Basic Compose configuration for dockerizing a simple Ruby on Rails/SQLite app. I assume using a debian-based image in the Dockerfile commands.
Choose ruby version from the docker images
FROM ruby:2.5
Install Node.js
RUN apt-get update -qq && \
apt-get install -y build-essential nodejs
Create the app working directory
Add rails user and give it ownership of the app directory
The user has a home directory, the default 1000 UID and belongs to a group with the same name
RUN useradd -u 1000 -Um rails && \
chown -R rails:rails /app
Set rails as the default user
USER rails
Choose compose version
version: '3'
Set a volume for the gem bundle
Configure the web service
# build the app image from the Dockerfile in the working dir
build: .
# start the server binding to all interfaces
command: rails s -b -p 3000
# send the right signal to the rails server when stopping the container
stop_signal: SIGINT
# bind the working dir on the host machine to the one in the container
- .:/app
# use the volume for storing the bundle
- app_bundle:/usr/local/bundle
# expose rails server to the host machine
- 3000:3000
# try restarting the service on failure
restart: on-failure