hide footbox
actor user
participant webfrontend
participant webserver
participant hwdevice
participant os
user -> hwdevice ++ : power on
hwdevice -> hwdevice ++: boot process
hwdevice -> os ++: boot loader
os -> webserver **: launch
activate webserver
return success
os -> webfrontend **: launch
activate webfrontend
webfrontend -> webserver ++: request html ui
return html ui
webfrontend --> os : success
deactivate webfrontend
hide footbox
actor user
participant webfrontend
participant webserver
participant hwdevice
participant os
user ->> webfrontend ++: click on process button
webfrontend -> webserver ++: request processing result
webserver -> hwdevice ++: request sensor state\nsample (camera, etc)
return sensors states
webserver -> webserver ++: process sensor states
return result
webfrontend -> webfrontend ++: render into images
return images
webfrontend ->> user: images as light
interface Animal {
+get_name(): str
+get_legs(): Leg[]
class Leg
class Fin
class Dog {
class Master {
Animal <|-- Dog: inherits
Animal <|-- Dolphin: inherits
Lion -|> Animal: inherits
Lion o--> "0-1" Dog: hold in its mouth
Lion o--> "0-1" Master: hold in its mouth
Dog *--> "4" Leg: has
Dolphin *--> "0" Leg
Dolphin *--> "1" Fin
Dog ..> Master: depends on its
-> <u>**Systemd supports parallel boot!**</u>;
partition "System Boot" {
partition "Update System" {
if (requires updates?) then
repeat :Download <u>*app*</u> update package;
repeat while (not ok and retry count\nnot exhausted)
if (download package?) then
:Installing new <u>*app*</u> package;
-[#red]-> Cannot proceed, this is not safe!
**shuting down** the system...;
fork again
:Launching postgres db;
:Launching application backend;
end fork
:Lauching application;
scale 1 as 100 pixels
Title Power of a street light as a function of time
february 18 2017
end legend
header: Test MY-MODEL
robust "Street light power 80000 (kWh) as P" as P
robust "Requested (%)" as R
P has 0.07,0.06,0.05,0.04,0.03,0.02,0.01,0.00
R has 100,90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10,0
P is 0.00: 15:00
R is 0
P is 0.00
R is 0
P is 0.02 : 17:00
R is 30
P is 0.08 : Sun set
R is 80
P is 0.04
R is 80
state "Awaiting input" as State1
state "Looking for matches" as State2
state "Processing selection" as State4
[*] -> State1
State1 --> State2 : Input received
State1 --> [*] : Timeout
State2 --> State1 : No matches / To many matches
State2 --> State4 : Single match
State2 --> State3 : Multiple maches found
state State3 {
[*] --> State3A
state "CursorOnMatch1" as State3A
state "CursorOnMatch2" as State3B
State3A --> State3B: Arrow down
State3A --> [*]: Enter / Esc / Ctrl+c
State3B --> State3A: Arrow up
State3B --> [*]: Enter / Esc / Ctrl+c
State3 --> [*] : Selection rejected / Aborted
State3 --> State4 : Single match selected
State4 --> [*]: Done
left to right direction
skinparam packageStyle rectangle
actor customer
actor clerk
rectangle checkout {
customer -- (checkout)
(checkout) .> (payment) : include
(help) .> (checkout) : extends
(checkout) -- clerk
package "Some Group" {
HTTP - [First Component]
[Another Component]
node "Other Groups" {
FTP - [Second Component]
[First Component] --> FTP
cloud {
[Example 1]
database "MySql" {
folder "This is my folder" {
[Folder 3]
frame "Foo" {
[Frame 4]
[Another Component] --> [Example 1]
[Example 1] --> [Folder 3]
[Folder 3] --> [Frame 4]
Voici d'autres diagrammes que je n'ai pas encore eu l'occasion ou trouvé le besoin d'utiliser: