) - for (let r = 0; r < n.length; r++) { - let i = t.match(e[n[r]]) - if (i && i instanceof Array) return { kind: n[r], value: i[0] } - } - } - function es(e, t) { - let n = e.split(` -`), - r = jr(), - i = r.startState(), - s = '', - o = new Nn('') - for (let a = 0; a < n.length; a++) { - for (o = new Nn(n[a]); !o.eol() && ((s = r.token(o, i)), t(o, i, s, a) !== 'BREAK'); ); - t(o, i, s, a), i.kind || (i = r.startState()) - } - return { - start: o.getStartOfToken(), - end: o.getCurrentPosition(), - string: o.current(), - state: i, - style: s - } - } - var tn - ;(function (e) { - ;(e.TYPE_SYSTEM = 'TYPE_SYSTEM'), (e.EXECUTABLE = 'EXECUTABLE'), (e.UNKNOWN = 'UNKNOWN') - })(tn || (tn = {})) - var F9 = [ - E.SCHEMA_DEFINITION, - E.OPERATION_TYPE_DEFINITION, - E.SCALAR_TYPE_DEFINITION, - E.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION, - E.INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION, - E.UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION, - E.ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION, - E.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION, - E.DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION, - E.SCHEMA_EXTENSION, - E.SCALAR_TYPE_EXTENSION, - E.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION, - E.INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION, - E.UNION_TYPE_EXTENSION, - E.ENUM_TYPE_EXTENSION, - E.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION - ], - w9 = (e) => { - let t = tn.UNKNOWN - if (e) - try { - ht(Kt(e), { - enter(n) { - if (n.kind === 'Document') { - t = tn.EXECUTABLE - return - } - return F9.includes(n.kind) ? ((t = tn.TYPE_SYSTEM), Bn) : !1 - } - }) - } catch { - return t - } - return t - } - function W0(e, t) { - return t?.endsWith('.graphqls') ? tn.TYPE_SYSTEM : w9(e) - } - function c1(e, t, n = 0) { - let r = null, - i = null, - s = null, - o = es(e, (a, u, l, c) => { - if (!(c !== t.line || a.getCurrentPosition() + n < t.character + 1)) - return (r = l), (i = Object.assign({}, u)), (s = a.current()), 'BREAK' - }) - return { - start: o.start, - end: o.end, - string: s || o.string, - state: i || o.state, - style: r || o.style - } - } - function po(e, t, n, r, i) { - let s = r || c1(e, t, 1) - if (!s) return null - let o = s.state.kind === 'Invalid' ? s.state.prevState : s.state - if (!o) return null - let a = ho(n, s.state), - u = i?.mode || W0(e, i?.uri) - return { token: s, state: o, typeInfo: a, mode: u } - } - function hu(e, t, n) { - return n === En.name && e.getQueryType() === t - ? En - : n === yn.name && e.getQueryType() === t - ? yn - : n === xn.name && at(t) - ? xn - : 'getFields' in t - ? t.getFields()[n] - : null - } - function Q0(e, t) { - let n = [], - r = e - for (; r?.kind; ) n.push(r), (r = r.prevState) - for (let i = n.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) t(n[i]) - } - function mu(e) { - let t - return ( - Q0(e, (n) => { - switch (n.kind) { - case 'Query': - case 'ShortQuery': - case 'Mutation': - case 'Subscription': - case 'FragmentDefinition': - t = n - break - } - }), - t - ) - } - function ho(e, t) { - let n, r, i, s, o, a, u, l, c, d, h - return ( - Q0(t, (m) => { - var g - switch (m.kind) { - case W.QUERY: - case 'ShortQuery': - d = e.getQueryType() - break - case W.MUTATION: - d = e.getMutationType() - break - case W.SUBSCRIPTION: - d = e.getSubscriptionType() - break - case W.INLINE_FRAGMENT: - case W.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION: - m.type && (d = e.getType(m.type)) - break - case W.FIELD: - case W.ALIASED_FIELD: { - !d || !m.name - ? (o = null) - : ((o = c ? hu(e, c, m.name) : null), (d = o ? o.type : null)) - break - } - case W.SELECTION_SET: - c = we(d) - break - case W.DIRECTIVE: - i = m.name ? e.getDirective(m.name) : null - break - case W.INTERFACE_DEF: - m.name && ((u = null), (h = new St({ name: m.name, interfaces: [], fields: {} }))) - break - case W.OBJECT_TYPE_DEF: - m.name && ((h = null), (u = new Ke({ name: m.name, interfaces: [], fields: {} }))) - break - case W.ARGUMENTS: { - if (m.prevState) - switch (m.prevState.kind) { - case W.FIELD: - r = o && o.args - break - case W.DIRECTIVE: - r = i && i.args - break - case W.ALIASED_FIELD: { - let C = (g = m.prevState) === null || g === void 0 ? void 0 : g.name - if (!C) { - r = null - break - } - let S = c ? hu(e, c, C) : null - if (!S) { - r = null - break - } - r = S.args - break - } - default: - r = null - break - } - else r = null - break - } - case W.ARGUMENT: - if (r) { - for (let C = 0; C < r.length; C++) - if (r[C].name === m.name) { - n = r[C] - break - } - } - a = n?.type - break - case W.VARIABLE_DEFINITION: - case W.VARIABLE: - d = a - break - case W.ENUM_VALUE: - let v = we(a) - s = v instanceof bt ? v.getValues().find((C) => C.value === m.name) : null - break - case W.LIST_VALUE: - let N = fr(a) - a = N instanceof Me ? N.ofType : null - break - case W.OBJECT_VALUE: - let _ = we(a) - l = _ instanceof Zt ? _.getFields() : null - break - case W.OBJECT_FIELD: - let w = m.name && l ? l[m.name] : null - ;(a = w?.type), (o = w), (d = o ? o.type : null) - break - case W.NAMED_TYPE: - m.name && (d = e.getType(m.name)) - break - } - }), - { - argDef: n, - argDefs: r, - directiveDef: i, - enumValue: s, - fieldDef: o, - inputType: a, - objectFieldDefs: l, - parentType: c, - type: d, - interfaceDef: h, - objectTypeDef: u - } - ) - } - var L9 = { - ALIASED_FIELD: 'AliasedField', - ARGUMENTS: 'Arguments', - SHORT_QUERY: 'ShortQuery', - QUERY: 'Query', - MUTATION: 'Mutation', - SUBSCRIPTION: 'Subscription', - TYPE_CONDITION: 'TypeCondition', - INVALID: 'Invalid', - COMMENT: 'Comment', - SCHEMA_DEF: 'SchemaDef', - SCALAR_DEF: 'ScalarDef', - OBJECT_TYPE_DEF: 'ObjectTypeDef', - OBJECT_VALUE: 'ObjectValue', - LIST_VALUE: 'ListValue', - INTERFACE_DEF: 'InterfaceDef', - UNION_DEF: 'UnionDef', - ENUM_DEF: 'EnumDef', - ENUM_VALUE: 'EnumValue', - FIELD_DEF: 'FieldDef', - INPUT_DEF: 'InputDef', - INPUT_VALUE_DEF: 'InputValueDef', - ARGUMENTS_DEF: 'ArgumentsDef', - EXTEND_DEF: 'ExtendDef', - EXTENSION_DEFINITION: 'ExtensionDefinition', - DIRECTIVE_DEF: 'DirectiveDef', - IMPLEMENTS: 'Implements', - VARIABLE_DEFINITIONS: 'VariableDefinitions', - TYPE: 'Type', - VARIABLE: 'Variable' - }, - W = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, E), L9) - var ve - ;(function (e) { - ;(e.Text = 1), - (e.Method = 2), - (e.Function = 3), - (e.Constructor = 4), - (e.Field = 5), - (e.Variable = 6), - (e.Class = 7), - (e.Interface = 8), - (e.Module = 9), - (e.Property = 10), - (e.Unit = 11), - (e.Value = 12), - (e.Enum = 13), - (e.Keyword = 14), - (e.Snippet = 15), - (e.Color = 16), - (e.File = 17), - (e.Reference = 18), - (e.Folder = 19), - (e.EnumMember = 20), - (e.Constant = 21), - (e.Struct = 22), - (e.Event = 23), - (e.Operator = 24), - (e.TypeParameter = 25) - })(ve || (ve = {})) - var gu = { command: 'editor.action.triggerSuggest', title: 'Suggestions' }, - C9 = (e) => { - let t = [] - if (e) - try { - ht(Kt(e), { - FragmentDefinition(n) { - t.push(n) - } - }) - } catch { - return [] - } - return t - } - function f1(e, t, n, r, i, s) { - var o - let a = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, s), { schema: e }), - u = po(t, n, e, r, s) - if (!u) return [] - let { state: l, typeInfo: c, mode: d, token: h } = u, - { kind: m, step: g, prevState: v } = l - if (m === W.DOCUMENT) return d === tn.TYPE_SYSTEM ? I9(h) : d === tn.EXECUTABLE ? R9(h) : k9(h) - if (m === W.EXTEND_DEF) return O9(h) - if ( - ((o = v?.prevState) === null || o === void 0 ? void 0 : o.kind) === W.EXTENSION_DEFINITION && - l.name - ) - return Ve(h, []) - if (v?.kind === E.SCALAR_TYPE_EXTENSION) - return Ve( - h, - Object.values(e.getTypeMap()) - .filter(ct) - .map((_) => ({ label: _.name, kind: ve.Function })) - ) - if (v?.kind === E.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION) - return Ve( - h, - Object.values(e.getTypeMap()) - .filter((_) => me(_) && !_.name.startsWith('__')) - .map((_) => ({ label: _.name, kind: ve.Function })) - ) - if (v?.kind === E.INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION) - return Ve( - h, - Object.values(e.getTypeMap()) - .filter(De) - .map((_) => ({ label: _.name, kind: ve.Function })) - ) - if (v?.kind === E.UNION_TYPE_EXTENSION) - return Ve( - h, - Object.values(e.getTypeMap()) - .filter(Ze) - .map((_) => ({ label: _.name, kind: ve.Function })) - ) - if (v?.kind === E.ENUM_TYPE_EXTENSION) - return Ve( - h, - Object.values(e.getTypeMap()) - .filter((_) => Be(_) && !_.name.startsWith('__')) - .map((_) => ({ label: _.name, kind: ve.Function })) - ) - if (v?.kind === E.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION) - return Ve( - h, - Object.values(e.getTypeMap()) - .filter(be) - .map((_) => ({ label: _.name, kind: ve.Function })) - ) - if (m === W.IMPLEMENTS || (m === W.NAMED_TYPE && v?.kind === W.IMPLEMENTS)) - return B9(h, l, e, t, c) - if (m === W.SELECTION_SET || m === W.FIELD || m === W.ALIASED_FIELD) return M9(h, c, a) - if (m === W.ARGUMENTS || (m === W.ARGUMENT && g === 0)) { - let { argDefs: _ } = c - if (_) - return Ve( - h, - _.map((w) => { - var C - return { - label: w.name, - insertText: Kc(w.name + ': ', w.type), - insertTextMode: gr.adjustIndentation, - insertTextFormat: mr.Snippet, - command: gu, - labelDetails: { detail: ' ' + String(w.type) }, - documentation: (C = w.description) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : void 0, - kind: ve.Variable, - type: w.type - } - }) - ) - } - if ((m === W.OBJECT_VALUE || (m === W.OBJECT_FIELD && g === 0)) && c.objectFieldDefs) { - let _ = pr(c.objectFieldDefs), - w = m === W.OBJECT_VALUE ? ve.Value : ve.Field - return Ve( - h, - _.map((C) => { - var S - return { - label: C.name, - detail: String(C.type), - documentation: (S = C?.description) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : void 0, - kind: w, - type: C.type, - insertText: Kc(C.name + ': ', C.type), - insertTextMode: gr.adjustIndentation, - insertTextFormat: mr.Snippet, - command: gu - } - }) - ) - } - if ( - m === W.ENUM_VALUE || - (m === W.LIST_VALUE && g === 1) || - (m === W.OBJECT_FIELD && g === 2) || - (m === W.ARGUMENT && g === 2) - ) - return P9(h, c, t, e) - if (m === W.VARIABLE && g === 1) { - let _ = we(c.inputType), - w = p1(t, e, h) - return Ve( - h, - w.filter((C) => C.detail === _?.name) - ) - } - if ( - (m === W.TYPE_CONDITION && g === 1) || - (m === W.NAMED_TYPE && v != null && v.kind === W.TYPE_CONDITION) - ) - return V9(h, c, e, m) - if (m === W.FRAGMENT_SPREAD && g === 1) return U9(h, c, e, t, Array.isArray(i) ? i : C9(i)) - let N = X0(l) - return N.kind === W.FIELD_DEF - ? Ve( - h, - Object.values(e.getTypeMap()) - .filter((_) => Ht(_) && !_.name.startsWith('__')) - .map((_) => ({ - label: _.name, - kind: ve.Function, - insertText: s?.fillLeafsOnComplete - ? _.name + - ` -` - : _.name, - insertTextMode: gr.adjustIndentation - })) - ) - : N.kind === W.INPUT_VALUE_DEF && g === 2 - ? Ve( - h, - Object.values(e.getTypeMap()) - .filter((_) => et(_) && !_.name.startsWith('__')) - .map((_) => ({ - label: _.name, - kind: ve.Function, - insertText: s?.fillLeafsOnComplete - ? _.name + - ` -$1` - : _.name, - insertTextMode: gr.adjustIndentation, - insertTextFormat: mr.Snippet - })) - ) - : (m === W.VARIABLE_DEFINITION && g === 2) || - (m === W.LIST_TYPE && g === 1) || - (m === W.NAMED_TYPE && - v && - (v.kind === W.VARIABLE_DEFINITION || - v.kind === W.LIST_TYPE || - v.kind === W.NON_NULL_TYPE)) - ? j9(h, e, m) - : m === W.DIRECTIVE - ? q9(h, l, e, m) - : m === W.DIRECTIVE_DEF - ? G9(h, l, e, m) - : [] - } - var d1 = [ - { label: 'type', kind: ve.Function }, - { label: 'interface', kind: ve.Function }, - { label: 'union', kind: ve.Function }, - { label: 'input', kind: ve.Function }, - { label: 'scalar', kind: ve.Function }, - { label: 'schema', kind: ve.Function } - ], - z0 = [ - { label: 'query', kind: ve.Function }, - { label: 'mutation', kind: ve.Function }, - { label: 'subscription', kind: ve.Function }, - { label: 'fragment', kind: ve.Function }, - { label: '{', kind: ve.Constructor } - ] - function I9(e) { - return Ve(e, [{ label: 'extend', kind: ve.Function }, ...d1]) - } - function R9(e) { - return Ve(e, z0) - } - function k9(e) { - return Ve(e, [{ label: 'extend', kind: ve.Function }, ...z0, ...d1]) - } - function O9(e) { - return Ve(e, d1) - } - function M9(e, t, n) { - var r - if (t.parentType) { - let { parentType: i } = t, - s = [] - return ( - 'getFields' in i && (s = pr(i.getFields())), - at(i) && s.push(xn), - i === ((r = n?.schema) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.getQueryType()) && - s.push(En, yn), - Ve( - e, - s.map((o, a) => { - var u - let l = { - sortText: String(a) + o.name, - label: o.name, - detail: String(o.type), - documentation: (u = o.description) !== null && u !== void 0 ? u : void 0, - deprecated: !!o.deprecationReason, - isDeprecated: !!o.deprecationReason, - deprecationReason: o.deprecationReason, - kind: ve.Field, - labelDetails: { detail: ' ' + o.type.toString() }, - type: o.type - } - return ( - n?.fillLeafsOnComplete && - ((l.insertText = Jh(o)), - l.insertText || - (l.insertText = oo( - o.name, - o.type, - o.name + - (e.state.needsAdvance - ? '' - : ` -`) - )), - l.insertText && - ((l.insertTextFormat = mr.Snippet), - (l.insertTextMode = gr.adjustIndentation), - (l.command = gu))), - l - ) - }) - ) - ) - } - return [] - } - function P9(e, t, n, r) { - let i = we(t.inputType), - s = p1(n, r, e).filter((o) => o.detail === i?.name) - if (i instanceof bt) { - let o = i.getValues() - return Ve( - e, - o - .map((a) => { - var u - return { - label: a.name, - detail: String(i), - documentation: (u = a.description) !== null && u !