92800 Puteaux, France
Numerical Linear Algebra : Solution of Linear Systems, LU Factorization, Gaussian Elimination, Gauss-Jordan Elimination, Matrix Vector Multiplication
HPC : Parallel Programming Models, Scientific Computing
March 2018 - March 2021
Ph.D. in Computer Science
Thesis title : Distributed and Parallel Programming Paradigms Using Graphs of Tasks for Post-Petascale Supercomputers
Advisor : Pr. Serge G. Petiton
University of Lille (Lille, France)
September 2014 - September 2017
Polytech'Lille, Computer Science and Statistics
Master in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
University of Lille (Lille, France)
September 2016 - February 2017
School of Computer Engineering
Master in Informatics Engineering - Erasmus
Technical University of Madrid (Boadilla del Monte, Spain)
September 2012 - July 2014
Undergraduate Studies
Preparatory Classes in Mathematics and Physics: Specific training for competitive entry examinations for the French "Grandes Ecoles"
Lycée Clémenceau (Reims, France)
September 2009 - July 2012
Scientific Baccalauréat
Major : Mathematics
Lycée Samuel Beckett (La Ferté-sous-Jouarre, France)
February 2017
Degree Project at Polytech'Lille
Distributed and parallel multi-level programming on supercomputers using YML+XMP, a development and execution environment for parallel and distributed applications based on a graph of PGAS components managed at runtime
August 2021 - Present
ANEO, Boulogne-Billancourt, France
HPC/Cloud Expert Consultant
- ArmoniK Tech & Research Lead
- Development from scratch to industrialization
- Open-Source HTC orchestrator based on Kubernetes and Terraform managing hybrid multi-cloud computations
- Supervision and formation of trainees
- Leading a team of about 10 persons
- Technical evaluation and qualification of candidates during recruiting
- Contribute to InterFLOP project which provides a platform to analyze and control floating point calculus behavior
March 2021 - July 2021
CNRS USR3441 Maison de la simulation, Saclay, France
Postdoctoral researcher
- Parallelization of Graph Convolutional Neural Network training and predicition library
- Port MPI+OpenMP implementation of SPMV to A64FX architecture with vectorization
- Performance evaluation on Fugaku
March 2018 - March 2021
CNRS USR3441 Maison de la simulation, Saclay, France
Ph.D. Student
- Research and classification of task based programming paradigms
- Design, implementation and deployment of task based scientific applications on supercomputers
- Experiments with block based direct methods to solve dense linear systems, sparse matrix vector products and Kirchhoff seismic pre-stack depth migration
- Partially supported by TOTAL SA
March 2017 - August 2017
Parallel programming, CNRS USR3441 Maison de la simulation, Saclay, France
- Testing and programming YML/XMP applications on supercomputers
- Evaluating and analysing performances of several applications
- Studying and prototyping a new parallel version of the Kirchhoff migration
May 2016 - July 2016
Management Tool Migration, Norman Info, Arras, France
- Use of SCRUM method to organize work
- Organizing training session for the team to master the new tool
- Adjusting the tool to feedbacks gathered during meetings with the team
August 2015
Sorting, French Tax Office, Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, France
- Understanding the sorting system of a big company
- Managing time efficiently to do all the tasks
- Helping others to be faster in their work
December 2022 - Present
Université de Versailles Saint Quentin - High Performance Master, Guyancourt, France
- Classes : Numerical calculus
- topics : Iterative methods to solve linear systems, band matrices, Lapack, BLAS
- 12 hours of practical courses
January 2022 - Present
Institut des Sciences et Techniques des Yvelines, Vélizy, France
- Classes : Advanced Operating Systems
- Topics : Elf format, process scheduling, threading, virtual memory
- Student project: implementing a Shell in C
- Lecture on "Changes in application development brought by Cloud Computing"
- 2 hours lecture + 40 hours of practical courses
March 2018 - June 2018
