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Dependency flow onboarding

There's a set of steps that need to be completed so the versions of assets your repository depends on are updated and also the assets your repository produces are updated in upstream repositories.


These pre-requisites are not hard requirements, but enabling dependency flow will be much simpler if you are using these processes:


Steps for publishing

1. Copy the eng/ folder

Copy the eng/ folder from the minimalci-sample repo.

This folder contains required version files as well as Pipeline templates used for publishing assets.

For more information about version files go to:

2. Enable Arcade publishing

To enable Arcade publishing, you need to define some additional variables on the job which needs to publish.

A typical publish job would look something like this...

  _BuildConfig: Debug
  _DotNetPublishToBlobFeed : true
  ${{ if and(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notin(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}:
    _PublishArgs: /p:DotNetPublishBlobFeedKey=$(dotnetfeed-storage-access-key-1)
    _OfficialBuildIdArgs: /p:OfficialBuildId=$(BUILD.BUILDNUMBER)
  ${{ if or(eq(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}:
    _PublishArgs: ''
    _OfficialBuildIdArgs: ''
# publishing requires some secrets from key vault
- ${{ if and(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notin(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}:
  - task: AzureKeyVault@1
      azureSubscription: 'DotNet-Engineering-Services_KeyVault'
      KeyVaultName: EngKeyVault
      SecretsFilter: 'dotnetfeed-storage-access-key-1,microsoft-symbol-server-pat,symweb-symbol-server-pat'

- script: eng\common\CIBuild.cmd $(_PublishArgs) /p:OfficialBuildId=$(BUILD.BUILDNUMBER)

3. Enable assets publishing to the Build Asset Registry (BAR)

To enable asset publishing to BAR we need to add a closing phase to azure-pipelines.yml. To do this add the following snippet at the end of azure-pipelines.yml and update the dependsOn parameter with the names of all the previous build jobs:

  - ${{ if and(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notin(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}:
    - template: /eng/common/templates/phases/publish-build-assets.yml
          - job1
          - job2
          name: Hosted VS2017


Steps for consuming

1. Add or copy Version.Details.xml

Dependency consumption depends on the details file defining what dependencies your repo is going to consume.

You can create this file or copy the file from arcade-minimalci-sample's Version.Details.xml file as a starting point.

2. Add or copy your expression files

Dependency flow will update versions in your expression files.

You can create these files or copy them from the arcade-minimalci-sample repo:

3. Add subscriptions and channels

More about Channels, Branches, and Subscriptions


3.1. Join the arcade-contrib team
  1. Go to
  2. Click on "Request to join"
3.2. Set up your darc client

Once you are part of the arcade-contrib team

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Sign in" in the upper right of the page
  3. Give consent to "DotNet Maestro"
  4. Click on your name and then on "Tokens"
  5. Choose a name for your token and then "Create"
  6. Copy the created token
  7. Open a powershell or bash prompt and navigate to a repository that has the arcade toolset.
  8. Run .\eng\common\darc-init.ps1 or ./eng/common/ This will install darc as a global tool.
  9. Run darc authenticate
  10. Place the token into the bar_password field. You may leave the rest of the fields as-is.
  11. Save and close.
3.3. Get all existing channels
  1. Run darc get-channels to display available channels. Arcade builds are published to the '.NET Tools - Latest' channel.
3.4. Create a subscription to get Arcade updates

Darc can be used to create new subscriptions, either in interactive mode or non-interactive mode. Interactive will open an editor to modify the fields, while non-interactive expects all fields on the command line.

Interactive mode
  1. Run darc add-subscription

  2. Fill out the fields. For Arcade, this typically looks like:

Channel: .NET Tools - Latest
Source Repository URL:
Target Repository URL: <your repository URL>
Target Branch: <target branch for arcade updates, e.g. master>
Update Frequency: everyDay
Merge Policies:
- Name: AllChecksSuccessful
    - WIP
    - license/cla
  1. Save and close
Non-interactive mode
  1. Run darc add-subscription --channel ".NET Tools - Latest" --source-repo --target-repo <your repo> --target-branch master --update-frequency everyDay --ignore-checks WIP,license/cla --all-checks-passed -q

These steps can be altered for additional subscriptions to other repositories.