== void 0 ? u : void 0, - deprecated: !!a.deprecationReason, - isDeprecated: !!a.deprecationReason, - deprecationReason: a.deprecationReason, - kind: ve.EnumMember, - type: i - } - }) - .concat(s) - ) - } - return i === He - ? Ve( - e, - s.concat([ - { - label: 'true', - detail: String(He), - documentation: 'Not false.', - kind: ve.Variable, - type: He - }, - { - label: 'false', - detail: String(He), - documentation: 'Not true.', - kind: ve.Variable, - type: He - } - ]) - ) - : s - } - function B9(e, t, n, r, i) { - if (t.needsSeparator) return [] - let s = n.getTypeMap(), - o = pr(s).filter(De), - a = o.map(({ name: m }) => m), - u = new Set() - es(r, (m, g) => { - var v, N, _, w, C - if ( - g.name && - (g.kind === W.INTERFACE_DEF && !a.includes(g.name) && u.add(g.name), - g.kind === W.NAMED_TYPE && - ((v = g.prevState) === null || v === void 0 ? void 0 : v.kind) === W.IMPLEMENTS) - ) { - if (i.interfaceDef) { - if ( - (N = i.interfaceDef) === null || N === void 0 - ? void 0 - : N.getInterfaces().find(({ name: I }) => I === g.name) - ) - return - let k = n.getType(g.name), - M = (_ = i.interfaceDef) === null || _ === void 0 ? void 0 : _.toConfig() - i.interfaceDef = new St( - Object.assign(Object.assign({}, M), { - interfaces: [...M.interfaces, k || new St({ name: g.name, fields: {} })] - }) - ) - } else if (i.objectTypeDef) { - if ( - (w = i.objectTypeDef) === null || w === void 0 - ? void 0 - : w.getInterfaces().find(({ name: I }) => I === g.name) - ) - return - let k = n.getType(g.name), - M = (C = i.objectTypeDef) === null || C === void 0 ? void 0 : C.toConfig() - i.objectTypeDef = new Ke( - Object.assign(Object.assign({}, M), { - interfaces: [...M.interfaces, k || new St({ name: g.name, fields: {} })] - }) - ) - } - } - }) - let l = i.interfaceDef || i.objectTypeDef, - d = (l?.getInterfaces() || []).map(({ name: m }) => m), - h = o - .concat([...u].map((m) => ({ name: m }))) - .filter(({ name: m }) => m !== l?.name && !d.includes(m)) - return Ve( - e, - h.map((m) => { - let g = { label: m.name, kind: ve.Interface, type: m } - return m?.description && (g.documentation = m.description), g - }) - ) - } - function V9(e, t, n, r) { - let i - if (t.parentType) - if (mt(t.parentType)) { - let s = Ra(t.parentType), - o = n.getPossibleTypes(s), - a = Object.create(null) - for (let u of o) for (let l of u.getInterfaces()) a[l.name] = l - i = o.concat(pr(a)) - } else i = [t.parentType] - else { - let s = n.getTypeMap() - i = pr(s).filter((o) => at(o) && !o.name.startsWith('__')) - } - return Ve( - e, - i.map((s) => { - let o = we(s) - return { label: String(s), documentation: o?.description || '', kind: ve.Field } - }) - ) - } - function U9(e, t, n, r, i) { - if (!r) return [] - let s = n.getTypeMap(), - o = mu(e.state), - a = Y0(r) - i && i.length > 0 && a.push(...i) - let u = a.filter( - (l) => - s[l.typeCondition.name.value] && - !(o && o.kind === W.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION && o.name === l.name.value) && - at(t.parentType) && - at(s[l.typeCondition.name.value]) && - Cr(n, t.parentType, s[l.typeCondition.name.value]) - ) - return Ve( - e, - u.map((l) => ({ - label: l.name.value, - detail: String(s[l.typeCondition.name.value]), - documentation: `fragment ${l.name.value} on ${l.typeCondition.name.value}`, - labelDetails: { detail: `fragment ${l.name.value} on ${l.typeCondition.name.value}` }, - kind: ve.Field, - type: s[l.typeCondition.name.value] - })) - ) - } - var $9 = (e, t) => { - var n, r, i, s, o, a, u, l, c, d - if (((n = e.prevState) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.kind) === t) return e.prevState - if ( - ((i = (r = e.prevState) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.prevState) === null || - i === void 0 - ? void 0 - : i.kind) === t - ) - return e.prevState.prevState - if ( - ((a = - (o = (s = e.prevState) === null || s === void 0 ? void 0 : s.prevState) === null || - o === void 0 - ? void 0 - : o.prevState) === null || a === void 0 - ? void 0 - : a.kind) === t - ) - return e.prevState.prevState.prevState - if ( - ((d = - (c = - (l = (u = e.prevState) === null || u === void 0 ? void 0 : u.prevState) === null || - l === void 0 - ? void 0 - : l.prevState) === null || c === void 0 - ? void 0 - : c.prevState) === null || d === void 0 - ? void 0 - : d.kind) === t - ) - return e.prevState.prevState.prevState.prevState - } - function p1(e, t, n) { - let r = null, - i, - s = Object.create({}) - return ( - es(e, (o, a) => { - var u - if ((a?.kind === W.VARIABLE && a.name && (r = a.name), a?.kind === W.NAMED_TYPE && r)) { - let l = $9(a, W.TYPE) - l?.type && (i = t.getType(l?.type)) - } - if (r && i && !s[r]) { - let l = - n.string === '$' || - ((u = n?.state) === null || u === void 0 ? void 0 : u.kind) === 'Variable' - ? r - : '$' + r - ;(s[r] = { - detail: i.toString(), - insertText: l, - label: '$' + r, - rawInsert: l, - type: i, - kind: ve.Variable - }), - (r = null), - (i = null) - } - }), - pr(s) - ) - } - function Y0(e) { - let t = [] - return ( - es(e, (n, r) => { - r.kind === W.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION && - r.name && - r.type && - t.push({ - kind: W.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION, - name: { kind: E.NAME, value: r.name }, - selectionSet: { kind: W.SELECTION_SET, selections: [] }, - typeCondition: { kind: W.NAMED_TYPE, name: { kind: E.NAME, value: r.type } } - }) - }), - t - ) - } - function j9(e, t, n) { - let r = t.getTypeMap(), - i = pr(r).filter(et) - return Ve( - e, - i.map((s) => ({ label: s.name, documentation: s?.description || '', kind: ve.Variable })) - ) - } - function q9(e, t, n, r) { - var i - if (!