This Role installs any component of the backup system "bacula" AND configures everything (including agent configs like filesets for all systems) so you can use bacula gitops-style (aka do everything from ansible).
Component | function | variable (ansible-tag) |
bacula-director (dir) | central management, coordination on other components | bacula_dir_role (bacula-dir) |
bacula-storage daemon (sd) | controls the writing device(s) | bacula_sd_role (bacula-sd) |
bacula-console | management console, connects to bacula-dir | bacula_console_role (bacula-console) |
bacula-file daemon (fd) | agent on target system | bacula_fd_role (bacula-fd) |
see the notes on firewalling:
- installed database-server (mysql or pgsql) on director
Currently only tested on mysql / mariadb and Ubuntu/Debian in LTS-Versions.
(see example playbooks).
bacula_dir_fqdn: "bacula-dir.DOMAIN.TLD" bacula_sd_fqdn: "bacula-sd.DOMAIN.TLD"
bacula_dir_restore_path: "/var/bacula-restores" (Default restore path) bacula_sd_archive_device: "/var/bacula-volumes" (Default volume path)
-> DB engine (can be 'pgsql' or 'mysql') bacula_dir_db_engine: mysql
bacula_console_role: True
bacula_dir_role: True
bacula_sd_role: True
bacula_fd_role: True
defaults are set here:
- defaults/main.yml
- vars/{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml
my recommendation: set the following variables in your vault:
bacula_console_password: ""
bacula_dir_dbpassword: ""
bacula_mon_password: ""
bacula_sd_password: ""
Attention: empty passwords are substituted with random values - on very run. Useful for testing - but not in production. Exception are the FD-passwords, they will be preserved when bacula_fd_auto_psk is True (default).
Example: Ringbuffer
- oldest data is recycled/overwritten when the storage is full
- size is bacula_sd_pool_max_volumes x bacula_sd_pool_max_volume_byte Example: 10G x 100 Volumes means maximum capacity is ~1TB backupspace, depending on the amount
see template from var "bacula_sd_device_template" (default is storage_device_include_ringbuffer.j2) and optional more options from var "bacula_sd_device_extra_options".
bacula_sd_device_name: "RingBuffer" bacula_sd_media_type: "File"
where to store the volumes:
bacula_sd_archive_device: "/srv/bacula" bacula_dir_pool_name: "Files" bacula_dir_pool_label_format: "Bacula-Vol-" bacula_dir_pool_recycle: "yes"
bacula_dir_pool_file_retention: "60 days" # Default: 60 days
bacula_dir_pool_job_retention: "24 months" # Default: 6 months
Prune expired Jobs/Files:
bacula_dir_pool_autoprune: "yes" bacula_dir_pool_volume_rention: "3650 days" bacula_dir_pool_max_volume_bytes: "10G" bacula_dir_pool_max_volumes: 100
Example: host_vars/host1.DOMAIN.TLD.yml
own fileset:
bacula_fd_fileset_name: "fileset-of-host1"
bacula_fd_fileset_includes: |+
File = "/files/only/on/host1"
File = "/etc"
File = "/root"
bacula_fd_fileset_excludes: |+
File = "/files/EXCLUDED/on/host1"
File = "/proc"
define jobs that the client should run before (recommended to put this into group_vars or hosts_vars !):
bacula_fd_client_run_before_job: command
bacula_fd_client_run_after_job: command
bacula_fd_client_run_before_job: "/path/to/my/backupskript create"
bacula_fd_client_run_after_job: "/path/to/my/backupskript cleanup"
additonal note: for jobs running on director/server-side the vars "bacula_fd_run_before_job", "bacula_fd_run_after_job" or "bacula_fd_run_after_failed_job" are existing.
additional options in job-ressource:
bacula_fd_extra_job_options: |+
Option1 = Example1
Option2 = Example2
Example: add more (than the predefined "bacula_fd_client_run_before_job") "Client Run Before Job" via bacula_fd_extra_job_options:
bacula_fd_extra_job_options: |+
Client Run Before Job = "additional before job"
Client Run After Job = "additional after job"
same goes for client and jobdef-ressources:
bacula_fd_extra_client_options bacula_fd_extra_jobdefs_options
different FQDN for connection to fd:
bacula_fd_connect_address: ""
set source IP (default: the kernel will choose the best address according to the routing table):
bacula_fd_source_address: "IP_or_FQDN"
specific schedule for a host:
- set a (valid!) name for var bacula_fd_schedule (i.e. in host_vars/$hostname.yml with content "bacula_fd_schedule: MoreFrequentSchedule").
- see "bacula-dir-fileset-default.conf.j2" for a example.
- create your own config snippet (jinja2 template) with additional Schedules (i.e.: $ansibleroot/templates/bacula_dir_schedules_extra.j2)
- define the variable "bacula_dir_schedule_extra_template" with the filename of your template ("bacula_dir_schedule_extra.j2"), so it is included by the standard template bacula-dir-schedules.j2 : example: add in "group_vars/bacula_dir.yml" this line: bacula_dir_schedule_extra_template: "bacula_dir_schedules_extra.j2
same as schedules but the var is "bacula_dir_fileset_extra"