Meta package to simpify install of dependencies required for using arcgis.learn module
conda install -c esri -c fastai -c pytorch -c plotly -c sandeepgadhwal arcgis_learn
conda install -c esri -c sandeepgadhwal arcgis_learn
conda install -c esri -c esri/label/prerelease -c sandeepgadhwal arcgis_learn
conda install -c esri -c fastai -c pytorch -c plotly -c "C:\Users\san10428\conda-bld" arcgis_learn
conda install -c esri -c sandeepgadhwal -c "C:\Users\san10428\conda-bld" arcgis_learn
conda install -c esri -c fastai -c pytorch -c plotly -c ~/anaconda3/conda-bld -c sandeepgadhwal arcgis_learn
conda install -c esri -c sandeepgadhwal -c ~/anaconda3/conda-bld arcgis_learn
Most of the packages are pinned with the metapackage to work with a particular version of arcgis.learn. If you need to manually upgrade any package you need to first remove the arcgis_learn metapackage and then continue. You can remove just the arcgis_learn metapackage using the following command, it won't affect other packages installed with it.
conda remove arcgis_learn --force