- package-management:
- apt preferences (incl. proxy)
- default packages
- upgrade
- add repositories
- DNS:
- resolv.conf/glibc or systemd-resolved
- FQDN (+reverse) 2DO (check if hostname --fqdn is not just hostname)
- SSHD configuration
- usermanagement (incl. authorized keys and sudo)
- root
- own users
- log used pubkeys
- send mail on login
- configs
- bashrc
- nano
- vim
- groupmanagement
- sysctl settings
- systemd-journald settings
- machine-id regen (cloned systems)
- NTP systemd-timesyncd
If you cloned a system, make sure ssh-keys and machine-id are regenerated (run this host with extra-vars: -e "baserole_machine_id_regenerate=True baserole_openssh_gen_keys=True baserole_openssh_force_gen_keys=True"
- networkconfig (template)
- remove netplan? -> playbook
- ntp -> chrony?
- logrotate (existing role seems good: https://github.com/robertdebock/ansible-role-logrotate with robertdebock/ansible-role-logrotate#8 )
minimum ansible version: 2.10
Tested Linux distributions are:
- Debian: all (non-expired) LTS
- Ubuntu: all (non-expired) LTS
- Centos stream: 8, 9 (best effort)
- RHEL: 8, 9 (best effort, not actively tested)
Variable | Description | possible values | required | default |
baserole_debug_mode_enable | Print additional debug output | boolean (true, false) | no | False |
baserole_ipv4_enable | Enable IPv4 | boolean (true, false) | no | True |
baserole_ipv6_enable | Enable IPv6 | boolean (true, false) | no | True |
sysctl is configured via sysctl module: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/ansible/posix/sysctl_module.html
Variable | Description | possible values | required | default |
baserole_sysctl_config_enable | Enable sysctl-config (otherwise skip) | boolean (true, false) | no | True |
baserole_sysctl_key_value | Sysctl-parameters | dictionary with key/values (see example below) | no, but if not defined module will do nothing | not defined |
baserole_sysctl_path | set a path for the config. Example: "/etc/sysctl.d/99-my-sysctl-settings" | text | no | /etc/sysctl.conf |
baserole_sysctl_ignoreerrors | ignore errors about unknown keys | bool (true, false) | no | no |
Example: Enable v4 + v6 routing
- name: IPv4 Forwarding
key: net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding
value: 1
state: present
- name: IPv6 Forwarding
key: net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding
value: 1
grub (boot-loader) configuration.
Variable | Description | possible values | required | default |
baserole_grub_config_enable | Enable grub-config (otherwise skip) | boolean (true, false) | no | False |
baserole_grub_commandline | define grub-parameters (Example: switch network-interface to old eth0 scheme (kvm has ens3) "net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0". important: Centos needs full line, so you`ll need to include all options (not just your added options like on debian-family) | text | no, but if not defined module will do nothing | not defined |
baserole_grub_default_file | path for grub-config | text | yes | "/etc/default/grub" |
- fqdn (just make reverse-checks)
- hostsfile (just manage /etc/hosts)
- network (both)
If enabled: set v4+v6-records in /etc/hosts (uses dns-query of inventory_hostname, fallback is primary ip) ... and possibly other extra entries.
Variable | Description | possible values | required | default |
baserole_manage_hosts_file | Enable managing of /etc/hosts (otherwise skip) | boolean (true, false) | no | False |
baserole_manage_hosts_template | Override template | text | no | hosts.j2 |
baserole_manage_hostname | Enable managing of hostname (otherwise skip) | boolean (true, false) | no | True |
baserole_manage_hosts_extra_entries | extend the hosts-File with custom entries | text (multiline, see example below) | no | not defined |
baserole_check_reverserecord | Enable checking of reverse-record (otherwise skip) | boolean (true, false) | no | True |
example of extending the hosts-File with custom entries:
baserole_manage_hosts_extra_entries: |+ internal_hostname1.domain.tld internal_hostname1 internal_hostname2.domain.tld internal_hostname2
DNS (Name-resolution) configuration.
