1.2.0 (2025-02-11)
- link to add button (afff14b)
- progress bar update on navscroll (606e2e4)
- update scss and percentage and currency inputs (fd2203f)
- a11y: add title to icons (bc8f4c2)
- add editable tabs (4c3b99f)
- add icon title support to stepper items (1101384)
- card tab (e04756f)
- tab position (8ba6f1a)
1.1.4 (2024-12-20)
- components import (e54bbb9)
1.1.3 (2024-12-18)
- a11y: timeline improvements (346bacd)
- add aria hidden to rating icons (815f184)
- add form-control to autocomplete (b8d5459)
- add icons and translations to transfer component (3a5ae08)
- button focus (8167c99)
- improvements on back to top component (62d50bb)
- use container-xxl for header component (7843a4a)
1.1.2 (2024-11-06)
- readonly input problem in navscroll (fceffc5)
1.1.1 (2024-10-31)
- dimmer primary color (1b91fb2)
- forward example component (7a5adfa)
- groups for radios toggles and checkboxes (1b65209)
1.1.0 (2024-07-18)
- support Angular 18
1.0.3 (2024-07-15)
- button: added default button type (ea19950), closes #355
- multiple initialization (39fad60)
- popover: fixed popover container attribute (6327e76), closes #352
- top on sticky header and add method for close NavBar on mobile (d1df044)
- add regex for italian plate and set plate validators (be076df)
- added output event (f29bfd3)
- timeline: added timeline component (147b8f5)
1.0.2 (2024-04-08)
- add missing slim title link to header (d147d2a)
1.0.1 (2024-03-22)
- upgrade bootstrap italia (b765661)
1.0.0 (2024-03-18)
- a11y: wai aria label for icon component (3bfe2b4)
- add nav mode for language switch (af2159f)
- autocomplete label (c7271f0)
- autocomplete: added ability to show big autocomplete (9c75948), closes #302
- autocomplete: fixed autocomplete imports (ccbe840), closes #302
- avatar linting (000238d)
- avatar: fixed router-link missing importation (0bbb7cb)
- card in image carousel (87f1f90)
- DateUtils: fixed countDays function (5b11cc6)
- fixed directive compile broken when using @Input transform (1b72e9e)
- fixed input-group-text on input component when prependText content is dynamic (19930c5)
- fixed tsconfig path for library (54ae4ef)
- form validation (367bdd6)
- input with icons (4d39007)
- merge fix (4afaede)
- pipes: fixed the mark-matching-text pipe (b482ff8)
- radioButton: added ability to set the radio name manually (bbdc97e)
- release (48a2fa6)
- remove not existing directive from avatar (2d1220c)
- removed unused ItAbstractComponent from header and navbar (0ebe1e2)
- textarea: added to set textarea as readonly (409c411)
- use button instead of a for avatar dropdown (3d0d492)
- use fill-opacity to display the sorting arrows correctly (3516dae)
- use library dependencies inside library provide (4409748)
- add label waria on more components (95d2b9d)
- add megamenu component (0da7bee)
- add navbar (13ad966)
- add sidebar component (cfb85c7)
- add sorting to table (0f039f4)
- improve header component (b2552b9)
- pipes: added date-ago pipe (97b3aed)
- pipes: added duration pipe (6beea0f)
- split autocomple to another component (082ee93), closes #302
- upgrade to angular 17 (072df92)
- upgrade-major: fixed prerelease versioning (fe3781d)
- utils: added date utils (2b22506)
- improved all BooleanInput with angular transform function (0956e52)
1.0.0-prerelease.5 (2024-03-04)
- release (48a2fa6)
1.0.0-prerelease.4 (2024-03-04)
- form validation (367bdd6)
- add sidebar component (cfb85c7)
1.0.0-prerelease.3 (2024-02-12)
- add nav mode for language switch (af2159f)
- use fill-opacity to display the sorting arrows correctly (3516dae)
1.0.0-prerelease.2 (2024-02-08)
1.0.0-prerelease.1 (2024-01-25)
- autocomplete: added ability to show big autocomplete (9c75948), closes #302
- autocomplete: fixed autocomplete imports (ccbe840), closes #302
- avatar linting (000238d)
- avatar: fixed router-link missing importation (0bbb7cb)
- card in image carousel (87f1f90)
