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Ziggy Nif vs WASI vs WASM- speed comparison #18
Since WebAssembly is primarily made to run in the browser, let's run it in the browser. We find that it is comparable to the Wasi version run on the server (at least on my - very old - computer). 4_952.399 ms
"elitism": 10,
"mean": 1086.9375,
"stdDev": 451.45,
"min": 428,
"max": 2668,
"len": 32
} You need to pass a string from the host (Javascript) to the WebAssembly container, and recover data from the WAC.
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<script type="module">
const { initializeWasmModule } = await import("./index.js");
const { setInput, run } = await initializeWasmModule();
const t0 = performance.now();
setInput("I want a beer! What about you?!");
const results = run(10);
const t1 = performance.now();
console.log(t1 - t0, results);
</html> index.jsexport async function initializeWasmModule() {
const response = await fetch("ga_browser.wasm");
const binary = await response.arrayBuffer();
const memory = new WebAssembly.Memory({ initial: 512 });
const { instance } = await WebAssembly.instantiate(binary, {
env: { memory },
return {
setInput: (input) => {
const { memory, set_target, alloc } = instance.exports;
const len = input.length;
const stringBuffer = new TextEncoder("ascii").encode(input);
const ptr = alloc(len); // Zig alcator
if (ptr < memory.buffer.byteLength && ptr > 0) {
const wasmMemory = new Uint8Array(memory.buffer);
wasmMemory.set(stringBuffer, ptr);
set_target(ptr, len); // Zig set_target
} else {
console.error("Failed to allocate memory");
run: (elitism = 10) => {
const { run, memory, free } = instance.exports;
const resultPtr = run(elitism);
const view = new DataView(memory.buffer, resultPtr, 8 * 6);
const result = {
elitism: Number(view.getBigUint64(0, true)),
mean: view.getFloat64(8, true),
stdDev: view.getFloat64(16, true),
min: Number(view.getBigUint64(24, true)),
max: Number(view.getBigUint64(32, true)),
len: Number(view.getBigUint64(40, true)),
// targetLength: Number(view.getBigUint64(48, true)),
// targetFirstBytes: Array.from(
// new Uint8Array(memory.buffer, resultPtr + 7 * 8, 8)
// )
// .map((b) => String.fromCharCode(b))
// .join(""),
free(resultPtr, 64);
return result;
} build Zig to WASMconst std = @import("std");
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
// the `.os_tag` is `.freestanding` when used in the browser
const target = b.resolveTargetQuery(.{
.cpu_arch = .wasm32,
.os_tag = .freestanding,
// const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
// const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{ .preferred_optimize_mode = .ReleaseSafe });
const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
.name = "ga_browser",
.root_source_file = b.path("ga_wasm.zig"),
.target = target,
.optimize = .ReleaseFast,
exe.entry = .disabled;
exe.rdynamic = true;
exe.initial_memory = 512 * std.wasm.page_size; // 512 pages of 64KiB
} WASM Zigconst std = @import("std");
const math = @import("std").math;
const ArrayList = std.ArrayList;
const Random = std.Random;
const native_endian = @import("builtin").target.cpu.arch.endian();
const POPULATION_SIZE: comptime_int = 100;
const GENES = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890, .-;:_!\"#%&/()=?@${[]}";
const MAX_TARGET_LENGTH: comptime_int = 50;
const MAX_GENERATIONS: comptime_int = 5_000; // Prevent infinite loops
const MAX_TRIALS: comptime_int = 32;
const GENE_MIX: comptime_float = 0.45;
var target: []u8 = undefined;
var wasm_allocator = std.heap.wasm_allocator;
const Individual = struct {
string: []u8,
fitness: usize,
fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, string: []const u8) !Individual {
const individual_string = try allocator.alloc(u8, string.len);
@memcpy(individual_string, string);
var individual = Individual{
.string = individual_string,
.fitness = 0,
return individual.calculateFitness();
fn deinit(self: *Individual, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void {
// mutate the Individual struct and compute the fitness:
// it is the number of differences between the genes and the target
fn calculateFitness(self: *Individual) Individual {
self.fitness = 0;
for (self.string, 0..) |char, i| {
if (char != target[i]) {
// Penalize more for being far from the correct character
// This creates a more informative gradient for selection
