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File metadata and controls

3066 lines (2350 loc) · 220 KB



Property Attribute Modifiers Type Default
active active boolean false
collapsePane readonly SlCollapse | null
contentElement readonly HTMLElement
header header string
key key string


Method Type
renderHeader (): TemplateResult<1>


Name Description
The content slot.
header header title slot
header-extra header-extra slot ,use for header right icon
trigger-icon slot used before title

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
content The component content div.
trigger-icon The header icon part.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--ac-content-padding the component content container padding.
--ac-header-color header font color.
--ac-header-font-size header font size.
--ac-header-padding header padding.
--ac-tab-active-background-color header active background-color.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
base HTMLElement
closable closable boolean false Makes the alert closable.
duration duration number "Infinity" The length of time, in milliseconds, the alert will show before closing itself. If the user interacts with
the alert before it closes (e.g. moves the mouse over it), the timer will restart. Defaults to Infinity.
open open boolean false Indicates whether or not the alert is open. You can use this in lieu of the show/hide methods.
type type "primary" | "success" | "neutral" | "warning" | "danger" "primary" The type of alert.


Method Type Description
handleCloseClick (): void
handleDurationChange (): void
handleMouseMove (): void
handleOpenChange (): Promise<void>
hide (): Promise<void> Hides the alert
restartAutoHide (): void
show (): Promise<void> Shows the alert.
toast (stack?: StackPosition): Promise<void> Displays the alert as a toast notification. This will move the alert out of its position in the DOM and, when
dismissed, it will be removed from the DOM completely. By storing a reference to the alert, you can reuse it by
calling this method again. The returned promise will resolve after the alert is hidden.


Event Description
sl-after-hide Emitted after the alert closes and all animations are complete.
sl-after-show Emitted after the alert opens and all animations are complete.
sl-hide Emitted when the alert closes.
sl-show Emitted when the alert opens.


Name Description
The alert's content.
icon An icon to show in the alert.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
close-button The close button.
icon The container that wraps the alert icon.
message The alert message.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--box-shadow The alert's box shadow.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
currentTime number Gets and sets the current animation time.
defaultSlot Promise<HTMLSlotElement>
delay delay number 0 The number of milliseconds to delay the start of the animation.
direction direction PlaybackDirection "normal" Determines the direction of playback as well as the behavior when reaching the end of an iteration.
duration duration number 1000 The number of milliseconds each iteration of the animation takes to complete.
easing easing string "linear" The easing function to use for the animation. This can be a Shoelace easing function or a custom easing function
such as cubic-bezier(0, 1, .76, 1.14).
endDelay end-delay number 0 The number of milliseconds to delay after the active period of an animation sequence.
fill fill FillMode "auto" Sets how the animation applies styles to its target before and after its execution.
iterationStart iteration-start number 0 The offset at which to start the animation, usually between 0 (start) and 1 (end).
iterations iterations number "Infinity" The number of iterations to run before the animation completes. Defaults to Infinity, which loops.
keyframes Keyframe[] The keyframes to use for the animation. If this is set, name will be ignored.
name name string "none" The name of the built-in animation to use. For custom animations, use the keyframes prop.
play play boolean false Plays the animation. When omitted, the animation will be paused. This prop will be automatically removed when the
animation finishes or gets canceled.
playbackRate playback-rate number 1 Sets the animation's playback rate. The default is 1, which plays the animation at a normal speed. Setting this
to 2, for example, will double the animation's speed. A negative value can be used to reverse the animation. This
value can be changed without causing the animation to restart.


Method Type Description
cancel (): void Clears all KeyframeEffects caused by this animation and aborts its playback.
createAnimation (): Promise<boolean>
destroyAnimation (): void
finish (): void Sets the playback time to the end of the animation corresponding to the current playback direction.
handleAnimationCancel (): void
handleAnimationChange (): Promise<void>
handleAnimationFinish (): void
handlePlayChange (): boolean
handlePlaybackRateChange (): void
handleSlotChange (): void


Event Description
sl-cancel Emitted when the animation is canceled.
sl-finish Emitted when the animation finishes.
sl-start Emitted when the animation starts or restarts.


Name Description
The element to animate. If multiple elements are to be animated, wrap them in a single container.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
alt alt string Alternative text for the image.
image image string The image source to use for the avatar.
initials initials string Initials to use as a fallback when no image is available (1-2 characters max recommended).
shape shape "circle" | "square" | "rounded" "circle" The shape of the avatar.


Name Description
icon The default icon to use when no image or initials are present.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
icon The container that wraps the avatar icon.
image The avatar image.
initials The container that wraps the avatar initials.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--size The size of the avatar.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
pill pill boolean false Draws a pill-style badge with rounded edges.
pulse pulse boolean false Makes the badge pulsate to draw attention.
type type "primary" | "success" | "neutral" | "warning" | "danger" "primary" The badge's type.


Name Description
The badge's content.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The base wrapper



Property Attribute Type Default Description
hasPrefix boolean false
hasSuffix boolean false
href href string Optional link to direct the user to when the breadcrumb item is activated.
rel rel string "noreferrer noopener" Optionally allows the user to determine how the link should talk to the browser.
target target "_blank" | "_parent" | "_self" | "_top" Tells the browser where to open the link. Only used when href is set.


Method Type
handleSlotChange (): void


Name Description
The breadcrumb item's label.
prefix An optional prefix, usually an icon or icon button.
separator The separator to use for the breadcrumb item. This will only change the separator for this item. If
you want to change it for all items in the group, set the separator on <sl-breadcrumb> instead.
suffix An optional suffix, usually an icon or icon button.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
label The breadcrumb item's label.
prefix The container that wraps the prefix slot.
separator The container that wraps the separator slot.
suffix The container that wraps the suffix slot.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
defaultSlot HTMLSlotElement
label label string "Breadcrumb" The label to use for the breadcrumb control. This will not be shown, but it will be announced by screen readers and
other assistive devices.
separatorSlot HTMLSlotElement


Method Type
handleSlotChange (): void


Name Description
One or more breadcrumb items to display.
separator The separator to use between breadcrumb items.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
defaultSlot HTMLSlotElement
label label string "" A label to use for the button group's aria-label attribute.


Method Type
handleBlur (event: CustomEvent<any>): void
handleFocus (event: CustomEvent<any>): void
handleMouseOut (event: CustomEvent<any>): void
handleMouseOver (event: CustomEvent<any>): void
handleSlotChange (): void


Name Description
One or more <sl-button> elements to display in the button group.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
button HTMLButtonElement | HTMLLinkElement
caret caret boolean false Draws the button with a caret for use with dropdowns, popovers, etc.
circle circle boolean false Draws a circle button.
disabled disabled boolean false
download download string Tells the browser to download the linked file as this filename. Only used when href is set.
href href string When set, the underlying button will be rendered as an <a> with this href instead of a <button>.
loading loading boolean false Draws the button in a loading state.
name name string An optional name for the button. Ignored when href is set.
outline outline boolean false Draws an outlined button.
pill pill boolean false Draws a pill-style button with rounded edges.
rippleed rippleed boolean true default ripple animate enabled , false remove ripple animate
size size "small" | "medium" | "large" "medium" The button's size.
submit submit boolean false Indicates if activating the button should submit the form. Ignored when href is set.
target target "_blank" | "_parent" | "_self" | "_top" Tells the browser where to open the link. Only used when href is set.
type type "primary" | "success" | "neutral" | "warning" | "danger" | "default" | "text" "default" The button's type.
value value string An optional value for the button. Ignored when href is set.


Method Type Description
blur (): void Removes focus from the button.
click (): void Simulates a click on the button.
focus (options?: FocusOptions | undefined): void Sets focus on the button.
handleBlur (): void
handleClick (event: MouseEvent): void
handleFocus (): void
handleSlotChange (): void


Event Description
sl-blur Emitted when the button loses focus.
sl-focus Emitted when the button gains focus.


Name Description
The button's label.
prefix Used to prepend an icon or similar element to the button.
suffix Used to append an icon or similar element to the button.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
caret The button's caret.
label The button's label.
prefix The prefix container.
ripple The component's ripple wrapper.
suffix The suffix container.



Method Type
handleSlotChange (): void


Name Description
The card's body.
footer The card's footer.
header The card's header.
image The card's image.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
body The card's body.
footer The card's footer, if present.
header The card's header, if present.
image The card's image, if present.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--border-color The card's border color, including borders that occur inside the card.
--border-radius The border radius for card edges.
--border-width The width of card borders.
--padding The padding to use for card sections.*



Property Attribute Type Default Description
checked checked boolean false Draws the checkbox in a checked state.
disabled disabled boolean false Disables the checkbox.
indeterminate indeterminate boolean false Draws the checkbox in an indeterminate state.
input HTMLInputElement
invalid invalid boolean false This will be true when the control is in an invalid state. Validity is determined by the required prop.
name name string The checkbox's name attribute.
required required boolean false Makes the checkbox a required field.
value value The checkbox's value attribute.


Method Type Description
blur (): void Removes focus from the checkbox.
click (): void Simulates a click on the checkbox.
focus (options?: FocusOptions | undefined): void Sets focus on the checkbox.
handleBlur (): void
handleClick (): void
handleDisabledChange (): void
handleFocus (): void
handleStateChange (): void
labelSlotChange (): void
reportValidity (): boolean Checks for validity and shows the browser's validation message if the control is invalid.
setCustomValidity (message: string): void Sets a custom validation message. If message is not empty, the field will be considered invalid.


Event Description
sl-before-change Emitted before the control's checked state changes,user can cancel default.
sl-blur Emitted when the control loses focus.
sl-change Emitted when the control's checked state changes.
sl-focus Emitted when the control gains focus.


Name Description
The checkbox's label.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
checked-icon The container the wraps the checked icon.
control The checkbox control.
indeterminate-icon The container that wraps the indeterminate icon.
label The checkbox label.



Property Attribute Modifiers Type Default Description
activeTab readonly SlAcPanel[]
childTabPanel readonly SlAcPanel[]
multi multi boolean false 是否允许打开多个


Method Type Description
findTab (key: string): SlAcPanel | undefined 根据key 查找 子sl-ac-panel
findTabByIndex (index: number): SlAcPanel | null
getTabIndex (tab: SlAcPanel): number 获取 在父节点中的 index
setTabToActive (tab: SlAcPanel, active?: boolean): void


Event Type Description
sl-before-tab-change {tab:SlAcPanel} Emitted before a panel active change.
sl-tab-change {tab:SlAcPanel} Emitted when a panel active changed.