- fixed directive compile broken when using @Input transform (1b72e9e)
- fixed input-group-text on input component when prependText content is dynamic (19930c5)
- fixed tsconfig path for library (54ae4ef)
- input with icons (4d39007)
- merge fix (4afaede)
- pipes: fixed the mark-matching-text pipe (b482ff8)
- radioButton: added ability to set the radio name manually (bbdc97e)
- remove not existing directive from avatar (2d1220c)
- removed unused ItAbstractComponent from header and navbar (0ebe1e2)
- textarea: added to set textarea as readonly (409c411)
- use button instead of a for avatar dropdown (3d0d492)
- add navbar (13ad966)
- add sorting to table (0f039f4)
- improve header component (b2552b9)
- pipes: added date-ago pipe (97b3aed)
- pipes: added duration pipe (6beea0f)
- split autocomple to another component (082ee93), closes #302
- upgrade-major: fixed prerelease versioning (fe3781d)
- utils: added date utils (2b22506)
- improved all BooleanInput with angular transform function (0956e52)
1.0.0-23 (2024-01-09)
- checkbox click fired twice (6cf4b7f)
- add back to top component (8ba1cfe)
- add checkbox (e737388)
- add list component (2503fcd)
- card component (b0333ff)
1.0.0-22 (2023-12-13)
- align buttons during validation (e9dbd11)
- input label (77bdeea)
- numeric inputs (a7b5a4f)
- restore symbol for currency and percentage (5d7682c)
- avatar component (d030d59)
1.0.0-21 (2023-12-07)
- included in Bootstrap Italia
1.0.0-20 (2023-11-30)
1.0.0-19 (2023-10-04)
- add input param to LanguageSwitcherComponent (bdb24e2)
- added modal options (804498d), closes #268
- select can assign object as a value (ba1c65d), closes #270
- update bootstrap italia version (2991fda), closes #271
1.0.0-18 (2023-07-14)
- build (7604e36)
- build and range on firefox (50cb1e1)
- duplicate image upload on upload file list component (41a12f2)
- input max min controls (698adfd)
- set value on checkbox and forms generic types (571f9b7)
- website docs not found (de5c8c7)
- add range component (ee0170c)
- added iban validator (24e58ad)
- added the possibility to insert a default option and to insert the options directly from html in the select component (7c77572)
- update dependencies (8b40b0d)
1.0.0-17 (2023-06-12)
- dependencies vulnerability (9a8f791)
- invalid message for abstract form components (34054f5)
- link class changes (e284f6b)
- merge and form component change detection update (dca43b9)
- test for standalone components (7d438ec)
- use default lang for translate service (d55262b)
- added autocomplete attribute on input and password input (56a8427)
- added invalid form feedback on select component (64eaf85)
- convert components to standalone (af3fdf1)
- disable the buttons in the steppers component (aa3f3ab)
- removed required forroot importation to use default configuration (e1a5a02)
- render dropdown as link (2d50b57)
- standalone components import separation (cbba4c0)
- upgrade angular and bootstrap italia version (2c9feae)
1.0.0-16 (2023-05-15)
- build compiler options for dependencies (249ea32)
- error page component impossibile nascondere codice errore (bf3448b)
- hardcoded iconhref in icon component (dff8a25)
- input component type date max value (4363f2e)
- input label with browser autofill (43f49cc)
- README.md (2034537)
- run test (39cc058)
- added ability to set max and min date value inside input component (c2ec250)
- added the ability to enter an initial configuration (bb3f03b)
- upgrade bootstrap italia version (91f5259)
1.0.0-15 (2023-04-11)
- improved password input component and validator (046a096)
1.0.0-14 (2023-03-31)
- active label in input with browser autofill (af8e01d)
- language switcher component (1fc893a)
- removed access specifier in input attributes (5944025)
1.0.0-13 (2023-03-15)
- error page component (ed39a34)
1.0.0-12 (2023-03-15)
- icon component class attribute (7a80eee)
- mark all as touched on form components (05f2d72)
- remove static id inside pagination component (0d67dcc)
1.0.0-11 (2023-03-13)
- radio button name in form array or nested form group (91e7681)
- dynamic id for components with mandatory id (fcff309)
- pagination with changer, jump to, text links, total number text and simple mode (95f9767)
- update bootstrap-italia version (e5b58ad)
- breadcrumb, carousel, card, back button, checkbox, list, password input, radio, steppers, upload drag drop components (8576da5)
1.0.0-10 (2023-03-08)
- rating component (5a27146)
1.0.0-9 (2023-02-27)
- fix: optimized notification component, fix notification icon and multiple dismiss bug (627b106)
1.0.0-8 (2023-02-23)
- class button with icon or progress (794f8c2)
- dropdown init using bootstrap (56350ac)
- optimization tab-component and docs (ed17bba)
- use active label when input type is color (c39f896)
- added utils method to retrieve mime type from base64 string (16b6002)
- dropdown-component add methods and events (8eb2976)
- fix: fix alert-component init using bootstrap, add methods and events (d728f4f)
- update bootstrap-italia version and remove bootstrap-italia.min.js from index.html (3cd3125)
- fix: fix back-to-top-component init using bootstrap, add methods and events, fix popover (78db693)
- fix: optimize and fix tab-component init using bootstrap (5ba6339)
- optimize collapse-component and accordion-component (2d458a9)
- optimize dropdown-component, included changedectorref to abstract-component (d54a8aa)
- optimize modal-component (ec18be1)
1.0.0-7 (2023-02-07)
- italian tax code regex (081f2f1)
1.0.0-6 (2023-02-06)
- i18n: translations with lazy loading modules (09315c4)
- improve a11y and margins on back button (57b1c45)
- ability to filter autocomplete data on backend (1398307)
- add ability to insert html label to checkbox and radiobutton (a7545e0)
- added steppers component (1bfa3fe)
1.0.0-5 (2023-01-27)
- assert non null elements on notification component (9950d98)
1.0.0-4 (2023-01-24)
- email input bad validation (e28cd06)
- minor fixes on upload file list and upload drag drop components (f9f9f72)
- i18n: improve localization (46fa9af)
1.0.0-3 (2023-01-17)
- add further tests and docs (0c2646a)
- search auto complete (f608d1a)
1.0.0-2 (2023-01-13)
- examples code indentation (aab8dcf)
- optimized progress button and bar components (b9f1454)
- peerDependencies on package.json library (1be5517)
- progress state in progress button component (a83d30f)
- restored angular.json for icons and i18n translations to work (58a579f)
- validation methods in abstract form and upload dragdrop components (d0b5ea6)
- various fix on back button (2718c5c)
- add chip component (7cb2778)
- add dimmer component (54cd067)
- add forward directive (9f7da5e)
- convert button component in button directive and remove loading button (cd1fdfd)
- new components (7f3cec0)
1.0.0-1 (2022-11-23)
- update dependencies for package
1.0.0-0 (2022-11-22)
- visualizzazione icone bootstrap-italia in app demo (7961380)
- new version for angular 14 (5ef7323)
0.13.0 (2018-09-14)
0.12.0 (2018-09-14)
0.11.0 (2018-09-14)
0.10.0 (2018-09-12)
0.9.0 (2018-09-12)
0.8.0 (2018-08-31)
0.7.0 (2018-08-31)
0.6.0 (2018-08-31)
0.5.0 (2018-08-30)
0.4.0 (2018-08-06)
- Tooltip: implementa la componente tooltip (ab051d1)
0.3.0 (2018-08-06)
0.2.1 (2018-08-06)
0.2.0 (2018-08-06)
0.1.0 (2018-07-25)
- componente: aggiungi esplicitamente il tipo del campo disabled del checkbox (1955e11)
- SourceDisplay: Permetti al componente SourceDisplay di poter comparire più volte in una pagina. (352362f), closes #21
- checkbox: aggiungi la checkbox (e8f13b2), closes #2
- checkbox: configura test e2e (d4734e4), closes #7
- checkbox: configura test unitari (238f421), closes #6
- RadioButton: implementazione componente radio button (#24) (650fa8b), closes #16
- toggle: Inizia implementazione e documentazione del toggle button (9370e06), closes #17