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+Background and Context (Informative)
+An open standard non-proprietary platform-independent GeoPackage
+container for distribution and direct use of all kinds of geospatial
+data will increase the cross-platform interoperability of geospatial
+applications and web services. Standard APIs for access and management
+of GeoPackage data will provide consistent query and update results
+across such applications and services. Increased interoperability and
+result consistency will enlarge the potential market for such
+applications and services, particularly in resource-constrained mobile
+computing environments like cell phones and tablets. GeoPackages will
+become the standard containers for “MyGeoData” that are used as a
+transfer format by users and Geospatial Web Services and a storage
+format on personal and enterprise devices.
+This OpenGIS® GeoPackage Implementation Specification defines a
+GeoPackage as a self-contained, single-file, cross-platform, serverless,
+transactional, open source SQLite data container with table definitions,
+relational integrity constraints, an SQL API exposed via a “C” CLI and
+JDBC, and manifest tables that together act as an exchange and
+direct-use format for multiple types of geospatial data including vector
+features, features with raster attributes and tile matrix pyramids,
+especially on mobile / hand held devices in disconnected or limited
+network connectivity environments.
+Table formats, definitions of geometry types and metadata tables,
+relational integrity constraints, and SQL API are interdependent
+specification facets of the SF-SQL [13][11][12] and SQL-MM (Spatial)
+[14] standards that serve as normative references for the vector feature
+portion of this specification.
+This specification attempts to support and use relevant raster types,
+storage table definitions, and metadata from widely adopted
+implementations and existing standards such as WMTS [22] and ISO
+metadata [42], to integrate use of rasters as attributes of geospatial
+features, and to define relational integrity constraints and an SQL API
+thereon to provide a raster analogy to the SF-SQL and SF-MM data access
+and data quality assurance capabilities.
+Conformance classes for this specification are classified as core
+(mandatory) and extension (optional). The simple core of an Empty
+GeoPackage contains two SQL tables.
+Future versions of this specification willmay include requirements for
+elevation data and routes. Future enhancements to this specification, a
+future GeoPackage Web Service specification, and modifications to
+existing OGC Web Service (OWS) specifications to use GeoPackages as
+exchange formats willmay allow OWS to support provisioning of
+GeoPackages throughout an enterprise or information community.
+Submission Contact Points
+Submitting Organizations
+The following organizations submitted this Implementation Specification
+to the Open Geospatial Consortium Inc. as a Request For Comment (RFC).
+- Envitia
+- Luciad
+- Sigma Bravo
+- The Carbon Project
+- U.S. Army Geospatial Center
+- U.S. National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
+*Table A.3: Revision history*
+| Date | Rel | Editor | Paragraph modified | Description |
+| 2012-11-15 | r1 | Paul Daisey | 10.3 | Remove min/max x/y fields from all tables and text in clause 10.3 Tile Table Metadata per change request 250 / 12-135.|
+| 2012-11-15 | r1 | Paul Daisey | 10.2, Annex B | add `compr_qual_factor` and georectification columns to `raster_columns` table create statement and sample insert statement; add triggers for those columns matching those for `_rt_metadata` per change request 251 / 12-134|
+| 2013-01-15 | r2 | Paul Daisey | 8.2 | Change `gpkg_contents` description default value per change request 255 / 12-166|
+| 2013-01-15 | r2 | Paul Daisey | 9.2, Annex A | SRS Table Name Change per change request 256 / 12-165|
+| 2013-01-16 | r2 | Paul Daisey | 7, Figure 2 | table diagram `gpkg_contents` `min_y` REAL instead of BLOB|
+| 2013-01-23 | r2 | Paul Daisey | 11.3, 8.2 | Clause reference corrections, change `gpkg_contents.identifier` default value to “”|
+| 2013-02-01 | r2 | Paul Daisey | Changes to AS | No changes to AS|
+| 2013-02-01 | r2 | Paul Daisey | 8.2 | new last sentence and NOTE1, additional table name triggers|
+| 2013-02-01 | r2 | Paul Daisey | 9.6 | drop tables 21, 22 and associated text|
+| 2013-02-01 | r2 | Paul Daisey | 10.5 | misc. editorial changes|
+| 2013-02-01 | r2 | Paul Daisey | 11.2 | REQ 71 should refer to clause 11.2 and not 11.1|
+| 2013-02-01 | r2 | Paul Daisey | 12 | new clause 12 other data|
+| 2013-02-01 | r2 | Paul Daisey | 13.2 | rename tables 56,57 remove “ows_” prefix|
+| 2013-02-08 | r3 | Paul Daisey | 10.2, 10.7, 10.8 | Use -1 as "magic" value indicating "unknown" for both `compr_qual_factor` and georectification columns, and make it the default value. Remove NOTE1 in 10.7. Delete the next to last row in Table 46 - Image Routines for gpkgBboxToTiles (). Delete the corresponding sub-clause 10.8.10 Renumber sub-clause 10.8.11 to 10.8.10|
+| 2013-02-22 | R3 | Paul Daisey | Normative References, Future Work, 6, Bibliography | The GeoPackage file format and SQL API are provided by SQLite, which is the GeoPackage container implementation, not just a a reference implementation.|
+| 2013-03-05 | R3 | Paul Daisey | 6.4 | Add Security Considerations clause.|
+| 2013-03-05 | R3 | Paul Daisey | Future Work | Streaming synchronization|
+| 2013-03-30 | R3 | Paul Daisey | Normative References, All, Bibliography | Move references to geos and proj4 libraries from Normative References to Bibliography, remove references to them from main text.|
+| 2013-03-30 2013-04-01 | R3 | Paul Daisey | Reorganize document and Annexes | New Core / Extension outline.|
+| 2013-03-30 | R3 | Paul Daisey | | `auth_name` column case-insensitive|
+| 2013-03-30 | R3 | Paul Daisey | Add feature table layout example|
+| 2013-04-01 | R3 | Paul Daisey | All, Annex B | Move table definition SQL to Annex B|
+| 2013-04-01 | R3 | Paul Daisey | 7.2.4 | Remove requirements for SQL/MM functions, REQ 21 – 33.|
+| 2013-04-03 | R3 | Paul Daisey | All | Renumber tables, figures, normative references|
+| 2013-04-09 | R4 | Paul Daisey | 6.3.6 | Make integer primary keys mandatory for user vector, raster and tile data tables.|
+| 2013-04-09 | R4 | Paul Daisey |, | Rewrite clause, remove references to `geometry_columns` table columns that are superfuluous in SQLite implementation.|
+| 2013-04-09 | R4 | Paul Daisey | | Rewrite clause, remove references to SF/SQL gS and gB architectures.|
+| 2013-04-18 | R4 | Paul Daisey |,, | Remove normative references to RasterLite|
+| 2013-04-19 | R4 | Paul Daisey | | GeoPackage description of other data tables.|
+| 2013-04-29 | R4 | Paul Daisey | All | Remove implementation references|
+| 2013-04-29 | R4 | Paul Daisey |, Annex G | Remove manifest other data entries|
+| 2013-04-29 | R4 | Paul Daisey |, Annex B, E | Allow metadata of specified MIME type|
+| 2013-04-29 | R4 | Paul Daisey |, Annex B, E | Allow NULLs in `metadata_reference` table|
+| 2013-04-29 | R4 | Paul Daisey |, new Annex F | Geometry type codes|
+| 2013-04-29 | R4 | Paul Daisey |, new Annex L | Feature Schema Metadata example|
+| 2013-05-03 | R5 | Paul Daisey | Future Work | Geographic / Geodetic Geometries|
+| 201305-07 | R5 | Paul Daisey |, Annex C, E | Remove `compr_qual_factor` and georectification columns from `raster_columns` table|
+| 2013-05-07 | R5 | Paul Daisey |,, new Annex M | delete `_rt_metadata` tables
add Annex M
reference Annex M from note in|
+| 2013-05-07 | R5 | Paul Daisey | 7.1.1, Normative References, Bibliography | Add NITF as an extension image format|
+| 2013-05-07 | R5 | Paul Daisey | 6.3.1 | Revise Table Diagram|
+| 2013-05-07 | R5 | Paul Daisey | 7.3.3, Annex C | Remove raster functions|