const target_char_index = std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, GENES, target[i]) orelse GENES.len;
const individual_char_index = std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, GENES, char) orelse GENES.len;
// Calculate distance between characters in the GENES string
const distance = @abs(@as(i32, @intCast(target_char_index)) - @as(i32, @intCast(individual_char_index)));
// Fitness is increased (worse) by the distance
self.fitness += distance + 1;
return self.*;
fn mate(
self: *const Individual,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
parent2: *const Individual,
ran: Random,
) !Individual {
const child_string = try allocator.alloc(u8, target.len);
for (child_string, 0..) |*gene, i| {
const p = ran.float(f32);
if (p < GENE_MIX) {
gene.* = self.string[i];
} else if (p < GENE_MIX * 2) {
gene.* = parent2.string[i];
} else {
gene.* = GENES[ran.intRangeAtMost(usize, 0, GENES.len - 1)];
// return try Individual.init(allocator, child_string);
return Individual{
.string = child_string,
.fitness = blk: {
var fitness: usize = 0;
for (child_string, 0..) |char, i| {
if (char != target[i]) {
const target_char_index = std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, GENES, target[i]) orelse GENES.len;
const individual_char_index = std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, GENES, char) orelse GENES.len;
const distance = @abs(@as(i32, @intCast(target_char_index)) - @as(i32, @intCast(individual_char_index)));
fitness += distance + 1;
break :blk fitness;
fn createGnome(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, len: usize, ran: Random) ![]u8 {
const gnome = try allocator.alloc(u8, len);
for (gnome) |*gene| {
gene.* = GENES[ran.intRangeAtMost(usize, 0, GENES.len - 1)];
return gnome;
fn individualLessThan(context: void, a: Individual, b: Individual) bool {
_ = context;
return a.fitness < b.fitness;
fn tournamentSelection(population: []Individual, tournament_size: usize, ran: Random) *const Individual {
var best_individual = &population[ran.intRangeAtMost(usize, 0, population.len - 1)];
for (1..tournament_size) |_| {
const candidate = &population[ran.intRangeAtMost(usize, 0, population.len - 1)];
if (candidate.fitness < best_individual.fitness) {
best_individual = candidate;
return best_individual;
fn runGeneticAlgorithm(
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
elitism: usize,
ran: Random,
) !usize {
var population = ArrayList(Individual).init(allocator);
defer {
for (population.items) |*individual| {
// allocator.free(individual.string);
var new_generation = ArrayList(Individual).init(allocator);
defer {
for (new_generation.items) |*individual| {
// Create initial population
for (0..POPULATION_SIZE) |_| {
const gnome = try createGnome(allocator, target.len, ran);
defer allocator.free(gnome);
const individual = try Individual.init(allocator, gnome);
try population.append(individual);
var generation: usize = 0;
while (generation < MAX_GENERATIONS) : (generation += 1) {
// Sort population by fitness
std.mem.sort(Individual, population.items, {}, individualLessThan);
// Check if we've found the target
if (population.items[0].fitness == 0) {
return generation;
// Generate new population
// Elitism
const elitism_count = @as(usize, (elitism * POPULATION_SIZE) / 100);
for (population.items[0..elitism_count]) |individual| {
try new_generation.append(try Individual.init(allocator, individual.string));
// Mating
const mating_count = POPULATION_SIZE - elitism_count;
for (0..mating_count) |_| {
// const parent1 = &population.items[ran.intRangeAtMost(usize, 0, 50)];
// const parent2 = &population.items[ran.intRangeAtMost(usize, 0, 50)];
const parent1 = tournamentSelection(
const parent2 = tournamentSelection(
const offspring = try parent1.mate(allocator, parent2, ran);
try new_generation.append(offspring);
// Replace old population
std.mem.swap(ArrayList(Individual), &population, &new_generation);
for (new_generation.items) |*individual| {
// If solution not found
const RunningStats = struct {
mean: f64,
std_dev: f64,
min: usize,
max: usize,
fn init() RunningStats {
return RunningStats{
.mean = 0,
.std_dev = 0,
.min = std.math.maxInt(u32),
.max = 0,
fn calc_mean(self: *RunningStats, counts: []usize) void {
var sum: f64 = 0;
for (counts) |count| {
sum += @as(f64, @floatFromInt(count));
self.mean = sum / @as(f64, @floatFromInt(counts.len));
