This changelog lists all assets changes meant to be used with Half-Life Unified SDK V1.
All changes are expected to be compatible with any minor and patch versions of Half-Life Unified SDK V1.
Table of contents:
- Added RPG placement mode #1
- Added Gauss placement mode #2
- Added Satchel placement mode #3
- Added RPG ammo placement mode #4
- Added weapon view models
- Added weapon world models
- Added player weapon models
- Added item models
- Added NPC models
- Updated many models to include all data in a single file (as opposed to split into a main and texture file along with sequence group files)
- Standardized variants of the same model from different games and low and high definitions versions to include the same properties
- Fixed various animation issues
- Normalized HD sequences fps to be consistent with LD sequences fps
- Standardized weapons bodygroup submodels order across all models
- Removed 2 HD submodels to match the LD submodel count (4)
- Fixed misaligned bone with the floor in LD variant
- Tweaked hitboxes
- Added Op4 specific sequences
- Added extra frames to the HD
sequence to have the same length as in LD - Reworked HD collar to be connected to the head to prevent animation glitches in some sequences
- Tweaked hitboxes
- Merged collar mesh in the main body mesh
- HD uses Op4 HD mesh as a base
- Added Op4 and Blue Shift specific sequences #98
- Added Otis sequences to Barney LD/HD models #82
- Changed
to usebarney/ba_attack2.wav
instead ofweapons/de_shot1.wav
- Reworked finger animations in
- Removed duplicate gun holster polygons in LD variant
- Removed alternate hand mesh used in unholstered mesh LD variant
- Fixed Gun holster mesh normals flipped in LD variant
- Fixed glitchy vertex on the upper right arm in LD variant
- Reworked hitboxes in LD/HD variants
- Removed gun holster bone position and rotation in LD animations to allow sharing animations with Otis
- Removed loop option on sequences
#119 - Removed last frame identical to first one in sequences
#119 - Added polygons under paws #126
- Reworked sharp edges around paws #126
- Made forward right paw symmetrical with respect to the others #126
- Animated tentacles in HD sequence
- Fixed HD sequences length to be consistent with LD ones
- Reworked hitboxes
- Rigged blue shirt HD civilian on top of HD scientist skeleton
- Added shared scientist items bodygroup with clipboard and stick
- Added shared scientist sequences
- Rigged model on top of HL1 LD skeleton
- Uses default scientist face textures instead of the custom Op4 ones
- Added shared scientist items bodygroup with clipboard and stick
- Added shared scientist sequences
- Removed unneeded frame in LD/HD
- Removed unneeded frames in various sequences
- Reworked meshes
- Tweaked hitboxes
- Reshare textures with default Barney model
- Rigged mouth vertices to mouth bone to allow speaking
- Removed helmet hitboxes
- Uses sequences
from default Barney model
- Removed head mesh from body mesh
- Removed Gordon glasses mesh from model
- Renamed main bodygroup
- Added Op4 specific sequences
- Removed entire Gman mesh from cell mesh
- Renamed
bodygroup toitems
- Added custom bone controller to open the suitcase
- Added hitboxes to suitcase
- Tweaked hitboxes
- Made fingers tight in
sequence - Cut several end frame of HD sequences
to fit the original LD sequences durations - Added suitcase interior for HD gman
- Sorted events by frame number in various sequences
- Replaced missing step sounds with common NPC step sounds
- Changed event 1011 to 1004 for walk and run sounds events
- Play attack, death, pain sounds on
channel - Removed idle, pain sounds events since they are played in code
- Added Op4 specific sequences
- Added Blue Shift specific sequences
- Added teeth mesh
- Reworked mouth mesh
- Reworked bone weights
- Reworked UVs
- Added XR bone controller
- Added Op4 and Blue Shift specific sequences