Variable | Description | possible values | required | default |
baserole_dns_config_enable | Enable dns-config (otherwise skip) | boolean (true, false) | no | True |
baserole_dns_nameservers | defines used nameserver (list), see examples below. notice: most glibc-clients cannot use more than 3 nameservers. | no (but recommended to change) |,, 2001:4860:4860::8888 (google dns and quad9) | |
baserole_dns_nameservers_fallback | defined fallback dns (systemd_resolved only!) | list of secondary dns servers | no | |
baserole_dns_searchdomains | searchdomain (try to find a host under these domains) Example: "domain1.tld domain2.tld" | searchdomain (text) | no | not defined |
baserole_dns_template_resolv_conf | overwrite template | text | no | resolv.conf.j2 |
baserole_dns_resolv_conf_link_remove | remove the symlink to /etc/resolv.conf instead of following and writing into it (only enabled when baserole_dns_resolver_daemon is glibc) | boolean (true, false) | false | |
baserole_dns_resolver_daemon | which dns-resolver-daemon to use? | glibc, systemd-resolved | yes | glibc |
baserole_dns_template_systemd_resolved_package_name | name of the systemd-resolved packages | text | systemd-resolved | |
baserole_dns_systemd_resolved_config_template | Name of the template | text | yes | systemd-resolved.conf.j2 |
baserole_dns_systemd_resolved_config_target | path of config file | text | /etc/systemd/resolved.conf | |
baserole_dns_systemd_resolved_config_owner | Config file-owner | text | yes | systemd-resolve |
baserole_dns_systemd_resolved_config_group | Config file-group | text | yes | systemd-resolve |
baserole_dns_systemd_resolved_servicename | Name of the systemd service | text | yes | systemd-resolved.service |
v4 only:
v6 only:
- 2001:4860:4860::8888
- 2606:4700:4700::1111
- 2a01:4f8:0:a102::add:9999
see https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/timesyncd.conf.html for information about config-directives
Variable | Description | possible values | required | default |
baserole_ntp_config_enable | Enable systemd-timesyncd config (otherwise skip) | boolean (true, false) | no | true |
baserole_ntp_daemon | Which NTP daemon should be used? (currently only systemd-timesyncd implemented, see geerlingguy.ntp for classic ntpd) | text | yes | systemd-timesyncd |
baserole_ntp_systemd_timesyncd_package_name | Name of the package | text | yes | systemd-timesyncd |
baserole_ntp_systemd_timesyncd_config_target | Path of the config-file | text | yes | /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf |
baserole_ntp_systemd_timesyncd_config_owner | Owner of the config-file | text | yes | root |
baserole_ntp_systemd_timesyncd_config_group | Group of the config-file | text | yes | root |
baserole_ntp_systemd_timesyncd_servicename | Name of the systemd-unit | systemd-timesyncd.service | ||
baserole_ntp_systemd_timesyncd_template | Override template | text | no | systemd-timesyncd.conf.j2 |
baserole_ntp_systemd_timesyncd_ntp_primary | Primarily used NTP-servers | text | yes | pool.ntp.org |
baserole_ntp_systemd_timesyncd_ntp_fallback | Fallback NTP-servers | text | yes | 0.debian.pool.ntp.org 1.debian.pool.ntp.org 2.debian.pool.ntp.org 3.debian.pool.ntp.org |
baserole_ntp_systemd_timesyncd_rootdistancemaxsec | Maximum acceptable root distance (time required for a packet to travel to the server) | integer | no | 5 |
baserole_ntp_systemd_timesyncd_pollintervalminsec | The minimum poll interval for NTP messages | integer | no | 32 |
baserole_ntp_systemd_timesyncd_pollintervalmaxsec | The maximum poll interval for NTP messages | integer | no | 2048 |
NTP-server (primary is pool.ntp.org):
baserole_ntp_systemd_timesyncd_ntp_primary: "pool.ntp.org"
baserole_ntp_systemd_timesyncd_ntp_fallback: "0.debian.pool.ntp.org 1.debian.pool.ntp.org 2.debian.pool.ntp.org 3.debian.pool.ntp.org"
Variable | Description | possible values | required | default |
baserole_ntp_config_enable | Enable Proxy config (otherwise skip) | boolean (true, false) | no | true |
baserole_proxy_http_server | Define proxy for HTTP | string, example: http://user:[email protected]:8080/ | no | empty (skip) |
baserole_proxy_https_server | Define proxy for HTTPS | string, example: http://user:[email protected]:8080/ | no | empty (skip) |
baserole_proxy_ftp_server | Define proxy for FTP | string, example: http://user:[email protected]:8080/ | no | empty (skip) |
baserole_no_proxy | Define a list of server that will not retrived via proxy. warning: format is not standardized, see https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2021/01/27/we-need-to-talk-no-proxy/ for more information | string | no | empty (skip) |
