Upgraded to Firefox 19.0.
Upgraded to Ruby 2.0.0-p0.
Upgraded to iStats Menus 4.04.
Upgraded to CodeKit 8283.
Upgraded to Dropbox 2.0.0.
Upgraded to Skype
Upgraded to Alfred 2.0.
Updated the Google Chrome and Opera download URLs.
Added the Wedge installer.
Added the Silver Searcher Homebrew install.
Added the MySQL install.
Added GIF Brewery to the README.
Removed the GitX install.
Removed ‘rbenv rehash’ as part of the Ruby install.
Installs Redis before the DBs.
Added Twitter to the Apple App Store list.
Fixed system label and name settings.
Fixed the Homebrew install.
Fixed the TextExpander install.
Fixed the Path Finder install.
Fixed the OpenOffice install.
Fixed the Doxie install.
Fixed permission issues with package installs and fixed the extracting of zip files for packakge install.
Upgraded to Ruby 1.9.3-p385.
Upgraded to Dropbox 1.6.16.
Upgraded to Knox 2.2.0.
Upgraded to iTerm2 1_0_0_20130122.
Upgraded to TextExpander 4.0.5.
Upgraded to Firefox 18.0.2.
Upgraded to Opera 12.14.
Upgraded to iStat Menus 4.03.
Upgraded to GitHub 107.
Upgraded to Snippets 1.4.1.
Upgraded to Espresso 2.0.5.
Upgraded to CodeKit 8248.
Upgraded to VLC 2.0.5.
Upgraded to PGAdmin 1.16.1.
Upgraded to Open Office 3.4.1.
Upgraded to VirtualBox 4.2.6-82870.
Upgraded to Billings 376.
Upgraded to Skype
Upgraded to Alfred 1.3.2_265.
Defaults - Enable keyboard access for all controls.
Defaults - Don’t show Dashboard as a Space.
Defaults - Hide the Time Machine and Volume icons by default.
Defaults - Save to disk (not iCloud) by default.
Defaults - Automatically quit printer app once the print jobs complete by default.
Defaults - Disable automatic termination of inactive apps by default.
Defaults - Applied better low light keyboard illumination defaults.
Defaults - Grouped all the finder defaults together.
Defaults - Show hidden files in Finder by default.
Defaults - Show status bar, full POSIX path, and list views in Finder by default.
Defaults - Grouped Dock options together and removed hot corner defaults.
Defaults - Grouped Safari defaults and improved default settings for debugging purposes.
Defaults - Enabled Address Book and iCal debug menus by default.
Defaults - Added TextEdit defaults.
Defaults - Cleaned up default setting groupings.
Defaults - Removed Battery and Clock from menu, show only Bluetooth and Airport instead.
Added the rbenv-gem-rehash Homebrew install.
Added the rbenv-default-gems Homebrew install.
Added the rbenv-vars Homebrew install.
Added the GitX install.
Added the Bartender install.
Added the Namebench install.
Added quiet option to unzip operations.
Added install options prompt.
Added file existence check to downloads.
Added the functions.sh script.
Added the clean_work_path function.
Added preference pane install support.
Added functions for getting install root, install path, and file extension.
Added verify_install function.
Added UTF8 support to PostgreSQL install.
Added Boxen to the README.
Updated the Ruby Gem Setup project install.
Replaced ~ with $HOME in scripts.
Moved all settings into a single file.
Renamed run.sh to install.sh.
Prefixed all *URL, *FILE, and *NAME variables with APP for better dynamic lookup.
Separated the Homebrew and application install scripts.
Quoted all install parameters to prevent issues with spaces.
Converted iStats Menus to an install instead of download only.
Cleaned up install and download messages for already installed/downloaded apps.
Renamed installers.sh to functions.sh.
Conditionally symbolic link Sublime Text 2 binary if it doesn’t exist.
Refactored mounting/unmounting of disk images into separate functions.
Removed PostgreSQL version dependency.
Removed Redis version dependency.
Removed the brew update command from install actions.
Removed the ImageAlpha installer.
Removed Growl and Firefox (setup) from README.
Removed the GitBox mention from the README.
Upgraded to Sublime Text 2.0.1.
Upgraded to iStat Menus 3.24.
Upgraded to Alfred 1.3.1_261.
Upgraded to pgAdmin 1.16.0.
Upgraded to Dropbox 1.6.5.
Upgraded to OmniFocus 1.10.4
Upgraded to OmniOutliner 3.10.6.
Upgraded to OmniGraffle 5.4.2.
Upgraded to OmniDazzle 1.2.
Upgraded to PathFinder 6.1.2.
Upgraded to Firefox 18.0.
Upgraded to Skype
Upgraded to Ruby 1.9.3-p374.
Added Moom to the App Store section of the README.
Added Cocoa JSON Editor to the App Store section of the README.
Added the Eye-Fi installer.
Added pigz brew installer.
Added the jq installer.
Added the network grep install.
Added the Phantom.js brew install.
Added installer for the Bartender app.
Added install for the Induction app.
Added Homebrew installer for bash-completion.
Added the rbenv-vars installer and template (with Ruby GC settings).
Added the rbenv-gem-rehash installer.
Added defaults that disable the Chrome print dialog.
Added Code Climate support.
Removed jsonpp.
Converted/detailed the CONTRIBUTING guidelines per GitHub requirements.
Modified the dotfiles installer to use shell script instead of ruby script.
Moved default install after software installation.
Upgraded the OmniFocus installer.
Upgraded the Firefox installer.
Upgraded OmniGraffle installer.
Upgraded Skype installer.
Upgraded to TextExpander 4.0 and moved installer from App Store to automated script install.
Upgraded to Sublime Text 2, Version 2.0.
Added the Namebench install.
Added CheatSheet to the App Store README list.
Added Cobook to the App Store README list.
Added JSON pretty print installer via HomeBrew.
Added AquaPath app to README.
Cleaned up the README.
Fixed PostgreSQL install steps.
Fixed Redis install steps.
Fixed the Air Display download.
Fixed README typo and extra forward slash in VLC URL.
Fixed iTerm file type and switched to iTerm beta download.
Fixed work path for install_tar_app function.
Fixed mount points and quoted them to account for paths with spaces.
Fixed mention of run.sh in README.
Upgraded to Ruby 1.9.3-p194.
Added rbenv rehash after default Ruby global setup.
Switched to sourcing the ~/.bashrc script after the dotfiles project install.
Added Sublime Text 2 setup for the CLI.
Updated the Redis version.
Added the Doxie installer.
Added the Caffeine install since it appears to no longer be provided via the App Store.
Added Homebrew formulas to README.
Added the list of apps and post-install steps to the README.
Removed tar install verbosity.
Removed duplicate ExpanDrive install.
Added no finder reveal option to hdiutil attach.
Removed the brew bash installer.
Removed the GCC installer and added requirements for Xcode and Xcode command line tools.
Removed Growl Notify formula since it no longer exists.
Added bash functions for downloading and installing packages.
Added install instructions for software that isn’t in the App Store to the README.
Added more OSX defaults and credited Mathias Bynens for his work in the README.
Initial version.