This is a list of items and transitions to check to ensure everything is correct after making changes to the process script. I may add automated tests to check this eventually.
- Full Water Pouch
- Knitting Needles: skewer + weak skewer transition
- Yellow Plaster Wall: white transition
- Bowl of Indian Yellow Pigment: no lapis transition
- Dead Poodle Puppy: decay transition
- Marked Grave
- Firing Oil Drilling Rig: no pattern decay
- Simmering Dye Mordant: no blank transition
- Simmering Indigo Dye: no blank transition
- Fresh Grave: bite transitions
- Arrow Wound
- Knife Wound
- Wolf: multiple transitions with bow & arrow
- Fishing Pole
- Thread
- Wet Newcomen Pump: it should collapse hot pistons
- Three Sisters Stew
- Turkey Broth
- Adobe Kiln: 1 clay deposit
- Bell Tower: 12 rocks
- Hand Cart: 1 log, wooden disks
- Running Crude Car: 5 yew branches
- Cistern: 10 stones
No examples exist yet