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Peiyu Liu vwOvOwv
Have fun!

Peking University, Computer Science & Life Sciences Beijing, China

Chaoming Wang chaoming0625
Computational Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence

Peking University

Johannes Kappel johannesmaxkappel
Postdoc at Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research Basel, interested in connectomics, cognition, cell types and NeuroAI

Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research Basel, Switzerland

João Leonardi rexionmars
PGP Key: 0xB83FB191.

ATI - Maranhão Piauí, Brazil

Oscar oscar-schmidt
Independent undergraduate researcher excited about the future. Working in machine learning, robotics and new paradigms in artificial intelligence.

Melbourne, AU

Saeed Taghavi SaeedTaghavi
PhD student of computational neuroscience
Praveen Paudel PraPaudel
Ph.D. Student @ayalab1 | Systems Neuroscience

Cornell University Ithaca, New York

Anton Goloborodko golobor

IMBA Vienna, Austria

Ilya Flyamer Phlya
Molecular and computational biologist 3D genomics

FMI Basel, Switzerland

Dennis Goldschmidt degoldschmidt
Computational Neurodrosophilist and Postdoctoral Fellow in the Felsenberg Lab at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research @fmi-basel

Zurich, Switzerland

Rachmad Putra rachmadvwp
Research Associate

TU Wien & NYU Abu Dhabi Wien, AT & Abu Dhabi, UAE

Andres de Vicente Donderis andrestrocyte
BIF PhD Fellow - Lüthi Lab

Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research Basel, Switzerland

Atena G.Mohammadi atenagm1375
computer science-artificial intelligence, interested in Computational Cognitive Neuroscience

Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research Basel, Switzerland

Nessim Louafi NessLfy
PhD student in the Giorgetti group at the @fmi-basel working on single molecule imaging of cohesin

Basel, Switzerland

Leonardo Lupori LeonardoLupori
I love to mash together bits of microscopy, programming, and electronics to try to understand how the brain works.

FMI Basel

Mahbod Nouri mahbodnr
PhD student in Computational Neuroscience

the University of Bremen

jiawei sk413025
My research is about reinforcement learning and optimal control.

Academia Sinica Taipei, Taiwan

Kembay A

UC Santa Cruz

young immunologist trying to go computational
Ricardo Righetto rdrighetto
Electron microscopy data processing for life sciences. Pretty much interested in image processing, machine learning, HPC, music and lasagna.

Basel, Switzerland

Jean-Yves Tinevez tinevez
Facility engineer, microscopist, data analyst for Life-Sciences.

Institut Pasteur Paris, France

Jan Eglinger imagejan
Bio-Image Analyst / Image Data Scientist in the Facility for Advanced Imaging and Microscopy at FMI Basel

Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI) Basel, Switzerland