- Added custom bone Bone01 for animators to use
- Tweaked hitboxes
- Removed unnecessary frames in LD/HD
sequence - Fixed left arm in
sequence - Made pose in HD
sequence' concur with LD sequence
- Update Human grunt weapon meshes #86
- Added Blue Shift specific sequences
- Fixed LD
sequences swapped - Fixed arm bone lengths in Blue Shift sequences
- Fixed neck vertices sticking out of the body
- Reworked UVs
- Reworked hitboxes
- Converted LD
sequence to HD due to missing frames - Fixed right foot rotation in sequence
- Removed unneeded frames in various animations
- Use LD Op4 shotgun world model mesh for the LD gun meshes
- Use HD world model meshes for the HD gun meshes
- Reuse HL1 LD/HD grunt textures
- Added shared Op4 intro grunts sequences
- Added shared male BlackOps sequences
- Removed duplicate head meshes and use skin families
- Moved needle to separate bodygroup
- Use LD Barney gun mesh for LD gun
- Moved glock to separate bodygroup
- Added gun holster mesh to LD variant
- Added blank submodel to weapons bodygroup
- Improved LD weapons meshes
- Improved holstered gun mesh
- Added back faces to helmet chin straps
- Reworked meshes
- Added shared grunt ally sequences
- Added shared grunt sequences
- Reworked backpack vertex weights
- Fixed neck vertices sticking out of torso
- Reuse HL1 LD/HD grunt textures
- Fixed mouth offset in HD meshes
- Centered LD/HD run sequence
- Fixed deagle rotation in HD death sequences
- Added shared male BlackOps sequences
- Added shared Op4 intro grunts sequences
- Added shared grunt ally sequences
- Added shared grunt sequences
- Use HL1 LD grunt gun meshes for consistency
- Reworked backpack vertex weights
- Fixed neck vertices sticking out of torso
- Changed generic hitgroup to head hitgroup
- Reuse HL1 LD/HD grunt textures
- Fixed HD grunt MP mesh elbow texture
- Use HD medic head texture for HD MP grunt for consistency
- Fixed mouth offset in HD meshes
- Added shared male BlackOps sequences
- Added shared Op4 intro grunts sequences
- Moved torch to separate bodygroup
- Added blank submodel to weapons bodygroup
- Improved LD weapon mesh
- Improved holstered gun mesh
- Added back faces to helmet chin straps
- Reworked meshes
- Added shared grunt ally sequences
- Added shared grunt sequences
- Reworked backpack vertex weights
- Fixed neck vertices sticking out of torso
- Reuse HL1 HD grunt textures
- Fixed mouth offset in HD meshes
- Centered LD/HD run sequence
- Fixed deagle rotation in HD death sequences
- Added shared male BlackOps sequences
- Added shared Op4 intro grunts sequences
- Added missing gun bodygroup to HD variant
- Applied updated Human grunt ally medic changes
- Removed superfluous hitboxes in LD/HD variants
- Added holstered Desert Eagle gun mesh
- Added unused black skin from Op4 medic grunt
- Applied updated Human grunt ally regular changes
- Removed superfluous hitboxes in HD variant
- Added additional hand attachment to LD variant
- Renamed sequences to allow sharing across different models
- Applied updated Human grunt ally regular changes
- Removed blank submodel in LD/HD variants
- Fixed bone length in HD variant
- Removed superfluous hitboxes in LD/HD variant
- Removed green gun holster texture on fatigues in HD variant for consistency
- Renamed sequences to allow sharing across different models
- Applied updated Human grunt ally regular changes
- Removed blank submodel in LD/HD variant
- Fixed bone length in HD variant
- Removed superfluous hitboxes in LD/HD variants
- Removed green gun holster texture on fatigues in HD variant for consistency
- Fixed glicthy right arm vertices in LD variant
- Renamed sequences to allow sharing across different models
- Applied updated Human grunt ally engineer changes
- Added missing cigar to LD variant
- Removed superfluous hitboxes in LD/HD variants
- Added missing holstered Desert Eagle gun mesh in HD variant
- Renamed sequences to allow sharing across different models
