VPYPE Notes for demo - Requires Python 3.10 - 3.12
Setup venv:
python -m venv .venv
Activate venv:
Install vpype: (might need to pip install pipx
pipx install "vpype[all]"
Test vpype works:
vpype --version
or vpype --help
Next we need a machine profile:
See vpype-gcode.toml
See profiles available in that file. Solenoid (M3 S0/M3 S1) or Servo (G0 Z-12/G0 Z12)
Run command to generate gcode from svg (Use the appropriate profile)
vpype --config vpype-gcode.toml read input.svg gwrite --profile terrapen-bottom-left output.gcode
Painting with vpype
We take the original SVG along with several 'dipping pattern' SVGs and combine them together. We use vpype to split
the original SVG by line length and insert a dipping pattern for every splitdist
(1m in the example). The dipping
pattern SVGs determine where the paint should be. Each layer in the SVG corresponds to a different paint colour and
a differnt dipping pattern location.
See docs: https://vpype.readthedocs.io/en/stable/cookbook.html#splitting-layers-by-drawing-distance
Doc example that uses layer name does not work:
vpype read ai-starry-night*plotted_2_pens1_to_4.svg forlayer lmove %\_lid% 1 splitdist 1m forlayer lmove %\_lid% "%\_lid*2%" read -l "%\_lid*2-1%" ./dip/dip*%\_name%.svg end lmove all %\_lid% name -l %\_lid% %\_name% color -l %\_lid% %\_color% end write dip_output.svg
Swap layer name for layer id lid
and it works:
vpype read ai-starry-night_plotted_2_pens1_to_4.svg forlayer lmove %_lid% 1 splitdist 1m forlayer lmove %_lid% "%_lid*2%" read -l "%_lid*2-1%" dip_%_lid%.svg end lmove all %_lid% name -l %_lid% %_name% color -l ./dip/%_lid% %_color% end write dip_output.svg
View file to see added dipping patterns:
vpype read dip_output.svg show
Translate SVG:
vpype read ai-starry-night_plotted_2_pens1_to_4.svg translate 1cm 80cm forlayer lmove %_lid% 1 splitdist 1m forlayer lmove %_lid% "%_lid*2%" read -l "%_lid*2-1%" ./dip/dip_%_lid%.svg end lmove all %_lid% name -l %_lid% %_name% color -l %_lid% %_color% end write dip_output.svg
Convert it to gcode:
vpype --config vpype-gcode.toml read dip_output.svg gwrite --profile terrapen-bottom-left dip_output.gcode
Or use Lightburn