Supported values

Merge Policies

Merge policies are a set of rules that, if satisfied, mean that an auto-update PR will be automatically merged. A PR is only merged automatically if policies exist and all are satisfied.

  • AllChecksSuccessful. All PR checks must be successful, potentially ignoring a set of checks specified in ignoreChecks. Checks might be ignored if they are unrelated to PR validation. The check name corresponds to the string that shows up in GitHub/Azure DevOps.
  • RequireChecks. Require that a specific set of checks pass. Check names need to be defined in the checks property. The check name corresponds to the string that shows up in GitHub/Azure DevOps.
  • NoExtraCommits. If additional non-bot commits appear in the PR, the PR should not be merged.

Update frequencies

How often does a source repo flows dependencies into a target repo.

  • everyDay. The target repo only gets the dependencies updated once a day.
  • everyBuild. The target repo gets the dependencies updated after every source repo build.
  • none. No updates will happen in the target repo.
3.5. Create a channel (optional, typically not needed)

You only need to create a channel in rare cases. Most .NET Core 3 builds should be assigned to the ".NET Core 3 Dev" channel. However, if you do need to create a new channel:

  1. Run the following darc command:
    darc add-channel --name "<channel name>" --classification "<classification>"
    The classification is typically 'product'. Later on this will be used to differentiate dev or non-product builds, etc.
3.6. Associate a branch with a channel

This will associate each new build of a specific branch in a repository with a channel. This is not technically required. Outputs from any build of any branch could be associated with a channel after the upload to the build asset registry. For example, I might decide that 'dev/foobar', containing a one off fix, is what I want to flow into downstream repositories.

In practice, it's tedious to manually associate each new build with a channel. Most of the time, each build 'master' is intended for '.NET Core 3 Dev', each build of release/2.1 is intended for '.NET Core Release 2.1', etc. Associating a branch with a channel causes every new build of that branch to be automatically applied to the channel.

For most .NET Core repositories, 'master' should be associated with '.NET Core 3 Dev'.

  1. Run the following darc command:
    darc add-default-channel --branch refs/heads/<branch> --repo <repo URI> --channel <target channel>
    Example: For corefx master (the .NET Core 3 development branch), this would be:
    darc add-default-channel --branch refs/heads/master --repo --channel ".NET Core 3 Dev"
  2. Verify with darc get-default-channels

5. Validate

At this time we don't have a way to notify users if something went wrong while updating dependencies but this work is tracked by dotnet#821.

To validate that created subscriptions and channels work as expected you'd need to verify that a PR has been created on your subscription's targetRepository once a build from sourceRepository has successfully completed. If a PR was not created something went wrong and we can use darc to find out what happened

  1. Obtain the id of the non-functioning subscription:
    darc get-subscriptions
    You can use various parameters to filter the list and find the subscription you're interested in. For instance:
    darc get-subscriptions --target-repo corefx (.NET Tools - Latest) ==> '' ('master')
    - Id: c297d885-0692-40f8-6b97-08d61f281b4c
    - Update Frequency: everyDay
    - Merge Policies:
        ignoreChecks =
    - Last Build: N/A
  2. Use the ID and query for the subscription history:
    darc get-subscription-history --id <id>
    For example:
    darc get-subscription-history --id d2d2e80d-8b31-4744-1959-08d6175791f6
    10/19/2018 9:15:17 AM: (Success) - Checking merge policy for pr ''
    10/19/2018 9:10:15 AM: (Success) - Checking merge policy for pr ''
    10/19/2018 9:05:14 AM: (Success) - Checking merge policy for pr ''
    10/19/2018 9:05:04 AM: (Success) - Updating subscription for build '146'
    Any failed actions will be marked as such, along with a retry command.
  3. Let @alexperovich, @jcagme or @mmitche know about the errors in the unsuccessful entry