All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Removed the rubocop factorybot stuff, since we aren't using factorybot anymore
- Disable some newer cops
- Updated dependencies
- Upgraded rubocop-rspec to verion 3.0.0
- Added rubocop-factory_bot since it is no longer included in rubocop-rspec
- Removed reference to Rspec::Filepath since it no longer exists
- Ignore all migration folders in multi database
- Updated rspec dependency
- Disable
- Fix incorrect factory bot configuration
- Add rubocop-factory_bot
- Disable some cops which don't add significant value
- Support older versions of Ruby
- Fix issue where rubocop-rspec was disabled by default after the switch to standardrb
- Added file
- Fix missing cop error with standard 1.3.0
- Added Gitleaks as a pre-commit step
- Update rubocop-vendor
- Use standardrb as a base.
- Address rubocop warnings
- Removed support for Ruby 2 since it is EOL
- Remove use of toolbox-script in Github workflows
- Upgraded to ruby 3
- Updated dependencies
- Updated rspec
- NewCops rule can only be defined once.
- Support new rules introduced between rubocop 1.26 -> 1.36
- Disable AllowForAlignment under Layout/ExtraSpacing.
- Replaced Gemspec/DateAssignment with Gemspec/DeprecatedAttributesAssignment
- Updated dependencies
- Stop requiring version / changelog entries for dependency updates
- Updated dependencies
- Updated obsolete parameter as per rubocop/rubocop#10555
- Updated dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- Updated rspec dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- Bumped Ruby to 2.7.5
- Updated dependencies
- Disable Rails/RedundantPresenceValidationOnBelongsTo as it can generate unsafe autocorrections
- Update rubocop-rails to 2.13.1
- Disable ruby 3.1 Hash shorthand syntax
- Updated rubocop to 1.24.1 and opted into new cops
- Updated dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- Upgraded rubocop to 1.23
- Disable new Gemspec/RequireMFA cop
- Update
, which disallowsrecursive-open-struct
- Layout/ArgumentAlignment uses with_fixed_indentation
- Add concurrenty to GitHub Actions workflow
- Upgrade dependencies
- Upgrade rubocop to 1.22.3
- Upgrade rubocop-performance to 1.12.0
- Upgrade rubocop-rails to 2.12.4
- Removed rules that conflict with auto-correcting line-length
- Enable
- For
, changeEnforcedLastArgumentHashStyle
- Upgrade rubocop to 1.22.1
- Upgrade rubocop-rspec to 2.5.0
- Upgrade rubocop-rails to 2.12.3
- Updated dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- Upgraded rubocop to 1.19.1
- Upgraded rubocop to 1.18.4
- Upgraded dependencies
- Upgraded rubocop to 1.18.2
- Upgraded rubocop-rais to 2.11.2
- Update dependencies
- Migrate CI from CircleCI to GitHub Actions
- Change default GitHub branch to
- Upgraded rubocop to 1.12.1
- Upgraded rubocop-performance to 1.10.2
- Upgraded rubocop-vendor to 0.6.0
- Set minimum required ruby version to 2.7.2
- Increase Metrics/MethodLength to 25 (1/6 of class length).
- Disable Lint/EmptyBlock
- Upgraded rubocop to 1.11.0
- Upgraded rubocop-performance to 1.10.1
- Upgraded rubocop-rails to 2.9.1
- Upgraded rubocop-rspec to 2.2.0
- Upgraded rubocop-vendor to 0.5.0
- One more version bump to get it published
- Use GitHub Actions to publish gem
- Mostly just trying to get the version number bumped
- Rubocop FilePath should respect ActiveSupport::Inflector config if included
- Disable extension suggestions
- Add backstage catalog file + sonarqube project settings
- Disable EmptyLineBetweenClassDefs added in rubocop 1.4
- Upgrade RuboCop and RuboCop RSpec
- Upgrade RuboCop
- Upgrade RuboCop and enable cops that were voted in
- Disable Cops enabled in 6.1.0 until we can confirm we want them
- Disable RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers cop
- Upgraded rubocop to 0.89
- Upgraded rubocop-performance to 1.7
- Upgraded rubocop-rails to 2.7
- Split out Rails cops into their own configuration to improve installation for non-Rails projects
- Upgraded rubocop to >= 0.86 and opted into the new cops.
- Don't enforce Style/FormatStringToken. We use template style strings heavily, and don't feel that annotated strings are a necessary improvement.
- Upgraded rubocop to >= 0.82 and opted into the 7 new cops.
- Going forward we will need to explicitly opt into or out of every new cop.
- Added indentation cop, enforcing 2 space indentation.
This allows Rubocop to automatically format code like this:
into this:
class Wizard def cast_spell # ... end end
class Wizard def cast_spell # ... end end
- Enforce updating timestamps when changing Rails models.
- Address errors from installing latest rubocop.
- Added rubocop-vendor to enforce conventions on Rollbar usage.
- Correctly require multiple dependencies.
- updated README
- Allow empty example group.
- Added rubocop-rspec to enforce good rspec hygiene.
- Use trailing dots for multiline chained method invocations. This prevents bugs when pasting Ruby snippets into REPLs.
- Changelog file: human readable history.
, used by data-migrate gem is excluded by default.