+| 2013-05-11 | R5 | Paul Daisey | | `metadata_reference` table is not required to contain any rows|
+| 2013-05-11 | R5 | Paul Daisey | | Recommend ISO 19139 metadata|
+| 2013-05-11 | R5 | Paul Daisey | 6.3, Annex B | Default values|
+| 2013-05-11 | R5 | Paul Daisey | 7.3.3, Annex C | Minimal Runtime SQL Functions|
+| 2013-05-11 | R5 | Paul Daisey | 7.3.4, Annex D | Spatial Indexes|
+| 2013-05-13 | R5 | Paul Daisey | 6, 7 | Reformat requirement tables, unduplicate requirement text|
+| 2013-05-15 | R5 | Paul Daisey | 6.3.1,,,, Annex B, remove Annex L | Replace `raster_columns` table, Annex L with `gpkg_data_columns` table|
+| 2013-05-16 | R5 | Paul Daisey |, 7.4, Annex G,H,I | Drop manifest table, schemas, sample document|
+| 2013-05-16 | R5 | Paul Daisey | Future Work | Add GeoPackage Abstract Object Model|
+| 2013-05-22 | R5 | Paul Daisey | 6.2.1,, | new 7.1.1, Annex F | Add optional support for non-linear geometry types|
+| 2013-05-22 | R5 | Paul Daisey | 7.3.2 | Add SQLite configuration requirements|
+| 2013-05-22 | R5 | Paul Daisey | 6.3, 7.2 | Require only `gpkg_contents` and `spatial_ref_sys` tables|
+| 2013-05-24 | R5 | Paul Daisey | | Add `gpkg_extensions` table|
+| 2013-05-24 | R5 | Paul Daisey | 7.3.4, Annex D | Provide spatial index templates instead of examples|
+| 2013-05-25 | R5 | Paul Daisey | Preface, Scope, Terms, 6, 7 | Simplify, rewrite, add terms, use terms|
+| 2013-05-26 | R5 | Paul Daisey | All | Incorporate terms, renumber requirements and tables|
+| 2013-05-28 | R5 | Paul Daisey | 6.1.2 | Add "GPKG" as SQLite application id|
+| 2013-05-28 | R5 | Paul Daisey | 6.1.2 | Add SQLITE PRAGMA integrity_check|
+| 2013-05-28 | R5 | Paul Daisey | 6.2.1 | Geometry format minor changes|
+| 2013-05-28 | R5 | Paul Daisey |, Annex E | Remove references to `raster_columns` table (removed previously)|
+| 2013-05-28 | R5 | Paul Daisey | All | Clause number references and text changes required by 5/22 changes|
+| 2013-05-28 | R5 | Paul Daisey | All | Remove comments on accepted changes|
+| 2013-05-28 | R5 | Paul Daisey | Annex E E.4 | Add non-linear geometry type codes|
+| 2013-05-29 | R5 | Paul Daisey | | Change reference from SF/SQL to SQL/MM|
+| 2013-05-29 | R5 | Paul Daisey | All | Change core and extension requirement names required by 5/22 changes|
+| 2013-05-29 | R5 | Paul Daisey | Table 16 | Change extension to API to avoid overloading extension term|
+| 2013-05-29 | R5 | Paul Daisey | A.2 | Draft changes to A.2 Conformance Classes|
+| 2013-05-29 | R5 | Paul Daisey | B.3 | Add `gpkg_data_columns` table SQL|
+| 2013-05-30 | R5 | Paul Daisey | Revision History | Record 5/29 changes|
+| 2013-06-06 | R6 | Paul Daisey | Preface, Submission Contact Points, Revision History, Changes to AS, Changes to IS, Future Work, Forward, Introduction, Clauses 1-5 | Remove all forward material except title page, submitting orgs, and introduction, and put in annexes.|
+| 2013-06-07 | R6 | Paul Daisey | Old Clauses 6,7 -\> New 1-3 | Restructure document iaw draft Requirements Dependencies|
+| 2013-06-07 | R6 | Paul Daisey | Annex A | Revised Requirements Dependencies and Diagram|
+| 2013-06-10 | R6 | Paul Daisey | All | Fix clause and requirement references based on document restructure|
+| 2013-06-10 | R6 | Paul Daisey | Annex A | Add Abstract Test Suite (incomplete)|
+| 2013-06-11 | R6 | Paul Daisey | Clause 1,2, Annex A | Insert Base and Extension subclauses, renumber more deeply nested subclauses|
+| 2013-06-12 | R6 | Paul Daisey | Annex G | Remove names and codes for Z and M geometry types, add Figure 5 and geometry subtype definitions|
+| 2013-06-12 | R6 | Paul Daisey | Clause | Rewrite clause, add new Requirement 10, 11, renumber existing and subsequent ones.|
+| 2013-06-12 | R6 | Paul Daisey | Annex D | Add ST_Is3D() and ST_IsMeasured()|
+| 2013-06-12 | R6 | Paul Daisey | All | Add “gpkg_” prefix to all GeoPackage metadata tables|
