This project is a sensitive data management application, developed with the goal of providing functionalities to create, access, and delete user account information, credentials, secure notes, cards, and Wi-Fi passwords. It is designed to ensure data security and user privacy.
To run this application, follow these steps:
Clone the repository to your local machine.
git clone
Install project dependencies:
npm install
Configure environment variables:
- Make a copy of the
file and configure the environment variable for development as.env.development
- Make a copy of the
Apply database migrations using Prisma in a development environment:
npm run dev:migration:generate npm run dev:migration:run
Start the application:
npm run start:dev
- After running the application at http://localhost:4000, the documentation will be available at http://localhost:4000/api
- Ensure you configure the database and other settings as appropriate before using the application in a production environment. Refer to the documentation for more details on configurations and additional features.
Configure environment variables:
- Make a copy of the
file and configure the environment variable for testing as.env.test
- Make a copy of the
Apply database migrations using Prisma in a test environment:
npm run test:migration:generate npm run test:migration:run
Run the following commands:
# e2e tests $ npm run test:e2e # test coverage $ npm run test:e2e:cov
- Route solely for ensuring the application is up and running.
: Returns the message"I am okay!"
with the status code200 OK
The application allows users to create accounts and use them to access other functionalities.
- Users must provide a valid email and password to create an account.
- If the email is already in use, the application will not allow the account creation (
409 Conflict
). - Passwords must meet security criteria, including at least 10 characters, 1 number, 1 lowercase letter, 1 uppercase letter, and 1 special character (
400 Bad Request
). - Passwords are stored securely in the database using the bcrypt library.
- Users must use the registered email and password to access their accounts.
- If incompatible data is provided, the application will respond with
401 Unauthorized
. - After a successful login, users will receive a JWT token for future authentication.
- This token must be sent in all requests to identify the user.
Credentials refer to login information for websites and services.
- To register a new credential, the user must provide a URL, a username, and a password.
- The user must also provide a title/name/label for the credential since it is possible to register multiple credentials for the same site.
- If none of the data is sent, the application will respond with
400 Bad Request
. - Each credential must have a unique title/name/label. Attempts to create two credentials with the same name will be prevented (
409 Conflict
). - Credential passwords are encrypted in the database using an application secret, with the use of the cryptr library.
- The application allows users to retrieve all credentials on the
route or a specific credential using its ID on the/credentials/{id}
route. - If a user tries to access a credential that does not belong to them, the application will respond with
403 Forbidden
. - If an invalid ID is sent, the response will be
400 Bad Request
. - If the ID does not exist, the response will be
404 Not Found
. - All returned credentials appear with the password decrypted (
200 OK
- The application allows the deletion of credentials based on their ID.
- If an invalid ID is sent, the response will be
400 Bad Request
. - If the ID does not exist, the response will be
404 Not Found
. - If the credential belongs to another user, the response will be
403 Forbidden
Secure Notes are text-based information.
- To register a new secure note, the user must provide a title/name/label and the content of the note.
- If none of the data is sent, the application will respond with
400 Bad Request
. - Each note must have a unique title. Attempts to create two notes with the same name will be prevented (
409 Conflict
- The application allows users to retrieve all secure notes on the
route or a specific secure note using its ID on the/notes/{id}
route. - If a user tries to access a note that does not belong to them, the application will respond with
403 Forbidden
. - If an invalid ID is sent, the response will be
400 Bad Request
. - If the ID does not exist, the response will be
404 Not Found
- The application allows the deletion of secure notes based on their ID.
- If an invalid ID is sent, the response will be
400 Bad Request
. - If the ID does not exist, the response will be
404 Not Found
. - If the note belongs to another user, the response will be
403 Forbidden
Cards represent credit and/or debit cards.
- To register a new card, the user must provide the card number, printed name, security code, expiration date, password, whether it is virtual, and its type (credit, debit, or both).
- If none of the data is sent, the application will respond with
400 Bad Request
. - Each card must have a unique title/name/label. Attempts to create two cards with the same name will be prevented (
409 Conflict
). - The card's security code and password are encrypted using an application secret, with the use of the cryptr library.
- The application allows users to retrieve all their cards on the
route or a specific card using its ID on the/cards/{id}
route. - If a user tries to access a card that does not belong to them, the application will respond with
403 Forbidden
. - If the card does not exist, the response will be
404 Not Found
- The application allows the deletion of cards based on their ID.
- If an invalid ID is sent, the response will be
400 Bad Request
. - If the ID does not exist, the response will be
404 Not Found
. - If the card belongs to another user, the response will be
403 Forbidden
Wi-Fi entries represent access data for an internet network.
- To register a new Wi-Fi entry, the user must provide the network name, network password, and a title to differentiate each data entry.
- Since it is sensitive information, the internet network password must be encrypted using an application secret, with the use of the cryptr library.
- The application allows users to retrieve all Wi-Fi entries on the
route or a specific Wi-Fi entry using its ID on the/wifi/{id}
route. - If a user tries to access a Wi-Fi entry that does not belong to them or does not exist, the application will respond with
403 Forbidden
or404 Not Found
, respectively.
- The application allows the deletion of Wi-Fi entries based on their ID.
- If an invalid ID is sent, the response will be
400 Bad Request
. - If the ID does not exist, the response will be
404 Not Found
. - If the Wi-Fi entry belongs to another user, the response will be
403 Forbidden
- The route allows the user to delete their account and all associated data.
- When this action occurs, credential, note, card, and other data are deleted from the database, along with the user's registration.
- Since it is a destructive action, the password must be sent again in the request body for the action to be executed. If the password is incorrect, the response will be
401 Unauthorized
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues and send pull requests to improve this project.