Name Description
The default slot.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--sl-collapse-border-color collapse border color.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
disabled disabled boolean false Disables the color picker.
dropdown SlDropdown
format format "hex" | "rgb" | "hsl" "hex" The format to use for the display value. If opacity is enabled, these will translate to HEXA, RGBA, and HSLA
respectively. The color picker will always accept user input in any format (including CSS color names) and convert
it to the desired format.
hoist hoist boolean false Enable this option to prevent the panel from being clipped when the component is placed inside a container with
overflow: auto|scroll.
inline inline boolean false Renders the color picker inline rather than inside a dropdown.
input SlInput
invalid invalid boolean false This will be true when the control is in an invalid state. Validity is determined by the setCustomValidity()
method using the browser's constraint validation API.
name name string "" The input's name attribute.
noFormatToggle no-format-toggle boolean false Removes the format toggle.
opacity opacity boolean false Whether to show the opacity slider.
previewButton HTMLButtonElement
size size "small" | "medium" | "large" "medium" Determines the size of the color picker's trigger. This has no effect on inline color pickers.
swatches string[] ["#d0021b","#f5a623","#f8e71c","#8b572a","#7ed321","#417505","#bd10e0","#9013fe","#4a90e2","#50e3c2","#b8e986","#000","#444","#888","#ccc","#fff"] An array of predefined color swatches to display. Can include any format the color picker can parse, including
HEX(A), RGB(A), HSL(A), and CSS color names.
uppercase uppercase boolean false By default, the value will be set in lowercase. Set this to true to set it in uppercase instead.
value value string "#ffffff" The current color.


Method Type Description
getFormattedValue (format?: "hex" | "rgb" | "hsl" | "hexa" | "rgba" | "hsla"): string Returns the current value as a string in the specified format.
handleAfterHide (): void
handleAlphaDrag (event: any): void
handleAlphaKeyDown (event: KeyboardEvent): void
handleCopy (): void
handleDrag (event: any, container: HTMLElement, onMove: (x: number, y: number): void) => void
handleFormatChange (): void
handleFormatToggle (): void
handleGridDrag (event: any): void
handleGridKeyDown (event: KeyboardEvent): void
handleHueDrag (event: any): void
handleHueKeyDown (event: KeyboardEvent): void
handleInputChange (event: CustomEvent<any>): void
handleInputKeyDown (event: KeyboardEvent): void
handleOpacityChange (): void
handleValueChange (oldValue: string, newValue: string): void
normalizeColorString (colorString: string): string
parseColor (colorString: string): false | { hsl: { h: any; s: any; l: any; string: string; }; hsla: { h: any; s: any; l: any; a: any; string: string; }; rgb: { r: any; g: any; b: any; string: string; }; rgba: { r: any; g: any; b: any; a: any; string: string; }; hex: string; hexa: string; }
reportValidity (): boolean | Promise<void> Checks for validity and shows the browser's validation message if the control is invalid.
setColor (colorString: string): boolean
setCustomValidity (message: string): void Sets a custom validation message. If message is not empty, the field will be considered invalid.
setLetterCase (string: string): string
syncValues (): Promise<void>


Event Description
sl change Emitted when the color picker's value changes.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper
format-button The toggle format button's base.
grid The color grid.
grid-handle The color grid's handle.
hue-slider The hue slider.
input The text input.
opacity-slider The opacity slider.
preview The preview color.
slider Hue and opacity sliders.
slider-handle Hue and opacity slider handles.
swatch Each individual swatch.
swatches The container that holds swatches.
trigger The color picker's dropdown trigger.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--grid-handle-size The size of the color grid's handle.
--grid-height The height of the color grid.
--grid-width The width of the color grid.
--slider-handle-size The diameter of the slider's handle.
--slider-height The height of the hue and alpha sliders.
--swatch-size The size of each predefined color swatch.



Property Attribute Modifiers Type Default Description
align align "left" | "center" | "right" "left" 列所对应的TD 的水平对齐方式
childAllColumn readonly SlColumn[] 所有直接子column
childCanShowColumn readonly SlColumn[] 所有hidden!=false直接子column,并且按照order排序了
colAlign col-align "left" | "center" | "right" "center" 列所对应表头TH 的水平对齐方式
colvAlign col-valign "top" | "middle" | "bottom" "middle" 列所对应表头TH 的垂直对齐方式
edit string | ((context: CellContext) => TemplateResult<1>) 列编辑器,内置单元格编辑器 ,EDIT_TYPE:input,text,date,select,multi-select, multi-checkbox, 或者一个函数,实现自定义列编辑器
editRequired editRequired boolean 编辑器 是否是必填的 待实现
field field string 列所对应的字段,在同一个table 中应该唯一,此会作为rowData 的key,支持"." 作为分隔符
hidden hidden boolean false 是否隐藏此列
inputMaxLength inputMaxLength number 编辑器 input,textarea 最大输入长度
inputMinLength inputMinLength number 编辑器 input,textarea 最小输入长度
items ColumnItems[] 定义列数据映射器,在 会将 rowData[field]转为为显示值,同时在编辑的时候,也会作为select,checkbox 下拉项
label label string 列所对应的label,默认th 就是显示此label
maxWidth max-width string 最大列宽
minWidth min-width string 最小列宽
order order number 0 顺序:越小越靠前
renderCell (context: CellContext) => TemplateResult<1> | { template: TemplateResult<1>; colspan?: number | undefined; rowspan?: number | undefined; } | unique symbol 对应TD渲染 ,接收表格cellContext:作为参数,渲染TD
renderCol (context: CellHeadContext) => TemplateResult<1> 表头自定义渲染
resizeAble resize-able boolean 是否支持拖动列的宽度
sortAble sort-able boolean 列是否支持排序
table readonly SlTable
type type "index" | "checkbox" | "radio" | "date" | "date-month" | "date-year" 列的类型,指定类型的列,有特定的渲染,例如index,checkbox,radio,或者会影响列的edit模式
uniqueID uniqueID string "'unique_' + columnUniqueID++" 初始化自动生成唯一ID
vAlign valign "top" | "middle" | "bottom" "middle" 列所对应的TD 的垂直对齐方式
width width string 列宽


Method Type
createRenderRoot (): this



Property Attribute Modifiers Type Default Description
max string | number | undefined 最大值
maxDate readonly Date | null | undefined
min string | number | undefined 最小值
minDate readonly Date | null | undefined
mode mode "date" | "year" | "month" "date" 选择模式,年,月,日
value value string | undefined 选中日期 ,格式:2018,2018-02, 2018/01, 2018/02/02 ,2018-01-02
valueDate Date | undefined 内部 value 所对应的日期
valueDateString readonly string


Method Type
naviagtorByKeyCode (keyCode: string): boolean
watchSelectModeChange (): void


Event Description
sl-date-select Emitted when a date select.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
date-date The component's select date panel.
date-month The component's select month panel.
date-year The component's select year panel.
item-date The component's day panel item: item day .
item-month The component's month panel item: item month.
item-year The component's year panel item: item year.
nextButton The component's prevButton .
panel-base The component's panel wrap select DIV.
prevButton The component's prevButton .

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--example An example CSS custom property.



Property Attribute Modifiers Type Default Description
block block boolean false display as block div
clearable clearable boolean false
datePanel SlDatePanel
disabled disabled boolean false Disables the input.
distance number 5 set dropDown distance for trigger.
dropDown SlDropdown
hoist boolean true Makes dropDown hoist.
immediate immediate boolean true if true, select a date ,close the dropDown
invalid invalid boolean false
max string | number | undefined 最大值
maxDate readonly Date | null | undefined
min string | number | undefined 最小值
minDate readonly Date | null | undefined
mode mode "date" | "year" | "month" "date" 选择模式,年,月,日
pill pill boolean false Draws a pill-style button with rounded edges.
placeholder placeholder string
placement placement "left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom" | "top-start" | "top-end" | "bottom-start" | "bottom-end" | "right-start" | "right-end" | "left-start" | "left-end" "bottom-start" The preferred placement of the dropdown panel. Note that the actual placement may vary as needed to keep the panel
inside of the viewport.
readonly readonly boolean false Makes the input readonly.
size size "small" | "medium" | "large" "medium" set input size
value value string | undefined 选中日期 ,格式:2018,2018-02, 2018/01, 2018/02/02 ,2018-01-02
valueDate Date | undefined 内部 value 所对应的日期
valueDateString readonly string 获取 日期显示值


Method Type
focus (option: FocusOptions): void
watchDisabledPanel (): void
watchSelectModeChange (): void


Event Description
sl-date-change Emitted when date change .

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The input wrap container.
input The input text.
sl-date-panel The component's base wrapper.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
body HTMLElement
details HTMLElement
disabled disabled boolean false Disables the details so it can't be toggled.
header HTMLElement
open open boolean false Indicates whether or not the details is open. You can use this in lieu of the show/hide methods.
summary summary string The summary to show in the details header. If you need to display HTML, use the summary slot instead.


Method Type Description
handleOpenChange (): Promise<void>
handleSummaryClick (): void
handleSummaryKeyDown (event: KeyboardEvent): void
hide (): Promise<void> Hides the details
show (): Promise<void> Shows the details.


Event Description
sl-after-hide Emitted after the details closes and all animations are complete.
sl-after-show Emitted after the details opens and all animations are complete.
sl-hide Emitted when the details closes.
sl-show Emitted when the details opens.


Name Description
The details' content.
summary The details' summary. Alternatively, you can use the summary prop.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
content The details content.
header The summary header.
summary The details summary.
summary-icon The expand/collapse summary icon.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
dialog HTMLElement
label label string "" The dialog's label as displayed in the header. You should always include a relevant label even when using
no-header, as it is required for proper accessibility.
noHeader no-header boolean false Disables the header. This will also remove the default close button, so please ensure you provide an easy,
accessible way for users to dismiss the dialog.
open open boolean false Indicates whether or not the dialog is open. You can use this in lieu of the show/hide methods.
overlay HTMLElement
panel HTMLElement


Method Type Description
handleKeyDown (event: KeyboardEvent): void
handleOpenChange (): Promise<void>
handleSlotChange (): void
hide (): Promise<void> Hides the dialog
show (): Promise<void> Shows the dialog.