baserole_proxy_config | Set path for config-file | path to config-file | yes | /etc/environment |
Variable | Description | possible values | required | default |
baserole_package_proxy_enable | Enable proxy config for apt | boolean (true, false) | yes | False |
baserole_package_proxy_template | Override template | text | no | apt-proxy-server.yml |
baserole_package_proxy_filename | Filename of config-file for proxy settings (destination is baserole_package_vars_include_folder) | text | no | "02proxy-settings" |
baserole_package_proxy_address (Example: "http://proxy.example.com:8080") | text | no | not defined | |
baserole_package_proxy_direct | Do not use proxy (from baserole_package_proxy_address) for internal package-sources (see example below) | string or list | no | empty |
baserole_package_install_recommends_and_suggestions | Install optional recommended and suggestions (called weak dependencies on RedHat) | boolean (true, false) | yes | True |
baserole_package_no_recommends_and_suggestions_filename | Filename of config-file for this settings (destination is baserole_package_vars_include_folder ) | text | yes | "00-no-recommends-and-suggestions" |
Examples for baserole_package_proxy_direct:
baserole_package_proxy_address: "mirror.domain.tld"
or a list:
- mirror.domain.tld
- another.mirror.domain.tld
Add custom package repositories.
Variable | Description | possible values | required | default |
baserole_package_source_enable | Enable custom package repositories | boolean (true, false) | yes | True |
baserole_packagesources |
general scheme:
- name: my_1st_repo
repotype: deb|rpm (required)
filename: "reponame.list"
deb_line: "deb http://url.domain.tld/deb/ distribution main
gpg_url: "https://url.domain.tld/gpg.key"
pgp_id: "HEX-ID of GPG-Key" -> required-for-absent
validate_certs: yes|no (default: yes)
state: absent|present (default: present)
- name: my_2nd_repo
- name: sury-php
repotype: deb
filename: "sury-php.list"
deb_line: "deb https://packages.sury.org/php/ {{ ansible_distribution_release }} main"
gpg_url: "https://packages.sury.org/php/apt.gpg"
pgp_id: "15058500A0235D97F5D10063B188E2B695BD4743"
state: present
Installs a list of default packages, of course this is highly subjective so change this.
Variable | Description | possible values | required | default |
baserole_package_install_default_enable | Enable install of default packages (in general) | boolean (true, false) | yes | True |
baserole_package_cache_valid_time | Do net refresh when packagelist is not older than time (works only on Debian-family) | time in seconds | yes | 86400 |
baserole_package_defaults_debian | List of default packages (Debian) for virtual systems | text (list) | yes | bzip2, curl, dnsutils, ethtool, gpg, gpg-agent, htop, iftop, iotop, iputils-ping, less, lsof, lsscsi, mc, net-tools, pciutils, psmisc, rsync, sudo, sysstat, traceroute, unzip |
baserole_package_defaults_redhat | List of default packages (Redhat) for virtual systems | text (list) | yes | bind-utils, bzip2, curl, epel-release, ethtool, gpg, iotop, iputils, less, lsof, net-tools, pciutils, rsync, sudo, sysstat, tcpdump, traceroute, unzip |
baserole_package_extra_baremetal_enable | Enable install of default packages on baremetal | boolean (true, false) | yes | True |
baserole_package_baremetal_debian | List of default packages (Debian) for physical systems | list | yes | ethtool, memtest86+, smartmontools |
baserole_package_baremetal_redhat | List of default packages (Redhat) for physical systems | list | yes | ethtool, memtest86+, smartmontools |
Variables baserole_package_defaults_debian, baserole_package_defaults_redhat, baserole_package_baremetal_debian and baserole_package_baremetal_redhat needs to be a list, Example:
- bzip2
- curl
- dnsutils
Variable | Description | possible values | required | default |
baserole_package_upgrade_enable | Enable updating packages | boolean (true, false) | yes | True |
Variable | Description | possible values | required | default |
baserole_package_guest_agent_enable | Enable Guest tools for implemented virtualization solutions | boolean (true, false) | yes | True |
baserole_package_guest_agent_qemu_package | text | qemu-guest-agent | ||
aserole_package_guest_agent_qemu_service | text | qemu-guest-agent | ||
baserole_package_guest_agent_vmware_package | text | open-vm-tools | ||
baserole_package_guest_agent_vmware_service | text | open-vm-tools | ||
