A project for Database Management 🔐 @ The University of Akron 🎓
- .NET Core 3.1
- ASP.NET Core 3.1
- NodeJS 14.x
- Yarn
- Docker and docker-compose
# Start MySQL Database
docker-compose up -d db phpmyadmin
# Start application in development watch mode with live-reload
cd IllusoryWall && dotnet watch -p IllusoryWall run
- Database: port 3306
- PHPMyAdmin Interface: http://localhost:8080
- Application: http://localhost:5000 or https://localhost:5001
- Docker and docker-compose
# Build application for production and start all containers
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
- Application: http://localhost
: Build files for MySQL docker image/.mysql_data
: Data volume used by MySQL docker image/IllusoryWall
: Project solution/IllusoryWall/IllusoryWall
: IllusoryWall server application/IllusoryWall/IllusoryWall/ClientApp
: Web Client/IllusoryWall/WebScraper
: Web scraper shared library/Client
: Symbolic link to/IllusoryWall/IllusoryWall/ClientApp