Event Description
sl-after-hide Emitted after the dialog closes and all animations are complete.
sl-after-show Emitted after the dialog opens and all animations are complete.
sl-hide Emitted when the dialog closes.
sl-initial-focus Emitted when the dialog opens and the panel gains focus. Calling event.preventDefault()
will prevent focus and allow you to set it on a different element in the dialog, such as an input or button.
sl-request-close Emitted when the user attempts to close the dialog by clicking the close button, clicking the
overlay, or pressing the escape key. Calling event.preventDefault() will prevent the dialog from closing. Avoid
using this unless closing the dialog will result in destructive behavior such as data loss.
sl-show Emitted when the dialog opens.


Name Description
The dialog's content.
footer The dialog's footer, usually one or more buttons representing various options.
label The dialog's label. Alternatively, you can use the label prop.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
body The dialog body.
close-button The close button.
footer The dialog footer.
header The dialog header.
overlay The overlay.
panel The dialog panel (where the dialog and its content is rendered).
title The dialog title.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--body-spacing The amount of padding to use for the body.
--footer-spacing The amount of padding to use for the footer.
--header-spacing The amount of padding to use for the header.
--width The preferred width of the dialog. Note that the dialog will shrink to accommodate smaller screens.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
contained contained boolean false By default, the drawer slides out of its containing block (usually the viewport). To make the drawer slide out of
its parent element, set this prop and add position: relative to the parent.
drawer HTMLElement
label label string "" The drawer's label as displayed in the header. You should always include a relevant label even when using
no-header, as it is required for proper accessibility.
noHeader no-header boolean false Removes the header. This will also remove the default close button, so please ensure you provide an easy,
accessible way for users to dismiss the drawer.
open open boolean false Indicates whether or not the drawer is open. You can use this in lieu of the show/hide methods.
overlay HTMLElement
panel HTMLElement
placement placement "top" | "bottom" | "end" | "start" "end" The direction from which the drawer will open.


Method Type Description
handleKeyDown (event: KeyboardEvent): void
handleOpenChange (): Promise<void>
handleSlotChange (): void
hide (): Promise<void> Hides the drawer
show (): Promise<void> Shows the drawer.


Event Description
sl-after-hide Emitted after the drawer closes and all animations are complete.
sl-after-show Emitted after the drawer opens and all animations are complete.
sl-hide Emitted when the drawer closes.
sl-initial-focus Emitted when the drawer opens and the panel gains focus. Calling event.preventDefault() will
prevent focus and allow you to set it on a different element in the drawer, such as an input or button.
sl-request-close Emitted when the user attempts to close the drawer by clicking the close button, clicking the
overlay, or pressing the escape key. Calling event.preventDefault() will prevent the drawer from closing. Avoid
using this unless closing the drawer will result in destructive behavior such as data loss.
sl-show Emitted when the drawer opens.


Name Description
The drawer's content.
footer The drawer's footer, usually one or more buttons representing various options.
label The drawer's label. Alternatively, you can use the label prop.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
body The drawer body.
close-button The close button.
footer The drawer footer.
header The drawer header.
overlay The overlay.
panel The drawer panel (where the drawer and its content is rendered).
title The drawer title.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--body-spacing The amount of padding to use for the body.
--footer-spacing The amount of padding to use for the footer.
--header-spacing The amount of padding to use for the header.
--size The preferred size of the drawer. This will be applied to the drawer's width or height
depending on its placement. Note that the drawer will shrink to accommodate smaller screens.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
containingElement HTMLElement The dropdown will close when the user interacts outside of this element (e.g. clicking).
disabled disabled boolean false Disables the dropdown so the panel will not open.
distance distance number 0 The distance in pixels from which to offset the panel away from its trigger.
hoist hoist boolean false Enable this option to prevent the panel from being clipped when the component is placed inside a container with
overflow: auto|scroll.
open open boolean false Indicates whether or not the dropdown is open. You can use this in lieu of the show/hide methods.
panel HTMLElement
placement placement "left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom" | "top-start" | "top-end" | "bottom-start" | "bottom-end" | "right-start" | "right-end" | "left-start" | "left-end" "bottom-start" The preferred placement of the dropdown panel. Note that the actual placement may vary as needed to keep the panel
inside of the viewport.
positioner HTMLElement
skidding skidding number 0 The distance in pixels from which to offset the panel along its trigger.
stayOpenOnSelect stay-open-on-select boolean false By default, the dropdown is closed when an item is selected. This attribute will keep it open instead. Useful for
controls that allow multiple selections.
trigger HTMLElement


Method Type Description
focusOnTrigger (): void
getMenu (): SlMenu
handleDocumentKeyDown (event: KeyboardEvent): void
handleDocumentMouseDown (event: MouseEvent): void
handleMenuItemActivate (event: CustomEvent<any>): void
handleOpenChange (): Promise<void>
handlePanelSelect (event: CustomEvent<any>): void
handlePopoverOptionsChange (): void
handleTriggerClick (): void
handleTriggerKeyDown (event: KeyboardEvent): void
handleTriggerKeyUp (event: KeyboardEvent): void
handleTriggerSlotChange (): void
hide (): Promise<void> Hides the dropdown panel
reposition (): void Instructs the dropdown menu to reposition. Useful when the position or size of the trigger changes when the menu
is activated.
show (): Promise<void> Shows the dropdown panel.
updateAccessibleTrigger (): void


Event Description
sl-after-hide Emitted after the dropdown closes and all animations are complete.
sl-after-show Emitted after the dropdown opens and all animations are complete.
sl-hide Emitted when the dropdown closes.
sl-show Emitted when the dropdown opens.


Name Description
The dropdown's content.
trigger The dropdown's trigger, usually a <sl-button> element.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
panel The panel that gets shown when the dropdown is open.
trigger The container that wraps the trigger.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
form HTMLElement
novalidate novalidate boolean false Prevent the form from validating inputs before submitting.


Method Type Description
getFormControls (): HTMLElement[] Gets all form control elements (native and custom).
getFormData (): FormData Serializes all form controls elements and returns a FormData object.
handleClick (event: MouseEvent): void
handleKeyDown (event: KeyboardEvent): void
serializeElement (el: HTMLElement, formData: FormData): void | null
submit (): boolean Submits the form. If all controls are valid, the sl-submit event will be emitted and the promise will resolve
with true. If any form control is invalid, the promise will resolve with false and no event will be emitted.


Event Type Description
sl-submit { formData: FormData, formControls: [] } Emitted when the form is submitted. This event will not
be emitted if any form control inside of it is in an invalid state, unless the form has the novalidate attribute.
Note that there is never a need to prevent this event, since it doen't send a GET or POST request like native
forms. To "prevent" submission, use a conditional around the XHR request you use to submit the form's data with.


Name Description
The form's content.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
locale locale string The locale to use when formatting the number.
unit unit "bytes" | "bits" "bytes" The unit to display.
value value number 0 The number to format in bytes.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
date date string | Date "new Date()" The date/time to format. If not set, the current date and time will be used.
day day "numeric" | "2-digit" The format for displaying the day.
era era "narrow" | "short" | "long" The format for displaying the era.
hour hour "numeric" | "2-digit" The format for displaying the hour.
hourFormat hour-format "auto" | "12" | "24" "auto" When set, 24 hour time will always be used.
locale locale string The locale to use when formatting the date/time.
minute minute "numeric" | "2-digit" The format for displaying the minute.
month month "numeric" | "2-digit" | "narrow" | "short" | "long" The format for displaying the month.
second second "numeric" | "2-digit" The format for displaying the second.
timeZone time-zone string The time zone to express the time in.
timeZoneName time-zone-name "short" | "long" The format for displaying the time.
weekday weekday "narrow" | "short" | "long" The format for displaying the weekday.
year year "numeric" | "2-digit" The format for displaying the year.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
currency currency string "USD" The currency to use when formatting. Must be an ISO 4217 currency code such as USD or EUR.
currencyDisplay currency-display "symbol" | "code" | "narrowSymbol" | "name" "symbol" How to display the currency.
locale locale string The locale to use when formatting the number.
maximumFractionDigits maximum-fraction-digits number The maximum number of fraction digits to use. Possible values are 0 - 20.
maximumSignificantDigits maximum-significant-digits number The maximum number of significant digits to use,. Possible values are 1 - 21.
minimumFractionDigits minimum-fraction-digits number The minimum number of fraction digits to use. Possible values are 0 - 20.
minimumIntegerDigits minimum-integer-digits number The minimum number of integer digits to use. Possible values are 1 - 21.
minimumSignificantDigits minimum-significant-digits number The minimum number of significant digits to use. Possible values are 1 - 21.
noGrouping no-grouping boolean false Turns off grouping separators.
type type "currency" | "decimal" | "percent" "decimal" The formatting style to use.
value value number 0 The number to format.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
autoPlay boolean false 是否自动切换展示图片
autoPlaytimes number 2000 自动切换时间
currentIndex currentIndex number 0
imageRender imageRender ((this: SlGallery, image_data: unknown, index: number) => TemplateResult<1>) | undefined 当前图片自定义显示
image_datas image_datas unknown[] [] 图片对于其他其他数据
images images string[] 图片路径.
isFullScreened boolean false 是否全屏 :内部使用
layImage boolean false 是否延迟加载图片
showNavButtons boolean true 是否显示 左右切换按钮
show_fullscreen boolean true 是否显示 全屏按钮
show_pause boolean true 是否显示暂停按钮
thumbPosition thumb-position "left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom" "bottom" 缩略图显示位置
thumb_images thumb_images string[] | undefined 缩略图图片路径,如果不设置,默认为images
windowKeyEnable boolean false 可以通过 全局 left,right 键来调整当前图片


Method Type Description
changeFullScreenState (): void 改变组件全屏状态
watchAutoPlay (): void
watchChangeImages (): void


Event Type Description
sl-gallery-before-change {value:number,toValue:number} Emitted when before change the current image index .
sl-gallery-change {value:number} Emitted current image index changed.
sl-gallery-image-click {image:Image} Emitted image click.
sl-gallery-image-load {image:Image} Emitted image load.


Name Description
The default slot.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
image The current image to display.
images The real images container.
left-nav The left nav button.
nav-button The smal nav-button
right-nav The right nav button.
thumb-image The thums inner images
thumbs The thumb images container.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--sl-image-transition-time: -transition time default 450ms - .
--thumb-image-size thumb-images size default 100px .



Property Attribute Type Default Description
button HTMLButtonElement | HTMLLinkElement
disabled disabled boolean false Disables the button.
download download string Tells the browser to download the linked file as this filename. Only used when href is set.
href href string When set, the underlying button will be rendered as an <a> with this href instead of a <button>.
label label string "" A description that gets read by screen readers and other assistive devices. For optimal accessibility, you should
always include a label that describes what the icon button does.
library library string The name of a registered custom icon library.
name name string The name of the icon to draw.
src src string An external URL of an SVG file.
target target "_blank" | "_parent" | "_self" | "_top" Tells the browser where to open the link. Only used when href is set.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
label label string An alternative description to use for accessibility. If omitted, the name or src will be used to generate it.
library library string "default" The name of a registered custom icon library.
name name string The name of the icon to draw.
src src string An external URL of an SVG file.


Method Type
getLabel (): string
handleChange (): void
redraw (): void
setIcon (): Promise<void>


Event Type Description
sl-error { status: number } Emitted when the icon fails to load due to an error.
sl-load Emitted when the icon has loaded.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
base HTMLElement
handle HTMLElement
position position number 50 The position of the divider as a percentage.


Method Type
handleDrag (event: any): void
handleKeyDown (event: KeyboardEvent): void
handlePositionChange (): void


Event Description
sl-change Emitted when the position changes.


Name Description
after The after image, an <img> or <svg> element.
before The before image, an <img> or <svg> element.
handle-icon The icon used inside the handle.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
after The container that holds the "after" image.
base The component's base wrapper.
before The container that holds the "before" image.
divider The divider that separates the images.
handle The handle that the user drags to expose the after image.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--divider-width The width of the dividing line.
--handle-size The size of the compare handle.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
allowScripts allow-scripts boolean false Allows included scripts to be executed. You must ensure the content you're including is trusted, otherwise this
option can lead to XSS vulnerabilities in your app!
mode mode "cors" | "no-cors" | "same-origin" "cors" The fetch mode to use.
src src string The location of the HTML file to include.


Method Type
executeScript (script: HTMLScriptElement): void
handleSrcChange (): Promise<void>


Event Type Description
sl-error { status: number } Emitted when the included file fails to load due to an error.
sl-load Emitted when the included file is loaded.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
autocapitalize autocapitalize "none" | "off" | "on" | "sentences" | "words" | "characters" The input's autocaptialize attribute.
autocomplete autocomplete string The input's autocomplete attribute.
autocorrect autocorrect string The input's autocorrect attribute.
autofocus autofocus boolean The input's autofocus attribute.
clearable clearable boolean false Adds a clear button when the input is populated.
disabled disabled boolean false Disables the input.
filled filled boolean false Draws a filled input.
helpText help-text string "" The input's help text. Alternatively, you can use the help-text slot.
input HTMLInputElement
inputmode inputmode "none" | "text" | "numeric" | "decimal" | "tel" | "search" | "email" | "url" The input's inputmode attribute.
invalid invalid boolean false This will be true when the control is in an invalid state. Validity is determined by props such as type,
required, minlength, maxlength, and pattern using the browser's constraint validation API.
label label string The input's label. Alternatively, you can use the label slot.
max max string | number The input's maximum value.
maxlength maxlength number The maximum length of input that will be considered valid.
min min string | number The input's minimum value.
minlength minlength number The minimum length of input that will be considered valid.
name name string The input's name attribute.
pattern pattern string A pattern to validate input against.
pill pill boolean false Draws a pill-style input with rounded edges.
placeholder placeholder string The input's placeholder text.
readonly readonly boolean false Makes the input readonly.
required required boolean false Makes the input a required field.
size size "small" | "medium" | "large" "medium" The input's size.
spellcheck spellcheck boolean Enables spell checking on the input.
step step number The input's step attribute.
togglePassword toggle-password boolean false Adds a password toggle button to password inputs.
type type "number" | "text" | "date" | "tel" | "search" | "email" | "url" | "password" "text" The input's type.
value value string "" The input's value attribute.


Method Type Description
blur (): void Removes focus from the input.
focus (options?: FocusOptions | undefined): void Sets focus on the input.
handleBlur (): void
handleChange (): void
handleClearClick (event: MouseEvent): void
handleDisabledChange (): void
handleFocus (): void
handleInput (): void
handleInvalid (): void
handlePasswordToggle (): void
handleSlotChange (): void
handleValueChange (): void
reportValidity (): boolean Checks for validity and shows the browser's validation message if the control is invalid.
select (): void Selects all the text in the input.
setCustomValidity (message: string): void Sets a custom validation message. If message is not empty, the field will be considered invalid.
setRangeText (replacement: string, start: number, end: number, selectMode?: "end" | "start" | "select" | "preserve"): void Replaces a range of text with a new string.
setSelectionRange (selectionStart: number, selectionEnd: number, selectionDirection?: "none" | "forward" | "backward"): void Sets the start and end positions of the text selection (0-based).


Event Description
sl-blur Emitted when the control loses focus.
sl-change Emitted when the control's value changes.
sl-clear Emitted when the clear button is activated.
sl-focus Emitted when the control gains focus.
sl-input Emitted when the control receives input.


Name Description
clear-icon An icon to use in lieu of the default clear icon.
help-text Help text that describes how to use the input. Alternatively, you can use the help-text prop.
hide-password-icon An icon to use in lieu of the default hide password icon.
label The input's label. Alternatively, you can use the label prop.
prefix Used to prepend an icon or similar element to the input.
show-password-icon An icon to use in lieu of the default show password icon.
suffix Used to append an icon or similar element to the input.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
clear-button The clear button.
form-control The form control that wraps the label, input, and help-text.
help-text The input help text.
input The input control.
label The input label.
password-toggle-button The password toggle button.
prefix The input prefix container.
suffix The input suffix container.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
center center boolean false 是否 主轴,次轴都居中
column column boolean false 是否按照列进行Flex column布局
cross cross "center" | "end" | "start" | "baseline" | "stretch" 次轴子项对齐方式
expand expand boolean false 是否扩展剩余空间
main main "center" | "end" | "start" | "space-between" | "space-around" | "space-evenly" 主轴子项对齐方式
row row boolean true 是否按照行进行Flex row布局


Method Type
setXYChange (): void


Name Description
The default slot.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
fetchMode "cors" | "no-cors" | "same-origin" | "navigate" "same-origin"
markdown markdown string the markdown string
mdsrc mdsrc string mdsrc markdown resource
theme "light" | "dark" | "ant" | "wechat" "ant" theme name for prismjs


Method Type Description
fetchAsText (src: string): Promise src: url to fetch
themeChange (): void

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.


CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
checked checked boolean false Draws the item in a checked state.
disabled disabled boolean false Draws the menu item in a disabled state.
highlight highlight boolean false hightlight this menu-item
menuItem HTMLElement
value value string | number "" A unique value to store in the menu item. This can be used as a way to identify menu items when selected.


Method Type
handleCheckedChange (): void


Name Description
The menu item's label.
prefix Used to prepend an icon or similar element to the menu item.
suffix Used to append an icon or similar element to the menu item.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
checked-icon The container that wraps the checked icon.
label The menu item label.
prefix The prefix container.
suffix The suffix container.



Name Description
The menu label's content.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.



Property Type
defaultSlot HTMLSlotElement
menu HTMLElement


Method Type Description
getAllItems (options?: { includeDisabled: boolean; }): SlMenuItem[]
getCurrentItem (): SlMenuItem | undefined
handleClick (event: MouseEvent): void
handleKeyDown (event: KeyboardEvent): void
handleKeyUp (): void
handleMouseDown (event: MouseEvent): void
handleSlotChange (): void
setCurrentItem (item: SlMenuItem): void
typeToSelect (key: string): void Initiates type-to-select logic, which automatically selects an option based on what the user is currently typing.
The key passed will be appended to the internal query and the selection will be updated. After a brief period, the
internal query is cleared automatically. This method is intended to be used with the keydown event. Useful for
enabling type-to-select when the menu doesn't have focus.


Event Type Description
sl-select { item: SlMenuItem } Emitted when a menu item is selected.


Name Description
The menu's content, including menu items, menu dividers, and menu labels.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.



Property Attribute Modifiers Type Default Description
collapsable collapsable boolean true 节点是否允许收缩
expanded expanded boolean true 节点是展开,还是收拢,默认是展开
isLeaf readonly boolean
nodeData nodeData OrgNodeDataType 节点数据
nodeRender nodeRender (node: OrgNodeDataType) => TemplateResult<1> | TemplateResult<1>[] "defaultRoleRender" 节点自定义渲染
styleClass styleClass string 组织架构节点自定义样式
subOrgNodes SlOrgNode[]


Method Type
createRenderRoot (): this
onNodeClick (): void


Event Description
sl-node click {data:any} - click node Data Element .
sl-node-before toogle {data:any} -before toogle node Element .

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--example An example CSS custom property.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
center center boolean true 是否居中
containerEl HTMLDivElement
horizontal horizontal boolean false 是否是水平布局 组织架构
nodeRender nodeRender (node: OrgNodeDataType) => TemplateResult<1> | TemplateResult<1>[] "defaultRoleRender"
rootData rootData OrgNodeDataType 组织架构节点数据
rootNode SlOrgNode


Event Type Description
sl-org-tree-node { node: SlOrgNode,nodeData:OrgNodeDataType } click Emitted when node click.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
container The component's container wrapper.
tree The component's tree wrapper.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--example An example CSS custom property.



Property Attribute Modifiers Type Default Description
align align "left" | "center" | "right" "right" 布局对齐方式
pageCount readonly number
pageSize page-size number 20 分页大小
pageSizeOptions Number[] "Array.from({ length: 10 }, (_item, value) => 10 + value * 10)" 支持调整的分页大小
showFirst boolean false 是否显示 直接跳转到第一页
showLast boolean false 是否显示 直接跳转到最后一页
showPageChange show-page-change boolean false 是否允许直接调整第几页
showSizeChange show-size-change boolean false 是否调整 分页大小 组件
simple simple boolean false 是否允许 简化分页模式
total total number 总数大小
value value number 1 当前页


Method Type
goToPage (pageNo: number): void
watchPageChange (): void


Event Description
sl-page-before-change Emitted before page changed,use can defaultPrevented ,then sl-page-change can not be emit .
sl-page-change Emitted when current page changed .


Name Description
prefix The prefix slot.
default tool bar end to show .
no-data when total=0 to show .