baserole_package_unwanted_packages_remove_enabled | Enable removing unwanted packages | boolean (true, false) | yes | False |
baserole_package_unwanted_packages_debian | Remove these packages (Debian) | list | yes | [] (empty) |
baserole_package_unwanted_packages_redhat | Remove these packages (Redhat) | list | yes | [] (empty) |
Variable | Description | possible values | required | default |
baserole_sshd_config_enable | Enable SSHD configuration | boolean (true, false) | yes | True |
baserole_openssh_use_template | Use template for /etc/ssh/sshd.conf (or includes via baserole_openssh_sshd_opts) | boolean (true, false) | yes | True |
baserole_openssh_template_sshd | Optional override of template for main SSHD config | text | yes | sshd_template.j2 |
baserole_openssh_template_default | Optional override of template for sourced options | text | yes | "sshd_default_template.j2" |
baserole_openssh_sshd_opts | List of sshd-options to be included in /etc/default/ssh | text | yes | "-o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ClientAliveInterval=180 -o DebianBanner=no" |
baserole_openssh_include_pattern | Specify Include-Pattern | text | yes | "/etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/*.conf" |
baserole_openssh_port | TCP-Portnumber of SSH | integer (valid ports are 1-65535) | yes | 22 |
baserole_openssh_gen_keys | Enable ssh_key generation in general | boolean (true, false) | yes | False (leave generated keys, usually when sshd-server is installed) |
baserole_openssh_force_gen_keys | Force regeneration of host_keys, useful for cloned systems (needs "baserole_openssh_gen_keys: True" too!) | boolean (true, false) | False | |
baserole_openssh_host_key | List of hostkeys (see example below) | list | yes | /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key, /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key, /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key |
baserole_openssh_key_types | List of keytypes (see example below) | list | yes | rsa, ecdsa, ed25519 |
baserole_openssh_skip_include | Skip include directive when True | boolean (true, false) | yes | False |
baserole_openssh_permitrootlogin | Defines how user "root" is able to login | text: yes, no, prohibit-password, forced-commands-only | not set (usually defaults to "without-password") | |
baserole_openssh_tcpkeepalive | TCP-keepalive | text ("yes", "no") | yes | yes (recommended: "baserole_openssh_tcpkeepalive: no" and "baserole_openssh_clientaliveinterval: 180" ClientAliveInterval is more stable and secure than "TCPKeepAlive yes" |
baserole_openssh_permituserenvironment | PermitUserEnvironment (usually not needed, | boolean (true, false) | yes | False |
baserole_openssh_sshrc_enable | Enable sshrc config | boolean (true, false) | yes | False |
baserole_openssh_sshrc_template | Override template | boolean (true, false) | yes | "sshrc.j2" |
baserole_openssh_pubkey_used_logging | Enables logging which pubkey was used to login, see "sshrc.j2" for more information | boolean (true, false) | yes | False |
baserole_openssh_send_mail_on_login | Enable notifications of Userlogins via mail (needs working mailrelay-setup) | boolean (true, false) | yes | False |
baserole_openssh_send_mail_to | Recipient for notifications of Userlogins | text (mail-address) | yes | root |
- /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
- /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
- /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key
- rsa
- ecdsa
- ed25519
Variable | Description | possible values | required | default |
baserole_root_authorizedkeys | Define local file-path with pubkeys for user root (uploaded to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys) | text, example: /home/user/ansible-repo/pubkeys/pubkeys-root | no | not defined |
baserole_root_password_hash | Define password-hash (will go to /etc/shadow) | text, Example: "$hashed_password" | no | not defined |
baserole_root_ssh_key_file_name | Filename (relative to /root/) to store the SSH-key of root | text | no | ".ssh/id_ed25519" |
baserole_root_ssh_key_file_content | Content of the SSH-privatekey | text (multiline, see Example) | no | not defined |
baserole_root_ssh_key_file_content: |+
Variable | Description | possible values | required | default |
baserole_usercreate_config_enable | Enable Usermanagement configuration | boolean (true, false) | no | True |
baserole_users_remove_userdata_when_state_absent | Remove user-data (home-dir etc.) when state is set to "absent" | boolean (true, false) | yes | False |
