This submission is about quadratic functions and the math behind it.
I was of the opinion that the quadratic formula is something that we teach every student and yet it’s unclear why. They are never going to use it. Being a developer myself - I should have known it better before having this hypothesis because while writing an unreleased game likely (and hopefully) to be released on Apple Arcade, I found out more about hybrid rendering with Metal ray tracing, and just ray tracing in general, where the quadratic formula is used all the time to come up with graphs for how close a particular light source is to an object as a function of time.
And so that is why I decided to write Essence of Quadratic Equations - to not only help visualize graphing functions to someone who already knows the basics of quadratic equations, but to also explain the importance of it. I believe that even if you explain something that’s very standard and basic - it’s likely something that a lot of students have to reach at some point. And coming up with a visually better way to explain it can add a lot to the space. And I don’t think there is a better way to do that other than making a fun, interactive app.
This Swift Playgrounds app project was made entirely with SwiftUI. It even works on the new M1 Macs. Although I didn't have much familiarity with SwiftUI in the beginning, It was a delight to work with. Eoqe uses AVPlayer to load animations that are pre-rendered to make the app accessible for people using older devices and reduce loading times. Moreover, 100% of the animations and resources used are made with code with an open-source math animating engine named manim.
-- I’ve loved coding since the age of 10.
Although I consider myself a self-taught developer - back in 2016, I took a few lessons on javascript at a new start-up. It was a great experience that made me have a deep appreciation for web-developers.
Better than that, however, was the friends I made along the way. And it was this exact same group of friends that I started working on a website with. The idea was, all of us would post what we learned on a given week to that website to a) sharpen our own skills b) sharing knowledge and c) to keep ourselves accountable.
Unbeknownst to us at the time, this was a really great decision. The site started gaining some traction… so much so that at a point, the site reached over 10,000 monthly visitors, partially because we shared it with everyone in our school. Or it could be because we quickly developed a catalog of 150 videos.
However, we had to shut down the site at the end of 2017 because we couldn’t absorb server costs. To say that this was an incredible opportunity would be an understatement! :)
-- Leafy Scan –
A privacy first document scanning app created with iOS design guidelines in mind, so it fits right at home on any Apple device. The app scans your documents reliably - nothing more. nothing less.
Everything is powered by Apple's API. Works completely offline to enhance user privacy and speed. Does not collect user data. Privacy, built in.
*the app is actually submitted under my dad's apple account since I'm under 18, however, it's solely developed by me as an individual