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Mayukh Majumdar mayukh-majumdar

Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Roberta Ferreira Aguilar robertarfa
Data Analyst | Python | ReactJS | C# | .NET

São Paulo

Anton patepelo
Data Science

Barcelona, Spain

Vatsal Raicha vatsalraicha
An Experienced IT professional boasting 19 years of industry experience, with a 7-year specialization in Data Science and Machine Learning

New Jersey, USA

i 😍 working 🛠 with tensorflow on colab 📔
vishvdeep aiwithvd
Data Scientist | AI Engineer


Charles-A. Francisco charlesfranciscodev
Software Engineering | ML Infrastructure

@Capgemini Canada 🇨🇦

Mohammed Mohammed-Hammood
Full-sack web developer. Python, Django, DRF, Next.js, React, Docker, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Sass, Redux, NodeJs, FastAPI


HoseinTahan Ho3einTahan
Flutter Developer , NodeJs Developer

Pooyesh the Internet-Remote

Paul Bae kokoavailable
the romanticist


Can Otsay MCanOtsay

Istanbul, Turkey

Sayma Hbaieb || Data Scientist SaymaHbaieb
Highly motivated recent graduate in actuarial science and risk management, skilled in evaluating financial implications and risks through statistical analysis.
Christian Frank ccnfrank
i'm back

Hennigsdorf, DE

Mohammad Sahil Khan Mdsahil0918
I am an engineering undergraduate who is excited to learn new technologies and explore the field of data science and AI.


David Kasakaitis ddkasa
Python Enjoyer

London, United Kingdom

Zaid Chiech zeeslikethat
Aspiring phythonistaaaaaa

ENCGT Tetouan, Morocco

Juan Pablo Cadena Aguilar jpcadena
Python, Data Science, FastAPI.

Vitapro Guayaquil, Ecuador

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Dallas, TX

Heath Thapa singularity-htmagarh
Himanshu Thapa, Data Science Enthusiast, working on various projects related to data science, machine learning, Data Flows, API integrations.

TD Canada Trust Toronto, Canada

Brian Abbott briancabbott
Software Engineer. I currently live in Bellevue, WA. My focuses are on Systems Programming, Mathematics and Deep Learning.

Bellevue, WA

Vic A Ruiz varcxxDesign

varcxxDesign Los Angeles, CA

Farzin FarzinAkbari
I'm a software developer with a strong passion for Python 🐍.

Iran Tehran

Cole Burch ColeBurch
Software Engineer, Open-Source Contributor

Golden, CO

Kacper Żurawski grusgemini
Mathematics @ MIM UW


Dana Angellotti Danangellotti
Developer | Data Scientist in training | AI

Córdoba- Argentina