baserole_userlist_local | Defines local Users to be managed on target system | dictionary (see Examples below) | no | not defined |
see https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/ansible/builtin/user_module.html
Attributes of baserole_userlist_local | Description | possible values | required | default |
name | username | text | yes | empty |
group | group(s) | text | no | empty |
group_primary | primary group(s) | text | no | empty |
group_secondary | secondary/supplemental group(s) membership(s) | text, comma seperated list | no | empty |
group_append | true: append group(s), false: set group(s) exactly as given | boolean (true, false) | no | empty |
conditional_hostgroup | Create this user only when this ansible-group (membership) is present (in inventory or dynamically assigned) | empty | ||
home | home-directory | text (path) | any valid path | no |
uid | Set specific user id | int (number 1-999 für sysaccounts or 1000-60000, depending on distribution) | no | |
state | Set state | text | "present" or "absent" | no |
comment | Comment for this user | text | no | |
password | Set user-password to this crypted value | text, password-hash (create a disabled account: '!' or '' (Linux) or '************' (OpenBSD) | no | |
update_password | Update passwords if they differ | text | always, on_create (only on first creation) | on_create |
system | Create a System-user (UID below 1000) | boolean (yes, no) | no | no |
shell | Set Shell | text | path to shell "/bin/bash" | no |
create_home | Whether or not to create the home directory | text | no | yes |
move_home | Whether or not to move an existing home directory | boolean (yes, no) | no | no |
skeleton | Set a home skeleton directory, requires create_home | |||
expires | Expire Daten | epoch time, negative time-values to remove (since ansible 2.6) | no | |
remove | Try to remove homedir when state=absent, the behavior is the same as userdel --remove |
no (default) | yes | |
force | The behavior is the same as userdel --force |
boolean (yes, no) | no | no |
non_unique | this option allows to change the user ID to a non-unique value | boolean (yes, no) | no | no |
generate_ssh_key | Generate SSH-key for this user | boolean (yes, no) | no | no |
ssh_authorizedkeys_file | path to file to upload as a authorizedkeys (as a whole file). If you just want to add/remove pubkeys (and keep the rest of file untouched: see var "baserole_authorizedkeys" instead) | text | no | no |
ssh_key_bits | Specify number of bits in SSH key to create | integer | no | default set by ssh-keygen, 4096 for rsa recommended |
ssh_key_comment | Comment-block for ssh-pubkey (i.e. email-address, computername etc.) | text | no | no |
ssh_key_file_content | Content of keyfile | jinja-multine-string (contains the private key, see "baserole_root_ssh_key_file_content" as example), if provided ssh_key_file_name must be defined too! | no | no |
ssh_key_file_name | Specify the filename for SSH private key, useful hint: generate pubkey from private key with (rsa): ssh-keygen -y -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa > ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ) |
text | no | defaults to ".ssh/id_rsa" but ".ssh/id_ed25519" or any other value is possible |
ssh_key_passphrase | Passphrace protecting the private key | string | no | |
ssh_key_type | specify type of SSH-Key (to generate it) | text (rsa, ed25519) | no | rsa |
sudofilename | Filename for sudoers-file | text | no | defaults to username |
sudo_pass | Sudo WITH password | boolean (true, false) | no | |
sudo_nopass | Sudo WITHOUT password | boolean (true, false) | no | |
sudo_commands | text, example "optional/sudo/command/allowed/for/sudo" | no | ||
default_editor | Set default editor here | text | no | empty |
Example two local users, alice has sudo without password, bob not):
- username: alice
password: $6$hash_of_alice_password
sudo_nopass: True
# only add user when host has this group:
conditional_hostgroup: hosts_with_alice
- username: bob
password: $6$bob_hash
shell: /bin/sh
group: bob, additionalgroup
sudo_group: True
- username: normaluser
password: $6$normaluser_hash
shell: /bin/bash
instead of uploading a whole file (via ssh_authorizedkeys_file in baserole_userlist_local) there is also the possibility to add/remove specific pubkeys. (using both option might not make sense since the file might be changed on every run if both methods overwrite each others changes).
