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Distributed Caching

This example demonstrates how to combine Debezium and Infinispan for an CQRS-style application design.

Multiple instances of the "Order" microservice (one in "London", one in "New York") use a shared Postgres database at a "Central" location as a system of record; i.e. all writes they do go against that Postgres database. For performance reasons, read requests are done against local Infinispan caches. These caches are kept in sync via Debezium. Another service, "Cache Updater", is subscribed to the change event topics in Kafka and updates an Infinispan cache at "Central", from where the data is replicated to "London" and "New York" using Infinispan's cross-site replication feature. In addition, the data view in Infinispan is denormalized (materialized join between purchase orders and order lines), so data can be obtained very efficiently.

Solution Overview


Prepare the Java components by first performing a Maven build.

$ mvn clean package


Setup the necessary environment variables:


The DEBEZIUM_VERSION specifies which version of Debezium artifacts should be used.

Start the demo

Start all components:

$ docker-compose up --build

This executes all configurations set forth by the docker-compose.yaml file.

Configure the Debezium connector

Register the connector that to stream changes from the order service:

$ http PUT http://localhost:8083/connectors/order-connector/config < register-postgres.json

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Or, using kcctl:

$ kcctl apply -f register-postgres.json

Call the various REST-based APIs

Place a "create order" request with the order service:

$ http POST http://localhost:8080/orders < resources/data/create-order-request.json

Cancel one of the two order lines:

$ http PUT http://localhost:8080/orders/1/lines/2 newStatus=CANCELLED version=0

Review the Outcome

Examine the events produced by the service using kafkacat:

$ docker run --tty --rm \
    --network distributed-caching-network \ \
    kafkacat -b kafka:9092 -C -o beginning -q \
    -t dbserver1.inventory.purchaseorder | jq .

Specify dbserver1.inventory.orderline as the topic name to examine the order line events.

Examine that the receiving service process the events:

$ docker-compose logs cache-update-service

(Look for "Received '{PO]OL}'" messages in the logs)


3 Infinispan nodes that run in 3 different sites via Docker Compose.

The Cache Update Service connects to "Central", for writes. Order Service 1 to "NYC", for reads. Order Service 2 to "LON", for reads.

From your local navigator, you can access the different Infinispan server web consoles at:

LON in http://localhost:11222/console/ NYC in http://localhost:31222/console/ Central in http://localhost:41222/console/

The "Central" 'orders' cache has to write backups to NYC and LON.

Test a query on the console:

from caching.PurchaseOrder po where po.lineItems.status="CANCELLED"

Order Service 1 runs in http://localhost:8080/ Order Service 2 runs in http://localhost:8081/

$ http GET http://localhost:8080/orders/1
$ http GET http://localhost:8081/orders/1

Add an order from the order service in LON or NYC. Using the console, check the data available in every cluster.

Running the Quarkus Services Locally in Dev Mode

When working on the Quarkus services, it's better to use the dev mode locally instead of rebuilding the container images all the time. In order to do so, in the docker-compose.yml file, set the ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME variable of the kafka service to the IP of your host machine. Otherwise, the consuming application (cache-update-service) will not be able to connect to Kafka.

Start all components besides the two services:

$ docker-compose up --scale order-service-nyc=0 --scale order-service-lon=0 --scale cache-update-service=0

Then start the two services in dev mode:

$ mvn compile quarkus:dev -f order-service/pom.xml
$ mvn compile quarkus:dev -f cache-update-service/pom.xml

Useful Commands

Getting a session in the Postgres DB of the "order" service:

$ docker run --tty --rm -i \
    --network distributed-caching-network \ \
    bash -c 'pgcli postgresql://postgresuser:postgrespw@order-db:5432/orderdb'

E.g. to enable the before row state:

ALTER TABLE inventory.purchaseorder REPLICA IDENTITY FULL;

E.g. to query for all purchase orders:

select * from inventory.purchaseorder po, inventory.orderline ol where ol.order_id =;

Alternatively, you can access pgAdmin on http://localhost:5050.

List all Kafka topics:

$ docker-compose exec kafka /kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 --list

Get the status of the CDC connector:

$ http GET http://localhost:8083/connectors/order-connector/status

Delete the CDC connector:

$ http DELETE http://localhost:8083/connectors/order-connector