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Py.test Pyramid Server Fixture

Pyramid server fixture for py.test. The server is session-scoped by default and run in a subprocess and temp dir, and as such is a 'real' server that you can point a Selenium webdriver at.


Install using your favourite package manager:

    pip install pytest-pyramid-server
    #  or..
    easy_install pytest-pyramid-server

Enable the fixture explicitly in your tests or (not required when using setuptools entry points):

    pytest_plugins = ['pytest_pyramid_server']


This fixture searches for its configuration in the current working directory called 'testing.ini'. All .ini files in the cwd will be copied to the tempdir so that paster-style config chaining still works. For example:

              src/             # Project code is in here
             # Project
              development.ini  # Development settings
              production.ini   # Production settings
              testing.ini      # Testing settings, will be used if tests 
                               # are invoked using 'py.test' from this 
                               # directory


Here's a noddy test case showing the main functionality:

    def test_pyramid_server(pyramid_server):
        # This is the http://{host}:{port} of the running server. It will attempt to resolve
        # to externally accessable IPs so a web browser can access it.
        assert pyramid_server.uri.startswith('http')
        # GET a document from the server.
        assert pyramid_server.get('/orders/macbooks', as_json=True)  == {'id-1234': 'MPB-15inch'}
        # POST a document to the server.
        assert'/login', 'guest:password123').response_code == 200
        # path ``path`` object to the running config file (see
        assert pyramid_server.working_config.endswith('testing.ini')

PyramidServer class

Using this with the default pyramid_server py.test fixture is good enough for a lot of use-cases however you may wish to have more fine-grained control about the server configuration. To do this you can use the underlying server class directly - this is an implenentation of the pytest-server-fixture framework and as such acts as a context manager:

    from pytest_pyramid import PyramidTestServer
    def test_custom_server():
        with PyramidTestServer(
               # You can specify you own config directory and name
              # You can set arbitrary config variables in the constructor
              extra_config_vars={'my_config_section': {'my_dbname: 'foo',
                                                       'my_dbpass: 'bar'}}
           ) as server:
               assert not server.dead
               assert 'my_dbname = foo' in server.working_config.read_text()
        # Server should now be dead
        assert server.dead   

pytest-webdriver and PageObjects integration

The pytest-webdriver plugin will detect when this plugin is active and set its default base URL to the url of the running server. This is a nice way of avoiding lots of string manipulation in your browser tests when using Page Objects:

    from page_objects import PageObject, PageElement
    class LoginPage(PageObject):
        username = PageElement(id_='username')
        password = PageElement(name='password')
        login = PageElement(css='input[type="submit"]')

    def test_login_page(webdriver, pyramid_server):
        page = LoginPage(webdriver)
        assert webdriver.getCurrentUrl() == pyramid_server.uri + '/foo/bar'