- OSH Certification
- Contact Lattice
- TaZ / Hack'Im Bey
- Footprints
- Check clock footprint (quelle raison pour plantage par Macrofab?)
- Correct HV Module footprint (reversed)
- Simplification
- Remove i2c components / lines
- Seul i2c: RPi's line
- REMOVE U118, U131, U134
- Remove i2c components / lines
- Checks
- Vérifier U143 et U160 (seemed to bug when using IO4 as CS)
- Headers (2x6 as PMODs, exposing) ( J9 and J19 split ):
- PMOD 1 (close to SMA)
- TopTurn 1, 2, 3
- Out 1, 2, 3
- Pon
- Poff
- 5V, 3.3V and GND
- PMOD 2 (somewhere else)
- IO 1 to 4
- In 1, 2, 3, Trig
- 5V, 3.3V and GND
- PMOD 1 (close to SMA)
- Reorga
- RPi header reversed + OLED reversed (écran loin)
- Mounting holes for RPi0
- Décaler / splitter J10
- RPi header reversed + OLED reversed (écran loin)
- Interfaces
- RESET button for FPGA ?
- LED for chip enable on SPI FLASH
- LED on flash/fpga CS
- LED on RPi / USB select
- IO1
- IO2
- IO3
- IO4
remains 9 pins, namely 15, 18, 23, 24, 5, 7, 16, 10, 21
PMOD standards:
- https://www.digilentinc.com/Pmods/Digilent-Pmod_%20Interface_Specification.pdf
- i2c : The connection standard for system boards that provide I2C connectors is to use a 2x4 male, 100 mil spaced, pin header connector with straight pins
- See p6 of doc for standard maps
- GPIOs: Pmod Interface Type 1 (GPIO) organisation x2 (see Fig2)
- Have those onto a 12pin PMOD
1 extraPMOD with 4+4 IOs
3B 5B GBIN7 23A 23B 24A