((i = t.prevState) === null || i === void 0) && i.kind) { - let s = n.getDirectives().filter((o) => J0(t.prevState, o)) - return Ve( - e, - s.map((o) => ({ label: o.name, documentation: o?.description || '', kind: ve.Function })) - ) - } - return [] - } - function G9(e, t, n, r) { - let i = n.getDirectives().find((s) => s.name === t.name) - return Ve( - e, - i?.args.map((s) => ({ label: s.name, documentation: s.description || '', kind: ve.Field })) || - [] - ) - } - function J0(e, t) { - if (!e?.kind) return !1 - let { kind: n, prevState: r } = e, - { locations: i } = t - switch (n) { - case W.QUERY: - return i.includes(K.QUERY) - case W.MUTATION: - return i.includes(K.MUTATION) - case W.SUBSCRIPTION: - return i.includes(K.SUBSCRIPTION) - case W.FIELD: - case W.ALIASED_FIELD: - return i.includes(K.FIELD) - case W.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION: - return i.includes(K.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION) - case W.FRAGMENT_SPREAD: - return i.includes(K.FRAGMENT_SPREAD) - case W.INLINE_FRAGMENT: - return i.includes(K.INLINE_FRAGMENT) - case W.SCHEMA_DEF: - return i.includes(K.SCHEMA) - case W.SCALAR_DEF: - return i.includes(K.SCALAR) - case W.OBJECT_TYPE_DEF: - return i.includes(K.OBJECT) - case W.FIELD_DEF: - return i.includes(K.FIELD_DEFINITION) - case W.INTERFACE_DEF: - return i.includes(K.INTERFACE) - case W.UNION_DEF: - return i.includes(K.UNION) - case W.ENUM_DEF: - return i.includes(K.ENUM) - case W.ENUM_VALUE: - return i.includes(K.ENUM_VALUE) - case W.INPUT_DEF: - return i.includes(K.INPUT_OBJECT) - case W.INPUT_VALUE_DEF: - switch (r?.kind) { - case W.ARGUMENTS_DEF: - return i.includes(K.ARGUMENT_DEFINITION) - case W.INPUT_DEF: - return i.includes(K.INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION) - } - } - return !1 - } - function X0(e) { - return e.prevState && - e.kind && - [W.NAMED_TYPE, W.LIST_TYPE, W.TYPE, W.NON_NULL_TYPE].includes(e.kind) - ? X0(e.prevState) - : e - } - var H9 = Xu(Z0()) - function It(e, t) { - e.push(t) - } - function h1(e, t) { - ce(t) - ? (h1(e, t.ofType), It(e, '!')) - : Fe(t) - ? (It(e, '['), h1(e, t.ofType), It(e, ']')) - : It(e, t.name) - } - function vu(e, t, n) { - let r = [], - i = 'type' in e ? e.type : e - return ( - 'type' in e && - e.description && - (It(r, e.description), - It( - r, - ` - -` - )), - It(r, W9(i, t)), - n - ? (It( - r, - ` -` - ), - It(r, n)) - : !ct(i) && 'description' in i && i.description - ? (It( - r, - ` -` - ), - It(r, i.description)) - : 'ofType' in i && - !ct(i.ofType) && - 'description' in i.ofType && - i.ofType.description && - (It( - r, - ` -` - ), - It(r, i.ofType.description)), - r.join('') - ) - } - function W9(e, t) { - let n = [] - return t && It(n, '```graphql\n'), h1(n, e), t && It(n, '\n```'), n.join('') - } - var Q9 = { - Int: { type: 'integer' }, - String: { type: 'string' }, - Float: { type: 'number' }, - ID: { type: 'string' }, - Boolean: { type: 'boolean' }, - DateTime: { type: 'string' } - }, - m1 = class { - constructor() { - this.set = new Set() - } - mark(t) { - return this.set.has(t) ? !1 : (this.set.add(t), !0) - } - } - function g1(e, t) { - var n, r - let i = Object.create(null), - s = Object.create(null), - a = 'type' in e ? e.type : e, - u = ce(a) ? a.ofType : a, - l = ce(a) - if (ct(u)) - !((n = t?.scalarSchemas) === null || n === void 0) && n[u.name] - ? (i = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(t.scalarSchemas[u.name]))) - : (i.type = ['string', 'number', 'boolean', 'integer']), - l || - (Array.isArray(i.type) - ? i.type.push('null') - : i.type - ? (i.type = [i.type, 'null']) - : i.enum - ? i.enum.push(null) - : i.oneOf - ? i.oneOf.push({ type: 'null' }) - : (i = { oneOf: [i, { type: 'null' }] })) - else if (Be(u)) (i.enum = u.getValues().map((d) => d.name)), l || i.enum.push(null) - else if (Fe(u)) { - l ? (i.type = 'array') : (i.type = ['array', 'null']) - let { definition: d, definitions: h } = g1(u.ofType, t) - if (((i.items = d), h)) for (let m of Object.keys(h)) s[m] = h[m] - } else if ( - be(u) && - (l - ? (i.$ref = `#/definitions/${u.name}`) - : (i.oneOf = [{ $ref: `#/definitions/${u.name}` }, { type: 'null' }]), - !((r = t?.definitionMarker) === null || r === void 0) && r.mark(u.name)) - ) { - let d = u.getFields(), - h = { type: 'object', properties: {}, required: [] } - ;(h.description = vu(u)), t?.useMarkdownDescription && (h.markdownDescription = vu(u, !0)) - for (let m of Object.keys(d)) { - let g = d[m], - { required: v, definition: N, definitions: _ } = g1(g, t) - if (((h.properties[m] = N), v && h.required.push(m), _)) - for (let [w, C] of Object.entries(_)) s[w] = C - } - s[u.name] = h - } - 'defaultValue' in e && e.defaultValue !