A little application for connecting two of the best activities in the world : developping and pet caring.
Embark a little friend in your terminal prompt and forge a strong friendship with them.
Move the app where it can be called from your terminal, for instance :
mv <downloaded termanimal> /usr/local/bin/termanimal
Now, customize your prompt to display your pet by adding :
For instance, here a basic prompt with pet support :
export PS1='\u@\h:\W:$(termanimal)\$ '
username@host:~:🐶$ _
First of all, you may want to adopt a little friend, for that, run the following command, and follow the process :
termanimal 🖊
Now, your are able to interract with your new best friend.
For instance, you can feed them or play with them with the following actions :
termanimal 🍏
termanimal 🥏
To check if everything is ok you can run :
termanimal 👋
And if you get lost, don't worry and run :
termanimal 🔍
That's it !
termanimal is licensed under the Artistic License 2.0. If you don’t want to read the whole license, here’s a summary without legal force:
- You are allowed to download, use, copy, publish and distribute termanimal.
- You are allowed to create modified versions of Emojicode but you may only distribute them on some conditions.
- The license contains a grant of patent rights and does not allow you to use any trademark, service mark, tradename, or logo.
- termanimal comes with absolutely no warranty.
Emojis used in the banner are from twemoji.