+| 2013-06-12 | R6 | Paul Daisey | Figure 1, 2 | Update with “gpkg_” prefix|
+| 2013-06-12 | R6 | Paul Daisey | Annex A | Add Abstract Test Suite (incomplete)|
+| 2013-06-13 | R6 | Paul Daisey | | Add sentence to end of first paragraph describing `gpkg_other_data_columns` content..|
+| 2013-06-13 | R6 | Paul Daisey | Annex A | Add Abstract Test Suite (incomplete)|
+| 2013-06-17 | R6 | Paul Daisey | Clause 1,2,3 | Revised notes and turned them into footnotes; moved normative text into requirement statements.|
+| 2013-06-20 | R6 | Paul Daisey | All | Restructure document iaw SpecificationStructureAlternative3|
+| 2013-06-24 | R6 | Pepijn Van Eeckhoudt | All | Created and applied Word Styles and Outline List Numbering|
+| 2013-06-26 | R6 | Paul Daisey | 1.1.2, 2.1.1, 2.1.4, 3.1.2, Annex C, D, F, G | GeoPackage Geometry Encoding Revisions|
+| 2013-06-27 | R6 | Paul Daisey | | Add footnote recommendation on Spatial Index drop/add if many updates.|
+| 2013-06-27 | R6 | Paul Daisey | Figure 1, 2.2.6, 2.2.7 | Remove `gpkg_tile_table_metadata` table|
+| 2013-06-28 | R6 | Paul Daisey | All | Change requirement statement format to Req \# s SHALL o in bold italic|
+| 2013-06-28 | R6 | Paul Daisey | Annex B | Update definition of Empty GeoPackage, add definition of Valid GeoPackage|
+| 2013-06-28 | R6 | Paul Daisey | Figure 1, 2.2.7, Annex C, F | Change `tile_matrxI_metadata` t_table_name column name to `table_name` iaw changes to `gpkg_geometry_columns` column name changes.|
+| 2013-06-28 | R6 | Paul Daisey | Figure 1, 2.1.5, 2.2.7, Annex C, F | Add `gpkg_geometry_columns` and `gpkg_tile_matrix_metadata` table_name foreign key constraints referencing `gpkg_contents` table_name now that `gpkg_contents` rows may describe other data tables.|
+| 2013-06-28 | R6 | Paul Daisey | Clause 3 | Tables with non “gpkg” author registered extensions not `data_type` “features” or “tiles”|
+| 2013-07-01 | R7 | Paul Daisey | Annex A | Change ATS format from numbered list to bold heading, add test definitions.|
+| 2013-07-02 | R7 | Paul Daisey | Annex A | Add test definitions.|
+| 2013-07-03 | R7 | Paul Daisey | Annex A | Revise, add test definitions.|
+| 2013-07-04 | R7 | Paul Daisey | 1.1.1, Annex A | Change .geopackage to .gpkg|
+| 2013-07-24 | R7 | Paul Daisey | Annex B | Add “Potential” to “Future Work”, “MAY” to items.|
+| 2013-07-24 | R7 | Paul Daisey | Annex B | Add support for UTFGrid as a future work item.|
+| 2013-07-24 | R7 | Paul Daisey | | Add footnote to REQ 1 that SQLite is in the public domain.|
+| 2013-07-24 | R7 | Paul Daisey | | Add footnote to Table 4 that OGC WKB is subset of ISO WKB|
+| 2013-07-24 | R7 | Paul Daisey | | Revise definition of geometry type in Table 4 to include `is_empty` flag; add paragraph on encoding empty point geometries.|
+| 2013-07-24 | R7 | Paul Daisey | Annex E | Revise spatial index triggers to handle NULL values.|
+| 2013-07-31 | R7 | Paul Daisey | Annex C, F | Correct SQL errors in tables 13, 32, 43|
+| 2013-07-31 | R7 | Paul Daisey | Annex D | Add ST_IsEmpty(geom. Geometry)|
+| 2013-07-31 | R7 | Paul Daisey | Annex E Table 39 | Revise spatial index triggers to handle empty geometries, changed ROWID values.|
+| 2013-07-31 | R7 | Paul Daisey | Annex A A. | Revise test method iaw changes to spatial index triggers|
+| 2013-07-31 | R7 | Paul Daisey | | Envelope in geopackage geometry binary for empty geometry|
+| 2013-07-31 | R7 | Paul Daisey | Annex A A. | Revise test method to test for NaN values in envelope of empty geometries|
+| 2013-08-01 | R8 | Paul Daisey | Submitting Organizations, Submission Contact Points | Moved Submitting Organizations to B2; deleted previous B2 Submission Contact Points|
+| 2013-08-01 | R8 | Paul Daisey | Table 3,, Annex A, C | Nullable `gpkg_contents` columns
One geometry column per feature table.|
+Changes to the OGC® Abstract Specification
+The OGC® Abstract Specification does not require changes to accommodate this OGC® standard.
