Consider we have some API endpoint to get 50 random images with tag "cat"
(def api-endpoint "")
Batched request will be implement as follows
(def get-batch []
(-> api-endpoint
For this API get-batch
is no-arg function, so we don't need any additional tweaks here. Just create a pot.
(def pot (make-pot get-batch))
We created a pot, no data send to image provider yet.
Request image
(cook pot) ;; => :no-data
Nothing available. It's because littlepot is non-blocking.
If we don't have data, we say :no-data
immediately instead of waiting for availability. During the same time we have sent request to image provider to retrieve data in background.
(cook pot) ;; => :no-data
No data yet. Because our previous batched request still in progress.
Note: we don't send another batch request, because only one active batch allowed at a time.
(cook pot) ;; => {:url ""
:width "640"
:height "480"}
Yay, we've got an image. And, by the way, another 49 images are cached in queue, so all next calls will return data immediately.
Note: It's easily composable, so to get 10 images at a time call function 10 times.
(take 10 (repeatedly #(cook pot)))
And you cooking and cooking, until the data exhausted...
In fact, when pot detects there is a small amount of data left in queue, it sends next batch request in background, hoping to fill the data until you exhaust the queue. And it works.
Note: littlepot sends next batch request, when there are less than 10 elements left in queue. Set :cap
key when creating the pot to override this behaviour.
(def pot (make-pot get-batch :cap 25))
Some APIs require paging for the results.
Often this is done by providing ?page=
query param.
(def api-endpoint "")
In this cases, our batch function accept one argument, results page:
(def get-batch [page]
(-> api-endpoint
(str page)
For this API get-batch
is arg function, and we need also to define initial arguments using :args
and function that update arguments for the next calls.
(def pot (make-pot get-batch
:args [1]
:next-args-fn (fn [[v]] [(inc v)])))
This way instead of random batches we request sequentially following endpoints
;; ""
;; ""
;; ""
When some exception occurs, or empty collection of data returned, cache considered exhausted and all subsequent calls return :exhausted