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Pratik Thapa pratikthapw
Building the web, one typo at a time. If you see something broken, it’s a work in progress.

Nepal (Pokhara)

shahin mohaghegh shahinmhgh
c# sql Winform Web MVC Javascript Html Css

Freelance Tehran

István Pánczél istvan-panczel
Freelance Software Engineer, working mostly on the front-end side.


Awais Codes AwaisCodes003
I’m Awais, a passionate software developer with expertise in React Native, JavaScript, Firebase, SQL, SQLite & MySQL.
Mudassar Qayyum Mudassarqayyum
MERN Stack Development with React, React Native, and Node.js.

Manchester, UK

Muhammad Bappi abappi19
Versatile Full-Stack Developer

eFortsHub Dhaka, Bangladesh

Jesus Tamba Juses24
Computer Engineer | Cybersecurity student


yuchanLee citron03
frontend dev with React

South Korea

Eugene TuringTechX
| Aerospace Engineer | Quantum Scientist | xAI Scientist | Tech Innovation | Physics | Biotechnology | Energy | Biology

Panaverse Nakuru, Kenya

Dylan Williams dylanwilliams1126
Innovative Software Professional | Code Craftsman 🚀

San Tan Valley, AZ

blackworld sincerely1
I am interesting in coding!

Northeastern University

A. Kiplimo akakiplimo

Novek Nairobi, Kenya

EMRE MUTLU emremutlu08
Here is my skillset: - React | Redux - NodeJS | ExpressJS | NestJS - HTML5 | CSS3 | SCSS | Bootstrap | TailwindCSS - MySQL | MongoDB - PSD to HTML


Faraz Uddin eSparkFaraz
React Native Developer

eSpark Consulting Group Karachi, Pakistan

Anas Ghareib AnasGhareib
guns... lots of guns!!
Mudassir Raza Mudassirraza912
Freelance MERN Stack Developer from Pakistan. You can hire me!


Saqib Ali saqib-dev-404
Experienced MERN stack web and mobile developer, crafting seamless digital experiences with a passion for innovation and user-centric design.
Hammad Anwar hammadev
Experienced full-stack React Native + Backend developer. My portfolio includes a variety of web and mobile projects. Let's build something amazing together!

Crown Soft

Sanish Thapa Sanish73
Full Stack Developer | Laravel Vue.js React PHP

Xprin KTM, Nepal

Adriano Moreira adrianodesenv
Developer of app using the stacks react-native, typescript, styled components

Moreira Digital

Mohamed Aimane Skhairi medaimane
React Native & Expo Expert • Senior Software Engineer • Freelancer, Top3% @upwork

@UpWork Remote | Tétouan, Morocco

Senior Dev profreelancer222
Program development is ART
Adem ademcdev


Eyup Kirci eyupkirci
Frontend Web / Mobile Developer
Halil Kılıçarslan halilkilicarslan
💻 Design, ⌨️ Code, 🚀 Build

Rightyon İstanbul

Burak Can drcan94
MD, Coding lover, Django enthusiast, Married, Father of 1 :)