+Changes to OpenGIS® Implementation Standards
+None at present.
+Potential Future Work
+- MAY investigate GeoPackage implementation on SQLite version 4 [B46].
+- Future versions of this specification MAY include requirements for
+ elevation data and routes.
+- Future enhancements to this specification, a future GeoPackage Web
+ Service specification and modifications to existing OGC Web Service
+ (OWS) specifications to use GeoPackages as exchange formats MAY
+ allow OWS to support provisioning of GeoPackages throughout an
+ enterprise.
+- Future versions of this specification MAY include additional raster
+ / image formats, including fewer restrictions on the image/tiff
+ format.
+- Future versions of this specification MAY include additional SQL API
+ routines for interrogation and conversion of raster / image BLOBs.
+- Future versions of this specification and/or one for a GeoPackage
+ Web Service MAY address utilities for importing and exporting
+ vector, raster and tile data in various formats.
+- Future versions of this specification and/or one for a GeoPackage
+ Web Service MAY address encryption of GeoPackages and/or individual
+ tables or column values.
+- Future versions of this specification MAY add infrastructure to the
+ metadata tables such as a `temporal_columns` table that refers to the
+ time properties of data records.
+- MAY specify a streaming synchronization protocol for GeoPackage as
+ part of a future GeoPackage Web Service specification, and/or a
+ future version of the GeoPackage and/or Web Synchronization Service
+ specification(s).
+- Future versions of this specification MAY address symbology and
+ styling information.
+- Future version of this specification MAY include geographic /
+ geodesic geometry types.
+- MAY create a GeoPackage Abstract Object Model to support data
+ encodings other than SQL in a future version of this specification.
+- MAY add [UTFGrid](https://github.com/mapbox/utfgrid-spec) support in a future version of this specification
+The following organizations and individuals have contributed to the
+preparation of this standard:
+- Alessandro Furieri
+- Compusult Limited
+- Development Seed
+- Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (Esri)
+- Envitia
+- Feng China University
+- George Mason University
+- Image Matters LLC
+- International Geospatial Services Institute (iGSI) GmbH
+- LMN Solutions
+- Luciad
+- MapBox
+- OpenGeo
+- Open Site Plan
+- Sigma Bravo
+- The Carbon Project
+- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (CREAF)
+- U.S. Army Geospatial Center (AGC)
+- U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
+- U.S. National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA)
+Terms and Definitions
+For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
+### Empty GeoPackage
+A GeoPackage file that contains a `spatial_ref_sys` table, `agpkg_contents` table with row record(s) with `data_type` column values
+of “features” or “tiles”, and corresponding features tables per clause
+2.1. and/or tiles tables per clause 2.2 where the user data tables per clauses
+2.1.6. and 2.2.7 exist but contain no rows.
+### geolocate
+identify a real-world geographic location
+### GeoPackage
+A GeoPackage file used with a GeoPackage SQLite Extension
+### GeoPackage file
+a platform-independent SQLite database file that contains GeoPackage
+data and metadata tables with specified definitions, integrity
+assertions, format limitations and content constraints.
+### GeoPackage SQLite Extension
+executable software linked to a SQLite library with specified
+configuration requirements to provide SQL API access to and functional
+manipulation of GeoPackage file contents.
+### georectified
+raster whose pixels have been regularly spaced in a geographic (i.e.,
+latitude / longitude) or projected map coordinate system using ground
+control points so that any pixel can be geolocated given its grid
+coordinate and the grid origin, cell spacing, and orientation.
+### orthorectified
+georectified raster that has also been corrected to remove image
+perspective (camera angle tilt), camera and lens induced distortions,
+and terrain induced distortions using camera calibration parameters and
+DEM elevation data to accurately align with real world coordinates, have
+constant scale, and support direct measurement of distances, angles, and
+### Valid GeoPackage
+A GeoPackage file that contains features per clause Error! Reference
+source not found. and/or tiles per clause Error! Reference source not
+found. and row(s) in the `gpkg_contents` table with `data_type` column
+values of “features” and/or “tiles” describing the user data tables.
+Symbols (and abbreviated terms)
+Some frequently used abbreviated terms: