Filename: concepts/02bafb0f-2f09-541c-9224-5dedcf4f9a8e.yaml
# data related to the concept
identifier: '939' # An identifier for the concept being discussed.
# List of all localizations for the concept
# The format is <3 digit language code>: <id of the localized-concept>
ara: 19bb3553-fc74-535f-9ee8-c2db597d9269
deu: f27b0718-0a9e-5602-85d4-33952af2f91b
eng: c1b210f5-21ac-5a8b-8bf3-a34e5de7bddb
kor: 61361462-65ba-59f4-9f25-31796bb38578
rus: 8d61d10d-18a3-5888-be8e-ba7c0f480957
spa: 886155b6-7158-5de2-822d-400f6d20fada
swe: 7da14dec-ff6c-5e1e-807f-8611f946f1aa
# Date and time when the concept was accepted.
dateAccepted: 2023-04-17
# A UUID for the concept
id: 02bafb0f-2f09-541c-9224-5dedcf4f9a8e
# List of all the related concepts
related: []
# Status of the concept
status: valid
Filename: localized-concepts/c1b210f5-21ac-5a8b-8bf3-a34e5de7bddb.yaml
# data related to the concept
# Authoritative source for current localized concept.
# This can also be added below in the sources section with type `authoritative`
- {}
# Different dates related to this localized concept
- date: '2010-06-15T00:00:00.000Z'
type: accepted
# Definitions list for this localized concept
- content: sensor that detects and collects all of the data for an image (frame / rectangle) at an instant of time
# List of examples
examples: []
# Identifier
id: 939
# 3 digit language code for this localized concept
language_code: eng
lineage_source_similarity: '1'
# List of notes for the this localized concept
notes: []
# Release version of the current localization
release: '2'
# Review date for the current localized concept
# This can also be added in dates section above
reviewDate: 2018-09-01
# Review decision date for the current localized concept
reviewDecisionDate: 2018-09-01
reviewDecisionEvent: Publication of ISO 19130-1:2018(E)
# Review decision for the localized concept
review_decision: accepted
# Review notes for this localized concept
# Can be added in notes section above
review_decision_notes: Authoritative reference changed from ISO/TS 19130:2010 to
ISO 19130-1:2018(E), 3.28. Lineage source added as ISO/TS 19130:2010(E)
# Review status for this localized concept
review_status: final
# List of sources for the current localized concept
# Authoritative source for the current localized concept
- origin:
clause: '3.28'
ref: ISO 19130-1:2018
# Type of the source
type: authoritative
- origin:
ref: ISO/TS 19130:2010(E)
# Type of the source
type: lineage
# List of terms used for this localized concept
- designation: frame sensor
# normative status of the current designation(term).
normative_status: preferred
# type of the current designation(term).
type: expression
# Date when this localization was accepted
# can also be writtent in dates list format as mentioned above.
dateAccepted: 2023-04-17
# ID of the current localized concept
id: c1b210f5-21ac-5a8b-8bf3-a34e5de7bddb
# status of the current localized concept
status: valid