class has field voltage
to subscribe to battery voltage status.
Callback accepts single parameter with the actual value.
The values are floats in Volts.
from pylgbst.hub import MoveHub, Voltage
def callback(value):
print("Voltage: %s" % value)
hub = MoveHub()
print ("Battery voltage: %s" % hub.voltage.voltage)
# or
print ("Value L: %s" % hub.voltage.get_sensor_data(Voltage.VOLTAGE_L))
print ("Value S: %s" % hub.voltage.get_sensor_data(Voltage.VOLTAGE_S))
class has field current
to subscribe to battery current status.
Callback accepts single parameter with the actual value.
The values are floats in mA.
from pylgbst.hub import MoveHub
hub = MoveHub()
print ("Battery current: %s" % hub.current.current)