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bc extensions

bc is a powerful, yet somewhat minimalistic "basic calculator' for *ix environments. It is a pure command line tool which offers floating point arithmetics of arbitrary precision as well as large number arithmetics. For further information on bc, visit [](GNU bc's documentations)

These files can be "imported" in bc by passing them to bc on the command line. Make sure, the -l flag is set:

bc -l extensions.bc scientific_constants.bc


In extensions.bc

I mathematical constants

  1. pi : defined as 4*atan(1)
  2. e : defined as e(1)

II trigonometry

  1. sin(x) : returns sine of x
  2. cos(x) : returns cosine of x
  3. atan(x) : returns arc tangent of x
  4. tan(x) : returns tangent of x
  5. asin(x) : returns arc sine of x
  6. acos(x) : returns arc cosine of x
  7. cot(x) : returns cotangent of x
  8. acot(x) : returns arc cotangent of x
  9. sec(x) : returns secans of x
  10. cosec(x),csc(x) : returns cosecans of x
  11. asec(x) : returns arc secans of x
  12. acosec(x),ascs(x) : returns arc cosecans of x
  13. sinh(x) : returns hyperbolical sine of x
  14. cosh(x) : returns hyperbolical cosine of x
  15. tanh(x) : returns hyperbolical tangent of x
  16. coth(x) : returns hyperbolical cotangent of x
  17. asinh(x) : returns arc hyperbolical sine of x
  18. acosh(x) : returns arc hyperbolical cosine of x
  19. atanh(x) : returns arc hyperbolical tangent of x
  20. acoth(x) : returns arc hyperbolical cotangent of x
  21. sech(x) : returns secans hyperbolicus of x
  22. cosech(x),csch(x) : returns cosecans hyperbolicus of x
  23. asech(x) : returns arc secans hyperbolicus of x
  24. acosech(x),acsch(x) : returns arc cosecans hyperbolicus of x

III exponential functions

  1. ln(x) : returns natural logarithm of x
  2. log(x) : returns logarithm (base 10) of x
  3. lb(x),ld(x) : returns logarithm (base 2) of x
  4. pow(x,y) : returns x to the power of y

IV number theory

  1. abs(n) : returns absolute value of n
  2. mod(a,b) : returns a modulo b
  3. factorize(n),fac(n) : prints primefactors of n; returns number of primefactors; returns 0 if n is a prime number; returns -1 if n is +-1 or 0. CAUTION: 13-digit number may need 30 s
  4. factorial(n),f(n) : returns n factorial
  5. gcd(a,b) : returns the greatest common divisor of a and b
  6. lcm(a,b) : returns the least common multiple of a and b
  7. bessel(n,x) : returns the Bessel function order n of x

In scientific_constants.bc

I particle masses

  1. mp: proton rest mass in kg
  2. mn: neutron rest mass in kg
  3. me: electron rest mass in kg
  4. mpev: proton rest mass in eV
  5. mnev: neutron rest mass in eV
  6. meev: electron rest mass in eV

II general physical constants

  1. c: speed of light in the vacuum in m/s
  2. h: Planck constant in Js
  3. hbar: Planck constant divided by 2*pi in Js
  4. kb: boltzmann constant in J/K
  5. ec: elementary charge in C
  6. na: avogadro number in 1/mol
  7. epsilon0: dielectric constant in C^2/Jm
  8. mu0: permeability of vacuum in T^2*m^3/J
  9. alpha: fine structure constant
  10. mub: Bohr magneton J/T
  11. mun: nuclear magneton J/T
  12. ge: free electron g factor
  13. gammae: free electron gyromagnetic ratio in T/s
  14. mue: electron magnetic moment
  15. gammap: proton gyromagnetic ratio in water in T/s
  16. mup: proton magnetic moment in J/T
  17. amu: atomic mass unit in kg
  18. a0: Bohr radius in m
  19. re: electron radius in m
  20. vmol: molar volume in l/mol
  21. gh: proton g factor (lande factor)
  22. grav: gravitational constant m^3/kg*s^2
  23. g: acceleration due to gravity on surface of earth in m/s^2
  24. lambdac: compton wavelength of the electron m

in prime_numbers.bc

prime numbers from 0 - 821641, i.e. first 65536 primes