We currently offer latest and preview releases. Preview should be functional with high qualtiy but latest is the recommended release which is patched as bugs are found.
Features are done in topic branches off of main. With some testing, a preview release is periodically done from main.
As the preview release has been stabilized with more testing and often customer validation, a latest release is created.
releases/0.x = latest
master = preview
topic branches are built and validated from source locally
Agent is acquired by running getagent.sh via an http://aka.ms redirect
http://aka.ms/xplatagent --> getagent.sh @ 'latest' tag in github
http://aka.ms/previewxplat --> getagent.sh @ 'master' preview in github
getagent.sh is located in github. It is referred to via a tag, latest or preview. So the git tag moves and the aka.ms redirect is static
- Downloads correct version of agent from npm (vsoagent-installer)
- Downloads internal versions of node and tee cli
It does this via line in getagent.sh
master (preview): DEFAULT_AGENT_VERSION=""
releases/0.4: DEFAULT_AGENT_VERSION="@0.4"
You can influence the exact version to get from npm by setting an env var.
Make sure it starts with @
For example:
export GET_AGENT_VERSION="@0.5"
curl -skSL http://aka.ms/xplatagent | bash
This should only be done by one of the release managers in build or RM. Documenting process for transparency, not so anyone can do it.
With x.y being your new release version (currently at 0.4):
Branch from master with a name: releases/x.y
Change package.json to x.y version
Update getagent.sh:
Publish the release to npm