- username: root
# list of pubkeys to be present for root
state: present
# remove all other keys? (optional)
exclusive: false
# options for SSH? (optional)
key_options: 'no-port-forwarding,from=""'
- needed_pubkey1
- needed_pubkey2
- username: root
# list of pubkeys to be removed for root
state: absent
- unwanted_pubkey1
- username: my_user
# list of pubkeys to be present for my_user
- pub1
a pubkey definition could be from:
- string like "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1y... my_comment"
- url: "{{ lookup('url', 'https://github.com/charlie.keys', split_lines=false) }}"
- file: "{{ lookup('file', '/home/charlie/.ssh/id_rsa.pub') }}"
- from ENV: "{{ lookup('env','MY_PUBKEY') }}"
- file and ENV combined: "lookup('file', lookup('env','HOME') + '/.ssh/id_rsa.pub') }}"
more Information for the module ansible.posix.authorized_key: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/ansible/posix/authorized_key_module.html
Variable | Description | possible values | required | default |
baserole_default_editor | Set default Editor | text | yes | vim |
baserole_users_optional_tasks_enable | Enable Inclusion of optional tasks | boolean (true, false) | no | False |
baserole_users_optional_tasks_template | Filename of template for optional tasks | text | yes (when baserole_users_optional_tasks_enable is True) | optional-tasks-for-users.yml |
baserole_bashrc_configure | Enable bash config | boolean (true, false) | no | True |
baserole_bashrc_template | Filename of template for bash | text | yes | bashrc.j2 |
baserole_vimrc_configure | Enable vim config | boolean (true, false) | no | True |
baserole_vimrc_template | Filename of template for vim | text | yes | vimrc.j2 |
baserole_nanorc_configure | Enable nano config | boolean (true, false) | no | True |
baserole_nanorc_template | Filename of template for nano | text | yes | nanorc.j2 |
baserole_htoprc_configure | Enable htop config | boolean (true, false) | no | True |
baserole_htoprc_template | Filename of template for htop | text | yes | htoprc.j2 |
more information see: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/ansible/builtin/group_module.html
Valid attributes in baserole_grouplist_local dictionary | Description | possible values | required | default |
groupname | Name of Group | text | yes | |
gid | Group ID | int (number 1-999 für sysgroups or 1000-60000, depending on distribution) | no | |
state | Should group exist or not | absent, present | no | present |
non_unique | this option allows to change the group ID to a non-unique value | boolean (yes, no) | no | no |
system | If yes, indicates that the group created is a system group (GID below 1000) | boolean (yes, no) | no | no |
sudofilename | Filename for sudoers-file | text | no | defaults to groupname |
sudo_pass | Grant group sudo WITHOUT password (when True) | boolean (true, false) | no | False |
sudo_nopass | Grant group sudo WITH password (when True | boolean (true, false) | no | False |
Example for group "admins" (sudo without password):
- groupname: admins
sudo_nopass: True
Generate a random machine-id (useful for cloned systems).
! attention: changing the machine-id can have unwanted consequences, examples:
- https://wiki.debian.org/MachineId
- https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/191313/why-is-my-systemd-journal-not-persistent-across-reboots
Variable | Description | possible values | required | default |
baserole_machine_id_regenerate | Enable machine-id feature | boolean (true, false) | False | |
baserole_machine_id_filename: | Path of machine-id file | text | yes | /etc/machine-id |
see journald.conf(5) for details or https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/journald.conf.html If variables are not set, config-file will show commented out variable with default.
Note: set values for journald itself with "quotes", otherwise ansible will convert values into true and false (which journald does not like, it expects yes or no)!
