be able to import js modules
support JSON data
as a BlockStmt
put <place> <data>
[maybe] DefineInterface & InterfaceDefinition
[maybe] DefineDatatype & DatatypeDefinition
datatype <name>
-- to define trivial type for now- pass parser
primitive transition v.s. composed transition
- design a FFI to JavaScript
[net] Begin
-- should call react
[net] react.test.ts
[net] transitionEntryFire
-- put input back on file
[net] transitionEntryPutOutputs
-- error handling
- task should have more information
Type -- simple structrual type system -- for JSON
-- no closure must use named function
To get more examples.
(1992) (1985) (1981)
How to handle choice?
[maybe] As a subtype of transition, who to express subtype?
[maybe] As one kind of Transition
- Not ok, because Transition is a kind of Value
[net] TransitionEntry -- has subnet
add repl command
setup format command