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
pageWrap The component's to page button wrapper.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
indeterminate indeterminate boolean false When true, percentage is ignored, the label is hidden, and the progress bar is drawn in an indeterminate state.
percentage percentage number 0 The progress bar's percentage, 0 to 100.


Name Description
A label to show inside the indicator.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
indicator The progress bar indicator.
label The progress bar label.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--height The progress bar's height.
--indicator-color The indicator color.
--label-color The label color.
--track-color The track color.



Property Attribute Type Description
indicator SVGCircleElement
percentage percentage number The current progress percentage, 0 - 100.


Name Description
A label to show inside the ring.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
label The progress ring label.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--indicator-color The indicator color.
--size The diameter of the progress ring (cannot be a percentage).
--track-color The color of the track.
--track-width The width of the track.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
background background string "#fff" The background color. This can be any valid CSS color or transparent, but not a CSS custom property.
canvas HTMLElement
errorCorrection error-correction "L" | "M" | "Q" | "H" "H" The level of error correction to use.
fill fill string "#000" The fill color. This can be any valid CSS color, but not a CSS custom property.
label label string "" The label used when screen readers announce the code. If unspecified, the value will be used.
radius radius number 0 The edge radius of each module. Must be between 0 and 0.5.
size size number 128 The size of the code's overall square in pixels.
value value string "" The QR code's value.


Method Type
generate (): void

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.



Property Attribute Modifiers Type Default Description
allRadios readonly SlRadio[]
defaultSlot HTMLSlotElement
fieldset fieldset boolean false Shows the fieldset and legend that surrounds the radio group.
label label string "" The radio group label. Required for proper accessibility. Alternatively, you can use the label slot.
value value unknown 选中值


Method Type
handleFocusIn (): void
valueChange (): void


Event Description
sl-check-change Emitted when the radio selected changed.


Name Description
The default slot where radio controls are placed.
label The radio group label. Required for proper accessibility. Alternatively, you can use the label prop.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
label The radio group label.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
checked checked boolean false Draws the radio in a checked state.
disabled disabled boolean false Disables the radio.
input HTMLInputElement
invalid invalid boolean false This will be true when the control is in an invalid state. Validity in range inputs is determined by the message
provided by the setCustomValidity method.
name name string The radio's name attribute.
value value string The radio's value attribute.


Method Type Description
blur (): void Removes focus from the radio.
click (): void Simulates a click on the radio.
focus (options?: FocusOptions | undefined): void Sets focus on the radio.
getAllRadios (): this[]
getSiblingRadios (): this[]
handleBlur (): void
handleCheckedChange (): void
handleClick (): void
handleDisabledChange (): void
handleFocus (): void
handleKeyDown (event: KeyboardEvent): void
reportValidity (): boolean Checks for validity and shows the browser's validation message if the control is invalid.
setCustomValidity (message: string): void Sets a custom validation message. If message is not empty, the field will be considered invalid.


Event Description
sl-blur Emitted when the control loses focus.
sl-change Emitted when the control's checked state changes.
sl-focus Emitted when the control gains focus.


Name Description
The radio's label.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
checked-icon The container the wraps the checked icon.
control The radio control.
label The radio label.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
disabled disabled boolean false Disables the input.
helpText help-text string "" The range's help text. Alternatively, you can use the help-text slot.
input HTMLInputElement
invalid invalid boolean false This will be true when the control is in an invalid state. Validity in range inputs is determined by the message
provided by the setCustomValidity method.
label label string "" The range's label. Alternatively, you can use the label slot.
max max number 100 The input's max attribute.
min min number 0 The input's min attribute.
name name string "" The input's name attribute.
output HTMLOutputElement
step step number 1 The input's step attribute.
tooltip tooltip "none" | "top" | "bottom" "top" The preferred placedment of the tooltip.
tooltipFormatter (value: number) => string "(value: number) => value.toString()" A function used to format the tooltip's value.
value value number 0 The input's value attribute.


Method Type Description
blur (): void Removes focus from the input.
focus (options?: FocusOptions | undefined): void Sets focus on the input.
handleBlur (): void
handleDisabledChange (): void
handleFocus (): void
handleInput (): void
handleSlotChange (): void
handleThumbDragEnd (): void
handleThumbDragStart (): void
setCustomValidity (message: string): void Sets a custom validation message. If message is not empty, the field will be considered invalid.
syncTooltip (): void


Event Description
sl-blur Emitted when the control loses focus.
sl-change Emitted when the control's value changes.
sl-focus Emitted when the control gains focus.


Name Description
help-text Help text that describes how to use the input. Alternatively, you can use the help-text prop.
label The input's label. Alternatively, you can use the label prop.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
input The native range input.
tooltip The range tooltip.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
disabled disabled boolean false Disables the rating.
getSymbol getSymbol (value: number) => string "(value: number) => '<sl-icon name="star-fill" library="system">'" The name of the icon to display as the symbol.
max max number 5 The highest rating to show.
precision precision number 1 The minimum increment value allowed by the control.
rating HTMLElement
readonly readonly boolean false Makes the rating readonly.
value value number 0 The current rating.


Method Type Description
blur (): void Removes focus from the rating.
focus (options?: FocusOptions | undefined): void Sets focus on the rating.
getValueFromMousePosition (event: MouseEvent): number
getValueFromTouchPosition (event: TouchEvent): number
getValueFromXCoordinate (coordinate: number): number
handleClick (event: MouseEvent): void
handleKeyDown (event: KeyboardEvent): void
handleMouseEnter (): void
handleMouseLeave (): void
handleMouseMove (event: MouseEvent): void
handleTouchEnd (event: TouchEvent): void
handleTouchMove (event: TouchEvent): void
handleTouchStart (event: TouchEvent): void
handleValueChange (): void
roundToPrecision (numberToRound: number, precision?: number): number
setValue (newValue: number): void


Event Description
sl-change Emitted when the rating's value changes.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--symbol-color The inactive color for symbols.
--symbol-color-active The active color for symbols.
--symbol-size The size of symbols.
--symbol-spacing The spacing to use around symbols.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
date date string | Date The date from which to calculate time from.
format format "narrow" | "short" | "long" "long" The formatting style to use.
locale locale string The locale to use when formatting the number.
numeric numeric "auto" | "always" "auto" When auto, values such as "yesterday" and "tomorrow" will be shown when possible. When always, values such as
"1 day ago" and "in 1 day" will be shown.
sync sync boolean false Keep the displayed value up to date as time passes.


Method Type
updateTime (): void



Method Type
handleSlotChange (): void


Event Type Description
sl-resize { entries: ResizeObserverEntry[] } Emitted when the element is resized.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
aspectRatio aspect-ratio string "16:9" The aspect ratio of the embedded media in the format of width:height, e.g. 16:9, 4:3, or 1:1. Ratios not in
this format will be ignored.
fit fit "cover" | "contain" "cover" Determines how content will be resized to fit its container.


Name Description
The element to receive the aspect ratio. Should be a replaced element, such as <img>, <iframe>, or <video>.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
autoRelease autoRelease boolean false Releases the ripple after it has been spawned.
centered centered boolean false Makes ripple appear from the center.
disabled disabled boolean false Disables the ripple.
focusable focusable boolean false Allows focusin to spawn a ripple.
initialDuration initialDuration number 350 Initial animation duration.
overlay overlay boolean false Overlays the ripple.
releaseDuration releaseDuration number 500 Fade out animation duration.
role role AriaRole "presentation" Role of the ripple.
target target EventTarget "this" Target for the spawn ripple events.
unbounded unbounded boolean false Makes the ripple visible outside the bounds.


Method Type Description
changeTarget (): void
firstUpdate (map: Map<string | number | symbol, unknown>): void
releaseRipple (): void
showRippleAtCoords ({ x, y }: { x: number; y: number; }, config?: Partial<IRippleConfig> | undefined): { dispose(): void; } Shows a ripple at a specific coordinate.
spawnRipple (e?: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | undefined, config?: Partial<IRippleConfig> | undefined): DisposeObject Handles the mouse down events and spawns a ripple.
If no event is provided the ripple will spawn in the center.


Event Description
sl-ripple-end Emitted when ripple effect end


Name Description
The default slot wrap node for ripplie effect.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--ripple-color Color.
--ripple-opacity Opacity.
--sl-ripple-color An ripple animate background color



Property Attribute Type Default Description
row row number 1 占多少行
span span number 1 占多少列


Method Type
changeSpanMethod (): void



Property Attribute Type Default Description
columns columns number 12 grid等分多少列
grap grap string "0" grid 单元格的间距


Method Type
changeSpanMethod (): void


Name Description
The default slot.



Property Attribute Modifiers Type Default Description
caculateXBarWidth readonly number
caculateYBarHeight readonly number
containerDIV HTMLDivElement
contentDIV HTMLDivElement
content_wrap_DIV HTMLDivElement
keyEnable keyEnable boolean true 是否允许 键盘 上下左右按键滚动
minScrollSize number 20
overflowX overflow-x overflowType "" hidden,则水平滚动条永远隐藏,否则根据内容自动显示隐藏
overflowY overflow-y overflowType "" hidden,则竖直滚动条隐藏,,否则根据内容自动显示隐藏
partXHandler HTMLDivElement
partXScroll HTMLDivElement
partYHandler HTMLDivElement
partYScroll HTMLDivElement
rightBottom HTMLElement
scrollBarOutWidth scroll-bar-out-width number 12 滚动条 容器宽度,必须大与 滚动条宽度
scrollBarWidth scroll-bar-width number 8 滚动条宽度
scrollItemValue number 30 定义滚动值大小
throttTime throttTime number 20 事件节流时间


Method Type Description
caculateXBarPosition (): number
caculateYBarPosition (): number
changeXBarPosition (changeValue?: number): void 改变水平滚动条的位置

changeValue: 改变的大小
changeXScroll (scrollValue?: number): void 改变水平内容滚动位置

scrollValue: 改变多少
changeYBarPosition (changeValue?: number): void 改变竖直滚动调大位置

changeValue: 竖直滚动条的改变值,>0 向下
changeYScroll (scrollValue?: number): void scrollValue: 改变竖直内容滚动位置
resize (): void 当容器,或者子元素发生变化,触发resize 函数和事件
scrollXToEnd (): void 水平滚动条滚动到 最右侧
scrollXToValue (scrollLeft?: number): void scrollLeft: 水平内容滚动到特定位置
scrollYToEnd (): void 竖直滚动条 滚动到底部
scrollYToValue (scrollTop?: number): void 竖直内容滚动到特定位置


Event Type Description
resize resize事件,当容器或者子孩子放生变化,此时触发
sl-scroll-change {scrollLeft:number,scrollTop:number} Emitted when scroll bar change .
sl-scroll-x {scrollLeft:number,scrollTop:number,value:number} Emitted when scroll x bar .
sl-scroll-x-end {scrollLeft:number,scrollTop:number} Emitted when scroll x bar to end .
sl-scroll-y {scrollLeft:number,scrollTop:number,value:number} Emitted when scroll y bar .
sl-scroll-y-end {scrollLeft:number,scrollTop:number} Emitted when scroll y bar to end .