fn calc_std_dev_min_max(self: *RunningStats, counts: []usize) void {
if (counts.len < 2) return;
if (self.min == 0) self.min = counts[0];
if (self.max == 0) self.max = counts[0];
var sum: f64 = 0;
for (counts) |count| {
if (count > self.max) {
self.max = count;
if (count < self.min) {
self.min = count;
sum += std.math.pow(f64, (@as(f64, @floatFromInt(count)) - self.mean), 2);
self.std_dev = std.math.sqrt(sum / @as(f64, @floatFromInt(counts.len - 1)));
// mutate the Individual struct
fn calc(self: *RunningStats, counts: []usize) void {
// Freeing the allocated buffer
export fn free(ptr: [*]u8, len: usize) void {
const MetaResult = struct {
elitism: usize,
mean: f64,
std_dev: f64,
min: usize,
max: usize,
len: usize,
// target_length: usize,
// target_first_bytes: [8]u8 = [_]u8{0} ** 8,
fn serialise(meta_result: *MetaResult, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) ![]u8 {
const buffer = allocator.alloc(u8, 8 * 6) catch {
@panic("Could not allocate buffer");
errdefer allocator.free(buffer);
var stream = std.io.fixedBufferStream(buffer);
const writer = stream.writer();
try writer.writeInt(u64, @as(u64, @intCast(meta_result.elitism)), native_endian);
try writer.writeAll(std.mem.asBytes(&meta_result.mean));
try writer.writeAll(std.mem.asBytes(&meta_result.std_dev)); // f64
try writer.writeInt(u64, @as(u64, @intCast(meta_result.min)), .little);
try writer.writeInt(u64, @as(u64, @intCast(meta_result.max)), native_endian);
try writer.writeInt(u64, @as(u64, @intCast(meta_result.len)), native_endian);
// try writer.writeInt(u64, @as(u64, @intCast(meta_result.target_length)), native_endian);
// try writer.writeAll(meta_result.target_first_bytes[0..8]);
return buffer;
export fn alloc(len: usize) ?[*]u8 {
if (len > MAX_TARGET_LENGTH) {
return null;
target = wasm_allocator.alloc(u8, len) catch {
return null;
return target.ptr;
// debug function
export fn get_target() ?[*]u8 {
return target.ptr;
export fn set_target(ptr: [*]u8, len: usize) void {
@memcpy(target, ptr[0..len]);
export fn run(elitism: usize) [*]u8 {
var rand = Random.DefaultPrng.init(12345);
const ran = rand.random();
var generations = std.ArrayList(usize).init(wasm_allocator);
defer generations.deinit();
defer wasm_allocator.free(target);
for (0..MAX_TRIALS) |_| {
const count = runGeneticAlgorithm(wasm_allocator, elitism, ran) catch {
@panic("Could not run genetic algorithm");
generations.append(count) catch {
@panic("Could not append count to generations");
var stats = RunningStats.init();
const len = generations.items.len;
const results = generations.toOwnedSlice() catch {
@panic("Could not convert generations to owned slice");
defer wasm_allocator.free(results); //
var meta_array = MetaResult{
.elitism = elitism,
.mean = stats.mean,
.std_dev = stats.std_dev,
.min = stats.min,
.max = stats.max,
.len = len,
// .target_length = target.len,
// .target_first_bytes = blk: {
// var first_bytes: [8]u8 = undefined;
// @memcpy(&first_bytes, target[0..8]);
// break :blk first_bytes;
// },
const serialized = serialise(&meta_array, wasm_allocator) catch {
@panic("Could not serialise meta results");
return serialized.ptr;
} |
A side note. When I tried to use the WebAssembly container I used successfully server-side in the browser, I encounter a vicious error. Imports. You can import Consequence: it might be easier to run the container in the browser using Web Worker thread . To use a WASM in a |
So I have my new preferred computation machine that I coded in
. Time to play with it.... ππ³οΈI was curious about the difference in execution time between NIF and WebAssembly.
And the winner is
, about two times faster.Zig code compiled
in all cases.The main difference between the two solutions is the way you pass data to and from the host
To receive data in Elixir:
, you can receive a struct as a mapWasmex
, you receive a memory index when the data is in binary formTo pass data from Elixir:
, you pass an array of dataWasmex
, you write data to an index that has been allocated byZig
. This way, you can pass strings or serialised data.build.zig for WASI
The results of the Genetic Algorithm ran 32 times to collect stats back in
are:What does the Elixir code look like?
The Zig code of the WASI machine.
WASI Genetic Algorithm Runner
The Zig code of the NIF machine.
Threaded NIF Genetic Algorithm Runner
Unthreaded NIF Genetic Algorithm Runner
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