This is a demo script from btp2 that demonstrates simple e2e testing scenarios.
To run the demo, the following software needs to be installed.
- Node.js 18 (LTS) [download]
- Docker compose (V2) [download]
- OpenJDK 11 or above [download]
- jq [download]
- go [download]
Step 1: Run the DIVE command that spins ups two chains for sending message using BTP
Step 2: After you get the contract address from the output, update xCall and dApp address in deployment.json file
Step 3: Update network and endpoint in the chain_config.json, deployments.json and hardhat.config.ts files
Step 4: now run the command
make run-demo
to execute all scenarios.
Note: Running the demo script will copy all the dependencies required from the container. We can clean the dependencies by running
make clean-dep
Step 1: Run the dive command that spins ups two archway chain for sending message using IBC. Wait for the setup to be completed
Step 2: now run the command
make run-cosmos
to execute e2e demo which transfers token from one archway chain to another.