diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 5262df9148..8eb456d40c 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -407,6 +407,7 @@ Depends: ${misc:Depends},
+ untangle-vue-ui,
Description: UVM Platform
diff --git a/uvm/hier/usr/share/untangle/conf/apache2/conf.d/vue.conf b/uvm/hier/usr/share/untangle/conf/apache2/conf.d/vue.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad2109985e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uvm/hier/usr/share/untangle/conf/apache2/conf.d/vue.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Vue app/components
+Alias /vue /usr/share/untangle/web/vue
' + 'To continue, you must connect to ETM Dashboard which is currently unreachable from this device.'.t() + '
' +
- '
' + 'You must configure Internet connectivity to ETM Dashboard to continue.'.t() + '
- hidden: true,
- bind: {
- hidden: '{remoteReachable == true || remoteReachable == null}'
- }
- },{
- xtype: 'container',
- layout: {
- type: 'hbox',
- align: 'center'
- },
- defaults: {
- xtype: 'button',
- scale: 'medium',
- focusable: false,
- margin: 5
- },
- hidden: true,
- bind: {
- hidden: '{remoteReachable == true || remoteReachable == null}'
- },
- items: [{
- iconCls: 'fa fa-play fa-lg',
- text: 'Configure Internet'.t(),
- handler: 'resetWizard'
- }]
- });
- }
- view.down('[itemId=intro]').add(items);
- // fadein
- Ext.defer(function () {
- me.getView().down('container').addCls('fadein');
- }, 100);
- Ext.defer(function () {
- var remoteReachable = rpc.setup.getRemoteReachable();
- vm.set("remoteReachable", remoteReachable);
- }, 500);
- // check if resuming
- if (!rpc.wizardSettings.wizardComplete && rpc.wizardSettings.completedStep != null) {
- vm.set('resuming', true);
- }
+ afterrender: function (view) {
+ view.setHtml('');
- resetWizard: function() {
- var me = this;
- if(rpc.remote && !rpc.remoteReachable){
- if(Util.setRpcJsonrpc("admin") == true){
- me.resetWizardContinue();
- }else{
- Util.authenticate("passwd", function (isNonDefaultPassword) {
- if (isNonDefaultPassword) {
- var msg = Ext.create('Ext.window.MessageBox');
- msg.textField.inputType = 'password';
- msg.prompt(
- 'Authentication required'.t(),
- 'Please enter admin password'.t(), function(btn, p) {
- if (btn === 'ok') {
- Util.authenticate(p, function (flag) {
- me.resetWizardContinue();
- });
- }
- }
- );
- } else {
- me.resetWizardContinue();
- }
- });
- }
- }else{
- me.resetWizardContinue();
- }
- },
- resetWizardContinue: function(){
- var me = this, vm = me.getViewModel();
- vm.set('resuming', false);
- rpc.wizardSettings.completedStep = null;
- rpc.wizardSettings.wizardComplete = false;
- me.openSetup();
- },
- resumeWizard: function () {
- var me = this, msg = Ext.create('Ext.window.MessageBox');
- msg.textField.inputType = 'password';
- msg.prompt(
- 'Authentication required'.t(),
- 'Please enter admin password'.t(), function(btn, p) {
- if (btn === 'ok') {
- Util.authenticate(p, function () {
- me.openSetup();
- });
- }
- }
- );
- },
- openSetup: function () {
- var me = this;
- me.getView().removeAll();
- me.getView().setStyle({
- background: '#F5F5F5'
- });
- me.getView().add({
- xtype: 'container',
- width: '100%',
- layout: {
- type: 'hbox',
- align: 'stretch'
- },
- items: [{
- xtype: 'component',
- plugins: 'responsive',
- responsiveConfig: {
- 'width >= 840': { flex: 1 },
- 'width < 840': { flex: 0 }
- }
- }, {
- xtype: 'setupwizard',
- height: 600,
- flex: 1,
- plugins: 'responsive',
- responsiveConfig: {
- 'width >= 840': { width: 800, flex: 0 },
- 'width < 840': { flex: 1 }
- },
- }, {
- xtype: 'component',
- plugins: 'responsive',
- responsiveConfig: {
- 'width >= 840': { flex: 1 },
- 'width < 840': { flex: 0 }
- }
- }]
- });
- }
diff --git a/uvm/servlets/setup/app/view/Util.js b/uvm/servlets/setup/app/view/Util.js
index 15ad65cd57..d3f513f97d 100644
--- a/uvm/servlets/setup/app/view/Util.js
+++ b/uvm/servlets/setup/app/view/Util.js
@@ -158,9 +158,9 @@ Ext.define('Ung.Setup.Util', {
if (typeof exception === 'string') {
- Util.showWarningMessage(exception, '', Util.goToStartPage);
+ this.showWarningMessage(exception, '', this.goToStartPage);
} else {
- Util.showWarningMessage(exception.message, details, Util.goToStartPage);
+ this.showWarningMessage(exception.message, details, this.goToStartPage);