Releases: hybridgroup/gocv
Releases · hybridgroup/gocv
With improved env script that covers both Ubuntu and Arch Linux.
Minor docs update for installation instructions.
This is the first "official" release of GoCV.
What works
- Video capture
- GUI Window to display video
- Image load/save
- CascadeClassifier for object detection/face tracking/etc.
- Installation instructions for Ubuntu
- Installation instructions for OS X
- Code example to use VideoWriter
- Intel CV SDK PVL FaceTracker/Face support
- A number of useful imgproc Image processing algorithms, specifically box filter, Gaussian filter, Canny filter, HoughLines, & HoughLinesP.
- Travis CI build
- At least minimal test coverage for each OpenCV class, total coverage is 97%.
- Useful commands/examples for mjpeg-streamer, savevideo, etc.