Name Description
The default slot.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
content The component's scroll div.
content-wrap The component's slot wrapper.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--scroll-bar-outer-width scroll bar-outer width.
--scroll-bar-width scroll bar width.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
clearable clearable boolean false Adds a clear button when the select is populated.
control SlDropdown
disabled disabled boolean false Disables the select control.
dropdown SlDropdown
filled filled boolean false Draws a filled select.
helpText help-text string The select's help text. Alternatively, you can use the help-text slot.
hoist hoist boolean false Enable this option to prevent the panel from being clipped when the component is placed inside a container with
overflow: auto|scroll.
input HTMLInputElement
invalid invalid boolean false This will be true when the control is in an invalid state. Validity is determined by the required prop.
label label string The select's label. Alternatively, you can use the label slot.
maxTagsVisible max-tags-visible number 3 The maximum number of tags to show when multiple is true. After the maximum, "+n" will be shown to indicate the
number of additional items that are selected. Set to -1 to remove the limit.
menu SlMenu
multiple multiple boolean false Enables multiselect. With this enabled, value will be an array.
name name string "" The select's name.
pill pill boolean false Draws a pill-style select with rounded edges.
placeholder placeholder string "" The select's placeholder text.
required required boolean false The select's required attribute.
size size "small" | "medium" | "large" "medium" The select's size.
value value string | number | (string | number)[] The value of the control. This will be a string or an array depending on multiple.


Method Type Description
focus (option: FocusOptions): void
getItemLabel (item: SlMenuItem): string
getItems (): SlMenuItem[]
getValueAsArray (): (string | number)[]
handleBlur (): void
handleClearClick (event: MouseEvent): void
handleDisabledChange (): void
handleFocus (): void
handleKeyDown (event: KeyboardEvent): void
handleLabelClick (): void
handleMenuHide (): void
handleMenuSelect (event: CustomEvent<any>): void
handleMenuShow (): void
handleMultipleChange (): void
handleSlotChange (): Promise<void>
handleTagInteraction (event: MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent): void
handleValueChange (): Promise<void>
reportValidity (): boolean Checks for validity and shows the browser's validation message if the control is invalid.
resizeMenu (): void
setCustomValidity (message: string): void Sets a custom validation message. If message is not empty, the field will be considered invalid.
syncItemsFromValue (): void
syncValueFromItems (): void


Event Description
sl-blur Emitted when the control loses focus.
sl-change Emitted when the control's value changes.
sl-clear Emitted when the clear button is activated.
sl-focus Emitted when the control gains focus.


Name Description
The select's options in the form of menu items.
help-text Help text that describes how to use the select.
label The select's label. Alternatively, you can use the label prop.
prefix Used to prepend an icon or similar element to the select.
suffix Used to append an icon or similar element to the select.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
clear-button The clear button.
control The container that holds the prefix, label, and suffix.
form-control The form control that wraps the label, input, and help text.
help-text The select's help text.
icon The select's icon.
label The select's label.
menu The select menu, a element.
prefix The select's prefix.
suffix The select's suffix.
tag The multiselect option, a element.
tags The container in which multiselect options are rendered.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
effect effect "none" | "pulse" | "sheen" "none" Determines which effect the skeleton will use.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
indicator The skeleton's indicator which is responsible for its color and animation.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--border-radius The skeleton's border radius.
--color The color of the skeleton.
--sheen-color The sheen color when the skeleton is in its loading state.


CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--indicator-color The color of the indicator.
--speed The time it takes for the spinner to complete one animation cycle.
--track-color The color of the track.
--track-width The width of the track.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
border border boolean true 整体是否显示边框
maxSize max-size number | undefined
minSize min-size number | undefined 分隔允许的最小位置
splitAble split-able boolean true 是否允许拖动改变位置
splitType splitType "left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom" "left" Split 切割位置.


Method Type
changeSplitType (old: string, newType: string): void


Event Type Description
sl-splitter-change {size:number} Emitted when split value .


Name Description
The default slot.
exta 需要被拖动的小部分容器.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
exta The component's base exta wrapper.
main The component's base main wrapper.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--sl-split-hover-color spit div hover color.
--sl-split-width spit div width.



Property Attribute Modifiers Type Default Description
description description string 描述
icon icon string 图标
index index number 0 顺序号
parentSteps readonly SlSteps
title title string 标题


Method Type
isCurrentStep (): boolean
isFinished (): boolean


Event Description
sl-event-name Emitted as an example.


Name Description
step icon The icon slot.
step-description The description slot.
step-title The title slot.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
step-container The component's base wrapper.
step-content The component's step content wrapper.
step-description The component's step description wrapper.
step-icon The component's step title wrapper.
step-title The component's step title wrapper.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--step-background-color background-color for step.
--step-border-color color for step border-color.
--step-icon-color color for step icon color.



Property Attribute Modifiers Type Default Description
childStep readonly SlStep[]
current current number 0 当前步骤,默认从0
size size "small" | "mid" | "larger" 进度点 圆圈大小
startIndex startIndex number 1 起始节点显示 序号,默认为1
vertical vertical boolean false 是否为竖直


Event Description
sl-change Emitted as current step change.


Name Description
The default slot accept chilldrens.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
container The component's container wrapper.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--example An example CSS custom property.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
checked checked boolean false Draws the switch in a checked state.
disabled disabled boolean false Disables the switch.
input HTMLInputElement
invalid invalid boolean false This will be true when the control is in an invalid state. Validity is determined by the required prop.
name name string The switch's name attribute.
required required boolean false Makes the switch a required field.
value value string The switch's value attribute.


Method Type Description
blur (): void Removes focus from the switch.
click (): void Simulates a click on the switch.
focus (options?: FocusOptions | undefined): void Sets focus on the switch.
handleBlur (): void
handleCheckedChange (): void
handleClick (): void
handleDisabledChange (): void
handleFocus (): void
handleKeyDown (event: KeyboardEvent): void
reportValidity (): boolean Checks for validity and shows the browser's validation message if the control is invalid.
setCustomValidity (message: string): void Sets a custom validation message. If message is not empty, the field will be considered invalid.


Event Description
sl-blur Emitted when the control loses focus.
sl-change Emitted when the control's checked state changes.
sl-focus Emitted when the control gains focus.


Name Description
The switch's label.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
control The switch control.
label The switch label.
thumb The switch position indicator.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--height The height of the switch.
--thumb-size The size of the thumb.
--width The width of the switch.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
activation activation "auto" | "manual" "auto" When set to auto, navigating tabs with the arrow keys will instantly show the corresponding tab panel. When set to
manual, the tab will receive focus but will not show until the user presses spacebar or enter.
body HTMLElement
indicator HTMLElement
nav HTMLElement
noScrollControls no-scroll-controls boolean false Disables the scroll arrows that appear when tabs overflow.
placement placement "top" | "bottom" | "end" | "start" "top" The placement of the tabs.
tabGroup HTMLElement


Method Type Description
getActiveTab (): SlTab | undefined
getAllPanels (): [SlTabPanel]
getAllTabs (includeDisabled?: boolean): SlTab[]
handleClick (event: MouseEvent): void
handleKeyDown (event: KeyboardEvent): void
handleScrollToEnd (): void
handleScrollToStart (): void
preventIndicatorTransition (): void
repositionIndicator (): void
setActiveTab (tab: SlTab, options?: { emitEvents?: boolean | undefined; scrollBehavior?: "auto" | "smooth" | undefined; } | undefined): void
setAriaLabels (): void
show (panel: string): void Shows the specified tab panel.
syncIndicator (): void
syncTabsAndPanels (): void
updateScrollControls (): void


Event Type Description
sl-tab-hide { name: String } Emitted when a tab is hidden.
sl-tab-show { name: String } Emitted when a tab is shown.


Name Description
Used for grouping tab panels in the tab group.
nav Used for grouping tabs in the tab group.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
active-tab-indicator An element that displays the currently selected tab. This is a child of the tabs container.
base The component's base wrapper.
body The tab group body where tab panels are slotted in.
nav The tab group navigation container.
scroll-button The previous and next scroll buttons that appear when tabs are scrollable.
tabs The container that wraps the slotted tabs.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--indicator-color The color of the active tab indicator.
--track-color The color of the indicator's track (i.e. the line that separates tabs from panels).



Property Attribute Type Default Description
active active boolean false When true, the tab panel will be shown.
name name string "" The tab panel's name.


Name Description
The tab panel's content.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
active active boolean false Draws the tab in an active state.
closable closable boolean false Makes the tab closable and shows a close icon.
disabled disabled boolean false Draws the tab in a disabled state.
panel panel string "" The name of the tab panel the tab will control. The panel must be located in the same tab group.
tab HTMLElement


Method Type Description
blur (): void Removes focus from the tab.
focus (options?: FocusOptions | undefined): void Sets focus to the tab.
handleCloseClick (): void


Event Description
sl-close Emitted when the tab is closable and the close button is activated.


Name Description
The tab's label.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
close-button The close button, which is the icon button's base wrapper.



Template Result
Property Attribute Modifiers Type Default Description
allSubColumns readonly SlColumn[]
baseDiv HTMLDivElement
border border boolean false table 是否显示border
cacheExpandLazyLoadDataMap Map<any, any> "new Map<any, any>()" 存储已经加载过的扩展数据
cacheKey cache-key string table 前端缓存ID
canShowColumns readonly SlColumn[]
cellBoxLines number 1 TBody TD 是否超过多行则...
checkDisablePropField checkDisablePropField string | ((rowData: any) => boolean) 定义列 type='checkbox','radio'时起作用, 确定列 checkbx/radio Disable属性,或者一个函数接收rowData ,确定rowData checkbox 列是否可以选择 如果不指定,则此列checkbox 所有的都可以勾选
checkPropField checkPropField string | ((rowData: any) => any) 定义列 type='checkbox','radio'时起作用, 定义checkbox 列绑定的属性 ,如果不指定,则Table checkbox列 绑定值就是rowData 本身
checkTreeCasecadeDown boolean true 如果启用TreeConfig ,checkbox 向下级联 选中
checkTreeCasecadeUp boolean false 如果启用TreeConfig ,checkbox 向上级联 选中
checkValue 定义表格当前多选中的值(作用于type=checkbox 列上)
componentID string "${'tableID_' + componentID++}"
currentEditCell { column: SlColumn; rowData: any; } | undefined 当前编辑的单元格
currentEditColumn SlColumn[] [] 当前编辑的列
currentEditRow array [] 当前编辑的行数据
customRenderCellClassMap (cellContext: CellContext) => string | string[] | ClassInfo 自定义 渲染tbody td的class
customRenderCellHeadClassMap (context: CellHeadContext) => string | string[] | ClassInfo 自定义 渲染thead th的class
customRenderCellHeadSpread (context: CellHeadContext) => SpreadResult 自定义 渲染thead th SpreadResult
customRenderCellHeadStyle (context: CellHeadContext) => StyleInfo 自定义 渲染tHeader th的样式
customRenderCellSpread (cellContext: CellContext) => SpreadResult 自定义 渲染tbody td的 SpreadResult
customRenderCellStyle (context: CellContext) => StyleInfo 自定义 渲染tbody td的样式
customRenderFooter customRenderFooter (columns: SlColumn[]) => TemplateResult<1> 渲染tfooter 此方法接收所有的列,返回footer 组成的tr template list
customRenderRowClassMap (rowContext: RowContext) => string | string[] | ClassInfo 自定义 渲染tHeader tr的样式
customRenderRowSpread (rowContext: RowContext) => SpreadResult 自定义 渲染tbody tr的Spread
customRenderRowStyle (rowContext: RowContext) => StyleInfo 自定义 渲染tbody tr的样式
dataSource unknown[] 表格需要渲染的数据 必须是数组
editAccordion boolean false 编辑行为:如果 editMode=row,是否一次允许出现多个行编辑,editMode=column, 是否允许一出出现多列编辑
editEnable boolean false 表格编辑总控: 是否允许启动表格编辑功能
editMode "row" | "column" | "cell" "row" 编辑模式:row:行编辑(一次编辑一行,cell:单元格编辑(一次编辑一个TD),columm:列编辑模式,一次编辑一列
editTrigger string "click" 触发编辑模式的事件,支持click,dbclick,manual
enableCellBox boolean false TBody TD 是否启用多行...
enableVirtualScroll number 虚拟滚动启用
expandAccordion boolean false 是否只能展开一个扩展行
expandColumn string 指定哪一列触发行扩展数据加载
expandLazy boolean false 是否懒加载扩展行
expandLazyLoadMethod (rowData: unknown) => Promise<any> 指定懒加载扩展的方法
expandRowData unknown[] [] 存储哪些行数据是展开的
expandRowRender (rowContext: RowContext, columns: SlColumn[], layLoadData?: any) => TemplateResult<1> 方法:指定如何渲染扩展行,接收行数据和叶子columns, 返回的应该是
expandingRowData unknown[] [] 存储正在展开的行数据
fixedColumns string | Number[] 设置表格 列固定,例如:fixedColumns="2",则为前两列固定,"2,2" 则为前两列,后两列固定,"0,2" ,[0,2]则为最后两列固定
fixedFoot boolean false table 是否固定footer 到底部
hoverAble boolean true table 是否支持鼠标活动行变色
radioValue 定义表格当前单选的值(作用于type=radio 列上)
scrollDiv HTMLDivElement scroll DIV
size "small" | "default" | "larger" "small" td size
sortConfig SortConfig {}
sortValue SortValue | SortValue[] | undefined 表格当前排序值
stripe boolean false table 支持斑马线
table HTMLTableElement
tableHeight tableHeight string table 容器高度,支持类似 css "100% - 40px" 或者“ 100vh - 30px ”
tableLayoutFixed tableLayoutFixed boolean 是否表格 是 table-layout :fixed
tableMaxHeight tableMaxHeight string table 容器最大高度
tableMinHeight tableMinHeight string table 容器最小高度
thead HTMLTableSectionElement table heading
treeConfig TreeConfig | undefined
treeDataCache readonly Map<any, TreeNodeCacheType> Table 启用Tree 的时候,获取缓存数据关系
treeLoadingNode TreeNodeData[] [] 当为Tree的时候,存储哪些 正在加载中的TreeNodeData
treeLoadingNodeMethod treeLoadingNodeMethod (context: CellContext) => Promise<TreeNodeData[]> 加载TreeNode 子数据,接收参数nodeData,parentData
treeNodeNoWrap treeNodeNoWrap boolean true, 则TreeNode 列,不会换行
virtualItemHeight number 虚拟滚动行高


Method Type Description
asynTableHeaderWidth (): void
changeEditAccordion (): void
columnChangeHanlder (): void 如果column 发生了变化,需要重新计算 表头布局
doExpandRowData (rowData: unknown): Promise<void> 展开行数据的扩展 数据

rowData: table 行绑定的数据
forEachCheckValue (vistorFun: (rowData: any, ...args: any): void) => void 循环 选中的数据

vistorFun: 数据处理器
getCellContext (td: HTMLTableCellElement): CellContext 获取 td 上下文
getHeadCellContext (th: HTMLTableCellElement): CellHeadContext 获取 thead th 上下文
getRenderDataSource (): unknown[] 获取表格实际渲染的数据列表
getRowContext (row: HTMLTableRowElement): RowContext 获取 行上下文
getRowDataCheckValue (rowData: any): any 获取rowData 选中值
getRowDataDataIndex (rowData: TreeNodeData): number 获取渲染后的 rowData 的顺序号
getRowDataParentData (rowData: TreeNodeData): TreeNodeData 获取渲染后的 rowData 对应的父对象
getRowDataTreeLevel (rowData: TreeNodeData): number 获取渲染后的 rowData 对应的Tree level
isRowDataChecked (rowData: any): boolean 判断rowData 是否是checkbox 列选中
isRowDataCheckedDisabled (rowData: any): any 判断rowData 是否是checkbox,radio列 disable
isRowDataRadioChecked (rowData: any): boolean 判断rowData 是否是radio 列选中
locacheIDChange (oldKey: string): void
sortConfigChange (): void
treeNodeHasChildren (rowData: TreeNodeData): unknown
watchCellBoxLinesChange (): void
watchDataSourceChange (): void
watchFixedColumnsChange (): void


Event Type Description
sl-cell-edit-active {td:TD,dom:HTMLElement,context:CellContext} 当单元格进入了编辑状态时触发
//EIDT 发生顺序(sl-table-cell-edit-before-change->sl-cell-edit-start->sl-table-cell-edit-active)
//表格 checkbox 控制
sl-cell-edit-start {td:TD,dom:HTMLElement,context:CellContext} 当单元格开始进入编辑状态(此时cell还没变成编辑状态,可以取消阻止事件)
sl-table-before-sort {column:SLColumn,sortValue:排序前值} Emitted before table column sort. 排序事件
sl-table-cell-edit-before-change {td:TD,context:CellContext} Emitted before when table edit cell change .
sl-table-cell-edit-commit {td:TD,dom:HTMLElement,context:CellContext,value:any} 当Table 组件内置 cell edit 数据发生变化,时触发.
sl-table-check-before-change {checkbox:SlCheckbox,context:CellContext } Emitted before tbody checkbox check will change .
sl-table-check-change {value:Array<any> } Emitted after tbody checkbox check changed.
sl-table-check-head-before-change {checkbox:SlCheckbox,context:CellContext } Emitted before when column checkbox will change .
sl-table-column-resize {column:SLColumn,change:改变的宽度} Emitted table column width change by drag. 拖动列事件
sl-table-resize Emitted table resize.
sl-table-scroll {div:HTMLDIVElement} Emitted scroll table.滚动事件
sl-table-sort {column:SLColumn,sortValue:当前排序值} Emitted table column sort. 排序事件
sl-tree-node-before-close {dom:HTMLElement,context:CellContext} Emitted before table tree node to close . tree 事件
sl-tree-node-before-open {dom:HTMLElement,context:CellContext} Emitted before table tree node to open . tree 事件
sl-tree-node-before-toogle {dom:HTMLElement,context:CellContext} Emitted before table tbody td node state toogle . tree 事件
sl-tree-node-load-error {dom:HTMLElement,context:CellContext} Emitted after table tbody td node state toogle .tree 事件

//tbody 行,tbody tr 事件
sl-tree-node-loaded {dom:HTMLElement,context:CellContext} after table tree node lazy load children end .tree load 事件
sl-tree-node-open {dom:HTMLElement,context:CellContext} Emitted after table tbody td node state toogle . tree 事件
sl-tree-node-toogle {dom:HTMLElement,context:CellContext} Emitted after table tbody td node state toogle .tree 事件


Name Description
no-data no-data slot.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
resize-hanler The th's resize-hanlder .
scroll-div The component's scroll-div .
table The component's table .

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--sl-table-background-color table背景颜色 ,例如 220,180,19 这种数字格式的颜色
--sl-table-border-color 边框颜色 ,例如 220,180,19 这种数字格式的颜色
--sl-table-td-bottom-width 1px,定义表格单元格底侧的线条宽度
--sl-table-td-right-width 1px,定义表格单元格右侧的线条宽度
--sl-th-padding-size td,th padding



Property Attribute Type Default Description
clearable clearable boolean false Makes the tag clearable.
pill pill boolean false Draws a pill-style tag with rounded edges.
size size "small" | "medium" | "large" "medium" The tag's size.
type type "primary" | "success" | "neutral" | "warning" | "danger" | "text" "primary" The tag's type.


Method Type
handleClearClick (): void


Event Description
sl-clear Emitted when the clear button is activated.