Variable | Description | possible values | required | default |
baserole_journald_config_enable | Enable systemd-journald feature | boolean (true, false) | yes | True |
baserole_journald_template | yes | journald.conf.j2 | ||
baserole_journald_storage | Controls where to store journal data | text, one of "volatile", "persistent", "auto" and "none" | no | auto |
baserole_journald_compress | If enabled; data objects that shall be stored in the journal and are larger than the default threshold of 512 bytes are compressed before they are written to the file system | text (yes, no) | no | enabled |
baserole_journald_seal | If enabled and a sealing key is available (as created by journalctl(1)'s --setup-keys command), Forward Secure Sealing (FSS) for all persistent journal files is enabled | text ("yes", "no") | no | yes |
baserole_journald_splitMode | Controls whether to split up journal files per user | text, "uid" or "none" | no | uid |
baserole_journald_syncintervalsec | The timeout before synchronizing journal files to disk | text (time-defintion with units: "s", "min", "h", "ms", "us") | no | 5m |
baserole_journald_ratelimitintervalsec | Configures the rate limiting that is applied to all messages generated on the system | text (time-defintion) | no | 30s |
baserole_journald_ratelimitburst | Configures the rate limiting that is applied to all messages generated on the system | text | no | 10000 |
baserole_journald_systemmaxuse | Control how much disk space the journal may use up at most (Specify values in bytes or use K, M, G, T, P, E as units; example: "2G") | text | no | empty |
baserole_journald_systemkeepfree | Control how much disk space systemd-journald shall leave free for other uses | text | no | empty |
baserole_journald_systemmaxfilesize | Control how large individual journal files may grow at most | text | no | empty (one eighth of the values configured with SystemMaxUse) |
baserole_journald_systemmaxfiles | Control how many individual journal files to keep at most | int | no | 100 |
baserole_journald_runtimemaxuse | Control how much disk space the journal may use up at most | text | values in bytes or use K, M, G, T, P, E as units for the specified sizes (equal to 1024, 1024², … bytes) | no |
baserole_journald_runtimekeepfree | Control how much disk space systemd-journald shall leave free for other uses | |||
baserole_journald_runtimemaxfileSize | Control how large individual journal files may grow at most | text | no | one eighth of the values configured with RuntimeMaxUse |
baserole_journald_runtimemaxfiles | Control how many individual journal files to keep at most | int | no | 100 |
baserole_journald_maxretentionsec | The maximum time to store journal entries | time in seconds (0 to disable), may be suffixed with the units "year", "month", "week", "day", "h" or " m" | no | |
baserole_journald_maxfilesec | The maximum time to store entries in a single journal file before rotating to the next one | text (time-defintion) | no | 1month |
baserole_journald_forwardtosyslog | Control whether log messages received by the journal daemon shall be forwarded to a traditional syslog daemon | text ("yes", "no") | no | "yes" (or "no" depending on distribution) |
baserole_journald_forwardtokmsg | Control whether log messages received by the journal daemon shall be forwarded to the kernel log buffer (kmsg) | text ("yes", "no") | no | no |
baserole_journald_forwardtoconsole | Control whether log messages received by the journal daemon shall be sent to system console | text ("yes", "no") | no | no |
baserole_journald_forwardtowall | Control whether log messages received by the journal daemon shall be sent as wall messages to all logged-in users | text ("yes", "no") | no | yes |
baserole_journald_ttypath | Change the console TTY | text | no | /dev/console |
baserole_journald_maxlevelstore | Controls the maximum log level of messages that are stored in the journal or forwarded | text | no | debug |
baserole_journald_maxlevelsyslog | Controls the maximum log level of messages that are stored in the journal or forwarded | text | no | |
baserole_journald_maxlevelkmsg | Controls the maximum log level of messages that are stored in the journal or forwarded | text | no | notice |
baserole_journald_maxlevelconsole | Controls the maximum log level of messages that are stored in the journal or forwarded | text | no | info |
baserole_journald_maxlevelwall | Controls the maximum log level of messages that are stored in the journal or forwarded | text | no | emerg |
baserole_journald_linemax | The maximum line length to permit when converting stream logs into record logs | text | no | 48K |
baserole_journald_readkmsg | If enabled systemd-journal processes /dev/kmsg messages generated by the kernel | text ("yes", "no") | no | yes |
baserole_journald_audit | If enabled systemd-journal will turn on kernel auditing on start-up | text ("yes", "no") | no | no |
Note: some distributions (like Debian 12) have removed traditional (r)syslog in favor of systemd-journald, if you want to reverse that behaviour: use baserole_journald_forwardtosyslog: "yes" and add your favorite syslog-daemon (like rsyslog) to the list of default packages (see section "Package defaults install"). Additionally you might want to limit the usage with "baserole_journald_systemmaxuse".
Add custom CAs into trust-store.
Variable | Description | possible values | required | default |
baserole_ca_config_enable | desc | boolean (false, true) | no | false |
baserole_ca_files | List of CA-files (PEM-format) to copy into the target and update trust | yes (if "baserole_ca_config_enable: true") | not set |
Example: CA1.crt and CA2.crt from folder ./certs/internal-ca (relative to playbook):
- ./certs/internal-ca/CA1.crt
- ./certs/internal-ca/CA2.crt