- MacOS Quick Tips
- Learning Linux Command Line
- MacOS Install RVM and Install Ruby
- How To Install Homebrew On MacOS
- MacOS code editor comaprison
- Git Essential Training: The Basics
- Git: Branches, Merges, and Remotes
- GitHub Essential Training (Just the first 2 modules in this course)
- Installing and Running Ruby on Rails 6
- Ruby on Rails 6 Essential Training
- Ruby on Rails 6 Essential Training: Models and Associations
- Ruby on Rails 6: Controllers and Views
- Background Jobs with SideKiq (source)
- Ruby: Testing with RSpec (source)
- RSpec Tutorial With Examples
- Code Coverage using SimpleCov (source)
- What is Git? (Git-SCM) • Git Basics #2
- Get Going (Git-SCM) • Git Basics #3
- Quick Wins with Git (Git-SCM) • Git Basics #4
- Sharing and Collaborating on Projects with GitHub
- Checkout
- Commit
- Log
- Merge
- Diff
- Gitflow
- Git Code School tutorial
- Learn Git Branching
- Ruby Essential Training Part 3: Files, Formats, Templates
- Code Clinic: Ruby
- Mr. Neighborly's Humble Little Ruby Book
- Programming Ruby
- Ruby Koans
- The Odin Project: Ruby
- RailsBridge Intro To Rails
- RailsGuides
- Rails tutorial
- Learn Rails
- A Quick Study of the Rails Directory Structure
- The Odin Project: Rails
- Go Rails
- Ruby on Rails Tutorial
- (coming soon)
- (coming soon)