- Added Op4 specific sequences
- Removed
sequence identical toheroidle
- Reworked hitboxes
- Added Op4 green crate as 2nd skin
- Fixed Op4 green crate stretched texture
- Added missing polygons along accordion spine
- Fixed sharp edges on spine polygons
- Fixed rear-left spine vertex weight (Weighted to Neck3 instead of Neck4)
- Merged head mesh into body mesh and added skin families for head
- Reworked meshes
- Reworked UVs
- Use same MP5 mesh as grunt mesh for consistency for LD variant
- Added strafeleft/straferight sequences for AI
- Added
for scripted sequences - Added shared grunt sequences
- Tweaked muzzle attachment position
- Reworked hitboxes
- Added shared Op4 intro grunts sequences
- Added Barney HL1, Op4, Blue Shift specific sequences
- Added Intro Otis Blue Shift specific sequences
- Fixed facemaps UVs flipped
- Reworked face, body, gun UVs
- Added Barney gun holster bone
- Changed
to useweapons/de_shot1.wav
instead ofweapons/pl_gun3.wav
- Changed event 5001 to 1003 in
- Renamed
to avoid naming collision with Barneyfence
sequence - Renamed
to avoid naming collision with Barneywave
sequence - Removed helmet hitboxes surrounding head
- Tweaked hitboxes
- Use skin families instead of duplicate head/sleeve meshes
- Added bodypart sleeves and added long and short sleeve submodels
- Added bodypart items and added clipboard and donut submodels
- Added blank submodel to gun bodypart
- Added unused black skin from Blue Shift
- Removed duplicate gun mesh from donut mesh
- Uses Op4 model as a base
- Tweaked hitboxes
- Added hitboxes to wheels
- Fixed issues with several mesh polygons
- Reworked misaligned UVs
- Fixed left/right bone names
- Reworked several areas of the mesh to get better mesh deformation in animations
- Replaced hands meshes with those from multiplayer Barney model so they can be animated like the ones in regular HEV player.mdl
- Use HL1 LD body mesh instead of the original Blue Shift one
- Use HL1 HD mouth texture instead of the original Blue Shift one
- Improved HD scientists hitboxes #81
- Added bodypart items and added clipboard and stick as submodels
- Added Op4 and Blue Shift specific sequences
- Added Cleansuit scientist specific sequences
- Added civilian scientist specific sequences
- Added console civilian scientist specific sequences
- Added Gordon scientist specific sequences
- Added cower scientist specific sequences
- Added valid sequences for dummy HD sequences
- Added Op4 ZR bone controller
- Improved LD hitboxes
- Fixed fps in LD sequences
playing faster than their respective counterpart - Removed unused event 1003 - gameover in sequence
- Added loop option to
- Removed extra hand mesh on needle bodygroup
- Refactored and optimized texture sheets
- Uses Op4 world model as a base for LD variant
- Added HD variant based on HL1 HD world mesh
- Sorted events by frame number in various sequences
- Added missing extension
extensions in sequences - Play attack, death sounds on
- Uses Op4 model as a base
- Uses HL1 skeleton textures instead of those from Op4
- Reworked hitboxes
- Fixed flipped normals
- Fixed uncapped surfaces
- Fixed asymmetrical clavicle mesh
- Fixed asymmetrical bone positions for forearms and fingers
- Reworked bone weights
- Fixed inconsistent bone length in various sequences
- Fixed hands clipping through floor in various sequences
- Sorted events by frame number in various sequences
- Added missing extension
extensions in sequences - Play walk, eat sounds on
channel - Removed pain sounds events since they are played in code
- Fixed left/right arms hitboxes inverted
- Fixed left/right legs hitboxes inverted
- Tweaked hitboxes
- Added sequences exclusive to specific zombie models to all zombie model variants
- Added valid sequences for dummy HD sequences #26
- Fixed misaligned cannon in HD variant
- Reworked HD mesh, UVs, uncapped areas
- Reworked hitboxes
- Uses Op4 world model mesh for LD variant