== void 0 && (i.default = e.defaultValue) - let { description: c } = i - return ( - (i.description = vu(e, !1, c)), - t?.useMarkdownDescription && (i.markdownDescription = vu(e, !0, c)), - { required: l, definition: i, definitions: s } - ) - } - function bu(e, t) { - var n - let r = { - $schema: 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema', - type: 'object', - properties: {}, - required: [] - }, - i = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { - definitionMarker: new m1(), - scalarSchemas: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, Q9), t?.scalarSchemas) - }) - if (e) - for (let [s, o] of Object.entries(e)) { - let { definition: a, required: u, definitions: l } = g1(o, i) - ;(r.properties[s] = a), - u && ((n = r.required) === null || n === void 0 || n.push(s)), - l && (r.definitions = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, r?.definitions), l)) - } - return r - } - var qr = class { - constructor(t, n) { - ;(this.containsPosition = (r) => - this.start.line === r.line - ? this.start.character <= r.character - : this.end.line === r.line - ? this.end.character >= r.character - : this.start.line <= r.line && this.end.line >= r.line), - (this.start = t), - (this.end = n) - } - setStart(t, n) { - this.start = new Yt(t, n) - } - setEnd(t, n) { - this.end = new Yt(t, n) - } - }, - Yt = class { - constructor(t, n) { - ;(this.lessThanOrEqualTo = (r) => - this.line < r.line || (this.line === r.line && this.character <= r.character)), - (this.line = t), - (this.character = n) - } - setLine(t) { - this.line = t - } - setCharacter(t) { - this.character = t - } - } - var z9 = [Bi, Wi, Qi, Gi, Hi, qi, Mr, Or, Vr, Ui, Br, Ur, zi, Mi, $i] - function Eu(e, t, n, r, i) { - let s = Yi.filter((a) => !(a === Vi || a === Oi || (r && a === Pi))) - return ( - n && Array.prototype.push.apply(s, n), - i && Array.prototype.push.apply(s, z9), - Ji(e, t, s).filter((a) => { - if (a.message.includes('Unknown directive') && a.nodes) { - let u = a.nodes[0] - if (u && u.kind === E.DIRECTIVE) { - let l = u.name.value - if (l === 'arguments' || l === 'argumentDefinitions') return !1 - } - } - return !0 - }) - ) - } - function yu(e, t) { - let n = Object.create(null) - for (let r of t.definitions) - if (r.kind === 'OperationDefinition') { - let { variableDefinitions: i } = r - if (i) - for (let { variable: s, type: o } of i) { - let a = We(e, o) - a - ? (n[s.name.value] = a) - : o.kind === E.NAMED_TYPE && o.name.value === 'Float' && (n[s.name.value] = Xs) - } - } - return n - } - function xu(e, t) { - let n = t ? yu(t, e) : void 0, - r = [] - return ( - ht(e, { - OperationDefinition(i) { - r.push(i) - } - }), - { variableToType: n, operations: r } - ) - } - var mo = { Error: 'Error', Warning: 'Warning', Information: 'Information', Hint: 'Hint' }, - _u = { [mo.Error]: 1, [mo.Warning]: 2, [mo.Information]: 3, [mo.Hint]: 4 }, - Nu = (e, t) => { - if (!e) throw new Error(t) - } - function v1(e, t = null, n, r, i) { - var s, o - let a = null, - u = '' - i && - (u = - typeof i == 'string' - ? i - : i.reduce( - (c, d) => - c + - Le(d) + - ` - -`, - '' - )) - let l = u - ? `${e} - -${u}` - : e - try { - a = Kt(l) - } catch (c) { - if (c instanceof O) { - let d = Tu( - (o = (s = c.locations) === null || s === void 0 ? void 0 : s[0]) !== null && o !== void 0 - ? o - : { line: 0, column: 0 }, - l - ) - return [{ severity: _u.Error, message: c.message, source: 'GraphQL: Syntax', range: d }] - } - throw c - } - return tm(a, t, n, r) - } - function tm(e, t = null, n, r) { - if (!t) return [] - let i = Eu(t, e, n, r).flatMap((o) => em(o, _u.Error, 'Validation')), - s = Ji(t, e, [tu]).flatMap((o) => em(o, _u.Warning, 'Deprecation')) - return i.concat(s) - } - function em(e, t, n) { - if (!e.nodes) return [] - let r = [] - for (let [i, s] of e.nodes.entries()) { - let o = - s.kind !== 'Variable' && 'name' in s && s.name !== void 0 - ? s.name - : 'variable' in s && s.variable !== void 0 - ? s.variable - : s - if (o) { - Nu(e.locations, 'GraphQL validation error requires locations.') - let a = e.locations[i], - u = nD(o), - l = a.column + (u.end - u.start) - r.push({ - source: `GraphQL: ${n}`, - message: e.message, - severity: t, - range: new qr(new Yt(a.line - 1, a.column - 1), new Yt(a.line - 1, l)) - }) - } - } - return r - } - function Tu(e, t) { - let n = jr(), - r = n.startState(), - i = t.split(` -`) - Nu(i.length >= e.line, 'Query text must have more lines than where the error happened') - let s = null - for (let l = 0; l < e.line; l++) - for (s = new Nn(i[l]); !s.eol() && n.token(s, r) !