Institut des Sciences et Techniques des Yvelines, Vélizy, France
- Classes : Operating Systems
- Topics : Unix basic commands, bash scripts, C processes
- 60 hours of practical courses
December 2021 (expiration : December 2023)
Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Architect
Programming Languages : C#, Python, Rust, Bash, C, C++, XcalableMP, OpenACC, Java
AWS : S3, EC2, SQS, AmazonMQ, DynamoDB, Elasticache (Redis), EKS, Cloud9
CI/CD : GitHub, Azure Pipelines, Terraform
Containerization : Docker, Kubernetes, Singularity
Programming Models : MPI, MPI+OpenMP, PaRSEC, HPX, Legion(Regent), YML+XMP, Pegasus, TensorFlow
Computational Packages : BLAS, LAPACK, ScaLAPACK
Others : CMake, Makefile, Git, SQL
Python Packages : Matplotlib, SQLite3, JSON, numpy, re, subprocess
Software & Tools : MS Office, Latex
25 January - 8 February 2021 (1 d/week)
[ONLINE] Modern Scientific C++ @ MdlS/Idris
November - December 2020
[MOOC] Deep Learning (CNAM)
7 July - 9 September 2020 (2 h/week)
[ONLINE] Kokkos Lecture Series
18 December 2019
Introduction to machine learning in Python with Scikit-learn
4 - 5 July 2019
Introduction to Parallel Programming with HPX
12 - 14 June 2019
CEA-Riken Summer School - Mastering the Arm HPC ecosystem
23 - 24 April 2018
Parallel file systems and parallel IO libraries
Q. Delamea, J. Gurhem, D. Brasseur, D. Diakite, E. Soubiran, F. Dewas, F. Lemaitre, J. Fonseca, M. Elflitty, L. Ziane Khodja, A. Louvion, Y. Kharouni, D. Dubuc, N. Gruel, W. Kirschenmann, "ArmoniK, A Fault-Tolerant General-Purpose Distributed Computing Framework For Massive Task-Based Workloads", Technical report, August, 2023. link
M. Vandromme, J. Gurhem, M. Tsuji, S. G. Petiton, and M. Sato, "Scaling the PageRank Algorithm for Very Large Graphs on the Fugaku Supercomputer", Computational Science - ICCS 2022 - 22nd International Conference, London, UK, June 21-23, 2022. link
J. Gurhem, H. Calandra and S. G. Petiton, "Parallel and Distributed Task-Based Kirchhoff Seismic Pre-Stack Depth Migration Application", in 20th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC 2021), Cluj-Napoca, Romania. link
J. Gurhem, M. Vandromme, M. Tsuji, S. G. Petiton, and M. Sato, "Sequences of Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on Fugaku’s A64FX processors", EAHPC-2021 - Embracing Arm for High Performance Computing Workshop. link
J. Gurhem and S. G. Petiton, “A current task-based programming paradigms analysis”, in Computational Science – ICCS 2020, V. V. Krzhizhanovskaya, G. Závodszky, M. H. Lees, J. J. Dongarra, P. M. A. Sloot, S. Brissos, and J. Teixeira, Eds., Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020, pp. 203–216, ISBN: 978-3-030-50426-7. link
J. Gurhem, M. Tsuji, S. G. Petiton, and M. Sato, "Distributed and Parallel Programming Paradigms on the K computer and a Cluster", in Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region, ser. HPC Asia 2019, Guangzhou, China: ACM, 2019, pp. 9–17, ISBN: 978-1-4503-6632-8. link
J. Gurhem, H. Calandra and S. G. Petiton, "Task-Based Sparse Matrix Vector Product and Kirchhoff Migration", 2021 Oil & Gas HPC Conference
S. G. Petiton, J. Gurhem, H. Calandra, "A Taxonomy of Distributed and Parallel Languages for High Performance Tasks-Based Multilevel Computing", SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, February 2020, Seattle, U.S.
J. Gurhem, "Distributed and Parallel Programming using Graphs of Tasks with a Scheduler Optimizing Data Migrations", PhD Day 2019 at Maison de la Simulation, June 2019, Saclay, France.
J. Gurhem, "Programming Paradigm and Language Candidates for Extreme Scale Distributed and Parallel Computing", MATHIAS 2018 Computational Science Engineering & Data Science by TOTAL, Oct 2018, Serris, Paris, France.
J. Gurhem, "Distributed and Parallel Dense Block Linear Algebra using YML and XMP", First French-Japanese-German on Programming and Computing for Exascale and Beyond, Embassy of France in Tokyo, April 2017, Tokyo, Japan.
French : Native language
English : Fluent
Reading (Fantasy, Science-Fiction)
Video Games (Minecraft)
Programming (Minecraft extensions/mods in Java, MOOCs about computer science)