Name Description
The tag's content.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
clear-button The clear button.
content The tag content.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
autocapitalize autocapitalize "none" | "off" | "on" | "sentences" | "words" | "characters" The textarea's autocaptialize attribute.
autocomplete autocomplete string The textarea's autocomplete attribute.
autocorrect autocorrect string The textarea's autocorrect attribute.
autofocus autofocus boolean The textarea's autofocus attribute.
disabled disabled boolean false Disables the textarea.
filled filled boolean false Draws a filled textarea.
helpText help-text string "" The textarea's help text. Alternatively, you can use the help-text slot.
input HTMLTextAreaElement
inputmode inputmode "none" | "text" | "numeric" | "decimal" | "tel" | "search" | "email" | "url" The textarea's inputmode attribute.
invalid invalid boolean false This will be true when the control is in an invalid state. Validity is determined by props such as type,
required, minlength, and maxlength using the browser's constraint validation API.
label label string The textarea's label. Alternatively, you can use the label slot.
maxlength maxlength number The maximum length of input that will be considered valid.
minlength minlength number The minimum length of input that will be considered valid.
name name string The textarea's name attribute.
pattern pattern string A pattern to validate input against.
placeholder placeholder string The textarea's placeholder text.
readonly readonly boolean false Makes the textarea readonly.
required required boolean false Makes the textarea a required field.
resize resize "auto" | "none" | "vertical" "vertical" Controls how the textarea can be resized.
rows rows number 4 The number of rows to display by default.
size size "small" | "medium" | "large" "medium" The textarea's size.
spellcheck spellcheck boolean Enables spell checking on the textarea.
value value string "" The textarea's value attribute.


Method Type Description
blur (): void Removes focus from the textarea.
focus (options?: FocusOptions | undefined): void Sets focus on the textarea.
handleBlur (): void
handleChange (): void
handleDisabledChange (): void
handleFocus (): void
handleInput (): void
handleRowsChange (): void
handleSlotChange (): void
handleValueChange (): void
reportValidity (): boolean Checks for validity and shows the browser's validation message if the control is invalid.
scrollPosition (position?: { top?: number | undefined; left?: number | undefined; } | undefined): { top: number; left: number; } | undefined Gets or sets the textarea's scroll position.
select (): void Selects all the text in the textarea.
setCustomValidity (message: string): void Sets a custom validation message. If message is not empty, the field will be considered invalid.
setRangeText (replacement: string, start: number, end: number, selectMode?: "end" | "start" | "select" | "preserve"): void Replaces a range of text with a new string.
setSelectionRange (selectionStart: number, selectionEnd: number, selectionDirection?: "none" | "forward" | "backward"): void Sets the start and end positions of the text selection (0-based).
setTextareaHeight (): void


Event Description
sl-blur Emitted when the control loses focus.
sl-change Emitted when the control's value changes.
sl-focus Emitted when the control gains focus.
sl-input Emitted when the control receives input.


Name Description
help-text Help text that describes how to use the input.
label The textarea's label. Alternatively, you can use the label prop.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
form-control The form control that wraps the label, textarea, and help text.
help-text The textarea help text.
label The textarea label.
textarea The textarea control.



Property Attribute Type Default Description
content content string "" The tooltip's content. Alternatively, you can use the content slot.
disabled disabled boolean false Disables the tooltip so it won't show when triggered.
distance distance number 10 The distance in pixels from which to offset the tooltip away from its target.
open open boolean false Indicates whether or not the tooltip is open. You can use this in lieu of the show/hide methods.
placement placement "left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom" | "top-start" | "top-end" | "bottom-start" | "bottom-end" | "right-start" | "right-end" | "left-start" | "left-end" "top" The preferred placement of the tooltip. Note that the actual placement may vary as needed to keep the tooltip
inside of the viewport.
positioner HTMLElement
skidding skidding number 0 The distance in pixels from which to offset the tooltip along its target.
tooltip HTMLElement
trigger trigger string "hover focus" Controls how the tooltip is activated. Possible options include click, hover, focus, and manual. Multiple
options can be passed by separating them with a space. When manual is used, the tooltip must be activated
type type "primary" | "success" | "warning" | "danger" | "default" "default" tooltip theme type .


Method Type Description
getTarget (): HTMLElement
handleBlur (): void
handleClick (): void
handleDisabledChange (): void
handleFocus (): void
handleKeyDown (event: KeyboardEvent): void
handleMouseOut (): void
handleMouseOver (): void
handleOpenChange (): Promise<void>
handleOptionsChange (): void
handleSlotChange (): void
hasTrigger (triggerType: string): boolean
hide (): Promise<void> Hides the tooltip
show (): Promise<void> Shows the tooltip.
syncOptions (): void


Event Description
sl-after-hide Emitted after the tooltip has hidden and all animations are complete.
sl-after-show Emitted after the tooltip has shown and all animations are complete.
sl-hide Emitted when the tooltip begins to hide.
sl-show Emitted when the tooltip begins to show.


Name Description
The tooltip's target element. Only the first element will be used as the target.
content The tooltip's content. Alternatively, you can use the content prop.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--hide-delay The amount of time to wait before hiding the tooltip when hovering.
--max-width The maximum width of the tooltip.
--show-delay The amount of time to wait before showing the tooltip when hovering.
--sl-tooltip-background-color The background color of tooltip ,like: 87 83 78
--sl-tooltip-color The font color of tooltip ,like: 87 83 78



Property Modifiers Type Default Description
childTreeNodeElement HTMLElement tree-node子节点DIV
isClose readonly boolean | undefined 是否是关闭状
nodeData TreeNodeData | undefined 节点数据源
nodeRender NodeRenderInterface "DEFAULT_TREE_NODE_RENDER" 树节点渲染器
parentNodeData TreeNodeData | undefined 父节点数据
subChildSize readonly number 获取直接孩子数量
tree SlTree 绑定树对象
treeNodeElement HTMLElement 本身node 渲染容器


Method Type
setNodeDataProperty (key: string, value: unknown): void


Event Type Description
sl-node-before-close {nodeData:TreeNodeData,node:SlTreeNode} Emitted before node close .
sl-node-before-open {nodeData:TreeNodeData,node:SlTreeNode} Emitted before node open .
sl-node-before-toogle {nodeData:TreeNodeData,node:SlTreeNode} Emitted before node state change :open or close.
sl-node-click {nodeData:TreeNodeData,node:SlTreeNode} Emitted when node name click.
sl-node-close {nodeData:TreeNodeData,node:SlTreeNode} Emitted after node state close.
sl-node-open {nodeData:TreeNodeData,node:SlTreeNode} Emitted after node state opened.
sl-node-toogle {nodeData:TreeNodeData,node:SlTreeNode} Emitted when node state toogle.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The component's base wrapper.
children The component's children wrapper.
node The component's node self wrapper.
node-icon The node icon.
node-span The component's node text render wrapper .
node_toogle_icon The component's toogle icon.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--sl-spacing-xx-small toogle-icon's margin from text .



Property Attribute Type Default Description
checkCasecade check_casecade boolean true 当selectMode='check', 选中的时候是否支持级联选择(选中上级,下级自动选中)
checkOffCasecade check_off_casecade boolean true 当selectMode='check', 取消某个节点选中,下级节点是否也级联不选中
checkedKeys unknown 树已经选中的节点,如果是多选,则为选中节点的ID值组成的数组,否则为选中节点的ID
enableFilter enable-filter boolean false 是否支持过滤
filterInputPlaceholder filter-input-placeholder string "" 树内置过滤input 的placeHolder
filterMethod TreeNodeFilter "DEFAULT_TREE_FILTER" 当支持过滤是, 节点过滤函数,接收TreeNodeData, 和 所有的其他参数,true,则节点满足过滤条件
filterString unknown "" 树节点过滤 参数,当支持过滤时启用
hasFooter boolean false
includeRoot include_root boolean true 是否显示根节点
loading loading boolean false 设置是加载状态
matchFilterNodeSet Set<TreeNodeData> | undefined 存储 过滤后真实匹配的TreeNodeData
nodeCacheMap WeakMap<TreeNodeData, TreeNodeData> | undefined 存储过滤后的 节点数据的映射关系 ,key:过滤后的节点,value:原始的节点
nodeFilterCacheMap WeakMap<TreeNodeData, TreeNodeData> | undefined 存储过滤后的 节点数据的映射关系 ,key:原始数据,value:过滤后产生的数据
nodeIDProperty string "id" 数据ID属性,用于内置选中节点 ,默认=id
nodeRender NodeRenderInterface "DEFAULT_TREE_NODE_RENDER" 节点渲染函数
renderRootNodeData TreeNodeData | undefined 实际渲染的根节点数据
rootNodeData TreeNodeData | undefined 根节点数据源
selectMode selectMode "none" | "radio" | "check" | "single" "single" tree 选中方式 selectMode:支持的值为:check, radio,single,none (none,表示不支持选中,single)
select_highlight boolean false 选中的节点,是否高亮显示


Method Type Description
doFilter (): void 实现树内部过滤逻辑
getClosetTreeNode (el: HTMLElement): SlTreeNode | null 获取 DOM 最近的TreeNode:

el: tree shadowRoot 内部元素
getParentNodeData (data: TreeNodeData): TreeNodeData 获取上级数据源
watchNodeRenderChange (): void
watchSelectModeChange (_oldMode: string, newMode: string): void


Event Type Description
sl-tree-node-before-close {node: SlTreeNode,nodeData: TreeNodeData, parentData:TreeNodeData} Emitted before tree-node-state to close.
sl-tree-node-before-open {node: SlTreeNode,nodeData: TreeNodeData, parentData:TreeNodeData} Emitted before tree-node-state to open.
sl-tree-node-before-toogle {node: SlTreeNode,nodeData: TreeNodeData, parentData:TreeNodeData} Emitted before tree-node-state change.
sl-tree-node-click {node: SlTreeNode,nodeData: TreeNodeData, parentData:TreeNodeData} Emitted when tree-node-click.
sl-tree-node-close {node: SlTreeNode,nodeData: TreeNodeData, parentData:TreeNodeData} Emitted when tree-node-state change closed.
sl-tree-node-open {node: SlTreeNode,nodeData: TreeNodeData, parentData:TreeNodeData} Emitted when tree-node-state change to opened.
sl-tree-node-select-change {node:SlTreeNode,checkKeyKeys:checkKeyKeys } Emitted after tree select node change .
sl-tree-node-toogle {node: SlTreeNode,nodeData: TreeNodeData, parentData:TreeNodeData} Emitted when tree-node-state changed.


Name Description
filter slot for custome filter
footer slot for footer
loading slot:when for loading
no-data slot:when no tree has no data or rootNodeData is undefined.

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
base The tree's base wrapper.
modal The tree's loading wrapper.
tree-body The tree's tree nodes wrapper.
tree-footer The tree nodes footer wrapper.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--example An example CSS custom property.