== 'invalidchar'; ); - Nu(s, 'Expected Parser stream to be available.') - let o = e.line - 1, - a = s.getStartOfToken(), - u = s.getCurrentPosition() - return new qr(new Yt(o, a), new Yt(o, u)) - } - function nD(e) { - let n = e.loc - return Nu(n, 'Expected ASTNode to have a location.'), n - } - var { INLINE_FRAGMENT: JI } = E - function Su(e, t, n, r, i) { - let s = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, i), { schema: e }), - o = po(t, n, e, r) - if (!o) return '' - let { typeInfo: a, token: u } = o, - { kind: l, step: c } = u.state - if ( - (l === 'Field' && c === 0 && a.fieldDef) || - (l === 'AliasedField' && c === 2 && a.fieldDef) || - (l === 'ObjectField' && c === 0 && a.fieldDef) - ) { - let d = [] - return ts(d, s), rD(d, a, s), ns(d, s), rs(d, s, a.fieldDef), d.join('').trim() - } - if (l === 'Directive' && c === 1 && a.directiveDef) { - let d = [] - return ts(d, s), rm(d, a, s), ns(d, s), rs(d, s, a.directiveDef), d.join('').trim() - } - if (l === 'Variable' && a.type) { - let d = [] - return ts(d, s), Gr(d, a, s, a.type), ns(d, s), rs(d, s, a.type), d.join('').trim() - } - if (l === 'Argument' && c === 0 && a.argDef) { - let d = [] - return ts(d, s), iD(d, a, s), ns(d, s), rs(d, s, a.argDef), d.join('').trim() - } - if (l === 'EnumValue' && a.enumValue && 'description' in a.enumValue) { - let d = [] - return ts(d, s), sD(d, a, s), ns(d, s), rs(d, s, a.enumValue), d.join('').trim() - } - if (l === 'NamedType' && a.type && 'description' in a.type) { - let d = [] - return ts(d, s), Gr(d, a, s, a.type), ns(d, s), rs(d, s, a.type), d.join('').trim() - } - return '' - } - function ts(e, t) { - t.useMarkdown && ut(e, '```graphql\n') - } - function ns(e, t) { - t.useMarkdown && ut(e, '\n```') - } - function rD(e, t, n) { - nm(e, t, n), im(e, t, n, t.type) - } - function nm(e, t, n) { - if (!t.fieldDef) return - let r = t.fieldDef.name - r.slice(0, 2) !== '__' && (Gr(e, t, n, t.parentType), ut(e, '.')), ut(e, r) - } - function rm(e, t, n) { - if (!t.directiveDef) return - let r = '@' + t.directiveDef.name - ut(e, r) - } - function iD(e, t, n) { - if ((t.directiveDef ? rm(e, t, n) : t.fieldDef && nm(e, t, n), !t.argDef)) return - let { name: r } = t.argDef - ut(e, '('), ut(e, r), im(e, t, n, t.inputType), ut(e, ')') - } - function im(e, t, n, r) { - ut(e, ': '), Gr(e, t, n, r) - } - function sD(e, t, n) { - if (!t.enumValue) return - let { name: r } = t.enumValue - Gr(e, t, n, t.inputType), ut(e, '.'), ut(e, r) - } - function Gr(e, t, n, r) { - r && - (r instanceof ae - ? (Gr(e, t, n, r.ofType), ut(e, '!')) - : r instanceof Me - ? (ut(e, '['), Gr(e, t, n, r.ofType), ut(e, ']')) - : ut(e, r.name)) - } - function rs(e, t, n) { - if (!n) return - let r = typeof n.description == 'string' ? n.description : null - r && - (ut( - e, - ` - -` - ), - ut(e, r)), - oD(e, t, n) - } - function oD(e, t, n) { - if (!n) return - let r = n.deprecationReason || null - r && - (ut( - e, - ` - -` - ), - ut(e, 'Deprecated: '), - ut(e, r)) - } - function ut(e, t) { - e.push(t) - } - var Fm = Xu(Am()) - var S1 = (e, t) => { - let { - schema: n, - documentAST: r, - introspectionJSON: i, - introspectionJSONString: s, - buildSchemaOptions: o, - documentString: a - } = e - if (n) return n - if (s) { - let u = JSON.parse(s) - return io(u, o) - } - if (a && t) { - let u = t(a) - return so(u, o) - } - if (i) return io(i, o) - if (r) return so(r, o) - throw new Error('no schema supplied') - } - var BD = new Map(), - Cu = class { - _parser = Kt - _schemas = [] - _schemaCache = BD - _schemaLoader = S1 - _parseOptions = void 0 - _customValidationRules = void 0 - _externalFragmentDefinitionNodes = null - _externalFragmentDefinitionsString = null - _completionSettings - constructor({ - parser: t, - schemas: n, - parseOptions: r, - externalFragmentDefinitions: i, - customValidationRules: s, - fillLeafsOnComplete: o, - completionSettings: a - }) { - ;(this._schemaLoader = S1), - n && ((this._schemas = n), this._cacheSchemas()), - t && (this._parser = t), - (this._completionSettings = { ...a, fillLeafsOnComplete: a?.fillLeafsOnComplete ?? o }), - r && (this._parseOptions = r), - s && (this._customValidationRules = s), - i && - (Array.isArray(i) - ? (this._externalFragmentDefinitionNodes = i) - : (this._externalFragmentDefinitionsString = i)) - } - _cacheSchemas() { - for (let t of this._schemas) this._cacheSchema(t) - } - _cacheSchema(t) { - let n = this._schemaLoader(t, this.parse.bind(this)) - return this._schemaCache.set(t.uri, { ...t, schema: n }) - } - getSchemaForFile(t) { - if (!this._schemas?.length) return - if (this._schemas.length === 1) return this._schemaCache.get(this._schemas[0].uri) - let n = this._schemas.find((r) => - r.fileMatch ? r.fileMatch.some((i) => (0, Fm.default)(i)(t)) : !1 - ) - if (n) { - let r = this._schemaCache.get(n.uri) - return r || this._cacheSchema(n).get(n.uri) - } - } - getExternalFragmentDefinitions() { - if (!this._externalFragmentDefinitionNodes && this._externalFragmentDefinitionsString) { - let t = [] - try { - ht(this._parser(this._externalFragmentDefinitionsString), { - FragmentDefinition(n) { - t.push(n) - } - }) - } catch { - throw new Error(`Failed parsing externalFragmentDefinitions string: -${this._externalFragmentDefinitionsString}`) - } - this._externalFragmentDefinitionNodes = t - } - return this._externalFragmentDefinitionNodes - } - async updateSchemas(t) { - ;(this._schemas = t), this._cacheSchemas() - } - updateSchema(t) { - let n = this._schemas.findIndex((r) => r.uri === t.uri) - if (n < 0) { - console.warn('updateSchema could not find a schema in your config by that URI', t.uri) - return - } - ;(this._schemas[n] = t), this._cacheSchema(t) - } - addSchema(t) { - this._schemas.push(t), this._cacheSchema(t) - } - parse(t, n) { - return this._parser(t, n || this._parseOptions) - } - getCompletion = (t, n, r) => { - let i = this.getSchemaForFile(t) - return !n || n.length < 1 || !i?.schema - ? [] - : f1(i.schema, n, r, void 0, this.getExternalFragmentDefinitions(), { - uri: t, - ...this._completionSettings - }) - } - getDiagnostics = (t, n, r) => { - let i = this.getSchemaForFile(t) - return !n || n.trim().length < 2 || !i?.schema - ? [] - : v1( - n, - i.schema, - r ?? this._customValidationRules, - !1, - this.getExternalFragmentDefinitions() - ) - } - getHover = (t, n, r, i) => { - let s = this.getSchemaForFile(t) - if (s && n?.length > 3) return Su(s.schema, n, r, void 0, { useMarkdown: !0, ...i }) - } - getVariablesJSONSchema = (t, n, r) => { - let i = this.getSchemaForFile(t) - if (i && n.length > 3) - try { - let s = this.parse(n), - o = xu(s, i.schema) - if (o?.variableToType) - return bu(o.variableToType, { ...r, scalarSchemas: i.customScalarSchemas }) - } catch {} - return null - } - } - function A1(e) { - return { - startLineNumber: e.start.line + 1, - startColumn: e.start.character + 1, - endLineNumber: e.end.line + 1, - endColumn: e.end.character + 1 - } - } - function F1(e) { - return new Yt(e.lineNumber - 1, e.column - 1) - } - function wm(e, t) { - let n = { - label: e.label, - insertText: e?.insertText, - sortText: e.sortText, - filterText: e?.filterText, - documentation: e.documentation, - detail: e.detail, - range: t ? A1(t) : void 0, - kind: e.kind - } - return ( - e.insertTextFormat && (n.insertTextFormat = e.insertTextFormat), - e.insertTextMode && (n.insertTextMode = e.insertTextMode), - e.command && (n.command = { ...e.command, id: e.command.command }), - e.labelDetails && (n.labelDetails = e.labelDetails), - n - ) - } - function Lm(e) { - return { - startLineNumber: e.range.start.line + 1, - endLineNumber: e.range.end.line + 1, - startColumn: e.range.start.character + 1, - endColumn: e.range.end.character, - message: e.message, - severity: 5, - code: e.code || void 0 - } - } - var Gu = class { - _ctx - _languageService - _formattingOptions - constructor(t, n) { - ;(this._ctx = t), - (this._languageService = new Cu(n.languageConfig)), - (this._formattingOptions = n.formattingOptions) - } - async doValidation(t) { - try { - let r = this._getTextModel(t)?.getValue() - return r ? this._languageService.getDiagnostics(t, r).map(Lm) : [] - } catch (n) { - return console.error(n), [] - } - } - async doComplete(t, n) { - try { - let i = this._getTextModel(t)?.getValue() - if (!i) return [] - let s = F1(n) - return this._languageService.getCompletion(t, i, s).map((a) => wm(a)) - } catch (r) { - return console.error(r), [] - } - } - async doHover(t, n) { - try { - let i = this._getTextModel(t)?.getValue() - if (!i) return null - let s = F1(n) - return { - content: this._languageService.getHover(t, i, s), - range: A1(Tu({ column: s.character, line: s.line }, i)) - } - } catch (r) { - return console.error(r), null - } - } - async doGetVariablesJSONSchema(t) { - let n = this._getTextModel(t), - r = n?.getValue() - if (!n || !r) return null - let i = this._languageService.getVariablesJSONSchema(t, r, { useMarkdownDescription: !0 }) - return i - ? ((i.$id = 'monaco://variables-schema.json'), (i.title = 'GraphQL Variables'), i) - : null - } - async doFormat(t) { - let n = this._getTextModel(t), - r = n?.getValue() - if (!n || !r) return null - let i = await Promise.resolve().then(() => (X2(), J2)), - s = await Promise.resolve().then(() => Xu(eg())) - return i.format(r, { - parser: 'graphql', - plugins: [s], - ...this._formattingOptions?.prettierConfig - }) - } - _getTextModel(t) { - let n = this._ctx.getMirrorModels() - for (let r of n) if (r.uri.toString() === t) return r - return null - } - doUpdateSchema(t) { - return this._languageService.updateSchema(t) - } - doUpdateSchemas(t) { - return this._languageService.updateSchemas(t) - } - } - self.onmessage = () => { - oc((e, t) => new Gu(e, t)) - } -})() ->>>>>>> main