DatasetSpec defines the desired state of Dataset
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
access_modes | list[str] | AccessModes contains all ways the volume backing the PVC can be mounted | [optional] |
data_restore_location | DataRestoreLocation | [optional] | |
mounts | list[Mount] | Mount Points to be mounted on cache runtime. <br> This field can be empty because some runtimes don't need to mount external storage (e.g. <a href="\">Vineyard</a>). | [optional] |
node_affinity | CacheableNodeAffinity | [optional] | |
owner | User | [optional] | |
placement | str | Manage switch for opening Multiple datasets single node deployment or not | [optional] |
runtimes | list[Runtime] | Runtimes for supporting dataset (e.g. AlluxioRuntime) | [optional] |
shared_encrypt_options | list[EncryptOption] | SharedEncryptOptions is the encryptOption to all mount | [optional] |
shared_options | dict(str, str) | SharedOptions is the options to all mount | [optional] |
tolerations | list[V1Toleration] | If specified, the pod's tolerations. | [optional] |