layout | title |
layouts/main.html |
API Methods |
One of the best things about Mithril.js is that it has a very small footprint. And most of the time not even all methods are needed. Therefore, the number of API methods is really manageable.
Often used in a project:
Rarely or never used in a project:
- m.jsonp
- m.parseQueryString
- m.buildQueryString
- m.buildPathname
- m.parsePathname
- m.fragment
- m.redraw
This means, you only have to know five API methods to build your brilliant SPA application. 👌
Hyperscript function that represents an HTML element in a Mithril.js view.
m("div.class#id", {title: "title"}, ["children"])
Renders a template to the DOM.
m.render(document.body, "hello")
// <body>hello</body>
Show examples using ”m.render”
Activates a component, enabling it to autoredraw on user events.
var state = {
count: 0,
inc: function() {state.count++}
var Counter = {
view: function() {
return m("div", {onclick:}, state.count)
m.mount(document.body, Counter)
Navigate between "pages" within an application.
var Home = {
view: function() {
return "Welcome"
m.route(document.body, "/home", {
"/home": Home, // defines `https://localhost/#!/home`
Redirects to a matching route.
Returns the last fully resolved routing path, without the prefix.
var currentRoute = m.route.get()
Defines a router prefix. Must be set before invoking m.route().
m.route.prefix = "#!"
Creates a dynamic routable link.
m(m.route.Link, {href: "/Home"}, "Go to home page")
Retrieves a route parameter from the last fully resolved route.
value = m.route.param(key)
A special value that can be returned from a route resolver's onmatch to skip to the next route.
Makes XHR (aka AJAX) requests, and returns a promise.
method: "PUT",
url: "/api/v1/users/:id",
params: {id: 1, name: "test"}
.then(function(result) {
Show examples using ”m.request”
Makes JSON-P requests.
url: "/api/v1/users/:id",
params: {id: 1},
callbackKey: "callback",
.then(function(result) {
Turns a string of the form ?a=1&b=2
to an object.
var object = m.parseQueryString("a=1&b=2")
// {a: "1", b: "2"}
Turns an object into a string of form a=1&b=2
var querystring = m.buildQueryString({a: "1", b: "2"})
// "a=1&b=2"
Turns a path template and a parameters object into a string of form /path/user?a=1&b=2
var querystring = m.buildPathname("/path/:id", {id: "user", a: "1", b: "2"})
// "/path/user?a=1&b=2"
Turns a string of the form /path/user?a=1&b=2
to an object.
var object = m.parsePathname("/path/user?a=1&b=2")
// {path: "/path/user", params: {a: "1", b: "2"}}
Turns an HTML or SVG string into unescaped HTML or SVG.
Allows attaching lifecycle methods to a fragment vnode
var groupVisible = true
var log = function() {
console.log("group is now visible")
m("ul", [
m("li", "child 1"),
m("li", "child 2"),
groupVisible ? m.fragment({oninit: log}, [
// a fragment containing two elements
m("li", "child 3"),
m("li", "child 4"),
]) : null
Updates the DOM after a change in the application data layer.
var count = 0
function inc() {
setInterval(function() {
}, 1000)
var Counter = {
oninit: inc,
view: function() {
return m("div", count)
m.mount(document.body, Counter)