- Removed right hand hitbox on LD variant
- Fixed HD model flickering due to different frame poses
- Reused HD viewmodel textures
- Use HD Op4 crossbow textures for HD variants
- Removed unneeded arm mesh in LD/HD variants
- Use HD
as a base for HD dummy sequencesidle2
- Moved string to unloaded position in HD unloaded sequences
- Moved clip bolts away in HD unloaded sequences
- Moved clip bolts away in HD sequence
- Replaced LD HEV crossbow hand mesh with LD HEV Python hand mesh
- Removed left arm in HD HL1/Op4 variants
- Removed unneeded hitboxes
- Tweaked hitboxes
- Tweaked muzzle attachment position in LD/HD variants
- Reworked fire animation to make the hand correctly follow the handle #111
- Removed right arm mesh in HD variant
- Removed loop option on HD sequences
- Use HD Op4 gauss texture for HD variants
- Replaced HEV arm with soldier and guard arm in LD variants
- Use HD Blue Shift animation
for all HD variants - Removed unneeded hitboxes
- Tweaked muzzle attachment offset in HD variants
- Added silencer bodygroup to HD variants
- Added backfaces to clip in HD variants
- Use HD Op4 grenade texture for HD variants
- Removed unneeded hitboxes
- Lengthen knife LD/HD HEV and guard arms mesh to ensure the viewmodel's end is not seen #110
- Reworked LD Op4/Blue Shift LD MP5 mesh sharp edges
- Fixed gun attachments in Op4/Blue Shift LD variants
- Removed unfinished sequence
in Op4/Blue Shift LD variants - Fixed LD HEV left arm vertices #122
- Fixed gun attachment offset in HD variants
- Added missing reload sound event to LD/HD variants
- Use Op4 missile mesh for LD variants
- Added missing sequences
to Op4/Blue Shift LD variants - Added missing sequence
to HD variants
- Removed right arm in LD Op4 variant
- Removed right arm in HD variants
- Removed unneeded hitboxes
- Moved satchel mesh bodygroup after hands bodygroups in HD variants for consistency
- Use HD Op4 satchel radio texture for HD variants
- Removed unneeded hitboxes
- Removed left arm in HD variants
- Fixed glitchy hand vertices in LD/HD Op4 variants
- Removed unnecessary polygons #13
- Changed event 5001 option 41 to 31 in HD
sequence for consistency with LD sequences - Removed duplicate event 5001 in HD sequence
- Reworked fire animation to make the hand correctly follow the handle #104
- Fixed spore flying off screen in reload animation #129
- Removed loop option on HD sequence
- Moved LD/HD world tripmine to separate models
- Added missing clip to HD mesh
- Reworked mesh
- Reworked HD sequences to fit with LD ones
- Reworked hitboxes
- Reworked HD sequences to fit with LD ones
- Centered HD mesh
- Rigged HD mesh on top of LD skeleton
- Reworked hitboxes
- Rigged HD mesh on top of LD skeleton
- Tweaked hitboxes
- Use HD hand grenade viewmodel texture for HD variant
- Centered HD mesh to origin
- Reworked HD mesh UVs
- Tweaked hitboxes
- Reworked meshes
- Reworked UVs
- Added back faces beneath cap
- Added missing
sequence to HD variant - Reworked HD sequence
to fit with LD - Reworked mesh
- Reworked UVs
- Removed loop option from HD sequence
- Rigged HD mesh on top of LD skeleton
- Reworked hitboxes
- Centered HD mesh to same position as LD mesh
- Reworked UVs
- Reworked hitboxes
- Uses Op4 model mesh as a base
- Removed unneeded frames in world and ground sequences
- Fixed tripmine clipping through floor in ground sequences
- Added missing polygons to LD variant
- Added
- Added custom HUD sprites #114
- Reworked HUD sprites to reduce the number of sprites used
- Fixed background pixels that weren't exactly black #114
- Added variant of Op4 weapons HUD sprites without scanline
- Added variant of HL1 HUD sprites with scanline
- Added variant of Blue Shift HUD sprites with scanline
- Added variant of HD weapons sprites with scanline
- Added missing Op4 crosshairs from
- Replaced third row of
with sprites fromctf_hud2.spr
. #114
- Fixed
tripmine image offset #114