Pointer networks are a clever design developed by Vinyals et al. in this paper. Like transformers, their architecture permits a variable input size, in which each input is a set or tokens, each containing a D-dimensional representation of some features. However, pointer networks are powerful because they use an attention-based mechanism to generate sequential output from a variable length output set (the output set is usually comprised of the input tokens). Pointer networks can solve complex combinatorial problems like the traveling salesman problem, which I'll explore in the third part of this series.
In this file, I introduce how pointer networks work, explain how I've varied the architecture a bit from the original paper, and demonstrate their performance on a toy problem in which they have to sort dominoes (more on that soon).
The toy problem requires pointer networks to sort dominoes by the value on each dominoe given a random set of dominoes in random order. Due to the magic (engineering) of pointer networks, it can do this on input data with a variable set size. Since it's a simple problem, the pointer network learns the task in just a few minutes.
As a means of testing whether the network really learns the values of dominoes rather than just learning a lookup table of inputs to outputs, the training set includes only 2/3rds of the possible dominoes, but the testing is done with all of them.
A full set of dominoes is a set of paired values (combinations with
replacement) of the integers from 0 to highestDominoe
. Therefore, the input
to the network is represented as a two-hot tensor stack in which each 1
the tensor represents the values on the dominoe.
The first highestDominoe+1
elements represent the first value of the dominoe
and the second highestDominoe+1
elements represent the second value of the
dominoe. Here are some examples for highestDominoe = 3
(0 | 0): [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
value: 0
(0 | 1): [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
value: 1
(0 | 2): [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
value: 2
(0 | 3): [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
value: 3
(1 | 0): [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
value: 1
(2 | 1): [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
value: 3
Dominoes with non-equal value pairs (e.g. (1 | 2)
) are represented in the
dataset in both directions (the (2 | 1)
representation is included).
The value of each dominoe is the sum of the two values on the dominoe. For
example, the dominoe (1 | 2)
has value 3
. The task of this toy problem is
to sort dominoes based on their value, from highest to lowest, and output them
in order using a pointer network. Note that some dominoes have equal value in
a set, but because the dominoes are always initialized in the same order,
equal value dominoes are always sorted in the same way.
The target is represented as a list of integers corresponding to the arg sort
of the dominoe values for each hand. As an example, if a hand was composed of
the 6 dominoes shown above as an example, the target is [5,3,2,4,1,0]
The pointer network architecture consists of two stages, an encoder and a decoder. The encoder generates an embedding of each element of an input sequence, along with a context vector that describes the state of the whole set of inputs. The decoder first updates the context vector based on the last output of the network, then it chooses one of the input elements to output next by combining the embedded representations with the context vector.
In the original paper by Vinyals et al., the encoder is an LSTM RNN. In this implementation, I have replaced the LSTM with a transfomer. The context vector is just a sum of the transformed input representations.
The decoder stage first updates the context vector. In the original paper, this is performed with a second RNN in which the context vector is equivalent to the hidden state (or cell state, depending on which RNN is used). Here, I replace it with a "multi-context transformer", in which the transformer receives some inputs to be transformed and some inputs that are purely used for context. Those "context inputs" are used to generate keys and value but not queries, and so are not transformed. The transformer uses distinct matrices to transform the main inputs and context inputs into keys and values, so it can learn a different code for each kind of input. For more detail, see the code to the multi-context transformer.
Finally, a pointer attention module combines the new context vector with the encoded representations to choose one of the inputs as the next output. This is done however many times is requested.
As is common in the literature, previously chosen inputs are masked so the output is a permutation of the inputs.
To train the network, I used the Adam optimizer with
Testing is exactly the same as training, except the remaining 1/3 of dominoe pairs are returned to the dataset.
The main result of the problem is shown here:
As you can see, the network quickly learns to sort dominoes by their value effectively. Pretty cool! The fact that the loss asymptotes to around 5 is due to the fact that some dominoes have the same value, but the target expects them to be sorted a consistent way. This loss is just the average loss expected from the few choices that should be swapped in each batch, and the value used to mask the choice in log-softmax (the log-score of a masked option is close to -100 and the chosen option is usually closer to 0).
To show that the network performs the task correctly (albeit not knowing how to sort equal value dominoes) I also made a plot showing the fraction of properly sorted hands throughout training and during testing.
As you can see, the network quickly learns to sort the dominoes and does it almost perfectly in just a few epochs. Since this is just a toy problem for illustrating the pointer networks, I'm not invested in fixing the equal-value sorting issue, so happy to leave it as it is. (I'm also more interested in the reinforcement learning formulation of the problem, which is more flexible and doesn't have this preference of sort order).