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WWDC Detroit Syllabus Ideas

ofZach edited this page Feb 15, 2012 · 22 revisions

This page is a collection of ideas regarding the topics we would/could/should talk about at the Detroit OF conference. Edit away, add what you think it important.

The "official" topic of the conference is:

The goal for this developers conference is to focus on documentation, tutorials and examples - trying to find better entry points for beginners, more advanced users, teachers, etc. The conference will be a chance to develop examples to truly show off what is possible in OF as well a chance to discuss the roadmap for the next few OF releases.

So, regarding documentation, tutorials and examples, it makes sense to identify specific areas which need some love.

Topic collection:

The Website

We need to have a solid page documenting everyone who has contributed to openFrameworks, and clearly identifying their contributions. Every contributor needs to know that their work is super important for the survival of OF.


Pretty much everything can be improved here. Any specific ideas?


What kinds of tutorials are needed or need to be improved?

  • potentially moving some of the tutorials from the wiki to the site, or cleaning them up / modernizing them. For example, the OOP tutorial and the OF / P5 tutorial could use some love and I think are better suited for web pages then a wiki.

  • Git workflow: How/why do I work with git? How can I accomplish specific OF-related tasks with git? ([Christoph]: I intend to tackle at least part of this)

  • STL (vectors, linked lists, maps, deques) (should we really make STL tutorials? I figure there must be millions on the net already - Christoph). (I think discussing how STL works with OF objects, some pitfalls, etc will be really helpful. This is already part of the OOP tutorial, but I think it's useful to show how c++ libraries can be a big help).

  • video tutorials, everyone should do a short video explaining something. The topic can be anything but probably things like setting up OF make more sense than code related topics.

  • On the same note as the video tutorials, I was wondering if videos of the provided example apps would be helpful. Videos like James' are great for people to get a feel for the capabilities before diving in. The ofxTimeline example and his TSPS+Unity example come to mind. -jvcleave

  • Not sure where this fits in but one of the appealing things about OF is the direct access to a variety of cameras, sensors, external equipment, etc. What if there were a collection (Wiki-like I guess) of equipment used, referenced addons, watchouts, performance... -jvcleave (+1 this is great and has been done informally)

  • There are a lot of workshops that are held by the OF community that produce great work in short periods of time and low barriers to entry. What makes a good workshop and what are good pre-requisites? Should we provide presentation/workshop materials to the community? (thinking of Roxlu's slideshares) -jvcleave

  • setting up a kinect with OF overview

  • computer vision 101

  • making an addon, adding addons, etc.

  • more


Which examples are in dire need of improvement? Which core functionality needs examples in the first place?

  • ofBuffer / ofFile / ofDirectory need examples now
  • ofCamera could use more tutorials and the 3d tutorial is a bit too complex, simpler smaller 3d examples
  • ofPixels / ofPixelsRef, etc could be useful
  • fbo, advanced fbo options
  • more about shaders and fbos
  • some sort of OPENGL stress test example, that says, "my machine can do X,Y but not Z". luaAV has a fairly good one to look at.
  • ofMesh, approaches to working with meshes, etc.


This list comes from Theo, after a discussion between TAZ+K while Arturo was visiting NYC. I (Kyle) feel 0071 should be released ASAP regardless, and everything should be bumped up. This list is completely tentative and needs to be discussed with the community, but reflects the current feelings of the core members as of December 2011.


  • automatic project generation with a single c++ tool, allowing for possible server builds
  • 10.7 fixes
  • remove _devApps/
  • better directory structure (root level examples/)
  • make ofCamera less weird, and make it the default camera
  • core simple gui (ofGui) (ofUI? -elliotwoods)
  • ofPrimitive (cached meshes e.g. ofPrimitive::sphere, ofPrimitive::box. Can copy out, ofMesh myMesh = ofPrimitive::sphere taking current ofSetSphereResolution(..), or draw directly ofPrimitive::sphere.draw()) -elliotwoods
  • ofCore << ofGrabCam -elliotwoods


project examples, docs,


ofxTTF better typography tools, full dsp/mixer, ofxiPhone integration? (also, rename to ofxiOS?)


better event system, gui add-on, event cancellation, ofParam


ofxCv integration?


project examples, docs,


no GLUT, no FMOD, use ofxFenster?

Contributing to OF

I [Christoph] think it's very important that we streamline the process of people contributing to OF. Therefore, the following interconnected topics should get some time to be discussed:

  • PR workflow/policies streamlining: How can we ensure we do not waste code/effort and frustrate people away from contributing code to OF?

  • How will we integrate the newly elected section leaders into the whole process?

  • Issues processing: How do we reduce the number of open issues/PR's, and treat issues/PR's in a timely fashion?

  • Improve information flow: How can we make sure effort we all spend in improving OF goes in the right direction, as envisioned by the core devs?

  • clarify the addon layout: sources here, libs, there, documentation requirements etc (for instance, the Linux Makefiles only build sources in the src dir, so included libs that are built as part of the addon and not linked should be there .. at least for now)

  • A thought on the addon layout: Does it make sense to create a myAddons folder at the openFrameworks/myAddons level that OF is aware of? Working inside of the examples folder seems safe and intuitive to new users but adding stuff into the addons folder somewhat feels like you are messing with core. -jvcleave

  • C++ is a large and versatile language with a lot of books written about it for a wide variety of use cases. As OF can be a user's first experience developing with it are there any good books/sites the core team can agree on to reference? -jvcleave A probable kick-off point for this: - Christoph

  • Core library dependencies: Are the compilation settings for core libraries published? It seems like these are maintained by just a few people. Are there optimization, debugging, testing advantages to breaking these out? - jvcleave