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Contributor Blurb

Julia Nguyen edited this page May 1, 2020 · 10 revisions

In the spirit of open communication and community, we highly recommend that new contributors write a blurb on themselves, what mental health means to them, and why they are part of the project. The live page can be found here.

Just a friendly reminder that our Code of Conduct applies here.


For folks who don't code: Create an issue in GitHub with your request to be added to the page, including information on either the Full Profile or Basic Profile.

For folks who code: This is a good first pull request to navigate the codebase. Many contributors have often said, "I don't feel right adding my profile without contributing anything". This is a contribution within itself!

You can either fill out a full or basic profile, but DON'T do both.

Full Profile

  • Name
  • Image of yourself that is at least 800x800 px and be in .jpg or .png format
  • As many words as you want for your blurb
  • Desired social media profile

Developer Specific

  • Please save the profile image as app/assets/images/contributors/firstname_lastname.png!
  • Add your blurb to doc/pages/blurbs.json.


Basic Profile

  • Name
  • Desired social media profile

Developer Specific

  • Add to doc/pages/contributors.json.
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